        public Monitor()
            timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Interval);
            timer.Tick    += timer_Tick;

            chart.XMaxStartDelta = 60 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
            chart.XFuncConverter = (x) => new DateTime((long)x).ToString(DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.LongTimePattern);
            chart.YFuncConverter = (y) => ResourcesLoader.FormatBytes(y, "ps");

            this.Loaded   += Monitor_Loaded;
            this.Unloaded += Monitor_Unloaded;
        private void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var x = DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var tcpc = IPHelper.GetAllConnections(true)
                       .Where(co => co.State == ConnectionStatus.ESTABLISHED && !co.IsLoopback && co.OwnerModule != null)
                       .Select(c => new MonitoredConnection(c))

            //) co.RemoteAddress != "::" && co.RemoteAddress != ""
            Func <MonitoredConnection, string> groupFn;

            if (_isSingleMode)
                groupFn = (c) => c.Owner + c.LocalPort;
                groupFn = (c) => c.ProcName;

            var groups = tcpc.GroupBy(c => groupFn(c)).ToList(); // OwnerModule.ModuleName).ToList();

            int ic = 0;

            foreach (var grp in groups)
                var existing = GroupedConnections.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == grp.Key);

                if (existing is null)
                    ic = (ic + 1) % LineChart.ColorsDic.Count;

                    var br = new SolidColorBrush(LineChart.ColorsDic[ic]);
                    existing = new GroupedView {
                        Name = grp.Key
                    existing.Brush = br;

                    // Adding a watcher to retrieve the icon when ready (wasn't working anymore following async Icon retrieval optim)
                    var firstInGroup = grp.First();
                    firstInGroup.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
                        if (e.PropertyName == nameof(Connection.Icon))
                            existing.Icon = firstInGroup.Icon;
                    // Note: Icon's retrieval still has to be triggered first through a call to Connection.Icon's getter (or it will never update)
                    existing.Icon = firstInGroup.Icon;

                    existing.SeriesIn = new LineChart.Series()
                        Name = grp.Key + "_IN", Brush = br

                    var color = new SolidColorBrush(LineChart.ColorsDic[ic])
                        Opacity = 0.6
                    existing.SeriesOut = new LineChart.Series()
                        Name = grp.Key + "_OUT", Brush = color


                bool iserror   = false;
                var  totalized = grp.AsParallel()
                                 .Select(realconn =>
                    try { return(realconn.EstimateBandwidth()); }
                    catch { iserror = true; return(new TCPHelper.TCP_ESTATS_BANDWIDTH_ROD_v0 {
                            InboundBandwidth = 0, OutboundBandwidth = 0
                        }); }
                                 .Select(co => new { In = co.InboundBandwidth / 8, Out = co.OutboundBandwidth / 8 })
                                 .Aggregate((ci, co) => new { In = ci.In + co.In, Out = ci.Out + co.Out });

                existing.Count   = grp.Count();
                existing.LastIn  = ResourcesLoader.FormatBytes(totalized.In, "ps");
                existing.LastOut = ResourcesLoader.FormatBytes(totalized.Out, "ps");
                existing.SeriesOut.Points.Add(new Point(x, totalized.Out));
                existing.SeriesIn.Points.Add(new Point(x, totalized.In));

                existing.IsAccessDenied = iserror;
                existing.LastSeen       = DateTime.Now;
                //foreach (var realconn in grp)
                //    cnt++;
                //    try
                //    {
                //        var r = realconn.EstimateBandwidth();
                //        sumIn += r.InboundBandwidth / 8.0;
                //        sumOut += r.OutboundBandwidth / 8.0;
                //    }
                //    catch (Exception exc)
                //    {
                //        lastError = exc.Message;
                //        accessDenied = true;
                //    }

                //existing.LastError = lastError;
                //existing.IsAccessDenied = accessDenied;
                //existing.ConnectionsCount = cnt;

            var removableGr = GroupedConnections.Where(gr => DateTime.Now.Subtract(gr.LastSeen).TotalMilliseconds > GroupTimeoutRemove).ToList();

            foreach (var g in removableGr)
                g.LastIn  = "-";
                g.LastOut = "-";
                g.Count   = 0;
                g.Brush   = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray);