Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the engine rules assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bUsePrecompiled">Whether to use a precompiled engine</param>
        /// <param name="bSkipCompile">Whether to skip compilation for this assembly</param>
        /// <returns>New rules assembly</returns>
        public static RulesAssembly CreateEngineRulesAssembly(bool bUsePrecompiled, bool bSkipCompile)
            if (EngineRulesAssembly == null)
                List <PluginInfo> IncludedPlugins = new List <PluginInfo>();

                // look in the platform extensions engine directories for plugins
                List <DirectoryReference> RootDirectories = new List <DirectoryReference>();

                // search for all engine plugins
                foreach (DirectoryReference RootDir in RootDirectories)

                RulesScope EngineScope = new RulesScope("Engine", null);

                EngineRulesAssembly = CreateEngineOrEnterpriseRulesAssembly(EngineScope, RootDirectories, ProjectFileGenerator.EngineProjectFileNameBase, IncludedPlugins, UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled() || bUsePrecompiled, bSkipCompile, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if this module can be precompiled for the current target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RulesFile">Path to the module rules file</param>
        /// <returns>True if the module can be precompiled, false otherwise</returns>
        internal bool IsValidForTarget(FileReference RulesFile)
            if (Type == ModuleRules.ModuleType.CPlusPlus)
                switch (PrecompileForTargets)
                case ModuleRules.PrecompileTargetsType.None:

                case ModuleRules.PrecompileTargetsType.Default:
                    return(Target.Type == TargetType.Editor || !UnrealBuildTool.GetAllEngineDirectories("Source/Developer").Any(Dir => RulesFile.IsUnderDirectory(Dir)) || Plugin != null);

                case ModuleRules.PrecompileTargetsType.Game:
                    return(Target.Type == TargetType.Client || Target.Type == TargetType.Server || Target.Type == TargetType.Game);

                case ModuleRules.PrecompileTargetsType.Editor:
                    return(Target.Type == TargetType.Editor);

                case ModuleRules.PrecompileTargetsType.Any:
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RulesFileType"></param>
        /// <param name="GameFolders"></param>
        /// <param name="ForeignPlugins"></param>
        /// <param name="AdditionalSearchPaths"></param>
        /// <param name="bIncludeEngine"></param>
        /// <param name="bIncludeEnterprise"></param>
        /// <param name="bIncludeTempTargets">Whether to include targets generated by UAT to accomodate content-only projects that need to be compiled to include plugins</param>
        /// <param name="bIncludePlatformExtensions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <FileReference> FindAllRulesSourceFiles(RulesFileType RulesFileType, List <DirectoryReference> GameFolders, List <FileReference> ForeignPlugins, List <DirectoryReference> AdditionalSearchPaths, bool bIncludeEngine = true, bool bIncludeEnterprise = true, bool bIncludeTempTargets = true, bool bIncludePlatformExtensions = true)
            List <DirectoryReference> Folders = new List <DirectoryReference>();

            // Add all engine source (including third party source)
            if (bIncludeEngine)
            if (bIncludeEnterprise)
            if (bIncludePlatformExtensions)

            // @todo plugin: Disallow modules from including plugin modules as dependency modules? (except when the module is part of that plugin)

            // Get all the root folders for plugins
            List <DirectoryReference> RootFolders = new List <DirectoryReference>();

            if (bIncludeEngine)
            if (bIncludeEnterprise)
            if (GameFolders != null)
                if (bIncludePlatformExtensions)
                    foreach (DirectoryReference GameFolder in GameFolders)

            // Find all the plugin source directories
            foreach (DirectoryReference RootFolder in RootFolders)
                DirectoryReference PluginsFolder = DirectoryReference.Combine(RootFolder, "Plugins");
                foreach (FileReference PluginFile in Plugins.EnumeratePlugins(PluginsFolder))
                    Folders.Add(DirectoryReference.Combine(PluginFile.Directory, "Source"));

            // Add all the extra plugin folders
            if (ForeignPlugins != null)
                foreach (FileReference ForeignPlugin in ForeignPlugins)
                    Folders.Add(DirectoryReference.Combine(ForeignPlugin.Directory, "Source"));

            // Add in the game folders to search
            if (GameFolders != null)
                foreach (DirectoryReference GameFolder in GameFolders)
                    if (bIncludePlatformExtensions)
                        Folders.AddRange(UnrealBuildTool.GetAllProjectDirectories(GameFolder, "Source"));
                        Folders.Add(DirectoryReference.Combine(GameFolder, "Source"));

                    if (bIncludeTempTargets)
                        DirectoryReference GameIntermediateSourceFolder = DirectoryReference.Combine(GameFolder, "Intermediate", "Source");

            // Process the additional search path, if sent in
            if (AdditionalSearchPaths != null)
                foreach (DirectoryReference AdditionalSearchPath in AdditionalSearchPaths)
                    if (AdditionalSearchPath != null)
                        if (DirectoryReference.Exists(AdditionalSearchPath))
                            throw new BuildException("Couldn't find AdditionalSearchPath for rules source files '{0}'", AdditionalSearchPath);

            // Iterate over all the folders to check
            List <FileReference>    SourceFiles       = new List <FileReference>();
            HashSet <FileReference> UniqueSourceFiles = new HashSet <FileReference>();

            foreach (DirectoryReference Folder in Folders)
                IReadOnlyList <FileReference> SourceFilesForFolder = FindAllRulesFiles(Folder, RulesFileType);
                foreach (FileReference SourceFile in SourceFilesForFolder)
                    if (UniqueSourceFiles.Add(SourceFile))
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the engine rules assembly
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bUsePrecompiled">Whether to use a precompiled engine</param>
        /// <param name="bSkipCompile">Whether to skip compilation for this assembly</param>
        /// <returns>New rules assembly</returns>
        public static RulesAssembly CreateEngineRulesAssembly(bool bUsePrecompiled, bool bSkipCompile)
            if (EngineRulesAssembly == null)
                List <PluginInfo> IncludedPlugins = new List <PluginInfo>();

                // search for all engine plugins

                RulesScope EngineScope = new RulesScope("Engine", null);

                EngineRulesAssembly = CreateEngineOrEnterpriseRulesAssembly(EngineScope, UnrealBuildTool.GetAllEngineDirectories().ToList(), ProjectFileGenerator.EngineProjectFileNameBase, IncludedPlugins, UnrealBuildTool.IsEngineInstalled() || bUsePrecompiled, bSkipCompile, null);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Return all data driven infos found
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, ConfigDataDrivenPlatformInfo> GetAllPlatformInfos()
            // need to init?
            if (PlatformInfos == null)
                PlatformInfos = new Dictionary <string, ConfigDataDrivenPlatformInfo>();
                Dictionary <string, string> IniParents = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                foreach (DirectoryReference EngineConfigDir in UnrealBuildTool.GetAllEngineDirectories("Config"))
                    // look through all config dirs looking for the data driven ini file
                    foreach (string FilePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(EngineConfigDir.FullName, "DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        FileReference FileRef = new FileReference(FilePath);

                        // get the platform name from the path
                        string IniPlatformName;
                        if (FileRef.IsUnderDirectory(DirectoryReference.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.EngineDirectory, "Config")))
                            // Foo/Engine/Config/<Platform>/DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
                            IniPlatformName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath));
                            // Foo/Engine/Platforms/<Platform>/Config/DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini
                            IniPlatformName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath)));

                        // load the DataDrivenPlatformInfo from the path
                        ConfigFile Config = new ConfigFile(FileRef);
                        ConfigDataDrivenPlatformInfo NewInfo = new ConfigDataDrivenPlatformInfo();

                        // we must have the key section
                        ConfigFileSection Section = null;
                        if (Config.TryGetSection("DataDrivenPlatformInfo", out Section))
                            ConfigHierarchySection ParsedSection = new ConfigHierarchySection(new List <ConfigFileSection>()

                            // get string values
                            string IniParent;
                            if (ParsedSection.TryGetValue("IniParent", out IniParent))
                                IniParents[IniPlatformName] = IniParent;

                            // slightly nasty bool parsing for bool values
                            string Temp;
                            if (ParsedSection.TryGetValue("bIsConfidential", out Temp) == false || ConfigHierarchy.TryParse(Temp, out NewInfo.bIsConfidential) == false)
                                NewInfo.bIsConfidential = false;

                            // get a list of additional restricted folders
                            IReadOnlyList <string> AdditionalRestrictedFolders;
                            if (ParsedSection.TryGetValues("AdditionalRestrictedFolders", out AdditionalRestrictedFolders) && AdditionalRestrictedFolders.Count > 0)
                                NewInfo.AdditionalRestrictedFolders = AdditionalRestrictedFolders.Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => x.Length > 0).ToArray();

                            // create cache it
                            PlatformInfos[IniPlatformName] = NewInfo;

                // now that all are read in, calculate the ini parent chain, starting with parent-most
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ConfigDataDrivenPlatformInfo> Pair in PlatformInfos)
                    string CurrentPlatform;

                    // walk up the chain and build up the ini chain
                    List <string> Chain = new List <string>();
                    if (IniParents.TryGetValue(Pair.Key, out CurrentPlatform))
                        while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentPlatform))
                            // insert at 0 to reverse the order
                            Chain.Insert(0, CurrentPlatform);
                            if (IniParents.TryGetValue(CurrentPlatform, out CurrentPlatform) == false)

                    // bake it into the info
                    if (Chain.Count > 0)
                        Pair.Value.IniParentChain = Chain.ToArray();
