public void SetupRebindPanel() { GridContainer Container = new GridContainer() { Columns = 2, }; Container.AddConstantOverride("hseparation", 25); Container.AddConstantOverride("vseparation", 5); rebindPanel.GetChild(0).AddChild(Container); Container.AddChild(new Label() { Text = "Action"}); Container.AddChild(new Label() { Text = "Keyboard" }); for (int i = 0; i < allActions.Length; i++) { if (allActions[i].KeyboardBinding != null) { for (int j = 0; j < allActions[i].KeyboardBinding.Length; j++) { Container.AddChild(new Label() { Text = allActions[i].KeyboardBinding[j].Name }); Container.AddChild(new Button() { Text = ((KeyList)(allActions[i].KeyboardBinding[j].Key)).ToString() }); } } } }
public void SetHeight(int height) { // add more if (this.height < height) { for (int i = width * this.height; i < width * height; i++) { ColorRect rect = new ColorRect(); rect.SetFrameColor(wallColour); rect.SetCustomMinimumSize(blockSize); container.AddChild(rect); map.Add(false); } } // remove more else { for (int i = width * height; i < width * this.height; i++) { container.GetChild(i).QueueFree(); } map.RemoveRange(width * height, (this.height - height) * width); } this.height = height; }
public void TestBasic() { var grid = new GridContainer { Columns = 2 }; var child1 = new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (50, 50) }; var child2 = new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (50, 50) }; var child3 = new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (50, 50) }; var child4 = new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (50, 50) }; var child5 = new Control { CustomMinimumSize = (50, 50) }; grid.AddChild(child1); grid.AddChild(child2); grid.AddChild(child3); grid.AddChild(child4); grid.AddChild(child5); Assert.That(grid.CombinedMinimumSize, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(104, 158))); Assert.That(child1.Position, Is.EqualTo(Vector2.Zero)); Assert.That(child2.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(54, 0))); Assert.That(child3.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(0, 54))); Assert.That(child4.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(54, 54))); Assert.That(child5.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(0, 108))); }
public GridContainer CreateAnimation(string buttonText, Color boxColor, CoreTriggerAction animation) { var box = new BoxView() { HeightRequest = 28, WidthRequest = 28, BackgroundColor = boxColor }; animation.Animation.Target = box; var trigger = new EventTrigger() { Event = "Clicked", Actions = { animation } }; var btn = new CoreButton() { Text = buttonText, Style = CoreStyles.LightOrange, Triggers = { trigger } }; var grid = new GridContainer(true); grid.AddChild(box, 0, 0); grid.AddChild(btn, 0, 1); return(grid); }
public void BuildUI() { this.UI = new Panel(); this.UI.RectMinSize = new Vector2(240, 32 + Props.Length * 27); this.UI.MarginBottom = 10; HBoxContainer btnRow = new HBoxContainer(); btnRow.RectPosition = new Vector2(141, 0); Button btnClose = new Button(); btnClose.Text = " X "; Button btnUp = new Button(); btnUp.Text = " ^ "; Button btnDown = new Button(); btnDown.Text = " v "; btnRow.AddChild(btnUp); btnRow.AddChild(btnDown); btnRow.AddChild(btnClose); btnClose.Connect("pressed", this, nameof(OnRemove)); btnUp.Connect("pressed", FilterStack.instance, nameof(FilterStack.instance.MoveFilter), new Godot.Collections.Array { this, true }); btnDown.Connect("pressed", FilterStack.instance, nameof(FilterStack.instance.MoveFilter), new Godot.Collections.Array { this, false }); GridContainer UIGrid = new GridContainer(); UIGrid.Columns = 2; Label labelName = new Label(); labelName.Name = "Labelname"; labelName.Text = this.Name; this.UI.AddChild(labelName); this.UI.AddChild(btnRow); foreach (var cProp in this.Props) { HBoxContainer HBox = new HBoxContainer(); Label propLabel = new Label(); propLabel.Text = cProp.NameUI; UIGrid.AddChild(propLabel); UIGrid.AddChild(cProp.BuildUI()); } UIGrid.RectPosition = new Vector2(0, 32); this.UI.AddChild(UIGrid); }
/// <summary> /// Display column titles for the Student's CreatedLevels /// </summary> private void DisplayHeader() { //Student Name Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); lbl.Text = "Game Name" + " "; lbl.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(lbl); Label lbl3 = new Label(); lbl3.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); lbl3.Text = " "; lbl3.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(lbl3); Label lbl4 = new Label(); lbl4.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); lbl4.Text = " "; lbl4.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(lbl4); Label lbl5 = new Label(); lbl5.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); lbl5.Text = " "; lbl5.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(lbl5); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a grid container filled with slot buttons loaded from an inventory template /// </summary> /// <param name="TemplateName"></param> public void CreateInventory(string TemplateName) { Type type = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblyByName("Content.Shared").GetType("Content.Shared.GameObjects." + TemplateName); Inventory inventory = (Inventory)Activator.CreateInstance(type); elements_x = inventory.Columns; GridContainer = (GridContainer)Contents.GetChild("PanelContainer").GetChild("CenterContainer").GetChild("GridContainer"); GridContainer.Columns = elements_x; IndexedSlots = new List <Slots>(inventory.SlotMasks); foreach (Slots slot in IndexedSlots) { InventoryButton newbutton = new InventoryButton(slot); if (slot == Slots.NONE) { //TODO: Re-enable when godot grid container maintains grid with invisible elements //newbutton.Visible = false; } else { //Store slot button and give it the default onpress behavior for empty elements newbutton.GetChild <Button>("Button").OnPressed += AddToInventory; InventorySlots.Add(slot, newbutton); } if (SlotNames.ContainsKey(slot)) { newbutton.GetChild <Button>("Button").Text = SlotNames[slot]; } GridContainer.AddChild(newbutton); } }
public void DrawPlayerUnits() { ClearGridChildren(); var cellIndex = 0; foreach (var playerUnit in _playerUnits) { var spawnCellScene = ResourceLoader.Load <PackedScene>("res://Assets/UI/SpawnQueue/SpawnCell.tscn"); if (spawnCellScene != null) { var spawnCellInstance = (SpawnCell)spawnCellScene.Instance(); _gridContainer.AddChild(spawnCellInstance); var cellSprite = playerUnit.GetAnimatedSprite(); var spriteTexture = cellSprite.Frames.GetFrame("down", 1); spawnCellInstance.SetCellIndex(cellIndex); spawnCellInstance.SetCellSprite(spriteTexture); spawnCellInstance.Connect("SpawnCellClicked", this, "_On_SpawnCellClicked"); cellIndex++; } } HighlightCell(0); SetSelectedPlayerUnit(0); }
public override void _Ready() { sprites = new GridSprite[Instance.maxX][]; grid = GetNode <GridContainer>("NumberGrid"); Grid g = new Grid(5, 5); Random rand = new Random(2); var path = g.RandomPath(rand); g.FillPath(30, 90, path, rand); grid.Columns = Instance.maxX; for (int x = 0; x < Instance.maxX; x++) { sprites[x] = new GridSprite[Instance.maxY]; for (int y = 0; y < Instance.maxY; y++) { sprites[x][y] = new GridSprite { type = g.At(x, y).op, number = g.At(x, y).value }; grid.AddChild(sprites[x][y]); } } foreach (var xy in path) { sprites[xy.x][xy.y].Modulate = Color.ColorN("red"); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a grid container filled with slot buttons loaded from an inventory template /// </summary> public void CreateInventory(Inventory inventory) { elements_x = inventory.Columns; GridContainer = (GridContainer)GetChild("CenterContainer").GetChild("GridContainer"); GridContainer.Columns = elements_x; IndexedSlots = new List <Slots>(inventory.SlotMasks); foreach (Slots slot in IndexedSlots) { InventoryButton newbutton = new InventoryButton(slot); if (slot == Slots.NONE) { //TODO: Re-enable when godot grid container maintains grid with invisible elements //newbutton.Visible = false; } else { //Store slot button and give it the default onpress behavior for empty elements newbutton.GetChild <Button>("Button").OnPressed += AddToInventory; InventorySlots.Add(slot, newbutton); } if (SlotNames.ContainsKey(slot)) { var button = newbutton.GetChild <Button>("Button"); button.Text = button.ToolTip = SlotNames[slot]; } GridContainer.AddChild(newbutton); } }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { width = 79; height = 45; map = new List <bool>(); timer = new Timer(); AddChild(timer); AddUserSignal("finished"); AddUserSignal("finished_generating"); AddUserSignal("finished_pathfinding", new Godot.Collections.Array { this, new Godot.Collections.Array <int> (), new Godot.Collections.Array <int>() }); container = GetNode("GridContainer") as GridContainer; container.SetColumns(width); for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) { ColorRect rect = new ColorRect(); rect.SetFrameColor(wallColour); rect.SetCustomMinimumSize(blockSize); container.AddChild(rect); map.Add(false); } ResizeBlock(); }
public void UpdateHeldBlock(BlockGameBlock[] blocks) { _holdBlockGrid.RemoveAllChildren(); if (blocks.Length == 0) { return; } var columnCount = blocks.Max(b => b.Position.X) + 1; var rowCount = blocks.Max(b => b.Position.Y) + 1; _holdBlockGrid.Columns = columnCount; for (int y = 0; y < rowCount; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < columnCount; x++) { var c = GetColorForPosition(blocks, x, y); _holdBlockGrid.AddChild(new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat { BackgroundColor = c }, CustomMinimumSize = blockSize, RectDrawClipMargin = 0 }); } } }
public override void _Ready() { Alpha = GD.Load("res://UI/Textures/Alpha.png") as Texture; InventoryIconScene = GD.Load <PackedScene>("res://UI/InventoryIcon.tscn"); PlayerVBox = GetNode <VBoxContainer>("HBoxContainer/PlayerCenter/PlayerVBox"); OtherGrid = GetNode <GridContainer>("HBoxContainer/OtherVBox/OtherCenter/OtherGrid"); Game.PossessedPlayer.MatchSome( (Plr) => { PlayerIcons = new InventoryIcon[Plr.Inventory.Contents.Length]; for (int Index = 0; Index < Plr.Inventory.Contents.Length; Index++) { InventoryIcon Icon = InstantiateIcon(Index, Plr); PlayerVBox.AddChild(Icon); PlayerIcons[Index] = Icon; } } ); if (Other != null) { OtherIcons = new InventoryIcon[Other.Inventory.Contents.Length]; for (int Index = 0; Index < Other.Inventory.Contents.Length; Index++) { InventoryIcon Icon = InstantiateIcon(Index, Other); OtherGrid.AddChild(Icon); OtherIcons[Index] = Icon; } } }
private void RefreshList() { // Clear _grid.RemoveAllChildren(); if (_decals == null) { return; } var filter = _search.Text; foreach (var(decal, tex) in _decals) { if (!decal.Contains(filter)) { continue; } var button = new TextureButton() { TextureNormal = tex, Name = decal, ToolTip = decal, Modulate = _color }; button.OnPressed += ButtonOnPressed; if (_selected == decal) { var panelContainer = new PanelContainer() { PanelOverride = new StyleBoxFlat() { BackgroundColor = StyleNano.ButtonColorDefault, }, Children = { button } }; _grid.AddChild(panelContainer); } else { _grid.AddChild(button); } } }
public void DropItems(string enemyName, Player playerInstance) { _playerInstance = playerInstance; var enemyRecord = Autoload.Get <Data>().enemyData[enemyName]; var coinsDropped = (int)GD.RandRange( enemyRecord.CoinDropAmount * MIN_COIN_DROP, enemyRecord .CoinDropAmount * MAX_COIN_DROP + 1); if (coinsDropped <= 0 && enemyRecord.CoinDropAmount > 0) { coinsDropped = 1; } _coinAmountLabel.Text = $"{coinsDropped}"; _playerInstance.Coins += coinsDropped; foreach (Node child in _itemsDroppedGrid.GetChildren()) { child.QueueFree(); } var items = new Dictionary <string, float>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(enemyRecord.ItemDrop1)) { items.Add(enemyRecord.ItemDrop1, enemyRecord.ItemDrop1Chance); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(enemyRecord.ItemDrop2)) { items.Add(enemyRecord.ItemDrop2, enemyRecord.ItemDrop2Chance); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(enemyRecord.ItemDrop3)) { items.Add(enemyRecord.ItemDrop3, enemyRecord.ItemDrop3Chance); } for (var i = 0; i < enemyRecord.MaxItemDropped; i++) { var chance = Utility.Random.NextDouble(); foreach (var item in items) { if (chance < item.Value) { var itemDropped = ItemDroppedResource.Instance(); itemDropped.GetNode <TextureRect>("Item").Texture = Utility.GetInventoryItemResource(item.Key); _itemsDroppedGrid.AddChild(itemDropped); playerInstance.Inventory.Add(item.Key); } } } playerInstance.hudMargin.Visible = false; margin.Visible = true; _autoCloseTimer.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; ConsoleManager cm = new ConsoleManager(); //Canvas canvas = new Canvas(ConsoleColor.Gray); GridContainer container = new GridContainer(); var SmallBox1 = new BoxObject(4, 4); var SmallBox2 = new BoxObject(4, 4); var SmallBox3 = new BoxObject(4, 4); var SmallBox4 = new BoxObject(15, 15); var BigBox1 = new BoxObject(40, 40) { BoxChars = BoxObject.Presets.BoxChars.DoubleLine }; var BigBox2 = new BoxObject(40, 40) { BoxChars = BoxObject.Presets.BoxChars.DoubleHorizontalSingleVertical }; var BigBox3 = new BoxObject(40, 40) { BoxChars = BoxObject.Presets.BoxChars.SingleHorizontalDoubleVertical }; cm.AddObject(container); container.AddChild(SmallBox1); container.AddChild(SmallBox2); container.AddChild(SmallBox3); Console.ReadLine(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) SmallBox2.UpdateSize = new Point(i, i); for (int i = 20; i >= 4; i--) SmallBox2.UpdateSize = new Point(i, i); Console.ReadLine(); SmallBox2.UpdateSize = new Point(50, 50); GridContainer container2 = new GridContainer(); Console.ReadLine(); SmallBox2.AddChild(container2); Console.ReadLine(); container2.AddChild(new TextObject("This is an embedded element.")); Console.ReadLine(); container2.AddChild(SmallBox1); Console.ReadLine(); container2.AddChild(BigBox1); Console.ReadLine(); container2.AddChild(BigBox2); Console.ReadLine(); container2.AddChild(BigBox3); Console.ReadLine(); BigBox1.AddChild(SmallBox4); Console.ReadLine(); SmallBox4.AddChild(new TextObject("Hello World")); Console.ReadLine(); container.RemoveChild(BigBox1); Console.ReadLine(); }
private async void UpdateInventoryUI() { if (_chestInstance == null) { GD.PushError("Chest instance not found"); return; } var movableInventory = new List <string>(_playerInstance.Inventory); movableInventory.Remove(_playerInstance.EquippedWeapon); movableInventory.Remove(_playerInstance.EquippedArmor); foreach (Node child in _inventoryContents.GetChildren()) { child.QueueFree(); } var childCount = _inventoryContents.GetChildCount(); if (childCount > 0) { await ToSignal(_inventoryContents.GetChild(childCount - 1), "tree_exited"); } foreach (var itemName in movableInventory) { var inventoryItem = (ChestItems)ChestItemResource.Instance(); inventoryItem.ItemName = itemName; _inventoryContents.AddChild(inventoryItem); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var inventoryItem = (ChestItems)ChestItemResource.Instance(); _inventoryContents.AddChild(inventoryItem); } foreach (ChestItems inventoryItems in _inventoryContents.GetChildren()) { inventoryItems.Connect(nameof(ChestItems.LeftClicked), this, nameof(OnInventoryItem_LeftClicked)); } }
void Start() { panel = GridContainer.Create(new Vector3(.2f, .2f), new Vector2(300, 300), 3, 3); for (int g = 0; g < 9; g++) { panel.AddChild(BaseImage.Create("GUI/Button", new Vector3())); panel.elements[g].Click += EternityGUITester_Click; } }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { container = GetNode <GridContainer>("GridContainer"); container.AddChild(new Label() { Text = "hej" }); JsonParser.DeserializeJsonFile(JsonParser.Path); // ReadXml(); }
private void Refresh() { container.QueueFreeChildren(); foreach (Item item in { var itemTable = Visual.Tables.ItemTable.New(); container.AddChild(itemTable); itemTable.SetItem(item); } }
public GridContainer CreateDataTrigger() { var box = new BoxView() { HeightRequest = 28, WidthRequest = 28, BackgroundColor = Color.Crimson }; var fadeAnimation = new CoreTriggerAction() { Animation = new CoreFadeToAnimation() { Target = box, Duration = "300", Opacity = 0 } }; var trigger = new DataTrigger(typeof(Button)) { Binding = new Binding(path: "ClickCount", mode: BindingMode.TwoWay), Value = 3, EnterActions = { fadeAnimation } }; var btn = new CoreButton() { Text = "Data Trigger (3)", Style = CoreStyles.LightOrange, Triggers = { trigger } }; btn.SetBinding(CoreButton.CommandProperty, "ClickEvent"); var grid = new GridContainer(true); grid.AddChild(box, 0, 0); grid.AddChild(btn, 0, 1); return(grid); }
private void Refresh() { if (Visible) { container.QueueFreeChildren(); foreach (CharacterEntity entity in Family.familyMembers) { container.AddChild(Visual.Tables.JobTable.Create(entity)); } } }
public void TestUnevenLimitSize() { // when uneven sizes are used and limiting by size, they should all be treated as equal size cells based on the // max minwidth / minheight among them. // Note that when limiting by count, the behavior is different - rows and columns are individually // expanded based on the max size of their elements var grid = new GridContainer { MaxGridWidth = 125 }; var child1 = new Control { MinSize = (12, 24) }; var child2 = new Control { MinSize = (30, 50) }; var child3 = new Control { MinSize = (40, 20) }; var child4 = new Control { MinSize = (20, 12) }; var child5 = new Control { MinSize = (50, 10) }; grid.AddChild(child1); grid.AddChild(child2); grid.AddChild(child3); grid.AddChild(child4); grid.AddChild(child5); grid.Arrange(new UIBox2(0, 0, 250, 250)); Assert.That(grid.DesiredSize, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(104, 158))); Assert.That(child1.Position, Is.EqualTo(Vector2.Zero)); Assert.That(child2.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(54, 0))); Assert.That(child3.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(0, 54))); Assert.That(child4.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(54, 54))); Assert.That(child5.Position, Is.EqualTo(new Vector2(0, 108))); }
private Control SetupHoldBox(Texture panelTex) { var previewBack = new StyleBoxTexture { Texture = panelTex, Modulate = Color.FromHex("#4a4a51") }; previewBack.SetPatchMargin(StyleBox.Margin.All, 10); var grid = new GridContainer { Columns = 1, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, SizeFlagsStretchRatio = 20 }; var holdBlockPanel = new PanelContainer { PanelOverride = previewBack, CustomMinimumSize = blockSize * 6.5f, SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.None, SizeFlagsVertical = SizeFlags.None }; var holdCenterContainer = new CenterContainer(); _holdBlockGrid = new GridContainer { HSeparationOverride = 1, VSeparationOverride = 1 }; holdCenterContainer.AddChild(_holdBlockGrid); holdBlockPanel.AddChild(holdCenterContainer); grid.AddChild(holdBlockPanel); grid.AddChild(new Label { Text = "Hold", Align = Label.AlignMode.Center }); return(grid); }
private void CreateInventoryCells() { for (int i = 0; i < PlayerInventory.Items.Count; i++) { var inventoryCell = _resourcePreloader.InstanceScene <InventoryCell>(); _gridContainer.AddChild(inventoryCell); inventoryCell.Connect(nameof(InventoryCell.Selected), this, nameof(OnCellSelected), new Godot.Collections.Array() { i }); } }
public CargoConsoleOrderMenu() { IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); Title = Loc.GetString("cargo-console-order-menu-title"); var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); var gridContainer = new GridContainer { Columns = 2 }; var requesterLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("cargo-console-order-menu-requester-label") }; Requester = new LineEdit(); gridContainer.AddChild(requesterLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Requester); var reasonLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("cargo-console-order-menu-reason-label:") }; Reason = new LineEdit(); gridContainer.AddChild(reasonLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Reason); var amountLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("cargo-console-order-menu-amount-label:") }; Amount = new SpinBox { HorizontalExpand = true, Value = 1 }; Amount.SetButtons(new List <int>() { -3, -2, -1 }, new List <int>() { 1, 2, 3 }); Amount.IsValid = (n) => { return(n > 0); }; gridContainer.AddChild(amountLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Amount); vBox.AddChild(gridContainer); SubmitButton = new Button() { Text = Loc.GetString("cargo-console-order-menu-submit-button"), TextAlign = Label.AlignMode.Center, }; vBox.AddChild(SubmitButton); Contents.AddChild(vBox); }
public CargoConsoleOrderMenu() { IoCManager.InjectDependencies(this); Title = Loc.GetString("Order Form"); var vBox = new VBoxContainer(); var gridContainer = new GridContainer { Columns = 2 }; var requesterLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("Name:") }; Requester = new LineEdit(); gridContainer.AddChild(requesterLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Requester); var reasonLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("Reason:") }; Reason = new LineEdit(); gridContainer.AddChild(reasonLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Reason); var amountLabel = new Label { Text = Loc.GetString("Amount:") }; Amount = new SpinBox { SizeFlagsHorizontal = SizeFlags.FillExpand, Value = 1 }; Amount.SetButtons(new List <int>() { -100, -10, -1 }, new List <int>() { 1, 10, 100 }); Amount.IsValid = (n) => { return(n > 0); }; gridContainer.AddChild(amountLabel); gridContainer.AddChild(Amount); vBox.AddChild(gridContainer); SubmitButton = new Button() { Text = Loc.GetString("OK"), TextAlign = Label.AlignMode.Center, }; vBox.AddChild(SubmitButton); Contents.AddChild(vBox); }
/// <summary> /// Display the header for Leaderboard /// </summary> private void AddHeader() { dFont = new DynamicFont(); dFont.FontData = ResourceLoader.Load("res://Fonts/Candy Beans.otf") as DynamicFontData; dFont.Size = 26; Label rank = new Label(); rank.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); rank.Text = "Rank "; rank.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(rank); Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); lbl.Text = "Name "; lbl.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(lbl); Label lbl2 = new Label(); lbl2.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); lbl2.Text = "Score"; lbl2.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(lbl2); }
private Control CreateBottomMenuControl() { var container = new GridContainer() { RectMinSize = new Vector2(100, 100), }; var button = new Button { Text = "Refresh" }; button.Connect("pressed", this, nameof(OnRefreshPressed)); container.AddChild(button); return(container); }
/// <summary> /// Display the Credits /// </summary> private void DisplayCredits() { Godot.File file = new Godot.File(); file.Open("res://Credits/credits.txt", Godot.File.ModeFlags.Read); string content = file.GetAsText(); file.Close(); Label name = new Label(); name.AddFontOverride("font", dFont); name.Text = content; name.AddColorOverride("font_color", new Color(0, 0, 0)); gridContainer.AddChild(name); }
public virtual Node GetOptionEntry() { var grid = new GridContainer { Columns = 2 }; var label = new Label { Text = Name, SizeFlagsHorizontal = (int)Control.SizeFlags.Expand }; grid.AddChild(label); return(grid); }
public override void _Ready() { invGrid = (GridContainer)GetNode("inv_grid"); Tooltip = (Tooltip)GetNode("tooltip_layer/tooltip_panel"); invSlots = new InvSlot[20]; for (int i = 0; i < invSlots.Length; i++) { invSlots[i] = new InvSlot(); invSlots[i].Theme = invGrid.Theme; invGrid.AddChild(invSlots[i]); } Instance = this; }