void Awake() { Instance = this; }
void Awake() { instance = this; textMesh = GetComponent <TextMesh>(); SetText(""); }
public static void DestroyInstance() { Instance = null; }
public override async Task Execute() { var bottom = new Vector3(0, Height, 0); var duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2); var elapsed = TimeSpan.Zero; var easingFunctions = ((EasingFunction[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(EasingFunction))).Reverse().ToList(); easingFunctions.RemoveAt(0); { var startPosition = FirstPosition; var endPosition = FirstPosition - bottom; var sphere = SpherePrefab.InstantiateSingle(FirstPosition); Entity.Scene.Entities.Add(sphere); Script.AddOverTimeAction(progress => { sphere.Transform.Position = MathUtilEx.Interpolate(startPosition, endPosition, progress, EasingFunction.ElasticEaseOut); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); } var startPositions = new List <Vector3>(); var transforms = new List <TransformComponent>(); for (var i = 0; i < easingFunctions.Count; i++) { var startPosition = FirstPosition + new Vector3(i + 1, 0, 0); var sphere = SpherePrefab.InstantiateSingle(startPosition); transforms.Add(sphere.Transform); startPositions.Add(startPosition); Entity.Scene.Entities.Add(sphere); } while (Game.IsRunning) { var progress = (float)(elapsed.TotalSeconds / duration.TotalSeconds); if (progress > 1.0f) { progress = 1.0f; } DebugText.Print($"Progress = {progress}", new Int2(10)); for (var i = 0; i < transforms.Count; i++) { var t = transforms[i]; var easing = easingFunctions[i]; t.Position = MathUtilEx.Interpolate(startPositions[i], startPositions[i] - bottom, progress, easing); } elapsed += Game.UpdateTime.Elapsed; if (Input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Space)) { //reset elapsed = TimeSpan.Zero; } await Script.NextFrame(); } }
public void Update() { int x = (int)InputManager.GetMousePos().x; int y = (int)InputManager.GetMousePos().y; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) { if (isServer) { Furniture f = World.Instance.Furniture.GetFurnitureAt(x, y); if (f != null) { Destroy(f.gameObject); } } if (CanPlaceTile(x, y)) { SetTile(null, x, y); } } if (isServer && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H)) { Pawn.SpawnPawn("Caveman", InputManager.GetMousePos()); } if (!DebugText._Instance.Active) { return; } if (isServer) { int chunks = 0; int count = 0; foreach (int index in PendingOperations.Keys) { if (AnyPendingOperationsFor(index)) { chunks++; } else { continue; } count += PendingOperations[index].Count; } DebugText.Log(count + " pending tile operations over " + chunks + " chunks."); if (Saving) { DebugText.Log("Saving '" + Name + "' ... ", Color.green); DebugText.Log("Chunks Pending: " + ChunksLeftToSave, Color.green); DebugText.Log("Tile Ops Pending: " + OperationsPendingInSave, Color.green); } } DebugText.Log(loading.Count + " chunks are loading."); DebugText.Log(unloading.Count + " chunks are unloading."); }
public override void Update() { Cube?.Transform.Rotate(new Vector3(MathUtil.DegreesToRadians(60) * Game.GetDeltaTime(), 0, 0)); DebugText.Print($"ScreenToWorldRaySegment {MainCamera.ScreenToWorldRaySegment(Input.MousePosition)}", new Int2(20, 40)); var ray = MainCamera.ScreenToWorldRaySegment(Input.MousePosition); HitResult hitResult = simulation.Raycast(ray); Entity hitEntity = hitResult.Collider?.Entity; if (hitResult.Succeeded && hitEntity != selected) { if (hitEntity != hovered) { hovered = hitEntity; EntityHover.Broadcast(hitEntity); } } else { if (hovered != null) { hovered = null; EntityHover.Broadcast(null); } } if (Input.IsMouseButtonPressed(MouseButton.Left)) { message = ""; if (hitResult.Succeeded) { selected = hitEntity; message = selected.Name; EntitySelected.Broadcast(selected); DebugText.Print($"Clicked on {message}", new Int2(20, 60)); selectedScreenPoint = MainCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(selected.Transform.Position); worldMousePoint = MainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.MousePosition, selectedScreenPoint.Z)); offset = selected.Transform.Position - worldMousePoint; } else { selected = null; selectedScreenPoint = Vector3.Zero; worldMousePoint = Vector3.Zero; EntitySelected.Broadcast(null); } } else if (selected != null && Input.IsMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)) { var currentWorldMousePoint = MainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.MousePosition, selectedScreenPoint.Z)); // mouseEntity.Transform.Position = currentWorldMousePoint; selected.Transform.Position = currentWorldMousePoint + offset; worldMousePoint = currentWorldMousePoint; } }
private void HandleTwo(Vector2 position) { DebugText.Print($"Even Two - {position}", new Int2(10, 20)); }
void DebugPrint() { DebugText.Print("Hunger : " + GetHunger().Get()); DebugText.Print("Thirst : " + GetThirst().Get()); }
public override async Task Execute() { await Task.Yield(); // don't execute initialization on call Start(); // Wait for scripts to get initialized???? await Script.NextFrame(); await newGameEvent.ReceiveAsync(); while (true) { await Script.NextFrame(); DebugText.Print($"Generation: {generation}\nAlive: {dead.Count(d => !d)}/{ai.Count}\nScore: {score}\nHighscore: {highscore}", new Int2(20, 300)); var profiler = Profiler.Begin(AIProfilingKey); // get current state float dist = 0, height = 0; PipesScript.ProvideAiInformation(ref dist, ref height); for (int i = 0; i < characterScripts.Length; i++) { if (dead[i]) { continue; } var character = characterScripts[i]; if (!character.isRunning || character.isDying) { dead[i] = true; // disable collisions to save some processing time characterPhysics[i].CanCollideWith = (CollisionFilterGroupFlags)0; neat.AddWithScore(ai[i], score); continue; } var position = character.Movement.Position.Y; // we try to find a function that given to positions // tries to jump so that they come close together var aiResult = ai[i].Compute(neat.options, new double[] { position, height }); if (aiResult[0] > 0.5) { character.Jump(); } } score++; highscore = score > highscore ? score : highscore; if (dead.All(d => d)) { GlobalEvents.GameOver.Broadcast(); ResetRound(); } profiler.End(); } }
private void HandleOne(Vector2 position) { DebugText.Print($"Even One - {position}", new Int2(10, 10)); }
void OnDestroy() { singleton = null; }
void Awake() { singleton = this; }
void Start() { Instance = this; }
public void Awake() { DebuggerText = this; }
private void DelayedAction() { DebugText.Print("Delay", new Int2(10, 30)); }
protected virtual void Awake() { m_renderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); m_audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); m_body = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); m_weapon = GetComponentInChildren<Weapon>(); m_mainCollider = GetComponent<Collider2D>(); m_bodyCollider = transform.FindChild("bodyCollision").GetComponent<Collider2D>(); m_lifeData = new CharacterLife(); m_hitTime = 0.0f; m_lastShoot = -1.0f; Canvas debugCanvas = GameObject.Find("DebugCanvas").GetComponent<Canvas>(); if (m_debugLabelPrefab != null && debugCanvas != null) { m_debugLabelInstance = Instantiate<DebugText>(m_debugLabelPrefab); m_debugLabelInstance.Initialize(this, debugCanvas.transform); } }
private void DelayRepeatAction() { DebugText.Print("Delay Repeat", new Int2(10, 40)); }
public override void Update() { DebugText.Print("The original prefab", new Int2(310, 320)); DebugText.Print("The prefab instance PileOfBoxes", new Int2(560, 370)); DebugText.Print("The prefab instance PileOfBoxes2 with custom parent", new Int2(565, 650)); }
public override void Update() { DebugText.Print($"Object value: {Object.Value}", new Int2(20)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Started) { Tank currentPlayer = GetCurrentPlayer(); string message = currentPlayer.TankName + "'s Turn. Health: " + currentPlayer.Health.ToString("0.00"); message += " Fuel: " + currentPlayer.Fuel.ToString("0.00"); message += " Munition: " + BulletPrefabs[currentPlayer.BulletType].name; DebugText.SetText(message); if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { if (Paused) { Paused = false; PauseMenuRef.Unpause(); } else { Paused = true; PauseMenuRef.gameObject.SetActive(true); } } if (WaitingToNextPlayer) { NextPlayerTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (NextPlayerTimer <= 0f) { WaitingToNextPlayer = false; CurrentPlayer++; if (CurrentPlayer >= PlayerTanks.Count) { CurrentPlayer = 0; NextTurn(); } Winner = CheckWinner(); if (Winner == -1) { GetCurrentPlayer().StartTurn(); } else { WaitingToEndGame = true; EndGameTimer = 8f; } if (!OnlineGame || PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient) { if (Random.Range(0, 10) > 6) { BonusBoxRef.Spawn(Terrain.GetReference().HighestPoint + 2f); } } } } if (WaitingToEndGame) { EndGameTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (EndGameTimer <= 3f) { DarkOverlay.GetReference().SetDarkness(1f); } if (EndGameTimer <= 0f) { DarkOverlay.GetReference().SetDarkness(0f); WaitingToEndGame = false; GameOverRef.gameObject.SetActive(true); GameOverText.text = "Game Over\n\nThe winner is " + PlayerTanks[Winner].TankName; EndGame(); } } } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (input.KeyPress(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Escape)) { SystemCore.ScreenManager.AddAndSetActive(new MainMenuScreen()); } if (input.KeyPress(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.O)) { heading -= 10; playerObj.GetComponent <DoomMovementComponent>().TurnRightToHeading(heading); } if (input.KeyPress(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.P)) { heading += 10; playerObj.GetComponent <DoomMovementComponent>().TurnRightToHeading(heading); } if (heading > 360) { heading = 0; } if (heading < 0) { heading = 360; } if (input.MouseLeftPress()) { //PathToMousePoint(); } UpdateCamera(); if (!mapHandler.FloodFillComplete) { mapHandler.FloodFillStep(); } if (mapHandler.FloodFillComplete && playerObj.GetComponent <DoomMovementComponent>().path == null && !doNothing) { playerObj.GetComponent <DoomMovementComponent>().PathToPoint(mapHandler.LevelEnd); endOfLevelSeeking = true; } //check if we can see anything. If so, path to it. if (!doNothing) { if (collectItems) { PickUpObjects(); } } apiHandler.Update(); if (playerObj != null) { DebugText.Write(playerObj.Transform.AbsoluteTransform.Translation.ToString()); } base.Update(gameTime); }
public void Update() { DebugText.Log(Chunk.InstanceCount + " chunks instantiated."); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; }
protected override void OnPrefabInit() { Instance = this; }
public override void _Ready() { lines = new Dictionary <string, string>(); DebugText.instance = this; }
public override void Cancel() { base.Cancel(); DebugText.Update(Game.UpdateTime); }
public static void DrawText(Vector3 position, object text, Color color, Camera camera = null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { return; } var runtimeObject = DebugUtilsRuntimeObject.Instance; var debugText = new DebugText(position, text, color, camera); if (Time.deltaTime == Time.fixedDeltaTime) { if (!subscribedFixed) { subscribedFixed = true; SceneView.duringSceneGui += SceneViewGUIFixed; runtimeObject.RegisterFixedUpdateAction(WaitForNextFixed); RegisterGUI(); } debugTextFixed.Add(debugText); } else { if (!subscribedUpdate) { subscribedUpdate = true; SceneView.duringSceneGui += SceneViewGUIUpdate; runtimeObject.RegisterUpdateAction(WaitForNextUpdate); RegisterGUI(); } debugTextUpdate.Add(debugText); } void RegisterGUI() { if (!GizmosEnabled) { return; } runtimeObject.RegisterOnGUIAction(() => { foreach (DebugText t in debugTextUpdate) { if (t.Camera == null) { continue; } DoDrawText(t.Position, t.Text, t.Color, t.Camera); } foreach (DebugText t in debugTextFixed) { if (t.Camera == null) { continue; } DoDrawText(t.Position, t.Text, t.Color, t.Camera); } }); } #endif }
void Awake() { SharedInstance = this; textMesh = GetComponent <TextMesh>(); }
public void CreateUI() { // https://github.com/stride3d/stride/blob/master/samples/Tutorials/CSharpBeginner/CSharpBeginner/CSharpBeginner.Game/Code/TutorialUI.cs#L34 // 2. create our grid of buttons... var numButtons = 50; var grid = new UniformGrid { Name = "grid 1", HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow, Columns = 2, Rows = numButtons, }; var scrollV = new ScrollViewer { Name = "scroll 1", ScrollMode = ScrollingMode.Vertical, BackgroundColor = Color.Purple, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch, ScrollBarThickness = 50, }; var mainCanvas = new Canvas { BackgroundColor = new Color(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f), }; // https://github.com/stride3d/stride/blob/273dfddd462fd3746569f833e1493700c070b14d/sources/engine/Stride.UI.Tests/Regression/CanvasGridTest.cs for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { var cur_i = i; var startButton = new Button { Content = new TextBlock { Text = "Button #" + i, Font = myFont, TextColor = Color.Black, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, BackgroundColor = Color.LightBlue, }, Padding = new Thickness(77, 30, 25, 30), ClickMode = ClickMode.Press, BackgroundColor = Color.Green, MinimumWidth = 250f, }; var objPos = new Vector3(0f, 4f, 1f * i); startButton.Click += (object sender, Stride.UI.Events.RoutedEventArgs e) => { // do something to show we clicked a button // like set the text of some other UI control DebugText.Print("Button Clicked #" + cur_i, new Int2(50, 50)); }; startButton.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.RowPropertyKey, i / 2); startButton.DependencyProperties.Set(GridBase.ColumnPropertyKey, i % 2); grid.Children.Add(startButton); } scrollV.Content = grid; mainCanvas.Children.Add(scrollV); var mainMenuRoot = new ModalElement { Width = 500, Height = 500, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom, DefaultHeight = 200, OverlayColor = new Color(0.5f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f), // clear Content = mainCanvas, }; Entity.Get <UIComponent>().Page = new UIPage { RootElement = mainMenuRoot }; }
public override void Update() { DebugText.Print("Total of ammo of the automatically created AmmoComponent3: " + ammoComponent3.GetTotalAmmo().ToString(), new Int2(440, 200)); }
public override void Update() { // We display the stored ammo count on screen DebugText.Print("Ammo count 1: " + ammoCount1.ToString(), new Int2(300, 200)); DebugText.Print("Ammo count 2: " + ammoCount2.ToString(), new Int2(300, 220)); }
public void DrawMap() { currentGreenPoints.Clear(); if (LibPlacenote.Instance.GetStatus() != LibPlacenote.MappingStatus.RUNNING) { return; } LibPlacenote.PNFeaturePointUnity[] map = LibPlacenote.Instance.GetMap(); if (map == null) { return; } Vector3[] points = new Vector3[map.Length]; Color[] colors = new Color[map.Length]; int totBrown = 0; int totGreen = 0; for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; ++i) { points [i].x = map [i].point.x; points [i].y = map [i].point.y; points [i].z = -map [i].point.z; colors [i].r = 1 - map [i].measCount / 10f; colors [i].b = 0; colors [i].g = map [i].measCount / 10f; if (map [i].measCount > 6) { currentGreenPoints.Add(new Vector3(map [i].point.x, map [i].point.y, map [i].point.z)); totGreen++; } else { totBrown++; } if (map [i].measCount < 4) { colors [i].a = 0f; } else { colors [i].a = 0.2f + 0.8f * (map [i].measCount / 10f); } } DebugText.SetGreenDots(totGreen.ToString()); DebugText.SetBrownDots(totBrown.ToString()); FindObjectOfType <BatteryUpload> ().SetFillAmount((float)totGreen / 50f); // Need to update indicies too! int[] indices = new int[map.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < map.Length; ++i) { indices [i] = i; } // Create GameObject container with mesh components for the loaded mesh. Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.vertices = points; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Points, 0); MeshFilter mf = mMap.GetComponent <MeshFilter> (); if (mf == null) { mf = mMap.AddComponent <MeshFilter> (); } mf.mesh = mesh; MeshRenderer mr = mMap.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> (); if (mr == null) { mr = mMap.AddComponent <MeshRenderer> (); } mr.material = mPtCloudMat; }
//----------------------------------------------// // 関数名 Initialize // // Function Initialize // 機能 ゲームで使うオブジェクトの初期化 // // Initialization of objects to use in the game function // 引数 なし // // No argument // 戻り値 なし // // No return value //----------------------------------------------// protected override void Initialize() { // Initialization of the camera to be used in all scenes camera = new Camera((float)GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / (float)GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height); // Load the model() // Do not keep up with the constructor is not called before initialize the scene ModelManager.GetInstance().LoadModel(this.Content); // Load the texture TextureManager.GetInstance().LoadTexture(this.Content); // Read the font used to debug text DebugText.Init(this.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(@"フォント\SpriteFont1")); // Create a debug text actually debugText = DebugText.GetInstance(); // Display the mouse cursor on the screen this.IsMouseVisible = true; // Title of the window base.Window.Title = "XNA Game Studio"; // Initialization of BasicEffect basicEffect = new BasicEffect(graphics.GraphicsDevice); // I call the initilization of the current scene from the scene manager sceneManager.Initialize(); // I get the Kinect /* kinectSensor = KinectSensor.KinectSensors[0]; if (kinectSensor == null || kinectSensor.Status != KinectStatus.Connected) { throw new Exception("Kinect is not connected。"); } * */ // I want to enable the skeleton data of Kinect #if KINECT kinect.GetInstance().SkeletonStream.Enable(new TransformSmoothParameters() { Smoothing = 0.5f, Correction = 0.5f, Prediction = 0.5f, JitterRadius = 0.5f, MaxDeviationRadius = 0.5f }); #endif // Initialization of class the underlying base.Initialize(); }