protected override void DrawSelf(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { String newString = GetInputText(currentString); if (!newString.Equals(currentString)) { currentString = newString; OnTextChange(this, new EventArgs()); } else { currentString = newString; } if (++textBlinkerCount >= 20) { textBlinkerState = (textBlinkerState + 1) % 2; textBlinkerCount = 0; } String displayString = currentString; if (this.textBlinkerState == 1) { displayString = displayString + "|"; } CalculatedStyle space = base.GetDimensions(); if (currentString.Length == 0) { Utils.DrawBorderString(spriteBatch, hintText, new Vector2(space.X, space.Y), Color.Gray, 1f); } else { Utils.DrawBorderString(spriteBatch, displayString, new Vector2(space.X, space.Y), Color.White, 1f); } }
protected override void LoadContent() { _mouseIcon = Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("mouse"); //_spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); base.LoadContent(); }
public virtual void HandleLeftMouse(SpriteBatch sb, int slot) { if (!Main.mouseLeftRelease) return; bool blankMouse = IsBlankItem(Main.mouseItem); bool blankSlot = IsBlankItem(item); if (blankMouse && blankSlot) return; else if (blankMouse && !blankSlot) { Main.mouseItem = item.CloneItem(); item = new Item(); } else if (!blankMouse && blankSlot) { item = Main.mouseItem.CloneItem(); Main.mouseItem = new Item(); } else { if (item.IsTheSameAs(Main.mouseItem) && item.maxStack > 1) { int diff = Math.Min(item.maxStack-item.stack,Main.mouseItem.stack); item.stack += diff; Main.mouseItem.stack -= diff; if (Main.mouseItem.stack == 0) Main.mouseItem = new Item(); } else { Item tmp = Main.mouseItem; Main.mouseItem = item.CloneItem(); item = tmp.CloneItem(); } } }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (resetChat) Main.chatMode = false; resetChat = false; if (!Settings.GetBool("toggle") && Main.playerInventory && !Main.craftingHide && (!Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld","PreDrawAvailableRecipes",sb) || (bool)Codable.customMethodReturn)) { if (Main.reforge || player.chest != -1 || Main.npcShop != 0 || player.talkNPC != -1 || Main.craftGuide || Main.ForceGuideMenu) return; if (Config.tileInterface == null && Config.npcInterface == null) { if (shouldInit) { GuiCraft.Init(); shouldInit = false; } GuiCraft.Create(); } } if (Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiCraft) { Config.tileInterface.SetLocation(new Vector2(player.position.X/16f,player.position.Y/16f)); ((GuiCraft)Config.tileInterface.code).PreDrawInterface(sb); } if (Main.playerInventory && Settings.GetBool("toggle") && (Config.tileInterface == null || Config.tileInterface.code is GuiCraft)) { Color c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is ModWorld.GuiCraft ? Color.White : Color.Gray; sb.Draw(ModWorld.texShow,new Vector2(414,210),GetTexRectangle(texShow),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); } }
internal void DrawDamageDots(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D debugTex, Color color) { foreach (var dot in frames[currentFrameIndex].DamageDots) { spriteBatch.Draw(debugTex, dot, color); } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; i++) { rooms[i].Draw(spriteBatch); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws /// </summary> /// <param name="batch"></param> public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { base.Draw(batch); // Display message if (Hero == null) { batch.DrawString(GUI.MenuFont, new Point(26, 58), RectangleColor, Message); } else { //batch.DrawString(Camp.Font, new Point(16, 76), Color.White, "0 of 0 remaining."); } #region Draw heroes for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { Hero hero = GameScreen.Team.Heroes[y * 2 + x]; if (hero == null) continue; float col = (float)Math.Sin(1.0f); batch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(366 + x * 144, 2 + y * 104, 130, 104), Color.White); batch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle(367 + x * 144, 4 + y * 104, 128, 101), Color.White); } } #endregion }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { sb.End(); sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate,BlendState.Additive); foreach (ModWorld.Effect e in ModWorld.effects) e.Draw(sb); sb.End(); sb.Begin(); }
new public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { if (base._visible) { pos = base.ConvertToWorldPos(); scale = base.ConvertToWorldScale(); rotation = base.ConvertToWorldRot(); int size = _text.Length; if (this._type == LabelType.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { base._textureAtlas.Draw(i, batch, pos[0] + i * this._charWidth, pos[1], rotation, scale[0], scale[1], batch.GetColor()); } } else if (this._type == LabelType.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { base._textureAtlas.Draw(j, batch, pos[0] - (size * this._charWidth) + (j * this._charWidth), pos[1], rotation, scale[0], scale[1], batch.GetColor()); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < size; k++) { base._textureAtlas.Draw(k, batch, pos[0] - ((size * this._charWidth) / 2) + (k * this._charWidth), pos[1], rotation, scale[0], scale[1], batch.GetColor()); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize this instance. /// </summary> public override void Initialize() { = new NormalMap.Game();; #region WAVE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT this.backgroundSplashColor = new Color("#ebebeb"); this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(WaveServices.GraphicsDevice); var resourceNames = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames(); string name = string.Empty; foreach (string item in resourceNames) { if (item.Contains("SplashScreen.wpk")) { name = item; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { throw new InvalidProgramException("License terms not agreed."); } using (Stream stream = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(name)) { this.splashScreen = WaveServices.Assets.Global.LoadAsset<Texture2D>(name, stream); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Draws the mob sprite and the healthbar above the mob /// </summary> /// <param name="batch">current spritebatch</param> public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { double result = (currHealth/(double)maxHealth)*m_Texture.Width; batch.Draw(Game.anim2.GetTexture(),new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y - 4, m_Texture.Width, m_Texture.Height),Color.White); batch.Draw(redHealth,new Rectangle((int)Position.X,(int)Position.Y - 20,m_Texture.Width,3), Color.Red); batch.Draw(greenHealth, new Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y - 20, (int)result, 3), Color.Green); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Projectile p) { Vector2 pc = p.position+new Vector2(p.width/2f,p.height/2f); if (fired) { sb.End(); sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate,BlendState.Additive); foreach (Spark spark in sparks) spark.Draw(sb,p,this); for (int i = 0; i < sparks.Count; i++) if (sparks[i].dead) sparks.RemoveAt(i--); sb.End(); sb.Begin(); if (sparks.Count == 0) p.Kill(); } else { fired = true; int r, g, b; Color c; float degrees; byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(seed); Random rnd = new Random(); degrees = (float)(rnd.NextDouble()*360d); HsvToRgb(bytes[0]*360f/255f,bytes[1]/255f,1f,out r,out g,out b); c = new Color(r,g,b); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) sparks.Add(new MySpark(pc,Util.Vector((float)(1.5f+rnd.NextDouble()*.75f),360f/20f*i+degrees),c,80+rnd.Next(40))); degrees = (float)(rnd.NextDouble()*360d); HsvToRgb(bytes[2]*360f/255f,bytes[3]/255f,1f,out r,out g,out b); c = new Color(r,g,b); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) sparks.Add(new MySpark(pc,Util.Vector((float)(3f+rnd.NextDouble()*1.5f),360f/40f*i+degrees),c,80+rnd.Next(40))); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CustomCompositor"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="uv">The Ultraviolet context.</param> /// <param name="window">The window with which this compositor is associated.</param> public CustomCompositor(UltravioletContext uv, IUltravioletWindow window) : base(uv, window) { rtScene = RenderTarget2D.Create(BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtSceneColor = RenderBuffer2D.Create(RenderBufferFormat.Color, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtScene.Attach(rtSceneColor); rtSceneDepthStencil = RenderBuffer2D.Create(RenderBufferFormat.Depth24Stencil8, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtScene.Attach(rtSceneDepthStencil); rtInterface = RenderTarget2D.Create(BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtInterfaceColor = RenderBuffer2D.Create(RenderBufferFormat.Color, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtInterface.Attach(rtInterfaceColor); rtInterfaceDepthStencil = RenderBuffer2D.Create(RenderBufferFormat.Depth24Stencil8, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtInterface.Attach(rtInterfaceDepthStencil); rtComposition = RenderTarget2D.Create(BufferWidth, BufferHeight, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents); rtCompositionColor = RenderBuffer2D.Create(RenderBufferFormat.Color, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtComposition.Attach(rtCompositionColor); rtCompositionDepthStencil = RenderBuffer2D.Create(RenderBufferFormat.Depth24Stencil8, BufferWidth, BufferHeight); rtComposition.Attach(rtCompositionDepthStencil); spriteBatch = SpriteBatch.Create(); }
protected override void OnDrawContent(SpriteBatch batch, Rectangle contentArea, GameTime gameTime, float alpha) { if (!assets.Ready) return; batch.Draw(Texture, contentArea, Color * Transparency); }
/// <summary> /// Load content /// </summary> public override void LoadContent() { Trace.WriteLine("[MainMenu] LoadContent()"); Batch = new SpriteBatch(); Tileset = ResourceManager.CreateAsset<TileSet>("Main Menu"); Font = ResourceManager.CreateSharedAsset<BitmapFont>("intro", "intro"); StringTable = ResourceManager.CreateAsset<StringTable>("main"); Buttons.Add(new ScreenButton("", new Rectangle(156, 324, 340, 14))); Buttons[0].Selected += new EventHandler(LoadGameEvent); Buttons.Add(new ScreenButton("", new Rectangle(156, 342, 340, 14))); Buttons[1].Selected += new EventHandler(StartNewGameEvent); Buttons.Add(new ScreenButton("", new Rectangle(156, 360, 340, 14))); Buttons[2].Selected += new EventHandler(OptionEvent); Buttons.Add(new ScreenButton("", new Rectangle(156, 378, 340, 14))); Buttons[3].Selected += new EventHandler(QuitEvent); Theme = new AudioStream(); Theme.LoadOgg("main.ogg"); Theme.Loop = true; //Theme.Play(); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, int xx, ref int yy, int ww) { if (!Visible()) return; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease && ModWorld.GuiAchievements.MouseIn(sb.GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle,new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,42))) { toggled = !toggled; if (toggled) GuiAchievements.setScroll = yy+GuiAchievements.scroll-120; } Color white = new Color(255,255,255,191); Color limish = new Color(136,255,0,191); bool achieved = Achieved(); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame1,new Rectangle(xx+1,yy,ww-2,42),achieved ? limish : white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2,new Rectangle(xx,yy,1,42),achieved ? limish : white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2,new Rectangle(xx+ww-1,yy,1,42),achieved ? limish : white); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,title,new Vector2(xx+8,yy+10),Color.White,Color.Black); string value = ""+Value(true)+"/"+Value(false); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,value,new Vector2(xx+ww-12-Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(value).X,yy+10),Color.White,Color.Black); yy += 42; if (toggled) { for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++) categories[i].Draw(sb,xx+24,ref yy,ww-48); for (int i = 0; i < achievements.Count; i++) achievements[i].Draw(sb,xx+24,ref yy,ww-48); } }
public override void Initialize() { = new AntinoidProject.Game (); (this); #region WAVE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT this.backgroundSplashColor = new Color (32, 32, 32, 255); this.spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch (WaveServices.GraphicsDevice); var resourceNames = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetManifestResourceNames (); string name = string.Empty; foreach (string item in resourceNames) { if (item.Contains ("SplashScreen.wpk")) { name = item; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (name)) { throw new InvalidProgramException ("License terms not agreed."); } using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetManifestResourceStream (name)) { this.splashScreen = WaveServices.Assets.Global.LoadAsset<Texture2D> (name, stream); } position = new Vector2 (); position.X = (this.Width / 2.0f) - (this.splashScreen.Width / 2.0f); position.Y = (this.Height / 2.0f) - (this.splashScreen.Height / 2.0f); #endregion }
static HWSurfaceInstance() { _atlas = new RenderTexture(_aw, _ah); _atlastex = _atlas.Texture; _batch = new SpriteBatch(_atlas); _batch.SetBlendMode(BlendMode.None); }
public void DrawAndUpdate(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, TimeSpan elapsedTime, Texture2D spriteSheet, float timescale, Texture2D grid) { if (timescale != 0) { currentFrameTimer -= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds * timescale); if (currentFrameTimer <= TimeSpan.Zero) { AdvanceFrameAndReset(); } } //threading issue if (currentFrameIndex >= frames.Count) { currentFrameIndex = 0; } if (frames.Count != 0) { spriteBatch.Draw(spriteSheet, frames[currentFrameIndex].DrawRectangle, frames[currentFrameIndex].SourceRectangle, Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(grid, frames[currentFrameIndex].DrawRectangle, Color.Red); spriteBatch.Draw(grid, frames[currentFrameIndex].SourceRectangle, Color.Blue); } }
public static void Register() { style = Settings.GetChoice("style"); OnScreenInterface.Register(new OSIBossHPBar(),OnScreenInterface.LAYER_INTERFACE_SCREEN); if (style == "circular_bottomleft") { dss1 = new DepthStencilState { StencilEnable = true, StencilFunction = CompareFunction.Equal, StencilPass = StencilOperation.Increment, ReferenceStencil = 0, DepthBufferEnable = false, }; bs1 = new BlendState(); bs1.ColorWriteChannels = ColorWriteChannels.None; dss2 = new DepthStencilState { StencilEnable = true, StencilFunction = CompareFunction.NotEqual, StencilPass = StencilOperation.Keep, ReferenceStencil = 0, DepthBufferEnable = false, }; rt = new RenderTarget2D(, 1920, 96, false,,DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8 ); sb = new SpriteBatch(; } }
private void HandleDraw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position, Color4 color, float rotation, float scale, Vector2 origin) { Animation2DFrame currentFrame = animation[frameIndex]; Vector2 totalScale = new Vector2(currentFrame.Scale * scale); float totalRotation = rotation + currentFrame.Rotation; spriteBatch.DrawTexture(currentFrame.Texture, position - TextureOffset, color, totalRotation, totalScale, origin); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch SP) { Texture2D TEX = Main.goreTexture[Config.goreID["Observing eye"]]; Vector2 NC = N.position+new Vector2(N.width,N.height)/2f - Main.screenPosition; Vector2 TC = new Vector2(TEX.Width,TEX.Height)/2f; SP.Draw(TEX,NC-TC*s1+Pos,new Rectangle(0,0,TEX.Width,TEX.Height),c1,0f,default(Vector2),s1,SpriteEffects.None,0f); SP.Draw(TEX,NC-TC*s2+Pos-Pos2,new Rectangle(0,0,TEX.Width,TEX.Height),c2,0f,default(Vector2),s2,SpriteEffects.None,0f); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GameTime time) { if (!Visible) return; var tex = (IsChecked) ? Textures[0] : Textures[1]; tex = (Enabled) ? tex : (IsChecked) ? Textures[2] : Textures[3]; spriteBatch.DrawTexture(tex, new Rectangle(Position.X, Position.Y, Size.Width, Size.Height), Color.White); spriteBatch.DrawString(Text, Font, new Vector2(Position.X + 35, Position.Y + 5), Color); }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); sphere = Asset.Load<Texture>("Sphere"); rotatedImages = Asset.Load<SpriteSheet>("RotatedImages"); }
/// <summary> /// Create a batch manager for drawing text and sprite /// </summary> /// <param name="device">Device pointer</param> /// <param name="filename">Path of the font file</param> public SharpBatch(SharpDevice device, string filename) { Device = device; GraphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice.New(Device.Device); GraphicsDevice.SetViewports(Device.DeviceContext.Rasterizer.GetViewports()[0]); Batch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); Font = SpriteFont.Load(GraphicsDevice, filename); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch SP,int phase,Color special = default(Color)) { if(special == default(Color))DrawLine(SP,pos[phase],pos[phase+1],tex,1f,col,2); else DrawLine(SP,pos[phase],pos[phase+1],tex,0.2f,special,1); //DrawLine(SP,pos[phase],pos[phase+1],tex,0.67f,col,8); //Texture2D TEX = Main.goreTexture[Config.goreID["Rosemaw CEnd"]]; //SP.Draw(TEX,pos[phase+1]-Main.screenPosition,null,Color.White,0f,new Vector2(),0.5f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OutOfBandRenderer"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="uv">The Ultraviolet context.</param> public OutOfBandRenderer(UltravioletContext uv) : base(uv) { this.spriteBatch = SpriteBatch.Create(); this.drawingContext = new DrawingContext(); this.drawingContext.SpriteBatch = spriteBatch; }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { base.Draw(batch); if (Alive) { batch.Draw(m_Texture, new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((int)Position.X, (int)Position.Y, (int)(m_FrameSize * Scale.X), (int)(m_FrameSize * Scale.Y)), new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle((m_Frame * m_FrameSize), 0, m_FrameSize, m_FrameSize), Color.White); } }
public void RemoveBatch(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { if (!spriteBatchBufferList.ContainsKey(spriteBatch)) throw new Exception("Batch not present!"); spriteBatchBufferList[spriteBatch].Dispose(); spriteBatchBufferList.Remove(spriteBatch); }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); spriteUv = Asset.Load<SpriteSheet>("SpriteUV"); spriteSphere = Asset.Load<SpriteSheet>("SpriteSphere"); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { //draw the sprite with rotation spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, _position, null, Color.White, _angle, _center, 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sprites) { if (dir == 0) { if (!esquerda) { if (direi && cima) { sprites.Draw(imagem4, posicao, Color.White); cima = false; } else { if (direi && baixo) { sprites.Draw(imagem4, new Vector2(posicao.X, posicao.Y), retangulo, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0); baixo = false; } else { sprites.Draw(imagem1, posicao, Color.White); } } } else { if (cima && esquerda) { sprites.Draw(imagem3, posicao, Color.White); cima = false; } else { if (esquerda && baixo) { sprites.Draw(imagem3, new Vector2(posicao.X, posicao.Y), retangulo, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0); baixo = false; } else { sprites.Draw(imagem1, new Vector2(posicao.X, posicao.Y), retangulo, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0); } } } } else { if (!cima) { sprites.Draw(imagem2, new Vector2(posicao.X, posicao.Y), retangulo, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.FlipVertically, 0); } else { sprites.Draw(imagem2, posicao, Color.White); } } }
public void drawBoxFilled(SpriteBatch sb, Rectangle r, Color c) { sb.Draw(pixel, r, c); }
public void drawCircleFilled(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 position, float radius, Color c) { sb.Draw(circle, position, null, c, 0, new Vector2(circleTextureRadius, circleTextureRadius), radius / circleTextureRadius, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.DrawString(font, text, location, Color.Black); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a filled rectangle /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBatch">The destination drawing surface</param> /// <param name="location">Where to draw</param> /// <param name="size">The size of the rectangle</param> /// <param name="color">The color to draw the rectangle in</param> public static void FillRectangle(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, Vector2 size, Color color) { FillRectangle(spriteBatch, location, size, color, 0.0f); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.Draw(_bulletText, _bulletPos, null, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White, _bulletRot, new Vector2(_bulletText.Width, _bulletText.Height), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); spriteBatch.End(); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a rectangle with the thickness provided /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBatch">The destination drawing surface</param> /// <param name="location">Where to draw</param> /// <param name="size">The size of the rectangle</param> /// <param name="color">The color to draw the rectangle in</param> public static void DrawRectangle(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 location, Vector2 size, Color color) { DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, new Rectangle((int)location.X, (int)location.Y, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y), color, 1.0f); }
public void drawPixel(SpriteBatch sb, int x, int y, Color c) { sb.Draw(pixel, new Vector2(x, y), c); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a rectangle with the thickness provided /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBatch">The destination drawing surface</param> /// <param name="rect">The rectangle to draw</param> /// <param name="color">The color to draw the rectangle in</param> public static void DrawRectangle(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle rect, Color color) { DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, rect, color, 1.0f); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a filled rectangle /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBatch">The destination drawing surface</param> /// <param name="x">The X coord of the left side</param> /// <param name="y">The Y coord of the upper side</param> /// <param name="w">Width</param> /// <param name="h">Height</param> /// <param name="color">The color to draw the rectangle in</param> /// <param name="angle">The angle of the rectangle in radians</param> public static void FillRectangle(this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float x, float y, float w, float h, Color color, float angle) { FillRectangle(spriteBatch, new Vector2(x, y), new Vector2(w, h), color, angle); }
public void drawBoxFilled(SpriteBatch sb, float x, float y, float w, float h, Color c) { sb.Draw(pixel, new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h), c); }
public static Vector2 DrawColorCodedString(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont font, string text, Vector2 position, Color baseColor, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 baseScale, float maxWidth = -1f, bool ignoreColors = false) { Vector2 vector = position; Vector2 result = vector; string[] array = text.Split('\n'); float x = font.MeasureString(" ").X; Color color = baseColor; float num = 1f; float num2 = 0f; string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string[] array3 = array2[i].Split(':'); foreach (string text2 in array3) { if (text2.StartsWith("sss")) { if (text2.StartsWith("sss1")) { if (!ignoreColors) { color = Color.Red; } } else if (text2.StartsWith("sss2")) { if (!ignoreColors) { color = Color.Blue; } } else if (text2.StartsWith("sssr") && !ignoreColors) { color = Color.White; } continue; } string[] array4 = text2.Split(' '); for (int k = 0; k < array4.Length; k++) { if (k != 0) { vector.X += x * baseScale.X * num; } if (maxWidth > 0f) { float num3 = font.MeasureString(array4[k]).X *baseScale.X *num; if (vector.X - position.X + num3 > maxWidth) { vector.X = position.X; vector.Y += (float)font.get_LineSpacing() * num2 * baseScale.Y; result.Y = Math.Max(result.Y, vector.Y); num2 = 0f; } } if (num2 < num) { num2 = num; } DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(spriteBatch, font, array4[k], vector, color, rotation, origin, baseScale * num, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); vector.X += font.MeasureString(array4[k]).X *baseScale.X *num; result.X = Math.Max(result.X, vector.X); } } vector.X = position.X; vector.Y += (float)font.get_LineSpacing() * num2 * baseScale.Y; result.Y = Math.Max(result.Y, vector.Y); num2 = 0f; } return(result); }
public void drawPolygon(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2[] points, Color c, int linewidth) { drawPath(sb, points, c, linewidth); drawLine(sb, points[points.Length - 1], points[0], c, linewidth); }
public static Vector2 DrawColorCodedStringWithShadow(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont font, TextSnippet[] snippets, Vector2 position, float rotation, Color color, Vector2 origin, Vector2 baseScale, out int hoveredSnippet, float maxWidth = -1f, float spread = 2f) { DrawColorCodedStringShadow(spriteBatch, font, snippets, position, Color.Black, rotation, origin, baseScale, maxWidth, spread); return(DrawColorCodedString(spriteBatch, font, snippets, position, color, rotation, origin, baseScale, out hoveredSnippet, maxWidth, ignoreColors: true)); }
public void drawRope(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2[] points, Color c, int linewidth) { drawPath(sb, points, c, linewidth); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(Resource.ResManager.Instance.Cursor, mouseRect, Color.White); }
public void drawLine(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 startpos, Vector2 endpos, Color c, int linewidth) { drawLine(sb, startpos.X, startpos.Y, endpos.X, endpos.Y, c, linewidth); }
public static Vector2 DrawColorCodedString(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, DynamicSpriteFont font, TextSnippet[] snippets, Vector2 position, Color baseColor, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 baseScale, out int hoveredSnippet, float maxWidth, bool ignoreColors = false) { int num = -1; Vector2 vec = new Vector2(Main.mouseX, Main.mouseY); Vector2 vector = position; Vector2 result = vector; float x = font.MeasureString(" ").X; Color color = baseColor; float num2 = 1f; float num3 = 0f; for (int i = 0; i < snippets.Length; i++) { TextSnippet textSnippet = snippets[i]; textSnippet.Update(); if (!ignoreColors) { color = textSnippet.GetVisibleColor(); } num2 = textSnippet.Scale; if (textSnippet.UniqueDraw(justCheckingString: false, out Vector2 size, spriteBatch, vector, color, num2)) { if (vec.Between(vector, vector + size)) { num = i; } vector.X += size.X * baseScale.X * num2; result.X = Math.Max(result.X, vector.X); continue; } string[] array = textSnippet.Text.Split('\n'); array = Regex.Split(textSnippet.Text, "(\n)"); bool flag = true; foreach (string text in array) { string[] array2 = Regex.Split(text, "( )"); array2 = text.Split(' '); if (text == "\n") { vector.Y += (float)font.get_LineSpacing() * num3 * baseScale.Y; vector.X = position.X; result.Y = Math.Max(result.Y, vector.Y); num3 = 0f; flag = false; continue; } for (int k = 0; k < array2.Length; k++) { if (k != 0) { vector.X += x * baseScale.X * num2; } if (maxWidth > 0f) { float num4 = font.MeasureString(array2[k]).X *baseScale.X *num2; if (vector.X - position.X + num4 > maxWidth) { vector.X = position.X; vector.Y += (float)font.get_LineSpacing() * num3 * baseScale.Y; result.Y = Math.Max(result.Y, vector.Y); num3 = 0f; } } if (num3 < num2) { num3 = num2; } DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(spriteBatch, font, array2[k], vector, color, rotation, origin, baseScale * textSnippet.Scale * num2, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); Vector2 value = font.MeasureString(array2[k]); if (vec.Between(vector, vector + value)) { num = i; } vector.X += value.X * baseScale.X * num2; result.X = Math.Max(result.X, vector.X); } if (array.Length > 1 && flag) { vector.Y += (float)font.get_LineSpacing() * num3 * baseScale.Y; vector.X = position.X; result.Y = Math.Max(result.Y, vector.Y); num3 = 0f; } flag = true; } } hoveredSnippet = num; return(result); }
public abstract void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch);
public override void drawWhenHeld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 objectPosition, Farmer f) { spriteBatch.Draw(this.Data.GetTexture().Texture, objectPosition - new Vector2(0f, 0), this.Data.GetTexture().Rect, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, (float)(f.getStandingY() + 1) / 10000f); }
public override void PostDrawInWorld(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color lightColor, Color alphaColor, float rotation, float scale, int whoAmI) { OrchidHelper.DrawSimpleItemGlowmaskInWorld(item, spriteBatch, ModContent.GetTexture("OrchidMod/Glowmasks/AbyssalGreaves_Glowmask"), Color.White, rotation, scale); }
public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { }
public void Show(SpriteBatch spritebatch) { state = State.SHOW; spritebatch.Draw(instructpic, instructpos, null, Color.White, 0, offset, 1.0f, SpriteEffects.None, 0); // draw the intro screen }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(buttonImage, location, (overLapping) ? Color.White : Color.Black); spriteBatch.DrawString(font, text, textLocation, (overLapping) ? Color.Black : Color.White); }
public void drawCircle(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 position, float radius, Color c, int linewidth) { drawPolygon(sb, makeCircle(position, radius, 32), c, linewidth); }
protected override void LoadContent() { spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); }
protected override async Task LoadContent() { await base.LoadContent(); font = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font"); teapot = Content.Load <Model>("Teapot"); batch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); BuildUI(); spriteComponent = new SpriteComponent { SpriteProvider = new SpriteFromSheet { Sheet = Content.Load <SpriteSheet>("SpriteSheet") } }; modelComponent = new ModelComponent { Model = teapot }; modelComponent2 = new ModelComponent { Model = teapot }; modelComponent3 = new ModelComponent { Model = teapot }; entity = new Entity { spriteComponent, modelComponent }; entity2 = new Entity { modelComponent2 }; entity3 = new Entity { modelComponent3 }; SceneSystem.SceneInstance.RootScene.Entities.Add(entity); SceneSystem.SceneInstance.RootScene.Entities.Add(entity2); SceneSystem.SceneInstance.RootScene.Entities.Add(entity3); if (Input.Accelerometer != null) { Input.Accelerometer.IsEnabled = true; } if (Input.Compass != null) { Input.Compass.IsEnabled = true; } if (Input.Gyroscope != null) { Input.Gyroscope.IsEnabled = true; } if (Input.UserAcceleration != null) { Input.UserAcceleration.IsEnabled = true; } if (Input.Gravity != null) { Input.Gravity.IsEnabled = true; } if (Input.Orientation != null) { Input.Orientation.IsEnabled = true; } ChangeScene(0); }
private static void CreateThePixel(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { pixel = new Texture2D(spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1, false, SurfaceFormat.Color); pixel.SetData(new[] { Color.White }); }
public void drawBoxFilled(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 upperLeft, Vector2 lowerRight, Color c) { Rectangle r = Extensions.RectangleFromVectors(upperLeft, lowerRight); sb.Draw(pixel, r, c); }