public CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath source, FileSystemPath target)> items, FindCounts counts)> Mv(
     CommandEvaluationContext context,
     [Parameter("source: file/directory or several corresponding to a wildcarded path")] WildcardFilePath source,
     [Parameter(1, "destination: a file or a directory")] FileSystemPath dest,
     [Option("i", "prompt before overwrite")] bool interactive,
     [Option("v", "explain what is being done")] bool verbose
     if (source.CheckExists())
         var counts      = new FindCounts();
         var items       = FindItems(context, source.FullName, source.WildCardFileName ?? "*", true, true, false, true, false, null, false, counts, false, false);
         var sourceCount = items.Count;
         List <(FileSystemPath src, FileSystemPath tgt)> r = new List <(FileSystemPath src, FileSystemPath tgt)>();
         if (sourceCount > 1)
             if (dest.CheckExists())
                 if (!dest.IsDirectory)
                     Errorln("dest must be a directory");
                     return(new CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> items, FindCounts counts)>(
                                (new List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> {
                         (source, dest)
                     }, counts), ReturnCode.Error
                     // move multiple source to dest
                     foreach (var item in items)
                         var msg = $"move {item.GetPrintableName()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                         if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                             if (source.IsFile)
                                 var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, item.Name);
                                 r.Add((item, new FileSystemPath(newdest)));
                                 File.Move(item.FullName, newdest);
                                 var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, item.Name);
                                 Directory.Move(item.FullName, newdest);
                                 r.Add((item, new DirectoryPath(newdest)));
                             if (verbose)
                                 context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("move ", "moved "));
             if (dest.CheckExists(false))
                 if (dest.IsDirectory)
                     // move one source to dest
                     var msg = $"move {source.GetPrintableNameWithWlidCard()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                     if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                         if (source.IsFile)
                             var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, source.NameWithWildcard);
                             File.Move(source.FullNameWithWildcard, newdest);
                             r.Add((new FilePath(source.FullNameWithWildcard), new FilePath(newdest)));
                             var newdest = Path.Combine(dest.FullName, source.NameWithWildcard);
                             Directory.Move(source.FullName, newdest);
                             r.Add((source, new DirectoryPath(newdest)));
                         if (verbose)
                             context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("move ", "moved "));
                     // rename source (file) to dest (overwrite dest)
                     var msg = $"rename {source.GetPrintableNameWithWlidCard()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                     if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                         File.Move(source.FullNameWithWildcard, dest.FullName);
                         r.Add((new FilePath(source.FullNameWithWildcard), dest));
                         if (verbose)
                             context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("rename ", "renamed "));
                 // rename source to dest
                 var msg = $"rename {source.GetPrintableNameWithWlidCard()} to {dest.GetPrintableName()}";
                 if (!interactive || Confirm("mv: " + msg))
                     if (source.IsFile)
                         File.Move(source.FullNameWithWildcard, dest.FullName);
                         r.Add((new FilePath(source.FullNameWithWildcard), dest));
                         Directory.Move(source.FullName, dest.FullName);
                         r.Add((source, dest));
                     if (verbose)
                         context.Out.Echoln(msg.Replace("rename ", "renamed "));
         return(new CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath source, FileSystemPath target)> items, FindCounts counts)>
                    ((r, counts)));
         return(new CommandResult <(List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> items, FindCounts counts)>
                    ((new List <(FileSystemPath, FileSystemPath)> {
             (source, null)
         }, new FindCounts())));