        Vector3 ObjectCollisionTest(Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 rayEnd, SimulationObject obj)
            const float OO_THREE = 1f / 3f;

            Vector3 closestPoint = rayEnd;

            if (rayStart == rayEnd)
                Logger.DebugLog("RayStart is equal to RayEnd, returning given location");

            Vector3 direction = Vector3.Normalize(rayEnd - rayStart);
            Ray     ray       = new Ray(rayStart, direction);

            // Get the mesh that has been transformed into world-space
            SimpleMesh mesh = null;

            if (obj.Prim.ParentID != 0)
                SimulationObject parent;
                if (server.Scene.TryGetObject(obj.Prim.ParentID, out parent))
                    mesh = obj.GetWorldMesh(DetailLevel.Low, parent);
                mesh = obj.GetWorldMesh(DetailLevel.Low, null);

            if (mesh != null)
                // Iterate through all of the triangles in the mesh, doing a ray-triangle intersection

                float closestDistance = Single.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.Indices.Count; i += 3)
                    Vector3 point0 = mesh.Vertices[mesh.Indices[i + 0]].Position;
                    Vector3 point1 = mesh.Vertices[mesh.Indices[i + 1]].Position;
                    Vector3 point2 = mesh.Vertices[mesh.Indices[i + 2]].Position;

                    if (RayTriangleIntersection(rayStart, direction, point0, point1, point2))
                        // HACK: Find the barycenter of this triangle. Would be better to have
                        // RayTriangleIntersection return the exact collision point
                        Vector3 center = (point0 + point1 + point2) * OO_THREE;

                        Logger.DebugLog("Collision hit with triangle at " + center);

                        if ((center - rayStart).Length() < closestDistance)
                            closestPoint = center;
