void create() { int[] timeline = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(timelinename); GameObject newNote = Instantiate(n, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); SpriteRenderer sr = newNote.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (i >= timeline.Length) { return; } time = timeline[i]; if (time == 1) { //sr.color=Color.red; } if (time == 2) { //sr.color=Color.blue; } if (time == 3) { //sr.color=Color.green; } i++; Invoke("create", time); }
public void DeactiveCard() { if (PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs").Length > 15) // VERIFICA SE TEM PELO MENOS 15 CARTAS SELECIONADAS { activebutton.sprite = activeFalse; isactivebutton = false; int[] original = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs"); List <int> iList = new List <int> (); for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++) { iList.Add(original [i]); } iList.Remove(CardID); int[] finalArray = new int[iList.Count]; int x = 0; foreach (int i in iList) { finalArray [x] = i; x++; } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs", finalArray); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { temp = new int[10]; Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().loop = true; Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().clip = bgMusic; Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource> ().Play(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { temp[i] = Random.Range(1, 22); } if (PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs").Length <= 0) { PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs", temp); if (temp.Length < 15) { PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs", temp); } Debug.Log(PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs").Length); } else { if (PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs").Length > 0 || PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs").Length <= 15) { PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs", PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs")); } temp = empty; } PlayerPrefs.SetString("Tutorial", "True"); }
public void EndGame() { bool newHighScore = false; int tempScore = 0; int nextScore = 0; highScores = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("scores"); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("orderInScore", 99); for (int i = 0; i < highScores.Length; i++) { if (newHighScore == false) { if (MyScore >= highScores [i]) { newHighScore = true; tempScore = highScores [i]; highScores [i] = MyScore; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("orderInScore", i); } } else { nextScore = highScores [i]; highScores [i] = tempScore; tempScore = nextScore; } } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("scores", highScores); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { database = GetComponent <AnimalDatabase>(); // How many slots slotAmount = 25; // Find InventoryPanel and instantiate slots inventoryPanel = GameObject.Find("Inventory Panel"); slotPanel = inventoryPanel.transform.Find("SlotPanel").gameObject; for (int i = 0; i < slotAmount; i++) { animals.Add(new Animal()); slots.Add(GameObject.Instantiate(inventorySlot)); slots[i].transform.SetParent(slotPanel.transform); } aquired = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("AnimalsAquired"); for (int i = 1; i <= database.Count(); i++) { if (!contains(i)) { addAnimal(-i); } else { addAnimal(i); } } }
// Start is called before the first frame update public void Start() { var timesList = PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray("TimeKEY"); Debug.Log(timesList); var scoreList = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("KEY"); foreach (int A in scoreList) { Debug.Log(A); } //得点を新しい順に表示するコード var zip = scoreList.Zip(timesList, (scores, times) => new { scores, times }) .OrderByDescending(pair => pair.times) .Select((pair, index) => $"{pair.times} 得点:{pair.scores}"); //削除:No.{index + 1} foreach (string A in zip) { ResultBox = Instantiate(ResultBoxPrefab); ResultBox.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false); var txtComp = ResultBox.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); txtComp.text = A; Debug.Log(A); rankingList.Add(txtComp); Debug.Log(rankingList[0]); } }
void napolniHighscore() { int[] highScoreArr = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("HighScore"); string[] Names = PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray("Names"); //Debug.Log(highScoreArr.Length + " " + Names.Length); if (highScoreArr.Length > 0 && Names.Length > 0) { if (highScoreArr.Length == Names.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < highScoreArr.Length; i++) { highscoreText[i].text = Names[i] + " - " + highScoreArr[i]; } } else { Debug.Log("Error?"); } } //else //{ // int[] tempArrayINT = new int[10] { 1000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 }; // string[] tempArraySTR = new string[10] { "PC Master", "Luka", "Rok", "Aljaz", "Matjaz", "Ziga", "Janez", "Micka", "Francka", "Joze" }; // PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("HighScore", tempArrayINT); // PlayerPrefsX.SetStringArray("Names", tempArraySTR); // //highscoreText[0].text = "Napolnim"; // Debug.Log("Prazno... zaj polnim"); //} }
public void ActiveCard() { lastCard.GetComponent <CardScript> ().SetActiveButton(); int[] original = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs"); List <int> iList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++) { iList.Add(original [i]); } iList.Add(lastCard.GetComponent <CardScript> ().CardID); int[] finalArray = new int[iList.Count]; int x = 0; foreach (int i in iList) { finalArray [x] = i; x++; } // int[] finalArray = new int[original.Length + 1 ]; // // for(int i = 0; i < original.Length; i ++ ) { // finalArray[i] = original[i]; // } // finalArray[finalArray.Length - 1] = lastCard.GetComponent<CardScript>().CardID; PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs", finalArray); }
public void DeactiveCard() { lastCard.GetComponent <CardScript> ().SetDesativeButton(); int[] original = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs"); List <int> iList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++) { iList.Add(original [i]); } iList.Remove(lastCard.GetComponent <CardScript> ().CardID); int[] finalArray = new int[iList.Count]; int x = 0; foreach (int i in iList) { finalArray [x] = i; x++; } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs", finalArray); }
public void SendCard(GameObject o) { lastCard = o; cardname.text = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().cardname; descrition.text = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().descrition; cost.text = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().cost; damage.text = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().damage; efect.sprite = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().efect.sprite; image.sprite = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().image; character.sprite = o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().peson; Debug.Log(PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs").Length); if (PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("SelectedCardsIDs").Length <= 15 && enableButton != null) { enableButton.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = false; } else if (enableButton != null) { enableButton.GetComponent <Button> ().interactable = true; } if (enableButton != null && disableButton != null) { if (o.GetComponent <CardScript> ().isactivebutton) { enableButton.SetActive(true); disableButton.SetActive(false); } else { enableButton.SetActive(false); disableButton.SetActive(true); } } }
public void RemoveCard() { int[] original = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs"); if (original.Length > 5) { List <int> iList = new List <int> (); for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++) { iList.Add(original [i]); } iList.Remove(lastCard.GetComponent <CardScript> ().CardID); int[] finalArray = new int[iList.Count]; int x = 0; foreach (int i in iList) { finalArray [x] = i; x++; } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("PlayerCardsIDs", finalArray); DeactiveCard(); Destroy(lastCard.gameObject); this.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
// Update is called once per frame //void Update () { public void SelectCharcter() { OwnedSkinIndexs = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("OwnedSkinIndexs", 27, 1); ChosenCharcter = SkinIndex; BuyButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); Buy.ShowBuyBtn(ChosenCharcter, this.gameObject); for (int i = 0; i < OwnedSkinIndexs.Length; i++) { if (ChosenCharcter == OwnedSkinIndexs[i]) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ChosenSkin", ChosenCharcter); BuyButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); Debug.Log(ChosenCharcter + "--" + ChosenCharcter + "--" + OwnedSkinIndexs[i]); } } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ChosenSkin", ChosenCharcter); CharcterView.SetActive(false); CharcterView.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().sprite = PlayerSkins[SkinIndex]; CharcterView.transform.position = StartupPosition; CharcterView.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 10f); CharcterView.SetActive(true); }
public static int LoadTheGame(int loadSlot) //should be 1-4 { //check if load exists, if not doesn't load the game if (PlayerPrefsX.GetVector3("respawn" + loadSlot) == null) { return(-1); //failure } plants.Clear(); loadedSlot = loadSlot; //LOADS THE GAME SceneManager.LoadScene(PlayerPrefs.GetString("activeScene" + loadSlot)); //change update player next respawn spawnLocation = PlayerPrefsX.GetVector3("respawn" + loadSlot); Globals.player.health = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("playerHealth" + loadSlot); inventory = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("playerInventory" + loadSlot); print(inventory); PlayerPrefsX.GetBool("lavaBossBeaten" + loadSlot, lavaBossBeaten); PlayerPrefsX.GetBool("windBossBeaten" + loadSlot, windBossBeaten); PlayerPrefsX.GetBool("caveBossBeaten" + loadSlot, caveBossBeaten); Vector3[] tempPlantPositions = PlayerPrefsX.GetVector3Array("PlantPositions" + loadSlot); int[] tempPlantTypes = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlantTypes" + loadSlot); String[] tempPlantScenes = PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray("PlantScenes" + loadSlot); int[] tempPlantDirections = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("PlantDirections" + loadSlot); for (int i = 0; i < tempPlantDirections.Length; i++) { plants.Add(new PlantData(tempPlantPositions[i], tempPlantScenes[i], (Direction)tempPlantDirections[i]), tempPlantTypes[i]); } return(1); //success }
public void End(string name) { if (testNetwork.isConnect) { myParse.InsertScore(combo, name); GameObject.Find("Preload").GetComponent <Preload>().FirstInStartScene(); Application.LoadLevel("Start"); } int[] scores = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("scores"); string[] names = PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray("names"); scores[10] = combo; names[10] = name; for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++) { for (int j = i; j < scores.Length; j++) { if (scores[j] > scores[i]) { int temp = scores[j]; scores[j] = scores[i]; scores[i] = temp; string temp1 = names[j]; names[j] = names[i]; names[i] = temp1; } } } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("scores", scores); PlayerPrefsX.SetStringArray("names", names); }
public void UnlockLevel(string nameWorld, int indexLevel) { var tempListLockLevel = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("levelLocked" + nameWorld).ToList(); tempListLockLevel.Remove(indexLevel); PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("levelLocked" + nameWorld, tempListLockLevel.ToArray()); }
private int[] highScoresArray = new int[10]; // Array with ten high scores // Use this for initialization void Start() { //Gets high score array highScoresArray = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("HighScoreArray"); //Gest scores from ScoresCounter class totalPoints.text = ScoresCounter.score.ToString(); //Calculate the total points for the game over screen totalPoints.text = int.Parse(totalPoints.text).ToString(); //Parses points to int score = int.Parse(totalPoints.text); //Checks if the score is higher then the last element in the array if (score > highScoresArray[9]) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //Loops the array to add a high score { if (score > highScoresArray[i]) //Check if score is higher then the pleace in array that is in { for (int j = 9; j > i; j--) //Scores go down by one in the array { highScoresArray[j] = highScoresArray[j - 1]; }//End of for highScoresArray[i] = score;//Found the pleace in the array break;//Found the pleace so it won't look for more } //End of if } //End of for loop } //End of if PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("HighScoreArray", highScoresArray);//Adds result to the high score array }//End of start method
public void LoadLevelInfo() { int[] lvlArray = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("LevelInfo"); if (lvlArray.Length < LevelDataTable.Length) { int oldArraySize = lvlArray.Length; Array.Resize <int>(ref lvlArray, LevelDataTable.Length); for (int i = oldArraySize; i < LevelDataTable.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { lvlArray[0] = 0; } else { lvlArray[i] = LEVEL_LOCKED; } } } else if (lvlArray.Length > LevelDataTable.Length) { Array.Resize <int>(ref lvlArray, LevelDataTable.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < LevelDataTable.Length; i++) { LevelDataTable[i].locked = (lvlArray[i] & LEVEL_LOCKED) > 0; //Bitwise check if level is locked i.e. 1 or 3 LevelDataTable[i].completed = (lvlArray[i] & LEVEL_COMPLETED) > 0; // ditto for completed i.e. 2 or 3 } }
void Start() { highScoresArray = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("HighScoreArray"); gainedPointsText.text = PointsManager.points.ToString(); GameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); extraLifesBonusText.text = (GameManager.GetComponent <CarDurabilityManager>().lifes *everyExtraLifeBonus).ToString(); if ((PlayerCar = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player")) != null) { if (PlayerCar.GetComponent <PlayerCarMovement>().durability == PlayerCar.GetComponent <PlayerCarMovement>().maxDurability) { noCollisionBonusText.text = noCollisionBonus.ToString(); } } altogetherPointsText.text = (int.Parse(gainedPointsText.text) + int.Parse(extraLifesBonusText.text) + int.Parse(noCollisionBonusText.text)).ToString(); score = int.Parse(altogetherPointsText.text); if (score > highScoresArray[9]) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (score > highScoresArray[i]) { for (int j = 9; j > i; j--) { highScoresArray[j] = highScoresArray[j - 1]; } highScoresArray[i] = score; break; } } } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("HighScoreArray", highScoresArray); }
public void LoadPlayerSave(Monster playerMonster) { Debug.Log("Load save"); for (int i = 0; i < allParts.Length; ++i) { allParts[i].playerlevel = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray($"PartsLevels_{allParts[i].type}"); allParts[i].isOwnedByPlayer = PlayerPrefsX.GetBoolArray($"IsOwnedByPlayer_{allParts[i].type}"); } LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Body); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Arms); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Legs); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Tail); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Wings); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Fur); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Head); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Teeth); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Eyes); LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType.Horns); void LoadBodyPart(BodyPartType type) { int id = PlayerPrefs.GetInt($"EquipedId_{type}"); allParts[(int)type].parts[id].isEquipedByPlayer = true; playerMonster.usedBodyParts.Add(GetAllParts(type)[id]); } OnNewPlayerPartsAvaliable?.Invoke(); }
void LoadArray() { players.Clear(); scores.Clear(); players.AddRange(PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray("Leaderboard.players")); scores.AddRange(PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("Leaderboard.scores")); }
public static void loadGame() { //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); UserName = PlayerPrefs.GetString(STRING_USER_NAME); Coin = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(STRING_COIN); mUnblockLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(STRING_UNBLOCK_LEVEL); starArray = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(STRING_LEVEL_STAR); if (starArray.Length < 10) { starArray = new int[120]; } mBoom = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(STRING_BOOM); mPush = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(STRING_PUSH); mThrough = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(STRING_THROUGH); if (mUnblockLevel < 1) { mBoom = 3; mPush = 3; mThrough = 3; mUnblockLevel = 1; } // mUnblockLevel = 50; if (UserName.Length <= 4) { UserName = "******"; } }
private static string getEntityFiltersString() { int[] entityFilters = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("EntitiesCodes"); string filteredFiltersString = "("; int totalFilters = entityFilters.Length; if (totalFilters == 0) { return(""); } if (totalFilters > 50) { totalFilters = 50; // maxiumum number for Query API } for (int x = 0; x < totalFilters; x++) { filteredFiltersString += "'" + entityFilters[x].ToString() + "'"; if (x < (totalFilters - 1)) { filteredFiltersString += ", "; } else { filteredFiltersString += ")"; } } Debug.Log(filteredFiltersString); return(filteredFiltersString); }
void Update() { guns = GunData.guns; int[] currentGuns = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("gunsEquipped", 0, 2); //Debug.Log(guns.Count); GameObject Gun1 = transform.Find(guns[currentGuns[0]].gunName).gameObject; GameObject Gun2 = transform.Find(guns[currentGuns[1]].gunName).gameObject; foreach (Transform child in Weapon1.transform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } foreach (Transform child in Weapon2.transform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } if (currentGuns[0] == currentGuns[1]) { GameObject Image1 = Object.Instantiate(Gun1); Image1.transform.SetParent(Weapon1.transform, false); Image1.SetActive(true); return; } GameObject newImage1 = Object.Instantiate(Gun1); GameObject newImage2 = Object.Instantiate(Gun2); newImage1.transform.SetParent(Weapon1.transform, false); newImage2.transform.SetParent(Weapon2.transform, false); newImage1.SetActive(true); newImage2.SetActive(true); }
public void Load() { StopAllCoroutines(); Vector3[] monsterLocations = PlayerPrefsX.GetVector3Array("monsterLocations"); int[] monsterTypes = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("monsterTypes"); if (monsterLocations != null && monsterTypes != null) { foreach (Transform child in transform) { GameObject.Destroy(child.gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < monsterLocations.Length; i++) { int monsterType = monsterTypes[i]; Vector3 targetLocation = monsterLocations[i]; GameObject monsterPrefab = monsterPrefabs[monsterType]; MonsterMover mover = monsterPrefab.GetComponent <MonsterMover>(); InstantiateMonster(monsterPrefab, mover, targetLocation, monsterType); } } StartCoroutine(Respawn()); }
public void DoAction() { movementScript.KillMovement(); movementScript.enabled = false; endLevelCanvas.SetActive(true); pedestrianCollissionText.text = GUIController.instance.pedestrianCollissionText.text; wallCollissionsText.text = GUIController.instance.wallCollissionsText.text; resetsText.text = GUIController.instance.resetsText.text; currentScore.text = GUIController.instance.currentScore.text; if (fallScore != null) { fallScore.text = GUIController.instance.fallText.text; } PlayerPrefs.SetInt(lastScoreName, Convert.ToInt32(currentScore.text)); int[] lastScores = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(levelName, 0, 10); for (int i = lastScores.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { lastScores[i] = lastScores[i - 1]; } lastScores[0] = Convert.ToInt32(currentScore.text); PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray(levelName, lastScores); PlayerPrefs.Save(); GameController.instance.endLevel = true; }
/// <summary> /// Saves the player's recent score so it can be displayed in the end /// screen. Also checks if the score should be in the player's top five /// scores. /// </summary> public void SaveScore() { // Save recent score PlayerPrefs.SetInt(scoreKey, int.Parse(scoreDisplay.text)); int recentScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(scoreKey); List <int> highscores = new List <int>(PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(highscoresKey, 0, 5)); // Check if recent score has beaten any previous scores for (int i = 0; i < highscores.Count; i++) { if (recentScore > highscores[i]) { highscores.Insert(i, recentScore); break; } } // Remove any scores not in the top five for (int i = 5; i < highscores.Count;) { highscores.RemoveAt(maxNumScores); } // Save list of high scores PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray(highscoresKey, highscores.ToArray()); }
public void UnlockCharacter(int _index) { bool[] ballU = PlayerPrefsX.GetBoolArray(GameKeys.kprefBallPrizeUnlock); int totalDiamonds = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(GameKeys.kprefDiamonds); int[] ball_PrizeC = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray(GameKeys.kprefBallPrize); if (ballU [_index]) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("INDEX", _index); return; } else { if (ball_PrizeC [_index] <= totalDiamonds) { int new_Diamond = totalDiamonds - ball_PrizeC [_index]; // GameController.instance.diamondScoreText.text = new_Diamond.ToString (); PlayerPrefs.SetInt(GameKeys.kprefDiamonds, new_Diamond); UpdateDiamondScore(); IPScrollView.Instance.scrollableObjects [_index].GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); ballU [_index] = true; PlayerPrefsX.SetBoolArray(GameKeys.kprefBallPrizeUnlock, ballU); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("INDEX", _index); } } }
void Start() { highUser = PlayerPrefsX.GetStringArray("userArray", "Anonim", 15); highScores = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("scoreArray", 0, 15); insertScore(); setupSetting(); }
private void LoadPrefs() { _currentLevel = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("currentLevel"); bool [] levelsAvailable = PlayerPrefsX.GetBoolArray("levelsAvalable"); bool [] levelsCompleted = PlayerPrefsX.GetBoolArray("levelsCompleted"); bool [] levelsVisited = PlayerPrefsX.GetBoolArray("levelsVisited"); int [] levelsStars = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("levelsStars"); _levelsPrefs = new List <Level> (); for (int i = 0; i < levelsTotal; i++) { _levelsPrefs.Add(new Level(levelsAvailable[i], levelsCompleted[i], levelsStars[i], levelsVisited[i])); if (i < levelsTotal - 1) { if (_levelsInfo.transitions != null && i < _levelsInfo.transitions.Count) { _levelsPrefs[i].transitions = _levelsInfo.transitions[i]; } else { _levelsPrefs[i].transitions = new List <int>(); _levelsPrefs[i].transitions.Add(i + 1); } } else { _levelsPrefs[i].transitions = null; } } }
void Start() { this.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = Points.points.ToString(); highScoresArray = PlayerPrefsX.GetIntArray("HighScoreArray"); score = Points.points; if (score > highScoresArray[9]) { for (int i = 0; i < highScoresArray.Length; i++) { if (score > highScoresArray[i]) { for (int j = highScoresArray.Length - 1; j > i; j--) { highScoresArray[j] = highScoresArray[j - 1]; } highScoresArray[i] = score; break; } } } PlayerPrefsX.SetIntArray("HighScoreArray", highScoresArray); }