protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { readCancelTokenSource?.Cancel(); port?.DiscardInBuffer(); port?.DiscardOutBuffer(); port?.Close(); port?.Dispose(); } disposedValue = true; } }
public string ExecCommand(SerialPort port, string command, int responseTimeout, string errorMessage) { try { port.DiscardOutBuffer(); port.DiscardInBuffer(); port.Write(command + "\r"); return "Success"; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void request_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { var worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender; worker.ReportProgress(0); ClsComSettingMain clsComSettingMain = (ClsComSettingMain)e.Argument; string comPort = clsComSettingMain.comport; int baudRate = clsComSettingMain.baudRate; if (comPort != null && baudRate != 0) { SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(comPort, baudRate); serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(process_DoWorkHandler); serialPort.Open(); while (true) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { worker.ReportProgress(100); e.Cancel = true; break; } else { serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); // Eingangspuffer leeren serialPort.Write(adv_request, 0, 3); // Write byte array to serial port, with no offset, all 3 bytes } } } }
internal void ClearBuffers() { _port?.DiscardInBuffer(); _port?.DiscardOutBuffer(); }
private void BUT_getcurrent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort = new SerialPort(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.ReadTimeout = 4000; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } lbl_status.Text = "Connecting"; if (doConnect(comPort)) { // cleanup doCommand(comPort, "AT&T"); comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI & RTI"; ATI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "ATI"); RTI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "RTI"); uploader.Uploader.Code freq = (uploader.Uploader.Code)Enum.Parse(typeof(uploader.Uploader.Code), doCommand(comPort, "ATI3")); uploader.Uploader.Code board = (uploader.Uploader.Code)Enum.Parse(typeof(uploader.Uploader.Code), doCommand(comPort, "ATI2")); ATI3.Text = freq.ToString(); // 8 and 9 if (freq == uploader.Uploader.Code.FREQ_915) { S8.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); RS8.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); S9.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); RS9.DataSource = Range(895000, 1000, 935000); } else if (freq == uploader.Uploader.Code.FREQ_433) { S8.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); RS8.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); S9.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); RS9.DataSource = Range(414000, 100, 454000); } else if (freq == uploader.Uploader.Code.FREQ_868) { S8.DataSource = Range(849000, 1000, 889000); RS8.DataSource = Range(849000, 1000, 889000); S9.DataSource = Range(849000, 1000, 889000); RS9.DataSource = Range(849000, 1000, 889000); } if (board == uploader.Uploader.Code.DEVICE_ID_RFD900 || board == uploader.Uploader.Code.DEVICE_ID_RFD900A) { S4.DataSource = Range(1, 1, 30); RS4.DataSource = Range(1, 1, 30); } RSSI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "ATI7").Trim(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI5"; string answer = doCommand(comPort, "ATI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find(values[0].Trim(), true); if (controls.Length > 0) { controls[0].Enabled = true; if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked = values[2].Trim() == "1"; } else { controls[0].Text = values[2].Trim(); } } } } } // remote foreach (Control ctl in groupBox2.Controls) { if (ctl.Name.StartsWith("RS") && ctl.Name != "RSSI") ctl.ResetText(); } comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command RTI5"; answer = doCommand(comPort, "RTI5"); items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find("R" + values[0].Trim(), true); if (controls.Length == 0) continue; controls[0].Enabled = true; if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked = values[2].Trim() == "1"; } else if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) { ((TextBox)controls[0]).Text = values[2].Trim(); } else if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(ComboBox)) { ((ComboBox)controls[0]).Text = values[2].Trim(); } } else { log.Info("Odd config line :" + item); } } } // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Done"; } else { // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Fail"; CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to enter command mode"); } comPort.Close(); BUT_Syncoptions.Enabled = true; BUT_savesettings.Enabled = true; }
public override void DiscardInBuffer() { port?.DiscardInBuffer(); }
private void cleanConnection() { serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Log("{json:scada} IEC60870-5-101 Driver - Copyright 2020 RLO"); Log("Driver version " + DriverVersion); Log("Using lib60870.NET version " + LibraryCommon.GetLibraryVersionString()); if (args.Length > 0) // first argument in number of the driver instance { int num; bool res = int.TryParse(args[0], out num); if (res) { ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber = num; } } if (args.Length > 1) // second argument is logLevel { int num; bool res = int.TryParse(args[1], out num); if (res) { LogLevel = num; } } string fname = JsonConfigFilePath; if (args.Length > 2) // third argument is config file name { if (File.Exists(args[2])) { fname = args[2]; } } if (!File.Exists(fname)) { fname = JsonConfigFilePathAlt; } if (!File.Exists(fname)) { Log("Missing config file " + JsonConfigFilePath); Environment.Exit(-1); } Log("Reading config file " + fname); string json = File.ReadAllText(fname); JSConfig = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <JSONSCADAConfig>(json); if ( JSConfig.mongoConnectionString == "" || JSConfig.mongoConnectionString == null ) { Log("Missing MongoDB connection string in JSON config file " + fname); Environment.Exit(-1); } // Log("MongoDB connection string: " + JSConfig.mongoConnectionString); if ( JSConfig.mongoDatabaseName == "" || JSConfig.mongoDatabaseName == null ) { Log("Missing MongoDB database name in JSON config file " + fname); Environment.Exit(-1); } Log("MongoDB database name: " + JSConfig.mongoDatabaseName); if (JSConfig.nodeName == "" || JSConfig.nodeName == null) { Log("Missing nodeName parameter in JSON config file " + fname); Environment.Exit(-1); } Log("Node name: " + JSConfig.nodeName); // connect to MongoDB Database server var Client = ConnectMongoClient(JSConfig); var DB = Client.GetDatabase(JSConfig.mongoDatabaseName); // read and process instances configuration var collinsts = DB .GetCollection <protocolDriverInstancesClass >(ProtocolDriverInstancesCollectionName); var instances = collinsts .Find(inst => inst.protocolDriver == ProtocolDriverName && inst.protocolDriverInstanceNumber == ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber && inst.enabled == true) .ToList(); var foundInstance = false; foreach (protocolDriverInstancesClass inst in instances) { if ( ProtocolDriverName == inst.protocolDriver && ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber == inst.protocolDriverInstanceNumber ) { foundInstance = true; if (!inst.enabled) { Log("Driver instance [" + ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber.ToString() + "] disabled!"); Environment.Exit(-1); } Log("Instance: " + inst.protocolDriverInstanceNumber.ToString()); var nodefound = false; foreach (var name in inst.nodeNames) { if (JSConfig.nodeName == name) { nodefound = true; } } if (!nodefound) { Log("Node '" + JSConfig.nodeName + "' not found in instances configuration!"); Environment.Exit(-1); } DriverInstance = inst; break; } break; // process just first result } if (!foundInstance) { Log("Driver instance [" + ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber + "] not found in configuration!"); Environment.Exit(-1); } // read and process connections configuration for this driver instance var collconns = DB .GetCollection <IEC10X_connection>(ProtocolConnectionsCollectionName); var conns = collconns .Find(conn => conn.protocolDriver == ProtocolDriverName && conn.protocolDriverInstanceNumber == ProtocolDriverInstanceNumber && conn.enabled == true) .ToList(); foreach (IEC10X_connection isrv in conns) { IEC10Xconns.Add(isrv); Log( + " - New Connection"); } if (IEC10Xconns.Count == 0) { Log("No connections found!"); Environment.Exit(-1); } // start thread to process redundancy control Thread thrMongoRedundacy = new Thread(() => ProcessRedundancyMongo(JSConfig)); thrMongoRedundacy.Start(); // start thread to update acquired data to database Thread thrMongo = new Thread(() => ProcessMongo(JSConfig)); thrMongo.Start(); // start thread to watch for commands in the database using a change stream Thread thrMongoCmd = new Thread(() => ProcessMongoCmd(JSConfig)); thrMongoCmd.Start(); Log("Setting up IEC Connections & ASDU handlers..."); int cntIecSrv = 0; foreach (IEC10X_connection srv in IEC10Xconns) { TcpClientVirtualSerialPort virtualPort = null; SerialPort port = null; if (srv.portName.Contains(":")) { var hostport = srv.portName.Split(":"); virtualPort = new TcpClientVirtualSerialPort(hostport[0], System.Convert.ToInt32(hostport[1])); if (LogLevel >= LogLevelDebug) { virtualPort.DebugOutput = true; } virtualPort.Start(); } else { port = new SerialPort(); port.PortName = srv.portName; port.BaudRate = srv.baudRate; switch (srv.parity.ToLower()) { default: // Even is the starndard parity for 101 case "even": port.Parity = Parity.Even; break; case "none": port.Parity = Parity.None; break; case "odd": port.Parity = Parity.Odd; break; case "mark": port.Parity = Parity.Mark; break; case "space": port.Parity = Parity.Space; break; } switch (srv.stopBits.ToLower()) { default: case "one": port.StopBits = StopBits.One; break; case "one5": case "onepointfive": port.StopBits = StopBits.OnePointFive; break; case "two": port.StopBits = StopBits.Two; break; } switch (srv.handshake.ToLower()) { default: case "none": port.Handshake = Handshake.None; break; case "xon": case "xonxoff": port.Handshake = Handshake.XOnXOff; break; case "rts": case "requesttosend": port.Handshake = Handshake.RequestToSend; break; case "rtsxon": case "requesttosendxonxoff": port.Handshake = Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff; break; } port.Open(); port.DiscardInBuffer(); } LinkLayerParameters llParameters = new LinkLayerParameters(); llParameters.AddressLength = srv.sizeOfLinkAddress; llParameters.TimeoutForACK = srv.timeoutForACK; llParameters.TimeoutRepeat = srv.timeoutRepeat; llParameters.UseSingleCharACK = srv.useSingleCharACK; ApplicationLayerParameters alpars = new ApplicationLayerParameters(); alpars.SizeOfCOT = srv.sizeOfCOT; alpars.SizeOfCA = srv.sizeOfCA; alpars.SizeOfIOA = srv.sizeOfIOA; alpars.OA = srv.localLinkAddress; CS101Master master; if (port != null) { Log("Serial Port: " + srv.portName); master = new CS101Master(port, LinkLayerMode.UNBALANCED, llParameters, alpars); } else { Log("Virtual Serial Port: " + srv.portName); master = new CS101Master(virtualPort, LinkLayerMode.UNBALANCED, llParameters, alpars); } // master.OwnAddress = srv.localLinkAddress; master.SetTimeouts(srv.timeoutMessage, srv.timeoutCharacter); master.AddSlave(srv.remoteLinkAddress); master.SlaveAddress = srv.remoteLinkAddress; srv.master = master; srv.CntGI = srv.giInterval - 5; srv.CntTestCommand = srv.testCommandInterval - 2; srv.CntTimeSync = srv.timeSyncInterval; if (LogLevel >= LogLevelDebug) { master.DebugOutput = true; } master.SetASDUReceivedHandler(AsduReceivedHandlerPre, cntIecSrv); master.SetLinkLayerStateChangedHandler(linkLayerStateChanged, cntIecSrv); master.SetReceivedRawMessageHandler(rcvdRawMessageHandler, cntIecSrv); master.Start(); // create timer to increment counters each second srv.TimerCnt = new System.Timers.Timer(); srv.TimerCnt.Interval = 1000; srv.TimerCnt.Elapsed += (sender, e) => MyElapsedMethod(sender, e, srv);
private void DataCatch2(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { mControl.공용함수.timedelay(30); int Length = SerialPort2.BytesToRead; AdReadTimeFirst2 = mControl.공용함수.timeGetTimems(); AdReadTimeLast2 = mControl.공용함수.timeGetTimems(); if (Length == 0) { SerialPort2.DiscardInBuffer(); return; } byte[] buffer = new byte[Length + 10]; SerialPort2.Read(buffer, 0, Length); if (13 < Length) { Length = 13; } if ((0 < buffer[0]) && (buffer[1] == READ_COMMAND) && (0 < buffer[2])) { float Value; short Value1; short Value2; int Point; float Point1; //ushort Data; ushort crc16; byte crc16_high, crc16_low; unchecked //overflow 검출하지 않는다. 여산중 overflow가 발생하더라도 무시한다. { crc16 = CRC16(buffer, Length - 2); crc16_high = (byte)((crc16 >> 0) & 0x00ff); crc16_low = (byte)((crc16 >> 8) & 0x00ff); if (crc16_high == buffer[Length - 2] && crc16_low == buffer[Length - 1]) { Value1 = (short)((buffer[3] << 8) & 0xff00); Value2 = (short)((buffer[4] << 0) & 0x00ff); Value = Value1 | Value2; Point = (int)(((byte)buffer[6] << 0) & 0x00ff); if (Point <= 7) { Point1 = (float)(Math.Pow(10.0, (double)Point)); if ((0 < Point1) && (Point1 < 10000.0)) { Value = (float)Value / Point1; } else { Value = (float)0.0; } } else { Value = (float)0.0; } //if (mControl.GetConfig.CURR_ID == buffer[0]) // Curr = Value; //else if (mControl.GetConfig.PSEAT_ID == buffer[0]) // PSeat = Value; PanelMeterReadPos2++; if (1 < PanelMeterReadPos2) { PanelMeterReadPos2 = 0; } MessageDisplayFlag2 = false; } } return; } SerialPort2.DiscardInBuffer(); } catch { } finally { } return; }
public void DiscardInBuffer() { serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); }
public void PurgeQueue() { serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer(); Reply = ""; }
private void VerirfyXOnXOffBufferFull(SerialPort com1, SerialPort com2) { int com1BaudRate = com1.BaudRate; int com2BaudRate = com2.BaudRate; int com1ReadBufferSize = com1.ReadBufferSize; bool com2RtsEnable = com2.RtsEnable; int bufferSize = com1.ReadBufferSize; int upperLimit = bufferSize - 1024; int lowerLimit = 1024; byte[] bytes = new byte[upperLimit]; int byteRead; try { //Set the BaudRate to something faster so that it does not take so long to fill up the buffer com1.BaudRate = 115200; com2.BaudRate = 115200; if (com1.Handshake == Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff) { com2.RtsEnable = true; com1.Write("foo"); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); com2.DiscardInBuffer(); } //Write 1 less byte then when the XOff character would be sent com2.Write(bytes, 0, upperLimit - 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsXOnXOff(com1)) { if (com2.BytesToRead != 0) { Fail("Err_81919aniee Did not expect anything to be sent"); } } else { if (com2.BytesToRead != 0) { Fail("Err_5258aieodpo Did not expect anything to be sent com2.BytesToRead={0}", com2.BytesToRead); } } //Write the byte and verify the XOff character was sent as appropriately com2.Write(bytes, 0, 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsXOnXOff(com1)) { if (com2.BytesToRead != 1) { Fail("Err_12558aoed Expected XOff to be sent and nothing was sent"); } else if (XOnOff.XOFF != (byteRead = com2.ReadByte())) { Fail("Err_0188598aoepad Expected XOff to be sent actually sent={0}", byteRead); } } else { if (com2.BytesToRead != 0) { Fail("Err_2258ajoe Did not expect anything to be sent"); } } //Read 1 less byte then when the XOn char would be sent com1.Read(bytes, 0, (upperLimit - lowerLimit) - 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsXOnXOff(com1)) { if (com2.BytesToRead != 0) { Fail("Err_22808aiuepa Did not expect anything to be sent"); } } else { if (com2.BytesToRead != 0) { Fail("Err_12508aieap Did not expect anything to be sent"); } } //Read the byte and verify the XOn char is sent as appropriately com1.Read(bytes, 0, 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsXOnXOff(com1)) { if (com2.BytesToRead != 1) { Fail("Err_6887518adizpa Expected XOn to be sent and nothing was sent"); } else if (XOnOff.XON != (byteRead = com2.ReadByte())) { Fail("Err_58145auead Expected XOn to be sent actually sent={0}", byteRead); } } else { if (com2.BytesToRead != 0) { Fail("Err_256108aipeg Did not expect anything to be sent"); } } } finally { //Rollback any changed that were made to the SerialPort com1.BaudRate = com1BaudRate; com2.BaudRate = com2BaudRate; com1.DiscardInBuffer(); com2.DiscardInBuffer(); com2.RtsEnable = com2RtsEnable; } }
///<summary> /// 设置UT351 /// </summary> /// <param name="ZD">栈号</param> /// <param name="CMD">命令字符 SV:设定值 BS:误差值 OUT:输出值 MOD:模式(1、手动)</param> /// <param name="ZValue">设置的值</param> /// <param name="SDP">小数位数</param> private void Set(int ZD, string CMD, double ZValue, int SDP) { // SH:最大值 SL:最小值 DR:方向 OUT:输入值 MOD:模式(1、手动) lock (_lock) { #region UT351 char STX, ETX, CR, LF; string ZDD, ZB; STX = (char)2; ETX = (char)3; CR = (char)13; LF = (char)10; //ESC = (char)27; ZDD = string.Format("{0:00}", (ZD % 100)); int temp = Convert.ToInt32(ZValue * Math.Pow(10, SDP)); temp = temp < 0 ? temp + 65536 : temp; ZB = string.Format("{0:X}", temp); ZB = ZB.Length > 4 ? ZB.Substring(ZB.Length - 4, 4) : ZB.PadLeft(4, '0'); switch (CMD) { case "SV": ZB = "WWRD2101,01," + ZB; break; //case "SH": // ZB = "WWRD5104,01," + ZB; // break; //case "SL": // ZB = "WWRD5105,01," + ZB; // break; case "DR": //方向 0,1 ZB = "WWRD0257,01," + ZB; break; case "BS": ZB = "WWRD2901,01," + ZB; break; case "OUT": //1位小数,手动模式下 ZB = "WWRD0217,01," + ZB; break; case "MOD": //1手动0自动 ZB = "WWRD0201,01," + ZB; break; case "P": //1位小数,和设定值小数位没有关系 ZB = "WWRD0306,01," + ZB; break; case "I": //1位小数,和设定值小数位没有关系 ZB = "WWRD0307,01," + ZB; break; case "D": //1位小数,和设定值小数位没有关系 ZB = "WWRD0308,01," + ZB; break; case "SDP": //仪表显示小数位温度2位,流量1位,设定小数位后再设定最大最小值 ZB = "WWRD1206,01," + ZB; break; case "SH": //最大值 ZB = "WWRD1207,01," + ZB; break; case "SL": //最小值 ZB = "WWRD1208,01," + ZB; break; } ZB = STX + ZDD + "010" + ZB + ETX + CR + LF; if (!_port.IsOpen) { _port.Open(); } _port.DiscardInBuffer(); _port.DiscardOutBuffer(); _port.Write(ZB); int startTick = Environment.TickCount; while (_port.BytesToRead < 9 && Environment.TickCount - startTick < 150) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } _port.Close(); #endregion } }
private void VerirfyRTSBufferFull(SerialPort com1, SerialPort com2) { int com1BaudRate = com1.BaudRate; int com2BaudRate = com2.BaudRate; int com1ReadBufferSize = com1.ReadBufferSize; int bufferSize = com1.ReadBufferSize; int upperLimit = (3 * bufferSize) / 4; int lowerLimit = bufferSize / 4; byte[] bytes = new byte[upperLimit]; try { //Set the BaudRate to something faster so that it does not take so long to fill up the buffer com1.BaudRate = 115200; com2.BaudRate = 115200; //Write 1 less byte then when the RTS pin would be cleared com2.Write(bytes, 0, upperLimit - 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsRequestToSend(com1)) { if (!com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_548458ahiede Expected RTS to be set"); } } else { if (com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_028538aieoz Expected RTS to be cleared"); } } //Write the byte and verify the RTS pin is cleared appropriately com2.Write(bytes, 0, 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsRequestToSend(com1)) { if (com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_508845aueid Expected RTS to be cleared"); } } else { if (com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_48848ajeoid Expected RTS to be set"); } } //Read 1 less byte then when the RTS pin would be set com1.Read(bytes, 0, (upperLimit - lowerLimit) - 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsRequestToSend(com1)) { if (com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_952085aizpea Expected RTS to be cleared"); } } else { if (com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_725527ahjiuzp Expected RTS to be set"); } } //Read the byte and verify the RTS pin is set appropriately com1.Read(bytes, 0, 1); Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); if (IsRequestToSend(com1)) { if (!com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_652820aopea Expected RTS to be set"); } } else { if (com2.CtsHolding) { Fail("Err_35585ajuei Expected RTS to be cleared"); } } } finally { //Rollback any changed that were made to the SerialPort com1.BaudRate = com1BaudRate; com2.BaudRate = com2BaudRate; com1.DiscardInBuffer();//This can cuase the XOn character to be sent to com2. Thread.Sleep(DEFAULT_WAIT_AFTER_READ_OR_WRITE); com2.DiscardInBuffer(); } }
private void VerifyXOnXOffHandshake(SerialPort com1, SerialPort com2) { bool origRtsEnable = com2.RtsEnable; Random rndGen = new Random(); byte[] xmitXOnBytes = new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE_XON_XOFF]; byte[] xmitXOffBytes = new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE_XON_XOFF]; try { com2.RtsEnable = true; for (int i = 0; i < xmitXOnBytes.Length; i++) { byte rndByte; do { rndByte = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256); } while (rndByte == 17 || rndByte == 19); xmitXOnBytes[i] = rndByte; } for (int i = 0; i < xmitXOffBytes.Length; i++) { byte rndByte; do { rndByte = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256); } while (rndByte == 17 || rndByte == 19); xmitXOffBytes[i] = rndByte; } int XOnIndex = rndGen.Next(0, xmitXOnBytes.Length); int XOffIndex = rndGen.Next(0, xmitXOffBytes.Length); xmitXOnBytes[XOnIndex] = (byte)17; xmitXOffBytes[XOffIndex] = (byte)19; Debug.WriteLine("XOnIndex={0} XOffIndex={1}", XOnIndex, XOffIndex); com2.Write(xmitXOnBytes, 0, xmitXOnBytes.Length); com2.Write(xmitXOnBytes, 0, xmitXOnBytes.Length); while (true) { try { com1.ReadByte(); } catch (TimeoutException) { break; } } try { com1.Write(new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE], 0, s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE); } catch (TimeoutException) { Fail("Err_2357pquaz!!! TimeoutException thrown after XOn char sent and CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } com2.Write(xmitXOffBytes, 0, xmitXOffBytes.Length); while (true) { try { com1.ReadByte(); } catch (TimeoutException) { break; } } try { com1.Write(new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE], 0, s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE); if (Handshake.XOnXOff == com1.Handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == com1.Handshake) { Fail("Err_1349znpq!!! TimeoutException NOT thrown after XOff char sent and CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } catch (TimeoutException) { if (Handshake.XOnXOff != com1.Handshake && Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff != com1.Handshake) { Fail("Err_2507pqzhn!!! TimeoutException thrown after XOff char sent and CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } com2.Write(xmitXOnBytes, 0, xmitXOnBytes.Length); while (true) { try { com1.ReadByte(); } catch (TimeoutException) { break; } } try { com1.Write(new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE], 0, s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE); } catch (TimeoutException) { Fail("Err_2570aqpa!!! TimeoutException thrown after XOn char sent and CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } finally { com2.RtsEnable = origRtsEnable; com2.DiscardInBuffer(); } }
private void VerifyRTSXOnXOffHandshake(SerialPort com1, SerialPort com2) { bool origRtsEnable = com2.RtsEnable; Random rndGen = new Random(); byte[] xmitXOnBytes = new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE_XON_XOFF]; byte[] xmitXOffBytes = new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE_XON_XOFF]; try { for (int i = 0; i < xmitXOnBytes.Length; i++) { byte rndByte; do { rndByte = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256); } while (rndByte == 17 || rndByte == 19); xmitXOnBytes[i] = rndByte; } for (int i = 0; i < xmitXOffBytes.Length; i++) { byte rndByte; do { rndByte = (byte)rndGen.Next(0, 256); } while (rndByte == 17 || rndByte == 19); xmitXOffBytes[i] = rndByte; } xmitXOnBytes[rndGen.Next(0, xmitXOnBytes.Length)] = (byte)17; xmitXOffBytes[rndGen.Next(0, xmitXOffBytes.Length)] = (byte)19; com2.RtsEnable = false; com2.Write(xmitXOffBytes, 0, xmitXOffBytes.Length); com2.Write(xmitXOnBytes, 0, xmitXOnBytes.Length); while (true) { try { com1.ReadByte(); } catch (TimeoutException) { break; } } try { com1.Write(new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE], 0, s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE); if (Handshake.RequestToSend == com1.Handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == com1.Handshake) { Fail("Err_1253aasyo!!! TimeoutException NOT thrown after XOff and XOn char sent when CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } catch (TimeoutException) { if (Handshake.RequestToSend != com1.Handshake && Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff != com1.Handshake) { Fail("Err_51390awi!!! TimeoutException thrown after XOff and XOn char sent when CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } com2.Write(xmitXOffBytes, 0, xmitXOffBytes.Length); com2.RtsEnable = false; com2.RtsEnable = true; while (true) { try { com1.ReadByte(); } catch (TimeoutException) { break; } } try { com1.Write(new byte[s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE], 0, s_DEFAULT_BYTE_SIZE); if (Handshake.XOnXOff == com1.Handshake || Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff == com1.Handshake) { Fail("Err_2457awez!!! TimeoutException NOT thrown after RTSEnable set to false then true when CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } catch (TimeoutException) { if (Handshake.XOnXOff != com1.Handshake && Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff != com1.Handshake) { Fail("Err_3240aw4er!!! TimeoutException thrown RTSEnable set to false then true when CtsHolding={0} with Handshake={1}", com1.CtsHolding, com1.Handshake); } } com2.Write(xmitXOnBytes, 0, xmitXOnBytes.Length); while (true) { try { com1.ReadByte(); } catch (TimeoutException) { break; } } } finally { com2.RtsEnable = origRtsEnable; com2.DiscardInBuffer(); } }
private void BUT_savesettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort = new SerialPort(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.ReadTimeout = 4000; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } lbl_status.Text = "Connecting"; if (doConnect(comPort)) { comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command"; if (RTI.Text != "") { // remote string answer = doCommand(comPort, "RTI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find("R" + values[0].Trim(), false); if (controls.Length > 0) { if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { string value = ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked ? "1" : "0"; if (value != values[2].Trim()) { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "RT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + value + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } else { if (controls[0].Text != values[2].Trim() && controls[0].Text != "") { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "RT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + controls[0].Text + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } } } } } // write it doCommand(comPort, "RT&W"); // return to normal mode doCommand(comPort, "RTZ"); Sleep(100); } comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); { //local string answer = doCommand(comPort, "ATI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find(values[0].Trim(), false); if (controls.Length > 0) { if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { string value = ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked ? "1" : "0"; if (value != values[2].Trim()) { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "AT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + value + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } else { if (controls[0].Text != values[2].Trim()) { string cmdanswer = doCommand(comPort, "AT" + values[0].Trim() + "=" + controls[0].Text + "\r"); if (cmdanswer.Contains("OK")) { } else { CustomMessageBox.Show("Set Command error"); } } } } } } } // write it doCommand(comPort, "AT&W"); // return to normal mode doCommand(comPort, "ATZ"); } lbl_status.Text = "Done"; } else { // return to normal mode doCommand(comPort, "ATZ"); lbl_status.Text = "Fail"; CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to enter command mode"); } comPort.Close(); }
public void Read() { int read_count=0; if (debug) Console.WriteLine("Cserial:Read()\n"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1);//wait and for other // try { _serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); }catch(Exception e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } this.read_status = SerialStatus.ReadStart;//start while (Cserial._continue) { try { if (data_type == 0) { read_message = _serialPort.ReadLine(); read_deal(); } else { try { read_count = this._serialPort.BytesToRead; if (read_count < 1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(this.read_sleep);//wait and for other continue; } } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); break; }//InvalidOperationException if (read_count > buffer_len - this.index) { if (this.index - this.deal_index > Cdata.min_len) read_deal(); if (buffer_len - this.index < buffer_len / 2) this.adjust_buffer(); read_count = buffer_len - this.index; } try//_serialPort.Read { read_byte_count = _serialPort.Read(this.read_buffer, this.index, read_count); this.index += read_byte_count; while (this.cdata.in_deal) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1);//wait and for other thread read_deal(); } catch (ArgumentNullException e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); break; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } catch (ArgumentException e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());} catch (TimeoutException e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } }//else }catch (Exception e) { if (this.debug) Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } this.read_status = SerialStatus.ReadEnd; }
private static void Port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { Thread.Sleep(5000); //int bytesToRead = port.BytesToRead; //byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesToRead]; // port.Read(buffer, 0, bytesToRead); //string data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer); string data = port.ReadLine(); port.DiscardOutBuffer(); port.DiscardInBuffer(); Console.WriteLine("data: " + data); Dictionary <string, object> returnDict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); returnDict.Add("deviceID", DEVICEID); returnDict.Add("timesent", DateTime.Now); foreach (var item in data.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { string[] splitBursch = item.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splitBursch[0] == "noisevalues") { //string[] valuesSplit = splitBursch[1].Split(new char[] { '_' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //double[] valuesDouble = new double[valuesSplit.Length]; //for (int i = 0; i < valuesSplit.Length; i++) //{ // if (Double.TryParse(valuesSplit[i], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, formatInfo, out double res1)) // { // valuesDouble[i] = res1; // } //} //var templist = valuesDouble.ToList(); //templist.Sort(); //valuesDouble = templist.ToArray(); //(double quartil1, double median, double quartil3) = Quartiles(valuesDouble); //returnDict.Add("noisequartal1", quartil1); //returnDict.Add("noisemedian", median); //returnDict.Add("noisequartal3", quartil3); } else if (Double.TryParse(splitBursch[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, formatInfo, out double res)) { returnDict.Add(splitBursch[0], res); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed parsing to double: '" + splitBursch[1] + "' at property '" + splitBursch[0] + "'"); Console.WriteLine("At data: " + data); } } Console.WriteLine(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnDict)); if (returnDict.Count > 7) { SendToApi(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(returnDict)); } else { Console.WriteLine("Sending was cancelled due to weird values in dictionary"); } } catch (Exception er) { Console.WriteLine("*************************"); Console.WriteLine(er.Message); Console.WriteLine("*************************"); } }
void Update() { if (sp.IsOpen) { //read from the COM Port string inData = sp.ReadLine(); //Debug.Log("Arduino==>" + inData); //must have these lines for when the arduino sends faster than the readTimeout sp.BaseStream.Flush(); sp.DiscardInBuffer(); if (inData != "") //throw out empty data //DATA FORMAT: //"RVw,RVx,RVy,RVz,Ax,Ay,Az\n" no spaces, newline character at the end //parse the data into an array of strings { data = inData.Split(','); /* * Debug.Log("Data: "); * foreach (var item in data) * { * Debug.Log(item); * } * Debug.Log("End Data"); */ //Debug.Log("0: " + data[0] + " 1: " + data[1] + " 2: " + data[2] + "3: " + data[3]); //initialize starting orientation after a waiting period /* * if (setInitialOrientationCount > 1000 && !initialized) //wait for 1000 frames to pass- about 1 sec * { * initialOrientation = new Quaternion(float.Parse(data[3]), -float.Parse(data[0]), -float.Parse(data[1]), -float.Parse(data[2])); * * initialized = true; * } * else * { * setInitialOrientationCount++; * } */ //create quaternions from incoming orientation data. Constructor: Quaternion, x, y, z, w) //parse out erroneous data (experimentally found) if (data.Length < 7 || data[3] == "nan" || float.Parse(data[0]) > 2) { //Debug.Log("Incorrect data was sent."); } else //data is correct and complete, continue to pass that on to the target { //write to a file // Set a variable to the Documents path. string docPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); //Append text to an existing file named "outputData.txt". using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(docPath, "outputData.txt"), true)) { outputFile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss") + "- Qw: " + data[0] + " Qx: " + data[1] + " Qy: " + data[2] + " Qz: " + data[3] + "Ax: " + data[4] + " Ay: " + data[5] + " Az: " + data[6]); } //transform orientation! Quaternion newQuat = new Quaternion(float.Parse(data[0]), float.Parse(data[3]), -float.Parse(data[2]), -float.Parse(data[1])); //out-of-orderness and negatives are to align the rotation movement with the cursor object target.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Normalize(newQuat); //normalize, then update orientation // target.transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(Quaternion.Normalize(newQuat), Quaternion.Normalize(homeOrientation), 90) //transform positioning target.transform.position = target.transform.position + new Vector3(prevVel.x * Time.deltaTime + ((1 / 2) * float.Parse(data[4]) * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime), prevVel.y * Time.deltaTime + ((1 / 2) * float.Parse(data[5]) * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime), prevVel.z * Time.deltaTime + ((1 / 2) * float.Parse(data[6]) * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime)); //multiply accel by delta time to get velocity, then store that for the next frame to use prevVel.x = float.Parse(data[4]) * Time.deltaTime; prevVel.y = float.Parse(data[5]) * Time.deltaTime; prevVel.z = float.Parse(data[6]) * Time.deltaTime; } } } else //serial port is not open { Debug.LogError("Serial port: " + sp.PortName + " is unavailable"); } }
// Use this for initialization public static void Init() { handPortL = new SerialPort("\\\\.\\COM255", 115200); handPortR = new SerialPort("\\\\.\\COM256", 115200); if (!handPortL.IsOpen) { try { handPortL.Open(); handPortL.BaudRate = 115200; handPortL.WriteLine("H2"); //confirm which hand is which handPortL.DiscardOutBuffer(); handPortL.DiscardInBuffer(); var i = 1; Console.WriteLine("!!! COM PORTS Left Did Open " + i + " times !!!"); i++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not open comport for hands" + e); } } if (!handPortR.IsOpen) { try { handPortR.Open(); handPortR.BaudRate = 115200; //stable handPortR.WriteLine("H1"); handPortR.DiscardOutBuffer(); handPortR.DiscardInBuffer(); var i = 1; Console.WriteLine("!!! COM PORTS Right Did Open " + i + " times !!!"); i++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Could not open comport for hands" + e); } } try { Console.WriteLine("Try Start Ran "); handPortL.WriteLine("500,500,500,500"); //change to write? handPortR.WriteLine("500,500,500,500"); handPortL.DiscardOutBuffer(); handPortL.DiscardInBuffer(); handPortR.DiscardOutBuffer(); handPortR.DiscardInBuffer(); var i = 1; Console.WriteLine("Wrote to L and R " + i + " Times"); i++; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Stuff sucks on start " + e); } }
/// <summary> /// Verify if the serial port is opened and opens it if necessary /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if port is opened, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="portSpeed">Port speed.</param> public static bool checkOpen(int portSpeed = 9600) { if (s_serial == null) { string portName = GetPortName (); if (portName == "") { print ("Error: Couldn't find serial port."); return false; } else { if (s_debug) print("Opening serial port: " + portName); } s_serial = new SerialPort (portName, portSpeed); s_serial.Open (); //print ("default ReadTimeout: " + s_serial.ReadTimeout); //s_serial.ReadTimeout = 10; // clear input buffer from previous garbage s_serial.DiscardInBuffer (); } return s_serial.IsOpen; }
/// <summary> /// 标准模块初始化 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回初始化是否成功</returns> public bool StandarBoardInit() { if (cMain.isDebug) { mStandarBoardInit = true; return(true); } byte[] WriteBuff = new byte[10]; //发送数据 byte[] ReadBuff = new byte[20]; //接收数据 int ReturnByte = 0; //返回数据 bool IsReturn = false; //是否成功返回 bool IsTimeOut = false; //是否超时 DateTime NowTime = DateTime.Now; //当前时间 TimeSpan ts; //时间差 byte CrcHi = 0, CrcLo = 0; //CRC校验 try { if (!comPort.IsOpen) { comPort.Open(); } WriteBuff[0] = (byte)(_StandarModebusAddress & 0xFF); WriteBuff[1] = 0x03; WriteBuff[2] = 0x00; WriteBuff[3] = 0x01; WriteBuff[4] = 0x00; WriteBuff[5] = 0x01; cMain.CRC_16(WriteBuff, 6, ref CrcLo, ref CrcHi); WriteBuff[6] = CrcLo; WriteBuff[7] = CrcHi; comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); comPort.Write(WriteBuff, 0, 8); NowTime = DateTime.Now; do { //System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); if (comPort.BytesToRead >= WriteBuff[5] * 2 + 5)//收到数据 { ReturnByte = comPort.BytesToRead; IsReturn = true; } ts = DateTime.Now - NowTime; if (ts.TotalMilliseconds > timeOut)//时间超时 { IsTimeOut = true; } } while (!IsReturn && !IsTimeOut); if (!IsReturn && IsTimeOut)//超时 { if (ErrStr.IndexOf("接收数据已超时") < 0) { ErrStr = ErrStr + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ",StandarBoardInit," + "初始失败,接收数据已超时" + (char)13 + (char)10; } return(false); } else { comPort.Read(ReadBuff, 0, ReturnByte); if ((ReadBuff[0] != WriteBuff[0]) || (ReadBuff[1] != WriteBuff[1]))//数据检验失败 { if (ErrStr.IndexOf("接收数据错误") < 0) { ErrStr = ErrStr + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ",StandarBoardInit," + ":初始失败,接收数据错误" + (char)13 + (char)10; } return(false); } else { mStandarBoardInit = true; } } } catch (Exception exc) { if (ErrStr.IndexOf(exc.ToString()) < 0) { ErrStr = ErrStr + DateTime.Now.ToString() + ",StandarBoardInit," + ":" + exc.ToString() + (char)13 + (char)10; } return(false); } return(true); }
public void DiscardInBuffer() { serial?.DiscardInBuffer(); }
//Init DexDrive (string returned if an error happened) public string StartDexDrive(string ComPortName) { //Define a port to open OpenedPort = new SerialPort(ComPortName, 38400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); OpenedPort.ReadBufferSize = 256; //Buffer for storing read data from the DexDrive byte[] ReadData = null; //Try to open a selected port (in case of an error return a descriptive string) try { OpenedPort.Open(); } catch (Exception e) { return(e.Message); } //Dexdrive won't respond if RTS is not toggled on/off OpenedPort.RtsEnable = false; Thread.Sleep(300); OpenedPort.RtsEnable = true; Thread.Sleep(300); //DTR line is used for additional power OpenedPort.DtrEnable = true; //Check if DexDrive is attached to the port //Detection may fail 1st or 2nd time, so the command is sent 5 times for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { OpenedPort.DiscardInBuffer(); OpenedPort.Write("XXXXX"); Thread.Sleep(20); } //Check for "IAI" string ReadData = ReadDataFromPort(); if (ReadData[0] != 0x49 || ReadData[1] != 0x41 || ReadData[2] != 0x49) { return("DexDrive was not detected on '" + ComPortName + "' port."); } //Wake DexDrive up (kick it from POUT mode) SendDataToPort((byte)DexCommands.INIT, new byte[] { 0x10, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD }, 50); //SendDataToPort((byte)DexCommands.INIT, new byte[] { 0x10, 0x29, 0x23, 0xbe, 0x84, 0xe1, 0x6c, 0xd6, 0xae, 0x52, 0x90, 0x49, 0xf1, 0xf1, 0xbb, 0xe9, 0xeb }, 50); //Check for "PSX" string ReadData = ReadDataFromPort(); if (ReadData[5] != 0x50 || ReadData[6] != 0x53 || ReadData[7] != 0x58) { return("Detected device is not a PS1 DexDrive."); } //Fetch the firmware version FirmwareVersion = (ReadData[8] >> 6).ToString() + "." + ((ReadData[8] >> 2) & 0xF).ToString() + (ReadData[8] & 0x3).ToString(); //Send magic handshake signal 10 times for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { SendDataToPort((byte)DexCommands.MAGIC_HANDSHAKE, null, 0); } Thread.Sleep(50); //Turn on the status light SendDataToPort((byte)DexCommands.LIGHT, new byte[] { 1 }, 50); //Everything went well, DexDrive is ready to recieve commands return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Detect board version /// </summary> /// <param name="port"></param> /// <returns> boards enum value</returns> public static boards DetectBoard(string port) { SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(); serialPort.PortName = port; if (!MainV2.MONO) { try { var ports = Win32DeviceMgmt.GetAllCOMPorts(); foreach (var item in ports) { log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1} - {2}",, item.description, item.board); if (port.ToLower() == { if (item.board == "PX4 FMU v4.x") { log.Info("is a px4v4 pixracer"); return(boards.px4v4); } if (item.board == "PX4 FMU v2.x") { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.PleaseUnplugTheBoardAnd); DateTime DEADLINE = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); while (DateTime.Now < DEADLINE) { string[] allports = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); foreach (string port1 in allports) { log.Info(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " Trying Port " + port1); try { using (var up = new Uploader(port1, 115200)) { up.identify(); Console.WriteLine( "Found board type {0} boardrev {1} bl rev {2} fwmax {3} on {4}", up.board_type, up.board_rev, up.bl_rev, up.fw_maxsize, port1); if (up.fw_maxsize == 2080768 && up.board_type == 9 && up.bl_rev >= 5) { log.Info("is a px4v3"); return(boards.px4v3); } else { log.Info("is a px4v2"); return(boards.px4v2); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } } } log.Info("Failed to detect px4 board type"); return(boards.none); } /* * if (item.board == "Arduino Mega 2560") * { * log.Info("is a 2560v2"); * return boards.b2560v2; * }*/ if (item.board == "revo-mini") { log.Info("is a revo-mini"); return(boards.revomini); } if (item.board == "mini-pix") { log.Info("is a mini-pix"); return(boards.minipix); } if (item.board == "mindpx-v2") { log.Info("is a mindpx-v2"); return(boards.mindpxv2); } } } } catch { } ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SerialPort"); // Win32_USBControllerDevice ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query); foreach (ManagementObject obj2 in searcher.Get()) { log.InfoFormat("-----------------------------------"); log.InfoFormat("Win32_USBDevice instance"); log.InfoFormat("-----------------------------------"); foreach (var item in obj2.Properties) { log.InfoFormat("{0}: {1}", item.Name, item.Value); } // check vid and pid if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_2341&PID_0010")) { // check port name as well if (obj2.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(serialPort.PortName.ToUpper())) { log.Info("is a 2560-2"); return(boards.b2560v2); } } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0010")) { // check port name as well //if (obj2.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString().ToUpper().Contains(serialPort.PortName.ToUpper())) { log.Info("is a px4"); return(boards.px4); } } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0011")) { CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.PleaseUnplugTheBoardAnd); DateTime DEADLINE = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(30); while (DateTime.Now < DEADLINE) { string[] allports = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); foreach (string port1 in allports) { log.Info(DateTime.Now.Millisecond + " Trying Port " + port1); try { using (var up = new Uploader(port1, 115200)) { up.identify(); Console.WriteLine( "Found board type {0} boardrev {1} bl rev {2} fwmax {3} on {4}", up.board_type, up.board_rev, up.bl_rev, up.fw_maxsize, port1); if (up.fw_maxsize == 2080768 && up.board_type == 9 && up.bl_rev >= 5) { log.Info("is a px4v3"); return(boards.px4v3); } else { log.Info("is a px4v2"); return(boards.px4v2); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); } } } log.Info("Failed to detect px4 board type"); return(boards.none); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0021")) { log.Info("is a px4v3 X2.1"); return(boards.px4v3); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0012")) { log.Info("is a px4v4 pixracer"); return(boards.px4v4); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0013")) { log.Info("is a px4v4pro pixhawk 3 pro"); return(boards.px4v4pro); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0001")) { log.Info("is a px4v2 bootloader"); return(boards.px4v2); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0016")) { log.Info("is a px4v2 bootloader"); CustomMessageBox.Show( "You appear to have a bootloader with a bad PID value, please update your bootloader."); return(boards.px4v2); } //|| obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0012") || obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0013") || obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0014") || obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0015") || obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_26AC&PID_0016") if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1140")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain 4.0 bootloader"); return(boards.vrbrainv40); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1145")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain 4.5 bootloader"); return(boards.vrbrainv45); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1150")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain 5.0 bootloader"); return(boards.vrbrainv50); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1151")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain 5.1 bootloader"); return(boards.vrbrainv51); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1152")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain 5.2 bootloader"); return(boards.vrbrainv52); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1154")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain 5.4 bootloader"); return(boards.vrbrainv54); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1910")) { log.Info("is a vrbrain core 1.0 bootloader"); return(boards.vrcorev10); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1351")) { log.Info("is a vrubrain 5.1 bootloader"); return(boards.vrubrainv51); } if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_27AC&PID_1352")) { log.Info("is a vrubrain 5.2 bootloader"); return(boards.vrubrainv52); } } } else { // if its mono if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a APM 2+?", "APM 2+", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.b2560v2); } else { if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a PX4/PIXHAWK/PIXRACER?", "PX4/PIXHAWK", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a PIXRACER?", "PIXRACER", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.px4v4); } if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a CUBE?", "CUBE", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.px4v3); } if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a PIXHAWK?", "PIXHAWK", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.px4v2); } return(boards.px4); } else { return(boards.b2560); } } } if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a Linux board?", "Linux", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this Bebop2?", "Bebop2", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.bebop2); } if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this Disco?", "Disco", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.disco); } } if (serialPort.IsOpen) { serialPort.Close(); } serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.BaudRate = 57600; serialPort.Open(); Thread.Sleep(100); int a = 0; while (a < 20) // 20 * 50 = 1 sec { //Console.WriteLine("write " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond); serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); serialPort.Write(new byte[] { (byte)'0', (byte)' ' }, 0, 2); a++; Thread.Sleep(50); //Console.WriteLine("btr {0}", serialPort.BytesToRead); if (serialPort.BytesToRead >= 2) { byte b1 = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); byte b2 = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte(); if (b1 == 0x14 && b2 == 0x10) { serialPort.Close(); log.Info("is a 1280"); return(boards.b1280); } } } if (serialPort.IsOpen) { serialPort.Close(); } log.Warn("Not a 1280"); Thread.Sleep(500); serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.BaudRate = 115200; serialPort.Open(); Thread.Sleep(100); a = 0; while (a < 4) { byte[] temp = new byte[] { 0x6, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; temp = BoardDetect.genstkv2packet(serialPort, temp); a++; Thread.Sleep(50); try { if (temp[0] == 6 && temp[1] == 0 && temp.Length == 2) { serialPort.Close(); //HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_2341&PID_0010\640333439373519060F0\Device Parameters if (!MainV2.MONO && !Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.IsChildOf(CultureInfoEx.GetCultureInfo("zh-Hans"))) { ObjectQuery query = new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_SerialPort"); // Win32_USBControllerDevice ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query); foreach (ManagementObject obj2 in searcher.Get()) { //Console.WriteLine("Dependant : " + obj2["Dependent"]); // all apm 1-1.4 use a ftdi on the imu board. /* obj2.Properties.ForEach(x => * { * try * { * log.Info(((PropertyData)x).Name.ToString() + " = " + ((PropertyData)x).Value.ToString()); * } * catch { } * }); */ // check vid and pid if (obj2.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Contains(@"USB\VID_2341&PID_0010")) { // check port name as well if ( obj2.Properties["Name"].Value.ToString() .ToUpper() .Contains(serialPort.PortName.ToUpper())) { log.Info("is a 2560-2"); return(boards.b2560v2); } } } log.Info("is a 2560"); return(boards.b2560); } } } catch { } } serialPort.Close(); log.Warn("Not a 2560"); if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a APM 2+?", "APM 2+", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.b2560v2); } else { if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a PX4/PIXHAWK?", "PX4/PIXHAWK", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == CustomMessageBox.Show("Is this a PIXHAWK?", "PIXHAWK", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return(boards.px4v2); } return(boards.px4); } else { return(boards.b2560); } } }
private void Reset() { _serialPort?.DiscardOutBuffer(); _serialPort?.DiscardInBuffer(); IsRecv = false; }
private void ThreadProc() { //localization debug and testing... //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pt-BR"); //Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"); SerialPort port1 = null, port2 = null; string serialErr = null; bool firstPort1Error = true, firstPort2Error = true; try { try { port1 = new SerialPort(com1, baud1, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); port1.DiscardNull = false; port1.DtrEnable = false; port1.Handshake = Handshake.None; port1.ReadBufferSize = 8192; port1.ReadTimeout = 2000; port1.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 8192; port1.RtsEnable = false; port1.WriteBufferSize = 8192; port1.WriteTimeout = 2000; } catch (Exception ex) { Err(Program.str("errorCreatingArduino") + ex.Message); return; } if (!running) { return; } try { port2 = new SerialPort(com2, baud2, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One); port2.DiscardNull = false; port2.DtrEnable = false; port2.Handshake = Handshake.None; port2.ReadBufferSize = 8192; port2.ReadTimeout = 2000; port2.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 8192; port2.RtsEnable = false; port2.WriteBufferSize = 8192; port2.WriteTimeout = 2000; } catch (Exception ex) { Err(Program.str("errorCreatingBluetooth") + ex.Message); return; } if (!running) { return; } try { port1.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { Err(Program.str("errorOpeningArduino") + ex.Message); return; } try { port2.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { Err(Program.str("errorOpeningBluetooth") + ex.Message); return; } try { port1.DiscardInBuffer(); } catch { } try { port1.DiscardOutBuffer(); } catch { } try { port2.DiscardInBuffer(); } catch { } try { port2.DiscardOutBuffer(); } catch { } if (!running) { return; } Thread t1 = new Thread(() => { byte[] buffer1 = new byte[8192]; while (running && serialErr == null) { int s = 0; try { s = port1.Read(buffer1, 0, 8192); } catch (TimeoutException) { //just ignore these timeouts as they will happen quite often here! } catch (Exception ex) { //the system is being shut down if (!running || !port1.IsOpen || !port2.IsOpen) { return; } serialErr = Program.str("errorArduino") + ex.Message; threadWakeUpEvent.Set(); return; } if (s > 0) { count1 += s; //won't do any harm... ;) try { port2.Write(buffer1, 0, s); notResponding2 = false; } catch (TimeoutException) { notResponding2 = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //the system is being shut down if (!running || !port1.IsOpen || !port2.IsOpen) { return; } serialErr = Program.str("errorSendingBluetooth") + ex.Message; threadWakeUpEvent.Set(); return; } } } }); Thread t2 = new Thread(() => { byte[] buffer2 = new byte[8192]; while (running && serialErr == null) { int s = 0; try { s = port2.Read(buffer2, 0, 8192); } catch (TimeoutException) { //just ignore these timeouts as they will happen quite often here! } catch (Exception ex) { //the system is being shut down if (!running || !port1.IsOpen || !port2.IsOpen) { return; } serialErr = Program.str("errorBluetooth") + ex.Message; threadWakeUpEvent.Set(); return; } if (s > 0 && running) { count2 += s; //won't do any harm... ;) try { port1.Write(buffer2, 0, s); notResponding1 = false; } catch (TimeoutException) { notResponding1 = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //the system is being shut down if (!running || !port1.IsOpen || !port2.IsOpen) { return; } serialErr = Program.str("errorSendingArduino") + ex.Message; threadWakeUpEvent.Set(); return; } } } }); t1.Start(); t2.Start(); port1.ErrorReceived += (sender, e) => { //the system is being shut down if (!running || !port1.IsOpen || !port2.IsOpen) { return; } //a few drivers indicate overrun if the port had been receiving //too many bytes before it was open (which could easily happen if //either the Arduino or the Bluetooth had been sending data before //this application was started) if (firstPort1Error && e.EventType == SerialError.Overrun) { firstPort1Error = false; return; } firstPort1Error = false; //this is executed in another worker thread serialErr = Program.str("errorArduino") + e.EventType; threadWakeUpEvent.Set(); }; port2.ErrorReceived += (sender, e) => { //the system is being shut down if (!running || !port1.IsOpen || !port2.IsOpen) { return; } //a few drivers indicate overrun if the port had been receiving //too many bytes before it was open (which could easily happen if //either the Arduino or the Bluetooth had been sending data before //this application was started) if (firstPort2Error && e.EventType == SerialError.Overrun) { firstPort2Error = false; return; } firstPort2Error = false; //this is executed in another worker thread serialErr = Program.str("errorBluetooth") + e.EventType; threadWakeUpEvent.Set(); }; BeginInvoke(threadReadyDelegate); while (running && serialErr == null) { if (sendBuffer1 != null) { try { port1.Write(sendBuffer1, 0, sendBuffer1.Length); notResponding1 = false; BeginInvoke(threadData1SentDelegate); } catch (TimeoutException) { notResponding1 = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //the system is being shut down if (running && port1.IsOpen && port2.IsOpen) { serialErr = Program.str("errorSendingArduino") + ex.Message; } break; } finally { sendBuffer1 = null; } } if (sendBuffer2 != null) { try { port2.Write(sendBuffer2, 0, sendBuffer2.Length); notResponding2 = false; BeginInvoke(threadData2SentDelegate); } catch (TimeoutException) { notResponding2 = true; } catch (Exception ex) { //the system is being shut down if (running && port1.IsOpen && port2.IsOpen) { serialErr = Program.str("errorSendingBluetooth") + ex.Message; } break; } finally { sendBuffer2 = null; } } if (serialErr == null) { threadWakeUpEvent.WaitOne(); } } running = false; t1.Join(); t2.Join(); } finally { try { if (port1 != null) { port1.Close(); } } catch { } try { if (port2 != null) { port2.Close(); } } catch { } try { if (port1 != null) { port1.Dispose(); } } catch { } try { if (port2 != null) { port2.Dispose(); } } catch { } if (serialErr != null) { Err(serialErr); } else { BeginInvoke(threadDeathDelegate); } } }
internal byte[] GetResponse(byte[] ResponsePattern) { byte[] ResponseBuffer = new byte[0x2000]; int Length = 0; bool IsIncomplete = false; do { IsIncomplete = false; try { int BytesRead = 0; if (Port != null) { BytesRead = Port.Read(ResponseBuffer, Length, ResponseBuffer.Length - Length); } if (USBDevice != null) { BytesRead = USBDevice.InputPipe.Read(ResponseBuffer); } if (BytesRead == 0) { LogFile.Log("Emergency mode of phone is ignoring us", LogType.FileAndConsole); throw new BadMessageException(); } Length += BytesRead; byte[] DecodedResponse; if (DecodeResponses) { DecodedResponse = DecodeResponse(ResponseBuffer, (UInt32)Length); } else { DecodedResponse = new byte[Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(ResponseBuffer, 0, DecodedResponse, 0, Length); } if (ResponsePattern != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ResponsePattern.Length; i++) { if (DecodedResponse[i] != ResponsePattern[i]) { byte[] LogResponse = new byte[DecodedResponse.Length < 0x10 ? DecodedResponse.Length : 0x10]; LogFile.Log("Qualcomm serial response: " + Converter.ConvertHexToString(LogResponse, ""), LogType.FileOnly); LogFile.Log("Expected: " + Converter.ConvertHexToString(ResponsePattern, ""), LogType.FileOnly); throw new BadMessageException(); } } } return(DecodedResponse); } catch (IncompleteMessageException) { IsIncomplete = true; } catch { } // Will be rethrown as BadConnectionException }while (IsIncomplete); Port?.DiscardInBuffer(); if (USBDevice != null) { USBDevice.InputPipe.Flush(); } throw new BadConnectionException(); }
/// </summary> public void DiscardBuffer()/// 丢弃来自串行驱动程序的接收和发送缓冲区的数据 { comm.DiscardInBuffer(); comm.DiscardOutBuffer(); }
/// <summary> /// Verify if the serial port is opened and opens it if necessary /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if port is opened, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="portSpeed">Port speed.</param> public static bool checkOpen (int portSpeed = 9600) { if (s_serial == null) { //string portName = GetPortName (); if (portName == "") { print ("Error: Couldn't find serial port."); return false; } else { if (s_debug) print("Opening serial port: " + portName); } s_serial = new SerialPort (portName, portSpeed); try { s_serial.Open (); } catch(System.Exception e) { print ("Failed to open"); return false; } //print ("default ReadTimeout: " + s_serial.ReadTimeout); //s_serial.ReadTimeout = 10; // clear input buffer from previous garbage s_serial.DiscardInBuffer (); } print ("Successfully opened " + s_serial.PortName); return s_serial.IsOpen; }
//send a command to an address and wait for the client to response (bus mode) //response is NULL if client does not response within maximum response time (CANCMD_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME_MS) protected receiveData com_protocol_SendDataCommandInternal(UInt32 address, byte command, byte[] data, byte dataLength, bool responseMessage, byte responsePacketNumber) { if (Connected() == false) { return(null); } receiveData response = null; for (int i = 0; ((i < COM_PROTOCOL_MAX_RESPONSE_TRIES) && (response == null)); i++) { BufferIndex = 0; ClearChecksum(); Buffer[BufferIndex++] = COM_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_START; byte packetnmbr; if (responseMessage) { packetnmbr = responsePacketNumber; } else { packetnmbr = GetNextPacketNumber(); } AddToSendBuffer(packetnmbr); UpdateChecksum(packetnmbr); if (p2p_mode == false) { AddToSendBuffer((byte)(address >> 24)); UpdateChecksum((byte)(address >> 24)); AddToSendBuffer((byte)(address >> 16)); UpdateChecksum((byte)(address >> 16)); AddToSendBuffer((byte)(address >> 8)); UpdateChecksum((byte)(address >> 8)); AddToSendBuffer((byte)address); UpdateChecksum((byte)address); } AddToSendBuffer(dataLength); UpdateChecksum(dataLength); AddToSendBuffer(command); UpdateChecksum(command); for (int j = 0; j < dataLength; j++) { if (AddToSendBuffer(data[j]) == false) { //send buffer overflow return(null); } UpdateChecksum(data[j]); } if ((BufferIndex + 4) > COM_PROTOCOL_BUFFER_SIZE) { //send buffer overflow return(null); } AddToSendBuffer((byte)(GetChecksum() >> 8)); AddToSendBuffer((byte)GetChecksum()); try { Serport.Write(Buffer, 0, BufferIndex); //successfully send the data //delete any remaining data in the input buffer Serport.DiscardInBuffer(); } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } if ((address == COM_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS_TO_ALL_NO_RESPONSE) || (responseMessage == true)) { //we are not expecting a response break; } else { CurrentReceiveState = com_protocol_receiveStates.RCV_start; ReceivedEscape = false; DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; while ((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds <= COM_PROTOCOL_MAX_RESPONSE_TIME_MS) { response = com_protocol_ReceiveUpdateInternal(address); if (response != null) { if ((((response.address != COM_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS_TO_ALL_NO_RESPONSE) && (response.address != COM_PROTOCOL_ADDRESS_TO_ALL)) || p2p_mode) && (response.packetNumber == packetnmbr)) { //valid response received break; } else { response = null; if (p2p_mode) { break; } } } Thread.Sleep(5); } } } CurrentReceiveState = com_protocol_receiveStates.RCV_start; ReceivedEscape = false; return(response); }
private void BUT_resettodefault_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort = new SerialPort(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.ReadTimeout = 4000; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } lbl_status.Text = "Connecting"; if (doConnect(comPort)) { // cleanup doCommand(comPort, "AT&T"); comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI & AT&F"; doCommand(comPort, "AT&F"); doCommand(comPort, "AT&W"); lbl_status.Text = "Reset"; doCommand(comPort, "ATZ"); comPort.Close(); BUT_getcurrent_Click(sender, e); } else { // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Fail"; CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to enter command mode"); } if (comPort.IsOpen) comPort.Close(); }
public void DiscardBuffers() { _serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer(); _serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); }
public bool SetPort(int _port) { if (this.IsOpen()) { string _com = this.GetPortName(); Console.WriteLine("When Init \"" + _com + "\" Still Connecting ..."); try { _serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); _serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer(); _serialPort.Dispose(); this.Close(); Console.WriteLine("\t> " + _com + " Connection Closing!!"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("\t> " + _com + " Can Not Being Close!!"); } } string _connectionSetupRef = ""; try { // initialize the serial port. _serialPort = new SerialPort(("COM" + _port.ToString()), _baudRate, _parity, _dataBits, _stopBits); _serialPort.Handshake = _handshake; _serialPort.Encoding = _encoding; _serialPort.ReadBufferSize = _readBufferSize; _serialPort.ReadTimeout = _readTimeout; _serialPort.WriteBufferSize = _writeBufferSize; _serialPort.WriteTimeout = _writeTimeout; // add event _serialPort.DataReceived += this.DataReceived; _serialPort.ErrorReceived += this.ErrorReceived; // open the serial port. _serialPort.Open(); _currentPortNumber = _port; _connectionSetupRef += "Port \t:" + this.GetPortName().ToString() + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "BaudRate \t:" + _baudRate + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "Parity \t:" + _parity.ToString() + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "DataBits \t:" + _dataBits + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "StopBits \t:" + _stopBits + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "Handshake \t:" + _handshake.ToString() + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "Encoding \t:" + _encoding.ToString() + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "ReadBufferSize \t:" + _readBufferSize + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "ReadTimeout \t:" + _readTimeout + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "WriteBufferSize \t:" + _writeBufferSize + "\n"; _connectionSetupRef += "WriteTimeout \t:" + _writeTimeout + "\n"; Console.Write("COM" + _port + " Connected!!\n" + _connectionSetupRef); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("COM" + _port + " Not Exist\n\t" + ex.Message); _serialPort = null; _currentPortNumber = -1; } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 丢弃来自串行驱动程序的接收和发送缓冲区的数据 /// </summary> public void DiscardBuffer() { comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); comPort.DiscardOutBuffer(); }
private void BUT_getcurrent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ArdupilotMega.Comms.ICommsSerial comPort = new SerialPort(); try { comPort.PortName = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.PortName; comPort.BaudRate = MainV2.comPort.BaseStream.BaudRate; comPort.ReadTimeout = 4000; comPort.Open(); } catch { CustomMessageBox.Show("Invalid ComPort or in use"); return; } lbl_status.Text = "Connecting"; if (doConnect(comPort)) { comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI & RTI"; ATI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "ATI1").Trim(); RTI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "RTI1").Trim(); RSSI.Text = doCommand(comPort, "ATI7").Trim(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command ATI5"; string answer = doCommand(comPort, "ATI5"); string[] items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find(values[0].Trim(), false); if (controls.Length > 0) { if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked = values[2].Trim() == "1"; } else { controls[0].Text = values[2].Trim(); } } } } } // remote foreach (Control ctl in this.Controls) { if (ctl.Name.StartsWith("RS") && ctl.Name != "RSSI") ctl.ResetText(); } comPort.DiscardInBuffer(); lbl_status.Text = "Doing Command RTI5"; answer = doCommand(comPort, "RTI5"); items = answer.Split('\n'); foreach (string item in items) { if (item.StartsWith("S")) { string[] values = item.Split(':', '='); if (values.Length == 3) { Control[] controls = this.Controls.Find("R" + values[0].Trim(), false); if (controls.Length == 0) continue; if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(CheckBox)) { ((CheckBox)controls[0]).Checked = values[2].Trim() == "1"; } else if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(TextBox)) { ((TextBox)controls[0]).Text = values[2].Trim(); } else if (controls[0].GetType() == typeof(ComboBox)) { ((ComboBox)controls[0]).SelectedText = values[2].Trim(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Odd config line :" + item); } } } // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Done"; } else { // off hook doCommand(comPort, "ATO"); lbl_status.Text = "Fail"; CustomMessageBox.Show("Failed to enter command mode"); } comPort.Close(); BUT_savesettings.Enabled = true; }
public HeatmasterGroup(ISettings settings) { // No implementation for Heatmaster on Unix systems if (Software.OperatingSystem.IsUnix) { return; } string[] portNames = GetRegistryPortNames(); for (int i = 0; i < portNames.Length; i++) { bool isValid = false; try { using (SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort(portNames[i], 38400, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One)) { serialPort.NewLine = ((char)0x0D).ToString(); _report.Append("Port Name: "); _report.AppendLine(portNames[i]); try { serialPort.Open(); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { _report.AppendLine("Exception: Access Denied"); } if (serialPort.IsOpen) { serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); serialPort.DiscardOutBuffer(); serialPort.Write(new byte[] { 0xAA }, 0, 1); int j = 0; while (serialPort.BytesToRead == 0 && j < 10) { Thread.Sleep(20); j++; } if (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0) { bool flag = false; while (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0 && !flag) { flag |= serialPort.ReadByte() == 0xAA; } if (flag) { serialPort.WriteLine("[0:0]RH"); try { int k = 0; int revision = 0; while (k < 5) { string line = ReadLine(serialPort, 100); if (line.StartsWith("-[0:0]RH:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { revision = int.Parse(line.Substring(9), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); break; } k++; } isValid = revision == 770; if (!isValid) { _report.Append("Status: Wrong Hardware Revision " + revision.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } catch (TimeoutException) { _report.AppendLine("Status: Timeout Reading Revision"); } } else { _report.AppendLine("Status: Wrong Startflag"); } } else { _report.AppendLine("Status: No Response"); } serialPort.DiscardInBuffer(); } else { _report.AppendLine("Status: Port not Open"); } } } catch (Exception e) { _report.AppendLine(e.ToString()); } if (isValid) { _report.AppendLine("Status: OK"); _hardware.Add(new Heatmaster(portNames[i], settings)); } _report.AppendLine(); } }