        public override void Process(SimulationOwnershipChange simulationOwnershipChange)
            foreach (SimulatedEntity simulatedEntity in simulationOwnershipChange.Entities)
                if (multiplayerSession.Reservation.PlayerId == simulatedEntity.PlayerId)
                    if (simulatedEntity.ChangesPosition)

                    simulationOwnershipManager.SimulateGuid(simulatedEntity.Guid, SimulationLockType.TRANSIENT);
                else if (simulationOwnershipManager.HasAnyLockType(simulatedEntity.Guid))
                    // The server has forcibly removed this lock from the client.  This is generally fine for
                    // transient locks because it is only broadcasting position.  However, exclusive locks may
                    // need additional cleanup (such as a person piloting a vehicle - they need to be kicked out)
                    // We can later add a forcibly removed callback but as of right now we have no use-cases for
                    // forcibly removing an exclusive lock.  Just log it if it happens....

                    if (simulationOwnershipManager.HasExclusiveLock(simulatedEntity.Guid))
                        Log.Warn("The server has forcibly revoked an exlusive lock - this may cause undefined behaviour.  GUID: " + simulatedEntity.Guid);
