Пример #1
         * Checks the class header files and determines if generated UObject code files are out of date in comparison.
         * @param UObjectModules	Modules that we generate headers for
         * @return					True if the code files are out of date
         * */
        private static bool AreGeneratedCodeFilesOutOfDate(List <UHTModuleInfo> UObjectModules)
            bool bIsOutOfDate = false;

            // Get UnrealHeaderTool timestamp. If it's newer than generated headers, they need to be rebuilt too.
            var HeaderToolTimestamp = CheckIfUnrealHeaderToolIsUpToDate();

            // Get CoreUObject.generated.cpp timestamp.  If the source files are older than the CoreUObject generated code, we'll
            // need to regenerate code for the module
            DateTime?CoreGeneratedTimestamp = null;

                // Find the CoreUObject module
                foreach (var Module in UObjectModules)
                    if (Module.ModuleName.Equals("CoreUObject", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        CoreGeneratedTimestamp = GetCoreGeneratedTimestamp(Module.ModuleName, Path.GetDirectoryName(Module.GeneratedCPPFilenameBase));
                if (CoreGeneratedTimestamp == null)
                    throw new BuildException("Could not find CoreUObject in list of all UObjectModules");

            foreach (var Module in UObjectModules)
                // In Rocket, we skip checking timestamps for modules that don't exist within the project's directory
                if (UnrealBuildTool.RunningRocket())
                    // @todo Rocket: This could be done in a better way I'm sure
                    if (!Utils.IsFileUnderDirectory(Module.ModuleDirectory, UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath()))
                        // Engine or engine plugin module - Rocket does not regenerate them so don't compare their timestamps

                // Make sure we have an existing folder for generated code.  If not, then we definitely need to generate code!
                var GeneratedCodeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Module.GeneratedCPPFilenameBase);
                var TestDirectory          = (FileSystemInfo) new DirectoryInfo(GeneratedCodeDirectory);
                if (TestDirectory.Exists)
                    // Grab our special "Timestamp" file that we saved after the last set of headers were generated
                    string TimestampFile          = Path.Combine(GeneratedCodeDirectory, @"Timestamp");
                    var    SavedTimestampFileInfo = (FileSystemInfo) new FileInfo(TimestampFile);
                    if (SavedTimestampFileInfo.Exists)
                        // Make sure the last UHT run completed after UnrealHeaderTool.exe was compiled last, and after the CoreUObject headers were touched last.
                        var SavedTimestamp = SavedTimestampFileInfo.LastWriteTime;
                        if (SavedTimestamp.CompareTo(HeaderToolTimestamp) > 0 &&
                            SavedTimestamp.CompareTo(CoreGeneratedTimestamp) > 0)
                            // Iterate over our UObjects headers and figure out if any of them have changed
                            var AllUObjectHeaders = new List <FileItem>();
                            foreach (var HeaderFile in AllUObjectHeaders)
                                var HeaderFileTimestamp = HeaderFile.Info.LastWriteTime;

                                // Has the source header changed since we last generated headers successfully?
                                if (SavedTimestamp.CompareTo(HeaderFileTimestamp) < 0)
                                    bIsOutOfDate = true;

                                // When we're running in assembler mode, outdatedness cannot be inferred by checking the directory timestamp
                                // of the source headers.  We don't care if source files were added or removed in this mode, because we're only
                                // able to process the known UObject headers that are in the Makefile.  If UObject header files are added/removed,
                                // we expect the user to re-run GenerateProjectFiles which will force UBTMakefile outdatedness.
                                // @todo fastubt: Possibly, we should never be doing this check these days.
                                if (UnrealBuildTool.IsGatheringBuild || !UnrealBuildTool.IsAssemblingBuild)
                                    // Also check the timestamp on the directory the source file is in.  If the directory timestamp has
                                    // changed, new source files may have been added or deleted.  We don't know whether the new/deleted
                                    // files were actually UObject headers, but because we don't know all of the files we processed
                                    // in the previous run, we need to assume our generated code is out of date if the directory timestamp
                                    // is newer.
                                    var HeaderDirectoryTimestamp = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(HeaderFile.AbsolutePath)).LastWriteTime;
                                    if (SavedTimestamp.CompareTo(HeaderDirectoryTimestamp) < 0)
                                        bIsOutOfDate = true;
                            // Generated code is older UnrealHeaderTool.exe or CoreUObject headers.  Out of date!
                            bIsOutOfDate = true;
                        // Timestamp file was missing (possibly deleted/cleaned), so headers are out of date
                        bIsOutOfDate = true;
                    // Generated code directory is missing entirely!
                    bIsOutOfDate = true;

                // If even one module is out of date, we're done!  UHT does them all in one fell swoop.;
                if (bIsOutOfDate)

Пример #2
        private void SetupXPSupportFromConfiguration()
            string[] CmdLine = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

            bool SupportWindowsXPIfAvailable = false;

            SupportWindowsXPIfAvailable = CmdLine.Contains("-winxp", StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            // ...check if it was supported from a config.
            if (!SupportWindowsXPIfAvailable)
                ConfigCacheIni Ini = new ConfigCacheIni(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64, "Engine", UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath());
                string         MinimumOS;
                if (Ini.GetString("/Script/WindowsTargetPlatform.WindowsTargetSettings", "MinimumOSVersion", out MinimumOS))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MinimumOS) == false)
                        SupportWindowsXPIfAvailable = MinimumOS == "MSOS_XP";

            SupportWindowsXP = SupportWindowsXPIfAvailable;
Пример #3
        private bool WriteQMakePro()
            // Some more stuff borrowed from Mac side of things.
            List <string> IncludeDirectories       = new List <string>();
            List <string> SystemIncludeDirectories = new List <string>();
            List <string> DefinesAndValues         = new List <string> ();

            // DefineList.Add ("");

            var QMakeIncludesFileName       = MasterProjectName + "Includes.pri";
            var QMakeIncludesPriFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            var QMakeDefinesFileName       = MasterProjectName + "Defines.pri";
            var QMakeDefinesPriFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            string GameProjectPath     = "";
            string GameProjectFile     = "";
            string GameProjectRootPath = "";

            string BuildCommand = "";

            string QMakeGameProjectFile = "";

            foreach (var CurProject in GeneratedProjectFiles)
                QMakefileProjectFile QMakeProject = CurProject as QMakefileProjectFile;
                if (QMakeProject == null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("QMakeProject == null");

                foreach (var CurPath in QMakeProject.IntelliSenseIncludeSearchPaths)
                    AddIncludeDirectory(ref IncludeDirectories, CurPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(QMakeProject.ProjectFilePath));
                    // System.Console.WriteLine ("Not empty now? CurPath == ", CurPath);
                foreach (var CurPath in QMakeProject.IntelliSenseSystemIncludeSearchPaths)
                    AddIncludeDirectory(ref SystemIncludeDirectories, CurPath, Path.GetDirectoryName(QMakeProject.ProjectFilePath));

            // Iterate through all the defines for the projects that are generated by
            // UnrealBuildTool.exe
            // !RAKE: move to seperate function
            QMakeDefinesPriFileContent.Append("DEFINES += \\\n");
            foreach (var CurProject in GeneratedProjectFiles)
                QMakefileProjectFile QMakeProject = CurProject as QMakefileProjectFile;
                if (QMakeProject == null)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("QMakeProject == null");

                foreach (var CurDefine in QMakeProject.IntelliSensePreprocessorDefinitions)
                    String define = "";
                    String value  = "";

                    SplitDefinitionAndValue(CurDefine, out define, out value);

                    if (!DefinesAndValues.Contains(define))
                        // System.Console.WriteLine (CurDefine);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                            DefinesAndValues.Add(String.Format("{0}=", define));
                            DefinesAndValues.Add(" \\\n");
                            DefinesAndValues.Add(" \\\n");

            foreach (var Def in DefinesAndValues)

            // Iterate through all the include paths that
            // UnrealBuildTool.exe generates
            // !RAKE: Move to seperate function
            QMakeIncludesPriFileContent.Append("INCLUDEPATH += \\\n");
            foreach (var CurPath in IncludeDirectories)
                QMakeIncludesPriFileContent.Append(" \\\n");

            foreach (var CurPath in SystemIncludeDirectories)
                QMakeIncludesPriFileContent.Append(" \\\n");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                GameProjectPath      = UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath();
                GameProjectFile      = UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectFile();
                QMakeGameProjectFile = "gameProjectFile=" + GameProjectFile + "\n";
                BuildCommand         = "build=mono $$unrealRootPath/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe\n\n";
                BuildCommand = "build=bash $$unrealRootPath/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/Build.sh\n";

            var UnrealRootPath = Path.GetFullPath(ProjectFileGenerator.RootRelativePath);

            var FileName = MasterProjectName + ".pro";

            var QMakeSourcePriFileName = MasterProjectName + "Source.pri";
            var QMakeHeaderPriFileName = MasterProjectName + "Header.pri";
            var QMakeConfigPriFileName = MasterProjectName + "Config.pri";

            var QMakeFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            var QMakeSourcePriFileContent = new StringBuilder();
            var QMakeHeaderPriFileContent = new StringBuilder();
            var QMakeConfigPriFileContent = new StringBuilder();

            var QMakeSectionEnd = " \n\n";

            var QMakeSourceFilesList = "SOURCES += \\ \n";
            var QMakeHeaderFilesList = "HEADERS += \\ \n";
            var QMakeConfigFilesList = "OTHER_FILES += \\ \n";
            var QMakeTargetList      = "QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += \\ \n";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                GameProjectRootPath = GameProjectName + "RootPath=" + GameProjectPath + "\n\n";

                "# UnrealEngine.pro generated by QMakefileGenerator.cs\n" +
                "# *DO NOT EDIT*\n\n" +
                "TEMPLATE = aux\n" +
                "CONFIG -= console\n" +
                "CONFIG -= app_bundle\n" +
                "CONFIG -= qt\n\n" +
                "TARGET = UE4 \n\n" +
                "unrealRootPath=" + UnrealRootPath + "\n" +
                GameProjectRootPath +
                QMakeGameProjectFile +
                BuildCommand +
                "args=$(ARGS)\n\n" +
                "include(" + QMakeSourcePriFileName + ")\n" +
                "include(" + QMakeHeaderPriFileName + ")\n" +
                "include(" + QMakeConfigPriFileName + ")\n" +
                "include(" + QMakeIncludesFileName + ")\n" +
                "include(" + QMakeDefinesFileName + ")\n\n"

            // Create SourceFiles, HeaderFiles, and ConfigFiles sections.
            var AllModuleFiles = DiscoverModules();

            foreach (string CurModuleFile in AllModuleFiles)
                var FoundFiles = SourceFileSearch.FindModuleSourceFiles(CurModuleFile, ExcludeNoRedistFiles: bExcludeNoRedistFiles);
                foreach (string CurSourceFile in FoundFiles)
                    string SourceFileRelativeToRoot = Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(CurSourceFile, Path.Combine(EngineRelativePath));
                    // Exclude some directories that we don't compile (note that we still want Windows/Mac etc for code navigation)
                    if (!SourceFileRelativeToRoot.Contains("Source/ThirdParty/"))
                        if (SourceFileRelativeToRoot.EndsWith(".cpp"))
                            if (!SourceFileRelativeToRoot.StartsWith("..") && !Path.IsPathRooted(SourceFileRelativeToRoot))
                                QMakeSourceFilesList += ("\t\"" + "$$unrealRootPath/Engine/" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot + "\" \\\n");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                                    QMakeSourceFilesList += ("\t\"" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot.Substring(3) + "\" \\\n");
                                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                                    QMakeSourceFilesList += ("\t\"$$" + GameProjectName + "RootPath/" + Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(CurSourceFile, GameProjectPath) + "\" \\\n");
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Error!, you should not be here.");
                        if (SourceFileRelativeToRoot.EndsWith(".h"))
                            if (!SourceFileRelativeToRoot.StartsWith("..") && !Path.IsPathRooted(SourceFileRelativeToRoot))
                                // SourceFileRelativeToRoot = "Engine/" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot;
                                QMakeHeaderFilesList += ("\t\"" + "$$unrealRootPath/Engine/" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot + "\" \\\n");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                                    // SourceFileRelativeToRoot = SourceFileRelativeToRoot.Substring (3);
                                    QMakeHeaderFilesList += ("\t\"" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot.Substring(3) + "\" \\\n");
                                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                                    QMakeHeaderFilesList += ("\t\"$$" + GameProjectName + "RootPath/" + Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(CurSourceFile, GameProjectPath) + "\" \\\n");
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Error!, you should not be here.");
                        if (SourceFileRelativeToRoot.EndsWith(".cs"))
                            if (!SourceFileRelativeToRoot.StartsWith("..") && !Path.IsPathRooted(SourceFileRelativeToRoot))
                                // SourceFileRelativeToRoot = "Engine/" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot;
                                QMakeConfigFilesList += ("\t\"" + "$$unrealRootPath/Engine/" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot + "\" \\\n");
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                                    // SourceFileRelativeToRoot = SourceFileRelativeToRoot.Substring (3);
                                    QMakeConfigFilesList += ("\t\"" + SourceFileRelativeToRoot.Substring(3) + "\" \\\n");
                                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GameProjectName))
                                    QMakeConfigFilesList += ("\t\"$$" + GameProjectName + "RootPath/" + Utils.MakePathRelativeTo(CurSourceFile, GameProjectPath) + "\" \\\n");
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Error!, you should not be here.");

            // Add section end to section strings;
            QMakeSourceFilesList += QMakeSectionEnd;
            QMakeHeaderFilesList += QMakeSectionEnd;
            QMakeConfigFilesList += QMakeSectionEnd;

            // Append sections to the QMakeLists.txt file

            string QMakeProjectCmdArg = "";

            foreach (string TargetFilePath in DiscoverTargets())
                var TargetName = Utils.GetFilenameWithoutAnyExtensions(TargetFilePath);                         // Remove both ".cs" and ".

                foreach (UnrealTargetConfiguration CurConfiguration in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetConfiguration)))
                    if (CurConfiguration != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Unknown && CurConfiguration != UnrealTargetConfiguration.Development)
                        if (UnrealBuildTool.IsValidConfiguration(CurConfiguration))
                            if (TargetName == GameProjectName || TargetName == (GameProjectName + "Editor"))
                                QMakeProjectCmdArg = " -project=\"\\\"$$gameProjectFile\\\"\"";
                            var ConfName = Enum.GetName(typeof(UnrealTargetConfiguration), CurConfiguration);
                            QMakeFileContent.Append(String.Format("{0}-Linux-{1}.commands = $$build {0} Linux {1} {2} $$args\n", TargetName, ConfName, QMakeProjectCmdArg));
                            QMakeTargetList += "\t" + TargetName + "-Linux-" + ConfName + " \\\n";                             // , TargetName, ConfName);

                if (TargetName == GameProjectName || TargetName == (GameProjectName + "Editor"))
                    QMakeProjectCmdArg = " -project=\"\\\"$$gameProjectFile\\\"\"";

                QMakeFileContent.Append(String.Format("{0}.commands = $$build {0} Linux Development {1} $$args\n\n", TargetName, QMakeProjectCmdArg));
                QMakeTargetList += "\t" + TargetName + " \\\n";


            var FullFileName = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, FileName);

            var FullQMakeDefinesFileName   = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, QMakeDefinesFileName);
            var FullQMakeIncludesFileName  = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, QMakeIncludesFileName);
            var FullQMakeSourcePriFileName = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, QMakeSourcePriFileName);
            var FullQMakeHeaderPriFileName = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, QMakeHeaderPriFileName);
            var FullQMakeConfigPriFileName = Path.Combine(MasterProjectRelativePath, QMakeConfigPriFileName);

            WriteFileIfChanged(FullQMakeDefinesFileName, QMakeDefinesPriFileContent.ToString());
            WriteFileIfChanged(FullQMakeIncludesFileName, QMakeIncludesPriFileContent.ToString());
            WriteFileIfChanged(FullQMakeSourcePriFileName, QMakeSourcePriFileContent.ToString());

            WriteFileIfChanged(FullQMakeHeaderPriFileName, QMakeHeaderPriFileContent.ToString());
            WriteFileIfChanged(FullQMakeConfigPriFileName, QMakeConfigPriFileContent.ToString());

            return(WriteFileIfChanged(FullFileName, QMakeFileContent.ToString()));
Пример #4
        public static void ParseArchitectures()
            // look in ini settings for what platforms to compile for
            ConfigCacheIni Ini           = new ConfigCacheIni(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android, "Engine", UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath());
            List <string>  ProjectArches = new List <string>();
            bool           bBuild        = true;

            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForArmV7", out bBuild) && bBuild)
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForArm64", out bBuild) && bBuild)
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForx86", out bBuild) && bBuild)
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForx8664", out bBuild) && bBuild)

            // force armv7 if something went wrong
            if (ProjectArches.Count == 0)

            Arches = ProjectArches.ToArray();

            // Parse selected GPU architectures
            List <string> ProjectGPUArches = new List <string>();

            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForES2", out bBuild) && bBuild)
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForES31", out bBuild) && bBuild)
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/AndroidRuntimeSettings.AndroidRuntimeSettings", "bBuildForGL4", out bBuild) && bBuild)
            if (ProjectGPUArches.Count == 0)
            GPUArchitectures = ProjectGPUArches.ToArray();

            List <string> FullArchCombinations = new List <string>();

            foreach (string Arch in Arches)
                foreach (string GPUArch in GPUArchitectures)
                    FullArchCombinations.Add(Arch + GPUArch);
            AllComboNames = FullArchCombinations.ToArray();
Пример #5
        static public string GetNdkApiLevel()
            // ask the .ini system for what version to use
            ConfigCacheIni Ini = new ConfigCacheIni(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android, "Engine", UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath());
            string         NDKLevel;

            Ini.GetString("/Script/AndroidPlatformEditor.AndroidSDKSettings", "NDKAPILevel", out NDKLevel);

            if (NDKLevel == "latest")
                // get a list of NDK platforms
                string PlatformsDir = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%NDKROOT%/platforms");
                if (!Directory.Exists(PlatformsDir))
                    throw new BuildException("No platforms found in {0}", PlatformsDir);

                // return the largest of them
                NDKLevel = GetLargestApiLevel(Directory.GetDirectories(PlatformsDir));

Пример #6
        public virtual void ParseProjectSettings()
            ConfigCacheIni Ini    = new ConfigCacheIni(GetPlatform(), "Engine", UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath());
            bool           bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileAPEX;

            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileApex", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileAPEX = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileBox2D;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileBox2D", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileBox2D = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileICU;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileICU", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileICU = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileSimplygon;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileSimplygon", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileSimplygon = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileLeanAndMeanUE;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileLeanAndMeanUE", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileLeanAndMeanUE = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bIncludeADO;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bIncludeADO", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bIncludeADO = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileRecast;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileRecast", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileRecast = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileSpeedTree;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileSpeedTree", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileSpeedTree = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileWithPluginSupport;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileWithPluginSupport", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileWithPluginSupport = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompilePhysXVehicle;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompilePhysXVehicle", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompilePhysXVehicle = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileFreeType;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileFreeType", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileFreeType = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileForSize;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileForSize", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileForSize = bValue;

            bValue = UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileCEF3;
            if (Ini.GetBool("/Script/BuildSettings.BuildSettings", "bCompileCEF3", out bValue))
                UEBuildConfiguration.bCompileCEF3 = bValue;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Collects all header files included in a CPPFile
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CPPFile"></param>
        /// <param name="Result"></param>
        /// <param name="FileToRead"></param>
        /// <param name="FileContents"></param>
        /// <param name="InstalledFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="StartIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="EndIndex"></param>
        private static void CollectHeaders(FileItem CPPFile, List <DependencyInclude> Result, string FileToRead, string FileContents, string InstalledFolder, int StartIndex, int EndIndex)
            Match             M  = CPPHeaderRegex.Match(FileContents, StartIndex, EndIndex - StartIndex);
            CaptureCollection CC = M.Groups["HeaderFile"].Captures;

            Result.Capacity = Math.Max(Result.Count + CC.Count, Result.Capacity);
            foreach (Capture C in CC)
                string HeaderValue = C.Value;

                if (HeaderValue.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) != -1)
                    throw new BuildException("In {0}: An #include statement contains invalid characters.  You might be missing a double-quote character. (\"{1}\")", FileToRead, C.Value);

                //@TODO: The intermediate exclusion is to work around autogenerated absolute paths in Module.SomeGame.cpp style files
                bool bIsIntermediateOrThirdParty = FileToRead.Contains("Intermediate") || FileToRead.Contains("ThirdParty");
                bool bCheckForBackwardSlashes    = FileToRead.StartsWith(InstalledFolder);
                if (UnrealBuildTool.HasUProjectFile())
                    bCheckForBackwardSlashes |= Utils.IsFileUnderDirectory(FileToRead, UnrealBuildTool.GetUProjectPath());
                if (bCheckForBackwardSlashes && !bIsIntermediateOrThirdParty)
                    if (HeaderValue.IndexOf('\\', 0) >= 0)
                        throw new BuildException("In {0}: #include \"{1}\" contains backslashes ('\\'), please use forward slashes ('/') instead.", FileToRead, C.Value);
                HeaderValue = Utils.CleanDirectorySeparators(HeaderValue);
                Result.Add(new DependencyInclude(HeaderValue));

            // also look for #import in objective C files
            string Ext = Path.GetExtension(CPPFile.AbsolutePath).ToUpperInvariant();

            if (Ext == ".MM" || Ext == ".M")
                M  = MMHeaderRegex.Match(FileContents, StartIndex, EndIndex - StartIndex);
                CC = M.Groups["HeaderFile"].Captures;
                Result.Capacity += CC.Count;
                foreach (Capture C in CC)
                    Result.Add(new DependencyInclude(C.Value));