internal static SubMenu createBase <T>(string name, T configItem, params ICounterPositions[] restricted) where T : Config.IConfigModel { Plugin.Log("Creating base for: " + name); List <Tuple <ICounterPositions, string> > restrictedList = new List <Tuple <ICounterPositions, string> >(); try { foreach (ICounterPositions pos in restricted) { restrictedList.Add(Tuple.Create(pos, positions.Where((Tuple <ICounterPositions, string> x) => x.Item1 == pos).First().Item2)); } } catch { } //It most likely errors here. If it does, well no problem. var @base = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Counters+ | " + name); var enabled = @base.AddBool("Enabled", "Toggles this counter on or off."); enabled.GetValue += () => configItem.Enabled; enabled.SetValue += v => configItem.Enabled = v; var position = @base.AddListSetting <PositionSettingsViewController>("Position", "The relative positions of common UI elements of which to go off of."); position.values = (restrictedList.Count() == 0) ? positions : restrictedList; position.GetValue = () => positions.Where((Tuple <Config.ICounterPositions, string> x) => (x.Item1 == configItem.Position)).FirstOrDefault(); position.GetTextForValue = (value) => value.Item2; position.SetValue = v => configItem.Position = v.Item1; var index = @base.AddInt("Index", "How far from the position the counter will be. A higher number means farther away.", 0, 5, 1); index.GetValue += () => configItem.Index; index.SetValue += v => configItem.Index = v; return(@base); }
public static void OnLoad() { SubMenu subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Twitch Camera Mover"); // Create the gameobject if (CameraMover.Instance == null) { new GameObject("CameraMover").AddComponent <CameraMover>(); } if (newCube == null) { newCube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); DontDestroyOnLoad(newCube); newCube.SetActive(true); newCube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.22f); = "CustomCameraCube"; newCube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 1.5f, 0.5f); } if (floorAdjustViewController == null) { getPlayerHeight(); } }
private void SetupUI() { if (initialized) { return; } RectTransform mainMenu = (Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <MainMenuViewController>().First().rectTransform); MenuButtonUI.AddButton("More songs...", BeatSaverButtonPressed); //_moreSongsButton.interactable = false; var downloaderSubMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Downloader"); var disableDeleteButton = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Disable delete button"); disableDeleteButton.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.disableDeleteButton); }; disableDeleteButton.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.disableDeleteButton = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var deleteToRecycleBin = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Delete to Recycle Bin"); deleteToRecycleBin.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin); }; deleteToRecycleBin.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var maxSimultaneousDownloads = downloaderSubMenu.AddInt("Max simultaneous downloads", 1, 10, 1); maxSimultaneousDownloads.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.maxSimultaneousDownloads); }; maxSimultaneousDownloads.SetValue += delegate(int value) { PluginConfig.maxSimultaneousDownloads = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; initialized = true; }
private void SceneManager_sceneLoaded(Scene arg0, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if ( == "Menu") { modEnable = false; var settingsSubmenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("AutoPause"); var en = settingsSubmenu.AddBool("AutoPause Enabled"); en.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "Enabled", true, true)); }; en.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "Enabled", value); }; var pq = settingsSubmenu.AddBool("FPS Pause"); pq.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSCheckerOn", false, true)); }; pq.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSCheckerOn", value); }; float[] fpsValues = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 }; var fpsThreshold = settingsSubmenu.AddList("FPS Threshold", fpsValues); fpsThreshold.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetFloat("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSThreshold", 40, true)); }; fpsThreshold.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ModPrefs.SetFloat("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSThreshold", value); }; fpsThreshold.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(string.Format("{0:0}", value)); }; System.Console.WriteLine("[AutoPause] Settings Created"); //System.Console.Read(); //SharedCoroutineStarter.instance.StartCoroutine(DelayedEnable()); } }
public static void playerProperties() { SubMenu fitNessCalculating = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Fitness Properties"); BoolViewController units = fitNessCalculating.AddBool("Metric Units? (Kgs, cm)"); units.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lbskgs", false, true)); }; units.SetValue += delegate(bool lork) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "lbskgs", lork); }; bool lbsorkgs = ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lbskgs", false, true); if (lbsorkgs) ////Converted to kgs { IntViewController weightKGS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (kgs)", 36, 363, 1); weightKGS.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightKGS", 60, true)); }; weightKGS.SetValue += delegate(int kgs) { ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightKGS", kgs); }; }/////// Freedom Units else { IntViewController weightLBS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (lbs)", 80, 800, 2); weightLBS.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightLBS", 132, true)); }; weightLBS.SetValue += delegate(int lbs) { ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.alias, "weightLBS", (int)(lbs)); }; } }
public void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if (save) { Logger.log.Info("Saving Settings"); settings.SaveSettings(); save = false; } if ( == "MenuCore" && !settingsattached) { SubMenu settingsSubmenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Rumble Enhancer"); string hint = "Duration of Rumble Effect"; IntViewController rumbleTime = settingsSubmenu.AddInt("Rumble Length\t\t(in ms)", hint, 0, 250, 5); rumbleTime.GetValue += delegate { return(settings.RumbleTimeMS); }; rumbleTime.SetValue += delegate(int value) { settings.RumbleTimeMS = value; }; hint = "The Pause between single pulses,\n the lower this is the stronger the rumble will feel"; IntViewController rumblePause = settingsSubmenu.AddInt("Rumble Interval\t(in ms)", hint, 0, 30, 1); rumblePause.GetValue += delegate { return(settings.TimeBetweenRumblePulsesMS); }; rumblePause.SetValue += delegate(int value) { settings.TimeBetweenRumblePulsesMS = value; }; settingsattached = true; Logger.log.Info("Settings attached!"); } }
private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene arg0, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if ( != "MenuCore") { return; } var menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("FullComboDisplay"); float[] effectVals = new float[effects.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < effects.Length; i++) { effectVals[i] = i; } var enabled = menu.AddBool("Enabled"); enabled.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("FCDisplay", "Enabled", true, true)); }; enabled.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("FCDisplay", "Enabled", value); }; enabled.EnabledText = "Enabled"; enabled.DisabledText = "Disabled"; var effect = menu.AddList("Miss Effect", effectVals); effect.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt("FCDisplay", "MissEffect", 1, true)); }; effect.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ModPrefs.SetInt("FCDisplay", "MissEffect", (int)value); }; effect.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(effects[(int)value]); }; var vanilla = menu.AddBool("Vanilla Display (Combo Border)"); vanilla.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("FCDisplay", "VanillaEnabled", false, true)); }; vanilla.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("FCDisplay", "VanillaEnabled", value); }; vanilla.EnabledText = "Visible"; vanilla.DisabledText = "Hidden"; }
private void SceneManager_sceneLoaded(Scene arg0, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if ( != "Menu") { return; } Plugin.Log("Menu Tweaks Started!", LogLevel.DebugOnly); // Create the settings menu var submenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Menu Tweaks"); // Add the Fail Counter toggle failCounterToggle = submenu.AddBool("Fail Counter"); failCounterToggle.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("MenuTweaks", "FailCounterVisible", true, true)); }; failCounterToggle.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("MenuTweaks", "FailCounterVisible", value); }; failCounterToggle.EnabledText = "VISIBLE"; failCounterToggle.DisabledText = "HIDDEN"; // Add the Click Shockwave toggle menuShockwaveToggle = submenu.AddBool("Click Shockwave"); menuShockwaveToggle.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("MenuTweaks", "ClickShockwaveEnabled", true, true)); }; menuShockwaveToggle.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("MenuTweaks", "ClickShockwaveEnabled", value); }; // Add the Fireworks toggle fireworksToggle = submenu.AddBool("Fireworks"); fireworksToggle.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("MenuTweaks", "FireworksEnabled", true, true)); }; fireworksToggle.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("MenuTweaks", "FireworksEnabled", value); }; }
public static VRUIViewController Create() { menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("ModListSettings", false); autoCheck = menu.AddBool("Auto Update Check", "If enabled, automatically checks for updates on game start."); autoUpdate = menu.AddBool("Auto Update", "If enabled, automatically installs updates after checking for them."); autoCheck.applyImmediately = true; autoCheck.GetValue += () => SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates; autoCheck.SetValue += val => { SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoCheckUpdates = val; SelfConfig.LoaderConfig.Store(SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value); }; autoUpdate.applyImmediately = true; autoUpdate.GetValue += () => SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate; autoUpdate.SetValue += val => { SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value.Updates.AutoUpdate = val; SelfConfig.LoaderConfig.Store(SelfConfig.SelfConfigRef.Value); }; return(menu.viewController); }
private static void CreateSettingsUI() { var subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Scoreboard Style"); colorMap = new Dictionary <string, Color>(); MakePicker(subMenu, "default", "Default", "Color for normal users", "#FFFFFF"); MakePicker(subMenu, "patron", "Patron", "Color for scoresaber patreon supporters", "#F96854"); MakePicker(subMenu, "rankingTeam", "Ranking Team", "Color for scoresaber ranking team members", "#1ABC9C"); MakePicker(subMenu, "staff", "Staff", "Color for scoresaber staff", "#FF03E3"); MakePicker(subMenu, "percent", "Percentage", "Color for score percentage", "#FFD42A"); MakePicker(subMenu, "pp", "PP", "Color for pp earned", "#6772E5"); var rankPicker = MakePicker(subMenu, "rank", "Rank", "Color for leaderboard rank", "#FFFFFF", false); rankPicker.SetValue += delegate(Color value) { string hex = "#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(value); rankColor = hex; config.SetString("Colors", "rank", hex); }; var scorePicker = MakePicker(subMenu, "score", "Score", "Color for score", "#FFFFFF", false); scorePicker.SetValue += delegate(Color value) { string hex = "#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(value); scoreColor = hex; config.SetString("Colors", "score", hex); }; }
public static void OnLoad() { var menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Pimax Light Fixer"); var disableLighting = menu.AddBool("Disable Lighting", "When enabled, the problem light components are completely destroyed instead of being repositioned."); disableLighting.GetValue += () => { return(Config.DisableLighting); }; disableLighting.SetValue += (value) => { Config.DisableLighting = value; }; }
private static void CreateSettingsUI() { var subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("VideoPlayer"); var showVideoSetting = subMenu.AddBool("Show Video"); showVideoSetting.GetValue += delegate { return(ScreenManager.showVideo); }; showVideoSetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ScreenManager.showVideo = value; ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.PluginName, "ShowVideo", ScreenManager.showVideo); }; var placementSetting = subMenu.AddList("Screen Position", VideoPlacementSetting.Modes()); placementSetting.GetValue += delegate { return((float)ScreenManager.Instance.placement); }; placementSetting.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ScreenManager.Instance.SetPlacement((VideoPlacement)value); ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.PluginName, "ScreenPositionMode", (int)ScreenManager.Instance.placement); }; placementSetting.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(VideoPlacementSetting.Name((VideoPlacement)value)); }; var qualitySetting = subMenu.AddList("Video Download Quality", VideoQualitySetting.Modes()); qualitySetting.GetValue += delegate { return((float)YouTubeDownloader.Instance.quality); }; qualitySetting.SetValue += delegate(float value) { YouTubeDownloader.Instance.quality = (VideoQuality)value; ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.PluginName, "VideoDownloadQuality", (int)YouTubeDownloader.Instance.quality); }; qualitySetting.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(VideoQualitySetting.Name((VideoQuality)value)); }; var autoDownloadSetting = subMenu.AddBool("Auto Download"); autoDownloadSetting.GetValue += delegate { return(VideoLoader.Instance.autoDownload); }; autoDownloadSetting.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { VideoLoader.Instance.autoDownload = value; ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.PluginName, "AutoDownload", ScreenManager.showVideo); }; }
public void SceneManagerOnActiveSceneChanged(Scene arg0, Scene scene) { if (scene.buildIndex == MainScene) { var subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("TestPluginSubMenu"); // Passing in the sub menu label var energyBar = subMenu.AddBool("testBool"); // Passing in the option label energyBar.GetValue += delegate { return(testBool); }; // Delegate returning the bool for display energyBar.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { testBool = value; }; // Delegate to set the bool when Apply/Ok is pressed } }
public static void OnLoad() { var menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Song Request Manager"); var AutopickFirstSong = menu.AddBool("Autopick First Song", "Automatically pick the first song with sr!"); AutopickFirstSong.SetValue += (requests) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.AutopickFirstSong = requests; }; AutopickFirstSong.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.AutopickFirstSong); }; var MiniumSongRating = menu.AddSlider("Minimum rating", "Minimum allowed song rating", 0, 100, 0.5f, false); MiniumSongRating.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.LowestAllowedRating = scale; }; MiniumSongRating.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.LowestAllowedRating); }; var MaximumAllowedSongLength = menu.AddSlider("Maximum Song Length", "Longest allowed song length in minutes", 0, 999, 1.0f, false); MaximumAllowedSongLength.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.MaximumSongLength = scale; }; MaximumAllowedSongLength.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.MaximumSongLength); }; var MinimumNJS = menu.AddSlider("Minimum NJS allowed", "Disallow songs below a certain NJS", 0, 50, 1.0f, false); MinimumNJS.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.MinimumNJS = scale; }; MinimumNJS.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.MinimumNJS); }; var TTSSupport = menu.AddBool("TTS Support", "Add ! to all command outputs for TTS Filtering"); TTSSupport.SetValue += (requests) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.BotPrefix = requests ? "! " : ""; }; TTSSupport.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.BotPrefix != ""); }; var UserRequestLimit = menu.AddSlider("User Request limit", "Maximum requests in queue at one time", 0, 10, 1f, true); UserRequestLimit.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.UserRequestLimit = (int )scale; }; UserRequestLimit.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.UserRequestLimit); }; var SubRequestLimit = menu.AddSlider("Sub Request limit", "Maximum requests in queue at one time", 0, 10, 1f, true); SubRequestLimit.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.SubRequestLimit = (int)scale; }; SubRequestLimit.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.SubRequestLimit); }; var ModRequestLimit = menu.AddSlider("Moderator Request limit", "Maximum requests in queue at one time", 0, 100, 1f, true); ModRequestLimit.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.ModRequestLimit = (int)scale; }; ModRequestLimit.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.ModRequestLimit); }; var VIPBonus = menu.AddSlider("VIP Request bonus", "Additional requests allowed in queue", 0, 10, 1f, true); VIPBonus.SetValue += (scale) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.VipBonusRequests = (int)scale; }; VIPBonus.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.VipBonusRequests); }; var ModeratorRights = menu.AddBool("Full moderator rights", "Allow moderators access to ALL bot commands. Do you trust your mods?"); ModeratorRights.SetValue += (requests) => { RequestBotConfig.Instance.ModFullRights = requests; }; ModeratorRights.GetValue += () => { return(RequestBotConfig.Instance.ModFullRights); }; }
public static void CreateSettingsUI() { //This will create a menu tab in the settings menu for your plugin var pluginSettingsSubmenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Submenu Name"); var exampleToggle = pluginSettingsSubmenu.AddBool("Example Toggle"); //Fetch your initial value for the option from within the braces, or simply have it default to a value exampleToggle.GetValue += delegate { return(false); }; exampleToggle.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { //Whatever execution you want to occur after setting the value }; }
private void CreateSettingsMenu() { var settingsMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu(Plugin.instance.Name); var AutoStartLobby = settingsMenu.AddBool("Auto-Start Lobby", "Opens up a lobby when you launch the game"); AutoStartLobby.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.AutoStartLobby); }; AutoStartLobby.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.Instance.AutoStartLobby = value; }; var IsPublic = settingsMenu.AddBool("Auto-Start Privacy", "Configures the privacy of lobbies that are auto-started"); IsPublic.DisabledText = "Friends Only"; IsPublic.EnabledText = "Public"; IsPublic.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.IsPublic); }; IsPublic.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.Instance.IsPublic = value; }; var MaxLobbySite = settingsMenu.AddInt("Lobby Size", "Configure the amount of users you want to be able to join your lobby.", 2, 15, 1); MaxLobbySite.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.MaxLobbySize); }; MaxLobbySite.SetValue += delegate(int value) { SteamMatchmaking.SetLobbyMemberLimit(SteamAPI.getLobbyID(), value); Config.Instance.MaxLobbySize = value; }; var AvatarsInLobby = settingsMenu.AddBool("Enable Avatars In Lobby", "Turns avatars on for you in the waiting lobby"); AvatarsInLobby.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.AvatarsInLobby); }; AvatarsInLobby.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.Instance.AvatarsInLobby = value; }; var AvatarsInGame = settingsMenu.AddBool("Enable Avatars In Game", "Turns avatars on for you while playing songs"); AvatarsInGame.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.AvatarsInGame); }; AvatarsInGame.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.Instance.AvatarsInGame = value; }; var NetworkQuality = settingsMenu.AddInt("Network Quality", "Higher number, smoother avatar. Note that this effects how you appear to others. ", 0, 5, 1); NetworkQuality.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.NetworkQuality); }; NetworkQuality.SetValue += delegate(int value) { Config.Instance.NetworkQuality = value; if (Controllers.PlayerController.Instance.isBroadcasting) { Controllers.PlayerController.Instance.StopBroadcasting(); Controllers.PlayerController.Instance.StartBroadcasting(); } }; var NetworkScaling = settingsMenu.AddBool("Network Scaling", "Scales your network traffic based on the size of your lobby."); NetworkScaling.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.Instance.NetworkScaling); }; NetworkScaling.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.Instance.NetworkScaling = value; }; }
public static void InitUI() { SubMenu menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Beat Saber Console"); var lines = menu.AddInt("Line Count", "How many lines the Console will display.", 15, 50, 5); lines.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.lines); }; lines.SetValue += v => Config.lines = v; float[] timeOptions = new float[] { 0.1f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 1, 1.5f, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var time = menu.AddList("Console Update Time", timeOptions, "The amount of time between Console updates in seconds."); time.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.updateTime); }; time.SetValue += v => Config.updateTime = v; time.FormatValue += delegate(float c) { return($"{c} Sec."); }; var cubes = menu.AddBool("Show Move Bars", "Show the bars that appear under the console.\n<color=#FF0000>Moving the console and output log by clicking under them will still work.</color>"); cubes.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.showMoveCubes); }; cubes.SetValue += v => Config.showMoveCubes = v; var clipboard = menu.AddBool("Copy Last Exception", "Automatically copies the Console's last logged Exception to your clipboard for easy pasting.\n<color=#FF0000>This will overwrite any previous clipboard entries.</color>"); clipboard.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.copyToClipboard); }; clipboard.SetValue += v => Config.copyToClipboard = v; var common = menu.AddBool("Hide Common Errors", "Hide common errors from appearing in the Output Log."); common.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.hideCommonErrors); }; common.SetValue += v => Config.hideCommonErrors = v; var showStacktrace = menu.AddBool("Show Stacktrace", "Shows stacktrace in Output Log."); showStacktrace.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.showStacktrace); }; showStacktrace.SetValue += v => Config.showStacktrace = v; var reset = menu.AddBool("Reset Positions?", "When set to true, the Console and Output log will reset to above the player."); reset.GetValue += delegate { return(false); }; reset.SetValue += v => { if (v) { Config.consolePos = new Vector3(1, 2.5f, 0); Config.consoleRot = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0); Config.outputPos = new Vector3(0, 2.5f, 0); Config.outputRot = new Vector3(-90, 0, 0); } }; }
/// <summary> /// This is the code used to create a submenu in Beat Saber's Settings menu. /// </summary> public static void CreateSettingsUI() { //This will create a menu tab in the settings menu for your plugin var pluginSettingsSubmenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("ShowSongID"); // Example code for creating a true/false toggle button var displayBeforeAuthorToggle = pluginSettingsSubmenu.AddBool("Display Before Author", "Display the song ID before the author name."); displayBeforeAuthorToggle.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.DisplayBeforeAuthor); }; displayBeforeAuthorToggle.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { // This code is run when the toggle is toggled. Plugin.DisplayBeforeAuthor = value; }; }
private IEnumerator SetupUI() { if (initialized) { yield break; } RectTransform mainMenu = (Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <MainMenuViewController>().First().rectTransform); var downloaderSubMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Downloader"); var disableDeleteButton = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Disable delete button"); disableDeleteButton.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.disableDeleteButton); }; disableDeleteButton.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.disableDeleteButton = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var deleteToRecycleBin = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Delete to Recycle Bin"); deleteToRecycleBin.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin); }; deleteToRecycleBin.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var enableSongIcons = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Enable additional song icons"); enableSongIcons.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.enableSongIcons); }; enableSongIcons.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.enableSongIcons = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var maxSimultaneousDownloads = downloaderSubMenu.AddInt("Max simultaneous downloads", 1, 10, 1); maxSimultaneousDownloads.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.maxSimultaneousDownloads); }; maxSimultaneousDownloads.SetValue += delegate(int value) { PluginConfig.maxSimultaneousDownloads = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var fastScrollSpeed = downloaderSubMenu.AddInt("Fast scroll speed", 2, 20, 1); fastScrollSpeed.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.fastScrollSpeed); }; fastScrollSpeed.SetValue += delegate(int value) { PluginConfig.fastScrollSpeed = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; _moreSongsButton = MenuButtonUI.AddButton("More songs", "Download more songs from!", BeatSaverButtonPressed); _moreSongsButton.interactable = SongLoader.AreSongsLoaded; MenuButtonUI.AddButton("More playlists", PlaylistsButtonPressed); if (moreSongsFlowCoordinator == null) { moreSongsFlowCoordinator = new GameObject("MoreSongsFlowCoordinator").AddComponent <MoreSongsFlowCoordinator>(); } yield return(null); initialized = true; }
private IEnumerator SetupUI() { if (initialized) { yield break; } var downloaderSubMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Downloader"); var disableDeleteButton = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Disable delete button"); disableDeleteButton.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.disableDeleteButton); }; disableDeleteButton.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.disableDeleteButton = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var deleteToRecycleBin = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Delete to Recycle Bin"); deleteToRecycleBin.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin); }; deleteToRecycleBin.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.deleteToRecycleBin = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var enableSongIcons = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Enable additional song icons"); enableSongIcons.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.enableSongIcons); }; enableSongIcons.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.enableSongIcons = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var rememberLastPackAndSong = downloaderSubMenu.AddBool("Remember last pack and song"); rememberLastPackAndSong.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.rememberLastPackAndSong); }; rememberLastPackAndSong.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { PluginConfig.rememberLastPackAndSong = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var maxSimultaneousDownloads = downloaderSubMenu.AddInt("Max simultaneous downloads", 1, 10, 1); maxSimultaneousDownloads.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.maxSimultaneousDownloads); }; maxSimultaneousDownloads.SetValue += delegate(int value) { PluginConfig.maxSimultaneousDownloads = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; var fastScrollSpeed = downloaderSubMenu.AddInt("Fast scroll speed", 2, 20, 1); fastScrollSpeed.GetValue += delegate { return(PluginConfig.fastScrollSpeed); }; fastScrollSpeed.SetValue += delegate(int value) { PluginConfig.fastScrollSpeed = value; PluginConfig.SaveConfig(); }; _moreSongsButton = MenuButtonUI.AddButton("More songs", "Download more songs from!", BeatSaverButtonPressed); //bananbread songloader loaded menubutton _moreSongsButton.interactable = SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoaded; MenuButtonUI.AddButton("More playlists", PlaylistsButtonPressed); yield return(null); initialized = true; }
private void SceneManager_sceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if ( == "Menu") { var subMenuCC = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Songloader"); var colorOverrideOption = subMenuCC.AddBool("Allow Custom Song Colors"); colorOverrideOption.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("Songloader", "customSongColors", true, true)); }; colorOverrideOption.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("Songloader", "customSongColors", value); }; var platformOverrideOption = subMenuCC.AddBool("Allow Custom Song Platforms"); platformOverrideOption.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("Songloader", "customSongPlatforms", true, true)); }; platformOverrideOption.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("Songloader", "customSongPlatforms", value); }; } }
public static void Settings() { SubMenu befitSettings = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("BeFit Settings"); BoolViewController legacyMode = befitSettings.AddBool("Legacy Mode?"); legacyMode.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "legacyMode", false, true)); }; legacyMode.SetValue += delegate(bool leg) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "legacyMode", leg); }; IntViewController calCountAccuracy = befitSettings.AddInt("FPS Drop Reduction: ", 1, 45, 1); calCountAccuracy.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetInt(Plugin.alias, "caccVal", 30, true)); }; calCountAccuracy.SetValue += delegate(int acc) { ModPrefs.SetInt(Plugin.alias, "caccVal", acc); }; BoolViewController viewInGame = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Calories In Game"); viewInGame.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcig", true, true)); }; viewInGame.SetValue += delegate(bool dcig) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcig", dcig); }; BoolViewController viewCurrent = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Current Session Calories"); viewCurrent.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "csv", true, true)); }; viewCurrent.SetValue += delegate(bool csv) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "csv", csv); MenuDisplay.visibleCurrentCalories = csv; }; BoolViewController viewDaily = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Daily Calories"); viewDaily.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcv", true, true)); }; viewDaily.SetValue += delegate(bool dcv) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "dcv", dcv); MenuDisplay.visibleDailyCalories = dcv; }; BoolViewController viewLife = befitSettings.AddBool("Show All Calories"); viewLife.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lcv", false, true)); }; viewLife.SetValue += delegate(bool lcv) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "lcv", lcv); MenuDisplay.visibleLifeCalories = lcv; }; BoolViewController viewLast = befitSettings.AddBool("Show Last Song Calories"); viewLast.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool(Plugin.alias, "lgv", true, true)); }; viewLast.SetValue += delegate(bool lgv) { ModPrefs.SetBool(Plugin.alias, "lgv", lgv); MenuDisplay.visibleLastGameCalories = lgv; }; }
public static void PlayerProperties() { SubMenu fitNessCalculating = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Fitness Properties"); BoolViewController shhiWeight = fitNessCalculating.AddBool("Show weight at launch?"); shhiWeight.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.displayWeightOnLaunch); }; shhiWeight.SetValue += delegate(bool mswv) { Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.displayWeightOnLaunch = mswv; }; BoolViewController units = fitNessCalculating.AddBool("Metric Units? (Kgs, cm)"); units.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.metricUnits); }; units.SetValue += delegate(bool lork) { Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.metricUnits = lork; }; bool lbsorkgs = Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.metricUnits; if (lbsorkgs) ////Converted to kgs { IntViewController weightKGS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (kgs)", 36, 363, 1); weightKGS.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.weightKGS); }; weightKGS.SetValue += delegate(int kgs) { Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.weightKGS = kgs; }; }/////// Freedom Units else { IntViewController weightLBS = fitNessCalculating.AddInt("Weight (lbs)", 80, 800, 2); weightLBS.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.weightLBS); }; weightLBS.SetValue += delegate(int lbs) { Plugin.Instance.mainConfig.weightLBS = lbs; }; } }
public static void OnLoad() { //MenuButtonUI.AddButton("Mod Updater", () => { ModUpdater.Instance.ModUpdaterMenu.Present(); }); var menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("SyncSaber"); var autoDownload = menu.AddBool("Auto-Download Songs", "Determines if SyncSaber should download new songs or just add them to the SyncSaber playlist."); autoDownload.GetValue += () => { return(Config.AutoDownloadSongs); }; autoDownload.SetValue += (value) => { Config.AutoDownloadSongs = value; Config.Write(); }; var autoUpdate = menu.AddBool("Auto-Update Songs", "Determines if SyncSaber should update songs when you select them in the song list."); autoUpdate.GetValue += () => { return(Config.AutoUpdateSongs); }; autoUpdate.SetValue += (value) => { Config.AutoUpdateSongs = value; Config.Write(); }; var deleteOldVersions = menu.AddBool("Delete Old Songs", "Determines if SyncSaber should delete old versions of songs when auto-updating."); deleteOldVersions.GetValue += () => { return(Config.DeleteOldVersions); }; deleteOldVersions.SetValue += (value) => { Config.DeleteOldVersions = value; Config.Write(); }; var beastSaberUsername = menu.AddString("Beast Saber Username", "Your username from Note: Only required if you want SyncSaber to automatically download content from the feeds listed below."); beastSaberUsername.GetValue += () => { return(Config.BeastSaberUsername); }; beastSaberUsername.SetValue += (username) => { Config.BeastSaberUsername = username; Config.Write(); }; var downloadBookmarksFeed = menu.AddBool("Bookmarks Feed", "Determines if SyncSaber should download your BeastSaber bookmarks feed."); downloadBookmarksFeed.GetValue += () => { return(Config.SyncBookmarksFeed); }; downloadBookmarksFeed.SetValue += (value) => { Config.SyncBookmarksFeed = value; Config.Write(); }; downloadBookmarksFeed.EnabledText = "Sync"; downloadBookmarksFeed.DisabledText = "Don't Sync"; var downloadFollowingsFeed = menu.AddBool("Followings Feed", "Determines if SyncSaber should download your BeastSaber followings feed."); downloadFollowingsFeed.GetValue += () => { return(Config.SyncFollowingsFeed); }; downloadFollowingsFeed.SetValue += (value) => { Config.SyncFollowingsFeed = value; Config.Write(); }; downloadFollowingsFeed.EnabledText = "Sync"; downloadFollowingsFeed.DisabledText = "Don't Sync"; var downloadCuratorRecommendedFeed = menu.AddBool("Curator Recommended Feed", "Determines if SyncSaber should download the BeastSaber curator recommended feed."); downloadCuratorRecommendedFeed.GetValue += () => { return(Config.SyncCuratorRecommendedFeed); }; downloadCuratorRecommendedFeed.SetValue += (value) => { Config.SyncCuratorRecommendedFeed = value; Config.Write(); }; downloadCuratorRecommendedFeed.EnabledText = "Sync"; downloadCuratorRecommendedFeed.DisabledText = "Don't Sync"; }
/// <summary> /// Adds an additional submenu in the "Settings" page /// </summary> public static void CreateSettingsMenu() { SubMenu subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu(Plugin.PluginName); hmdController = subMenu.AddBool("Enable in headset", disclaimer); hmdController.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.IsHMDOn); }; hmdController.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ChangeTransparentWallState(value); Logger.log.Debug($"'Enable in headset' (IsHMDOn) in the main settings is set to '{value}'"); }; livCameraController = subMenu.AddBool("Disable in LIVCamera"); livCameraController.GetValue += delegate { return(Plugin.IsDisableInLIVCamera); }; livCameraController.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Plugin.IsDisableInLIVCamera = value; Logger.log.Debug($"'Disable in LIVCamera' (IsDisableLIVCameraWall) in the main settings is set to '{value}'"); }; }
public static void CreateSettingsUI() { var subMenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("AutoPause"); var en = subMenu.AddBool("AutoPause Enabled"); en.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "Enabled", true, true)); }; en.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "Enabled", value); }; var pq = subMenu.AddBool("FPS Pause"); pq.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSCheckerOn", false, true)); }; pq.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSCheckerOn", value); }; float[] fpsValues = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 }; var fpsThreshold = subMenu.AddList("FPS Threshold", fpsValues); fpsThreshold.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetFloat("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSThreshold", 40, true)); }; fpsThreshold.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ModPrefs.SetFloat("Auros's AutoPause", "FPSThreshold", value); }; fpsThreshold.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(string.Format("{0:0}", value)); }; }
private void SceneManager_sceneLoaded(Scene arg0, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if ( == "MenuCore") { Gamemode.Init(); modEnable = false; var settingsSubmenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("AutoPause"); var modenabled = settingsSubmenu.AddBool("AutoPause Enabled"); modenabled.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("AutoPause | Main", "Enabled", true, true)); }; modenabled.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("AutoPause | Main", "Enabled", value); }; var pausebool = settingsSubmenu.AddBool("FPS Pause"); pausebool.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("AutoPause | Main", "FPSCheckerOn", false, true)); }; pausebool.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("AutoPause | Main", "FPSCheckerOn", value); }; var voices = settingsSubmenu.AddBool("Voices"); voices.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("AutoPause | Main", "Voices", true, true)); }; voices.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { ModPrefs.SetBool("AutoPause | Main", "Voices", value); }; float[] fpsValues = { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 }; var fpsThreshold = settingsSubmenu.AddList("FPS Threshold", fpsValues); fpsThreshold.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetFloat("AutoPause | Main", "FPSThreshold", 40, true)); }; fpsThreshold.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ModPrefs.SetFloat("AutoPause | Main", "FPSThreshold", value); }; fpsThreshold.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(string.Format("{0:0}", value)); }; var reaction = settingsSubmenu.AddList("Reaction Time", numnums); reaction.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetFloat("AutoPause | Main", "ResponseTime", .2f, true)); }; reaction.SetValue += delegate(float value) { ModPrefs.SetFloat("AutoPause | Main", "ResponseTime", value); }; reaction.FormatValue += delegate(float value) { return(string.Format("{0:0.00}", value)); }; Log.AutoPause("Settings Created"); } if ( == "MenuCore" && firstTime == true) { firstTime = false; TextObject.OnLoad(); ///Despacito 2 } }
//public static string full = "Full (default)"; //public static string warm = "Warm"; //public static string cool = "Cool"; //public static string pastel = "Pastel"; //public static string dark = "Dark"; //I'll add support for all of this eventually -Auros, good start tho //public enum Spectrums //{ // full, // warm, // cool, // pastel, // dark //}; private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode arg1) { if ( == "MenuCore" && isChromaInstalled == false) { //Settings Menu Setup var subMenuCC = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Rainbow Lighting"); var disableMenu = subMenuCC.AddBool("Enabled"); disableMenu.GetValue += delegate { return(ModPrefs.GetBool("RainbowLighting", "Enabled", true, true)); }; disableMenu.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { enabled = value; ModPrefs.SetBool("RainbowLighting", "Enabled", value); }; disableMenu.EnabledText = "ON"; disableMenu.DisabledText = "OFF"; //var spectrumSelect = subMenuCC.AddList("Spectrum", new float[1] { 0 }); //spectrumSelect.FormatValue += delegate (float value) { return Spectrums[(int)value]; }; //TO DO: actual spectrum select //PlayerSettings Toggle Sprite icon = UIUtilities.LoadSpriteFromResources("RainbowLighting.Resources.icon.png"); var disableOption = GameplaySettingsUI.CreateToggleOption(GameplaySettingsPanels.PlayerSettingsRight, "Rainbow Lighting", "MainMenu", "Enable Rainbow Lighting", icon); disableOption.GetValue = ModPrefs.GetBool("RainbowLighting", "Enabled", true, true); disableOption.OnToggle += (value) => { enabled = value; ModPrefs.SetBool("RainbowLighting", "Enabled", value); }; } }
public static void OnLoad() { var menu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Enhanced Twitch Chat"); var channelName = menu.AddString("Twitch Channel Name", "The name of the channel you want Enhanced Twitch Chat to monitor"); channelName.SetValue += (channel) => { Config.Instance.TwitchChannelName = channel; }; channelName.GetValue += () => { return(Config.Instance.TwitchChannelName); }; var fontName = menu.AddString("Menu Font Name", "The name of the system font you want to use for the chat. This can be any font you've installed on your computer!"); fontName.SetValue += (font) => { Config.Instance.FontName = font; }; fontName.GetValue += () => { return(Config.Instance.FontName); }; var chatScale = menu.AddList("Chat Scale", incrementValues(0, 0.1f, 51), "The size of text and emotes in the chat."); chatScale.SetValue += (scale) => { Config.Instance.ChatScale = scale; }; chatScale.GetValue += () => { return(Config.Instance.ChatScale); }; chatScale.FormatValue += (value) => { return(value.ToString()); }; var chatWidth = menu.AddInt("Chat Width", "The width of the chat.", 100, int.MaxValue, 10); chatWidth.SetValue += (width) => { Config.Instance.ChatWidth = width; }; chatWidth.GetValue += () => { return((int)Config.Instance.ChatWidth); }; var reverseChatOrder = menu.AddBool("Reverse Chat Order", "Makes the chat scroll from top to bottom instead of bottom to top."); reverseChatOrder.SetValue += (order) => { Config.Instance.ReverseChatOrder = order; }; reverseChatOrder.GetValue += () => { return(Config.Instance.ReverseChatOrder); }; var songRequestsEnabled = menu.AddBool("Song Request Bot", "Enables song requests in chat! Click the \"Next Request\" button in the top right corner of your song list to move onto the next request!\r\n\r\n<size=60%>Use <b>!request <beatsaver-id></b> or <b>!request <song name></b> to request songs!</size>"); songRequestsEnabled.SetValue += (requests) => { Config.Instance.SongRequestBot = requests; }; songRequestsEnabled.GetValue += () => { return(Config.Instance.SongRequestBot); }; var animatedEmotes = menu.AddBool("Animated Emotes", "Enables animated BetterTwitchTV/FrankerFaceZ/Cheermotes in the chat. When disabled, these emotes will still appear but will not be animated."); animatedEmotes.SetValue += (animted) => { Config.Instance.AnimatedEmotes = animted; }; animatedEmotes.GetValue += () => { return(Config.Instance.AnimatedEmotes); }; }
public static void CreateSettingsUI() { //This will create a menu tab in the settings menu for your plugin var pluginSettingsSubmenu = SettingsUI.CreateSubMenu("Light Serial Output"); var enabled = pluginSettingsSubmenu.AddBool("Enabled"); //Fetch your initial value for the option from within the braces, or simply have it default to a value enabled.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.enabled); }; enabled.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.enabled = value; }; var chroma = pluginSettingsSubmenu.AddBool("Chroma/lite support"); chroma.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.chroma); }; chroma.SetValue += delegate(bool value) { Config.chroma = value; }; var ComPort = pluginSettingsSubmenu.AddInt("Com port", 1, 256, 1); ComPort.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.comPort); }; ComPort.SetValue += delegate(int value) { Config.comPort = value; }; var BaudRate = pluginSettingsSubmenu.AddString("Baud rate", "The Baud rate for the serial signal (Must be a intenger)."); BaudRate.GetValue += delegate { return(Config.baudRate.ToString()); }; BaudRate.SetValue += delegate(string value) { int x = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(value, out x)) { Config.baudRate = x; } else { Config.baudRate = 250000; } }; }