public void TogglePause() { #region If All Windows Closed //IF THERE ARE NOW WINDOWS OPEN if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && !windowsOpen) //only activate when all windows are closed { if (!pauseMenu.activeSelf) { Cursor.visible = true; player.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.ButtonIn(); pauseMenu.SetActive(true); Time.timeScale = 0; } else if (pauseMenu.activeSelf) { player.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.ButtonOut(); ContinueButton(); } } #endregion #region If Windows Still Open //IF THERE ARE WINDOWS STILL OPEN if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && windowsOpen) { for (int i = 0; i < UI_Windows.Length; i++) { UI_Windows[i].SetActive(false); } tabs.SetActive(false); player.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.InventoryClose(); charControlScript.UnfreezeCam(); } #endregion }
public void Reenabletext() { talking = false; story.currentcharacter = "blank"; //PressE.enabled = true; PressEIcon.enabled = true; avatar.jumpVelocity = 9f; avatar.enabled = true; questchecker(); Cursor.visible = false; dayNightScript.isTalking = false; sfxControlScript.ButtonOut(); // play button SFX charControlScript.UnfreezeCam(); heartpointincrease(); }
private void MenuTabToggle() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab))//Inventory menu toggle via tab button { if (storycheck.DemoMode == true) { if (inventory.activeSelf == false) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.InventoryOpen(); //play sound effect of opening the inventory Controller.FreezeCam(); inventory.SetActive(true); Cursor.visible = true; info.enabled = true; } else { this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.InventoryClose(); //play sound effect of opening the inventory Controller.UnfreezeCam(); inventory.SetActive(false); Cursor.visible = false; info.enabled = false; } } else if (storycheck.DemoMode == false) { if (inventory2.activeSelf == false) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.InventoryOpen(); //play sound effect of opening the inventory Controller.FreezeCam(); inventory2.SetActive(true); Cursor.visible = true; tabs.SetActive(true); notice.GetComponent <NoticeScript>().Close(); //info.enabled = true; } else { this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharControl>().sfxControlScript.InventoryClose(); //play sound effect of opening the inventory Controller.UnfreezeCam(); inventory2.SetActive(false); Cursor.visible = false; tabs.SetActive(false); //info.enabled = false; } } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { if (Cheats.activeSelf == false) { Cheats.SetActive(true); Cursor.visible = true; Controller.FreezeCam(); Controller.sfxControlScript.ButtonIn(); } else if (Cheats.activeSelf == true) { Cheats.SetActive(false); Cursor.visible = false; Controller.UnfreezeCam(); Controller.sfxControlScript.ButtonOut(); } } }