plot_by_DBT_HR() публичный Метод

public plot_by_DBT_HR ( double DBT1, double HR ) : int
DBT1 double
HR double
Результат int
Пример #1
        //this is the function that plotes the values form the graph..
        public void plot_on_first_graph()
            if (first_enable == 1 && second_enable == 1)
                if (checkedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
                    //string t = null;

                    //lets check if the hour was changed or not...
                    foreach (object item in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems)//this is done like this because the items checked has discarded in 0.
                        int index = checkedListBox1.Items.IndexOf(item);
                        if (index != 0)
                            //t += index + ",\t";

                    //then only do the changes else we dont have to do it.
                    //MessageBox.Show("it works\n "+t);

                    //lets do the plotting part here..

                    if (dtp2.Value > dtp1.Value)
                        //-----------resetting to newly plotted graph---------//

                        form1.plot_new_graph();//this is doen because we need to plot on new graph every time the values are pulled.
                        //---------------resetting ends here-----------------//

                        //  string dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                        //  string connString1 = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + dir + @"\T3000.mdb;Persist Security Info=True";
                        //sql connection string is this..
                        //      string connString1 = @"Data Source=GREENBIRD;Initial Catalog=db_psychrometric_project;Integrated Security=True";

                        //--changing all the database to the sqlite database...
                        string databasePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                        string databaseFile = databasePath + @"\db_psychrometric_project.s3db";

                        string connString1 = @"Data Source=" + databaseFile + ";Version=3;";

                        using (SQLiteConnection connection1 = new SQLiteConnection(connString1))

                            //string sql_query = "Select * from tbl_data_stored_temp_hum_one_year WHERE date_current = " + day_list[i] + " , hour_current = " + hour_al[h] + " AND station_name = "+ station_name +" ; ";
                            //lets pass this string to a query which does the pulling part.
                            SQLiteDataReader reader1  = null;
                            SQLiteCommand    command1 = new SQLiteCommand("Select * from tbl_historical_data WHERE date_current BETWEEN @date_first AND @date_second AND ID=@id_value", connection1);
                            command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date_first", dtp1.Value);
                            command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date_second", dtp2.Value);
                            command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id_value", index_selected);
                            //command1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@station_name", station_name);
                            reader1 = command1.ExecuteReader();
                            while (reader1.Read())
                                //station_name = reader["station_name"].ToString();
                                    new data_type_hum_temp
                                    temp = double.Parse(reader1["temperature"].ToString()),
                                    hum  = double.Parse(reader1["humidity"].ToString()),
                                    date = reader1["date_current"].ToString(),
                                    hour = int.Parse(reader1["hour_current"].ToString())
                            } //close of while loop
                             // connection1.Close();
                        }     //close of database using statement

                        //lets display the data
                        //string test = null;
                        //for (int i = 0; i < hist_temp_hum_list.Count; i++)
                        //    test += hist_temp_hum_list[i].temp+" , hum=  "+ hist_temp_hum_list[i].hum +",date="+hist_temp_hum_list[i].date+",hour="+hist_temp_hum_list[i].hour+"\n";

                        //MessageBox.Show("value = \n"+test);
                        //since we have the data now we can start plotting it in the form..
                        for (int i = 0; i < new_checked_item_index.Count; i++)
                            for (int y = 0; y < hist_temp_hum_list.Count; y++)
                                //here we compare the desired outcome...
                                if (new_checked_item_index[i].ToString() == hist_temp_hum_list[y].hour.ToString())
                                    //then push it into the new list..
                        }//close of for..

                        //string test = null;
                        //for (int i = 0; i < temp_hist_temp_hum_list.Count; i++)
                        //    test += "Temp = "+temp_hist_temp_hum_list[i].temp + " , hum=  " + temp_hist_temp_hum_list[i].hum + ",date=" + temp_hist_temp_hum_list[i].date + ",hour=" + temp_hist_temp_hum_list[i].hour + "\n";

                        // MessageBox.Show(WFA_psychometric_chart.Properties.Resources.after_filtering_the_values_of_ + test);
                        //now lets plot it in the graph
                        for (int x = 0; x < temp_hist_temp_hum_list.Count; x++)
                            //this plots the value
                            form1.plot_by_DBT_HR((double)temp_hist_temp_hum_list[x].temp, (double)(temp_hist_temp_hum_list[x].hum / 100));
                        //now lets reset all the values..

                        form1.lb_title_display.Text = "Historical Plot";

                        //if plotted then we need to dissable the insert node fxn
                        //  insertNodeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                    }//close of comparision if
                }//close of if checkedItem>0
            } //close of if
        }     //close of the main function .
        }//close of lsit

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //this part let the user plot the value on the graph..

            /*Lets do follwing steps form now.
             * check the value are empty or not if empty message error...
             * check for the values are correct or not...
             * push the data in array list and pass the value to the form1.
            if (tb_ref_temp_ten.Text == "" || tb_ref_temp_twentyfive.Text == "" || tb_ref_temp_fourty.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Enter a valid refrence temperature value in degree celcius");
                //do some operation.
                if (tb_ref_hum_twentyfive.Text == "" || tb_ref_hum_fifty.Text == "" || tb_ref_hum_seventyfive.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Enter a valid refrence humidity value in %");
                    //do something...
                    //check for input boxex.
                    if (tb_one.Text == "" || tb_two.Text == "" || tb_three.Text == "" || tb_four.Text == "" || tb_five.Text == "" || tb_six.Text == "" || tb_seven.Text == "" || tb_eight.Text == "" || tb_nine.Text == "")
                        MessageBox.Show("Enter a valid temperature value in the input boxex in degree celcius");
                        //do something...
                            //refrence temp and humidity
                            double temp_ref1 = double.Parse(tb_ref_temp_ten.Text);
                            double temp_ref2 = double.Parse(tb_ref_temp_twentyfive.Text);
                            double temp_ref3 = double.Parse(tb_ref_temp_fourty.Text);
                            double hum_ref1  = double.Parse(tb_ref_hum_twentyfive.Text);
                            double hum_ref2  = double.Parse(tb_ref_hum_fifty.Text);
                            double hum_ref3  = double.Parse(tb_ref_hum_seventyfive.Text);
                            //the actual input temperature...
                            double temp_one   = double.Parse(tb_one.Text);
                            double temp_two   = double.Parse(tb_two.Text);
                            double temp_three = double.Parse(tb_three.Text);
                            double temp_four  = double.Parse(tb_four.Text);
                            double temp_five  = double.Parse(tb_five.Text);
                            double temp_six   = double.Parse(tb_six.Text);
                            double temp_seven = double.Parse(tb_seven.Text);
                            double temp_eight = double.Parse(tb_eight.Text);
                            double temp_nine  = double.Parse(tb_nine.Text);
                            //now lets throw this value in an array list and pass it to the other form using dynamic datatype....

                            //lets put this values in an list..
                            List <list_class> list_temp = new List <list_class>();
                            //lets add to this list..
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref1, value2 = hum_ref1
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref2, value2 = hum_ref2
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref3, value2 = hum_ref3

                            //lets add the nine values as well..
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref1, value2 = temp_one
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref2, value2 = temp_two
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref3, value2 = temp_three

                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref1, value2 = temp_four
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref2, value2 = temp_five
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref3, value2 = temp_six

                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref1, value2 = temp_seven
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref2, value2 = temp_eight
                            list_temp.Add(new list_class {
                                value1 = temp_ref3, value2 = temp_nine

                            form1.plot_new_graph();  //this one is working..
                            //now lets call the appropriate function to plot this values..
                            for (int i = 0; i < list_temp.Count; i++)
                                //form1.plot_by_DBT_HR((double)list_temp[i].value1, (double)list_temp[i].value2);
                                form1.plot_by_DBT_HR((double)list_temp[i].value1, (double)(list_temp[i].value2 / 100));
                                //MessageBox.Show("temp =" + (double)list_temp[i].value1 + " , hum= " + (double)list_temp[i].value2);
                        catch (Exception ex)
