// Orient the collidable objects public override void Orient(PlatformObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { base.Orient(parent, position, rotation); platformParent = parent; platformParent.OnPlatformDeactivation += CollidableDeactivation; }
// spawn the platforms, obstacles, power ups, and coins private PlatformObject SpawnObjects(ObjectLocation location, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, bool activateImmediately) { SetupSection(location, false); spawnData.turnSpawned = turnPlatform[(int)location] != null; int localIndex = infiniteObjectManager.GetNextObjectIndex(ObjectType.Platform, spawnData); if (localIndex == -1) { print("Unable to spawn platform. No platforms can be spawned based on the probability rules at distance " + infiniteObjectHistory.GetTotalDistance(false) + " within section " + spawnData.section + (spawnData.sectionTransition ? (" (Transitioning from section " + spawnData.prevSection + ")") : "")); return(null); } PlatformObject platform = SpawnPlatform(localIndex, location, position, direction, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable() && Random.value >= noCollidableProbability.GetValue(infiniteObjectHistory.GetTotalDistance(false))) { // First try to spawn an obstacle. If there is any space remaining on the platform, then try to spawn a coin. // If there is still some space remaing, try to spawn a powerup. // An extension of this would be to randomize the order of ObjectType, but this way works if the probabilities // are setup fairly SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.Obstacle, position, direction, location, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable()) { SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.Coin, position, direction, location, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable()) { SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.PowerUp, position, direction, location, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); } } } return(platform); }
// Spawn platform private PlatformObject SpawnPlatform(int localIndex, Direction locationDirection, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, bool activateImmediately) { PlatformObject platform = (PlatformObject)ObjectPool.instance.GetObjectFromPool(localIndex, ObjectType.Platform); Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); platform.Orient(position + (direction * platformSizes[localIndex].z / 2), lookRotation); if (activateImmediately) { platform.Activate(); } int objectIndex = ObjectPool.instance.GetObjectIndexFromLocalIndex(localIndex, ObjectType.Platform); BasicObject prevTopPlatform = ObjectHistory.instance.ObjectSpawned(objectIndex, 0, locationDirection, lookRotation.eulerAngles.y, ObjectType.Platform, platform); // the current platform now becames the parent of the previous top platform if (prevTopPlatform != null) { prevTopPlatform.SetObjectParent(platform); } else { ObjectHistory.instance.SetBottomObject(locationDirection, IS_PLATFORM, platform); } ObjectHistory.instance.AddTotalDistance(platformSizes[localIndex].z, locationDirection, IS_PLATFORM, spawnData.section); return(platform); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); PlatformObject platformObject = (PlatformObject)target; bool sectionTransition = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Section Transition", platformObject.sectionTransition); if (sectionTransition != platformObject.sectionTransition) { platformObject.sectionTransition = sectionTransition; EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } if (sectionTransition) { List <int> fromSection = platformObject.fromSection; List <int> toSection = platformObject.toSection; if (SectionSelectionInspector.showSectionTransitions(ref fromSection, ref toSection)) { platformObject.fromSection = fromSection; platformObject.toSection = toSection; EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } } }
// returns the length of the created platform private PlatformObject SpawnPlatform(int localIndex, ObjectLocation location, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, bool activateImmediately) { PlatformObject platform = (PlatformObject)infiniteObjectManager.ObjectFromPool(localIndex, ObjectType.Platform); Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); platform.Orient(position + (direction * platformSizes[localIndex].z / 2), lookRotation); if (activateImmediately) { platform.Activate(); } int objectIndex = infiniteObjectManager.LocalIndexToObjectIndex(localIndex, ObjectType.Platform); InfiniteObject prevTopPlatform = infiniteObjectHistory.ObjectSpawned(objectIndex, 0, location, lookRotation.eulerAngles.y, ObjectType.Platform, platform); // the current platform now becames the parent of the previous top platform if (prevTopPlatform != null) { prevTopPlatform.SetInfiniteObjectParent(platform); } else { infiniteObjectHistory.SetBottomInfiniteObject(location, false, platform); } infiniteObjectHistory.AddTotalDistance(platformSizes[localIndex].z, location, false, spawnData.section); return(platform); }
// Reset values public void ResetValues() { isFlying = false; isFlyingPending = false; flySpeed = 0; isStumbling = false; onGround = true; prevHitHashCode = -1; canUpdatePosition = true; playerAnimation.ResetValues(); turnTime = -simultaneousTurnPreventionTime; platformObject = null; currentSlotPosition = SlotPosition.Center; targetHorizontalPosition = (int)currentSlotPosition * ObjectGenerator.instance.slotDistance; totalMoveDistance = 0; curveOffset = Vector3.zero; turnOffset = prevTurnOffset = Vector3.zero; forwardSpeeds.ResetValues(); thisTransform.position = startPosition; thisTransform.rotation = startRotation; targetRotation = startRotation; UpdateTargetPosition(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y); }
public override void orient(PlatformObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { base.orient(parent, position, rotation); collideWithPlayer = true; moving = (startMoveSquaredDistance == 0); lastSquareMagnitude = Mathf.Infinity; yAngle = thisTransform.eulerAngles.y; }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.OnInspectorGUI(); GUILayout.Space(10); CollidableAppearanceRules collidableAppearanceRules = (CollidableAppearanceRules)target; List<PlatformPlacementRule> platformPlacementRules = collidableAppearanceRules.avoidPlatforms; if (PlatformPlacementRuleInspector.showPlatforms(ref platformPlacementRules, false)) { collidableAppearanceRules.avoidPlatforms = platformPlacementRules; EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } if (addNewAvoidPlatform) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Target Platform"); targetPlatform = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(targetPlatform, typeof(PlatformObject), false) as PlatformObject; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (addError.Length > 0) { GUI.contentColor = Color.red; GUILayout.Label(addError); GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Add")) { int error; if ((error = PlatformPlacementRuleInspector.addPlatform(platformPlacementRules, targetPlatform, false)) == 0) { addNewAvoidPlatform = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(target); } else { switch (error) { case 1: addError = "Error: Target Platform is not set"; break; case 2: addError = "Error: Target Platform has already been added"; break; default: addError = "Unknown Error"; break; } } } if (GUILayout.Button("Cancel")) { addNewAvoidPlatform = false; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if (!addNewAvoidPlatform && GUILayout.Button("Add Avoid Platform")) { addError = ""; addNewAvoidPlatform = true; } }
private void Update() { if (player.position.x > firstPlatform.transform.position.x + despawnDistance) { PlatformObject platform = platformPool.Pop(DetermineSpawnPosition(lastPlatform)); Add(platform); Remove(firstPlatform); } }
private Vector3 DetermineSpawnPosition(PlatformObject lastPlat) { float minX = lastPlat.width + lastPlat.width; float y = lastPlat.transform.position.y + Random.Range(-yGap, yGap); float x = lastPlatform.transform.position.x + minX + Random.Range(0f, xGap); return(new Vector3(x, Random.Range(-yGap, yGap), 0f)); }
// orient for collidables which have a platform as a parent public virtual void orient(PlatformObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { thisTransform.parent = parent.getTransform(); Vector3 pos = startPosition; pos += position; thisTransform.localPosition = parent.getTransform().InverseTransformPoint(pos); thisTransform.rotation = startRotation; thisTransform.Rotate(0, rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0, Space.World); }
// Override to add additional restriction public override bool CanSpawnObject(float distance, ObjectSpawnData spawnData) { if (!base.CanSpawnObject(distance, spawnData)) { return(false); } int platformLocalIndex = ObjectHistory.instance.GetFirstPlatformIndex(); if (platformLocalIndex == -1) { return(false); } // Get the platform that this scene is going to spawn next to. // See if the platform requires linked scenes and if it does, if this scene fulfills that requirement. PlatformObject platform = ObjectPool.instance.GetObjectFromLocalIndex(platformLocalIndex, ObjectType.Platform) as PlatformObject; if (platform.HasLinkedScenes()) { for (int i = 0; i < linkedPlatforms.Count; ++i) { if (linkedPlatforms[i].CanSpawnObject(platformLocalIndex)) { return(true); } } return(false); } else if (linkedPlatforms.Count > 0) // return false if this scene is linked to a platform but the platform doesn't have any linked scenes { return(false); } // if the platform can't fit, then don't spawn it float totalDistance = ObjectHistory.instance.GetTotalDistance(false); float largestScene = spawnData.largestScene; float sceneBuffer = (spawnData.useWidthBuffer ? platformSceneWidthBuffer : 0); // useWidthBuffer contains the information if we should spawn up to totalDistance if (totalDistance - distance - sceneBuffer - largestScene >= 0) { // largest scene of 0 means we are approaching a turn and it doesn't matter what size object is spawned as long as it fits if (largestScene == 0) { return(totalDistance - distance - sceneBuffer >= zSize); } else { return(largestScene >= zSize); } } return(false); }
// An object run contains many platforms strung together with collidables: obstacles, power ups, and coins. If spawnObjectRun encounters a turn, // it will spawn the objects in the correct direction public void spawnObjectRun(bool activateImmediately) { while (localDistance[(int)ObjectLocation.Center] < horizon && turnPlatform[(int)ObjectLocation.Center] == null) { PlatformObject platform = spawnObjects(ObjectLocation.Center, localDistance[(int)ObjectLocation.Center] * moveDirection + localPlatformHeight[(int)ObjectLocation.Center] * Vector3.up + turnOffset, moveDirection, activateImmediately); if (platform == null) { return; } platformSpawned(platform, ObjectLocation.Center, moveDirection, Vector3.zero, activateImmediately); if (spawnFullLength) { spawnObjectRun(activateImmediately); } } if (turnPlatform[(int)ObjectLocation.Center] != null) { Vector3 turnDirection = turnPlatform[(int)ObjectLocation.Center].getTransform().right; // spawn the platform and scene objects for the left and right turns for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { ObjectLocation location = (i == 0 ? ObjectLocation.Right : ObjectLocation.Left); bool canTurn = (location == ObjectLocation.Right && turnPlatform[(int)ObjectLocation.Center].isRightTurn) || (location == ObjectLocation.Left && turnPlatform[(int)ObjectLocation.Center].isLeftTurn); if (canTurn && turnPlatform[(int)location] == null) { infiniteObjectHistory.setActiveLocation(location); Vector3 centerDistance = (localDistance[(int)ObjectLocation.Center] + turnPlatform[(int)ObjectLocation.Center].turnLengthOffset) * moveDirection; if (localDistance[(int)location] < horizon) { PlatformObject platform = spawnObjects(location, centerDistance + turnDirection * localDistance[(int)location] + localPlatformHeight[(int)location] * Vector3.up + turnOffset, turnDirection, activateImmediately); if (platform == null) { return; } platformSpawned(platform, location, turnDirection, centerDistance, activateImmediately); } } turnDirection *= -1; } // reset infiniteObjectHistory.setActiveLocation(ObjectLocation.Center); } }
private void Start() { PlatformObject platform = platformPool.Pop(startingPlatform.transform.position); firstPlatform = platform; lastPlatform = platform; for (int i = 0; i < startingCount; i++) { Add(platformPool.Pop(DetermineSpawnPosition(lastPlatform))); } }
/// <summary> /// Places an object on a platform /// </summary> /// <param name="platformObject">The object to place</param> /// <param name="platform">The platform to place it on</param> protected virtual void PlacePlatformObject(PlatformObject platformObject, Transform platform) { var obsPool = platformObject.pool; var obj = obsPool.GetFromPool(); var pos = platform.position + Vector3.up * platform.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size.y; obj.position = pos; obj.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0); PlatformsPlacedOnThisFrame.Add(platform); }
void ShowNextMap(PlatformObject currentMap) { var aux = currentMap.Combinations.Where(c => !c.Visible).ToArray(); var nextMap = aux[rnd.Next(0, aux.Length)]; var v = currentMap.Instance.transform.position + new Vector3(0, currentMap.Instance.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.y, 0); ActivateMap(nextMap, v); }
// Orient for objects relative to parent public virtual void Orient(PlatformObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { thisTransform.parent = parent.GetTransform(); Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero; float yAngle = rotation.eulerAngles.y; pos.Set(startPosition.x * Mathf.Cos(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + startPosition.z * Mathf.Sin(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), startPosition.y, -startPosition.x * Mathf.Sin(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + startPosition.z * Mathf.Cos(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); pos += position; thisTransform.localPosition = parent.GetTransform().InverseTransformPoint(pos); thisTransform.rotation = startRotation; thisTransform.Rotate(0, rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0, Space.World); }
public Vector3 GetTurnOffset() { // add an offset so the character is always in the correct slot after a turn PlatformObject topPlatform = infiniteObjectHistory.GetTopInfiniteObject(ObjectLocation.Center, false) as PlatformObject; Vector3 offset = Vector3.zero; Vector3 position = topPlatform.GetTransform().position; int topPlatformIndex = infiniteObjectHistory.GetLastLocalIndex(ObjectLocation.Center, ObjectType.Platform); Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(spawnDirection); offset.x = (position.x + platformStartPosition[topPlatformIndex].x * (spawnDirection.z > 0 ? -1 : 1)) * -Mathf.Cos(lookRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (spawnDirection.z > 0 ? -1 : 1); offset.z = (position.z + platformStartPosition[topPlatformIndex].x * (spawnDirection.x < 0 ? -1 : 1)) * Mathf.Sin(lookRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (spawnDirection.x < 0 ? -1 : 1); return(offset); }
public void ResetValues(bool fromRevive) { StopSlide(true); slideData.duration = 0; stumbleData.duration = 0; jumpSpeed = 0; isJumping = false; isJumpPending = false; isSliding = false; isStumbling = false; onGround = true; prevHitTransform = null; canUpdatePosition = true; playerAnimation.ResetValues(); if (projectileManager) { projectileManager.ResetValues(); } pauseCollisionParticlePlaying = false; turnTime = -simultaneousTurnPreventionTime; jumpLandTime = Time.time; platformObject = null; curveTime = -1; curveMoveDistance = 0; curveDistanceMapIndex = 0; followCurve = false; if (!fromRevive) { currentSlotPosition = SlotPosition.Center; targetHorizontalPosition = (int)currentSlotPosition * infiniteObjectGenerator.slotDistance; totalMoveDistance = 0; turnOffset = prevTurnOffset = Vector3.zero; curveOffset = Vector3.zero; forwardSpeeds.ResetValues(); thisTransform.position = startPosition; thisTransform.rotation = startRotation; targetRotation = startRotation; UpdateTargetPosition(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y); reviveTime = -1; } else { reviveTime = Time.time; } }
public void RestartGame() { mainMenu.SetActive(true); gameStarted = false; gameOver = false; playerActive = false; // Reset the positions of the objects for (int i = 0; i < gameElements.Count; i++) { PlatformObject element = gameElements [i]; element.ResetToInitialPosition(); } player.ResetToStartPosition(); }
public override void AssignIndexToObject(InfiniteObject infiniteObject, int index) { base.AssignIndexToObject(infiniteObject, index); for (int i = 0; i < linkedPlatforms.Count; ++i) { if (linkedPlatforms[i].AssignIndexToObject(infiniteObject, index)) { PlatformObject platform = infiniteObject as PlatformObject; platform.EnableLinkedSceneObjectRequired(); (thisInfiniteObject as SceneObject).sectionTransition = platform.sectionTransition; break; } } }
// Assign index for object // This also has the responsibility of adding indices for the linked platform public override void AssignIndexToObject(BasicObject targetObject, int index) { base.AssignIndexToObject(targetObject, index); for (int i = 0; i < linkedPlatforms.Count; ++i) { if (linkedPlatforms[i].AssignIndexToObject(targetObject, index)) { PlatformObject platform = targetObject as PlatformObject; platform.EnableLinkScenes(); (thisObject as SceneObject).isForSectionTransition = platform.isForSectionTransition; break; } } }
protected override void OnCollision(Collider2D collider, Vector2 contactPosition) { GameObject collidedObject = collider.gameObject; string layerName = LayerMask.LayerToName(collidedObject.layer); string tagName = collidedObject.tag; if (ceilingCollision) { if (jumpVarTimer < jumpVarTime - jumpVarCeilingGrace) { jumpVarTimer = 0; } } if (grounded) { if (tagName == "Platform") { PlatformObject platformScript = collidedObject.GetComponent <PlatformObject>(); if (!platformScript.movingPlatform) { OnLanded(); } if (platformScript.disappearingPlatform) { platformScript.BeginDisappear(); } } else { cameraController.SetVerticalState(CameraController.VerticalState.PositionLock); lastLandedPlatformHeight = float.NegativeInfinity; } animator.SetBool("Jumping", false); } else if (layerName == "Enemy") { OnHit(collider, contactPosition); } else if (layerName == "Trap") { OnDeath(); } }
// returns true if there is still space on the platform for a collidable object to spawn private void SpawnCollidable(ObjectType objectType, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, Direction locationDirection, PlatformObject platform, int platformLocalIndex, bool activateImmediately) { int collidablePositions = platform.numCollidables; // can't do anything if the platform doesn't accept any collidable object spawns if (collidablePositions == 0) { return; } Vector3 offset = platformSizes[platformLocalIndex] * 0.1f; float zDelta = platformSizes[platformLocalIndex].z * .8f / (1 + collidablePositions); for (int i = 0; i < collidablePositions; ++i) { if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable(i)) { spawnData.slotPositions = platform.GetSlotsAvailable(); int localIndex = ObjectPool.instance.GetNextObjectIndex(objectType, spawnData); if (localIndex != -1) { CollidableObject collidable = ObjectPool.instance.GetObjectFromPool(localIndex, objectType) as CollidableObject; Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); Vector3 spawnSlot = collidable.GetSpawnSlot(platform.GetTransform().right *slotDistance, spawnData.slotPositions); collidable.Orient(platform, position + (offset.z + ((i + 1) * zDelta)) * direction + spawnSlot, lookRotation); if (activateImmediately) { collidable.Activate(); } int objectIndex = ObjectPool.instance.GetObjectIndexFromLocalIndex(localIndex, objectType); ObjectHistory.instance.ObjectSpawned(objectIndex, (offset.z + ((i + 1) * zDelta)), locationDirection, lookRotation.eulerAngles.y, objectType); platform.SpawnCollidable(i); // don't allow any more of the same collidable type if we are forcing a different collidable if (platform.hasDifferentCollidables) { break; } } } } spawnData.slotPositions = 0; }
// Turn left or right public bool Turn(bool rightTurn) { // prevent two turns from occurring really close to each other (for example, to prevent a 180 degree turn) if (Time.time - turnTime < simultaneousTurnPreventionTime) { return(false); } RaycastHit hit; // ensure we are over the correct platform if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + colliderCenterOffset, -thisTransform.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, platformLayer)) { PlatformObject platform = null; bool hasPlatform = (platform = hit.transform.GetComponent <PlatformObject>()) != null || (platform = hit.transform.parent.GetComponent <PlatformObject>()) != null; // update the platform object if (hasPlatform && platform != platformObject) { platformObject = platform; } } bool isAboveTurn = AboveTurn(); // if we are restricting a turn, don't turn unless we are above a turn platform if (restrictTurns && (!isAboveTurn || restrictTurnsToTurnTrigger)) { return(false); } turnTime = Time.time; Vector3 direction = platformObject.GetTransform().right *(rightTurn ? 1 : -1); prevTurnOffset = turnOffset; canUpdatePosition = ObjectGenerator.instance.UpdateSpawnDirection(direction, rightTurn, isAboveTurn, out turnOffset); targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); curveOffset.x = (thisTransform.position.x - (startPosition.x + turnOffset.x)) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); curveOffset.z = (thisTransform.position.z - (startPosition.z + turnOffset.z)) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Cos(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); if (isAboveTurn) { UpdateTargetPosition(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y); } return(true); }
// a platform has been spawned, now spawn the scene objects and setup for a turn if needed private void platformSpawned(PlatformObject platform, ObjectLocation location, Vector3 direction, Vector3 distance, bool activateImmediately) { int localIndex; bool isTurn = platform.isRightTurn || platform.isLeftTurn; if (isTurn || spawnFullLength) { // set largestScene to 0 to prevent the scene spawner from waiting for space for the largest scene object spawnData.largestScene = 0; spawnData.useWidthBuffer = false; } // spawn all of the scene objects until we have spawned enough scene objects setupSection(location, true); while ((localIndex = infiniteObjectManager.getNextObjectIndex(ObjectType.Scene, spawnData)) != -1) { spawnSceneObject(localIndex, location, distance + localSceneDistance[(int)location] * direction + localSceneHeight[(int)location] * Vector3.up + turnOffset, direction, activateImmediately); } if (isTurn) { spawnData.largestScene = largestSceneLength; spawnData.useWidthBuffer = true; turnPlatform[(int)location] = platform; if (location == ObjectLocation.Center) { setupPlatformTurn(); } } else { localDistance[(int)location] += platformSizes[infiniteObjectHistory.getLastLocalIndex(ObjectType.Platform)].z; localPlatformHeight[(int)location] += platformSizes[infiniteObjectHistory.getLastLocalIndex(ObjectType.Platform)].y; if (platform.sectionTransition) { infiniteObjectHistory.didSpawnSectionTranition(location, false); } } }
// spawn a scene object at the specified location private void spawnSceneObject(int localIndex, ObjectLocation location, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, bool activateImmediately) { SceneObject scene = (SceneObject)infiniteObjectManager.objectFromPool(localIndex, ObjectType.Scene); scene.orient(position + direction * sceneSizes[localIndex].z / 2, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction)); localSceneDistance[(int)location] += sceneSizes[localIndex].z; int assocaitedPlatformLocalIndex = infiniteObjectHistory.getFirstPlatformIndex(); PlatformObject associatedPlatform = infiniteObjectManager.localIndexToInfiniteObject(assocaitedPlatformLocalIndex, ObjectType.Platform) as PlatformObject; if (associatedPlatform.slope != PlatformSlope.None) { localSceneHeight[(int)location] += platformSizes[assocaitedPlatformLocalIndex].y; } int objectIndex = infiniteObjectManager.localIndexToObjectIndex(localIndex, ObjectType.Scene); InfiniteObject prevTopScene = infiniteObjectHistory.objectSpawned(objectIndex, 0, location, ObjectType.Scene, scene); // the current scene now becames the parent of the previous top scene if (prevTopScene != null) { prevTopScene.setInfiniteObjectParent(scene); } else { infiniteObjectHistory.setBottomInfiniteObject(location, true, scene); } infiniteObjectHistory.addTotalDistance(sceneSizes[localIndex].z, location, true); if (scene.sectionTransition) { infiniteObjectHistory.didSpawnSectionTranition(location, true); } if (activateImmediately) { scene.activate(); } }
public bool aboveTurn() { RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + Vector3.up / 2, -thisTransform.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, 1 << platformLayer)) { PlatformObject platform = hit.collider.GetComponent <PlatformObject>(); // don't allow a turn if the player is trying to do a 180 degree turn if (Mathf.Abs(thisTransform.eulerAngles.y - platform.getTransform().eulerAngles.y) > 0.1f) { return(false); } if (platform != null) { return(platform.isRightTurn || platform.isLeftTurn); } } return(true); }
// Spawn platforms and their attached collidables private PlatformObject SpawnPlatformAndCollidables(Direction locationDirection, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, bool activateImmediately) { SetupSection(locationDirection, false); spawnData.turnSpawned = turnPlatform[(int)locationDirection] != null; int localIndex = ObjectPool.instance.GetNextObjectIndex(ObjectType.Platform, spawnData); if (localIndex == -1) { return(null); } PlatformObject platform = SpawnPlatform(localIndex, locationDirection, position, direction, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable()) { // First try to spawn an obstacle. // If there is any space remaining on the platform, then try to spawn a donut. // If there is any space remaining on the platform, then try to spawn a fuel. // If there is any space remaining on the platform, then try to spawn a powerup. SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.Obstacle, position, direction, locationDirection, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable()) { SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.Donut, position, direction, locationDirection, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable()) { SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.Fuel, position, direction, locationDirection, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); if (platform.CanSpawnCollidable()) { SpawnCollidable(ObjectType.PowerUp, position, direction, locationDirection, platform, localIndex, activateImmediately); } } } } return(platform); }
/// <summary> /// (Re)Initialize les paths /// </summary> private void InitializePaths() { HeTrace.WriteLine("Paths initialization", 5); // Initialization according to the mode (debug/plugin) if (Global.DebugMode) { // Utilisation de pseudos dossiers _PlatformFolders = ((MvPlatform)PlatformObject).GetAllPlatformFolders(); } else { // Récupération de tous les dossiers + tri _PlatformFolders = PlatformObject.GetAllPlatformFolders() .OrderBy(x => x.MediaType).ToArray(); } // HeTrace.WriteLine($"Dossier de jeu: {PlatformObject.Folder}"); C_Platform tmp = C_Platform.Platform_Maker(PlatformObject, _PlatformFolders); PlatformPaths = tmp; GC.Collect(); }
private void ActivateMap(PlatformObject map, Vector3 position) { map.Instance.transform.position = position; map.Instance.SetActive(true); map.Visible = true; }
public void Start() { platform = transform.parent.GetComponent<PlatformObject>(); }
public static void GetDefaultLinuxPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { obj.ClassName = "Linux.Default"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Generic"; obj.Edition = ""; obj.Version = ""; }
// a platform has been spawned, now spawn the scene objects and setup for a turn if needed private void platformSpawned(PlatformObject platform, ObjectLocation location, Vector3 direction, bool activateImmediately) { int localIndex; bool isTurn = platform.leftTurn || platform.rightTurn; if (isTurn || spawnFullLength) { // set largestScene to 0 to prevent the scene spawner from waiting for space for the largest scene object spawnData.largestScene = 0; spawnData.useWidthBuffer = false; } // spawn all of the scene objects until we have spawned enough scene objects setupSection(location, true); while ((localIndex = infiniteObjectManager.getNextObjectIndex(ObjectType.Scene, spawnData)) != -1) { Vector3 position = Vector3.zero; SceneObject prevScene = infiniteObjectHistory.getTopInfiniteObject(location, true) as SceneObject; bool useZSize = true; // may be null if coming from a turn if (prevScene == null) { prevScene = infiniteObjectHistory.getTopInfiniteObject(ObjectLocation.Center, true) as SceneObject; useZSize = false; } if (prevScene) { int prevSceneIndex = infiniteObjectHistory.getLastLocalIndex(location, ObjectType.Scene); position = prevScene.getTransform().position - sceneStartPosition[prevSceneIndex] + (useZSize ? sceneSizes[prevSceneIndex].z : sceneSizes[prevSceneIndex].x) / 2 * direction + sceneSizes[prevSceneIndex].y * Vector3.up; } spawnSceneObject(localIndex, location, position, direction, activateImmediately); // the section may change because of the newly spawned scene object setupSection(location, true); } if (isTurn) { spawnData.largestScene = largestSceneLength; spawnData.useWidthBuffer = true; turnPlatform[(int)location] = platform; if (location == ObjectLocation.Center) { infiniteObjectHistory.resetTurnCount(); } } else if (platform.sectionTransition) { infiniteObjectHistory.didSpawnSectionTranition(location, false); } }
public override void init() { base.init(); platformObject = GetComponent<PlatformObject>(); }
public static void GetGentooPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list available at http://gentest.neysx.org/proj/en/releng/#doc_chap6 //Versioning is primarily based on date. //Unique version variations for parsing include: // Gentoo Base System release List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent != null) lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); else lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); obj.ClassName = "Linux.Gentoo"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Gentoo"; obj.Edition = ""; int pt = lines[0].LastIndexOf(" "); obj.Version = lines[0].Substring(pt+1,lines[0].Length - pt +1); }
// move all of the active objects public void MoveObjects(float moveDistance) { if (moveDistance == 0) { return; } // the distance to move the objects Vector3 delta = moveDirection * moveDistance; if (moveDirection != spawnDirection) { wrongMoveDistance += moveDistance; } // only move the top most platform/scene of each ObjectLocation because all of the other objects are children of these two // objects. Only have to check the bottom-most platform/scene as well to determine if it should be removed InfiniteObject infiniteObject = null; Transform objectTransform = null; PlatformObject platformObject = null; for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) // loop through the platform and scenes { for (int j = 0; j < (int)ObjectLocation.Last; ++j) { // move infiniteObject = infiniteObjectHistory.GetTopInfiniteObject((ObjectLocation)j, i == 0); if (infiniteObject != null) { objectTransform = infiniteObject.GetTransform(); Vector3 pos = objectTransform.position; pos -= delta; objectTransform.position = pos; // check for removal.. there will always be a bottom object if there is a top object infiniteObject = infiniteObjectHistory.GetBottomInfiniteObject((ObjectLocation)j, i == 0); if (playerTransform.InverseTransformPoint(infiniteObject.GetTransform().position).z < removeHorizon) { // if the infinite object is a platform and it has changes height, move everything down by that height if (heightReposition && i == 1) // 1 are platforms { platformObject = infiniteObject as PlatformObject; if (platformObject.slope != PlatformSlope.None) { TransitionHeight(platformSizes[platformObject.GetLocalIndex()].y); } } if (turnPlatform[j] == infiniteObject) { turnPlatform[j] = null; } infiniteObjectHistory.ObjectRemoved((ObjectLocation)j, i == 0); infiniteObject.Deactivate(); } } } // loop through all of the turn objects infiniteObject = infiniteObjectHistory.GetTopTurnInfiniteObject(i == 0); if (infiniteObject != null) { objectTransform = infiniteObject.GetTransform(); Vector3 pos = objectTransform.position; pos -= delta; objectTransform.position = pos; infiniteObject = infiniteObjectHistory.GetBottomTurnInfiniteObject(i == 0); if (playerTransform.InverseTransformPoint(infiniteObject.GetTransform().position).z < removeHorizon) { infiniteObjectHistory.TurnObjectRemoved(i == 0); infiniteObject.Deactivate(); } } } if (!stopObjectSpawns) { dataManager.AddToScore(moveDistance); SpawnObjectRun(true); } }
public override void orient(PlatformObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { base.orient(parent, position, rotation); platformParent = parent; platformParent.onPlatformDeactivation += collidableDeactivation; }
public override CollideTypeConstants Collide(BCBlockGameState gstate, PlatformObject otherobject) { bool currreturn = false; foreach (GameCharacterAbility gca in _Abilities) { currreturn = gca.Collide(gstate,this, otherobject); } if (!currreturn) return base.Collide(gstate,otherobject); else return CollideTypeConstants.Collide_Nothing; }
// Turn left or right public bool turn(bool rightTurn, bool fromInputManager) { // prevent two turns from occurring really close to each other (for example, to prevent a 180 degree turn) if (Time.time - turnTime < simultaneousTurnPreventionTime) { return false; } RaycastHit hit; // ensure we are over the correct platform if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + capsuleCollider.center, -thisTransform.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, platformLayer)) { PlatformObject platform = null; // update the platform object if (((platform = hit.transform.GetComponent<PlatformObject>()) != null) || ((platform = hit.transform.parent.GetComponent<PlatformObject>()) != null)) { if (platform != platformObject) { platformObject = platform; checkForCurvedPlatform(); } } } bool isAboveTurn = abovePlatform(true); // if we are restricting a turn, don't turn unless we are above a turn platform if (restrictTurns && (!isAboveTurn || restrictTurnsToTurnTrigger)) { if (fromInputManager) { turnRequestTime = Time.time; turnRightRequest = rightTurn; return false; } if (!powerUpManager.isPowerUpActive(PowerUpTypes.Invincibility) && !powerUpManager.isPowerUpActive(PowerUpTypes.SpeedIncrease) && !autoTurn) { // turn in the direction that the player swiped rightTurn = turnRightRequest; // don't turn if restrict turns is on and the player hasn't swipped within the grace period time or if the player isn't above a turn platform if (!gameManager.godMode && (Time.time - turnRequestTime > turnGracePeriod || !isAboveTurn)) { return false; } } } else if (!fromInputManager && !autoTurn && !gameManager.godMode && (!restrictTurns || Time.time - turnRequestTime > turnGracePeriod) && !powerUpManager.isPowerUpActive(PowerUpTypes.Invincibility) && !powerUpManager.isPowerUpActive(PowerUpTypes.SpeedIncrease)) { return false; } turnTime = Time.time; Vector3 direction = platformObject.getTransform().right * (rightTurn ? 1 : -1); turnOffset = infiniteObjectGenerator.updateSpawnDirection(direction, platformObject.curveLength == 0, rightTurn, isAboveTurn); if (platformObject.curveLength > 0) { followCurve = true; } else { targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); curveOffset.x = (thisTransform.position.x - (startPosition.x + turnOffset.x)) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); curveOffset.z = (thisTransform.position.z - (startPosition.z + turnOffset.z)) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Cos(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); if (isAboveTurn) { updateTargetPosition(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y); } } return true; }
// There character doesn't move, all of the objects around it do. Make sure the character is in the correct position public void Update() { Vector3 moveDirection = Vector3.zero; float hitDistance = 0; RaycastHit hit; // cast a ray to see if we are over any platforms if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + capsuleCollider.center, -thisTransform.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, platformLayer)) { hitDistance = hit.distance; PlatformObject platform = null; // compare the has code to prevent having to look up GetComponent every frame if (prevHitHashCode != hit.GetHashCode()) { prevHitHashCode = hit.GetHashCode(); // update the platform object if (((platform = hit.transform.GetComponent<PlatformObject>()) != null) || ((platform = hit.transform.parent.GetComponent<PlatformObject>()) != null)) { if (platform != platformObject) { platformObject = platform; checkForCurvedPlatform(); } } } // we are over a platform, determine if we are on the ground of that platform if (hit.distance <= capsuleCollider.height / 2 + 0.0001f) { onGround = true; // we are on the ground. Get the platform object and check to see if we are on a curve // if we are sliding and the platform has a slope then stop sliding if (isSliding) { if (platformObject != null && platformObject.slope != PlatformSlope.None) { StopCoroutine("doSlide"); stopSlide(true); } } // if we are jumping we either want to start jumping or land if (isJumping) { if (isJumpPending) { moveDirection.y += jumpSpeed; cameraController.adjustVerticalOffset(jumpSpeed * Time.deltaTime); jumpSpeed += gravity * Time.deltaTime; onGround = false; } else { isJumping = false; jumpLandTime = Time.time; if (enabled) playerAnimation.run(); groundCollisionParticleSystem.Play(); } } else { // we are not jumping so our position should be the same as the hit point Vector3 position = thisTransform.position; position.y = hit.point.y; thisTransform.position = position; } skipFrame = true; // a hit distance of -1 means that the platform is within distance hitDistance = -1; } // if we didn't hit a platform we may hit a floor } else if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + capsuleCollider.center, -thisTransform.up, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, floorLayer)) { hitDistance = hit.distance; } if (hitDistance != -1) { // a platform is beneith us but it is far away. If we are jumping apply the jump speed and gravity if (isJumping) { moveDirection.y += jumpSpeed; cameraController.adjustVerticalOffset(jumpSpeed * Time.deltaTime); jumpSpeed += gravity * Time.deltaTime; // the jump is no longer pending if we are in the air if (isJumpPending) { isJumpPending = false; } } else if (!skipFrame) { // apply gravity if we are not jumping moveDirection.y = gravity * (powerUpManager.isPowerUpActive(PowerUpTypes.SpeedIncrease) ? 2 : 1); // the speed power up needs a little extra push } if (!skipFrame && hitDistance == 0) { platformObject = null; } if (skipFrame) { skipFrame = false; } else if (hitDistance != 0 && thisTransform.position.y + (moveDirection.y * Time.deltaTime) < hit.point.y) { // this transition should be instant so ignore Time.deltaTime moveDirection.y = (hit.point.y - thisTransform.position.y) / Time.deltaTime; } onGround = false; } float xStrafe = (targetPosition.x - thisTransform.position.x) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Cos(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) / Time.deltaTime; float zStrafe = (targetPosition.z - thisTransform.position.z) * Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) / Time.deltaTime; moveDirection.x += Mathf.Clamp(xStrafe, -horizontalSpeed, horizontalSpeed); moveDirection.z += Mathf.Clamp(zStrafe, -horizontalSpeed, horizontalSpeed); thisTransform.position += moveDirection * Time.deltaTime; // Make sure we don't run into a wall if (Physics.Raycast(thisTransform.position + Vector3.up, thisTransform.forward, capsuleCollider.radius, 1 << wallLayer)) { gameManager.gameOver(GameOverType.Wall, true); } if (!gameManager.isGameActive()) { enabled = inAir(); // keep the character active for as long as they are in the air so gravity can keep pushing them down. } }
public void reset() { thisTransform.position = startPosition; thisTransform.rotation = startRotation; slideData.duration = 0; stumbleData.duration = 0; jumpSpeed = 0; isJumping = false; isJumpPending = false; isSliding = false; isStumbling = false; onGround = true; prevHitHashCode = -1; currentSlotPosition = SlotPosition.Center; targetSlotValue = (int)currentSlotPosition * infiniteObjectGenerator.slotDistance; playerAnimation.reset(); if (projectileManager) projectileManager.reset(); pauseCollisionParticlePlaying = false; totalMoveDistance = 0; turnOffset = Vector3.zero; curveOffset = Vector3.zero; turnTime = Time.time; jumpLandTime = Time.time; forwardSpeeds.reset(); platformObject = null; curveTime = -1; curveMoveDistance = 0; curveDistanceMapIndex = 0; followCurve = false; targetRotation = startRotation; updateTargetPosition(targetRotation.eulerAngles.y); }
/// <summary> /// called when gamecharacter collides with a platformobject. /// </summary> /// <param name="gstate"></param> /// <param name="gamechar"></param> /// <param name="otherobject"></param> /// <returns>false to continue default processing. true to return immediately without default processing.</returns> public abstract bool Collide(BCBlockGameState gstate, GameCharacter gamechar, PlatformObject otherobject);
public static void GetRedHatPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list is available at ... //Unique version variations for parsing include: // Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga) // Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 3) // Red Hat Advanced Server Linux AS release 2.1 (Pensacola) // Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 4) List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent != null) lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); else lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); int pt = lines[0].IndexOf("release"); int pt2 = lines[0].IndexOf("("); int pt3 = lines[0].IndexOf(")"); int pt4 = lines[0].IndexOf("Linux"); obj.ClassName = "Linux.RedHat"; obj.PlatformSubType = lines[0].Substring(0, pt4-1); obj.Edition = lines[0].Substring(pt2+1, pt3-1-pt2); obj.Version = lines[0].Substring(pt+8, pt2 - 1 - pt + 8).Trim(); }
public static void GetArchPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { // Arch is not versioned. It is a single rolling version. // The existance of the arch-release file determines arch // is being used. The actual file is blank. obj.ClassName = "Linux.Arch"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Arch"; obj.Edition = ""; obj.Version = "Current"; }
public static void GetMandrivaPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Formerly known as Mandrake Linux //Version list is available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandriva_Linux //Unique version variations for parsing include: // Mandriva Linux release 2010.0 (Official) for i586 List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent != null) lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); else lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); obj.ClassName = "Linux.Mandriva"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Mandriva"; obj.Edition = ""; int pt = lines[0].IndexOf("release"); int pt2 = lines[0].IndexOf("("); obj.Version = lines[0].Substring(pt+8, pt2-1).Trim(); switch (obj.Version) { case "2010.0": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2010"; break; case "2009.1": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring"; break; case "2009.0": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2009"; break; case "2008.1": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring"; break; case "2008.0": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2008"; break; case "2007.1": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring"; break; case "2007": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2007"; break; case "2006.0": obj.Edition = "Mandriva Linux 2006"; break; case "10.2": obj.Edition = "Limited Edition 2005"; break; case "10.1": obj.Edition = "Community and Official"; break; case "10.0": obj.Edition = "Community and Official"; break; case "9.2": obj.Edition = "FiveStar"; break; case "9.1": obj.Edition = "Bamboo"; break; case "9.0": obj.Edition = "Dolphin"; break; case "8.2": obj.Edition = "Bluebird"; break; case "8.1": obj.Edition = "Vitamin"; break; case "8.0": obj.Edition = "Traktopel"; break; case "7.2": obj.Edition = "Odyssey"; break; case "7.1": obj.Edition = "Helium"; break; case "7.0": obj.Edition = "Air"; break; case "6.1": obj.Edition = "Helios"; break; case "6.0": obj.Edition = "Venus"; break; case "5.3": obj.Edition = "Festen"; break; case "5.2": obj.Edition = "Leeloo"; break; case "5.1": obj.Edition = "Venice"; break; default: obj.Edition = "Unknown"; break; } }
public static PlatformObject Load() { System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo("/etc"); System.IO.FileInfo[] release = di.GetFiles("*-release"); System.IO.FileInfo[] debian = di.GetFiles("debian_version"); System.IO.FileInfo[] slackware = di.GetFiles("slackware-version"); PlatformObject obj = new PlatformObject(); obj.ClassName = null; obj.PlatformType = "Linux"; obj.PlatformSubType = ""; obj.Edition = ""; obj.Version = ""; obj.VersionFile = ""; if (release.Length > 0) { string str = release[0].ToString(); string platformType = str.Substring(5,str.Length-13); obj.VersionFile = "/etc/" + str; switch (platformType) { case "arch": GetArchPlatform(ref obj, null); break; case "fedora": GetFedoraPlatform(ref obj, null); break; case "gentoo": GetGentooPlatform(ref obj, null); break; case "mandriva": GetMandrivaPlatform(ref obj, null); break; case "redhat": //RedHat variants GetRedHatPlatform(ref obj, null); break; case "suse": GetSusePlatform(ref obj, null); break; case "lsb": //Ubuntu variants GetUbuntuPlatform(ref obj, null); break; default: GetDefaultLinuxPlatform(ref obj, null); break; } } else if (slackware.Length > 0) { obj.VersionFile = "/etc/" + slackware[0].ToString(); GetSlackwarePlatform(ref obj, null); } else if (debian.Length > 0) { obj.VersionFile = "/etc/" + debian[0].ToString(); GetDebianPlatform(ref obj, null); } else { GetDefaultLinuxPlatform(ref obj, null); } if (obj.ClassName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ClassName was not defined. Please report this bug."); //Add project namespace obj.ClassName = "GitSharp.Platform."+obj.ClassName; return obj; }
public static void GetFedoraPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list available at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases //Unique version variations for parsing include: // Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) // Fedora Core release 6 (Zod) List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent != null) lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); else lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); int pt = lines[0].IndexOf("release"); int pt2 = lines[0].IndexOf("("); int pt3 = lines[0].IndexOf(")"); obj.ClassName = "Linux.Fedora"; obj.PlatformSubType = lines[0].Substring(0,pt-1).Trim(); obj.Version = lines[0].Substring(pt+8, pt2-1).Trim(); obj.Edition = lines[0].Substring(pt2+1,pt3-1).Trim(); }
public static void GetUbuntuPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list is available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(Linux_distribution) //Unique version variations for parsing include (multi-line): // DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu // DISTRIB_RELEASE = 9.04 // DISTRIB_CODENAME=jaunty // DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION = Ubuntu 9.04 //Because Ubuntu can identify variants, we'll use the DISTRIB_ID //to identify the variant (such as KUbuntu, XUbuntu) instead of //a static string setting. List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent == null) lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); else lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); obj.ClassName = "Linux.Ubuntu"; int pt = lines[0].IndexOf("="); obj.PlatformSubType = lines[0].Substring(pt+1).Trim(); int pt1 = lines[2].IndexOf("="); obj.Edition = lines[2].Substring(pt1+1).Trim(); int pt2 = lines[1].IndexOf("="); obj.Version = lines[1].Substring(pt2+1).Trim(); }
// orient for collidables which have a platform as a parent public virtual void orient(PlatformObject parent, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) { thisTransform.parent = parent.getTransform(); Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero; float yAngle = rotation.eulerAngles.y; pos.Set(startPosition.x * Mathf.Cos(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + startPosition.z * Mathf.Sin(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), startPosition.y, -startPosition.x * Mathf.Sin(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) + startPosition.z * Mathf.Cos(yAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)); pos += position; thisTransform.localPosition = parent.getTransform().InverseTransformPoint(pos); thisTransform.rotation = startRotation; thisTransform.Rotate(0, rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0, Space.World); }
public static void GetUbuntuPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj) { GetUbuntuPlatform(ref obj, null); }
// returns true if there is still space on the platform for a collidable object to spawn private void spawnCollidable(ObjectType objectType, Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, ObjectLocation location, PlatformObject platform, int platformLocalIndex, bool activateImmediately) { int collidablePositions = platform.collidablePositions; // can't do anything if the platform doesn't accept any collidable object spawns if (collidablePositions == 0) return; Vector3 offset = platformSizes[platformLocalIndex] * 0.1f; float zDelta = platformSizes[platformLocalIndex].z * .8f / (1 + collidablePositions); for (int i = 0; i < collidablePositions; ++i) { if (platform.canSpawnCollidable(i)) { spawnData.slotPositions = platform.getSlotsAvailable(); int localIndex = infiniteObjectManager.getNextObjectIndex(objectType, spawnData); if (localIndex != -1) { CollidableObject collidable = infiniteObjectManager.objectFromPool(localIndex, objectType) as CollidableObject; Quaternion lookRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); Vector3 spawnSlot = collidable.getSpawnSlot(platform.getTransform().right * slotDistance, spawnData.slotPositions); collidable.orient(platform, position + (offset.z + ((i + 1) * zDelta)) * direction + spawnSlot, lookRotation); if (activateImmediately) collidable.activate(); int objectIndex = infiniteObjectManager.localIndexToObjectIndex(localIndex, objectType); infiniteObjectHistory.objectSpawned(objectIndex, (offset.z + ((i + 1) * zDelta)), location, lookRotation.eulerAngles.y, objectType); platform.collidableSpawned(i); // don't allow any more of the same collidable type if we are forcing a different collidable if (platform.forceDifferentCollidableTypes) break; } } } spawnData.slotPositions = 0; }
public static void GetSusePlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list is available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SUSE_Linux //Unique version variations for parsing include (multi-line): // SUSE LINUX 10.0 (X86-64) OSS // VERSION = 10.0 List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent != null) lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); else lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); int pt = lines[1].IndexOf(" "); obj.Version = lines[0].Substring(pt+1, lines[0].Length - 1); obj.ClassName = "Linux.Suse"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Suse"; obj.Edition = ""; obj.Version = lines[1].Substring(11, lines[1].Length - 11); }
public static void GetDebianPlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list available at: http://www.debian.org/releases/ //There is no accurate way to determine the version information //in Debian. The community mixes the versions regularly and //argues that programs should not rely on this information, //instead using the dependencies to determine if a program will //work. Unfortunately, this viewpoint does little for generic //informational purposes, version based bug reporting, etc. They //have not standardized this process, even for the //lsb_release package. The information provided in // /etc/debian_version is often incorrect and should not be used. obj.ClassName = "Linux.Debian"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Debian"; obj.Edition = ""; obj.Version = ""; }
public static void GetSusePlatform(ref PlatformObject obj) { GetSusePlatform(ref obj, null); }
public static PlatformObject Load() { //Version list available at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases //Unique version variations for parsing include: // Darwin 9.8.0 Power Macintosh ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo(); info.FileName = "uname"; info.Arguments = "-mrs"; info.UseShellExecute = false; info.RedirectStandardOutput = true; using (Process process = Process.Start(info)) { using (StreamReader reader = process.StandardOutput) { string result = reader.ReadToEnd(); int pt = result.IndexOf(" "); int pt2 = result.IndexOf(" ",pt+1); int pt3 = pt2+1; PlatformObject obj = new PlatformObject(); obj.ClassName = "Macintosh.Macosx"; obj.PlatformSubType = ""; obj.Version = result.Substring(pt2, pt3).Trim(); obj.Edition = result.Substring(0,pt).Trim(); //Add project namespace obj.ClassName = "GitSharp.Platform."+obj.ClassName; return obj; } } }
public static void GetSlackwarePlatform(ref PlatformObject obj, string unitTestContent) { //Version list is available at ... //Unique version variations for parsing include: // Slackware List<string> lines; if (unitTestContent != null) lines = ParseString(unitTestContent); else lines = ParseFile("/etc/" + obj.VersionFile); obj.ClassName = "Linux.Slackware"; obj.PlatformSubType = "Slackware"; obj.Edition = ""; int pt = lines[0].IndexOf(" "); obj.Version = lines[0].Substring(pt+1, lines[0].Length - 1); }
/// <summary> /// called when gamecharacter collides with a platformobject. /// </summary> /// <param name="gstate"></param> /// <param name="gamechar"></param> /// <param name="otherobject"></param> /// <returns>false to continue default processing. true to return immediately without default processing.</returns> public override bool Collide(BCBlockGameState gstate, GameCharacter gamechar, PlatformObject otherobject) { //kill the other object, and leave us unaffected. //but- only for types deriving from PlatformEnemy if(otherobject is PlatformEnemy) { otherobject.Kill(); return true; } return false; //default processing... }
public override CollideTypeConstants Collide(BCBlockGameState gstate, PlatformObject otherobject) { return CollideTypeConstants.Collide_Nothing; //nuffin happens. }