public ActionResult ListingParameters(GridSortOptions gridSortOptions, int?page, int?pagesize, string objresult)
            ListingParameterService _ListingParameterService = new ListingParameterService();

            #region Check Tab is Accessible or Not
            var userId       = objContext.Users.Where(x => x.UserNameTxt == User.Identity.Name).Select(x => x.UserID).FirstOrDefault();
            var RoleID       = objContext.UserRoles.Where(x => x.UserID == userId).Select(x => x.RoleID).FirstOrDefault();
            var HasTabAccess = GetAccessibleTabAccess(Convert.ToInt32(ModuleType.ListingParameters), Convert.ToInt32(userId));
            if (!(HasTabAccess || RoleID == Convert.ToInt32(UserType.SuperAdmin) ||
                  RoleID == Convert.ToInt32(UserType.Admin))) //if tab not accessible then redirect to home
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            #region Ajax Call
            if (objresult != null)
                AjaxRequest objAjaxRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AjaxRequest>(objresult);//Convert json String to object Model

                if (objAjaxRequest.ajaxcall != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objAjaxRequest.ajaxcall) && objresult != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objresult))
                    if (objAjaxRequest.ajaxcall == "paging")       //Ajax Call type = paging i.e. Next|Previous|Back|Last
                        Session["pageNo"] = page;                  // stores the page no for status
                    else if (objAjaxRequest.ajaxcall == "sorting") //Ajax Call type = sorting i.e. column sorting Asc or Desc
                        page = (Session["pageNo"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Session["pageNo"].ToString()) : page);
                        Session["GridSortOption"] = gridSortOptions;
                        pagesize = (Session["PageSize"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Session["PageSize"].ToString()) : pagesize);
                    else if (objAjaxRequest.ajaxcall == "ddlPaging")//Ajax Call type = drop down paging i.e. drop down value 10, 25, 50, 100, ALL
                        Session["PageSize"]       = (Request.QueryString["pagesize"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pagesize"].ToString()) : pagesize);
                        Session["GridSortOption"] = gridSortOptions;
                        Session["pageNo"]         = page;
                    objAjaxRequest.ajaxcall = null;; //remove parameter value
                    TempData["Message"] = string.Empty;
                objresult = string.Empty;
            #endregion Ajax Call

            //This section is used to retain the values of page , pagesize and gridsortoption on complete page post back(Edit, Dlete)
            if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && Session["Edit/Delete"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["Edit/Delete"].ToString()))
                pagesize               = (Session["PageSize"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Session["PageSize"]) : (pagesize != null ? pagesize : Areas.Admin.Models.Common._pageSize));
                page                   = (Session["pageNo"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Session["pageNo"]) : (page != null ? page : Areas.Admin.Models.Common._currentPage));
                gridSortOptions        = (Session["GridSortOption"] != null ? Session["GridSortOption"] as GridSortOptions : gridSortOptions);
                Session["Edit/Delete"] = null;
            else if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && Session["Edit/Delete"] == null)
                gridSortOptions.Column    = "ListingParameterTxt";
                Session["PageSize"]       = null;
                Session["pageNo"]         = null;
                Session["GridSortOption"] = null;
            var pageSize = pagesize.HasValue ? pagesize.Value : Models.Common._pageSize;
            var Page     = page.HasValue ? page.Value : Models.Common._currentPage;
            TempData["pager"] = pagesize;
            ViewBag.Edit      = null;//Check for postback or not
            if (page != null && pagesize != null)
                ViewBag.Edit = true;
            if (gridSortOptions.Column != null)
                if (gridSortOptions.Column == "ListingParameterTxt" || gridSortOptions.Column == "DescriptionTxt")
                    gridSortOptions.Column = "ListingParameterTxt";
            ViewBag.Title = ViewBag.PageTitle = "Listing Parameter Listing";
            var pagedViewModel = new PagedViewModel <ListingParameterModel>
                ViewData          = ViewData,
                Query             = _ListingParameterService.GetListingParameter(),
                GridSortOptions   = gridSortOptions,
                DefaultSortColumn = "ListingParameterTxt",
                Page     = Page,
                PageSize = pageSize,
            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())                                 // check if request comes from ajax, then return Partial view
                return(View("ListingParameterPartial", pagedViewModel)); // ("partial view name ")
 public ListingParameterController()
     _service = new ListingParameterService();