 // returns true if word belongs to the FIRST+ set for given term
 internal bool InFirstPlus(TSymbol term, TSymbol word)
     /*if(!First.ContainsKey (term)){
      *      return false;
      * } else*/
     if (First[term].Contains(word))
         return(Nullable.Contains(term) && Follow.ContainsKey(term) && Follow[term].Contains(word));
      // GET: StockTranfer
      public ActionResult Index()
          var status = new Nullable <int>[] { 1, 2 };
          IEnumerable <Store_Details> store = db.Store_Details.AsEnumerable();

          return(View((from st in db.I_StockTranferDetails where status.Contains((st.Status))
                       select new StockTransferModel()
                Id = st.Id,
                SourceStore = (from s in store where s.storeId == st.SourceStore select s.storename).FirstOrDefault(),
                TragetStore = (from s in store where s.storeId == st.TragetStore select s.storename).FirstOrDefault(),
                Date = st.Date,
                Reference = st.Reference,
                CreatedBy = st.CreatedBy,
                CreatedOn = st.CreatedOn,
                ModifiedBy = st.ModifiedBy,
                ModifiedOn = st.ModifiedOn,
                Status = st.Status.ToString(),
                TransferNo = st.TranferNo