Наследование: System.Windows.Forms.Form
        }     //--Close of method

        /// <summary>
        /// it checks weather the data is present or not and if not present
        /// it inserts new data
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadDataPresentOrNotThenInsertBuildingValue()
            if (ReadDataForBuildingSelectedFromPsychrometric() == false)
                //--If there is no data selected we need to insert the new data
                string     databasePath1 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                string     databaseFile  = databasePath1 + @"\db_psychrometric_project.s3db";
                Form1_main f1            = new Form1_main();
                //--new database file

                //--now lets create the tables
                using (SQLiteConnection m_dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection($"Data Source={databaseFile};Version=3;")) {
                    string        sql_stringx = "insert into tbl_building_location ( selection ,country ,state,city ,street,longitude,latitude ,elevation ,BuildingName ,EngineeringUnits  ) VALUES( @sel ,@con,@state ,@city,@stre , @lng  ,@lat,@elev ,@bname ,@engUnit  )";
                    SQLiteCommand command9    = new SQLiteCommand(sql_stringx, m_dbConnection);
                    command9.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sel", "1");
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@con", f1.BuildingSelected[0].country);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@state", f1.BuildingSelected[0].state);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@city", f1.BuildingSelected[0].city);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@stre", f1.BuildingSelected[0].street);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lng", f1.BuildingSelected[0].longitude);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lat", f1.BuildingSelected[0].latitude);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@elev", f1.BuildingSelected[0].elevation);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bname", f1.BuildingSelected[0].Building_Name);
                    command9.Parameters.AddWithValue("@engUnit", f1.BuildingSelected[0].EngineeringUnits);
        private void btnGoBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Form1_main f1 = new Form1_main();

 public Application_Form4(Form1_main form1)
     this.form1 = form1;//defined in top..
     this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler(this.Application_Form4_Disposed);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions helps to load teh values that hare dissabled in the list
        /// </summary>

        public void LoadDataFromDB()
            //--We need to  pass the buildingName value

            Form1_main f1 = new Form1_main();

            string buildingName = f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;

            // f1.CurrentSelectedBuilding;//f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;
            buildingNameGlobal = buildingName;

            // MessageBox.Show("BuildingName = " + buildingNameGlobal);
            if (buildingNameGlobal == "")
                //If no building is selected then do not go futher

            // MessageBox.Show("number of list value items =  " + chartDetailListForDissabledValue.Count);

            //--Now lets load the values in the database

            fillDataGridView();//This will load the values form db

            // }
Пример #5
 public form_app_timer_historical_plot(Form1_main form1)
     this.form1 = form1;
     this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler(this.form_app_timer_Disposed);
        static void Main()

            //==Before any thign lets run this code because we need language values which is set by this =================//
            Form1_main f1 = new Form1_main();

            string selectedBuildingFromT3000 = f1.BuildingSelected[0].Building_Name;//This stores the building name selected in alex part

            string            databasePath1 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            string            databaseFile1 = databasePath1 + @"\db_psychrometric_project.s3db";
            DatabaseOperation db_op         = new DatabaseOperation();

            if (File.Exists(databaseFile1))
                //file exist so dont create the database

                //MessageBox.Show("File exist section");

                //MessageBox.Show("finish of sqlite_database_creation_For_UpdateCondition ");

                //--This one is for checking if the data is present or not if not presnet then create
                db_op.ReadDataForBuildingSelectedFromPsychrometric(); //--We find selected building in Psychro metric database

                BuildingIdentificationClass bic = new BuildingIdentificationClass();
                if (db_op.listBuildingSelectedInfo[0].BuildingName != "")
                    bic.CheckingAndUpdatingBuildingDataFromT3000ToPsychro(selectedBuildingFromT3000, db_op.listBuildingSelectedInfo[0].BuildingName);
                    //The previous building selected in Psy is empty
                    MessageBox.Show("Internal Error no building is selected. Program will run default building settings");
                    db_op.SelectBuildingInPsychro("Default_Building");//Selecting the default building
                //MessageBox.Show("Internal database not found. Creating fresh database");
                if (selectedBuildingFromT3000 != "")
                    //--sqlite new databse creation

                    if (f1.BuildingSelected[0].Building_Name != "" && f1.BuildingSelected[0].country != "" && f1.BuildingSelected[0].city != "")
                        if (MessageBox.Show("Please enter the building location information first in T300 and then restart the application.\n Do you want to continue with the default settings", "Chose an option", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            string buildingName = "Default_Building";
                            //--Seprate code is required because first time when application starts no
                            //--Building info provided so we have to go with default settings
                            f1.sqlite_database_creationWithDefaultSettingsOnly(buildingName);//Passing BuildingName
                            //Previous code doesnot selecte default building so to select default building do this on
                            string databasePath133 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                            string databaseFile    = databasePath133 + @"\db_psychrometric_project.s3db";

                            if (File.Exists(databaseFile))
                        }//Close of else
                    //End the application
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not create new databse.Closing!");
                    Application.Exit();//Close the application
            //===================End of this section=======================//

            //Show the language select dialog
            MultiLang.SelectLanguage frmLang = new MultiLang.SelectLanguage();
            //MessageBox.Show("frm lang" + frmLang);
            frmLang = null;

            Application.Run(new Form1_main());
 public EditNodeLineForm(Form1_main b)
     this.bcs = b;
     dataGridView1.EditingControlShowing += new DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventHandler(dataGridView1_EditingControlShowing);
Пример #8
 public Form_Input_For_Seriespoint(Form1_main fm_p_d)
     this.F1 = fm_p_d;
     this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler(this.Form_Input_For_Seriespoint_Disposed);
 public form_heat_map(Form1_main formx)
     this.form1 = formx;
       this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler ( this.form_heat_map_Disposed );
 public DataGridViewDisplay(Form1_main formx)
     this.form1 = formx;
Пример #11
 public TrashBox(Form1_main f)
     f1 = f;
        private void CB_Device_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try { 
            //now on index change
           // groupBox3.Enabled = true;
            //Lets clear the combobox first
            parameterValFromBacnet.Clear();//Clearing the list value

            if (CB_Device.SelectedIndex > -1)
                //This one is if the timer is running then stop the timer second time 
                if (flagForTimer == 1)
                    //Timer is already set so dissable it first and then reenable...
                    _Timer.Enabled = false;
                    _Timer.Elapsed -= HandleTick; //new System.EventHandler(HandleTick);

                    flagForTimer = 0;//Timer dissabled

                //On this index change the we need to get the values from the 
              int  indexSelectedDevice = CB_Device.SelectedIndex;
                    int instanceId = copyOfMainControllerList[indexSelectedDevice].controllerInstanceId;  //(int)device_info[indexSelectedDevice].deviceInstance;//Device instance selected.

                 //   MessageBox.Show("Instaneid = " + instanceId);
                //===============For regulare update=============//
                deviceInstanceValuTemp = instanceId;//This one is for regular update
                                                    //================end of for regular update=====//
                                                    //This uint has to be converted to int because that is what is required...

                    //Checking if the device is online or offline
                    if (CheckDeviceOnlineOffline(deviceInstanceValuTemp, 0) == true)
                      //  MessageBox.Show("Checking online status become true");


                        DeviceConnection db = new DeviceConnection();
                        //We need to scan for the device first and then parameter
                        db.ScanForParameters(instanceId);//This will return the parameters
                       // MessageBox.Show("Count = " + db.parameterListValue.Count);       //Now we can use the value strored int  the db.parameterList1
                        string s = "";
                        foreach (var bac in db.parameterListValue)
                            parameterValFromBacnet.Add(new parameter_class1
                                device_object_name = bac.device_object_name,
                                indexID = bac.indexID,
                                presentValue = bac.presentValue ,
                                object_identifier_type = bac.object_identifier_type

                          //  s += bac.device_object_name + "," + bac.presentValue + "\n";

                        //  MessageBox.Show("value = " + s);

                        //Now that we have the parameter list lets display the list in the combobox...
                        // string s = "";
                        //foreach (var item in parameterValFromBacnet)
                        //    CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        //    CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        //    // CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        //    //     s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";


                        //======================Temperature and humidity filtering here========================//
                        //**************************First Temperature filtering*******************************//

                        //--Here we need to scan form th    e  T3000 database and then publish the list which is there 
                        Task :
                        1.Read the data from the alex db 
                        2.Find only TEMPERATURE VALUE
                        3.Filter and display only temperature values
                        Form1_main f = new Form1_main();
                        string path_to_alexdb = f.PathToT3000BuildingDB;// PathToT3000BuildingDB;

                        //--Now the actual temperature filtering Starts here========================//
                        //--This only filteres temperature inside alex db 
                        FilterOnlyTemperatureAndHumidityFromAlexDBValue();//Returns FilteredTemperatureValueList as a result

                        //--Returns AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues
                        FilterDataForDisplayInList();//Filteres value form alex db and give new value to insert to list teurns:AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues

                        foreach (var item in AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues)
                            CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + "[Value = " + item.presentValue + "]");
                            // CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                            //  CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                            // s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";


                        //*************************End of temperature filtering****************************//
                        //************************Humidity Filtering***************************************//

                        //--This only filteres temperature inside alex db 
                        FilterOnlyHumidityFromAlexDBValue();//Returns FilteredTemperatureValueList as a result

                        //--Returns AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues
                        FilterDataForDisplayInListForHumidity();//Filteres value form alex db and give new value to insert to list teurns:AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues

                        foreach (var item in AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValuesForHumidityOnly)
                            //CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + "[" + item.presentValue + "]");
                            CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + "[Value = " + item.presentValue + "]");

                            // CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                            //  CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                            // s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";


                        //************************End of humidity filtering****************************//

                        CB_param_temp.Enabled = true;
                    CB_param_hum.Enabled = true;
                      //MessageBox.Show("ENd of the true");
                        //Show device is offline
                        lb_device_status.Text = "disconnected";
            }//Close of if

            }catch(Exception ex)

 public Form_input_by_temp_hum_for_main(Form1_main f)
     F1 = f;
 public Application_Form4(Form1_main form1)
     this.form1 = form1;//defined in top..
       this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler ( this.Application_Form4_Disposed );
        private void CB_Device_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //--This is when the controller is selected and value is added to it
            //--This load the data form the device rather then access db
            Steps :
            1. Get the data and then pull the value

            groupBox3.Enabled = true;
            //Lets clear the combobox first
               // CB_param_hum.Items.Clear();
            parameterValFromBacnet.Clear();//Clearing the list value

            if (CB_Device.SelectedIndex > -1)
                //On this index change the we need to get the values from the
                indexSelectedDevice = CB_Device.SelectedIndex;
                int instanceId = (int)copyOfMainControllerList[indexSelectedDevice].controllerInstanceId;//Device instance selected.

                deviceInstanceValuTemp = instanceId;

                // MessageBox.Show("instance id = " + instanceId);
                // MessageBox.Show("Device checkonline offline = " + CheckDeviceOnlineOffline(deviceInstanceValuTemp, 0));
                if (CheckDeviceOnlineOffline(deviceInstanceValuTemp, 0) == true)

                    //This uint has to be converted to int because that is what is required...
                    DeviceConnection db = new DeviceConnection();
                    db.ScanForParameters(instanceId);//This will return the parameters
                                                     //resert first
                    foreach (var bn in BACnetClass.DevicesList)
                        device_info.Add(new DeviceClass
                            deviceInstance = bn.device_id,
                            deviceIP = bn.device_id + "." + bn.adr.adr[0] + "." + bn.adr.adr[1] + "." + bn.adr.adr[2] + "." + bn.adr.adr[3]


                   // MessageBox.Show("parameterListValue count option  = " + db.parameterListValue.Count);
                    //Now we can use the value strored int  the db.parameterList1
                    string s = "";
                    foreach (var bac in db.parameterListValue)
                        parameterValFromBacnet.Add(new parameter_class1
                            device_object_name = bac.device_object_name,
                            indexID = bac.indexID,
                            presentValue = bac.presentValue,
                            object_identifier_type = bac.object_identifier_type

                      //  s += "\n"+bac.device_object_name + ",["+ bac.indexID + "]"+ bac.presentValue+",TYPE = "+bac.object_identifier_type;

                     //MessageBox.Show("Data returned from backnet  value =\n " + s);
                    //--Here we need to scan form th    e  T3000 database and then publish the list which is there
                    Task :
                    1.Read the data from the alex db
                    2.Find only TEMPERATURE VALUE
                    3.Filter and display only temperature values
                    Form1_main f = new Form1_main();
                    string path_to_alexdb = f.PathToT3000BuildingDB;// PathToT3000BuildingDB;
                    ReadDataFromAlexDatabase( "INPUTable");

                    //--This only filteres temperature inside alex db
                    FilterOnlyTemperatureAndHumidityFromAlexDBValue();//Returns FilteredTemperatureValueList as a result

                    //--Returns AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues
                    FilterDataForDisplayInList();//Filteres value form alex db and give new value to insert to list teurns:AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues

                    foreach (var item in AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues)
                        CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID+ "[Value = " + item.presentValue + "]");
                        // CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        //  CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        // s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";


                    CB_param_temp.Enabled = true;
                    //Now that we have the parameter list lets display the list in the combobox...
                    // string s = "";
                    //foreach (var item in parameterValFromBacnet)
                    //   CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                    //   // CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                    //   //  CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                    //   // s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";

                }//close of the device is online or offline
                    MessageBox.Show("Device is offline");
                // MessageBox.Show("s = " + s);
            }//Close of if
 public comfort_zone(Form1_main b)
     this.bs = b;
 public Form_Input_For_Seriespoint(Form1_main fm_p_d)
     this.F1 = fm_p_d;
       this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler ( this.Form_Input_For_Seriespoint_Disposed );
 public TrashBox(Form1_main f)
     f1 = f;
Пример #19
 public form_heat_map(Form1_main formx)
     this.form1 = formx;
     this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler(this.form_heat_map_Disposed);
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions helps to load teh values that hare dissabled in the list
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadDataFromDB()
            //--We need to  pass the buildingName value

            Form1_main f1 = new Form1_main();

            string buildingName = f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;
            // f1.CurrentSelectedBuilding;//f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;
            buildingNameGlobal = buildingName;

               // MessageBox.Show("BuildingName = " + buildingNameGlobal);
            if(buildingNameGlobal == "")
                //If no building is selected then do not go futher

               // MessageBox.Show("number of list value items =  " + chartDetailListForDissabledValue.Count);

            //--Now lets load the values in the database

            fillDataGridView();//This will load the values form db

               // }
 public form_app_timer_historical_plot(Form1_main form1)
     this.form1 = form1;
       this.Disposed += new System.EventHandler ( this.form_app_timer_Disposed );
        int deviceInstanceValuTemp = 0;     //This for particular device

        private void CB_Device_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //--This is when the controller is selected and value is added to it
            //--This load the data form the device rather then access db

             * Steps :
             * 1. Get the data and then pull the value

            groupBox3.Enabled = true;
            //Lets clear the combobox first
            // CB_param_hum.Items.Clear();
            parameterValFromBacnet.Clear();//Clearing the list value

            if (CB_Device.SelectedIndex > -1)
                //On this index change the we need to get the values from the
                indexSelectedDevice = CB_Device.SelectedIndex;
                int instanceId = (int)copyOfMainControllerList[indexSelectedDevice].controllerInstanceId;//Device instance selected.

                deviceInstanceValuTemp = instanceId;

                // MessageBox.Show("instance id = " + instanceId);
                // MessageBox.Show("Device checkonline offline = " + CheckDeviceOnlineOffline(deviceInstanceValuTemp, 0));
                if (CheckDeviceOnlineOffline(deviceInstanceValuTemp, 0) == true)
                    //This uint has to be converted to int because that is what is required...
                    DeviceConnection db = new DeviceConnection();
                    db.ScanForParameters(instanceId); //This will return the parameters
                                                      //resert first
                    foreach (var bn in BACnetClass.DevicesList)
                        device_info.Add(new DeviceClass
                            deviceInstance = bn.device_id,
                            deviceIP       = bn.device_id + "." + bn.adr.adr[0] + "." + bn.adr.adr[1] + "." + bn.adr.adr[2] + "." + bn.adr.adr[3]

                    // MessageBox.Show("parameterListValue count option  = " + db.parameterListValue.Count);
                    //Now we can use the value strored int  the db.parameterList1
                    string s = "";
                    foreach (var bac in db.parameterListValue)
                        parameterValFromBacnet.Add(new parameter_class1
                            device_object_name     = bac.device_object_name,
                            indexID                = bac.indexID,
                            presentValue           = bac.presentValue,
                            object_identifier_type = bac.object_identifier_type
                        //  s += "\n"+bac.device_object_name + ",["+ bac.indexID + "]"+ bac.presentValue+",TYPE = "+bac.object_identifier_type;

                    //MessageBox.Show("Data returned from backnet  value =\n " + s);
                    //--Here we need to scan form th    e  T3000 database and then publish the list which is there

                     * Task :
                     * 1.Read the data from the alex db
                     * 2.Find only TEMPERATURE VALUE
                     * 3.Filter and display only temperature values
                    Form1_main f = new Form1_main();
                    string     path_to_alexdb = f.PathToT3000BuildingDB;// PathToT3000BuildingDB;

                    //--This only filteres temperature inside alex db
                    FilterOnlyTemperatureAndHumidityFromAlexDBValue();//Returns FilteredTemperatureValueList as a result

                    //--Returns AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues
                    FilterDataForDisplayInList();//Filteres value form alex db and give new value to insert to list teurns:AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues

                    foreach (var item in AfterFilteringFromAlexValueListOfValues)
                        CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + "[Value = " + item.presentValue + "]");
                        // CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        //  CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                        // s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";

                    CB_param_temp.Enabled = true;
                    //Now that we have the parameter list lets display the list in the combobox...
                    // string s = "";
                    //foreach (var item in parameterValFromBacnet)
                    //   CB_param_temp.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                    //   // CB_param_hum.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                    //   //  CB_param_enthalpy.Items.Add(item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID);
                    //   // s += item.device_object_name + ":" + item.indexID + " value = " + item.presentValue+"\n";

                }//close of the device is online or offline
                    MessageBox.Show("Device is offline");
                // MessageBox.Show("s = " + s);
            }//Close of if
 public Form_handler(Form1_main f)
     this.form1Object = f;
Пример #24
        public void CheckingAndUpdatingBuildingDataFromT3000ToPsychro(string buildingNameFromT3000, string buildingNameFromPsychro)
            Form1_main        f1   = new Form1_main();
            DatabaseOperation db_o = new DatabaseOperation();

            //Just a check
            if (buildingNameFromT3000 == "" || buildingNameFromPsychro == "")
                //MessageBox.Show($"Values are empty T300building ={buildingNameFromT3000} , and psy = {buildingNameFromPsychro}");

            if (buildingNameFromPsychro == buildingNameFromT3000)
                //--Matched then select this one
                // MessageBox.Show($"Matched db selected  = { buildingNameFromPsychro}");
                //--Not matched so first check data present or not to select
                if (CheckDataPresentInPsychro(buildingNameFromT3000))
                    // MessageBox.Show("Data present in psycho CheckDataPresentInPsychro is true");

                    //--Data present, only selection
                    if (f1.BuildingSelected[0].country != "" && f1.BuildingSelected[0].Building_Name != "")
                        //  MessageBox.Show("country and building name not empty f1.BuildingSelected[0].country !=  f1.BuildingSelected[0].Building_Name != is true");

                        f1.WriteT3000BuildingInfoToPsychoDB("1", f1.BuildingSelected[0].country, f1.BuildingSelected[0].state, f1.BuildingSelected[0].city, f1.BuildingSelected[0].street, f1.BuildingSelected[0].longitude, f1.BuildingSelected[0].latitude, f1.BuildingSelected[0].elevation, f1.BuildingSelected[0].Building_Name, f1.BuildingSelected[0].EngineeringUnits);
                        //--Building info is not present
                        string text = "Current selected building location information is not provided. Input the location information in T3000 in building configuration section.\nDo you wish to continue with default settings?";
                        if (MessageBox.Show(text, "System configuration warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)
                            //--Yes is click continue with the default settings.
                            string buildingName = "Default_Building";
                            //MessageBox.Show("Application close ");
                            //--NO selected
                            f1.Close();//just close the form and the application
 public comfort_zone(Form1_main b)
     this.bs = b;
 public DataGridViewDisplay(Form1_main formx)
     this.form1 = formx;
 public Form_input_by_temp_hum_for_main(Form1_main f)
     F1 = f;
 public buildingChartSetting(Form1_main f)
     this.form1Object = f;