        private void UpdateLocalFromInput()
            //  if (racer.shipPhysics.shipNearGround())
            //  {

            if (chosenInput.actionPressed(InputAction.Backwards))
                racer.shipPhysics.applyImpulseInSurfacePlane(racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity.OrientationMatrix.Backward * 100);

            //Apply left/right rotation multiplied by analogue steering values
            //keyboard keys have analogue values of 0f when up and 1f when pressed.

            //Only apply rotation if the ship doesn't already have a large rotational force
            Vector3 a           = Vector3.Up;
            Vector3 b           = racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity.BufferedStates.Entity.AngularVelocity;
            float   angularSize = Vector3.Dot(a, b);

            // Change the impulse direction if we are in reverse
            int reversingMultiplier = 1;
            //if (new Random().Next(60) == 0) Console.WriteLine(angularSize);

            // CAUTION: We change reverse direction once we're reversing more than 35f. Plays better when hitting walls head on but weird.
            float backwardsComponent = Vector3.Dot(racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity.LinearVelocity, racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity.WorldTransform.Backward);

            if (backwardsComponent > 20f)
                reversingMultiplier = -1;

            if (backwardsComponent != 0f)
                if (angularSize < 3.5f)
                    Vector3 leftVector = racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity.OrientationMatrix.Up * reversingMultiplier * 105f * (1 + (Math.Abs(angularSize) * 0.12f)) * chosenInput.getActionValue(InputAction.Left);
                    Physics.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref leftVector, racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity);

                if (angularSize > -3.5f)
                    Vector3 rightVector = racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity.OrientationMatrix.Up * reversingMultiplier * -105f * (1 + (Math.Abs(angularSize) * 0.12f)) * chosenInput.getActionValue(InputAction.Right);
                    Physics.ApplyAngularImpulse(ref rightVector, racer.shipPhysics.racerEntity);