/// <summary> /// Returns Lists of Custom_parts and Standard_Parts /// </summary> /// <param name="swModel"></param> /// <param name="swTableAnn"></param> /// <param name="ConfigName"></param> /// <param name="Standard_Parts"></param> /// <param name="Custom_Parts"></param> public static void Get_Sorted_Part_Data(ModelDoc2 swModel, BomFeature swBomFeat, List <BOM_Part_Informations> Standard_Parts, List <BOM_Part_Informations> Custom_Parts, string projectpath) { try { int nNumRow = 0; int J = 0; int I = 0; int numStandard_Part = 1; int numCustom_Part = 1; int quantity = 0; int index_description = 0; int index_article_number = 0; int index_supplier = 0; BOM_Part_Informations part_informations; string ItemNumber = null; string PartNumber = null; // Debug.Print(" Table Title " + swTableAnn.Title); Feature swFeat = default(Feature); object[] vTableArr = null; object vTable = null; string[] vConfigArray = null; object vConfig = null; string ConfigName = null; string partconfig = null; TableAnnotation swTable = default(TableAnnotation); Annotation swAnnotation = default(Annotation); object visibility = null; swFeat = swBomFeat.GetFeature(); vTableArr = (object[])swBomFeat.GetTableAnnotations(); foreach (TableAnnotation vTable_loopVariable in vTableArr) { vTable = vTable_loopVariable; swTable = (TableAnnotation)vTable; vConfigArray = (string[])swBomFeat.GetConfigurations(true, ref visibility); foreach (object vConfig_loopVariable in vConfigArray) { vConfig = vConfig_loopVariable; ConfigName = (string)vConfig; // MessageBox.Show(ConfigName); // swTable.SaveAsPDF(@"C:\Users\alex\Desktop\test.pdf"); nNumRow = swTable.RowCount; BomTableAnnotation swBOMTableAnn = default(BomTableAnnotation); swBOMTableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)swTable; //swTable.GetColumnTitle for (int h = 0; h < swTable.ColumnCount; h++) { switch (swTable.GetColumnTitle(h)) { case "Benennung": index_description = h; break; case "Artikelnummer": index_article_number = h; break; case "Lieferant": index_supplier = h; break; default: break; } } if (index_supplier != 0 || index_supplier != 0 || index_article_number != 0) //Standard BOM Template { for (int n = 0; n <= nNumRow - 1; n++) { // Debug.Print(" Row Number " + J + " Component Count : " + swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(J, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber)); // Debug.Print(" Item Number : " + ItemNumber); // Debug.Print(" Part Number : " + PartNumber); // MessageBox.Show("bubu"); object[] vPtArr = null; Component2 swComp = null; object pt = null; quantity = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(n, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); vPtArr = (object[])swBOMTableAnn.GetComponents2(n, ConfigName); if (((vPtArr != null))) { for (I = 0; I <= vPtArr.GetUpperBound(0); I++) { pt = vPtArr[I]; swComp = (Component2)pt; if ((swComp != null)) { part_informations = new BOM_Part_Informations(); part_informations.manufacturer = swTable.get_Text(n, index_supplier); part_informations.order_number = swTable.get_Text(n, index_article_number); part_informations.IsAssembly = false; part_informations.part_number = PartNumber.TrimStart(); part_informations.quantity = quantity.ToString(); //Custom part if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(projectpath)) { if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".sldasm") || swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".SLDASM")) { // MessageBox.Show(swComp.GetPathName()); part_informations.IsAssembly = true; } part_informations.description = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration; part_informations.item_number = numCustom_Part.ToString(); numCustom_Part++; Custom_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } part_informations.description = swTable.get_Text(n, index_description); part_informations.item_number = numStandard_Part.ToString(); numStandard_Part++; Standard_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } else { Debug.Print(" Could not get component."); } } } } } else //No Standard BOM Template { for (J = 0; J <= nNumRow - 1; J++) { // Debug.Print(" Row Number " + J + " Component Count : " + swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(J, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber)); // Debug.Print(" Item Number : " + ItemNumber); // Debug.Print(" Part Number : " + PartNumber); object[] vPtArr = null; Component2 swComp = null; object pt = null; quantity = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(J, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); vPtArr = (object[])swBOMTableAnn.GetComponents2(J, ConfigName); if (((vPtArr != null))) { for (I = 0; I <= vPtArr.GetUpperBound(0); I++) { pt = vPtArr[I]; swComp = (Component2)pt; if ((swComp != null)) { part_informations = new BOM_Part_Informations(); part_informations.description = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration; part_informations.part_number = PartNumber; part_informations.quantity = quantity.ToString(); //Custom part if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(projectpath)) { if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".sldasm") || swComp.GetPathName().Contains(".SLDASM")) { break; } else { part_informations.item_number = numCustom_Part.ToString(); numCustom_Part++; Custom_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } } part_informations.item_number = numStandard_Part.ToString(); numStandard_Part++; Standard_Parts.Add(part_informations); break; } else { Debug.Print(" Could not get component."); } } } } } break; } } swAnnotation = swTable.GetAnnotation(); swAnnotation.Select3(false, null); swModel.EditDelete(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void ProcessTableAnn(BomTableAnnotation swBOMTableAnn, string ConfigName, SldAsm asmPrd) { int nNumRow = 0; string ItemNumber = null; string PartNumber = null; TableAnnotation swTableAnn = (TableAnnotation)swBOMTableAnn; Console.WriteLine(" Table Title " + swTableAnn.Title); IEdmVault5 vault = new EdmVault5(); vault.LoginAuto("科德研发部", 0); if (!vault.IsLoggedIn) { Console.WriteLine("登录PDM失败"); return; } nNumRow = swTableAnn.RowCount; swBOMTableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)swTableAnn; for (int j = 0; j < swTableAnn.RowCount; j++) { // //for (int i = 0; i < swTableAnn.ColumnCount;i++ ) // Console.WriteLine(swTableAnn.get_Text(j, i)); //获取类别和特有信息 //if (j == swTableAnn.RowCount - 1)//最后一行为标题栏,跳过 // continue; string filePath = ""; string compName = ""; string compConfig = ""; int compCount = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(j, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); for (int i = 0; i < compCount; i++) { Component2 comp2 = swBOMTableAnn.IGetComponents2(j, ConfigName, i); if (comp2 != null) { filePath = comp2.GetPathName(); compName = comp2.Name2; compConfig = comp2.ReferencedConfiguration; Console.WriteLine(" Component Name :" + comp2.Name2 + " Configuration Name : " + comp2.ReferencedConfiguration); Console.WriteLine(" Component Path :" + comp2.GetPathName()); } } if (filePath == "") { continue; } SldBsp bsp = GetSldPrdInfoFromFile(vault, filePath); if (bsp == null) { continue; } bsp.path = filePath; //SldBsp bsp = new SldBsp(); swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 0); //序号 bsp.number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1); //代号 bsp.name = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 2); //名称 string amout = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 3); bsp.amout = amout == ""?0:int.Parse(amout); //数量 bsp.material = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 4); //材料 string weight = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 5); bsp.weight = weight == "" ? 0 : int.Parse(weight); //单重 bsp.totalWeight = bsp.weight * bsp.amout; // swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 6);//总重 bsp.remark = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 7); //备注 string number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 8); //测试 if (bsp.number == "") { bsp.number = number; } if (bsp is SldPrt) { asmPrd.sldPrtList.Add((SldPrt)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldStd) { asmPrd.sldStdList.Add((SldStd)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldBuy) { asmPrd.sldBuyList.Add((SldBuy)bsp); } } return; }
public void ProcessTableAnn(IEdmVault5 poVault, BomTableAnnotation swBOMTableAnn, string ConfigName, SldAsm asmPrd) { int nNumRow = 0; string ItemNumber = null; string PartNumber = null; TableAnnotation swTableAnn = (TableAnnotation)swBOMTableAnn; nNumRow = swTableAnn.RowCount; swBOMTableAnn = (BomTableAnnotation)swTableAnn; for (int j = 0; j < swTableAnn.RowCount; j++) { // //for (int i = 0; i < swTableAnn.ColumnCount;i++ ) // Console.WriteLine(swTableAnn.get_Text(j, i)); //获取类别和特有信息 if (j == swTableAnn.RowCount - 1)//最后一行为标题栏,跳过 { continue; } string filePath = ""; string compName = ""; string compConfig = ""; int compCount = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponentsCount2(j, ConfigName, out ItemNumber, out PartNumber); object[] vPtArr = swBOMTableAnn.GetComponents2(j, ConfigName); if (vPtArr != null) { for (int prIndex = 0; prIndex <= vPtArr.GetUpperBound(0); prIndex++) { Component2 swComp = (Component2)vPtArr[prIndex]; if ((swComp != null)) { //Debug.Print(" Component Name :" + swComp.Name2 + " Configuration Name : " + swComp.ReferencedConfiguration); //Debug.Print(" Component Path :" + swComp.GetPathName()); filePath = swComp.GetPathName(); compName = swComp.Name2; compConfig = swComp.ReferencedConfiguration; break; } else { continue; } } //Component2 comp2 = null; //comp2 = swBOMTableAnn.IGetComponents2(j, ConfigName, 0); //if (comp2 != null) //{ // filePath = comp2.GetPathName(); // compName = comp2.Name2; // compConfig = comp2.ReferencedConfiguration; //} } SldBsp bsp = null; if (filePath == "") { errors++; errorStr += "明细表第" + (j + 1) + "行" + swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1) + " 未找到关联文件\n"; bsp = new SldBsp(); bsp.type = 5; } else { bsp = GetSldPrdInfoFromFile(poVault, filePath); if (bsp == null) { errors++; errorStr += "明细表第" + (j + 1) + "行" + swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1) + " 文件:" + filePath + " 在PDM中未找到\n"; bsp = new SldBsp(); bsp.type = 5; } } bsp.path = filePath; //SldBsp bsp = new SldBsp(); swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 0); //序号 bsp.number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 1); //代号 bsp.name = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 2); //名称 string amout = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 3); int parseInt = 0; try { parseInt = int.Parse(amout); }catch (Exception) { parseInt = 0; } bsp.amout = parseInt; //数量 bsp.material = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 4); //材料 string weight = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 5); double parseDouble = 0.0; try { parseDouble = double.Parse(weight); } catch (Exception) { parseDouble = 0.0; } bsp.weight = parseDouble; //单重 bsp.totalWeight = bsp.weight * bsp.amout; // swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 6);//总重 bsp.remark = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 7); //备注 //string number = swTableAnn.get_Text(j, 8);//测试 //if (bsp.number == "") bsp.number = number; if (bsp is SldPrt) { bsp.materialNumber = bsp.number == ""?"":("03." + bsp.number); asmPrd.sldPrtList.Add((SldPrt)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldStd) { asmPrd.sldStdList.Add((SldStd)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldBuy) { asmPrd.sldBuyList.Add((SldBuy)bsp); } else if (bsp is SldBsp) { asmPrd.sldBspList.Add(bsp); } } return; }