    void Update()
        enemyposition = transform.parent.position - new Vector3(0, 0.9f, 0);                   //get feet position for pathing
        transform.parent.GetChild(1).position    = transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).position; //place gun on hand
        transform.parent.GetChild(1).eulerAngles = transform.GetChild(0).eulerAngles;          //rotate gun
        if (!anim.IsPlaying("EnemyCrouch") && !anim.IsPlaying("EnemyDead"))
        if (!gun.IsPlaying("GunFire"))

        if (Health <= 0)
            if (behaviour != -1)
                behaviour                = -1;
                nodetype                 = -1;
                node                     = -1;
                agent.destination        = transform.position;
                transform.parent.forward = transform.GetChild(0).forward;
                Destroy(transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>());
                Destroy(transform.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>());

         * behaviour = -1 -> dead
         * behaviour = 0 -> patrol (default)
         * behaviour = 1 -> look for last seen
         * behaviour = 2 -> patrol open areas
         * bahaviour = 3 -> alarmed, conditions can vary
         * behaviour = 4 -> standard combat
         * behaviour = 5 -> increased aggression while winning
         * behaviour = 6 -> increased defensive while losing
         * behaviour = 7 -> massive increase aggression while losing
         * behaviour = 8 -> massive increase defensive while losing
         * behaviour = 9 -> waiting - looking around while standing

        //check player sighting
        playerseen = false;
        if (EnemyPathing.LookForPlayer(transform, player, Fov, ViewRange, VCloseRange, CloseRange) == true)
            playerseen       = true;
            lastseenposition = player.position;
            lastseentype     = 1;

        if (playerseen == true)
            if (shootcurr > 1f)
                shootcurr = 0f;
                //transform.parent.forward = transform.GetChild(0).forward;
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(fire, transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).position);
                RaycastHit shot;
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.GetChild(1).position, transform.GetChild(0).forward, out shot))
                    if (shot.transform == player)
                        AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(playerhurt, player.position);
                        Fear -= 5;
                        string a = PlayerHealth.text.Substring(7);
                        PlayerHealth.text = PlayerHealth.text.Substring(0, 8) + (int.Parse(PlayerHealth.text.Substring(7)) - 5).ToString();
                shootcurr += Time.deltaTime;

        //update lastseen
        if (((behaviour > 3) || (behaviour == 1)) && (behaviour != 9))
            while (lastseentype < 3)
                if (EnemyPathing.PredictPlayer(player, lastseenposition, lastseentype) == true)
                    playerseen = true;
                    lastseenposition = player.position;

        //check nearby enemies
        for (int i = 0; i < enemies.childCount; i++)
            if (!ignoreai.Contains(i))                                           //dont check itself or already seen dead
                Vector3 dir = enemies.GetChild(i).position - transform.position; //nearby parameters
                if (((Vector3.Distance(transform.position, enemies.GetChild(i).position) < ViewRange) && (Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, dir) < Fov)) || (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, enemies.GetChild(i).position) < CloseRange))
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    if (Physics.Linecast(transform.position, enemies.GetChild(i).position, out hit, (1 << 0) | (1 << 12)))
                        if (hit.collider.name == "Body")
                            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, enemies.GetChild(i).position, Color.magenta, 0.1f);

                            //get nearby ai variables
                            int     nbehaviour         = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().behaviour;
                            int     nnodetype          = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().nodetype;
                            int     nnode              = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().node;
                            float   ncurrtime          = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().currtime;
                            float   nwaittime          = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().waittime;
                            bool    ncover             = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().cover;
                            bool    ncoverout          = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().coverout;
                            bool    nignorenearbycover = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().ignorenearbycover;
                            Vector3 nlastseenposition  = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().lastseenposition;
                            Vector3 nmovetoposition    = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().movetoposition;

                            //fix wait behaviour
                            int tempb = behaviour;
                            if (behaviour == 9)
                                tempb = prevb;
                            if (nbehaviour == 9)
                                nbehaviour = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().prevb;

                            if ((tempb == 0) && (nbehaviour != 0)) //check if nearby alarmed or dead when patrolling
                                if (nbehaviour == -1)
                                    lastseenposition = hit.transform.position;
                                    behaviour        = 2;
                                    Wait(15, 180);
                                else if (tempb > 3)
                                    behaviour      = 3;
                                    movetoposition = nlastseenposition;
                                    behaviour      = 3;
                                    movetoposition = nmovetoposition;
                            else if (nbehaviour == -1) //if nearby dead while alarmed, add to ignore list
                            else if ((tempb < 3) && (nbehaviour > 2))   //check if nearby alarmed knows player position
                                behaviour      = 3;
                                movetoposition = nlastseenposition;
                            else if ((nnodetype == nodetype) && (nnode == node) && (node != -1)) //dont move to same node
                                Vector3 dest = EnemyPathing.GetNodePosition(nodetype, node);
                                if (EnemyPathing.Distance(hit.transform.position, dest) < EnemyPathing.Distance(transform.position, dest))
                                    node     = -1;
                                    nodetype = -1;
                            else if ((ignorenearbycover == false) && (nignorenearbycover == false) && (cover == true) && (ncover == true))  //in and out of cover same time
                                if ((coverout == true) && (ncoverout == false))
                                    currtime = waittime;
                                else if (waittime > nwaittime)
                                    waittime = nwaittime;
                                    currtime = ncurrtime;

                            //update fear
                            Fear      = EnemyPathing.UpdateFear(i, teamhp[i], hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().Health, Fear);
                            teamhp[i] = hit.transform.GetComponent <EnemyMechanics>().Health;

        if ((playerseen == true) && (behaviour == 4))
            if (Fear >= 30)
                if (Random.Range(1, 4) == 1)
                    behaviour = 7;
                    behaviour = 8;
            else if (Fear >= 15)
                behaviour = 6;
            else if (Fear <= -20)
                behaviour = 5;

        if (behaviour == 0)
            agent.stoppingDistance = 2f;

            if (blacklistnode.Count == EnemyPathing.PNode.Count)

            if (playerseen == true)
                behaviour = 4;
            else if (node == -1)
                nodetype       = 0;
                node           = EnemyPathing.StandardPathing(blacklistnode);
                movetoposition = EnemyPathing.PNode[node];
            else if (Vector3.Distance(enemyposition, movetoposition) < agent.stoppingDistance)
                node           = EnemyPathing.StandardPathing(blacklistnode);
                movetoposition = EnemyPathing.PNode[node];
                Wait(45, 120);
        else if (behaviour == 1)
            nodetype = -1;
            node     = -1;
            agent.stoppingDistance = 4f;
            movetoposition         = lastseenposition;

            if (playerseen == true)
                behaviour = 4;
            else if (Vector3.Distance(enemyposition, movetoposition) < agent.stoppingDistance)
                behaviour = 2;
                Wait(5, 180);
        else if (behaviour == 2)
            nodetype = -1;
            agent.stoppingDistance = 6f;
            if (playerseen == true)
                behaviour = 4;
            else if (Vector3.Distance(enemyposition, movetoposition) < agent.stoppingDistance)
                if (searchcount < 4)
                    if (searchcount == 1)
                        points = EnemyPathing.SearchPlayerPathing(lastseenposition);
                    movetoposition = EnemyPathing.INode[points[searchcount - 1]];
                    Wait(8, 360);
                    behaviour = 0;
                    node      = -1;
                    nodetype  = 0;
                    Wait(8, 120);
        else if (behaviour == 3)
            node     = -1;
            nodetype = -1;
            agent.stoppingDistance = 6f;
            if (playerseen == true)
                behaviour = 4;
            else if (Vector3.Distance(enemyposition, movetoposition) < agent.stoppingDistance)
                Wait(10, 120);
                behaviour = 2;
        else if (behaviour == 4)
            agent.stoppingDistance = 0.5f;
        else if (behaviour == 5)
            agent.stoppingDistance = 0.5f;
            ignorenearbycover      = true;
        else if (behaviour == 6)
            agent.stoppingDistance = 0.5f;
            ignorenearbycover      = true;
        else if (behaviour == 7)
            agent.stoppingDistance = 5f;
            node           = -1;
            nodetype       = -1;
            movetoposition = lastseenposition;
            if (playerseen == false)
                behaviour = 2;
        else if (behaviour == 8)
            agent.stoppingDistance = 0.5f;
            node           = -1;
            nodetype       = -1;
            movetoposition = (lastseenposition - enemyposition) * -3f;
            if (playerseen == false)
                behaviour = 1;
        else if (behaviour == 9)
            if (playerseen == true)
                behaviour = 4;
                currtime  = 0;
            else if (currtime < waittime)
                dir       = EnemyPathing.Waiting(transform, TurnAngle, TurnSpeed * 5, dir, odir);
                forward   = true;
                currtime += Time.deltaTime;
                behaviour = prevb;
                currtime  = 0;

        if ((behaviour < 4) || (behaviour > 6))
            cover = false;

        if (behaviour != 9)
            EnemyPathing.LookPosition(transform, behaviour, lastseenposition, movetoposition, agent, cover, coverout, node, nodetype, out lookatposition, out forward);
            EnemyPathing.RotateEnemy(transform, lookatposition, TurnSpeed, forward);