static bool UpdateSettings(RTState rtState, RTProtocol rtProtocol, List <ComponentType> componentSelection) { if (GetGeneralSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) == false) { return(false); } rtState.componentsInStream = componentSelection.Select(x => { switch (x) { case ComponentType.Component3dResidual: return(Get3DSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) ? x : ComponentType.ComponentNone); case ComponentType.Component3dNoLabelsResidual: return(Get3DSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) ? x : ComponentType.ComponentNone); case ComponentType.Component6d: return(Get6DOFSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) ? x : ComponentType.ComponentNone); case ComponentType.ComponentGazeVector: return(GetGazeVectorSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) ? x : ComponentType.ComponentNone); case ComponentType.ComponentAnalog: return(GetAnalogSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) ? x : ComponentType.ComponentNone); case ComponentType.ComponentSkeleton: return(GetSkeletonSettings(rtState, rtProtocol) ? x : ComponentType.ComponentNone); default: return(ComponentType.ComponentNone); } ; }) .Where(x => x != ComponentType.ComponentNone) .ToList(); return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { RTProtocol mRtProtocol = new RTProtocol(); string mIpAddress = ""; //Example example = new ExampleSkeleton(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); //Example example = new Example3D(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); //Example example = new ExampleImage(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); //Example example = new Example2D(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); //Example example = new Example6D(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); //Example example = new ExampleGaze(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); //Example example = new ExampleTimecode(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); Example example = new ExampleUDP(mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); MainExample mainExample = new MainExample(example, mRtProtocol, mIpAddress); mainExample.DiscoverQTMServers(4545); Console.WriteLine("Press key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); while (true) { mainExample.Run(); if (Console.KeyAvailable) { if (Console.ReadKey(false).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } } } }
static bool Get6DOFSettings(RTState state, RTProtocol mProtocol) { // Get settings and information for streamed bodies bool getstatus = mProtocol.Get6dSettings(); if (getstatus) { state.bodies.Clear(); Settings6D settings = mProtocol.Settings6DOF; foreach (Settings6DOF body in settings.Bodies) { SixDOFBody newbody = new SixDOFBody(); newbody.Name = body.Name; newbody.Color.r = (body.ColorRGB) & 0xFF; newbody.Color.g = (body.ColorRGB >> 8) & 0xFF; newbody.Color.b = (body.ColorRGB >> 16) & 0xFF; newbody.Color /= 255; newbody.Color.a = 1F; newbody.Position =; newbody.Rotation = Quaternion.identity; state.bodies.Add(newbody); } return(true); } return(false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Establishing connection..."); RTProtocol rtProtocol = EstablishConnection(qtmName); if (rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { Console.WriteLine("Streaming 6DOF (Euler) data to port {0} of {1}...", udpToPort, udpToIP); Task.Run(() => { while (true) { rtProtocol.StreamFrames( StreamRate.RateFrequency, 20, ComponentType.Component6dEuler, udpToPort, udpToIP); } }); } else { Console.WriteLine("Cannot continue without QTM connection and bodies."); } Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to quit."); if (Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { return; } }
/// <summary> /// Get list of servers available on network (always add localhost) /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if discovery packet was sent, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="list">List of discovered servers</param> public List <DiscoveryResponse> GetServers() { // Send discovery packet using (var protocol = new RTProtocol()) { List <DiscoveryResponse> list = new List <DiscoveryResponse>(); if (protocol.DiscoverRTServers(replyPort)) { if (protocol.DiscoveryResponses.Count > 0) { //Get list of all servers from protocol foreach (var discoveryResponse in protocol.DiscoveryResponses) { //add them to our list for user to pick from list.Add(discoveryResponse); } } } list.Add(new DiscoveryResponse { HostName = "Localhost", IpAddress = "", Port = RTProtocol.Constants.STANDARD_BASE_PORT, InfoText = "", CameraCount = 0 }); return(list); } }
public QTMNetworkConnection() { Protocol = new RTProtocol(); Connect(GetRandomPort()); QTMVersionSupported = true; }
private static void OnProcessExit(object sender, EventArgs e, RTProtocol rtProtocol) { if (rtProtocol != null) { if (rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { rtProtocol.StreamFramesStop(); rtProtocol.Disconnect(); } } }
static bool GetGeneralSettings(RTState state, RTProtocol mProtocol) { bool getStatus = mProtocol.GetGeneralSettings(); if (!getStatus) { return(false); } state.frequency = mProtocol.GeneralSettings.CaptureFrequency; return(true); }
static bool StartStreaming(RTState state, RTProtocol rtProtocol, StreamRate streamRate, short udpPort) { if (rtProtocol.StreamFrames(streamRate, -1, state.componentsInStream, udpPort) == false) { state.isStreaming = false; } else { state.isStreaming = true; } return(state.isStreaming); }
static bool Get3DSettings(RTState state, RTProtocol mProtocol) { bool getstatus = mProtocol.Get3dSettings(); if (getstatus) { state.upAxis = mProtocol.Settings3D.AxisUpwards; state.coordinateSystemChange = Rotation.GetCoordinateSystemRotation(state.upAxis); // Save marker settings state.markers.Clear(); foreach (Settings3DLabel marker in mProtocol.Settings3D.Labels) { LabeledMarker newMarker = new LabeledMarker(); newMarker.Name = marker.Name; newMarker.Position =; newMarker.Residual = 0; newMarker.Color.r = (marker.ColorRGB) & 0xFF; newMarker.Color.g = (marker.ColorRGB >> 8) & 0xFF; newMarker.Color.b = (marker.ColorRGB >> 16) & 0xFF; newMarker.Color /= 255; newMarker.Color.a = 1F; state.markers.Add(newMarker); } // Save bone settings if (mProtocol.Settings3D.Bones != null) { state.bones.Clear(); foreach (var settingsBone in mProtocol.Settings3D.Bones) { Bone bone = new Bone(); bone.From = settingsBone.From; bone.FromMarker = state.GetMarker(settingsBone.From); bone.To = settingsBone.To; bone.ToMarker = state.GetMarker(settingsBone.To); bone.Color.r = (settingsBone.Color) & 0xFF; bone.Color.g = (settingsBone.Color >> 8) & 0xFF; bone.Color.b = (settingsBone.Color >> 16) & 0xFF; bone.Color /= 255; bone.Color.a = 1F; state.bones.Add(bone); } } return(true); } return(false); }
private RTClient() { // New instance of protocol, contains a RT packet mProtocol = new RTProtocol(); mBodies = new List <SixDOFBody>(); mMarkers = new List <LabeledMarker>(); mUnlabeledMarkers = new List <UnlabeledMarker>(); mBones = new List <Bone>(); mGazeVectors = new List <GazeVector>(); mAnalogChannels = new List <AnalogChannel>(); mStreamingStatus = false; mPacket = RTPacket.ErrorPacket; }
// Constructor private RTClient() { //New instance of protocol, contains a RT packet mProtocol = new RTProtocol(); //list of bodies that server streams mBodies = new List <SixDOFBody>(); //list of markers mMarkers = new List <LabeledMarker>(); //list of bones mBones = new List <Bone>(); mStreamingStatus = false; mPacket = RTPacket.ErrorPacket; }
private RTClient() { // New instance of protocol, contains a RT packet mProtocol = new RTProtocol(); // we register our function "process" as a callback for when protocol receives real time data packets // (eventDataCallback is also available to listen to events) mProtocol.RealTimeDataCallback += Process; mProtocol.EventDataCallback += Events; mBodies = new List <SixDOFBody>(); mMarkers = new List <LabeledMarker>(); mUnlabeledMarkers = new List <UnlabeledMarker>(); mBones = new List <Bone>(); mGazeVectors = new List <GazeVector>(); mAnalogChannels = new List <AnalogChannel>(); mSkeletons = new List <Skeleton>(); mStreamingStatus = false; mPacket = RTPacket.ErrorPacket; }
static bool GetSkeletonSettings(RTState state, RTProtocol mProtocol) { bool getStatus = mProtocol.GetSkeletonSettings(); if (!getStatus) { return(false); } state.skeletons.Clear(); var skeletonSettings = mProtocol.SkeletonSettings; foreach (var settingSkeleton in skeletonSettings.Skeletons) { Skeleton skeleton = new Skeleton(); skeleton.Name = settingSkeleton.Name; foreach (var settingSegment in settingSkeleton.Segments) { var segment = new Segment(); segment.Name = settingSegment.Name; segment.Id = settingSegment.Id; segment.ParentId = settingSegment.ParentId; if (settingSegment.ParentId == 0) { segment.TPosition = settingSegment.Position.QtmRhsToUnityLhs(state.coordinateSystemChange); segment.TRotation = settingSegment.Rotation.QtmRhsToUnityLhs(state.coordinateSystemChange); } else { segment.TPosition = settingSegment.Position.QtmRhsToUnityLhs(); segment.TRotation = settingSegment.Rotation.QtmRhsToUnityLhs(); } skeleton.Segments.Add(segment.Id, segment); } state.skeletons.Add(skeleton); } return(true); }
static bool GetGazeVectorSettings(RTState state, RTProtocol mProtocol) { bool getStatus = mProtocol.GetGazeVectorSettings(); if (getStatus) { state.gazeVectors.Clear(); SettingsGazeVectors settings = mProtocol.GazeVectorSettings; foreach (var gazeVector in settings.GazeVectors) { var newGazeVector = new GazeVector(); newGazeVector.Name = gazeVector.Name; newGazeVector.Position =; newGazeVector.Direction =; state.gazeVectors.Add(newGazeVector); } return(true); } return(false); }
static bool GetAnalogSettings(RTState state, RTProtocol mProtocol) { bool getStatus = mProtocol.GetAnalogSettings(); if (getStatus) { state.analogChannels.Clear(); var settings = mProtocol.AnalogSettings; foreach (var device in settings.Devices) { foreach (var channel in device.ChannelInformation) { var analogChannel = new AnalogChannel(); analogChannel.Name = channel.Name; analogChannel.Values = new float[0]; state.analogChannels.Add(analogChannel); } } return(true); } return(false); }
void StartStreaming(string ipAddress) { Debug.LogFormat("Starting stream from {0}...", ipAddress); // Init protocol rtProtocol = new RTProtocol(); if (!rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { // Check if connection to QTM is possible if (!rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { if (!rtProtocol.Connect(ipAddress)) { Debug.Log("QTM: Trying to connect..."); return; } Debug.Log("QTM: Connected!"); } // Get settings and start stream if (rtProtocol.GeneralSettings == null) { if (!rtProtocol.GetGeneralSettings()) { Debug.Log("QTM: Trying to get General settings..."); return; } Debug.Log("QTM: General settings available."); // Print camera settings to console Debug.LogFormat("QTM: Frequency: {0}", rtProtocol.GeneralSettings.CaptureFrequency); Debug.Log("QTM: Cameras:"); foreach (var camera in rtProtocol.GeneralSettings.CameraSettings) { Debug.LogFormat("\t{0}", camera.Model); } // Reset mocap gameobject foreach (Transform child in mocapGameObject.transform) { GameObject.Destroy(child.gameObject); } // Init components to stream List <QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType> componentsToStream = new List <QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType>(); // Start 2D data stream and print to console if (print2DToConsole) { Debug.Log("QTM: Starting to stream 2D data, printing to console."); componentsToStream.Add(QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType.Component2d); } // Start 3D data stream... if (print3DToConsole || render3D) { Debug.Log("QTM: Starting to stream 3D data."); componentsToStream.Add(QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType.Component3dResidual); // ...and print to console... if (print3DToConsole) { Debug.Log("QTM: 3D data stream will print to console."); } // ...and/or render as balls if (render3D) { Debug.Log("QTM: 3D data stream will render in world."); rtProtocol.Get3dSettings(); balls = new GameObject[rtProtocol.Settings3D.Labels.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < balls.Length; i++) { balls[i] = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); balls[i].transform.parent = mocapGameObject.transform; balls[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.03f, 0.03f, 0.03f); } } } // Start 6D data stream and render if (render6D) { rtProtocol.Get6dSettings(); List <QTMRealTimeSDK.Settings.Settings6DOF> qtmBodies = rtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies; foreach (QTMRealTimeSDK.Settings.Settings6DOF body in qtmBodies) { Debug.LogFormat("QTM: Found 6DOF body: {0}", body.Name); } cubes = new GameObject[qtmBodies.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < cubes.Length; i++) { cubes[i] = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); cubes[i].transform.parent = mocapGameObject.transform; cubes[i].transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); } Debug.LogFormat("QTM: Starting to stream 6D data, rendering in world."); componentsToStream.Add(QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType.Component6dResidual); } rtProtocol.StreamFrames(StreamRate.RateFrequency, streamFrequency, componentsToStream); } } }
private static RTProtocol EstablishConnection(string qtmName) { RTProtocol rtProtocol = new RTProtocol(); Console.WriteLine("Discovering QTM servers on the network..."); // We know the name of the computer we want to connect to, find out its IP DiscoveryResponse qtmToConnect = new DiscoveryResponse(); if (rtProtocol.DiscoverRTServers(qtmDiscoveryPort)) { var discoveryResponses = rtProtocol.DiscoveryResponses; if (discoveryResponses.Count != 0) { foreach (var discoveryResponse in discoveryResponses) { Console.WriteLine( "Discovered {0,16} {1,16} {2,16} {3,3} cameras", discoveryResponse.HostName, discoveryResponse.IpAddress, discoveryResponse.InfoText, discoveryResponse.CameraCount ); if (discoveryResponse.HostName == qtmName) { qtmToConnect = discoveryResponse; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No QTM servers found on available networks!"); } } // Only connect if the desired computer name is found if (qtmToConnect.HostName == qtmName) { // Try max. 5 times, then admit failure for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { break; } if (!rtProtocol.Connect(qtmToConnect.IpAddress)) { Console.WriteLine("Trying to connect..."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Connected to {0} @ {1}!", qtmToConnect.HostName, qtmToConnect.IpAddress ); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("The desired QTM server ({0}) was not found!", qtmName); } // Get settings if connected to QTM, otherwise alert user and continue if (rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { // 6DOF settings Console.WriteLine("Getting 6DOF settings..."); // Try max. 5 times, then admit failure for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (rtProtocol.Get6dSettings()) { Settings6D settings6D = rtProtocol.Settings6DOF; int bodyCount = settings6D.BodyCount; Console.WriteLine("{0} 6DOF bodies found.", bodyCount); List <Settings6DOF> qtmBodies = settings6D.Bodies; foreach (Settings6DOF body in qtmBodies) { Console.WriteLine("\t Found 6DOF body: {0}", body.Name); } break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to get 6DOF settings!"); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not communicate with QTM!"); } // Disconnect on exit AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (sender, e) => OnProcessExit(sender, e, rtProtocol); return(rtProtocol); }
public ExampleTimecode(RTProtocol rtProtocol, string ipAddress) : base(rtProtocol, ipAddress) { }
static void Main(string[] args) { //CreateConfigFile(); //Constants var config = new Configuration(); try { config = Configuration.LoadFromFile("config.cfg"); Console.WriteLine("Settings loaded from config.cfg"); } catch { CreateConfigFile(); Console.WriteLine("No Configuration file found, new file created: config.cfg"); Environment.Exit(0); } var section = config["General"]; string dateToday = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Today.Day.ToString(); string filenameCSV = section["Filename Prefix"].StringValue + dateToday + "_" + (int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + ".csv"; string filenameReadable = section["Filename Prefix"].StringValue + dateToday + "_" + (int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + ".txt"; bool logReadable = section["Log Readable"].BoolValue; bool logCsv = section["Log CSV"].BoolValue; bool verbose = section["Verbose"].BoolValue; bool verboseCsv = section["Verbose CSV"].BoolValue; string ipAddress = section["ipAdress"].StringValue; int flipDeg = section["Flip deg"].IntValue; int jumpDist = section["Jump mm"].IntValue; //Dictionary<string, sixDofBody> bodys = new Dictionary<string, sixDofBody>(); List <sixDofBody> ListOfBodies = new List <sixDofBody>(); int totalNumberofFrames = 0; DateTime lastBlip = new DateTime(); lastBlip = DateTime.Now; int frameNumber = 0; RTProtocol mRtProtocol = new RTProtocol(); while (true) { if (!mRtProtocol.IsConnected()) { if (!mRtProtocol.Connect(ipAddress)) { Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to connect"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } else { Console.WriteLine("QTM: Connected"); break; } } if (mRtProtocol.Settings6DOF == null) { if (!mRtProtocol.Get6dSettings()) { Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to get 6DOF settings"); Thread.Sleep(500); } Console.WriteLine("QTM: 6DOF settings available"); //List<ComponentType> componentsToStream = new List<ComponentType> //{ // ComponentType.Component6dEulerResidual, // ComponentType.ComponentTimecode //}; mRtProtocol.StreamAllFrames(ComponentType.Component6dEulerResidual); Console.WriteLine("QTM: Starting to stream 6DOF data"); Thread.Sleep(500); } string fileName = DateTime.Today.Year + DateTime.Today.Month + DateTime.Today.Day + "_" + (int)DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + ".csv"; PacketType packetType; List <Q6DOFEuler> previousFrame6dData = new List <Q6DOFEuler>(); while (previousFrame6dData.Count == 0) { mRtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false); if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData) { previousFrame6dData = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFEulerResidualData(); foreach (var body in mRtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies) { var mbody = new sixDofBody(); mbody.Name = body.Name; mbody.lastSeen = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Frame; mbody.numberOfFrames = 1; mbody.biggestGap = 0; ListOfBodies.Add(mbody); } var duplicates = ListOfBodies.GroupBy(x => x.Name).Where(x => x.Count() > 1).ToList(); //.Select(x => new { Name = x.Key, objs = x.ToList() }); foreach (var dup in duplicates) { Console.WriteLine("Warning multiple bodies with the same name: " + dup.Key); Console.WriteLine("This will effect gap length calculations"); foreach (var bod in dup) { } } } } var csvHeader = "Frame;Body;Type;Magnitude;X;Y;Z\n"; using (var writer = File.AppendText(filenameCSV)) { writer.Write(csvHeader); } while (true) { mRtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false); if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData) { StringBuilder writeBufferReadable = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder writeBufferCSV = new StringBuilder(); var frame6dData = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Get6DOFEulerResidualData(); var packet = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket(); frameNumber = packet.Frame; if (frame6dData != null) { for (int body = 0; body < frame6dData.Count; body++) { var sixDofBody = frame6dData[body]; var prevSexDofBody = previousFrame6dData[body]; var bodySetting = mRtProtocol.Settings6DOF.Bodies[body]; totalNumberofFrames++; //if (float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual)) //{ // bodys[bodySetting.Name].numberOfFrames++; // if ((frameNumber - bodys[bodySetting.Name].lastSeen)> bodys[bodySetting.Name].biggestGap) // { // bodys[bodySetting.Name].biggestGap = (frameNumber - bodys[bodySetting.Name].lastSeen); // } // bodys[bodySetting.Name].lastSeen = frameNumber; //} if (float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual)) { } else if (!float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual)) { writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} appeard with coordinates {2:F2} {3:F2} {4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};A;NaN;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); } else if (float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && !float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual)) { writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} disappeared with coordinates {2:F2} {3:F2} {4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, prevSexDofBody.Position.X / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};D;NaN;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, prevSexDofBody.Position.X / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, prevSexDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); } else if (!float.IsNaN(sixDofBody.Residual) && !float.IsNaN(prevSexDofBody.Residual)) { var movementX = sixDofBody.Position.X - prevSexDofBody.Position.X; var movementY = sixDofBody.Position.Y - prevSexDofBody.Position.Y; var movementZ = sixDofBody.Position.Z - prevSexDofBody.Position.Z; var movementABS = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(movementX, 2) + Math.Pow(movementY, 2) + Math.Pow(movementZ, 2)); var angMovement1 = Math.Abs(sixDofBody.Rotation.First - prevSexDofBody.Rotation.First); var angMovement2 = Math.Abs(sixDofBody.Rotation.Second - prevSexDofBody.Rotation.Second); var angMovement3 = Math.Abs(sixDofBody.Rotation.Third - prevSexDofBody.Rotation.Third); var angMoveMax = Math.Max(angMovement1, Math.Max(angMovement2, angMovement3)); if (movementABS > jumpDist) { writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} jumped {2:F}mm at {3:F2} {4:F2} {5:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, movementABS, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};J;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2};{5:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, movementABS, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); } if (angMoveMax > flipDeg) { writeBufferReadable.AppendFormat("{0} Body: {1} flipped {2:F0} deg at {2:F2} {3:F2} {4:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, angMoveMax, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); writeBufferCSV.AppendFormat("{0};{1};F;{2:F2};{3:F2};{4:F2};{5:F2}", frameNumber, bodySetting.Name, movementABS, sixDofBody.Position.X / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Y / 1000, sixDofBody.Position.Z / 1000); } } if (writeBufferCSV.Length > 0) { if (logCsv) { using (var writer = File.AppendText(filenameCSV)) { writer.WriteLine(writeBufferCSV); } } if (logReadable) { using (var writer = File.AppendText(filenameReadable)) { writer.WriteLine(writeBufferReadable); } } if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine(writeBufferReadable); } if (verboseCsv) { Console.WriteLine(writeBufferCSV); } writeBufferReadable.Clear(); writeBufferCSV.Clear(); } } previousFrame6dData = frame6dData; } } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { if (Console.ReadKey(false).Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { break; } } if (lastBlip.AddSeconds(1) < DateTime.Now) { Console.WriteLine("Logging, current frame " + frameNumber); lastBlip = DateTime.Now; } } }
void WriterThreadFunction() { try { using (var rtProtocol = new RTProtocol(RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAJOR, RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR)) { if (!rtProtocol.Connect(IpAddress, udpPort, RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MAJOR, RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR)) { throw new WriterThreadException("Error Creating Connection to server" + rtProtocol.GetErrorString()); } RtProtocolVersion version = new RtProtocolVersion(RTProtocol.Constants.MAJOR_VERSION, RTProtocol.Constants.MINOR_VERSION); //Upgrade protocol version for (; version.minor >= RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR; --version.minor) { lock (syncLock) { writerThreadState.rtProtocolVersion.CopyFrom(version); } string response; if (rtProtocol.SetVersion(version.major, version.minor, out response)) { break; } } if (version.minor < RT_LOWEST_SUPPORTED_VERSION_MINOR) { throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to negotiate RT Protocol version with QTM"); } lock (syncLock) { writerThreadState.connectionState = RTConnectionState.Connected; if (!UpdateSettings(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, componentSelection)) { throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to update settings: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString()); } if (!StartStreaming(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, streamRate, udpPort)) { throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to start stream: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString()); } } while (true) { if (!rtProtocol.IsConnected()) { throw new WriterThreadException("Connection lost"); } if (killThread) { throw new WriterThreadException("Thread was killed"); } PacketType packetType; if (rtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false) <= 0) { continue; } var packet = rtProtocol.GetRTPacket(); if (packet != null) { if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData) { lock (syncLock) { Process(writerThreadState, packet); } } else if (packetType == PacketType.PacketEvent) { QTMEvent currentEvent = packet.GetEvent(); switch (currentEvent) { case QTMEvent.QTMShuttingDown: throw new WriterThreadException("Qtm closed connection"); case QTMEvent.RTFromFileStarted: case QTMEvent.Connected: case QTMEvent.CaptureStarted: case QTMEvent.CalibrationStarted: case QTMEvent.CameraSettingsChanged: lock (syncLock) { // reload settings when we start streaming to get proper settings if (!UpdateSettings(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, componentSelection)) { throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to update settings: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString()); } if (!StartStreaming(writerThreadState, rtProtocol, streamRate, udpPort)) { throw new WriterThreadException("Failed to start stream: " + rtProtocol.GetErrorString()); } } break; case QTMEvent.ConnectionClosed: default: break; } } } } } } catch (WriterThreadException writerThreadException) { lock (syncLock) { writerThreadState.errorString = writerThreadException.Message; writerThreadState.connectionState = RTConnectionState.Disconnected; } } catch (System.Exception e) { lock (syncLock) { writerThreadState.errorString = "Exception " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace.Replace(" at ", "\n at "); writerThreadState.connectionState = RTConnectionState.Disconnected; } } }
public MainExample(Example example, RTProtocol rtProtocol, string ipAddress) { mIpAddress = ipAddress; mExample = example; mRtProtocol = rtProtocol; }
public ExampleGaze(RTProtocol rtProtocol, string ipAddress) : base(rtProtocol, ipAddress) { }
public Example(RTProtocol rtProtocol, string ipAddress) { mRtProtocol = rtProtocol; mIpAddress = ipAddress; }
public ExampleSkeleton(RTProtocol rtProtocol, string ipAddress) : base(rtProtocol, ipAddress) { }
public override void HandleStreaming() { // Check if connection to QTM is possible if (!mRtProtocol.IsConnected()) { if (!mRtProtocol.Connect(mIpAddress)) { Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to connect"); Thread.Sleep(1000); return; } Console.WriteLine("QTM: Connected"); } if (mRtProtocol.GeneralSettings == null) { if (!mRtProtocol.GetGeneralSettings()) { Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to get General settings"); Thread.Sleep(500); return; } Console.WriteLine("QTM: General settings available"); Console.WriteLine("Frequency: {0}", mRtProtocol.GeneralSettings.CaptureFrequency); foreach (var camera in mRtProtocol.GeneralSettings.CameraSettings) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", camera.Model); } if (!mRtProtocol.GetImageSettings()) { Console.WriteLine("QTM: Trying to get Image settings"); Thread.Sleep(500); return; } Console.WriteLine("QTM: Image settings available"); Console.WriteLine(mRtProtocol.ImageSettings.Xml); mRtProtocol.TakeControl("realtimestreamingpassword"); SettingsImage newImageSettings = new SettingsImage(); List <ImageCamera> newImageSettingsCameras = new List <ImageCamera>(); for (int i = 0; i < mRtProtocol.ImageSettings.Cameras.Count; i++) { var camera = mRtProtocol.ImageSettings.Cameras[i]; camera.Enabled = true; camera.Width /= 4; camera.Height /= 4; newImageSettingsCameras.Add(camera); } newImageSettings.Cameras = newImageSettingsCameras; string createSettingsError; var xmlSettings = RTProtocol.CreateSettingsXml(newImageSettings, out createSettingsError); if (xmlSettings != string.Empty) { string response; mRtProtocol.SendXML(xmlSettings, out response); Console.WriteLine(response); } else { Console.WriteLine(createSettingsError); } mRtProtocol.StreamAllFrames(QTMRealTimeSDK.Data.ComponentType.ComponentImage); Console.WriteLine("QTM: Starting to stream Image data"); Thread.Sleep(500); } // Get RTPacket from stream PacketType packetType; mRtProtocol.ReceiveRTPacket(out packetType, false); // Handle data packet if (packetType == PacketType.PacketData) { var imageData = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().GetImageData(); if (imageData != null && imageData.Count() > 0) { foreach (var imageFromCamera in imageData) { Console.WriteLine("Frame:{0:D5} Camera Index:{1:D3} Width:{2:D5} Height:{3:D5}", mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().Frame, imageFromCamera.CameraID, imageFromCamera.Width, imageFromCamera.Height); } } } // Handle event packet if (packetType == PacketType.PacketEvent) { // If an event comes from QTM then print it out var qtmEvent = mRtProtocol.GetRTPacket().GetEvent(); if (qtmEvent == QTMEvent.EventConnectionClosed || qtmEvent == QTMEvent.EventRTFromFileStopped) { mRtProtocol.ClearSettings(); } Console.WriteLine("{0}", qtmEvent); } }