public static void SaveDB()
            BinaryFormatter bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/VSDB.db");
            VSDatas         save = new VSDatas();

            save.ArmorList  = Armor.JSONlist();
            save.BladeList  = Blade.JSONlist();
            save.ShieldList = Shield.JSONlist();
            bf.Serialize(file, save);
            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log("/VSDB.db Saved");
        public void Parse(string filePath, List <string>[] texts)

            KeyValuePair <int, int> bladeIdx  = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(0, 0);
            KeyValuePair <int, int> gripIdx   = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(90, 90);
            KeyValuePair <int, int> shieldIdx = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(121, 0); // shields have no descs  ?
            KeyValuePair <int, int> armorIdx  = new KeyValuePair <int, int>(121, 0); // armors have no descs  ?

            // Header
            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log("SYD Parse :: " + FileName + "   File len : " + buffer.BaseStream.Length);

            uint n1 = buffer.ReadByte();

            uint n2 = buffer.ReadByte();
            uint n3 = buffer.ReadByte();

            uint n4 = buffer.ReadByte();
            uint n5 = buffer.ReadByte();

            if (UseDebug)
                Debug.Log(n1 + ", " + n2 + ", " + n3 + ", " + n4 + ", " + n5);
            // SECTION 1 : List of Ids inside Byte (never > 16 for shield.SYD) this is maybe combinaison datas how to mix items to get a superior item
            // num of items
            // SECTION 2 : List of crafting material Ids inside Byte (never > 7) this is maybe combinaison datas how to mix materials to get damascus for example
            // SECTION 3 : DATAS  num of items * 8 bytes for shields and armor  // 16 bytes for blades

            switch (FileName)
            case "SHIELD":
                Shield.list = new List <Shield>();
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = 0x0178;
                for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                    //ID|ID.WEP|armor type 01(shield)|gem slots|STR|INT|AGI|always 00
                    Shield.list.Add(new Shield(buffer.ReadBytes(8), texts[0][shieldIdx.Key + i]));

                ToolBox.WriteJSON("Assets/Resources/JSON/SHIELD.json", Shield.JSONlist());

            case "ARMOR":
                Armor.list = new List <Armor>();
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = 0x1498;
                for (var i = 0; i < 80; i++)
                    //ID|ID.WEP|armor type[01-05]|00|STR|INT|AGI|always 00
                    Armor.list.Add(new Armor(buffer.ReadBytes(8), texts[0][armorIdx.Key + i]));

                ToolBox.WriteJSON("Assets/Resources/JSON/ARMOR.json", Armor.JSONlist());
                //ToolBox.WriteJSON("Assets/Resources/JSON/ARMOR.txt", Armor.CSlist());

            case "BLADE":
                Blade.list = new List <Blade>();
                Blade.list.Add(new Blade());     // Empty Blade, index start at 1
                buffer.BaseStream.Position = 0x2DE0;
                for (var i = 0; i < 90; i++)
                    // Damage types : 1 = Blunt - 2 = Edged  -  3 = Piercing
                    //22   22         03          02    02  02  0000 23  00  FA  00  06  05   06       01       Holy Win
                    //ID|ID.WEP|weapon type|damage type|02|Risk|0000|STR|INT|AGI|00|Range|?|range|always 01
                    Blade.list.Add(new Blade(buffer.ReadBytes(16), texts[0][bladeIdx.Key + i], texts[1][bladeIdx.Value + i]));

                ToolBox.WriteJSON("Assets/Resources/JSON/BLADE.json", Blade.JSONlist());
                //ToolBox.WriteJSON("Assets/Resources/JSON/BLADE.txt", Blade.CSlist());