public PartTabPage(PrinterConfig printer, BedConfig sceneContext, ThemeConfig theme, string tabTitle) : base(tabTitle) { this.sceneContext = sceneContext; this.theme = theme; this.BackgroundColor = theme.ActiveTabColor; this.Padding = 0; this.printer = printer; bool isPrinterType = this is PrinterTabPage; var favoritesBarAndView3DWidget = new FlowLayoutWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; viewControls3D = new ViewControls3D(sceneContext, theme, sceneContext.Scene.UndoBuffer, isPrinterType, !(this is PrinterTabPage)) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Top | VAnchor.Fit, HAnchor = HAnchor.Left | HAnchor.Stretch, Visible = true, }; theme.ApplyBottomBorder(viewControls3D, shadedBorder: (this is PrinterTabPage)); // Shade border if toolbar is secondary rather than primary viewControls3D.ResetView += (sender, e) => { if (view3DWidget.Visible) { this.view3DWidget.ResetView(); } }; viewControls3D.ExtendOverflowMenu = this.GetViewControls3DOverflowMenu; viewControls3D.OverflowButton.Name = "View3D Overflow Menu"; // The 3D model view view3DWidget = new View3DWidget( printer, sceneContext, viewControls3D, theme, this, editorType: (isPrinterType) ? MeshViewerWidget.EditorType.Printer : MeshViewerWidget.EditorType.Part); viewControls3D.SetView3DWidget(view3DWidget); // Construct and store dictionary of menu actions accessible at workspace level view3DWidget.WorkspaceActions = viewControls3D.MenuActions.Where(o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.ID)).ToDictionary(o => o.ID, o => o); this.AddChild(topToBottom = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }); topToBottom.AddChild(leftToRight = new FlowLayoutWidget() { Name = "View3DContainerParent", HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }); view3DContainer = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; var toolbarAndView3DWidget = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }; toolbarAndView3DWidget.AddChild(viewControls3D); var dummyContext = new LibraryConfig() { ActiveContainer = ApplicationController.Instance.Library.ActiveContainer }; var favoritesBar = new ListView(dummyContext, theme) { Name = "LibraryView", // Drop containers ContainerFilter = (container) => false, BackgroundColor = theme.ActiveTabColor, ListContentView = new IconListView(theme, 22), Border = new BorderDouble(top: 1, right: 1), BorderColor = theme.GetBorderColor(15), HAnchor = HAnchor.Absolute, Width = 33, AllowContextMenu = false }; favoritesBarAndView3DWidget.AddChild(favoritesBar); favoritesBarAndView3DWidget.AddChild(view3DWidget); toolbarAndView3DWidget.AddChild(favoritesBarAndView3DWidget); view3DContainer.AddChild(toolbarAndView3DWidget); leftToRight.AddChild(view3DContainer); if (sceneContext.World.RotationMatrix == Matrix4X4.Identity) { this.view3DWidget.ResetView(); } this.AnchorAll(); }
public PrinterConnectButton(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { this.printer = printer; this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Left | HAnchor.Fit; this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit; this.Margin = 0; this.Padding = 0; connectButton = new TextIconButton( "Connect".Localize(), AggContext.StaticData.LoadIcon("connect.png", 14, 14, theme.InvertIcons), theme) { Name = "Connect to printer button", ToolTipText = "Connect to the currently selected printer".Localize(), MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown, }; connectButton.Click += (s, e) => { if (connectButton.Enabled) { if (printer.Settings.PrinterSelected) { UserRequestedConnectToActivePrinter(); } } }; this.AddChild(connectButton); theme.ApplyPrimaryActionStyle(connectButton); // add the cancel stop button cancelConnectButton = new TextIconButton( "Cancel".Localize(), AggContext.StaticData.LoadIcon("connect.png", 14, 14, theme.InvertIcons), theme) { ToolTipText = "Stop trying to connect to the printer.".Localize(), BackgroundColor = theme.ToolbarButtonBackground, HoverColor = theme.ToolbarButtonHover, MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown, }; cancelConnectButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { listenForConnectFailed = false; ApplicationController.Instance.ConditionallyCancelPrint(); cancelConnectButton.Enabled = false; }); this.AddChild(cancelConnectButton); disconnectButton = new TextIconButton( "Disconnect".Localize(), AggContext.StaticData.LoadIcon("connect.png", 14, 14, theme.InvertIcons), theme) { Name = "Disconnect from printer button", Visible = false, ToolTipText = "Disconnect from current printer".Localize(), BackgroundColor = theme.ToolbarButtonBackground, HoverColor = theme.ToolbarButtonHover, MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown, }; disconnectButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { if (printer.Connection.PrinterIsPrinting) { StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox( (bool disconnectCancel) => { if (disconnectCancel) { printer.Connection.Stop(false); printer.Connection.Disable(); } }, "WARNING: Disconnecting will stop the current print.\n\nAre you sure you want to disconnect?".Localize(), "Disconnect and stop the current print?".Localize(), StyledMessageBox.MessageType.YES_NO, "Disconnect".Localize(), "Stay Connected".Localize()); } else { printer.Connection.Disable(); } }); this.AddChild(disconnectButton); foreach (var child in Children) { child.VAnchor = VAnchor.Center; child.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; child.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; } printer.Connection.EnableChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => SetVisibleStates(), ref unregisterEvents); printer.Connection.CommunicationStateChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => SetVisibleStates(), ref unregisterEvents); printer.Connection.ConnectionFailed.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { #if !__ANDROID__ // TODO: Someday this functionality should be revised to an awaitable Connect() call in the Connect button that // shows troubleshooting on failed attempts, rather than hooking the failed event and trying to determine if the // Connect button started the task if (listenForConnectFailed && UiThread.CurrentTimerMs - connectStartMs < 25000) { UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { // User initiated connect attempt failed, show port selection dialog DialogWindow.Show(new SetupStepComPortOne(printer)); }); } #endif listenForConnectFailed = false; }, ref unregisterEvents); this.SetVisibleStates(); }
public WaitForTempStream(PrinterConfig printer, GCodeStream internalStream) : base(printer, internalStream) { state = State.passthrough; }
public ExtrusionMultiplyerStream(PrinterConfig printer, GCodeStream internalStream) : base(printer, internalStream) { }
public PrinterTabPage(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme, string tabTitle) : base(printer, printer.Bed, theme, tabTitle) { gcodeOptions = sceneContext.RendererOptions; view3DWidget.meshViewerWidget.EditorMode = MeshViewerWidget.EditorType.Printer; viewControls3D.TransformStateChanged += (s, e) => { switch (e.TransformMode) { case ViewControls3DButtons.Translate: if (gcode2DWidget != null) { gcode2DWidget.TransformState = GCode2DWidget.ETransformState.Move; } break; case ViewControls3DButtons.Scale: if (gcode2DWidget != null) { gcode2DWidget.TransformState = GCode2DWidget.ETransformState.Scale; } break; } }; viewControls3D.ResetView += (sender, e) => { if (gcode2DWidget?.Visible == true) { gcode2DWidget.CenterPartInView(); } }; printer.ViewState.ViewModeChanged += ViewState_ViewModeChanged; LayerScrollbar = new SliceLayerSelector(printer, sceneContext, theme) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, HAnchor = HAnchor.Right | HAnchor.Fit, Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 4, 4, 4), Maximum = sceneContext.LoadedGCode?.LayerCount ?? 1 }; view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.AddChild(LayerScrollbar); layerRenderRatioSlider = new DoubleSolidSlider(new Vector2(), SliceLayerSelector.SliderWidth); layerRenderRatioSlider.FirstValue = 0; layerRenderRatioSlider.FirstValueChanged += (s, e) => { sceneContext.RenderInfo.FeatureToStartOnRatio0To1 = layerRenderRatioSlider.FirstValue; sceneContext.RenderInfo.FeatureToEndOnRatio0To1 = layerRenderRatioSlider.SecondValue; this.Invalidate(); }; layerRenderRatioSlider.SecondValue = 1; layerRenderRatioSlider.SecondValueChanged += (s, e) => { if (printer?.Bed?.RenderInfo != null) { sceneContext.RenderInfo.FeatureToStartOnRatio0To1 = layerRenderRatioSlider.FirstValue; sceneContext.RenderInfo.FeatureToEndOnRatio0To1 = layerRenderRatioSlider.SecondValue; } this.Invalidate(); }; view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.AddChild(layerRenderRatioSlider); sceneContext.LoadedGCodeChanged += BedPlate_LoadedGCodeChanged; AddSettingsTabBar(leftToRight, view3DWidget); view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.BoundsChanged += (s, e) => { SetSliderSizes(); }; printerActionsBar = new PrinterActionsBar(printer, this, theme); theme.ApplyBottomBorder(printerActionsBar); printerActionsBar.modelViewButton.Enabled = sceneContext.EditableScene; // Must come after we have an instance of View3DWidget an its undo buffer topToBottom.AddChild(printerActionsBar, 0); var trackball = view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.Children <TrackballTumbleWidget>().FirstOrDefault(); tumbleCubeControl = view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.Children <TumbleCubeControl>().FirstOrDefault(); var position = view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.Children.IndexOf(trackball); gcodePanel = new GCodePanel(printer, sceneContext, theme) { Name = "GCode3DWidget", HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, BackgroundColor = theme.InteractionLayerOverlayColor, }; var modelViewSidePanel = view3DWidget.Descendants <VerticalResizeContainer>().FirstOrDefault(); gcodeContainer = new VerticalResizeContainer(theme, GrabBarSide.Left) { Width = printer?.ViewState.SelectedObjectPanelWidth ?? 200, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, HAnchor = HAnchor.Absolute, SpliterBarColor = theme.SplitterBackground, SplitterWidth = theme.SplitterWidth, Visible = false, }; gcodeContainer.AddChild(gcodePanel); gcodeContainer.Resized += (s, e) => { if (printer != null) { printer.ViewState.SelectedObjectPanelWidth = gcodeContainer.Width; } }; modelViewSidePanel.BoundsChanged += (s, e) => { gcodeContainer.Width = modelViewSidePanel.Width; }; gcodeContainer.BoundsChanged += (s, e) => { modelViewSidePanel.Width = gcodeContainer.Width; }; var splitContainer = view3DWidget.FindNamedChildRecursive("SplitContainer"); splitContainer.AddChild(gcodeContainer); view3DContainer.AddChild(new RunningTasksWidget(theme) { MinimumSize = new Vector2(100, 0), Margin = new BorderDouble(top: printerActionsBar.Height), VAnchor = VAnchor.Top | VAnchor.Fit, HAnchor = HAnchor.Left | HAnchor.Fit, }); // Create and append new widget gcode2DWidget = new GCode2DWidget(printer, theme) { Visible = (printer.ViewState.ViewMode == PartViewMode.Layers2D) }; view3DWidget.InteractionLayer.AddChild(gcode2DWidget, position + 1); SetSliderSizes(); this.SetViewMode(printer.ViewState.ViewMode); this.LayerScrollbar.Margin = LayerScrollbar.Margin.Clone(top: tumbleCubeControl.Height + tumbleCubeControl.Margin.Height + 4); printer.ViewState.VisibilityChanged += ProcessOptionalTabs; printer.Bed.RendererOptions.PropertyChanged += RendererOptions_PropertyChanged; printer.Connection.CommunicationStateChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { this.SetSliderVisibility(); }, ref unregisterEvents); }
public void Initialize(PrinterConfig printer) { }
private void CreateProductDataWidgets(PrinterSettings printerSettings, ProductSkuData product) { var row = new FlowLayoutWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = new BorderDouble(top: theme.DefaultContainerPadding) }; productDataContainer.AddChild(row); var image = new ImageBuffer(150, 10); row.AddChild(new ImageWidget(image) { Margin = new BorderDouble(right: theme.DefaultContainerPadding), VAnchor = VAnchor.Top }); WebCache.RetrieveImageAsync(image, product.FeaturedImage.ImageUrl, scaleToImageX: true); var descriptionBackground = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Top, Padding = theme.DefaultContainerPadding }; var description = new MarkdownWidget(theme) { MinimumSize = new VectorMath.Vector2(350, 0), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, Markdown = product.ProductDescription.Trim() }; descriptionBackground.AddChild(description); descriptionBackground.BeforeDraw += (s, e) => { var rect = new RoundedRect(descriptionBackground.LocalBounds, 3); e.Graphics2D.Render(rect, theme.SlightShade); }; row.AddChild(descriptionBackground); var padding = theme.DefaultContainerPadding; var addonsColumn = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { Padding = new BorderDouble(padding, padding, padding, 0), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch }; var addonsSection = new SectionWidget("Upgrades and Accessories", addonsColumn, theme); productDataContainer.AddChild(addonsSection); theme.ApplyBoxStyle(addonsSection); addonsSection.Margin = addonsSection.Margin.Clone(left: 0); foreach (var item in product.ProductListing.AddOns) { var icon = new ImageBuffer(80, 0); WebCache.RetrieveImageAsync(icon, item.FeaturedImage.ImageUrl, scaleToImageX: true); var addOnRow = new AddOnRow(item.AddOnTitle, theme, null, icon) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; foreach (var child in addOnRow.Children) { child.Selectable = false; } addOnRow.Click += (s, e) => { ApplicationController.Instance.LaunchBrowser($"{item.AddOnListingReference}/sk/{item.AddOnSkuReference}"); }; addonsColumn.AddChild(addOnRow); } if (false) { var settingsPanel = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, MinimumSize = new VectorMath.Vector2(20, 20), DebugShowBounds = true }; settingsPanel.Load += (s, e) => { var printer = new PrinterConfig(printerSettings); var settingsContext = new SettingsContext( printer, null, NamedSettingsLayers.All); settingsPanel.AddChild( new ConfigurePrinterWidget(settingsContext, printer, theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, }); }; this.AddChild(new SectionWidget("Settings", settingsPanel, theme, expanded: false, setContentVAnchor: false) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch }); } }
public static List <(Matrix4X4 matrix, string fileName)> GetStlFileLocations(IObject3D object3D, ref string mergeRules, PrinterConfig printer, IProgress <ProgressStatus> progressReporter, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var progressStatus = new ProgressStatus(); extrudersUsed.Clear(); int extruderCount = printer.Settings.GetValue <int>(SettingsKey.extruder_count); for (int extruderIndex = 0; extruderIndex < extruderCount; extruderIndex++) { extrudersUsed.Add(false); } // If we have support enabled and are using an extruder other than 0 for it if (printer.Settings.GetValue <bool>("support_material")) { if (printer.Settings.GetValue <int>("support_material_extruder") != 0) { int supportExtruder = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(printer.Settings.GetValue <int>(SettingsKey.extruder_count) - 1, printer.Settings.GetValue <int>("support_material_extruder") - 1)); extrudersUsed[supportExtruder] = true; } } // If we have raft enabled and are using an extruder other than 0 for it if (printer.Settings.GetValue <bool>("create_raft")) { if (printer.Settings.GetValue <int>("raft_extruder") != 0) { int raftExtruder = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(printer.Settings.GetValue <int>(SettingsKey.extruder_count) - 1, printer.Settings.GetValue <int>("raft_extruder") - 1)); extrudersUsed[raftExtruder] = true; } } { // TODO: Once graph parsing is added to MatterSlice we can remove and avoid this flattening meshPrintOutputSettings.Clear(); // Flatten the scene, filtering out items outside of the build volume var meshItemsOnBuildPlate = printer.PrintableItems(object3D); if (meshItemsOnBuildPlate.Any()) { int maxExtruderIndex = 0; var itemsByExtruder = new List <IEnumerable <IObject3D> >(); for (int extruderIndexIn = 0; extruderIndexIn < extruderCount; extruderIndexIn++) { var extruderIndex = extruderIndexIn; var itemsThisExtruder = meshItemsOnBuildPlate.Where((item) => (File.Exists(item.MeshPath) || // Drop missing files File.Exists(Path.Combine(Object3D.AssetsPath, item.MeshPath))) && (item.WorldMaterialIndex() == extruderIndex || (extruderIndex == 0 && (item.WorldMaterialIndex() >= extruderCount || item.WorldMaterialIndex() == -1))) && (item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.Solid || item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.Default)); itemsByExtruder.Add(itemsThisExtruder); extrudersUsed[extruderIndex] |= itemsThisExtruder.Any(); if (extrudersUsed[extruderIndex]) { maxExtruderIndex = extruderIndex; } } var outputOptions = new List <(Matrix4X4 matrix, string fileName)>(); int savedStlCount = 0; bool first = true; for (int extruderIndex = 0; extruderIndex < itemsByExtruder.Count; extruderIndex++) { if (!first) { mergeRules += ","; first = false; } mergeRules += AddObjectsForExtruder(itemsByExtruder[extruderIndex], outputOptions, ref savedStlCount); } var supportObjects = meshItemsOnBuildPlate.Where((item) => item.WorldOutputType() == PrintOutputTypes.Support); // if we added user generated support if (supportObjects.Any()) { // add a flag to the merge rules to let us know there was support mergeRules += "," + AddObjectsForExtruder(supportObjects, outputOptions, ref savedStlCount) + "S"; } mergeRules += " "; return(outputOptions); } } return(new List <(Matrix4X4 matrix, string fileName)>()); }
public SliceSettingsRow(PrinterConfig printer, SettingsContext settingsContext, SliceSettingData settingData, ThemeConfig theme, bool fullRowSelect = false) : base(settingData.PresentationName.Localize(), settingData.HelpText.Localize(), theme, fullRowSelect: fullRowSelect) { this.printer = printer; this.settingData = settingData; this.settingsContext = settingsContext; using (this.LayoutLock()) { this.AddChild(dataArea = new FlowLayoutWidget { VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Center, DebugShowBounds = debugLayout }); this.AddChild(unitsArea = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Absolute, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Center, Width = 50 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale, DebugShowBounds = debugLayout }); // Populate unitsArea as appropriate // List elements contain list values in the field which normally contains label details, skip generation of invalid labels if (settingData.DataEditType != SliceSettingData.DataEditTypes.LIST && settingData.DataEditType != SliceSettingData.DataEditTypes.HARDWARE_PRESENT) { unitsArea.AddChild( new WrappedTextWidget(settingData.Units.Localize(), pointSize: theme.FontSize8, textColor: theme.TextColor) { Margin = new BorderDouble(5, 0), }); } restoreArea = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Absolute, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Center, Width = 20 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale, DebugShowBounds = debugLayout }; this.AddChild(restoreArea); this.Name = settingData.SlicerConfigName + " Row"; if (settingData.ShowAsOverride) { restoreButton = theme.CreateSmallResetButton(); restoreButton.HAnchor = HAnchor.Right; restoreButton.Margin = 0; restoreButton.Name = "Restore " + settingData.SlicerConfigName; restoreButton.ToolTipText = "Restore Default".Localize(); restoreButton.Click += (sender, e) => { // Revert the user override settingsContext.ClearValue(settingData.SlicerConfigName); }; restoreArea.AddChild(restoreButton); restoreArea.Selectable = true; } } this.PerformLayout(); }
public PrinterConnectButton(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { this.printer = printer; this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Left | HAnchor.Fit; this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit; this.Margin = 0; this.Padding = 0; connectButton = new TextIconButton( "Connect".Localize(), StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon("connect.png", 14, 14, theme.InvertIcons), theme) { Name = "Connect to printer button", ToolTipText = "Connect to the currently selected printer".Localize(), MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown, }; connectButton.Click += (s, e) => { if (connectButton.Enabled) { ApplicationController.Instance.ConnectToPrinter(printer); } }; this.AddChild(connectButton); theme.ApplyPrimaryActionStyle(connectButton); // add the cancel stop button cancelConnectButton = new TextIconButton( "Cancel".Localize(), StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon("connect.png", 14, 14, theme.InvertIcons), theme) { ToolTipText = "Stop trying to connect to the printer.".Localize(), BackgroundColor = theme.ToolbarButtonBackground, HoverColor = theme.ToolbarButtonHover, MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown, }; cancelConnectButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { printer.CancelPrint(); cancelConnectButton.Enabled = false; }); this.AddChild(cancelConnectButton); disconnectButton = new TextIconButton( "Disconnect".Localize(), StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon("connect.png", 14, 14, theme.InvertIcons), theme) { Name = "Disconnect from printer button", Visible = false, ToolTipText = "Disconnect from current printer".Localize(), BackgroundColor = theme.ToolbarButtonBackground, HoverColor = theme.ToolbarButtonHover, MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown, }; disconnectButton.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { if (printer.Connection.Printing) { StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox( (bool disconnectCancel) => { if (disconnectCancel) { printer.Connection.Stop(false); printer.Connection.Disable(); } }, "WARNING: Disconnecting will stop the current print.\n\nAre you sure you want to disconnect?".Localize(), "Disconnect and stop the current print?".Localize(), StyledMessageBox.MessageType.YES_NO, "Disconnect".Localize(), "Stay Connected".Localize()); } else { printer.Connection.Disable(); } }); this.AddChild(disconnectButton); foreach (var child in Children) { child.VAnchor = VAnchor.Center; child.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; child.Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing; } // Register listeners printer.Connection.CommunicationStateChanged += Connection_CommunicationStateChanged; this.SetVisibleStates(); }
private AdjustmentControls(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) : base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { double sliderWidth = 300 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale; double sliderThumbWidth = 10 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale; this.printer = printer; SettingsRow settingsRow; { this.AddChild(settingsRow = new SettingsRow( "Speed Multiplier".Localize(), null, theme)); // Remove the HorizontalSpacer settingsRow.Children.Last().Close(); feedRateRatioSlider = new SolidSlider(default(Vector2), sliderThumbWidth, theme, minFeedRateRatio, maxFeedRateRatio) { Name = "Feed Rate Slider", Margin = new BorderDouble(5, 0), Value = printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.feedrate_ratio), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, TotalWidthInPixels = sliderWidth, }; theme.ApplySliderStyle(feedRateRatioSlider); feedRateRatioSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { feedRateValue.ActuallNumberEdit.Value = Math.Round(feedRateRatioSlider.Value, 2); }; feedRateRatioSlider.SliderReleased += (s, e) => { // Update state for runtime use printer.Connection.FeedRateMultiplierStream.FeedRateRatio = Math.Round(feedRateRatioSlider.Value, 2); // Persist data for future use printer.Settings.SetValue( SettingsKey.feedrate_ratio, printer.Connection.FeedRateMultiplierStream.FeedRateRatio.ToString()); }; settingsRow.AddChild(feedRateRatioSlider); feedRateValue = new MHNumberEdit(Math.Round(printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.feedrate_ratio), 2), theme, allowDecimals: true, minValue: minFeedRateRatio, maxValue: maxFeedRateRatio, pixelWidth: 40 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale) { Name = "Feed Rate NumberEdit", SelectAllOnFocus = true, Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 0, 5, 0), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center | VAnchor.Fit, }; feedRateValue.ActuallNumberEdit.EditComplete += (sender, e) => { feedRateRatioSlider.Value = feedRateValue.ActuallNumberEdit.Value; // Update state for runtime use printer.Connection.FeedRateMultiplierStream.FeedRateRatio = Math.Round(feedRateRatioSlider.Value, 2); // Persist data for future use printer.Settings.SetValue( SettingsKey.feedrate_ratio, printer.Connection.FeedRateMultiplierStream.FeedRateRatio.ToString()); }; settingsRow.AddChild(feedRateValue); } { this.AddChild(settingsRow = new SettingsRow( "Extrusion Multiplier".Localize(), null, theme)); // Remove the HorizontalSpacer settingsRow.Children.Last().Close(); extrusionRatioSlider = new SolidSlider(default(Vector2), sliderThumbWidth, theme, minExtrutionRatio, maxExtrusionRatio, Orientation.Horizontal) { Name = "Extrusion Multiplier Slider", TotalWidthInPixels = sliderWidth, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(5, 0), Value = printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.extrusion_ratio) }; theme.ApplySliderStyle(extrusionRatioSlider); extrusionRatioSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, e) => { extrusionValue.ActuallNumberEdit.Value = Math.Round(extrusionRatioSlider.Value, 2); }; extrusionRatioSlider.SliderReleased += (s, e) => { // Update state for runtime use printer.Connection.ExtrusionMultiplierStream.ExtrusionRatio = Math.Round(extrusionRatioSlider.Value, 2); // Persist data for future use printer.Settings.SetValue( SettingsKey.extrusion_ratio, printer.Connection.ExtrusionMultiplierStream.ExtrusionRatio.ToString()); }; settingsRow.AddChild(extrusionRatioSlider); extrusionValue = new MHNumberEdit(Math.Round(printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.extrusion_ratio), 2), theme, allowDecimals: true, minValue: minExtrutionRatio, maxValue: maxExtrusionRatio, pixelWidth: 40 * GuiWidget.DeviceScale) { Name = "Extrusion Multiplier NumberEdit", SelectAllOnFocus = true, Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 0, 5, 0), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center | VAnchor.Fit, }; extrusionValue.ActuallNumberEdit.EditComplete += (sender, e) => { extrusionRatioSlider.Value = extrusionValue.ActuallNumberEdit.Value; // Update state for runtime use printer.Connection.ExtrusionMultiplierStream.ExtrusionRatio = Math.Round(extrusionRatioSlider.Value, 2); // Persist data for future use printer.Settings.SetValue( SettingsKey.extrusion_ratio, printer.Connection.ExtrusionMultiplierStream.ExtrusionRatio.ToString()); }; settingsRow.AddChild(extrusionValue); } // Register listeners printer.Settings.SettingChanged += Printer_SettingChanged; printer.Disposed += (s, e) => printer.Settings.SettingChanged -= Printer_SettingChanged; }
public UnloadFilamentWizard(PrinterConfig printer, int extruderIndex) : base(printer) { this.Title = "Unload Filament".Localize(); this.extruderIndex = extruderIndex; }
public GCodeStreamProxy(PrinterConfig printer, GCodeStream internalStream) : base(printer) { this.internalStream = internalStream; }
public Slice3rBedShape(PrinterConfig printer, string canonicalSettingsName) : base(printer, canonicalSettingsName, canonicalSettingsName) { }
public PrinterActionsBar(PrinterConfig printer, PrinterTabPage printerTabPage, ThemeConfig theme) : base(theme) { this.printer = printer; this.printerTabPage = printerTabPage; this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch; this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit; var defaultMargin = theme.ButtonSpacing; var printerType = printer.Settings.Slicer.PrinterType; if (printerType == PrinterType.FFF) { // add the reset button first (if there is one) if (printer.Settings.GetValue <bool>(SettingsKey.show_reset_connection)) { var resetConnectionButton = new TextIconButton( "Reset".Localize(), StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon("e_stop.png", 14, 14).SetToColor(theme.TextColor), theme) { ToolTipText = "Reboots the firmware on the controller".Localize(), Margin = defaultMargin }; resetConnectionButton.Click += (s, e) => { UiThread.RunOnIdle(printer.Connection.RebootBoard); }; this.AddChild(resetConnectionButton); } this.AddChild(new PrinterConnectButton(printer, theme)); // add the start print button GuiWidget startPrintButton; this.AddChild(startPrintButton = new PrintPopupMenu(printer, theme) { Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing }); void SetPrintButtonStyle(object s, EventArgs e) { switch (printer.Connection.CommunicationState) { case CommunicationStates.FinishedPrint: case CommunicationStates.Connected: theme.ApplyPrimaryActionStyle(startPrintButton); break; default: theme.RemovePrimaryActionStyle(startPrintButton); break; } } // make sure the buttons state is set correctly printer.Connection.CommunicationStateChanged += SetPrintButtonStyle; startPrintButton.Closed += (s, e) => printer.Connection.CommunicationStateChanged -= SetPrintButtonStyle; // and set the style right now SetPrintButtonStyle(this, null); } else { var exportButton = new ExportSlaPopupMenu(printer, theme) { Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing }; // add the SLA export button this.AddChild(exportButton); theme.ApplyPrimaryActionStyle(exportButton); } this.AddChild(new SliceButton(printer, printerTabPage, theme) { Name = "Generate Gcode Button", Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing, }); // Add vertical separator this.AddChild(new ToolbarSeparator(theme.GetBorderColor(50), theme.SeparatorMargin) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Absolute, Height = theme.ButtonHeight, }); var buttonGroupB = new ObservableCollection <GuiWidget>(); var iconPath = Path.Combine("ViewTransformControls", "model.png"); modelViewButton = new RadioIconButton(StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon(iconPath, 16, 16).SetToColor(theme.TextColor), theme) { SiblingRadioButtonList = buttonGroupB, Name = "Model View Button", Checked = printer?.ViewState.ViewMode == PartViewMode.Model || printer == null, ToolTipText = "Model View".Localize(), BackgroundRadius = theme.ButtonRadius, Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing }; modelViewButton.Click += SwitchModes_Click; buttonGroupB.Add(modelViewButton); AddChild(modelViewButton); viewModes.Add(PartViewMode.Model, modelViewButton); iconPath = Path.Combine("ViewTransformControls", "gcode_3d.png"); layers3DButton = new RadioIconButton(StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon(iconPath, 16, 16).SetToColor(theme.TextColor), theme) { SiblingRadioButtonList = buttonGroupB, Name = "Layers3D Button", Checked = printer?.ViewState.ViewMode == PartViewMode.Layers3D, ToolTipText = "3D Layer View".Localize(), BackgroundRadius = theme.ButtonRadius, Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing }; layers3DButton.Click += SwitchModes_Click; buttonGroupB.Add(layers3DButton); viewModes.Add(PartViewMode.Layers3D, layers3DButton); this.AddChild(layers3DButton); iconPath = Path.Combine("ViewTransformControls", "gcode_2d.png"); layers2DButton = new RadioIconButton(StaticData.Instance.LoadIcon(iconPath, 16, 16).SetToColor(theme.TextColor), theme) { SiblingRadioButtonList = buttonGroupB, Name = "Layers2D Button", Checked = printer?.ViewState.ViewMode == PartViewMode.Layers2D, ToolTipText = "2D Layer View".Localize(), BackgroundRadius = theme.ButtonRadius, Margin = theme.ButtonSpacing, }; layers2DButton.Click += SwitchModes_Click; buttonGroupB.Add(layers2DButton); this.AddChild(layers2DButton); viewModes.Add(PartViewMode.Layers2D, layers2DButton); this.AddChild(new HorizontalSpacer()); if (printerType == PrinterType.FFF) { int hotendCount = printer.Settings.Helpers.HotendCount(); for (int extruderIndex = 0; extruderIndex < hotendCount; extruderIndex++) { this.AddChild(new TemperatureWidgetHotend(printer, extruderIndex, theme, hotendCount) { Margin = new BorderDouble(right: 10) }); } if (printer.Settings.GetValue <bool>(SettingsKey.has_heated_bed)) { this.AddChild(new TemperatureWidgetBed(printer, theme)); } // Register listeners printer.Connection.ConnectionSucceeded += CheckForPrintRecovery; // if we are already connected than check if there is a print recovery right now if (printer.Connection.CommunicationState == CommunicationStates.Connected) { CheckForPrintRecovery(null, null); } } this.OverflowButton.Name = "Printer Overflow Menu"; this.OverflowButton.ToolTipText = "Printer Options".Localize(); this.ExtendOverflowMenu = (popupMenu) => { this.GeneratePrinterOverflowMenu(popupMenu, ApplicationController.Instance.MenuTheme); }; printer.ViewState.ViewModeChanged += (s, e) => { if (viewModes[e.ViewMode] is RadioIconButton activeButton && viewModes[e.PreviousMode] is RadioIconButton previousButton && !buttonIsBeingClicked) { // Show slide to animation from previous to current, on completion update view to current by setting active.Checked previousButton.SlideToNewState( activeButton, this, () => { activeButton.Checked = true; }, theme); } }; }
public PrintPopupMenu(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { this.printer = printer; this.DrawArrow = true; this.BackgroundColor = theme.ToolbarButtonBackground; this.HoverColor = theme.ToolbarButtonHover; this.MouseDownColor = theme.ToolbarButtonDown; this.Name = "PrintPopupMenu"; this.HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit; this.VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit; settingsContext = new SettingsContext(printer, null, NamedSettingsLayers.All); this.DynamicPopupContent = () => { var menuTheme = ApplicationController.Instance.MenuTheme; int tabIndex = 0; allUiFields.Clear(); var column = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { Padding = 10, BackgroundColor = menuTheme.Colors.PrimaryBackgroundColor }; column.AddChild(new TextWidget("Options".Localize(), textColor: menuTheme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Left }); var optionsPanel = new IgnoredFlowLayout() { Name = "PrintPopupMenu Panel", HAnchor = HAnchor.Fit | HAnchor.Left, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, Padding = 5, MinimumSize = new Vector2(400, 65), Margin = new BorderDouble(top: 10), }; column.AddChild(optionsPanel); foreach (var key in new[] { "layer_height", "fill_density", "support_material", "create_raft" }) { var settingsData = SettingsOrganizer.Instance.GetSettingsData(key); var row = SliceSettingsTabView.CreateItemRow(settingsData, settingsContext, printer, menuTheme, ref tabIndex, allUiFields); SliceSettingsRow.AddBordersToEditFields(row); optionsPanel.AddChild(row); } var subPanel = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom); var sectionWidget = new SectionWidget("Advanced", subPanel, menuTheme, expanded: true) { Name = "Advanced Section", HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit, Margin = 0 }; column.AddChild(sectionWidget); bool anySettingOverridden = false; anySettingOverridden |= printer.Settings.GetValue <bool>(SettingsKey.spiral_vase); anySettingOverridden |= !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(printer.Settings.GetValue(SettingsKey.layer_to_pause)); sectionWidget.Load += (s, e) => { sectionWidget.Checkbox.Checked = anySettingOverridden; }; foreach (var key in new[] { SettingsKey.spiral_vase, SettingsKey.layer_to_pause }) { var settingsData = SettingsOrganizer.Instance.GetSettingsData(key); var row = SliceSettingsTabView.CreateItemRow(settingsData, settingsContext, printer, menuTheme, ref tabIndex, allUiFields); SliceSettingsRow.AddBordersToEditFields(row); subPanel.AddChild(row); } theme.ApplyBoxStyle(sectionWidget); sectionWidget.Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 10); sectionWidget.ContentPanel.Children <SettingsRow>().First().Border = new BorderDouble(0, 1); sectionWidget.ContentPanel.Children <SettingsRow>().Last().Border = 0; var button = new TextButton("Start Print".Localize(), menuTheme) { Name = "Start Print Button", HAnchor = HAnchor.Right, VAnchor = VAnchor.Absolute, }; button.Click += (s, e) => { if (!printer.Bed.Scene.Children.Any()) { return; } UiThread.RunOnIdle(async() => { // Save any pending changes before starting print operation await ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks.Execute("Saving Changes".Localize(), printer.Bed.SaveChanges); await ApplicationController.Instance.PrintPart( printer.Bed.EditContext, printer, null, CancellationToken.None); }); }; column.AddChild(button); theme.ApplyPrimaryActionStyle(button); return(column); }; this.AddChild(new TextButton("Print".Localize(), theme) { Selectable = false, Padding = theme.TextButtonPadding.Clone(right: 5) }); ActiveSliceSettings.SettingChanged.RegisterEvent((s, e) => { if (e is StringEventArgs stringEvent) { string settingsKey = stringEvent.Data; if (allUiFields.TryGetValue(settingsKey, out UIField uifield)) { string currentValue = settingsContext.GetValue(settingsKey); if (uifield.Value != currentValue || settingsKey == "com_port") { uifield.SetValue( currentValue, userInitiated: false); } } } }, ref unregisterEvents); }
public SetupStepComPortOne(PrinterConfig printer) { this.WindowTitle = "Setup Wizard".Localize(); var container = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch, Margin = new BorderDouble(5), HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch }; var elementMargin = new BorderDouble(top: 5); var printerMessageOne = new TextWidget("MatterControl will now attempt to auto-detect printer.".Localize(), 0, 0, 10) { TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = elementMargin }; container.AddChild(printerMessageOne); var printerMessageTwo = new TextWidget(string.Format("1.) {0} ({1}).", "Disconnect printer".Localize(), "if currently connected".Localize()), 0, 0, 12) { TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = elementMargin }; container.AddChild(printerMessageTwo); var printerMessageThree = new TextWidget(string.Format("2.) {0} '{1}'.", "Press".Localize(), "Continue".Localize()), 0, 0, 12) { TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = elementMargin }; container.AddChild(printerMessageThree); var removeImage = StaticData.Instance.LoadImage(Path.Combine("Images", "remove usb.png")); removeImage.SetRecieveBlender(new BlenderPreMultBGRA()); container.AddChild(new ImageWidget(removeImage) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 10), }); GuiWidget vSpacer = new GuiWidget(); vSpacer.VAnchor = VAnchor.Stretch; container.AddChild(vSpacer); var setupManualConfigurationOrSkipConnectionWidget = new TextWidget("You can also".Localize() + ":", 0, 0, 10) { TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = elementMargin }; container.AddChild(setupManualConfigurationOrSkipConnectionWidget); var manualLink = new LinkLabel("Manually Configure Connection".Localize(), theme) { Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 5), TextColor = theme.TextColor }; manualLink.Click += (s, e) => UiThread.RunOnIdle(() => { DialogWindow.ChangeToPage(new SetupStepComPortManual(printer)); }); container.AddChild(manualLink); var printerMessageFour = new TextWidget("or".Localize(), 0, 0, 10) { TextColor = theme.TextColor, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, Margin = elementMargin }; container.AddChild(printerMessageFour); var skipConnectionLink = new LinkLabel("Skip Connection Setup".Localize(), theme) { Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 8), TextColor = theme.TextColor }; skipConnectionLink.Click += (s, e) => { printer.Connection.HaltConnectionThread(); Parent.Close(); }; container.AddChild(skipConnectionLink); contentRow.AddChild(container); // Construct buttons var nextButton = theme.CreateDialogButton("Continue".Localize()); nextButton.Click += (s, e) => { DialogWindow.ChangeToPage(new SetupStepComPortTwo(printer)); }; this.AddPageAction(nextButton); }
public static string FilamentUsed(this GCodeFile loadedGCode, PrinterConfig printer) { return(string.Format("{0:0.0} mm", loadedGCode.GetFilamentUsedMm(printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.filament_diameter)))); }
public ProcessWriteRegexStream(PrinterConfig printer, GCodeStream internalStream, QueuedCommandsStream queueStream) : base(printer, internalStream) { this.queueStream = queueStream; }
public static string FilamentVolume(this GCodeFile loadedGCode, PrinterConfig printer) { return(string.Format("{0:0.00} cm³", loadedGCode.GetFilamentCubicMm(printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.filament_diameter)) / 1000)); }
public PauseHandlingStream(PrinterConfig printer, GCodeStream internalStream) : base(printer, internalStream) { // if we have a runout sensor, register to listen for lines to check it if (printer.Settings.GetValue <bool>(SettingsKey.filament_runout_sensor)) { printer.Connection.LineReceived += (s, line) => { if (line != null) { if (line.Contains("ros_")) { if (line.Contains("TRIGGERED")) { readOutOfFilament = true; } } if (line.Contains("pos_")) { double sensorDistance = 0; double stepperDistance = 0; if (GCodeFile.GetFirstNumberAfter("SENSOR:", line, ref sensorDistance)) { if (sensorDistance < -1 || sensorDistance > 1) { printer.Connection.FilamentPositionSensorDetected = true; } if (printer.Connection.FilamentPositionSensorDetected) { GCodeFile.GetFirstNumberAfter("STEPPER:", line, ref stepperDistance); var stepperDelta = Math.Abs(stepperDistance - positionSensorData.LastStepperDistance); // if we think we should have move the filament by more than 1mm if (stepperDelta > 1) { var sensorDelta = Math.Abs(sensorDistance - positionSensorData.LastSensorDistance); // check if the sensor data is within a tolerance of the stepper data var deltaRatio = sensorDelta / stepperDelta; if (deltaRatio < .5 || deltaRatio > 2) { // we have a repartable discrepency set a runout state positionSensorData.ExtrusionDiscrepency++; if (positionSensorData.ExtrusionDiscrepency > 2) { readOutOfFilament = true; positionSensorData.ExtrusionDiscrepency = 0; } } else { positionSensorData.ExtrusionDiscrepency = 0; } // and recard this position positionSensorData.LastSensorDistance = sensorDistance; positionSensorData.LastStepperDistance = stepperDistance; } } } } } }; } }
public static string EstimatedCost(this GCodeFile loadedGCode, PrinterConfig printer) { var totalMass = TotalCost(loadedGCode, printer); return(totalMass <= 0 ? "Unknown" : string.Format("${0:0.00}", totalMass)); }
public static GuiWidget PrintProgressWidget(PrinterConfig printer, ThemeConfig theme) { var bodyRow = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Top | VAnchor.Fit, //BackgroundColor = new Color(theme.Colors.PrimaryBackgroundColor, 128), MinimumSize = new Vector2(275, 140), }; // Progress section var expandingContainer = new HorizontalSpacer() { VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Center }; bodyRow.AddChild(expandingContainer); var progressContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget(FlowDirection.TopToBottom) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Center | VAnchor.Fit, HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, }; expandingContainer.AddChild(progressContainer); var progressDial = new ProgressDial() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Center, Height = 200 * DeviceScale, Width = 200 * DeviceScale }; progressContainer.AddChild(progressDial); var bottomRow = new GuiWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Stretch, VAnchor = VAnchor.Fit }; progressContainer.AddChild(bottomRow); var timeContainer = new FlowLayoutWidget() { HAnchor = HAnchor.Center | HAnchor.Fit, Margin = 3 }; bottomRow.AddChild(timeContainer); // we can only reslice on 64 bit, because in 64 bit we always have the gcode loaded if (IntPtr.Size == 8) { var resliceButton = new TextButton("Re-Slice", theme) { HAnchor = HAnchor.Right, VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, Margin = new BorderDouble(0, 0, 7, 0), Name = "Re-Slice Button" }; bool activelySlicing = false; resliceButton.Click += (s, e) => { resliceButton.Enabled = false; UiThread.RunOnIdle(async() => { if (!activelySlicing && printer.Settings.IsValid() && printer.Bed.EditContext.SourceItem != null) { activelySlicing = true; if (bottomRow.Name == null) { bottomRow.Name = printer.Bed.EditContext.GCodeFilePath; } await ApplicationController.Instance.Tasks.Execute("Saving".Localize(), printer.Bed.SaveChanges); // start up a new slice on a backgroud thread await ApplicationController.Instance.SliceItemLoadOutput( printer, printer.Bed.Scene, printer.Bed.EditContext.GCodeFilePath); // Switch to the 3D layer view if on Model view if (printer.ViewState.ViewMode == PartViewMode.Model) { printer.ViewState.ViewMode = PartViewMode.Layers3D; } // when it is done queue it to the change to gcode stream var message2 = "Would you like to switch to the new G-Code? Before you switch, check that your are seeing the changes you expect.".Localize(); var caption2 = "Switch to new G-Code?".Localize(); StyledMessageBox.ShowMessageBox(async(clickedOk2) => { if (clickedOk2) { if (printer.Connection != null && (printer.Connection.PrinterIsPrinting || printer.Connection.PrinterIsPaused)) { printer.Connection.SwitchToGCode(printer.Bed.EditContext.GCodeFilePath); bottomRow.Name = printer.Bed.EditContext.GCodeFilePath; } } else { await ApplicationController.Instance.SliceItemLoadOutput( printer, printer.Bed.Scene, bottomRow.Name); } activelySlicing = false; resliceButton.Enabled = true; }, message2, caption2, StyledMessageBox.MessageType.YES_NO, "Switch".Localize(), "Cancel".Localize()); } else { resliceButton.Enabled = true; } }); }; bottomRow.AddChild(resliceButton); } timeContainer.AddChild(new ImageWidget(AggContext.StaticData.LoadIcon("fa-clock_24.png", theme.InvertIcons)) { VAnchor = VAnchor.Center }); var timeWidget = new TextWidget("", pointSize: 22, textColor: theme.Colors.PrimaryTextColor) { AutoExpandBoundsToText = true, Margin = new BorderDouble(10, 0, 0, 0), VAnchor = VAnchor.Center, }; timeContainer.AddChild(timeWidget); var runningInterval = UiThread.SetInterval( () => { int secondsPrinted = printer.Connection.SecondsPrinted; int hoursPrinted = (int)(secondsPrinted / (60 * 60)); int minutesPrinted = (secondsPrinted / 60 - hoursPrinted * 60); secondsPrinted = secondsPrinted % 60; // TODO: Consider if the consistency of a common time format would look and feel better than changing formats based on elapsed duration timeWidget.Text = (hoursPrinted <= 0) ? $"{minutesPrinted}:{secondsPrinted:00}" : $"{hoursPrinted}:{minutesPrinted:00}:{secondsPrinted:00}"; progressDial.LayerIndex = printer.Connection.CurrentlyPrintingLayer; progressDial.LayerCompletedRatio = printer.Connection.RatioIntoCurrentLayer; progressDial.CompletedRatio = printer.Connection.PercentComplete / 100; switch (printer.Connection.CommunicationState) { case CommunicationStates.PreparingToPrint: case CommunicationStates.Printing: case CommunicationStates.Paused: bodyRow.Visible = true; break; default: bodyRow.Visible = false; break; } }, 1); bodyRow.Closed += (s, e) => runningInterval.Continue = false; bodyRow.Visible = false; return(bodyRow); }
public static double TotalCost(this GCodeFile loadedGCode, PrinterConfig printer) { double filamentCost = printer.Settings.GetValue <double>(SettingsKey.filament_cost); return(loadedGCode.TotalMass(printer) / 1000 * filamentCost); }
public FeedRateMultiplyerStream(PrinterConfig printer, GCodeStream internalStream) : base(printer, internalStream) { }
public NotPrintingStream(PrinterConfig printer) : base(printer) { }
public MapStartGCode(PrinterConfig printer, string canonicalSettingsName, string exportedName, bool escapeNewlineCharacters) : base(printer, canonicalSettingsName, exportedName) { this.escapeNewlineCharacters = escapeNewlineCharacters; }
public DropMenuWrappedField(UIField uiField, SliceSettingData settingData, Color textColor, ThemeConfig theme, PrinterConfig printer) { this.printer = printer; this.settingData = settingData; this.uiField = uiField; this.textColor = textColor; this.theme = theme; }
private void Init() { printConfig = new PrinterConfig(); txtBoxBevaragePrinterName.Text = printConfig.BeveragePrinterName; txtBoxKitchenPrinterName.Text = printConfig.KitchenPrinterName; txtBoxClientPrinterName.Text = printConfig.ClientPrinterName; txtBoxotherPrinterName.Text = printConfig.OtherPrinter; txtBoxothernonfoodPrinterNametextBox.Text = printConfig.OtherNonFoodPrinter; radioButtonYex.Checked = printConfig.EnableSerialPortPrinting; //if (printConfig.BeveragePrintPaperSize == 38) //{ // rdbBevaragePrintSize38.Checked = true; //} //else if (printConfig.BeveragePrintPaperSize == 26) //{ // rdbBevaragePrintSize26.Checked = true; //} //if (printConfig.KitchenPrintPaperSize == 38) //{ // rdbKitchenPaperSize38.Checked = true; //} //else if (printConfig.KitchenPrintPaperSize == 26) //{ // rdbKitchenPaperSize26.Checked = true; //} }
public void Initialize(PrinterConfig printer) { this.printer = printer; printerSetupRequired = PrinterCalibrationWizard.SetupRequired(printer, requiresLoadedFilament: false); }