        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (InputService.IsPressed(MouseButtons.Left, true) || InputService.IsPressed(Buttons.RightTrigger, true, LogicalPlayerIndex.One))
                var     cameraPose      = GraphicsScreen.CameraNode.PoseWorld;
                Vector3 cameraPosition  = cameraPose.Position;
                Vector3 cameraDirection = cameraPose.ToWorldDirection(Vector3.Forward);

                // Create a ray for picking.
                RayShape ray = new RayShape(cameraPosition, cameraDirection, 1000);

                // The ray should stop at the first hit. We only want the first object.
                ray.StopsAtFirstHit = true;

                // The collision detection requires a CollisionObject.
                CollisionObject rayCollisionObject = new CollisionObject(new GeometricObject(ray, Pose.Identity));

                // Get the first object that has contact with the ray.
                ContactSet contactSet = Simulation.CollisionDomain.GetContacts(rayCollisionObject).FirstOrDefault();
                if (contactSet != null && contactSet.Count > 0)
                    // The ray has hit something.

                    // The contact set contains all detected contacts between the ray and the rigid body.
                    // Get the first contact in the contact set. (A ray hit usually contains exactly 1 contact.)
                    Contact contact     = contactSet[0];
                    var     hitPosition = contact.Position;
                    var     normal      = contact.Normal;
                    if (contactSet.ObjectA == rayCollisionObject)
                        normal = -normal;

                    // The particle parameter arrays are circular buffers. Get the particle array index
                    // where the next particle is created:
                    int particleIndex = (_decals.ParticleStartIndex + _decals.NumberOfActiveParticles) % _decals.MaxNumberOfParticles;

                    // Add 1 particle.
                    int numberOfCreatedParticles = _decals.AddParticles(1, null);
                    if (numberOfCreatedParticles > 0)
                        // We initialize the particle parameters Position, Normal and Axis manually using
                        // the results of the collision detection:
                        var positionParameter = _decals.Parameters.Get <Vector3>(ParticleParameterNames.Position);
                        positionParameter.Values[particleIndex] = hitPosition + normal * 0.01f; // We add a slight 1 cm offset to avoid z-fighting.

                        var normalParameter = _decals.Parameters.Get <Vector3>("Normal");
                        normalParameter.Values[particleIndex] = normal;

                        var axisParameter = _decals.Parameters.Get <Vector3>("Axis");
                        axisParameter.Values[particleIndex] = (normal == Vector3.Up) ? Vector3.Backward : Vector3.Up;

            // Synchronize particles <-> graphics.

            Profiler.AddValue("ParticleCount", ParticleHelper.CountNumberOfParticles(ParticleSystemService.ParticleSystems));
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        protected override void OnBeginUpdate(TimeSpan deltaTime)
            float dt                = (float)deltaTime.TotalSeconds;
            float emissionRate      = (_emissionRateParameter != null) ? _emissionRateParameter.DefaultValue : DefaultEmissionRate;
            float numberOfParticles = emissionRate * dt + _leftoverParticles;

            if (EmissionLimit >= 0)
                float totalCount = _emittedParticles + (int)numberOfParticles;
                if (totalCount > EmissionLimit)
                    numberOfParticles = EmissionLimit - _emittedParticles;

            if (numberOfParticles >= 1)
                ParticleSystem.AddParticles((int)numberOfParticles, this);
                _emittedParticles += (int)numberOfParticles;

            // The decimal fraction of numberOfParticles is truncated, so not the whole
            // deltaTime is really used. We store the unused fraction for the next frame.
            _leftoverParticles = numberOfParticles - (float)Math.Floor(numberOfParticles);
        protected override void OnBeginUpdate(TimeSpan deltaTime)
            // If the particle system has moved a minimum distance, then we emit the
            // next particle of the ribbon.
            Vector3F newPosition = ParticleSystem.Pose.Position;

            if ((newPosition - _lastPosition).LengthSquared >= 0.3f)
                ParticleSystem.AddParticles(1, this);
                _lastPosition = ParticleSystem.Pose.Position;
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (InputService.IsDown(MouseButtons.Left) || InputService.IsDown(Buttons.RightTrigger, LogicalPlayerIndex.One))

            // Synchronize particles <-> graphics.

            Profiler.AddValue("ParticleCount", ParticleHelper.CountNumberOfParticles(ParticleSystemService.ParticleSystems));
        public AnimatedTextureSample(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game game)
            : base(game)
            _beeSwarm      = BeeSwarm.Create(ContentManager);
            _beeSwarm.Pose = new Pose(new Vector3F(0, 4, 0));

            // Create 100 bees.


            _particleSystemNode = new ParticleSystemNode(_beeSwarm);
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // Add 2 new particles in each frame.

            // Particles are added and simulated when the particle system service is updated.
            // In this example the service is updated in Game1.Update(). The service is updated
            // after all GameComponents, before Game1.Draw().

            // The ParticleSystemNode needs to be synchronized with the ParticleSystem.
            // The Synchronize() method takes a snapshot of the current particles which
            // is then rendered by the graphics service.
            // (This explicit synchronization is necessary because the particle system
            // service and the graphics service may run in parallel on multiple threads.)

            Profiler.AddValue("ParticleCount", ParticleHelper.CountNumberOfParticles(ParticleSystemService.ParticleSystems));
        // this function is called when we want to demo the explosion effect. it
        // updates the timeTillExplosion timer, and starts another explosion effect
        // when the timer reaches zero.
        private void UpdateExplosions(float dt)
            timeTillExplosion -= dt;
            if (timeTillExplosion < 0)
                Vector2 where = Vector2.Zero;
                // create the explosion at some random point on the screen.
                where.X = ParticleHelpers.RandomBetween(0, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width);
                where.Y = ParticleHelpers.RandomBetween(0, graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

                // the overall explosion effect is actually comprised of two particle
                // systems: the fiery bit, and the smoke behind it. add particles to
                // both of those systems.
                explosion.AddParticles(where, Vector2.Zero);
                smoke.AddParticles(where, Vector2.Zero);
                // reset the timer.
                timeTillExplosion = TimeBetweenExplosions;

        //Update the playfield area, clearing lines, updating score and playing sounds
        protected void UpdatePlayfield()
            //GamePad.SetVibration(PlayerIndex.One, leftMotorVibration,rightMotorVibration);

            //Check for full rows
            int aNumberOfLinesCleared = mPlayfield.CheckRows();
            if (aNumberOfLinesCleared > 0)
                rumble = true;

                game = ScreenManager.Game;

                explosion = (ParticleSystem)ScreenManager.Game.Components[0];
                smoke = (ParticleSystem)ScreenManager.Game.Components[1];

                particleLocation = new Vector2(mPlayfield.ClearLineXpos, mPlayfield.ClearLineYpos);

                mNumberOfLinesCleared += 1;
                mTotalLines += 1;
                if (mNumberOfLinesCleared >= 3)
                    mScore += 1000;
                else if (mNumberOfLinesCleared > 0)
                    mScore += 100 * mNumberOfLinesCleared;
                    //mAutoFallThreshold -= .1F * (mLevel) * 100;
                }//end if (mNumberOfLinesCleared >= 3)

                mNumberOfLinesCleared = 0;
            }//end if (aNumberOfLinesCleared > 0)
        private ParticleSystem CreateParticleCloud(ContentManager content)
            var ps = new ParticleSystem
                Name = "Cloud",
                MaxNumberOfParticles = 10,
                Shape          = new BoxShape(400, 300, 400), // This bounding shape must be big enough to include all particles!
                ReferenceFrame = ParticleReferenceFrame.Local,

            ps.Parameters.AddUniform <float>(ParticleParameterNames.Lifetime).DefaultValue = float.PositiveInfinity;

            ps.Parameters.AddVarying <Vector3>(ParticleParameterNames.Position);
            ps.Effectors.Add(new StartPositionEffector
                Parameter    = ParticleParameterNames.Position,
                Distribution = new SphereDistribution
                    Center      = new Vector3(0),
                    InnerRadius = 0,
                    OuterRadius = 1,
                    Scale       = new Vector3(100, 50, 100),

            ps.Parameters.AddVarying <float>(ParticleParameterNames.Angle);
            ps.Effectors.Add(new StartValueEffector <float>
                Parameter    = ParticleParameterNames.Angle,
                Distribution = new UniformDistributionF(-0.5f, 0.5f),

            ps.Parameters.AddVarying <float>(ParticleParameterNames.Size);
            ps.Effectors.Add(new StartValueEffector <float>
                Parameter    = ParticleParameterNames.Size,
                Distribution = new UniformDistributionF(100, 200),

            ps.Parameters.AddUniform <Vector3>(ParticleParameterNames.Color);
            ps.Effectors.Add(new StartValueEffector <Vector3>
                Parameter    = ParticleParameterNames.Color,
                DefaultValue = new Vector3(0.6f),

            ps.Parameters.AddUniform <float>(ParticleParameterNames.Alpha).DefaultValue = 0.5f;

            // DigitalRune Graphics supports "texture atlases": The class PackedTexture
            // describes a single texture or tile set packed into a texture atlas. The
            // clouds texture in this example consists of 2 tiles.
            ps.Parameters.AddUniform <PackedTexture>(ParticleParameterNames.Texture).DefaultValue =
                new PackedTexture(
                    content.Load <Texture2D>("Particles/Clouds"),
                    Vector2F.Zero, Vector2F.One,
                    2, 1);

            // The particle parameter "AnimationTime" determines which tile is used,
            // where 0 = first tile, 1 = last tile.
            // --> Chooses a random tile for each particle when it is created.
            ps.Parameters.AddVarying <float>(ParticleParameterNames.AnimationTime);
            ps.Effectors.Add(new StartValueEffector <float>
                Parameter    = ParticleParameterNames.AnimationTime,
                Distribution = new UniformDistributionF(0, 1),

            // It looks better with back-to-front sorting, but for better performance we skip sorting.
            ps.Parameters.AddUniform <bool>(ParticleParameterNames.IsDepthSorted).DefaultValue = false;

            ps.Parameters.AddUniform <BillboardOrientation>(ParticleParameterNames.BillboardOrientation).DefaultValue = BillboardOrientation.ViewpointOriented;

            // Create some particles.
