public void TestMqttOutputTime() { WriteTitleText("Starting MQTT output time test"); Console.WriteLine("Read interval: " + ReadInterval); RequireMqttConnection = true; ConnectDevices(); SetDeviceReadInterval(ReadInterval); EnableMqtt(); Mqtt.Data.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Skipping next data entries in case they're out of date..."); Mqtt.WaitUntilData(4); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the next data entry..."); var secondsBetweenData = Mqtt.WaitUntilData(1); Console.WriteLine("Time between data entries: " + secondsBetweenData + " seconds"); var expectedMqttOutputTime = ReadInterval; AssertIsWithinRange("mqtt output time", expectedMqttOutputTime, secondsBetweenData, TimeErrorMargin); }
static void StartMqtt() { mqtt = new Mqtt(); mqtt.Run("localhost", 8080, "Controller", "", ""); mqtt.Subscribe("air/toxicity", Toxicity, true); mqtt.Subscribe("wind/strength", WindStrength, true); }
public Graph(SingleGraphViewModel sgvm, SingleGraphWindow sgw, string identifier, LineSeries lineSeries) { //Get queue based on identifier incomingQueue = Mqtt.GetIncomingQueue(); this.singleGraphWindow = sgw; this.windowToPlotOn = sgw; this.sgvm = sgvm; LineSeries = lineSeries; this.identifier = identifier; if (identifier == "xacceleration" || identifier == "yacceleration" || identifier == "zacceleration") { identifier_top = "acceleration"; topic = new string[] { identifier_top }; } else if (identifier == "pitch" || identifier == "yaw" || identifier == "roll") { identifier_top = "orientation"; topic = new string[] { identifier_top }; } singleGraphWindow.chart.Series.Add(LineSeries); sgvm.Title = SetTitle(identifier); Mqtt.Subscribe(topic); switch (identifier) { case Topic.XAccTopic: LineSeries.Title = "AccX"; break; case Topic.YAccTopic: LineSeries.Title = "AccY"; break; case Topic.ZAccTopic: LineSeries.Title = "AccZ"; break; case Topic.RollTopic: LineSeries.Title = "Roll"; break; case Topic.PitchTopic: LineSeries.Title = "Pitch"; break; case Topic.YawTopic: LineSeries.Title = "Yaw"; break; default: break; } Run(); }
public SensorDataController() { _mqtt = new Mqtt(); _repository = new WeatherRepository(MongoDBConnector.GetInstance()); HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); httpClient.PostAsync("http://sensoranalyticsservice/api/SensorAnalytics/CreateAnalyticsService", null); }
public DataService() { _mqtt = new Mqtt(); _database = InfluxDBConnector.GetInstance(); ServiceCreated += OnServiceCreated; ServiceCreated?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public SimpleSubscribe(string broker) { var mqtt = new Mqtt(broker); mqtt.On["lights/bedroom"] = msg => { Console.WriteLine("Bedroom lights set to {0}", msg.Message); }; }
//private IHubContext<MessageHub> _hubContext; public AnalyticsService() { _mqtt = new Mqtt(); _database = InfluxDBConnector.GetInstance(); //_hubContext = null; _model = new WeatherAnalyzer(); ServiceCreated += OnServiceCreated; ServiceCreated?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public WildcardSubscribe(string broker) { var mqtt = new Mqtt(broker); mqtt.On["{room}/sensors/{sensor}"] = msg => { Console.WriteLine($"{msg.sensor} in {} measured {msg.Message}"); }; }
public IogServicesMqttCommandsReceiverHostedService(IOptions <Forwarder> mqttConfiguration, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IMqttClientMethods mqttClientMethods, IMqttClientConfiguration mqttClientConfiguration, IEventService eventService) { _mqttConfiguration = mqttConfiguration.Value.Mqtt; _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _mqttClientConfiguration = mqttClientConfiguration; _mqttClientMethods = mqttClientMethods; _eventService = eventService; }
public SensorData() { _db = new DataBase(); Data = new ModelBase(); _mqtt = new Mqtt(""); Setting.UserId = 0; InitSensors(); _mqtt.MqttMsgPublishReceived += _mqtt_MqttMsgPublishReceived; UpdatedataAsync(); }
public SideBarInfo(SensorsViewModel sensorsViewModel, SensorWindow sensorWindow) { this.sensorsViewModel = sensorsViewModel; this.sensorWindow = sensorWindow; this.incomingQueue = Mqtt.GetIncomingQueue(); Mqtt.Subscribe(new string[] { "temperature" }); Run(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { workQueue = new Queue <SkeletonData>(); allSkeletons = new Dictionary <String, GameObject>(); myMqtt = new Mqtt(); myMqtt.InitMqtt(myMqtt.skeletonTopic); // register a callback-function (we have to implement, see below) which is called by the library when a message was received myMqtt.client.MqttMsgPublishReceived += MqttReceiveCallback; }
private void Start() { mqtt = FindObjectOfType <Mqtt>(); queuedMessage = new List <float>(); lastTimeStamp = Time.time; Debug.Log("Mapping (toppic)= " + topic); if (topic == "") { topic =; } Debug.Log("Mapping (toppic)= " + topic); }
public void TestMqttOutput() { WriteTitleText("Starting MQTT output test"); Console.WriteLine("Read interval: " + ReadInterval); Console.WriteLine("Soil moisture sensor value: " + SimulatedSoilMoistureSensorValue); RequireMqttConnection = true; ConnectDevices(); EnableMqtt(); SetDeviceReadInterval(ReadInterval); SimulateSoilMoisture(SimulatedSoilMoistureSensorValue); Mqtt.Data.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for MQTT data..."); var numberOfEntriesToWaitFor = 3; // TODO: See if this can be reduced Mqtt.WaitForData(numberOfEntriesToWaitFor); Assert.AreEqual(numberOfEntriesToWaitFor, Mqtt.Data.Count, "Incorrect number of entries returned."); var latestEntry = Mqtt.Data [Mqtt.Data.Count - 1]; Assert.IsNotNull(latestEntry, "The latest MQTT entry is null."); Mqtt.ConsoleWriteDataEntry(latestEntry); Assert.IsTrue(latestEntry.ContainsKey("C"), "The latest MQTT entry doesn't contain a 'C' key/value."); var valueString = latestEntry ["C"]; //Console.WriteLine ("Calibrated value string: \"" + valueString + "\""); var containsWhitespace = valueString.Trim().Length != valueString.Length; Assert.IsFalse(containsWhitespace, "The calibrated value contains whitespace: \"" + valueString + "\""); var isDecimal = valueString.Contains("."); Assert.IsFalse(isDecimal, "The calibrated value contains a decimal point when it shouldn't."); Console.WriteLine("MQTT calibrated value: " + valueString); var value = Convert.ToInt32(valueString); AssertIsWithinRange("MQTT calibrated soil moisture", ApplyOffset(SimulatedSoilMoistureSensorValue, ExpectedCalibratedValueOffset), value, CalibratedValueMarginOfError); }
public Config() { TimeoutSeconds = 300; Mqtt = new Mqtt { Host = "", Port = 1883, ReportTopic = "bluewalk/shutdown/report", ShutdownTopic = "bluewalk/shutdown", ShutdownPayload = "yes" }; }
public void SendMqttCalibrationCommand() { Mqtt.Data.Clear(); Mqtt.SendCommand(Key, RawSoilMoistureValue); // Skip some data WaitForData(1); var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, Key, RawSoilMoistureValue); }
/// <summary> /// Sample of a method sending numeric data /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> static async Task SendRandomDataAsync() { Random random = new Random(); while (!CtSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { float x = 1 + 5 * random.Next(); float y = 1 + 5 * random.Next(); await Mqtt.SendNumericData(Topic2, DateTimeOffset.Now, new[] { x, y }); await Task.Delay(1000); } }
public SimplePublish(string broker) { var mqtt = new Mqtt(broker); mqtt.Client.Disconnected += (reason, message) => { Console.WriteLine($"Disconnected {reason.ToString()}: {message}"); }; mqtt.On["sensors/bedroom/presence"] = async msg => { if (msg.Message == "human present") { await mqtt.Publish("lights/bedroom", "on"); } }; }
public void SendThresholdCommand() { WriteParagraphTitleText("Sending threshold command..."); Mqtt.SendCommand("T", Threshold); Console.WriteLine("Skipping the next data entries in case they're out of date..."); WaitForData(3); var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); WriteParagraphTitleText("Checking threshold value..."); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, "T", Threshold); }
public void Start() { myDict = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>(); workQueue = new Queue <updateStruct>(); worldObjects = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>(); // map render strings to GameObjects myDict.Add("drone", Drone); myDict.Add("fire", Fire); myDict.Add("avatar", Avatar); myDict.Add("line", Line); myMqtt = new Mqtt(); myMqtt.InitMqtt(myMqtt.renderTopic); // register a callback-function (we have to implement, see below) which is called by the library when a message was received myMqtt.client.MqttMsgPublishReceived += MqttReceiveCallback; }
public void TestSetReadIntervalCommand() { WriteTitleText("Starting read interval command test"); Console.WriteLine("Read interval: " + ReadInterval); RequireMqttConnection = true; ConnectDevices(); EnableMqtt(); Mqtt.SendCommand("I", ReadInterval); WaitForData(1); var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, "I", ReadInterval); }
private async void onMqttConnectionClosed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var retryCount = 0; while (!Mqtt.IsConnected && retryCount < 3) { try { Mqtt.Connect(Config.Mqtt.ClientId, null, null, false, 60); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Reconnect failed: " + exception.Message); } finally { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Token); } } }
public void TestPumpCommand() { WriteTitleText("Starting pump command test"); Console.WriteLine("Pump command: " + PumpCommand); Console.WriteLine(""); RequireMqttConnection = true; ConnectDevices(); EnableMqtt(); Mqtt.SendCommand("P", (int)PumpCommand); WaitForData(2); var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, "P", (int)PumpCommand); }
public void TestPumpBurstOffTimeCommand() { WriteTitleText("Starting pump burst off time command test"); Console.WriteLine("Pump burst off time: " + PumpBurstOffTime); Console.WriteLine(""); RequireMqttConnection = true; ConnectDevices(); EnableMqtt(); Mqtt.SendCommand("O", PumpBurstOffTime); // Skip some data WaitForData(1); var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, "O", PumpBurstOffTime); }
public void TestSetReadIntervalCommand() { WriteTitleText("Starting read interval command test"); Console.WriteLine("Read interval: " + ReadInterval); EnableMqtt(); ConnectDevices(); Mqtt.Data.Clear(); // MQTT version Mqtt.SendCommand("I", ReadInterval); // Skip the first entry WaitForDataEntry(); // Wait for the next entry var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, "I", ReadInterval); }
public IHttpActionResult PostPublish(Mqtt mqtt) { client = new MqttClient(MosquittoIP); //MQTTServer在本機 client.MqttMsgPublishReceived += client_MqttMsgPublishReceived; //當接收到訊息時處理函式 clientId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //取得唯一碼 client.Connect(clientId); //建立連線 //若有輸入發佈主題 if (mqtt.Topic != "") { //設定完整的發佈路徑 string Topic = mqtt.Topic; string Text = mqtt.Topic + "|" + mqtt.Type + '|' + mqtt.Data + "|" + mqtt.Date; //發佈主題、內容及設定傳送品質 QoS 0 ( 0, 1, 2 ) client.Publish(Topic, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Text), MqttMsgBase.QOS_LEVEL_AT_MOST_ONCE, true); } else { } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(mqtt.Topic); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(mqtt.Data); return(Ok("ok")); }
public void TestPumpBurstOnTimeCommand() { WriteTitleText("Starting pump burst on time command test"); Console.WriteLine("Pump burst on time: " + PumpBurstOnTime); Console.WriteLine(""); RequireMqttConnection = true; ConnectDevices(); EnableMqtt(); Mqtt.SendCommand("B", PumpBurstOnTime); Console.WriteLine("Skipping the next data entires in case they're out of date..."); WaitForData(2); var dataEntry = WaitForDataEntry(); AssertDataValueEquals(dataEntry, "B", PumpBurstOnTime); }
public static void setMqtt(Mqtt m) { mqtt = m; }
internal static ProgramContext Initialize(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, Config config) { var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(nameof(Logic)); var mqttClients = new List <Mqtt>(); var logos = new List <Logo>(); logger.LogInformation($"MQTT broker at {config.MqttBrokerUri} using port {config.MqttBrokerPort}"); foreach (var logoConfig in config.Logos) { logger.LogInformation($"Logo PLC at {logoConfig.IpAddress}"); var logo = new Logo( loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Logo>(), logoConfig.IpAddress, logoConfig.MemoryRanges); logos.Add(logo); foreach (var mqttClientConfig in logoConfig.Mqtt) { logger.LogInformation($"- MQTT client {mqttClientConfig.ClientId}"); var mqttClient = new Mqtt( loggerFactory.CreateLogger <Mqtt>(), mqttClientConfig.ClientId, config.MqttBrokerUri, config.MqttBrokerPort, mqttClientConfig.CleanSession, config.MqttBrokerUsername, config.MqttBrokerPassword, mqttClientConfig.LastWill); mqttClients.Add(mqttClient); var mapper = new Mapper(loggerFactory, logo, mqttClient); foreach (var channel in mqttClientConfig.Channels) { var action = channel.GetActionAsEnum(); logger.LogInformation($"-- {action} {channel.Topic} {channel.GetQualityOfServiceAsEnum()} retain:{channel.Retain} logo: {channel.Type}@{channel.LogoAddress}"); switch (action) { case MqttChannelConfig.Actions.Publish: mapper.PublishOnChange( channel.Topic, channel.LogoAddress, channel.GetTypeAsEnum(), channel.Retain, channel.GetQualityOfServiceAsEnum().ToMqttNet()); break; case MqttChannelConfig.Actions.Subscribe: mapper.WriteLogoVariable( mqttClient.Subscribe( channel.Topic, channel.GetQualityOfServiceAsEnum().ToMqttNet()), channel.LogoAddress, channel.GetTypeAsEnum()); break; case MqttChannelConfig.Actions.SubscribePulse: mapper.PulseLogoVariable( mqttClient.Subscribe( channel.Topic, channel.GetQualityOfServiceAsEnum().ToMqttNet()), channel.LogoAddress, channel.GetTypeAsEnum(), channel.Duration); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } } } return(new ProgramContext( loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ProgramContext>(), logos.ToImmutableArray(), mqttClients.ToImmutableArray())); }
public MessageServer() { Current = this; _mqtt = new Mqtt(""); _mqtt.MqttMsgPublishReceived += _mqtt_MqttMsgPublishReceived; }