Пример #1
        public static IsSafeResult isSafePoint(Vector2 point, bool igonre = false)
            var result = new IsSafeResult();
            result.SkillshotList = new List<Skillshot>();
            result.casters = new List<Obj_AI_Base>();

            bool safe = (Orbwalker.ActiveModesFlags.HasFlag(Orbwalker.ActiveModes.Combo)) ||
                            point.To3D().CountEnemiesInRange(500) > Variables._Player.HealthPercent % 65;
            if (!safe)
                result.IsSafe = false;
                return result;

            foreach (var skillshot in Variables.EvadeDetectedSkillshots)
                if (skillshot.IsDanger(point) && skillshot.IsAboutToHit(500, Variables._Player))

            result.IsSafe = (result.SkillshotList.Count == 0);
            return result;
Пример #2
        private static void DrawCircleOnMinimap(float positionX, float positionY, float range)
            float step = 2 * (float)Math.PI / 70;
            float h = positionX;
            float k = positionY;
            float r = range;
            float x_save = 0;
            float y_save = 0;

            for (float theta = 0; theta < 2 * Math.PI + 20; theta += step)
                float x = h + r * (float)Math.Cos(theta);
                float y = k - r * (float)Math.Sin(theta);
                if (theta == 0)
                    x_save = x;
                    y_save = y;
                Vector2 saveVector = new Vector2(x_save, y_save);
                Vector2 newVector = new Vector2(x, y);
                if (x > 0 && x < 14500 && y > 0 && y < 14500 && x_save > 0 && x_save < 14500 && y_save > 0 && y_save < 14500) // Map limits (to fix bugged drawing)
                Drawing.DrawLine(Drawing.WorldToMinimap(saveVector.To3D()), Drawing.WorldToMinimap(newVector.To3D()), 1,
                x_save = x;
                y_save = y;
Пример #3
        public static bool IsCondemable(this AIHeroClient unit, Vector2 pos = new Vector2())
            if (unit.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellImmunity) || unit.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellShield) || LastCheck + 50 > Environment.TickCount || _Player.IsDashing()) return false;
            var prediction = ESpell.GetPrediction(unit);
            var predictionsList = pos.IsValid() ? new List<Vector3>() {pos.To3D()} :  new List<Vector3>

            var wallsFound = 0;
            Program.Points = new List<Vector2>();
            foreach (var position in predictionsList)
                for (var i = 0; i < Program.CondemnMenu["pushDistance"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue; i += (int) unit.BoundingRadius)
                    var cPos = _Player.Position.Extend(position, _Player.Distance(position) + i).To3D();
                    if (NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(cPos).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) ||
            if ((wallsFound/ predictionsList.Count) >= Program.CondemnMenu["condemnPercent"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue/100f)
                return true;
            return false;
Пример #4
        private static void CastQ(Obj_AI_Base unit, Vector2 unitPosition, int minTargets = 0)
            var points = new List<Vector2>();
            var hitBoxes = new List<int>();

            var startPoint = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D();
            var originalDirection = Q.Range*(unitPosition - startPoint).Normalized();

            foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Hero>())
                if (enemy.IsValidTarget() && enemy.NetworkId != unit.NetworkId)
                    var pos = Q.GetPrediction(enemy);
                    if (pos.HitChance >= Prediction.HitChance.LowHitchance)
                        hitBoxes.Add((int) enemy.BoundingRadius);

            var posiblePositions = new List<Vector2>();

            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (i == 0) posiblePositions.Add(unitPosition + originalDirection.Rotated(0));
                if (i == 1) posiblePositions.Add(startPoint + originalDirection.Rotated(Qangle));
                if (i == 2) posiblePositions.Add(startPoint + originalDirection.Rotated(-Qangle));

            if (startPoint.Distance(unitPosition) < 900)
                for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    var pos = posiblePositions[i];
                    var direction = (pos - startPoint).Normalized().Perpendicular();
                    var k = (2/3*(unit.BoundingRadius + Q.Width));
                    posiblePositions.Add(startPoint - k*direction);
                    posiblePositions.Add(startPoint + k*direction);

            var bestPosition = new Vector2();
            var bestHit = -1;

            foreach (var position in posiblePositions)
                var hits = CountHits(position, points, hitBoxes);
                if (hits > bestHit)
                    bestPosition = position;
                    bestHit = hits;

            if (bestHit + 1 <= minTargets)

            Q.Cast(bestPosition.To3D(), true);
Пример #5
        private static void OnProcessSpellCast(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args)
            if (sender == null || !sender.IsValid || args == null)

            var target = args.Target;

            if (target == null || !target.IsValid)

            if (sender.IsMe && sender.UnderTurret(true) && target.IsEnemy)


            if (sender is Obj_AI_Turret && target.IsMe)


            if (sender is Obj_AI_Minion && target.IsMe)
                var orbwalkingPos = new Vector2
                    X = ObjectManager.Player.Position.X + ObjConstants.DefensiveAdditioner,
                    Y = ObjectManager.Player.Position.Y + ObjConstants.DefensiveAdditioner
                ObjectManager.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, orbwalkingPos.To3D());
Пример #6
 public static void Drawing_OnDraw()
     Vector2 drakeWallQPos = new Vector2(12050, 4827);
     Vector2 midWallQPos = new Vector2(6962, 8952);
     if (drakeWallQPos.Distance(_Player) < 3000)
         new Circle() { Color = _Player.Distance(drakeWallQPos) <= 100 ? Color.DodgerBlue : Color.White, Radius = 100 }.Draw(drakeWallQPos.To3D());
     if (midWallQPos.Distance(_Player) < 3000)
         new Circle() { Color = _Player.Distance(midWallQPos) <= 100 ? Color.DodgerBlue : Color.White,  Radius = 100 }.Draw(midWallQPos.To3D());
Пример #7
 public static bool GetPredPos(Obj_AI_Hero enemy, bool additionalReactionTime = false, bool additionalBarrelTime = false)
     PredPos = SPrediction.Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(enemy, Config.Menu.Item("misc.enemyReactionTime").GetValue<Slider>().Value);
     float reactionDistance = Config.Menu.Item("misc.enemyReactionTime").GetValue<Slider>().Value  +  (additionalReactionTime? Config.Menu.Item("misc.additionalReactionTime").GetValue<Slider>().Value : 0) * enemy.MoveSpeed*0.001f;
     if (PredPos.Distance(enemy) > reactionDistance)
         PredPos = enemy.Position.Extend(PredPos.To3D(), reactionDistance).To2D();
     return true;
        //Quickscope : Attempt to cast QE quickcombo to target position, pos : target position (use correctThisPos for optimal results), targettarget (1hp required) : the initial barrel to use, if the target barrel is within E range and distance to player is greater than 500 (avoid long backward walking) it will move to it before casting the combo
        public static void quickscope(BarrelsManager.Barrel target, Vector2 pos)
            bool canconnect = false;
            bool shouldmove = false;
            bool inposition = false;
            bool done = false;

            //Verify if the wanted position is within range
            if (Program.Player.Position.Distance(pos.To3D()) < Program.E.Range)
                canconnect = true;
                canconnect = false;

            //Verify if we should move in order to get the combo
            if ((Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) > 610 && Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) < 1000) || (Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) < 590 && Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) > 500))
                shouldmove = true;
            else if (Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) >= 590 && Program.Player.Distance(target.barrel) <= 610)
                shouldmove = false;
                inposition = true;
                shouldmove = false;

            //If requirements are K we move
            if (shouldmove && canconnect)
                Vector3 position = Program.Player.Position;
                double vX = position.X - target.barrel.Position.X;
                double vY = position.Y - target.barrel.Position.Y;
                double magV = Math.Sqrt(vX * vX + vY * vY);
                double aX = Math.Round(target.barrel.Position.X + vX / magV * 600);
                double aY = Math.Round(target.barrel.Position.Y + vY / magV * 600);
                Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(Convert.ToInt32(aX), Convert.ToInt32(aY));
                if (position.Distance(target.barrel.Position) - 580 >= 50) //If correction is far from hero
                    Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, newPosition.To3D());
                else //If correction is within hero hitbox (wont move cauz distance too small)
                    Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, new Vector2(Program.Player.Position.X - 200, Program.Player.Position.Y - 200).To3D());
                    Utility.DelayAction.Add(50, () => Program.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, newPosition.To3D()));

            //If all is K we quickscope
            if (inposition && target.barrel.Health == 1 && !done)
                done = true;
Пример #9
 public static void Insec(Obj_AI_Hero target)
     Rpos = Player.Position.To2D().Extend(target.Position.To2D(), Player.Distance(target) + 250);
     if (Rpos.Distance(Player.Position) <= R.Range)
         if (Player.Distance(Rpos.Extend(target.Position.To2D(), 700 - target.Distance(Rpos))) < E.Range && !IsWall(Rpos.To3D()) && target.IsFacing(Player))
Пример #10
 public static bool PutWard(Vector2 pos)
     //Loop through inventory and place down whatever wards you have.  Taken from Lee Sin scripts
     int wardItem;
     if ((wardItem = GetWardId()) != -1)
         foreach (var slot in ObjectManager.Player.InventoryItems.Where(slot => slot.Id == (ItemId)wardItem))
             Items.UseItem(wardItem, pos.To3D());
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #11
 public static bool putWard(Vector2 pos)
     int wardItem;
     if ((wardItem = getJumpWardId()) != -1)
         foreach (var slot in Player.InventoryItems.Where(slot => slot.Id == (ItemId) wardItem))
             if (lastward < Environment.TickCount)
                 ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.CastSpell(slot.SpellSlot, pos.To3D());
                 lastward = Environment.TickCount + 2000;
                 return true;
             return false;
     return false;
Пример #12
        public static Vector3 PassivePosition(Obj_AI_Base target)
            var passive = FioraPassiveObjects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position.Distance(target.Position) <= 50);
            var position = Prediction.Position.PredictUnitPosition(target, 250);
            if (passive == null) return new Vector3();

            if (passive.Name.Contains("NE"))
                var pos = new Vector2
                    X = position.X,
                    Y = position.Y + 150
                return pos.To3D();
            if (passive.Name.Contains("SE"))
                var pos = new Vector2
                    X = position.X - 150,
                    Y = position.Y
                return pos.To3D();
            if (passive.Name.Contains("NW"))
                var pos = new Vector2
                    X = position.X + 150,
                    Y = position.Y
                return pos.To3D();
            if (passive.Name.Contains("SW"))
                var pos = new Vector2
                    X = position.X,
                    Y = position.Y - 150
                return pos.To3D();
            return new Vector3();
Пример #13
        public static void MoveTo(Vector2 movePos)
            if (!Situation.ShouldDodge())

            Evade.lastEvadeCommand = new EvadeCommand
                order = EvadeOrderCommand.MoveTo,
                targetPosition = movePos,
                timestamp = EvadeUtils.TickCount,
                isProcessed = false

            Evade.lastMoveToPosition = movePos;
            Evade.lastMoveToServerPos = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D();

            myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, movePos.To3D(), false);
Пример #14
        public static void Condemn360(Obj_AI_Hero hero, Vector2 pos = new Vector2())
            if (hero.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellImmunity) || hero.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellShield) ||
                LastCheck + 50 > Environment.TickCount || ObjectManager.Player.IsDashing())
            var prediction = VayneSpells.E.GetPrediction(hero);
            var predictionsList = pos.IsValid() ? new List<Vector3>() { pos.To3D() } : new List<Vector3>

            var wallsFound = 0;
            Points = new List<Vector2>();
            foreach (var position in predictionsList)
                for (var i = 0; i < PushDistance; i += (int)hero.BoundingRadius) // 420 = push distance
                    var cPos = ObjectManager.Player.Position.Extend(position, ObjectManager.Player.Distance(position) + i).To2D();
                    if (NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(cPos.To3D()).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) || NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(cPos.To3D()).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Building))
            if ((wallsFound / predictionsList.Count) >= 33 / 100f)
Пример #15
 public static void PutWard(Vector2 pos, ItemId warditem)
     foreach (var slot in Player.InventoryItems.Where(slot => slot.Id == warditem))
         ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.CastSpell(slot.SpellSlot, pos.To3D());
Пример #16
        public static List<Vector3> PassiveRadiusPoint(Obj_AI_Base target)
            var passive = FioraPassiveObjects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position.Distance(target.Position) <= 50);
            var position = Prediction.Position.PredictUnitPosition(target, 250);
            if (passive == null) return new List<Vector3>();

            if (passive.Name.Contains("NE"))
                var pos1 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                var pos2 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                return new List<Vector3>() { pos1.To3D(), pos2.To3D() };
            if (passive.Name.Contains("SE"))
                var pos1 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                var pos2 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                return new List<Vector3>() { pos1.To3D(), pos2.To3D() };
            if (passive.Name.Contains("NW"))
                var pos1 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                var pos2 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                return new List<Vector3>() { pos1.To3D(), pos2.To3D() };
            if (passive.Name.Contains("SW"))
                var pos1 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X + 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)
                var pos2 = new Vector2
                    X = position.X - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2),
                    Y = position.Y - 150/(float) Math.Sqrt(2)

                return new List<Vector3>() { pos1.To3D(), pos2.To3D() };
            return new List<Vector3>();
Пример #17
				public static PredictionOutput GetPrediction(PredictionInput input) {
					var mainTargetPrediction = Prediction.GetPrediction(input, false, true);
					var posibleTargets = new List<PossibleTarget>
					new PossibleTarget { Position = mainTargetPrediction.UnitPosition.To2D(), Unit = input.Unit }

					if (mainTargetPrediction.Hitchance >= HitChance.Medium)
						//Add the posible targets  in range:

					if (posibleTargets.Count > 1)
						var candidates = new List<Vector2>();

						foreach (var target in posibleTargets)
							target.Position = target.Position - input.From.To2D();

						for (var i = 0; i < posibleTargets.Count; i++)
							for (var j = 0; j < posibleTargets.Count; j++)
								if (i != j)
									var p = (posibleTargets[i].Position + posibleTargets[j].Position) * 0.5f;
									if (!candidates.Contains(p))

						var bestCandidateHits = -1;
						var bestCandidate = new Vector2();
						var positionsList = posibleTargets.Select(t => t.Position).ToList();

						foreach (var candidate in candidates)
							var hits = GetHits(candidate, input.Range, input.Radius, positionsList);
							if (hits > bestCandidateHits)
								bestCandidate = candidate;
								bestCandidateHits = hits;

						bestCandidate = bestCandidate + input.From.To2D();

						if (bestCandidateHits > 1 && input.From.To2D().Distance(bestCandidate, true) > 50 * 50)
							return new PredictionOutput
								Hitchance = mainTargetPrediction.Hitchance,
								_aoeTargetsHitCount = bestCandidateHits,
								UnitPosition = mainTargetPrediction.UnitPosition,
								CastPosition = bestCandidate.To3D(),
								Input = input
					return mainTargetPrediction;
Пример #18
        public static Vector3 GetTendency(Obj_AI_Base unit)
            var paths = GetStoredPaths(unit, MaxTime);
            var result = new Vector2();

            foreach (var path in paths)
                var k = 1; //(MaxTime - path.Time);
                result = result + k * (path.EndPoint - unit.ServerPosition.To2D() /*path.StartPoint*/).Normalized();

            result /= paths.Count;

            return result.To3D();
Пример #19
        public static bool CheckMovePath(Vector2 movePos, float extraDelay = 0)
            /*if (EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.evadeSpellData != null)
                var evadeSpell = EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.evadeSpellData;
                float evadeTime = ObjectCache.gamePing;

                if (EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.evadeSpellData.evadeType == EvadeType.Dash)
                    evadeTime += evadeSpell.spellDelay + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.Distance(movePos) / (evadeSpell.speed / 1000);
                else if (EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.evadeSpellData.evadeType == EvadeType.Blink)
                    evadeTime += evadeSpell.spellDelay;

                if (Evade.GetTickCount - EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.timestamp < evadeTime)

                    Console.WriteLine("in" + CheckMoveToDirection(EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.targetPosition, movePos));
                    return CheckMoveToDirection(EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand.targetPosition, movePos);
            var startPoint = myHero.Position;

            if (myHero.IsDashing())
                var dashItem = myHero.GetDashInfo();
                startPoint = dashItem.EndPos.Normalized();
                //  startPoint = dashItem.EndPos.To3D();

            var path = myHero.GetPath(startPoint, movePos.To3D()); //from serverpos
            Vector2 lastPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            foreach (Vector3 point in path)
                var point2D = point.To2D();
                if (lastPoint != Vector2.Zero && CheckMoveToDirection(lastPoint, point2D, extraDelay))
                    return true;

                if (lastPoint != Vector2.Zero)
                    lastPoint = point2D;
                    lastPoint = myHero.ServerPosition.To2D();

            return false;
Пример #20
        public static IOrderedEnumerable<PositionInfo> GetBestPositionTest()
            int posChecked = 0;
            int maxPosToCheck = 50;
            int posRadius = 50;
            int radiusIndex = 0;

            Vector2 heroPoint = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D;
            Vector2 lastMovePos = Game.CursorPos.To2D();

            var extraDelayBuffer = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraPingBuffer"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue;
            var extraEvadeDistance = ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["ExtraEvadeDistance"].Cast<Slider>().CurrentValue;

            if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["HigherPrecision"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue)
                maxPosToCheck = 150;
                posRadius = 25;

            List<PositionInfo> posTable = new List<PositionInfo>();

            List<Vector2> fastestPositions = GetFastestPositions();

            Spell lowestEvadeTimeSpell;
            var lowestEvadeTime = SpellDetector.GetLowestEvadeTime(out lowestEvadeTimeSpell);

            foreach (var pos in fastestPositions) //add the fastest positions into list of candidates
                posTable.Add(InitPositionInfo(pos, extraDelayBuffer, extraEvadeDistance, lastMovePos, lowestEvadeTimeSpell));

            while (posChecked < maxPosToCheck)

                int curRadius = radiusIndex * (2 * posRadius);
                int curCircleChecks = (int)Math.Ceiling((2 * Math.PI * (double)curRadius) / (2 * (double)posRadius));

                for (int i = 1; i < curCircleChecks; i++)
                    var cRadians = (2 * Math.PI / (curCircleChecks - 1)) * i; //check decimals
                    var pos = new Vector2((float)Math.Floor(heroPoint.X + curRadius * Math.Cos(cRadians)), (float)Math.Floor(heroPoint.Y + curRadius * Math.Sin(cRadians)));

                    posTable.Add(InitPositionInfo(pos, extraDelayBuffer, extraEvadeDistance, lastMovePos, lowestEvadeTimeSpell));

                    if (pos.IsWall())
                        //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)25, Color.White, 3);
                    if (posDangerLevel > 0)
                        Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float) posRadius, Color.White, 3);

                    var path = myHero.GetPath(pos.To3D());

                    //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(path[path.Length - 1], (float)posRadius, Color.White, 3);
                    //Render.Circle.DrawCircle(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, myHero.Position.Z), (float)posRadius, Color.White, 3);

                    //var posOnScreen = Drawing.WorldToScreen(path[path.Length - 1]);
                    //Drawing.DrawText(posOnScreen.X, posOnScreen.Y, Color.Aqua, "" + path.Length);

            var sortedPosTable = posTable.OrderBy(p => p.isDangerousPos).ThenBy(p => p.posDangerLevel).ThenBy(p => p.posDangerCount).ThenBy(p => p.distanceToMouse);

            return sortedPosTable;
Пример #21
        public static bool CheckPointCollision(Obj_AI_Base unit, Vector2 movePos)
            var path = unit.GetPath(movePos.To3D());

            if (path.Length > 0)
                if (movePos.Distance(path[path.Length - 1].To2D()) > 5)
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #22
        public static bool CheckPathCollision(Obj_AI_Base unit, Vector2 movePos)
            var path = unit.GetPath(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.To3D(), movePos.To3D());

            if (path.Length > 0)
                if (movePos.Distance(path[path.Length - 1].To2D()) > 5 || path.Length > 2)
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #23
        public static void CastSpell(EvadeSpellData spellData, Vector2 movePos)
            EvadeSpell.lastSpellEvadeCommand = new EvadeCommand
                order = EvadeOrderCommand.CastSpell,
                targetPosition = movePos,
                evadeSpellData = spellData,
                timestamp = EvadeUtils.TickCount,
                isProcessed = false

            myHero.Spellbook.CastSpell(spellData.spellKey, movePos.To3D(), false);
Пример #24
 private static void LockROnTarget()
     var target = R.GetTarget();
     if (target == null)
     var endPos = (Player.ServerPosition - target.ServerPosition).Normalized();
     var predPos = R.GetPrediction(target).CastPosition.To2D();
     var fullPoint = new Vector2(predPos.X + endPos.X * R.Range * 0.98f, predPos.Y + endPos.Y * R.Range * 0.98f);
     var closestPoint = Player.ServerPosition.To2D().Closest(new List<Vector2> { predPos, fullPoint });
     if (closestPoint.IsValid() && !closestPoint.IsWall() && predPos.Distance(closestPoint) > E.Range)
         Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, closestPoint.To3D());
     else if (fullPoint.IsValid() && !fullPoint.IsWall() && predPos.Distance(fullPoint) < R.Range &&
              predPos.Distance(fullPoint) > 100)
         Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, fullPoint.To3D());
Пример #25
        internal void CastWE(Obj_AI_Base unit, Vector2 unitPosition, int minTargets = 0, EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance hc = EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.Medium)
            var points = new List<Vector2>();
            var hitBoxes = new List<int>();

            Vector2 startPoint = Khazix.ServerPosition.LSTo2D();
            Vector2 originalDirection = W.Range * (unitPosition - startPoint).Normalized();

            foreach (AIHeroClient enemy in HeroManager.Enemies)
                if (enemy.LSIsValidTarget() && enemy.NetworkId != unit.NetworkId)
                    var pos = WE.GetPrediction(enemy);
                    if (pos.HitChance >= hc)
                        hitBoxes.Add((int)enemy.BoundingRadius + 275);

            var posiblePositions = new List<Vector2>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    posiblePositions.Add(unitPosition + originalDirection.Rotated(0));
                if (i == 1)
                    posiblePositions.Add(startPoint + originalDirection.Rotated(Wangle));
                if (i == 2)
                    posiblePositions.Add(startPoint + originalDirection.Rotated(-Wangle));

            if (startPoint.LSDistance(unitPosition) < 900)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Vector2 pos = posiblePositions[i];
                    Vector2 direction = (pos - startPoint).Normalized().Perpendicular();
                    float k = (2 / 3 * (unit.BoundingRadius + W.Width));
                    posiblePositions.Add(startPoint - k * direction);
                    posiblePositions.Add(startPoint + k * direction);

            var bestPosition = new Vector2();
            int bestHit = -1;

            foreach (Vector2 position in posiblePositions)
                int hits = CountHits(position, points, hitBoxes);
                if (hits > bestHit)
                    bestPosition = position;
                    bestHit = hits;

            if (bestHit + 1 <= minTargets)

            W.Cast(bestPosition.To3D(), false);
Пример #26
 public static bool Cast(this SummonerSpell spell, Vector2 position)
     return IsReady(spell) && (ObjectManager.Player.Distance(position, true) < spell.Range * spell.Range) &&
            ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.CastSpell(spell.Slot, position.To3D());
Пример #27
        public static List<Vector3> UltiPassivePos(Obj_AI_Base target)
            var poses = new List<Vector3>();

            var passive = ObjectManager.Get<Obj_GeneralParticleEmitter>()
                .Where(x => x.Name.Contains("Fiora_Base_R_Mark") || (x.Name.Contains("Fiora_Base_R") && x.Name.Contains("Timeout_FioraOnly.troy")));

            var position = Prediction.Position.PredictUnitPosition(target, 250);

            foreach (var x in passive)
                if (x.Name.Contains("NE"))
                    var pos = new Vector2
                        X = position.X,
                        Y = position.Y + 150
                else if (x.Name.Contains("SE"))
                    var pos = new Vector2
                        X = position.X - 150,
                        Y = position.Y
                else if (x.Name.Contains("NW"))
                    var pos = new Vector2
                        X = position.X + 150,
                        Y = position.Y
                else if (x.Name.Contains("SW"))
                    var pos = new Vector2
                        X = position.X,
                        Y = position.Y - 150

            return poses;
Пример #28
        public static bool threeSixty(AIHeroClient unit, Vector2 pos = new Vector2())
            if (unit.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellImmunity) || unit.HasBuffOfType(BuffType.SpellShield) || ObjectManager.Player.LSIsDashing())
                return false;
            var prediction = E.GetPrediction(unit);
            var predictionsList = pos.IsValid() ? new List<Vector3> { pos.To3D() } : new List<Vector3> { unit.ServerPosition, unit.Position, prediction.CastPosition, prediction.UnitPosition };
            var wallsFound = 0;
            Points = new List<Vector2>();
            foreach (var position in predictionsList)
                for (var i = 0; i < getSliderItem(emenu, "PushDistance"); i += (int)unit.BoundingRadius) // 420 = push distance
                    var cPos = ObjectManager.Player.Position.LSExtend(position, ObjectManager.Player.LSDistance(position) + i);
                    if (NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(cPos).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) || NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(cPos).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Building))
            if (wallsFound / predictionsList.Count >= 33 / 100f)
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #29
 public static void moveTo(Vector2 Pos)
     myHero.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, Pos.To3D());
Пример #30
        //credits Brian(L$)
        public static void LockR()
            var target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(1800, DamageType.Physical);
            if (target == null)
            var endPos = (ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition - target.ServerPosition).Normalized();
            var predPos = R.GetPrediction(target).CastPosition.To2D();
            var fullPoint = new Vector2(predPos.X + endPos.X*R.Range*0.98f, predPos.Y + endPos.Y*R.Range*0.98f);
            var closestPoint = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.To2D()
                .Closest(new List<Vector2> {predPos, fullPoint});

            if (closestPoint.IsValid() &&
                !NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(closestPoint).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) &&
                !NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(closestPoint).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Building) &&
                predPos.Distance(closestPoint) > E.Range)
            else if (fullPoint.IsValid() &&
                     !NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(fullPoint).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) &&
                     !NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(fullPoint).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Building) &&
                     predPos.Distance(fullPoint) < R.Range &&
                     predPos.Distance(fullPoint) > 100)