public static void InsertBOM(SldWorks swApp) { ModelDoc2 md = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc; DrawingDoc dd = (DrawingDoc)swApp.ActiveDoc; ModelDocExtension ex = (ModelDocExtension)md.Extension; int bom_type = (int)swBomType_e.swBomType_PartsOnly; int bom_numbering = (int)swNumberingType_e.swNumberingType_Flat; int bom_anchor = (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopLeft; SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.View v = GetFirstView(swApp); BomTableAnnotation bta = null; TableAnnotation ta = null; if (dd.ActivateView(v.Name)) { bta = v.InsertBomTable4( false, Properties.Settings.Default.BOMLocationX, Properties.Settings.Default.BOMLocationY, bom_anchor, bom_type, v.ReferencedConfiguration, Properties.Settings.Default.BOMTemplatePath, false, bom_numbering, false); } if (bta != null) { ta = (TableAnnotation)bta; if (ta != null) { int deptcol = 0; List <int> rowdpt = new List <int>(); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(BOMFilter[0]); for (int i = 0; i < ta.ColumnCount; i++) { if (ta.Text[0, i].ToUpper() == @"DEPTID") { deptcol = i; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < ta.RowCount; i++) { if (!r.IsMatch(ta.Text[i, deptcol])) { rowdpt.Add(i); } } foreach (int item in rowdpt) { ta.set_RowHidden(item, true); } } } }
public void InsertBom() { SldWorks swApp = default(SldWorks); ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2); SelectionMgr swSelMgr = default(SelectionMgr); FeatureManager swFeatMgr = default(FeatureManager); SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.View swView; BomTableAnnotation swBomAnn = default(BomTableAnnotation); BomFeature swBomFeat = default(BomFeature); long anchorType = 0; long bomType = 0; string configuration = null; string tableTemplate = null; object visible = null; DrawingDoc swDraw; Sheet swSheet = default(Sheet); //swApp = DirectCast(Marshal.GetActiveObject("SldWorks.Application"), SldWorks) swApp = (SldWorks)Marshal.GetActiveObject("SldWorks.Application"); swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc; swFeatMgr = swModel.FeatureManager; swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel; swSheet = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet(); swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceString((int)swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swDetailingLayer, (int)swUserPreferenceOption_e.swDetailingBillOfMaterial, ""); //ecли FALSE вставляются все конфигурации swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swOneConfigOnlyTopLevelBom, 0, false); swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swBomTableDontAddQTYNextToConfigName, 0, true); swModel.Extension.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swDontCopyQTYColumnNameFromTemplate, 0, true); //swDraw.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(swBomTableZeroQuantityDisplay, swZeroQuantityBlank); //Select View swModel.ClearSelection2(true); swView = swDraw.GetCurrentSheet().GetViews()[0]; //Insert BOM Table anchorType = (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_TopLeft; bomType = (int)swBomType_e.swBomType_TopLevelOnly; swModel.ClearSelection2(true); configuration = ""; tableTemplate = "C:\\Program Files\\SW-Complex\\Template.sldbomtbt"; swBomAnn = swView.InsertBomTable2(false, -0, -0, (int)anchorType, (int)bomType, configuration, tableTemplate); swFeatMgr.UpdateFeatureTree(); swBomFeat = swBomAnn.BomFeature; var Names = swBomFeat.GetConfigurations(false, visible); visible = true; swBomFeat.SetConfigurations(true, visible, Names); }
///<summary> method <c>GetDrawingDocBOMTable</c> ///从SolidWorks 的Drawing文档获取到其材料明细表,一般一个文档一个,多余不获取 ///</summary> public void GetDrawingDocBOMTable(ModelDoc2 modelDoc, out BomTableAnnotation swBOMTable, out string configName, out string topFileName) { Feature feature = modelDoc.IFirstFeature(); swBOMTable = null; configName = ""; topFileName = ""; BomFeature swBomFeat = null; while (feature != null) { Type type = feature.GetType(); if ("BomFeat" == feature.GetTypeName()) { //Console.WriteLine("******************************"); //Console.WriteLine("Feature Name : " + feature.Name); swBomFeat = (BomFeature)feature.GetSpecificFeature2(); break; } string name = feature.Name; feature = feature.IGetNextFeature(); } if (swBomFeat == null || swBomFeat.GetTableAnnotationCount() <= 0) { return; } Feature swFeat = (Feature)swBomFeat.GetFeature(); string featureName = swFeat.Name; swBOMTable = swBomFeat.IGetTableAnnotations(1);// default(TableAnnotation); topFileName = swBomFeat.GetReferencedModelName(); int configCount = swBomFeat.GetConfigurationCount(true); // //object[] vTableArr = (object[])swBomFeat.GetTableAnnotations(); //foreach (object vTable_loopVariable in vTableArr) //{ // object vTable = vTable_loopVariable; // TableAnnotation swTable = (TableAnnotation)vTable; // ProcessTableAnn(modelDoc, swTable); //} configName = ""; if (configCount > 0) { bool visibility = true; configName = swBomFeat.IGetConfigurations(true, 0, ref visibility); } //swBOMTable.Iget return; }
private static void LerBOM(BomTableAnnotation swBomTable, ModelDoc2 swModel) { TableAnnotation tabela = (TableAnnotation)swBomTable; long coluna = tabela.ColumnCount; long linha = tabela.RowCount; listaDeCodigos.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(swModel.GetPathName()) + ";"); for (int i = 0; i < linha - 1; i++) { listaDeCodigos.Add((tabela.Text[i, 1] + ";" + tabela.Text[i, 5])); } listaDeCodigos.Add(";"); }
private void fill_table(BomFeature bom) { found_bom = bom; string itno = string.Empty; string ptno = string.Empty; _cols.Clear(); _prts.Clear(); swTable = (ITableAnnotation)bom.IGetTableAnnotations(1); part.ClearSelection2(true); _col_count = swTable.ColumnCount; find_part_column(); _row_count = swTable.RowCount; for (int i = 0; i < _col_count; i++) { _cols.Add(swTable.get_DisplayedText(0, i)); } object[] bomtaa = (object[])bom.GetTableAnnotations(); BomTableAnnotation bta = (BomTableAnnotation)bomtaa[0]; int prtcol = get_column_by_name(_part_column); for (int i = 0; i < _row_count; i++) { string prt_ = swTable.get_DisplayedText(i, prtcol); _prts.Add(prt_); string[] pathnames = (string[])bta.GetModelPathNames(i, out itno, out ptno); if (pathnames != null) { foreach (string pathname in pathnames) { FileInfo fi_ = new FileInfo(pathname); path_list.Add(fi_); if (!path_dict.ContainsKey(prt_.ToUpper())) { path_dict.Add(prt_.ToUpper(), fi_); } } } } initialated = true; }
///<summary> method <c>GetDrawingDocBOMTable</c> ///从SolidWorks 的Drawing文档获取到其材料明细表,一般一个文档一个,多余不获取 ///</summary> public void GetDrawingDocBOMTable(ModelDoc2 modelDoc, out BomTableAnnotation swBOMTable, out string configName, out string topFileName) { Feature feature = modelDoc.IFirstFeature(); swBOMTable = null; configName = ""; BomFeature swBomFeat = null; while (feature != null) { Type type = feature.GetType(); if ("BomFeat" == feature.GetTypeName()) { Console.WriteLine("******************************"); Console.WriteLine("Feature Name : " + feature.Name); swBomFeat = (BomFeature)feature.GetSpecificFeature2(); break; } string name = feature.Name; feature = feature.IGetNextFeature(); } if (swBomFeat == null || swBomFeat.GetTableAnnotationCount() <= 0) { return; } swBOMTable = swBomFeat.IGetTableAnnotations(1);// default(TableAnnotation); topFileName = swBomFeat.GetReferencedModelName(); configName = ""; if (configCount > 0) { bool visibility = true; configName = swBomFeat.IGetConfigurations(true, 0, ref visibility); } //swBOMTable.Iget return; }
public void ProcessTableAnn(BomTableAnnotation swBOMTableAnn, string ConfigName, SldAsm asmPrd) { int nNumRow = 0; string ItemNumber = null; string PartNumber = null; TableAnnotation swTableAnn = (TableAnnotation)swBOMTableAnn; Console.WriteLine(" Table Title " + swTableAnn.Title); IEdmVault5 vault = new EdmVault5(); vault.LoginAuto("科德研发部", 0); if (!vault.IsLoggedIn) { Console.WriteLine("登录PDM失败"); return; } nNumRow = swTableAnn.RowCount; swBOMTableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)swTableAnn; for (int j = 0; j < swTableAnn.RowCount; j++) { // //for (int i = 0; i < swTableAnn.ColumnCount;i++ ) // Console.WriteLine(swTableAnn.get_Text(j, i)); //获取类别和特有信息 //if (j == swTableAnn.RowCount - 1)//最后一行为标题栏,跳过 // continue; string filePath = ""; string compName = ""; string compConfig = ""; int compCount = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(j, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); for (int i = 0; i < compCount; i++) { Component2 comp2 = swBOMTableAnn.IGetComponents2(j, ConfigName, i); if (comp2 != null) { filePath = comp2.GetPathName(); compName = comp2.Name2; compConfig = comp2.ReferencedConfiguration; Console.WriteLine(" Component Name :" + comp2.Name2 + " Configuration Name : " + comp2.ReferencedConfiguration); Console.WriteLine(" Component Path :" + comp2.GetPathName()); } } if (filePath == "") { continue; } SldBsp bsp = GetSldPrdInfoFromFile(vault, filePath); if (bsp == null) { continue; } bsp.path = filePath; //SldBsp bsp = new SldBsp(); swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 0); //序号 bsp.number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1); //代号 = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 2); //名称 string amout = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 3); bsp.amout = amout == ""?0:int.Parse(amout); //数量 bsp.material = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 4); //材料 string weight = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 5); bsp.weight = weight == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(weight); //单重 bsp.totalWeight = bsp.weight * bsp.amout; // swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 6);//总重 bsp.remark = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 7); //备注 string number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 8); //测试 if (bsp.number == "") { bsp.number = number; } if (bsp is SldPrt) { asmPrd.sldPrtList.Add((SldPrt)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldStd) { asmPrd.sldStdList.Add((SldStd)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldBuy) { asmPrd.sldBuyList.Add((SldBuy)bsp); } } return; }
/// <summary> /// Returns Lists of Custom_parts and Standard_Parts /// </summary> /// <param name="swModel"></param> /// <param name="swTableAnn"></param> /// <param name="ConfigName"></param> /// <param name="Standard_Parts"></param> /// <param name="Custom_Parts"></param> public static void Get_Sorted_Part_Data(ModelDoc2 swModel, BomFeature swBomFeat, List <BOM_Part_Informations> Standard_Parts, List <BOM_Part_Informations> Custom_Parts, string projectpath) { try { int nNumRow = 0; int J = 0; int I = 0; int numStandard_Part = 1; int numCustom_Part = 1; int quantity = 0; int index_description = 0; int index_article_number = 0; int index_supplier = 0; BOM_Part_Informations part_informations; string ItemNumber = null; string PartNumber = null; // Debug.Print(" Table Title " + swTableAnn.Title); Feature swFeat = default(Feature); object[] vTableArr = null; object vTable = null; string[] vConfigArray = null; object vConfig = null; string ConfigName = null; string partconfig = null; TableAnnotation swTable = default(TableAnnotation); Annotation swAnnotation = default(Annotation); object visibility = null; swFeat = swBomFeat.GetFeature(); vTableArr = (object[])swBomFeat.GetTableAnnotations(); foreach (TableAnnotation vTable_loopVariable in vTableArr) { vTable = vTable_loopVariable; swTable = (TableAnnotation)vTable; vConfigArray = (string[])swBomFeat.GetConfigurations(true, ref visibility); foreach (object vConfig_loopVariable in vConfigArray) { vConfig = vConfig_loopVariable; ConfigName = (string)vConfig; // MessageBox.Show(ConfigName); // swTable.SaveAsPDF(@"C:\Users\alex\Desktop\test.pdf"); nNumRow = swTable.RowCount; BomTableAnnotation swBOMTableAnn = default(BomTableAnnotation); swBOMTableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)swTable; //swTable.GetColumnTitle for (int h = 0; h < swTable.ColumnCount; h++) { switch (swTable.GetColumnTitle(h)) { case "Benennung": index_description = h; break; case "Artikelnummer": index_article_number = h; break; case "Lieferant": index_supplier = h; break; default: break; } } if (index_supplier != 0 || index_supplier != 0 || index_article_number != 0) //Standard BOM Template { for (int n = 0; n <= nNumRow - 1; n++) { // Debug.Print(" Row Number " + J + " Component Count : " + swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(J, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber)); // Debug.Print(" Item Number : " + ItemNumber); // Debug.Print(" Part Number : " + PartNumber); // MessageBox.Show("bubu"); object[] vPtArr = null; Component2 swComp = null; object pt = null; quantity = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(n, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); vPtArr = (object[])swBOMTableAnn.GetComponents2(n, ConfigName); if (((vPtArr != null))) { for (I = 0; I <= vPtArr.GetUpperBound(0); I++) { pt = vPtArr[I]; swComp = (Component2)pt; if ((swComp != null)) { part_informations = new BOM_Part_Informations(); part_informations.manufacturer = swTable.get_Text(n, index_supplier); part_informations.order_number = swTable.get_Text(n, index_article_number); part_informations.IsAssembly = false; part_informations.part_number = PartNumber.TrimStart(); part_informations.quantity = quantity.ToString(); //Custom part if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(projectpath)) { if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".sldasm") || swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".SLDASM")) { // MessageBox.Show(swComp.GetPathName()); part_informations.IsAssembly = true; } part_informations.description = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration; part_informations.item_number = numCustom_Part.ToString(); numCustom_Part++; Custom_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } part_informations.description = swTable.get_Text(n, index_description); part_informations.item_number = numStandard_Part.ToString(); numStandard_Part++; Standard_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } else { Debug.Print(" Could not get component."); } } } } } else //No Standard BOM Template { for (J = 0; J <= nNumRow - 1; J++) { // Debug.Print(" Row Number " + J + " Component Count : " + swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(J, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber)); // Debug.Print(" Item Number : " + ItemNumber); // Debug.Print(" Part Number : " + PartNumber); object[] vPtArr = null; Component2 swComp = null; object pt = null; quantity = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(J, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); vPtArr = (object[])swBOMTableAnn.GetComponents2(J, ConfigName); if (((vPtArr != null))) { for (I = 0; I <= vPtArr.GetUpperBound(0); I++) { pt = vPtArr[I]; swComp = (Component2)pt; if ((swComp != null)) { part_informations = new BOM_Part_Informations(); part_informations.description = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration; part_informations.part_number = PartNumber; part_informations.quantity = quantity.ToString(); //Custom part if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(projectpath)) { if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".sldasm") || swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".SLDASM")) { break; } else { part_informations.item_number = numCustom_Part.ToString(); numCustom_Part++; Custom_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } } part_informations.item_number = numStandard_Part.ToString(); numStandard_Part++; Standard_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } else { Debug.Print(" Could not get component."); } } } } } break; } } swAnnotation = swTable.GetAnnotation(); swAnnotation.Select3(false, null); swModel.EditDelete(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { SldWorks.SldWorks swApp; ModelDoc2 swModel; swApp = SW.Get_swApp(); //swApp.SendMsgToUser("teste conectado!"); IEnumerable <int> codigos = Enumerable.Range(4020001, 256); string fullPath; try { foreach (var codigo in codigos) { int erro = 0, aviso = 0; fullPath = $@"C:\ELETROFRIO\ENGENHARIA SMR\PRODUTOS FINAIS ELETROFRIO\MECÂNICA\RACK PADRAO\RACK PADRAO TESTE\{codigo}.SLDDRW"; //swApp.DocumentVisible(false, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING); swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(fullPath, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_RapidDraft, "", erro, aviso); if (swModel == null) { Console.WriteLine("Erro: " + erro); Console.WriteLine("Aviso: " + aviso); continue; } DrawingDoc swDraw = (DrawingDoc)swModel; View swActiveView; View swSheetView; //A first view é a folha, e não a vista propriamente dita swSheetView = swDraw.GetFirstView(); swActiveView = swSheetView.GetNextView(); var nomeDaVista = swActiveView.GetName2(); //ModelDoc2 swModelDaVista; //swModelDaVista = swActiveView.ReferencedDocument; //var nomeDo3DdaVista = swModelDaVista.GetPathName(); //Object[] anotacoesDaVista = swActiveView.GetAnnotations(); //foreach (var a in anotacoesDaVista) //{ // Annotation annot = (Annotation)a; // Console.WriteLine(annot.GetName()); //} BomFeature swBomFeature; swBomFeature = GetBOM(swModel); Feature swFeat; swFeat = swBomFeature.GetFeature(); object[] vTableArr = swBomFeature.GetTableAnnotations(); BomTableAnnotation tableAnn = null; foreach (BomTableAnnotation v in vTableArr) { tableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)v; } if (tableAnn != null) { LerBOM(tableAnn, swModel); } else { Console.WriteLine("Não pegou a table annotation"); } EscreveTXT(listaDeCodigos); swApp.CloseAllDocuments(true); Console.WriteLine(codigo); } } finally { EscreveTXT(listaDeCodigos); } Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// 出工程图 /// </summary> /// <param name="dicValues"></param> /// <param name="prtTemp"></param> /// <param name="compTemp"></param> /// <param name="bomPaths"></param> /// <param name="savePaths">保存路径</param> /// <param name="newPath">新路径</param> private void Drawing(List <string> dicValues, string prtTemp, string compTemp, string bomPaths, string savePaths, string newPath) { string viewType = string.Empty; bool isometric = false; bool bom = false; string dimesion = string.Empty; double spaceX = 0.06; //x方向留白区域 double scale = 1; //定义比例初始值 List <double[]> viewBox = new List <double[]>(); //集合存放视图box List <double[]> viewOrigin = new List <double[]>(); //集合存放视图原点值 double[] outLine = new double[4]; //视图box值 double[] postion = new double[2]; //视图原点值 _swApp = (SldWorks)ConnectSW.iSwApp; //连接sw if (_swApp == null) { return; } foreach (string item in dicValues) { int errors = 0; int warnings = 0; double view1X = 0; double view1Y = 0; string filePath = item; //文件路径 string fileEx = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("."), 7); //获得后缀名 string filename = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1, filePath.LastIndexOf(".") - filePath.LastIndexOf("\\") - 1); if (fileEx == ".SLDPRT") { _swModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)_swApp.OpenDoc6(filePath, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings); __swDrawDoc = (DrawingDoc)_swApp.NewDrawing2((int)swDwgTemplates_e.swDwgTemplateCustom, prtTemp, (int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPapersUserDefined, 0, 0); } if (fileEx == ".SLDASM") { _swModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)_swApp.OpenDoc6(filePath, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings); __swDrawDoc = (DrawingDoc)_swApp.NewDrawing2((int)swDwgTemplates_e.swDwgTemplateCustom, compTemp, (int)swDwgPaperSizes_e.swDwgPapersUserDefined, 0, 0); } _swModelEx = (ModelDocExtension)_swModelDoc.Extension; if (newPath != null) { savePaths = newPath.Substring(0, newPath.LastIndexOf("\\")); } //新建工程图 _swApp.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swAutomaticScaling3ViewDrawings, true); //自动缩放新工程图比例 if (standarView == false && isometric) //如果只生成等轴测视图 { CreatIsometric(__swDrawDoc, filePath); _currentSheet = (Sheet)__swDrawDoc.GetCurrentSheet(); __swDrawDoc.ActivateSheet(_currentSheet.GetName()); _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); ChangeViewShow(tag, _swView); _swApp.CloseDoc(_swModelDoc.GetTitle());// ModelDoc2 tempDoc = (ModelDoc2)__swDrawDoc; bool ss0 = false; if (newPath != null && IfDwg) { ss0 = tempDoc.Extension.SaveAs(newPath, (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } else if (newPath != null && IfDwg == false) { ss0 = tempDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).Substring(0, (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).LastIndexOf(".")) + ".DWG", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } else if (newPath == null && IfDwg) { ss0 = tempDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).Substring(0, (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).LastIndexOf(".")) + ".DWG", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } else { ss0 = tempDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).Substring(0, (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).LastIndexOf(".")) + ".slddrw", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } bool isHidden = tempDoc.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swViewDisplayHideAllTypes, true); //隐藏所有类型 _swApp.CloseDoc(tempDoc.GetTitle()); _numSucess += 1; //转换成功的数量 sucessFile.Add(filePath); return; } bool isCreate = false; #region 第三视角投影 if (thirProject) { isCreate = __swDrawDoc.Create3rdAngleViews2(filePath);//创建第三视角投影视图(视图位置有差别) //调整视图位置 _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); while (_swView != null) { double[] vBox = new double[] { }; double[] vPoint = new double[] { }; vBox = (double[])_swView.GetOutline(); vPoint = (double[])_swView.Position; viewBox.Add(vBox); viewOrigin.Add(vPoint); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); } //调整视图1、2位置 if (viewBox[0][3] > viewBox[0][2])//纵向 { double[] posView1 = new double[] { viewBox[0][2] / 3.0, viewOrigin[1][1] }; _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView.Position = posView1; double[] posView2 = new double[] { viewOrigin[2][0], viewOrigin[2][1] - (viewBox[2][1] - viewBox[1][3]) / 1.9 };//调整视图2位置 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView.Position = posView2; } else { double[] posView1 = new double[] { viewBox[0][2] / 4.0, viewOrigin[1][1] }; _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView.Position = posView1; double[] posView2 = new double[] { viewOrigin[2][0], viewOrigin[2][1] - (viewBox[2][1] - viewBox[1][3]) / 2.0 };//调整视图2位置 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView.Position = posView2; } viewOrigin.Clear(); viewBox.Clear(); _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); while (_swView != null) { double[] vBox = new double[] { }; double[] vPoint = new double[] { }; vBox = (double[])_swView.GetOutline(); vPoint = (double[])_swView.Position; viewBox.Add(vBox); viewOrigin.Add(vPoint); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); } if (isometric)//等轴测 { _swView = (IView)__swDrawDoc.CreateDrawViewFromModelView3(filePath, "*等轴测", viewOrigin[3][0], viewOrigin[2][1], 0); _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); double[] sca = new double[2]; sca = _swView.ScaleRatio;//获取比例 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView.ScaleRatio = sca; double[] rePos = new double[] { viewOrigin[3][0] + 0.015, viewOrigin[2][1] }; _swView.Position = rePos; ChangeViewShow(tag, _swView); //视图样式 AddDimension(dimesion, __swDrawDoc, _swModelDoc); //尺寸标注 } } #endregion #region 第一视角投影 else { isCreate = __swDrawDoc.Create1stAngleViews(filePath);//创建第一视角投影视图 //获取视图boundingbox _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); while ((_swView != null)) { outLine = (double[])_swView.GetOutline(); //(x,y坐标最值) postion = (double[])_swView.Position; //视图位置值 viewBox.Add(outLine); viewOrigin.Add(postion); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); } double newScale = CalcuScale(viewBox, __swDrawDoc, scale, spaceX, 3); //调整视图位置(position) if (viewBox[0][3] > viewBox[0][2]) { view1X = viewBox[0][2] / 2.8; //视图1的X坐标放在图纸坐标的三分之一处 view1Y = viewBox[0][3] - viewBox[0][3] / 4.85; //视图1的Y坐标放在图纸坐标的五分之一处 } else { view1X = viewBox[0][2] / 3.5; //视图1的X坐标放在图纸坐标的三分之一处 view1Y = viewBox[0][3] - viewBox[0][3] / 4.0; //视图1的Y坐标放在图纸坐标的四分之一处 } double[] view1Pos = new double[] { view1X, view1Y }; _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); //获取图纸 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); //获取第一个视图 _swView.Position = view1Pos; bool isRebuild = _swModelDoc.EditRebuild3(); //viewBox.Clear(); List <double[]> tempBox = new List <double[]>(); viewOrigin.Clear(); while ((_swView != null)) { ChangeViewShow(tag, _swView); //改变视图显示样式 AddDimension(dimesion, __swDrawDoc, _swModelDoc); //添加尺寸 outLine = (double[])_swView.GetOutline(); //(x,y坐标最值) postion = (double[])_swView.Position; //视图位置值 tempBox.Add(outLine); viewOrigin.Add(postion); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); } if (isometric) //是否创建等轴测视图(非钣金) { double[] scalArry = new double[2]; _swView = (IView)__swDrawDoc.CreateDrawViewFromModelView3(filePath, "*等轴测", viewOrigin[2][0], viewOrigin[1][1], 0); _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); //获取图纸 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); //获取第一个视图 double sca = _swView.get_IScaleRatio(); if (sca == 1) //缩小比例 { scalArry[0] = 1; scalArry[1] = newScale; } else { scalArry[0] = sca; scalArry[1] = 1; } _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView.ScaleRatio = scalArry;//调整轴测图比例 ChangeViewShow(tag, _swView); _swModelDoc.EditRebuild3(); } ////关掉文件(不保存) //_swApp.CloseDoc(_swModelDoc.GetTitle()); if (fileEx == ".SLDASM" && bom) //是否创建明细表 { //viewBox.Clear(); //viewOrigin.Clear(); double[] outArry = new double[4]; double[] posArry = new double[2]; double[] posArry1 = null; double[] posArry2 = null; double[] posArry3 = null; _currentSheet = (Sheet)__swDrawDoc.GetCurrentSheet(); __swDrawDoc.ActivateSheet(_currentSheet.GetName()); _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); //获取图纸 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); //获取第一个视图 swBomTableAnno = (BomTableAnnotation)_swView.InsertBomTable4(true, 0.4, 0.1, (int)swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e.swBOMConfigurationAnchor_BottomRight, (int)swBomType_e.swBomType_TopLevelOnly, "", bomPaths, false, 0, false); TableAnnotation tableAnnotation = (TableAnnotation)swBomTableAnno; tableAnnotation.GetAnnotation(); BomFeature bomFeature = swBomTableAnno.BomFeature; bool[] array = new bool[bomFeature.GetConfigurationCount(false)]; object Visible = array; object configurations = bomFeature.GetConfigurations(false, ref Visible); array[0] = true; bomFeature.SetConfigurations(true, array, configurations); FeatureManager featureManager = _swModelDoc.FeatureManager; featureManager.UpdateFeatureTree(); double num = 0.007; tableAnnotation.SetRowHeight(-2, num, 0); double totleHeight = num * tableAnnotation.RowCount; //计算总的tableBom高度 double heightSum = totleHeight + 0.070; //加上标题栏总高度 int columCount = tableAnnotation.ColumnCount; //获取总的列数 double columWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columCount; i++) { double wid = tableAnnotation.GetColumnWidth(i); columWidth += wid; } _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); outArry = (double[])_swView.GetOutline(); if (outArry[1] < heightSum)//有可能被遮挡 { //__swView = _swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); //double[] tempArry = new double[] { }; //tempArry=(double[])__swView.GetOutline(); //viewBox.Insert(0, tempArry); scale = ((viewBox[1][2] - viewBox[1][0]) + (viewBox[3][2] - viewBox[3][0])) / (viewBox[0][2] - columWidth - 0.025);//计算X方向的比例 if (scale > 11) { double scaleCeil = System.Math.Ceiling(scale); if (scaleCeil > 11 && scaleCeil < 16) { scale = 20; } if (scaleCeil > 15 && scaleCeil < 21) { scale = 25; } if (scaleCeil > 20 && scaleCeil < 26) { scale = 30; } if (scaleCeil > 25 && scaleCeil < 34) { scale = 40; } if (scaleCeil > 33 && scaleCeil < 45) { scale = 50; } if (scaleCeil > 44 && scaleCeil < 55) { scale = 60; } } else if (scale > 5.8 && scale < 10.5) { double scaleCeil = System.Math.Ceiling(scale); //scale = scaleCeil + 4.0; //比例为10、11、12、13、14、15 if (scaleCeil > 5 && scaleCeil < 8) { scale = 10; } if (scaleCeil > 7 && scaleCeil < 12) { scale = 15; } } _currentSheet = (Sheet)__swDrawDoc.GetCurrentSheet(); __swDrawDoc.ActivateSheet(_currentSheet.GetName()); bool isScale = _currentSheet.SetScale(1, scale, false, false); //设置视图和图纸比例 _swView = __swDrawDoc.GetFirstView(); _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); //获取视图1 double[] pos1 = new double[2]; pos1 = _swView.Position; posArry1 = new double[] { pos1[0] - columWidth / 3.45, pos1[1] }; _swView.Position = posArry1; //重置视图1的位置 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); //获取视图2 double[] pos2 = new double[2]; pos2 = _swView.Position; posArry2 = new double[] { pos2[0] - columWidth / 3.45, pos2[1] + 0.0015 }; _swView.Position = posArry2; //设置视图2位置 _swView = _swView.GetNextView(); //获取视图三 posArry = (double[])_swView.Position; posArry3 = new double[] { posArry[0] - columWidth / 3.5, posArry[1] }; _swView.Position = posArry3;//视图3坐标 } } }//第一视角投影 #endregion if (isCreate) { _numSucess += 1;//转换成功的数量 sucessFile.Add(filePath); } ModelDoc2 tempModelDoc = (ModelDoc2)__swDrawDoc; //获取到swDraw的父级(ModelDoc) _swApp.CloseDoc(_swModelDoc.GetTitle()); bool isHiden = tempModelDoc.SetUserPreferenceToggle((int)swUserPreferenceToggle_e.swViewDisplayHideAllTypes, true); //隐藏所有类型 _swModelDoc.ForceRebuild3(false); string saveName = (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).Substring(0, (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()).LastIndexOf(".")); bool ss; if (newPath != null && IfDwg) { ss = tempModelDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()) + ".DWG", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } else if (newPath != null && IfDwg == false) { ss = tempModelDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()) + ".slddrw", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } else if (newPath == null && IfDwg) { ss = tempModelDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()) + ".DWG", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } else { ss = tempModelDoc.Extension.SaveAs(savePaths + "\\" + (_swModelDoc.GetTitle()) + ".slddrw", (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Silent, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } _swApp.CloseDoc(tempModelDoc.GetTitle());//关闭转换完成的文件 } }
public BomItemExtractor(BomTableAnnotation bom) { = bom; columnIndices = new BomColumnIndices(); }
public void ProcessTableAnn(IEdmVault5 poVault, BomTableAnnotation swBOMTableAnn, string ConfigName, SldAsm asmPrd) { int nNumRow = 0; string ItemNumber = null; string PartNumber = null; TableAnnotation swTableAnn = (TableAnnotation)swBOMTableAnn; nNumRow = swTableAnn.RowCount; swBOMTableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)swTableAnn; for (int j = 0; j < swTableAnn.RowCount; j++) { // //for (int i = 0; i < swTableAnn.ColumnCount;i++ ) // Console.WriteLine(swTableAnn.get_Text(j, i)); //获取类别和特有信息 if (j == swTableAnn.RowCount - 1)//最后一行为标题栏,跳过 { continue; } string filePath = ""; string compName = ""; string compConfig = ""; int compCount = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(j, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); object[] vPtArr = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponents2(j, ConfigName); if (vPtArr != null) { for (int prIndex = 0; prIndex <= vPtArr.GetUpperBound(0); prIndex++) { Component2 swComp = (Component2)vPtArr[prIndex]; if ((swComp != null)) { //Debug.Print(" Component Name :" + swComp.Name2 + " Configuration Name : " + swComp.ReferencedConfiguration); //Debug.Print(" Component Path :" + swComp.GetPathName()); filePath = swComp.GetPathName(); compName = swComp.Name2; compConfig = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration; break; } else { continue; } } //Component2 comp2 = null; //comp2 = swBOMTableAnn.IGetComponents2(j, ConfigName, 0); //if (comp2 != null) //{ // filePath = comp2.GetPathName(); // compName = comp2.Name2; // compConfig = comp2.ReferencedConfiguration; //} } SldBsp bsp = null; if (filePath == "") { errors++; errorStr += "明细表第" + (j + 1) + "行" + swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1) + " 未找到关联文件\n"; bsp = new SldBsp(); bsp.type = 5; } else { bsp = GetSldPrdInfoFromFile(poVault, filePath); if (bsp == null) { errors++; errorStr += "明细表第" + (j + 1) + "行" + swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1) + " 文件:" + filePath + " 在PDM中未找到\n"; bsp = new SldBsp(); bsp.type = 5; } } bsp.path = filePath; //SldBsp bsp = new SldBsp(); swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 0); //序号 bsp.number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1); //代号 = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 2); //名称 string amout = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 3); int parseInt = 0; try { parseInt = int.Parse(amout); }catch (Exception) { parseInt = 0; } bsp.amout = parseInt; //数量 bsp.material = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 4); //材料 string weight = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 5); double parseDouble = 0.0; try { parseDouble = double.Parse(weight); } catch (Exception) { parseDouble = 0.0; } bsp.weight = parseDouble; //单重 bsp.totalWeight = bsp.weight * bsp.amout; // swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 6);//总重 bsp.remark = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 7); //备注 //string number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 8);//测试 //if (bsp.number == "") bsp.number = number; if (bsp is SldPrt) { bsp.materialNumber = bsp.number == ""?"":("03." + bsp.number); asmPrd.sldPrtList.Add((SldPrt)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldStd) { asmPrd.sldStdList.Add((SldStd)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldBuy) { asmPrd.sldBuyList.Add((SldBuy)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldBsp) { asmPrd.sldBspList.Add(bsp); } } return; }
public bool exportExcel(IEdmVault5 poVault, string selectFile, string saveFile) { WiseUtil wiseUtil = new WiseUtil(); IEdmFolder5 templateExcelFolder = null; string finalFilePath = poVault.RootFolderPath + WiseUtil.templateExcelFilePath; IEdmFile5 templateExcelFile = poVault.GetFileFromPath(finalFilePath, out templateExcelFolder); if (templateExcelFile == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("在PDM中找不到模板EXCEL:\n" + finalFilePath); return(false); } //string installLocation = wiseUtil.GetLocalMachineRegistryValue("SOFTWARE\\solidworks\\Applications\\PDMWorks Enterprise\\", "Location"); //System.Console.WriteLine(installLocation); //if (installLocation == "") //{ // installLocation = "C:\\"; //} //string excelTemplate = installLocation + "ExportTemplate\\template-list.xlsx"; Workbook templateWb = null; try { templateWb = wiseUtil.OpenExcel(finalFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("打开模板表格失败,请查看位置" + templateExcelFile + "的文件状态"); return(false); } if (templateWb == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("打开模板表格失败"); return(false); } SldWorks.SldWorks swApp = new SldWorks.SldWorks(); int longstatus = 0; int longwarnings = 0; ModelDoc2 modelDoc = swApp.OpenDoc6(selectFile, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, (int)(swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_ReadOnly | swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent), "", ref longstatus, ref longwarnings); if (modelDoc == null || longstatus > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("打开二维图失败"); swApp.ExitApp(); templateWb.Close(); return(false); } BomTableAnnotation bomTableAnno = null; string configName = ""; string topFileName = ""; try { wiseUtil.GetDrawingDocBOMTable(modelDoc, out bomTableAnno, out configName, out topFileName); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("获取明细表信息出错" + e.StackTrace); } if (bomTableAnno == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("未找到明细表信息"); swApp.ExitApp(); templateWb.Close(); return(false); } //modelDoc.Close(); SldAsm asmPrd = wiseUtil.GetAsmIndoFromFile(poVault, topFileName);// new SldAsm(); if (asmPrd == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("获取材料明细表关联产品失败"); swApp.ExitApp(); templateWb.Close(); return(false); } //asmPrd.bzr = "hou"; //asmPrd.bzsj = "2016/1/1"; try { wiseUtil.ProcessTableAnn(poVault, bomTableAnno, configName, asmPrd); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("解析明细表信息出错" + e.StackTrace); } //if (WiseUtil.errors > 0) //{ // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("解析明细表信息出错" + WiseUtil.errorStr); //} wiseUtil.SaveBuyToWorkbook(templateWb, asmPrd); wiseUtil.SaveStdToWorkbook(templateWb, asmPrd); wiseUtil.SavePrtToWorkbook(templateWb, asmPrd); wiseUtil.SaveBspToWorkbook(templateWb, asmPrd); templateWb.SaveAs(saveFile); templateWb.Close(); swApp.ExitApp(); swApp = null; return(true); }