        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            Stage.PlayMusic(@"Audio\Kai_Engel_-_Beneath_The_Stronghold", true, 2);

             * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Zero: 上膛吧。", Color.LightGreen, 3);
             * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Chris: 异教徒们,别太嚣张了,你们的一举一动完全在教会的掌握之中!", Color.Red, 4);
             * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Chris: 没有任何仁慈,神将赐予你们同等的毁灭。", Color.Red, 4);
             * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Chris: 我,黑骑士,就在星际的门口恭候你们的光临,而且……你们被包围了。", Color.Red, 8);
             * t1 = Stage.CreateTimer(2);
             * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 克雷斯?他是个危险的家伙,一切必须小心。", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
             * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Alicia: 小心了,敌人正源源不断地从那个星际之门涌出来。", Color.Yellow, 3);

            Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Zero: Go.", Color.LightGreen, 3);
            Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Chris: Heretics, the 'Hands of Ava' foresees all!", Color.Red, 4);
            Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Chris: And there would be mercy for you.", Color.Red, 4);
            Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Chris: We are waiting for you.", Color.Red, 8);
            t1 = Stage.CreateTimer(2);
            Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: Chris!? He is a dangerous guy.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
            Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Alicia: Watch out, enemies are coming.", Color.Yellow, 3);

            Stage.AddPositionMark(new Vector3(0, 0, -28000));
        /// <summary>
        /// 关卡判断
        /// </summary>
        public override void Touch()
            if (b1 == true && b2 == false)
                if (Stage.AliveUnitsInUnitGroup(2).Count <= 0)

                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 第三舰队,重整队形!", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 看来形势越来越严峻了。我们必须活着返回附近的避难所!", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: 比尔,我再警告你一次,这里只有我才是长官。", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Alicia: 丢掉“遗迹”想掩盖事实的人还敢自称“长官”?", Color.Yellow, 4);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 什么?谁在说话?所以你把“遗迹”丢了,鲁道夫?", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: 是的!“遗迹”丢了!这原本是一次秘密的运送任务!", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Jeffsion the Warrior: 是“遗迹”?你个老家伙为什么到现在告诉我们?", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: 管他呢,事实上我们都不知道它的作用不是吗?", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: 这东西只是联邦拿来鼓舞人心的没用的东西,我们谁也不说就是了。", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                     * Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 鲁道夫,你在拿人类的未来开玩笑。", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);

                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: Regroup, memebers of the 3rd fleet!", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: We must return to the Shelter alive!", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: Bill, I warn you again, I am who is in charge here.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Alicia: You lost the Relic and you define yourself a commander?.", Color.Yellow, 4);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: What? Who is speaking?", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: Yes, the Relic is lost, that was our secret escort mission.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Jeffsion the Warrior: What!? That thing was Relic!? 'Our last hope'?", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: Whatever, I don't think that thing matters.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Rudolf the Commander: It is useless, maybe the Federation are just using it to fool us.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
                    Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: We need to get it back.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 3);

                    m  = Stage.AddPositionMark(destination);
                    b2 = true;
                    t2 = Stage.CreateTimer(10);
                    foreach (Unit u in Stage.AliveUnitsInUnitGroup(1))
                        if (u != Stage.Player)
            if (b2 == true && b3 == false)
                if (Vector3.Distance(Stage.Player.Position, destination) <= 1300)
                    if (t2.IsEnd)
 public override void Event_TimerRing(Timer timer)
     if (timer == t1)
         bill.IsAIControlling = false;
         m = Stage.AddPositionMark(destination);
         //Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 那么,让我开始前进吧。再见!", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
         //Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: 事实上,我很喜欢看到鲁道夫这个老顽固被打得屁滚尿流的样子。", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
         Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: See you.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
         Stage.AddGameMessage(@"Bill: In fact I'd like to see the glumpy Rudolf beaten hard.", Color.CornflowerBlue, 4);
        /// <summary>
        /// 关卡判断
        /// </summary>
        public override void Touch()
            if (Stage.IsMessageEnd && b1 == false)
                //Stage.AddTooltipMessage(@"目标地点已经标注,全速前进吧!", Color.LightYellow, 15);
                Stage.AddTooltipMessage(@"Target location marked.", Color.LightYellow, 15);

                m = Stage.AddPositionMark(destination);
                Stage.CreateNPCUnit(Content.Load <UnitType>(@"UnitTypes\FlameDestroyer"), 2, new Vector3(0, 100, -20000));
                Stage.PlayMusic(@"Audio\Marcello_Morgese_-_Space_Travel", false, 5);
                b1 = true;
            if (Vector3.Distance(Stage.Player.Position, destination) < 12000 && b1 == true)