 void Start()
     // No level will log.
     DLogger.All("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
     DLogger.Trace("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
     DLogger.Debug("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
     DLogger.Info("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
     DLogger.Warn("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
     DLogger.Error("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
     DLogger.Fatal("I will not show up in the console because logging is off.");
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     // Configure the Logger with your desired prefix and log level.
     DLogger.Configure("My Game", DLogger.LogLevels.Debug);
     // Log at the Debug Log Level (Equal).
     DLogger.Debug("This debug message will be recorded.");
     // Log at the Trace Log Level (Lower).
     DLogger.Trace("This trace message will not be recorded.");
     // Log at the Info Log Level (Higher).
     DLogger.Info("This info message will be recored.");
     // Log at the Info Log Level (Higher).
     DLogger.Log("This general log (info) message will be recorded.");