CheckSelectedBuilding() публичный Метод

public CheckSelectedBuilding ( ) : void
Результат void
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions helps to load teh values that hare dissabled in the list
        /// </summary>

        public void LoadDataFromDB()
            //--We need to  pass the buildingName value

            Form1_main f1 = new Form1_main();

            string buildingName = f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;

            // f1.CurrentSelectedBuilding;//f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;
            buildingNameGlobal = buildingName;

            // MessageBox.Show("BuildingName = " + buildingNameGlobal);
            if (buildingNameGlobal == "")
                //If no building is selected then do not go futher

            // MessageBox.Show("number of list value items =  " + chartDetailListForDissabledValue.Count);

            //--Now lets load the values in the database

            fillDataGridView();//This will load the values form db

            // }
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions helps to load teh values that hare dissabled in the list
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadDataFromDB()
            //--We need to  pass the buildingName value

            Form1_main f1 = new Form1_main();

            string buildingName = f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;
            // f1.CurrentSelectedBuilding;//f1.selectedBuildingList[0].BuildingName;
            buildingNameGlobal = buildingName;

               // MessageBox.Show("BuildingName = " + buildingNameGlobal);
            if(buildingNameGlobal == "")
                //If no building is selected then do not go futher

               // MessageBox.Show("number of list value items =  " + chartDetailListForDissabledValue.Count);

            //--Now lets load the values in the database

            fillDataGridView();//This will load the values form db

               // }