public void DrawAndUpdate(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, TimeSpan elapsedTime, Texture2D spriteSheet, float timescale, Texture2D grid) { if (timescale != 0) { currentFrameTimer -= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds * timescale); if (currentFrameTimer <= TimeSpan.Zero) { AdvanceFrameAndReset(); } } //threading issue if (currentFrameIndex >= frames.Count) { currentFrameIndex = 0; } if (frames.Count != 0) { spriteBatch.Draw(spriteSheet, frames[currentFrameIndex].DrawRectangle, frames[currentFrameIndex].SourceRectangle, Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(grid, frames[currentFrameIndex].DrawRectangle, Color.Red); spriteBatch.Draw(grid, frames[currentFrameIndex].SourceRectangle, Color.Blue); } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, int xx, ref int yy, int ww) { if (!Visible()) return; if (Main.mouseLeft && Main.mouseLeftRelease && ModWorld.GuiAchievements.MouseIn(sb.GraphicsDevice.ScissorRectangle,new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,42))) { toggled = !toggled; if (toggled) GuiAchievements.setScroll = yy+GuiAchievements.scroll-120; } Color white = new Color(255,255,255,191); Color limish = new Color(136,255,0,191); bool achieved = Achieved(); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame1,new Rectangle(xx+1,yy,ww-2,42),achieved ? limish : white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2,new Rectangle(xx,yy,1,42),achieved ? limish : white); sb.Draw(ModWorld.Notifier.frame2,new Rectangle(xx+ww-1,yy,1,42),achieved ? limish : white); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,title,new Vector2(xx+8,yy+10),Color.White,Color.Black); string value = ""+Value(true)+"/"+Value(false); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,value,new Vector2(xx+ww-12-Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(value).X,yy+10),Color.White,Color.Black); yy += 42; if (toggled) { for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++) categories[i].Draw(sb,xx+24,ref yy,ww-48); for (int i = 0; i < achievements.Count; i++) achievements[i].Draw(sb,xx+24,ref yy,ww-48); } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch SP) { Texture2D TEX = Main.goreTexture[Config.goreID["Observing eye"]]; Vector2 NC = N.position+new Vector2(N.width,N.height)/2f - Main.screenPosition; Vector2 TC = new Vector2(TEX.Width,TEX.Height)/2f; SP.Draw(TEX,NC-TC*s1+Pos,new Rectangle(0,0,TEX.Width,TEX.Height),c1,0f,default(Vector2),s1,SpriteEffects.None,0f); SP.Draw(TEX,NC-TC*s2+Pos-Pos2,new Rectangle(0,0,TEX.Width,TEX.Height),c2,0f,default(Vector2),s2,SpriteEffects.None,0f); }
protected virtual void OnDrawOne(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 pos, float size, float alpha) { Color c = Color.GreenYellow; float sizeAmp = !IsActive() ? 1.5f : 1f; sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,pos-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(c.R,c.G,c.B,(byte)(c.A/2f)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(size*sizeAmp),SpriteEffects.None,0f); sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,pos-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),c,0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(size*sizeAmp/2f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); float lightAmp = !IsActive() ? 2f : 1f; if (addLight) Lighting.addLight((int)Math.Round(pos.X/16f),(int)Math.Round(pos.Y/16f),c.R/255f*size/32f*c.A/255f*lightAmp,c.G/255f*size/32f*c.A/255f*lightAmp,c.B/255f*size/32f*c.A/255f*lightAmp); }
protected override void OnDrawContent(SpriteBatch batch, Rectangle contentArea, GameTime gameTime, float alpha) { if (Scene == null || Scene.MiniMapTexture == null) return; batch.Draw(Skin.Pix, new Rectangle(contentArea.X - 2, contentArea.Y - 2, contentArea.Width + 4, contentArea.Height + 4), Color.Black); batch.Draw(Scene.MiniMapTexture, new Rectangle(contentArea.X, contentArea.Y, contentArea.Width, contentArea.Height), Color.White); Index2 center = new Index2((contentArea.Width / 2) + contentArea.X, (contentArea.Height / 2) + contentArea.Y); batch.Draw(Skin.Pix, new Rectangle(center.X - 1, center.Y - 1, 2, 2), Color.White); }
internal override void DrawScene(GameTime gameTime) { if (spriteBatch != null && playerSprite != null && plyerTextureTransform != null) { spriteBatch?.Begin(); spriteBatch?.Draw(playerSprite, plyerTextureTransform); spriteBatch?.Draw(enemySprite, enemyTextureTransform); spriteBatch?.Draw(upArrowSprite, upArrowTransform); spriteBatch?.Draw(downArrowSprite, downArrowTransForm); spriteBatch?.End(); } _guiSystem.Draw(gameTime); }
protected override void OnDrawContent(SpriteBatch batch, Rectangle contentArea, GameTime gameTime, float alpha) { if (!assets.Ready) return; batch.Draw(Texture, contentArea, Color * Transparency); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Color color) { Vector2 tangent = B - A; float rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(tangent.Y, tangent.X); const float ImageThickness = 8; float thicknessScale = Thickness / ImageThickness; Vector2 capOrigin = new Vector2(Art.HalfCircle.Width, Art.HalfCircle.Height / 2f); Vector2 middleOrigin = new Vector2(0, Art.LightningSegment.Height / 2f); Vector2 middleScale = new Vector2(tangent.Length(), thicknessScale); spriteBatch.Draw(Art.LightningSegment, A, null, color, rotation, middleOrigin, middleScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); spriteBatch.Draw(Art.HalfCircle, A, null, color, rotation, capOrigin, thicknessScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); spriteBatch.Draw(Art.HalfCircle, B, null, color, rotation + MathHelper.Pi, capOrigin, thicknessScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch myAnimation, Vector3 myPosition) { for (int i = 0; i < myLayers.Length; i++) { myAnimation?.Draw(myLayers[i].SpriteAtlas, new Vector2(myPosition.X, myPosition.Y), myLayers[i].SourceRectangle, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0); } }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (resetChat) Main.chatMode = false; resetChat = false; if (!Settings.GetBool("toggle") && Main.playerInventory && !Main.craftingHide && (!Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld","PreDrawAvailableRecipes",sb) || (bool)Codable.customMethodReturn)) { if (Main.reforge || player.chest != -1 || Main.npcShop != 0 || player.talkNPC != -1 || Main.craftGuide || Main.ForceGuideMenu) return; if (Config.tileInterface == null && Config.npcInterface == null) { if (shouldInit) { GuiCraft.Init(); shouldInit = false; } GuiCraft.Create(); } } if (Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiCraft) { Config.tileInterface.SetLocation(new Vector2(player.position.X/16f,player.position.Y/16f)); ((GuiCraft)Config.tileInterface.code).PreDrawInterface(sb); } if (Main.playerInventory && Settings.GetBool("toggle") && (Config.tileInterface == null || Config.tileInterface.code is GuiCraft)) { Color c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is ModWorld.GuiCraft ? Color.White : Color.Gray; sb.Draw(ModWorld.texShow,new Vector2(414,210),GetTexRectangle(texShow),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); } }
protected override void OnDrawingForeground(UltravioletTime time, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(blankTexture, new RectangleF(64, 64, Width - 128, Height - 128), Color.Black * 0.75f * TransitionPosition); var settings = new TextLayoutSettings(font, Width, Height, TextFlags.AlignCenter | TextFlags.AlignMiddle); textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, "Welcome to the game!", Vector2.Zero, Color.White * TransitionPosition, settings); base.OnDrawingForeground(time, spriteBatch); }
internal override void DrawScene(GameTime gameTime) { if (spriteBatch != null && wallSprite != null && transform != null) { spriteBatch?.Begin(); spriteBatch?.Draw(wallSprite, transform); spriteBatch?.End(); } }
public void Draw(int idx, SpriteBatch batch, float x, float y, float rotation, float sx, float sy, LColor color) { RectBox rect = this._rectList[idx]; batch.SetColor(color); batch.Draw(_texture, x, y, anchor.x, anchor.y, rect.width, rect.height, sx, sy, MathUtils.ToDegrees(rotation), rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, false, false); batch.ResetColor(); }
public void Draw(int idx, SpriteBatch batch, Vector2f absPos, float rotation, Vector2f scale, LColor color) { RectBox rect = this._rectList[idx]; batch.SetColor(color); batch.Draw(_texture, absPos.x, absPos.y, anchor.x, anchor.y, rect.width, rect.height, scale.x, scale.y, MathUtils.ToDegrees(rotation), rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, false, false); batch.ResetColor(); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { if (base._visible && (base._texture != null)) { pos = base.ConvertToWorldPos(); rotation = base.ConvertToWorldRot(); scale = base.ConvertToWorldScale(); batch.SetColor(base._color.r, base._color.g, base._color.b, base._alpha); if (this._type == BarType.PROGRESS_BAR_LEFT) { batch.Draw(_texture, pos[0], pos[1], _anchor.x, _anchor.y, base._size_width, base._size_height, scale[0], scale[1], MathUtils.ToDegrees(rotation), base._left, base._top, base._orig_width * this._percent, base._orig_height, _flipX, _flipY); } else if (this._type == BarType.PROGRESS_BAR_RIGHT) { int offsetX = ((int) (base._orig_width * (1f - this._percent))); batch.Draw(_texture, pos[0] + offsetX, pos[1], _anchor.x, _anchor.y, base._size_width, base._size_height, scale[0], scale[1], MathUtils.ToDegrees(rotation), ((int) base._left) + offsetX, (int) base._top, (int) (base._orig_width * this._percent), (int) base._orig_height, _flipX, _flipY); } else if (this._type == BarType.PROGRESS_BAR_TOP) { batch.Draw(_texture, pos[0], pos[1], _anchor.x, _anchor.y, base._size_width, base._size_height, scale[0], scale[1], MathUtils.ToDegrees(rotation), base._left, base._top, base._orig_width, (base._orig_height * this._percent), _flipX, _flipY); } else if (this._type == BarType.PROGRESS_BAR_BOTTOM) { int offsetY = ((int) (base._orig_height * (1f - this._percent))); batch.Draw(_texture, pos[0], pos[1] + offsetY, _anchor.x, _anchor.y, base._size_width, base._size_height, scale[0], scale[1], MathUtils.ToDegrees(rotation), (int) base._left, ((int) base._top) + ((int) (base._orig_height * this._percent)), (int) base._orig_width, (int) (base._orig_height * this._percent), _flipX, _flipY); } batch.ResetColor(); } }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { Player player = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (resetChat) Main.chatMode = false; resetChat = false; if (Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiCheat) { Config.tileInterface.SetLocation(new Vector2(player.position.X/16f,player.position.Y/16f)); ((GuiCheat)Config.tileInterface.code).PreDrawInterface(sb); } if (Main.playerInventory && GetClientAdminLevel() == 2) { Color c; Vector2 v; int xx = 0; c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiItem ? Color.White : Color.Gray; v = new Vector2(8+xx,Main.screenHeight-8-texItem.Height); sb.Draw(texItem,v,GetTexRectangle(texItem),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); xx += texItem.Width+2; c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiPrefix ? Color.White : Color.Gray; v = new Vector2(8+xx,Main.screenHeight-8-texPrefix.Height); sb.Draw(texPrefix,v,GetTexRectangle(texPrefix),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); xx += texPrefix.Width+2; c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiNPC ? Color.White : Color.Gray; v = new Vector2(8+xx,Main.screenHeight-8-texNPC.Height); sb.Draw(texNPC,v,GetTexRectangle(texNPC),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); xx += texNPC.Width+2; c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiBuff ? Color.White : Color.Gray; v = new Vector2(8+xx,Main.screenHeight-8-texBuff.Height); sb.Draw(texBuff,v,GetTexRectangle(texBuff),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); xx += texBuff.Width+2; c = Config.tileInterface != null && Config.tileInterface.code is GuiMisc ? Color.White : Color.Gray; v = new Vector2(8+xx,Main.screenHeight-8-texMisc.Height); sb.Draw(texMisc,v,GetTexRectangle(texMisc),c,0f,default(Vector2),1f,SpriteEffects.None,0f); xx += texMisc.Width+2; } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Projectile p, ModWorld.Firework f) { trail.Insert(0,new Vector2(pos.X,pos.Y)); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(trail.Count,5); i++) { Vector2 v = trail[i]; float alpha = (5-i)/5f; sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,v-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(color.R,color.G,color.B,(byte)(color.A*alpha*.5f)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(12f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,v-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(color.R,color.G,color.B,(byte)(color.A*alpha)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(4f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); } if (trail.Count > 5) trail.RemoveAt(5); pos += vel; vel.Y += .05f; if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; } else { color.A = (byte)Math.Max(color.A-26,0); if (color.A == 0) dead = true; } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, Projectile p, Firework f) { trail.Insert(0,new Vector2(pos.X,pos.Y)); for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(trail.Count,10); i++) { Vector2 v = trail[i]; float alpha = (10-i)/10f; sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,v-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(color.R,color.G,color.B,(byte)(color.A*alpha*.5f)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(36f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,v-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(color.R,color.G,color.B,(byte)(color.A*alpha)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(12f),SpriteEffects.None,0f); } if (trail.Count > 10) trail.RemoveAt(10); Lighting.addLight((int)Math.Round(pos.X/16f),(int)Math.Round(pos.Y/16f),color.R/255f*(color.A/255f),color.G/255f*(color.A/255f),color.B/255f*(color.A/255f)); pos += vel; vel.Y += .075f; if (timeLeft > 0) { timeLeft--; } else { color.A = (byte)Math.Max(color.A-10,0); if (color.A == 0) dead = true; } }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb, int index) { if (dead) return; int w = (int)(Math.Max(Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(ac.title).X,Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(ac.description).X*.75f)+(ac.tex == null ? 0 : 52)+8); int xx = (int)((Main.screenWidth-w)/2f), yy = Main.screenHeight-y; sb.Draw(frame1,new Rectangle(xx,yy,w,56),Color.White); sb.Draw(frame2,new Rectangle(xx,yy,1,56),Color.White); sb.Draw(frame2,new Rectangle(xx+w,yy,1,56),Color.White); xx += 4; if (ac.tex != null) { float scale = 1f; if (ac.tex.Width > 48) scale = 48f/ac.tex.Width; if (ac.tex.Height*scale > 48f) scale = 48f/ac.tex.Height; sb.Draw(ac.tex,new Rectangle((int)(xx+(48-ac.tex.Width*scale)/2f),(int)(yy+4+(48-ac.tex.Height*scale)/2f),(int)(ac.tex.Width*scale),(int)(ac.tex.Height*scale)),Color.White); xx += 52; } ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,ac.title,new Vector2(xx,yy+8),Color.White,Color.Black); ModWorld.DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,ac.description,new Vector2(xx,yy+28),Color.White,Color.Black,default(Vector2),.75f); }
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { // Big pixel graphics rendering { // Change the render target to surface GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(renderSurface); GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Black); // Draws everything in the surface currentScene?.Draw(); if (currentScene != null && currentScene.HasPreMainDisplayEffectDraws) { GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(preMainDisplayEffectRenderTarget); currentScene.PreMainDisplayEffectDraw(); } // Apply visual display effects if (EffectService is EffectService service && renderSurface != null) { renderSurface = service.ApplyEnabledDisplayEffects(renderSurface); } // Debug visual representation currentScene?.DebugDraw(); // Back to the normal render method GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); // Render the surface to have the ingame screen SpriteBatch?.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.Opaque, SamplerState.PointClamp); SpriteBatch?.Draw( texture: renderSurface, destinationRectangle: new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)WindowSize.Width, (int)WindowSize.Height), sourceRectangle: new Rectangle(0, 0, InGameViewport.Width, InGameViewport.Height), color: Color.White ); SpriteBatch?.End(); } // Hi-res graphics rendering { // Render all UI elements in front of the render target texture currentScene?.UIDraw(); } base.Draw(gameTime); }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { if (ModWorld.display == "off") return; if (Config.tileInterface != null) return; if (Config.npcInterface != null) return; sb.End(); sb.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate,BlendState.NonPremultiplied); foreach (Player player in Main.player) { if (player == null) continue; if (! continue; if (player.dead || player.ghost) continue; if (ModWorld.display != "all") { if (player.whoAmi == Main.myPlayer && ModWorld.display != "my") continue; if (player.whoAmi != Main.myPlayer && ModWorld.display != "other") continue; } if (player.invis) continue; float alpha = GetBarAlpha(player); if (alpha <= 0) continue; int hp = player.statLife, hpMax = player.statLifeMax; int xx = (int)(player.position.X-Main.screenPosition.X)-12, yy = (int)(player.position.Y-16-Main.screenPosition.Y), ww = 44, hh = 12; Color color = new Color(255,255,255); color.A = (byte)(alpha*255); sb.Draw(texBack,new Rectangle(xx,yy,ww,hh),color); sb.Draw(texRed,new Rectangle(xx+2,yy+2,ww-4,hh-4),color); sb.Draw(texGreen,new Rectangle(xx+2,yy+2,(int)((1d*hp/hpMax)*(ww-4)),hh-4),color); } sb.End(); sb.Begin(); }
protected override void OnDrawingForeground(UltravioletTime time, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(blankTexture, new RectangleF(0, 0, Width, Height), new Color(180, 0, 0)); #if ANDROID || IOS var text = "This is SampleScreen1\nTap to open SampleScreen2"; #else var text = "This is SampleScreen1\nPress right arrow key to open SampleScreen2"; #endif var settings = new TextLayoutSettings(font, Width, Height, TextFlags.AlignCenter | TextFlags.AlignMiddle); textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, text, Vector2.Zero, Color.White * TransitionPosition, settings); base.OnDrawingForeground(time, spriteBatch); }
protected override void OnDrawingForeground(UltravioletTime time, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { var offset = GetScreenOffset(); spriteBatch.Draw(blankTexture, new RectangleF(offset, 0, Width, Height), new Color(0, 0, 180)); #if ANDROID var text = "This is SampleScreen2\nTap to open SampleScreen1"; #else var text = "This is SampleScreen2\nPress left arrow key to open SampleScreen1"; #endif var settings = new TextLayoutSettings(font, Width, Height, TextFlags.AlignCenter | TextFlags.AlignMiddle); textRenderer.Draw(spriteBatch, text, new Vector2(offset, 0), Color.White, settings); base.OnDrawingForeground(time, spriteBatch); }
public void DrawText(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, int x, int y, string text) { int dx = x; int dy = y; foreach(char c in text) { FontChar fc; if(_characterMap.TryGetValue(c, out fc)) { var sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(fc.X, fc.Y, fc.Width, fc.Height); var position = new Vector2(dx + fc.XOffset, dy + fc.YOffset); spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, position, sourceRectangle, Color.White); dx += fc.XAdvance; } }
protected override void OnDrawContent(SpriteBatch batch, Rectangle contentArea, GameTime gameTime, float alpha) { if (Player == null || Player.ActorHost == null || !assets.Ready) return; float compassValue = Player.ActorHost.Angle / (float)(2 * Math.PI); compassValue %= 1f; if (compassValue < 0) compassValue += 1f; int offset = (int)(compassTexture.Width * compassValue); offset -= contentArea.Width / 2; int offsetY = (compassTexture.Height -contentArea.Height) / 2; batch.Draw(compassTexture, new Rectangle(contentArea.X,contentArea.Y-offsetY,contentArea.Width,contentArea.Height), new Rectangle(offset, 0, contentArea.Width, contentArea.Height+offsetY), Color.White * alpha); }
public Vector2 Draw(SpriteBatch sb, string str, Vector2 position, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color, float rotation, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, SpriteEffects effects, float layerDepth) { Vector2 maxBound = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); Vector2 vector = position; float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; foreach (char c in str) { addTex(c); CharTile charTile = CharTiles[c]; if (c == '\r' || vector.X + (float)charTile.rect.Width * scale.X > maxBound.X) { if (vector.X > num2) { num2 = vector.X; } vector.X = position.X; vector.Y += num * scale.Y + Spacing.Y * scale.X; num = 0f; } else { if (c == '\n') { continue; } if ((float)charTile.rect.Height > num) { num = charTile.rect.Height; if (vector.Y + num * scale.Y > maxBound.Y) { break; } } sb?.Draw(charTile.tex, vector, charTile.rect, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, layerDepth); vector.X += (float)charTile.rect.Width * scale.X + Spacing.X * scale.X; } } if (vector.X > num2) { num2 = vector.X; } vector.X = num2 - Spacing.X * scale.X; vector.Y += num * scale.Y; return(vector - position); }
public override void EndScreenshot() { if (mScreenshotRenderTarget == null) { return; } ScreenshotRequests.ForEach( screenshotRequestStream => { if (screenshotRequestStream == null) { return; } mScreenshotRenderTarget.SaveAsPng( screenshotRequestStream, mScreenshotRenderTarget.Width, mScreenshotRenderTarget.Height ); screenshotRequestStream.Close(); } ); ScreenshotRequests.Clear(); if (mGraphicsDevice == null) { return; } var skippedFrame = mScreenshotRenderTarget; mScreenshotRenderTarget = null; mGraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); if (!Begin()) { return; } mSpriteBatch?.Draw(skippedFrame, new XNARectangle(), XNAColor.White); End(); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(Texture, Position, null, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(Width / 2, Height / 2), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBach) { SetRotationFromMousePosition(Mouse.GetState().Position); spriteBach.Draw(this.texture, new Vector2(MyMath.MetersToPixel(base.position.X), MyMath.MetersToPixel(base.position.Y)), null, Color.White, base.rotation, origin, scaleFactor, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
protected override void OnDrawContent(SpriteBatch batch, Rectangle contentArea, GameTime gameTime, float alpha) { if (ControlTexture != null) batch.Draw(ControlTexture, contentArea, Color.White * alpha); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb) { sb.Draw(card1, new Rectangle(0, 0, 320, 568), Color.White); }
public virtual void HandleDrawBack(SpriteBatch sb, int slot) { sb.Draw(Main.inventoryBack5Texture,new Rectangle((int)pos.X,(int)pos.Y,(int)size.X,(int)size.Y),new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0,0,Main.inventoryBackTexture.Width,Main.inventoryBackTexture.Height)),Color.White); }
public override void Visit(Grass grass) { // TODO: add additinal logic for using different grass texture spriteBatch.Draw(texture, drawRectangle, new Rectangle(GameConfig.TILE_GRASS * GameConfig.TILE_DIM, GameConfig.TILE_START_Y, GameConfig.TILE_DIM, GameConfig.TILE_DIM), Color.White); }
public override void Draw(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.Draw(Background, Vector2.Zero, color); spriteBatch.End(); }
public static void Flush(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(FlushTexture, Vector2.Zero, Color.Black); }
public Vector2 Draw(SpriteBatch sb, char[] str, Vector2 position, Vector2 maxBound, Vector2 scale, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color color) { if (maxBound.X == 0f) { maxBound.X = float.MaxValue; } else { maxBound.X += position.X; } if (maxBound.Y == 0f) { maxBound.Y = float.MaxValue; } else { maxBound.Y += position.Y; } Vector2 vector = position; float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; foreach (char c in str) { addTex(c); CharTile charTile = CharTiles[c]; if (c == '\r' || vector.X + (float)charTile.rect.Width * scale.X > maxBound.X) { if (vector.X > num2) { num2 = vector.X; } vector.X = position.X; vector.Y += num * scale.Y + Spacing.Y * scale.X; num = 0f; } else { if (c == '\n') { continue; } if ((float)charTile.rect.Height > num) { num = charTile.rect.Height; if (vector.Y + num * scale.Y > maxBound.Y) { break; } } sb?.Draw(charTile.tex, vector, charTile.rect, color, 0f, Vector2.Zero, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); vector.X += (float)charTile.rect.Width * scale.X + Spacing.X * scale.X; } } if (vector.X > num2) { num2 = vector.X; } vector.X = num2 - Spacing.X * scale.X; vector.Y += num * scale.Y; return(vector - position); }
public override void drawCharacter(SpriteBatch sb) { sb.Draw(texture, characterRec, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Vector2 position1) { spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, Color.White); //foreach (Vector2 blockPosition in blockPositions) //spriteBatch.Draw(blockTexture, blockPosition, Color.White); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spritebatch) { spritebatch.Draw(Texture, Position, null, Color.White, Rotation, SpriteCenter, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); }
public virtual void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(Image, Position, Source, Color, Rotation, Origin, Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
public void DrawOnScreen(SpriteBatch sb, double layer) { switch (style) { case "horizontal_bottom": { int xx = 200, yy = Main.screenHeight-32, ww = Main.screenWidth-2*xx, hh = 32; List<ModWorld.NPCInst> list = ModWorld.GetActualNPCs(); foreach (ModWorld.NPCInst npci in list) { if (!ModWorld.IsBoss(npci)) continue; Player p = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Vector2.Distance(p.position+new Vector2(p.width/2f,p.height/2f),npci.GetCenterPos()) > 2*Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Main.screenWidth,2)+Math.Pow(Main.screenHeight,2))) continue; sb.Draw(ModWorld.texBack,new Rectangle(xx,yy+4,ww,hh-8),Color.White); sb.Draw(ModWorld.texWhite,new Rectangle(xx+2,yy+6,ww-4,hh-12),Color.Black); int phase = 0; float percent = 1f*npci.GetLife()/npci.GetLifeMax(); Object[] ret = new Object[]{null,null}; if (Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld","ExternalGetBossPhase",,npci.GetName(),npci.GetCenterPos(),npci.GetLife(),npci.GetLifeMax(),ret)) if (ret[0] != null && ret[1] != null) { phase = (int)ret[0]; percent = (float)ret[1]; } if (phase > 0) sb.Draw(ModWorld.texPhase[phase-1],new Rectangle(xx+2,yy+6,(int)(1f*(ww-4)),hh-12),Color.White); sb.Draw(ModWorld.texPhase[phase],new Rectangle(xx+2,yy+6,(int)((percent)*(ww-4)),hh-12),Color.White); DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,npci.GetName(),new Vector2(xx+4,yy+4),Color.White,Color.Black); string s = ""+npci.GetLife()+"/"+npci.GetLifeMax(); DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,s,new Vector2(xx+ww-4-Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(s).X,yy+4),Color.White,Color.Black); yy -= hh; } } break; case "circular_bottomleft": { int xx = 4, yy = Main.screenHeight-100; List<ModWorld.NPCInst> list = ModWorld.GetActualNPCs(); foreach (ModWorld.NPCInst npci in list) { if (!ModWorld.IsBoss(npci)) continue; Player p = Main.player[Main.myPlayer]; if (Vector2.Distance(p.position+new Vector2(p.width/2f,p.height/2f),npci.GetCenterPos()) > 2*Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Main.screenWidth,2)+Math.Pow(Main.screenHeight,2))) continue; sb.Draw(ModWorld.texBack,new Vector2(xx,yy),Color.White); int phase = -1; Object[] ret = new Object[]{null,null}; if (Codable.RunGlobalMethod("ModWorld","ExternalGetBossPhase",,npci.GetName(),npci.GetCenterPos(),npci.GetLife(),npci.GetLifeMax(),ret)) if (ret[0] != null && ret[1] != null) phase = (int)ret[0]; if (phase > 0) sb.Draw(ModWorld.texPhase[phase-1],new Vector2(xx,yy),Color.White); sb.Draw((Texture2D)rt,new Vector2(xx,yy),Color.White); string s = ""+npci.GetLife()+"/"+npci.GetLifeMax(); DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,s,new Vector2(xx+52,yy+52),Color.White,Color.Black); DrawStringShadowed(sb,Main.fontMouseText,npci.GetName(),new Vector2(xx+52,yy+72),Color.White,Color.Black); xx += (int)(Math.Max(Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(s).X,Main.fontMouseText.MeasureString(npci.GetName()).X)+68); } } break; } }
public Tuple <bool, Tile> IsSpaceOpen(Vector2 pos, Vector2 size, SpriteBatch s = null) { // Create a sprite with the collition points size and position Sprite spr = new Sprite(); spr.X = (int)pos.X; spr.Y = (int)pos.Y; // Create a texture to fill it. // TODO: This is very RAM and CPU intensive and should be cleaned out. Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(GameManager.Game.GraphicsDevice, (int)size.X, (int)size.Y); uint[] pixels = new uint[(int)size.X * (int)size.Y]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++) { pixels[i] = Color.Red.PackedValue; } tex.SetData(pixels); spr.Texture = tex; // Testing variables. bool isOpen = true; Tile t = null; // Draw the collition point if the passed spritebatch is not null s?.Draw(GlobalAssets.WorldTiles["floor"].Texture, new Rectangle(pos.ToPoint(), size.ToPoint()), Color.Blue); foreach (Tile tile in Tiles) // Loop through tiles. { if (spr.CollidesWith(tile)) // Check if we are just generally intersecting it { if (tile.Physics) // Check if it is actually collidable { // set testing variables. t = tile; isOpen = false; // Check if this tile needs to use per pixel colition. if (t.TileInfo.UsePPC) { isOpen = !Sprite.PerPixelCollision(spr, tile); } } break; } } // Same with entities. foreach (Entity ent in Entity) { if (spr.CollidesWith(ent) && ent.EntityTexture.Colidable) { isOpen = !Sprite.PerPixelCollision(spr, ent); break; } } // Dispose the texture to free RAM. tex.Dispose(); return(new Tuple <bool, Tile>(isOpen, t)); }
internal override void Draw(GameTime gameTime) { _preScreen.Draw(gameTime); _batch.Begin(samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); var(unit, startX, width, height) = Border.GetDefaultScreenValues(); // fill background Border.DrawCenter(_batch, startX, 0, Border.SCREEN_WIDTH, Border.SCREEN_HEIGHT, Border.SCALE); // pokemon list box Border.Draw(_batch, startX + unit * 8, 0, 12, 14, Border.SCALE); // title box Border.Draw(_batch, startX + unit * 8, 0, 12, 3, Border.SCALE); _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, _title, new Vector2(startX + unit * 10, unit), Color.Black, Border.SCALE); if (CanChangeBox) { _batch.Draw(_arrow, new Rectangle( startX + unit * 8, unit, (int)(_arrow.Width * Border.SCALE), (int)(_arrow.Height * Border.SCALE)), null, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally, 0f); _batch.Draw(_arrow, new Rectangle( startX + unit * 19, unit, (int)(_arrow.Width * Border.SCALE), (int)(_arrow.Height * Border.SCALE)), Color.White); } // pokemon list var visiblePokemon = _pokemon.Skip(_scrollIndex).Take(VISIBLE_POKEMON).Select(p => p.DisplayName).ToList(); if (visiblePokemon.Count < VISIBLE_POKEMON) { visiblePokemon.Add("CANCEL"); } var pokemonListText = string.Join(NewLine, visiblePokemon); _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, pokemonListText, new Vector2(startX + unit * 9, unit * 4), Color.Black, Border.SCALE); // selector if (!DialogVisible) { if (_isMoving) { _batch.Draw(_moveSelector, new Rectangle( startX + unit * 9, unit * 3 + unit * 2 * _index, (int)(_moveSelector.Width * Border.SCALE), (int)(_moveSelector.Height * Border.SCALE)), Color.White); } else { _batch.Draw(_selector, new Rectangle( (int)(startX + unit * 8 + 7 * Border.SCALE), (int)(unit * 3 + Border.SCALE + unit * 2 * _index), (int)(_selector.Width * Border.SCALE), (int)(_selector.Height * Border.SCALE)), Color.White); } } // portrait background var targetRect = new Rectangle( startX + unit, unit * 4, (int)(PokemonTextureManager.TEXTURE_SIZE * Border.SCALE), (int)(PokemonTextureManager.TEXTURE_SIZE * Border.SCALE)); if (!_optionsBox.Visible && !_isMoving) { _batch.DrawRectangle(targetRect, POKEMON_PORTRAIT_BACKGROUND); } if ((_pokemon.Length > _index + _scrollIndex || _isMoving) && _showPokemon) { // pokemon portrait var selectedPokemon = GetSelectedPokemon(); Texture2D sprite; if (_optionsBox.Visible || _isMoving) { sprite = selectedPokemon.GetFrontSprite(); } else { sprite = PokemonTextureManager.GetFront(selectedPokemon.Id, POKEMON_PORTRAIT_PALETTE, selectedPokemon.UnownLetter); } _batch.Draw(sprite, targetRect, Color.White); // pokemon info var levelStr = selectedPokemon.Level == Pokemon.MAX_LEVEL ? Pokemon.MAX_LEVEL.ToString().PadRight(4) : ("^:L" + selectedPokemon.Level).PadRight(6); var infoStr = levelStr + PokemonStatHelper.GetGenderChar(selectedPokemon.Gender) + NewLine + selectedPokemon.Name; _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, infoStr, new Vector2(startX + unit, unit * 12), Color.Black, Border.SCALE); // draw item box if the pokemon holds an item var heldItem = selectedPokemon.HeldItem; if (heldItem != null) { Texture2D icon; if (heldItem.IsMail) { icon = _mailIcon; } else { icon = _itemIcon; } _batch.Draw(icon, new Rectangle( startX + unit * 7, unit * 12, (int)(Border.SCALE * _itemIcon.Width), (int)(Border.SCALE * _itemIcon.Height)), Color.White); } } // text box Border.Draw(_batch, startX, unit * 15, Border.SCREEN_WIDTH, 3, Border.SCALE); _fontRenderer.DrawText(_batch, _message, new Vector2(startX + unit, unit * 16), Color.Black, Border.SCALE); _optionsBox.Draw(_batch, Border.DefaultWhite); _confirmationBox.Draw(_batch, Border.DefaultWhite); _batch.End(); }
public override void draw(SpriteBatch b) { unFixExternalDrawCallBoundaries(); if (this.drawBG) { b.Draw(Game1.fadeToBlackRect, new Rectangle(0, 0, Game1.viewport.Width, Game1.viewport.Height), Color.Black * 0.5f); } fixInternalDrawCallBoundaries(); deepBaseCalls.pDraw(b, false, false, -1, -1, -1); unFixInternalDrawCallBoundaries(); if (this.showReceivingMenu) { fixInternalDrawCallBoundaries(); // backpack icon bg b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen - 64, this.yPositionOnScreen + (this.height / 2) + 64 + 16), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(16, 368, 12, 16)), Color.White, 4.712389f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen - 64, this.yPositionOnScreen + (this.height / 2) + 64 - 16), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(21, 368, 11, 16)), Color.White, 4.712389f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); // backpack icon b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(this.xPositionOnScreen - 40, this.yPositionOnScreen + (this.height / 2) + 64 - 44), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(4, 372, 8, 11)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); unFixInternalDrawCallBoundaries(); Game1.drawDialogueBox(this.ItemsToGrabMenu.xPositionOnScreen - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - IClickableMenu.spaceToClearSideBorder, this.ItemsToGrabMenu.yPositionOnScreen - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - IClickableMenu.spaceToClearTopBorder + 16, this.ItemsToGrabMenu.width + (IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) + (IClickableMenu.spaceToClearSideBorder * 2), this.ItemsToGrabMenu.height + (IClickableMenu.borderWidth * 2) + IClickableMenu.spaceToClearTopBorder, false, true, null, false, true); this.ItemsToGrabMenu.draw(b); // chest icon bg b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(this.inventory.xPositionOnScreen + bgXDiff - 105, this.yPositionOnScreen + 64 + 16), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(16, 368, 12, 16)), Color.White, 4.712389f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(this.inventory.xPositionOnScreen + bgXDiff - 105, this.yPositionOnScreen + 64 - 16), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(21, 368, 11, 16)), Color.White, 4.712389f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); // chest icon b.Draw(Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(this.inventory.xPositionOnScreen + bgXDiff - 85, this.yPositionOnScreen + 64 - 44), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(127, 412, 10, 11)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); } else if (this.message != null) { Game1.drawDialogueBox(Game1.viewport.Width / 2, this.ItemsToGrabMenu.yPositionOnScreen + (this.ItemsToGrabMenu.height / 2), false, false, this.message); } foreach (ItemGrabMenu.TransferredItemSprite transferredItemSprite in this._transferredItemSprites) { transferredItemSprite.Draw(b); } if (this.colorPickerToggleButton != null) { this.colorPickerToggleButton.draw(b); } if (this.chestColorPicker != null) { this.chestColorPicker.draw(b); } if (this.organizeButton != null) { this.organizeButton.draw(b); } if (this.fillStacksButton != null) { this.fillStacksButton.draw(b); } if ((this.hoverText != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.hoverText)) && (this.hoveredItem == null || this.hoveredItem == null || this.ItemsToGrabMenu == null)) { if (this.hoverAmount > 0) { IClickableMenu.drawToolTip(b, this.hoverText, "", null, true, -1, 0, -1, -1, null, this.hoverAmount); } else { IClickableMenu.drawHoverText(b, this.hoverText, Game1.smallFont, 0, 0, -1, null, -1, null, null, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1f, null, null); } } if (this.heldItem != null) { this.heldItem.drawInMenu(b, new Vector2(Game1.getOldMouseX() + 8, Game1.getOldMouseY() + 8), 1f); } if (this.hoveredItem != null) { IClickableMenu.drawToolTip(b, this.hoveredItem.getDescription(), this.hoveredItem.DisplayName, this.hoveredItem, this.heldItem != null, -1, 0, -1, -1, null, -1); } else if (this.hoveredItem != null && this.ItemsToGrabMenu != null) { IClickableMenu.drawToolTip(b, this.ItemsToGrabMenu.descriptionText, this.ItemsToGrabMenu.descriptionTitle, this.hoveredItem, this.heldItem != null, -1, 0, -1, -1, null, -1); } Game1.mouseCursorTransparency = 1f; deepBaseCalls.pDrawMouse(b); fixExternalDrawCallBoundaries(); }
/// <summary> /// This method draws current frame for the animation. /// </summary> /// <param name="spriteBtach"></param> private void DrawAnimation(SpriteBatch spriteBtach) { if (m_currentAnimation == null) return; if (m_DrawPosition == null) return; Rectangle sourceRect = m_currentAnimation.GetCurrentFrameSource(); spriteBtach.Draw(m_spriteTexture, m_DrawPosition, sourceRect, Color.White); }
protected virtual void OnDrawOne(SpriteBatch sb, Vector2 pos, float size, float hue, float alpha) { int r,g,b; HsvToRgb(hue,1f,1f,out r,out g,out b); Color c = new Color(r,g,b,(byte)(this.alpha*alpha*255)); float sizeAmp = hueSpeed != 0 && !IsActive() ? 1.5f : 1f; sb.Draw(ptFuzzy,pos-Main.screenPosition,GetRectFuzzy(),new Color(c.R,c.G,c.B,(byte)(c.A/2f)),0f,GetCenterFuzzy(),GetScaleFuzzy(size*sizeAmp),SpriteEffects.None,0f); sb.Draw(ptSpiralStar,pos-Main.screenPosition,GetRectSpiralStar(),c,(float)(rot1*Math.PI/180f),GetCenterSpiralStar(),GetScaleSpiralStar(size*sizeAmp/1.5f),dir*(flipped ? -1 : 1) == 1 ? SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None,0f); float lightAmp = hueSpeed != 0 && !IsActive() ? 2f : 1f; if (addLight) Lighting.addLight((int)Math.Round(pos.X/16f),(int)Math.Round(pos.Y/16f),c.R/255f*size/32f*c.A/255f*lightAmp,c.G/255f*size/32f*c.A/255f*lightAmp,c.B/255f*size/32f*c.A/255f*lightAmp); }
protected override void OnDrawingBackground(UltravioletTime time, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(photograph, new RectangleF(0, 0, Width, Height), Color.White * TransitionPosition); base.OnDrawingBackground(time, spriteBatch); }
private void DrawLife() { Player localPlayer = Main.LocalPlayer; SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Main.spriteBatch; Color color = new Color(Main.mouseTextColor, Main.mouseTextColor, Main.mouseTextColor, Main.mouseTextColor); UIDisplay_LifePerHeart = 20f; if (localPlayer.ghost) { return; } int num = localPlayer.statLifeMax / 20; int num2 = (localPlayer.statLifeMax - 400) / 5; if (num2 < 0) { num2 = 0; } if (num2 > 0) { num = localPlayer.statLifeMax / (20 + num2 / 4); UIDisplay_LifePerHeart = (float)localPlayer.statLifeMax / 20f; } int num3 = localPlayer.statLifeMax2 - localPlayer.statLifeMax; UIDisplay_LifePerHeart += num3 / num; int num4 = (int)((float)localPlayer.statLifeMax2 / UIDisplay_LifePerHeart); if (num4 >= 10) { num4 = 10; } string text = Lang.inter[0].Value + " " + localPlayer.statLifeMax2 + "/" + localPlayer.statLifeMax2; Vector2 vector = FontAssets.MouseText.get_Value().MeasureString(text); if (!localPlayer.ghost) { DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(spriteBatch, FontAssets.MouseText.get_Value(), Lang.inter[0].Value, new Vector2((float)(500 + 13 * num4) - vector.X * 0.5f + (float)UI_ScreenAnchorX, 6f), color, 0f, default(Vector2), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); DynamicSpriteFontExtensionMethods.DrawString(spriteBatch, FontAssets.MouseText.get_Value(), localPlayer.statLife + "/" + localPlayer.statLifeMax2, new Vector2((float)(500 + 13 * num4) + vector.X * 0.5f + (float)UI_ScreenAnchorX, 6f), color, 0f, new Vector2(FontAssets.MouseText.get_Value().MeasureString(localPlayer.statLife + "/" + localPlayer.statLifeMax2).X, 0f), 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } for (int i = 1; i < (int)((float)localPlayer.statLifeMax2 / UIDisplay_LifePerHeart) + 1; i++) { int num5 = 255; float num6 = 1f; bool flag = false; if ((float)localPlayer.statLife >= (float)i * UIDisplay_LifePerHeart) { num5 = 255; if ((float)localPlayer.statLife == (float)i * UIDisplay_LifePerHeart) { flag = true; } } else { float num7 = ((float)localPlayer.statLife - (float)(i - 1) * UIDisplay_LifePerHeart) / UIDisplay_LifePerHeart; num5 = (int)(30f + 225f * num7); if (num5 < 30) { num5 = 30; } num6 = num7 / 4f + 0.75f; if ((double)num6 < 0.75) { num6 = 0.75f; } if (num7 > 0f) { flag = true; } } if (flag) { num6 += Main.cursorScale - 1f; } int num8 = 0; int num9 = 0; if (i > 10) { num8 -= 260; num9 += 26; } int a = (int)((double)num5 * 0.9); if (!localPlayer.ghost) { if (num2 > 0) { num2--; spriteBatch.Draw(TextureAssets.Heart2.get_Value(), new Vector2(500 + 26 * (i - 1) + num8 + UI_ScreenAnchorX + TextureAssets.Heart.Width() / 2, 32f + ((float)TextureAssets.Heart.Height() - (float)TextureAssets.Heart.Height() * num6) / 2f + (float)num9 + (float)(TextureAssets.Heart.Height() / 2)), new Rectangle(0, 0, TextureAssets.Heart.Width(), TextureAssets.Heart.Height()), new Color(num5, num5, num5, a), 0f, new Vector2(TextureAssets.Heart.Width() / 2, TextureAssets.Heart.Height() / 2), num6, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(TextureAssets.Heart.get_Value(), new Vector2(500 + 26 * (i - 1) + num8 + UI_ScreenAnchorX + TextureAssets.Heart.Width() / 2, 32f + ((float)TextureAssets.Heart.Height() - (float)TextureAssets.Heart.Height() * num6) / 2f + (float)num9 + (float)(TextureAssets.Heart.Height() / 2)), new Rectangle(0, 0, TextureAssets.Heart.Width(), TextureAssets.Heart.Height()), new Color(num5, num5, num5, a), 0f, new Vector2(TextureAssets.Heart.Width() / 2, TextureAssets.Heart.Height() / 2), num6, SpriteEffects.None, 0f); } } } }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { batch.Draw(TextureRegion.Texture, TextureRegion.Region, GlobalPosition.X, GlobalPosition.Y, TextureRegion.Width, TextureRegion.Height); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch sb) { sb.Draw(texture, screenPosition, Color.White); }
/// <summary>The draw calls for the UI elements</summary> public override void draw(SpriteBatch b) { CursorPosition = Utilities.Globals.Helper.Input.GetCursorPosition(); // suppress the Menu button Utilities.Globals.Helper.Input.Suppress(Utilities.Globals.MenuButton); // draw screen fade b.Draw(Game1.fadeToBlackRect,, Color.Black * 0.75f); // draw menu box Game1.drawDialogueBox(xPositionOnScreen, yPositionOnScreen, width, height - 12, false, true); // draw title scroll SpriteText.drawStringWithScrollCenteredAt(b, Utilities.Globals.Helper.Translation.Get("display-reminder.title"), Game1.viewport.Width / 2, yPositionOnScreen, Utilities.Globals.Helper.Translation.Get("display-reminder.title")); // draw boxes foreach (ClickableTextureComponent box in Boxes) { box.draw(b); } // draw labels foreach (ClickableComponent label in ReminderMessages) { string text = ""; Color color = Game1.textColor; Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b,, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(label.bounds.X, label.bounds.Y), color); if (text.Length > 0) { Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b, text, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2((label.bounds.X + Game1.tileSize / 3) - Game1.smallFont.MeasureString(text).X / 2f, (label.bounds.Y + Game1.tileSize / 2)), color); } } if (Reminders.Count > (PageIndex + 1) * 5) { NextPageButton.draw(b); } if (PageIndex != 0) { PrevPageButton.draw(b); } // draw the delete buttons foreach (ClickableTextureComponent button in DeleteButtons) { button.draw(b); } // draw the warning for no reminder if (Reminders.Count <= 0) { Utility.drawTextWithShadow(b,, Game1.smallFont, new Vector2(NoRemindersWarning.bounds.X, NoRemindersWarning.bounds.Y), Game1.textColor); } // draw new reminders button NewReminderButton.draw(b); // draw the boxes hover text foreach (ClickableTextureComponent box in Boxes) { if (box.containsPoint((int)CursorPosition.ScreenPixels.X, (int)CursorPosition.ScreenPixels.Y)) { if (box.hoverText != null) { int x = Game1.getMouseX() + 32; int y = Game1.getMouseY() + 32 + 16; IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(b, Game1.menuTexture, new Rectangle(0, 256, 60, 60), x, y - 16, Utilities.Extras.EstimateStringDimension(box.hoverText) + 8, Game1.tileSize + 16, Color.White, 1f, true); SpriteText.drawString(b, box.hoverText, x + 32, y, 999, -1, 99, 1f, 0.88f, false, -1, "", 8, SpriteText.ScrollTextAlignment.Left); } } } // draw cursor drawMouse(b); }
public void draw(GameTime gametime) { if ( {; } Game1.drawTitleScreenBackground(gametime, ? "_day" : "_night", Utility.weatherDebrisOffsetForSeason(Game1.currentSeason)); Viewport viewport =; int height = viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height - Game1.tileSize * 2; viewport =; int x1 = viewport.TitleSafeArea.X; viewport =; int num1 = viewport.Width / 2; int x2 = x1 + num1 - (int)((double)((this.shippingItems.Count / (height / Game1.tileSize - 4) + 1) * Game1.tileSize) * 3.0); viewport =; int y1 = viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y + Game1.tileSize; int width = (int)((double)((this.shippingItems.Count / (height / Game1.tileSize - 4) + 1) * Game1.tileSize) * 6.0); Game1.drawDialogueBox(x2, y1, width, height, false, true, (string)null, false); int num2 = height - Game1.tileSize * 3; Point point = new Point(x2 + Game1.tileSize, y1 + Game1.tileSize); for (int index = 0; index < this.currentItemIndex; ++index) { SpriteBatch spriteBatch1 = Game1.spriteBatch; Texture2D objectSpriteSheet = Game1.objectSpriteSheet; double num3 = (double)(point.X + index * Game1.tileSize / (num2 - Game1.tileSize * 2) * Game1.tileSize * 4 + Game1.tileSize / 2); int num4 = index * Game1.tileSize % (num2 - Game1.tileSize * 2) - index * Game1.tileSize % (num2 - Game1.tileSize * 2) % Game1.tileSize; viewport =; int y2 = viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y; double num5 = (double)(num4 + y2 + Game1.tileSize * 3 + Game1.tileSize / 2); Vector2 position1 = new Vector2((float)num3, (float)num5); Rectangle?sourceRectangle = new Rectangle?(Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, this.shippingItems.Keys.ElementAt <ShippedItem>(index).index, -1, -1)); Color white = Color.White; double num6 = 0.0; Vector2 origin = new Vector2((float)(Game1.tileSize / 2), (float)(Game1.tileSize / 2)); double num7 = this.shippingItems.Keys.ElementAt <ShippedItem>(index).name.Contains("=") ? (double)this.starScale : 1.0; int num8 = 0; double num9 = 0.999998986721039; spriteBatch1.Draw(objectSpriteSheet, position1, sourceRectangle, white, (float)num6, origin, (float)num7, (SpriteEffects)num8, (float)num9); SpriteBatch spriteBatch2 = Game1.spriteBatch; SpriteFont dialogueFont = Game1.dialogueFont; string text = "x" + (object)this.shippingItems[this.shippingItems.Keys.ElementAt <ShippedItem>(index)] + " : " + (object)(this.shippingItems.Keys.ElementAt <ShippedItem>(index).price *this.shippingItems[this.shippingItems.Keys.ElementAt <ShippedItem>(index)]) + "g"; double num10 = (double)(point.X + index * Game1.tileSize / (num2 - Game1.tileSize * 2) * Game1.tileSize * 4 + Game1.tileSize); double num11 = (double)(index * Game1.tileSize % (num2 - Game1.tileSize * 2) - index * Game1.tileSize % (num2 - Game1.tileSize * 2) % Game1.tileSize + Game1.tileSize / 2) - (double)Game1.dialogueFont.MeasureString("9").Y / 2.0; viewport =; double y3 = (double)viewport.TitleSafeArea.Y; double num12 = num11 + y3 + (double)(Game1.tileSize * 3); Vector2 position2 = new Vector2((float)num10, (float)num12); Color textColor = Game1.textColor; spriteBatch2.DrawString(dialogueFont, text, position2, textColor); } if (!this.complete) { return; } SpriteBatch spriteBatch = Game1.spriteBatch; SpriteFont dialogueFont1 = Game1.dialogueFont; string text1 = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:MoneyMadeScreen.cs.3854", (object); double num13 = (double)(x2 + width - Game1.tileSize) - (double)Game1.dialogueFont.MeasureString("Total: " + (object); viewport =; double num14 = (double)(viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - Game1.tileSize * 5 / 2); Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)num13, (float)num14); Color textColor1 = Game1.textColor; spriteBatch.DrawString(dialogueFont1, text1, position, textColor1); }
internal void DrawSelection(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Rectangle CurrentSelection) { spriteBatch.Draw(debugTex, CurrentSelection, Color.Red); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw( Sprite, Position, rectangle, Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0); }
private void DrawBorder(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Draw(border, Rectangle, buttonColor); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch) { batch.Draw(texture, getVertices(), 0, 4); }
public void Draw(SpriteBatch g) { g.Draw(m_Texture, m_DimObj, m_Color); }
public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.Draw(background, new Vector2(0, 0), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(logo, new Vector2(Constants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2 - (logo.Width / 1.6f), 25), Color.White); var boardX = ((Constants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2) - gameBoard.Width / 2); var boardY = ((Constants.WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2) - gameBoard.Height / 2); spriteBatch.Draw(gameBoard, new Vector2(boardX, boardY), Color.White); spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, messageText, new Vector2(Constants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, 225), Color.Red, 0, spriteFont.MeasureString(messageText) / 2, 1.3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, infoText, new Vector2(Constants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, 275), Color.Red, 0, spriteFont.MeasureString(infoText) / 2, 1.3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spriteBatch.DrawString(spriteFont, gameText, new Vector2(Constants.WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, 715), Color.Red, 0, spriteFont.MeasureString(gameText) / 2, 1.3f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); spriteBatch.Draw(player1sChip, new Vector2(140, 450), Color.White); spriteBatch.Draw(player2sChip, new Vector2(Constants.WINDOW_WIDTH - 140, 450), Color.White); foreach (var btnBoardPos in boardPositions) { if (!squaresTaken.Contains(btnBoardPos.ButtonId)) { btnBoardPos.Draw(spriteBatch); } else { var pos = GetPositionFromId(btnBoardPos.ButtonId); if (board[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y] == 1) { spriteBatch.Draw(xMarkers[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y], new Vector2(btnBoardPos._rectangle.X, btnBoardPos._rectangle.Y), Color.White); } else if (board[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y] == 2) { spriteBatch.Draw(oMarkers[(int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y], new Vector2(btnBoardPos._rectangle.X, btnBoardPos._rectangle.Y), Color.White); } } } if (gameWon) { if (wayGameWon.Contains("ROW")) { if (wayGameWon.Contains("1")) { spriteBatch.Draw(RowWinTextures[0], new Vector2(boardX, boardY - 30), Color.White); } else if (wayGameWon.Contains("2")) { spriteBatch.Draw(RowWinTextures[1], new Vector2(boardX, boardY), Color.White); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(RowWinTextures[2], new Vector2(boardX, boardY + 30), Color.White); } } else if (wayGameWon.Contains("COLUMN")) { if (wayGameWon.Contains("1")) { spriteBatch.Draw(ColumnWinTextures[0], new Vector2(boardX - 30, boardY), Color.White); } else if (wayGameWon.Contains("2")) { spriteBatch.Draw(ColumnWinTextures[1], new Vector2(boardX, boardY), Color.White); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(ColumnWinTextures[2], new Vector2(boardX + 30, boardY), Color.White); } } else if (wayGameWon.Contains("Diag")) { if (wayGameWon.Contains("left")) { spriteBatch.Draw(DiagWinTextures[1], new Vector2(boardX, boardY), Color.White); } else { spriteBatch.Draw(DiagWinTextures[0], new Vector2(boardX, boardY), Color.White); } } } backButton.Draw(spriteBatch); if (drawReset) { resetButton.Draw(spriteBatch); } spriteBatch.End(); }
public void DrawLine(SpriteBatch SP,Vector2 start,Vector2 end,Texture2D TEX,float S,Color C,float Jump) { float TEXW = (float)TEX.Width; float TEXH = (float)TEX.Height; Vector2 TC = new Vector2(TEXW / 2f, TEXH / 2f); TC*=S; Vector2 Pstart = start; Vector2 Pend = end; Vector2 dir = Pend - Pstart; dir.Normalize(); //dir/=dir.Length(); bool screenSafety = true; if(screenSafety) { int alloRad = 16; #region pstart if(Pstart.X < Main.screenPosition.X-alloRad) { Pstart.Y+=((Main.screenPosition.X-alloRad-Pstart.X)/dir.X)*dir.Y; Pstart.X = Main.screenPosition.X-alloRad; } if(Pstart.X > Main.screenPosition.X+Main.screenWidth+alloRad) { Pstart.Y-=((Pstart.X-Main.screenPosition.X-Main.screenWidth-alloRad)/dir.X)*dir.Y; Pstart.X = Main.screenPosition.X+Main.screenWidth+alloRad; } if(Pstart.Y < Main.screenPosition.Y-alloRad) { Pstart.X+=((Main.screenPosition.Y-alloRad-Pstart.Y)/dir.Y)*dir.X; Pstart.Y = Main.screenPosition.Y-alloRad; } if(Pstart.Y > Main.screenPosition.Y+Main.screenHeight+alloRad) { Pstart.X-=((Pstart.Y-Main.screenPosition.Y-Main.screenHeight-alloRad)/dir.Y)*dir.X; Pstart.Y = Main.screenPosition.Y+Main.screenHeight+alloRad; } #endregion #region pend if(Pend.X < Main.screenPosition.X-alloRad) { Pend.Y+=((Main.screenPosition.X-alloRad-Pend.X)/dir.X)*dir.Y; Pend.X = Main.screenPosition.X-alloRad; } if(Pend.X > Main.screenPosition.X+Main.screenWidth+alloRad) { Pend.Y-=((Pend.X-Main.screenPosition.X-Main.screenWidth-alloRad)/dir.X)*dir.Y; Pend.X = Main.screenPosition.X+Main.screenWidth+alloRad; } if(Pend.Y < Main.screenPosition.Y-alloRad) { Pend.X+=((Main.screenPosition.Y-alloRad-Pend.Y)/dir.Y)*dir.X; Pend.Y = Main.screenPosition.Y-alloRad; } if(Pend.Y > Main.screenPosition.Y+Main.screenHeight+alloRad) { Pend.X-=((Pend.Y-Main.screenPosition.Y-Main.screenHeight-alloRad)/dir.Y)*dir.X; Pend.Y = Main.screenPosition.Y+Main.screenHeight+alloRad; } #endregion } float rot = (float)Math.Atan2(dir.Y,dir.X) + (float)Math.PI/2f; float length = Vector2.Distance(Pstart,Pend); float Way = 0f; while (Way < length) { Vector2 v = (Pstart + dir * Way) - Main.screenPosition + TC; Color C2 = Lighting.GetColor((int)(v.X+Main.screenPosition.X)/16,(int)(v.Y+Main.screenPosition.Y)/16,C); SP.Draw( TEX, v, new Rectangle?(new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)TEXW, (int)TEXH)), C2, rot, TC, S, SpriteEffects.None, 0f ); Way += Jump; } }
public override void Render(IList <SceneNode> nodes, RenderContext context, RenderOrder order) { ThrowIfDisposed(); if (nodes == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("nodes"); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } int numberOfNodes = nodes.Count; if (nodes.Count == 0) { return; } context.Validate(_spriteBatch); context.ThrowIfCameraMissing(); var graphicsDevice = context.GraphicsService.GraphicsDevice; var savedRenderState = new RenderStateSnapshot(graphicsDevice); // Camera properties var cameraNode = context.CameraNode; Matrix viewProjection = cameraNode.Camera.Projection * cameraNode.View; var viewport = graphicsDevice.Viewport; // Update SceneNode.LastFrame for all visible nodes. int frame = context.Frame; cameraNode.LastFrame = frame; SpriteSortMode sortMode; switch (order) { case RenderOrder.Default: sortMode = SpriteSortMode.Texture; break; case RenderOrder.FrontToBack: sortMode = SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack; break; case RenderOrder.BackToFront: sortMode = SpriteSortMode.BackToFront; break; case RenderOrder.UserDefined: default: sortMode = SpriteSortMode.Deferred; break; } _spriteBatch.Begin(sortMode, graphicsDevice.BlendState, null, graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState, null); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++) { var node = nodes[i] as SpriteNode; if (node == null) { continue; } // SpriteNode is visible in current frame. node.LastFrame = frame; // Position, size, and origin in pixels. Vector3 position = new Vector3(); Vector2 size = new Vector2(); Vector2 origin = new Vector2(); var bitmapSprite = node.Sprite as ImageSprite; if (bitmapSprite != null) { var packedTexture = bitmapSprite.Texture; if (packedTexture != null) { // Project into viewport and snap to pixels. position = viewport.ProjectToViewport(node.PoseWorld.Position, viewProjection); position.X = (int)(position.X + 0.5f); position.Y = (int)(position.Y + 0.5f); // Get source rectangle (pixel bounds). var sourceRectangle = packedTexture.GetBounds(node.AnimationTime); size = new Vector2(sourceRectangle.Width, sourceRectangle.Height); // Premultiply color. Vector3 color3F = node.Color; float alpha = node.Alpha; Color color = new Color(color3F.X * alpha, color3F.Y * alpha, color3F.Z * alpha, alpha); // Get absolute origin (relative to pixel bounds). origin = (Vector2)node.Origin * size; // Draw using SpriteBatch. _spriteBatch.Draw( packedTexture.TextureAtlas, new Vector2(position.X, position.Y), sourceRectangle, color, node.Rotation, origin, (Vector2)node.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, position.Z); } } else { var textSprite = node.Sprite as TextSprite; if (textSprite != null) { var font = textSprite.Font ?? _spriteFont; if (font != null) { // Text can be a string or StringBuilder. var text = textSprite.Text as string; if (text != null) { if (text.Length > 0) { // Project into viewport and snap to pixels. position = viewport.ProjectToViewport(node.PoseWorld.Position, viewProjection); position.X = (int)(position.X + 0.5f); position.Y = (int)(position.Y + 0.5f); // Premultiply color. Vector3 color3F = node.Color; float alpha = node.Alpha; Color color = new Color(color3F.X * alpha, color3F.Y * alpha, color3F.Z * alpha, alpha); // Get absolute origin (relative to pixel bounds). size = font.MeasureString(text); origin = (Vector2)node.Origin * size; // Draw using SpriteBatch. _spriteBatch.DrawString( font, text, new Vector2(position.X, position.Y), color, node.Rotation, origin, (Vector2)node.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, position.Z); } } else { var stringBuilder = textSprite.Text as StringBuilder; if (stringBuilder != null && stringBuilder.Length > 0) { // Project into viewport and snap to pixels. position = viewport.ProjectToViewport(node.PoseWorld.Position, viewProjection); position.X = (int)(position.X + 0.5f); position.Y = (int)(position.Y + 0.5f); // Premultiply color. Vector3 color3F = node.Color; float alpha = node.Alpha; Color color = new Color(color3F.X * alpha, color3F.Y * alpha, color3F.Z * alpha, alpha); // Get absolute origin (relative to pixel bounds). size = font.MeasureString(stringBuilder); origin = (Vector2)node.Origin * size; // Draw using SpriteBatch. _spriteBatch.DrawString( font, stringBuilder, new Vector2(position.X, position.Y), color, node.Rotation, origin, (Vector2)node.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, position.Z); } } } } } // Store bounds an depth for hit tests. node.LastBounds = new Rectangle( (int)(position.X - origin.X), (int)(position.Y - origin.Y), (int)(size.X * node.Scale.X), (int)(size.Y * node.Scale.Y)); node.LastDepth = position.Z; } _spriteBatch.End(); savedRenderState.Restore(); }