Пример #1
 public static double BadaoAngleBetween(Vector2 a, Vector2 center, Vector2 c)
     float a1 = c.LSDistance(center);
     float b1 = a.LSDistance(c);
     float c1 = center.LSDistance(a);
     if (a1 == 0 || c1 == 0) { return 0; }
         return Math.Acos((a1 * a1 + c1 * c1 - b1 * b1) / (2 * a1 * c1)) * (180 / Math.PI);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets Aoe Prediction result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width">Spell width</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Spell delay</param>
        /// <param name="missileSpeed">Spell missile speed</param>
        /// <param name="range">Spell range</param>
        /// <param name="from">Spell casted position</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom"></param>
        /// <returns>Prediction result as <see cref="Prediction.AoeResult" /></returns>
        public static Prediction.AoeResult GetAoePrediction(float width, float delay, float missileSpeed, float range,
            Vector2 from, Vector2 rangeCheckFrom)
            var result = new Prediction.AoeResult {HitCount = 0};
            var enemies =
                    p =>
                        p.LSIsValidTarget() &&
                        Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, 0, from).LSDistance(rangeCheckFrom) < range);

            if (enemies.Count() > 0)
                var posSummary = Vector2.Zero;
                    .ForAll(p => posSummary += Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, missileSpeed, from));
                var center = posSummary/enemies.Count();
                float flyTime = 0;
                if (missileSpeed != 0)
                    flyTime = from.LSDistance(center)/missileSpeed;

                posSummary = Vector2.Zero;
                var predictionResults = new List<Tuple<Prediction.Result, float>>();

                foreach (var enemy in enemies)
                    var prediction = GetPrediction(enemy, width, delay + flyTime, 0, range, false, enemy.GetWaypoints(),
                        enemy.AvgMovChangeTime(), enemy.LastMovChangeTime(), enemy.AvgPathLenght(),
                        enemy.LastAngleDiff(), from, rangeCheckFrom);
                    if (prediction.HitChance > EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.Medium)
                        posSummary += prediction.UnitPosition;
                        predictionResults.Add(new Tuple<Prediction.Result, float>(prediction, enemy.BoundingRadius));

                if (predictionResults.Count > 0)
                    center = posSummary/predictionResults.Count;
                    result.CastPosition = center;
                    foreach (var res in predictionResults)
                        if (
                            LeagueSharp.Common.Geometry.CircleCircleIntersection(center, res.Item1.UnitPosition, width,
                                res.Item2).Length > 1)


            return result;
Пример #3
        public static Vector2? GetFirstWallPoint(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float step = 25)
            var direction = (to - from).Normalized();

            for (float d = 0; d < from.LSDistance(to); d = d + step)
                var testPoint = from + d * direction;
                var flags = NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(testPoint.X, testPoint.Y);
                if (flags.HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall) || flags.HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Building))
                    return from + (d - step) * direction;

            return null;
Пример #4
        public static bool CanReach(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, List<Geometry.Polygon> polygons, bool checkWalls = false)
            if (start == end)
                return false;

            //TODO Disable if the distance to the start position is high
            if (checkWalls)
                var nPoints = 2;
                var step = start.LSDistance(end) / nPoints;

                var direction = (end - start).LSNormalized();
                for (int i = 0; i <= nPoints; i++)
                    var p = start + i * step * direction;
                    if (p.LSIsWall())
                        return false;

            foreach (var polygon in polygons)
                for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Points.Count; i++)
                    var a = polygon.Points[i];
                    var b = polygon.Points[i == polygon.Points.Count - 1 ? 0 : i + 1];

                    if (EvadeA.Utils.LineSegmentsCross(start, end, a, b))
                        return false;

            return true;
Пример #5
        public static FastPredResult FastPrediction(Vector2 from, Obj_AI_Base unit, int delay, int speed)
            var tDelay = delay / 1000f + (from.LSDistance(unit) / speed);
            var d = tDelay * unit.MoveSpeed;
            var path = unit.GetWaypoints();

            if (path.LSPathLength() > d)
                return new FastPredResult
                    IsMoving = true,
                    CurrentPos = unit.ServerPosition.LSTo2D(),
                    PredictedPos = path.CutPath((int) d)[0],
            return new FastPredResult
                IsMoving = false,
                CurrentPos = path[path.Count - 1],
                PredictedPos = path[path.Count - 1],
Пример #6
        public static FastPredictionResult FastPrediction(Vector2 fromVector2,
            Obj_AI_Base unitAiBase,
            int delay,
            int speed)
            var tickDelay = delay / 1000f + (fromVector2.LSDistance(unitAiBase) / speed);
            var moveSpeedF = tickDelay * unitAiBase.MoveSpeed;
            var path = unitAiBase.GetWaypoints();

            if (path.PathLength() > moveSpeedF)
                return new FastPredictionResult
                    IsMoving = true,
                    CurrentPosVector2 = unitAiBase.ServerPosition.LSTo2D(),
                    PredictedPosVector2 = path.CutPath((int) moveSpeedF)[0]

            if (path.Count == 0)
                return new FastPredictionResult
                    IsMoving = false,
                    CurrentPosVector2 = unitAiBase.ServerPosition.LSTo2D(),
                    PredictedPosVector2 = unitAiBase.ServerPosition.LSTo2D()

            return new FastPredictionResult
                IsMoving = false,
                CurrentPosVector2 = path[path.Count - 1],
                PredictedPosVector2 = path[path.Count - 1]
Пример #7
 public static bool PointInLineSegment(Vector2 segmentStart, Vector2 segmentEnd, Vector2 point)
     var distanceStartEnd = segmentStart.LSDistance(segmentEnd, true);
     var distanceStartPoint = segmentStart.LSDistance(point, true);
     var distanceEndPoint = segmentEnd.LSDistance(point, true);
     return !(distanceEndPoint > distanceStartEnd || distanceStartPoint > distanceStartEnd);
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks enemy hero collisions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from">Start position</param>
 /// <param name="to">End position</param>
 /// <param name="width">Rectangle scale</param>
 /// <param name="delay">Spell delay</param>
 /// <param name="missileSpeed">Spell missile speed</param>
 /// <param name="isArc">Checks collision for arc spell</param>
 /// <returns>true if collision found</returns>
 public static bool CheckAllyHeroCollision(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float width, float delay, float missileSpeed = 0, bool isArc = false)
     var spellHitBox = ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineRectangle(from, to, width));
     if (isArc)
         spellHitBox = ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(new SPrediction.Geometry.Polygon(
                         ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900), 410, 200 * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900)),
                         ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900), 410, 320 * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900))));
     return HeroManager.Allies.AsParallel().Any(p => ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineCircle(Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, missileSpeed), p.BoundingRadius)), spellHitBox));
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 ///     Checks if the point is between 2 points
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="b">The point to check.</param>
 /// <param name="a">The other point 1.</param>
 /// <param name="c">The other point 2.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the point is between given 2 points</returns>
 internal static bool IsBetween(this Vector2 b, Vector2 a, Vector2 c)
     return a.LSDistance(c) + c.LSDistance(b) - a.LSDistance(b) < float.Epsilon;
Пример #10
        public static float GetMovementBlockPositionValue(Vector2 pos, Vector2 movePos)
            float value = 0;// pos.LSDistance(movePos);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells)
                Spell spell = entry.Value;
                var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, ObjectCache.gamePing);
                var extraDist = 100 + spell.radius;

                value -= Math.Max(0, -(10 * ((float)0.8 * extraDist) / pos.LSDistance(spell.GetSpellProjection(pos))) + extraDist);

            return value;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets collided units & flags
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Start position</param>
        /// <param name="to">End position</param>
        /// <param name="width">Rectangle scale</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Spell delay</param>
        /// <param name="missileSpeed">Spell missile speed</param>
        /// <returns>Collision result as <see cref="Collision.Result"/></returns>
        public static Result GetCollisions(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float range, float width, float delay, float missileSpeed = 0, bool isArc = false)
            List<Obj_AI_Base> collidedUnits = new List<Obj_AI_Base>();
            var spellHitBox = ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineRectangle(from, to.LSExtend(from, -width), width));
            if (isArc)
                spellHitBox = ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(new SPrediction.Geometry.Polygon(
                                ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900), 410, 200 * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900)),
                                ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900), 410, 320 * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900))));
            Flags _colFlags = Flags.None;
            var collidedMinions = MinionManager.GetMinions(range + 100, MinionTypes.All, MinionTeam.NotAlly, MinionOrderTypes.None).AsParallel().Where(p => ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineCircle(Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, missileSpeed), p.BoundingRadius + 15)), spellHitBox));
            var collidedEnemies = HeroManager.Enemies.AsParallel().Where(p => ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineCircle(Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, missileSpeed), p.BoundingRadius)), spellHitBox));
            var collidedAllies = HeroManager.Allies.AsParallel().Where(p => ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(ClipperWrapper.DefineCircle(Prediction.GetFastUnitPosition(p, delay, missileSpeed), p.BoundingRadius)), spellHitBox));

            if (collidedMinions != null && collidedMinions.Count() != 0)
                _colFlags |= Flags.Minions;

            if (collidedEnemies != null && collidedEnemies.Count() != 0)
                _colFlags |= Flags.EnemyChampions;

            if (collidedAllies != null && collidedAllies.Count() != 0)
                _colFlags |= Flags.AllyChampions;

            if (CheckWallCollision(from, to))
                _colFlags |= Flags.Wall;

            if (CheckYasuoWallCollision(from, to, width))
                _colFlags |= Flags.YasuoWall;

            return new Result(collidedUnits, _colFlags);
Пример #12
 public Arc(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, int hitbox)
     Start = start;
     End = end;
     HitBox = hitbox;
     Distance = Start.LSDistance(End);
Пример #13
        public static bool CheckPathCollision(Obj_AI_Base unit, Vector2 movePos)
            var path = unit.GetPath(ObjectCache.myHeroCache.serverPos2D.To3D(), movePos.To3D());

            if (path.Length > 0)
                if (movePos.LSDistance(path[path.Length - 1].LSTo2D()) > 5 || path.Length > 2)
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #14
        public static void gapCloseE(Vector2 pos, List<AIHeroClient> ignore = null)
            if (!E.IsReady())

            Vector2 pPos = Player.ServerPosition.LSTo2D();
            Obj_AI_Base bestEnem = null;

            float distToPos = Player.LSDistance(pos);
            if (((distToPos < Q.Range)) &&
                goesThroughWall(pos.To3D(), Player.Position))
            Vector2 bestLoc = pPos + (Vector2.Normalize(pos - pPos) * (Player.MoveSpeed * 0.35f));
            float bestDist = pos.LSDistance(pPos) - 50;
                foreach (Obj_AI_Base enemy in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Base>().Where(ob => enemyIsJumpable(ob, ignore)))

                    float trueRange = E.Range + enemy.BoundingRadius;
                    float distToEnem = Player.LSDistance(enemy);
                    if (distToEnem < trueRange && distToEnem > 15)
                        Vector2 posAfterE = pPos + (Vector2.Normalize(enemy.Position.LSTo2D() - pPos) * E.Range);
                        float distE = pos.LSDistance(posAfterE);
                        if (distE < bestDist)
                            bestLoc = posAfterE;
                            bestDist = distE;
                            bestEnem = enemy;
                            // Console.WriteLine("Gap to best enem");
            catch (Exception ex)

            if (bestEnem != null)
                Console.WriteLine("should use gap");

Пример #15
        private static void Game_OnOnGameUpdate(EventArgs args)
            PlayerPosition = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.LSTo2D();

            //Set evading to false after blinking
            if (PreviousTickPosition.IsValid() &&
                PlayerPosition.LSDistance(PreviousTickPosition) > 200)
                Evading = false;

            PreviousTickPosition = PlayerPosition;

            //Remove the detected skillshots that have expired.
            DetectedSkillshots.RemoveAll(skillshot => !skillshot.IsActive());

            //Trigger OnGameUpdate on each skillshot.
            foreach (var skillshot in DetectedSkillshots)

            //Evading disabled
            if (!getKeyBindItem(Config.Menu, "Enabled"))
                Evading = false;
                EvadeToPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            if (PlayerChampionName == "Olaf" && getCheckBoxItem(Config.misc, "DisableEvadeForOlafR") && ObjectManager.Player.HasBuff("OlafRagnarok"))
                Evading = false;
                EvadeToPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            //Avoid sending move/cast packets while dead.
            if (ObjectManager.Player.IsDead)
                Evading = false;
                EvadeToPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            //Avoid sending move/cast packets while channeling interruptable spells that cause hero not being able to move.
            if (ObjectManager.Player.IsCastingInterruptableSpell(true))
                Evading = false;
                EvadeToPoint = Vector2.Zero;

            if (ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.IsAutoAttacking && !Orbwalking.IsAutoAttack(ObjectManager.Player.LastCastedSpellName()))
                Evading = false;

            /*Avoid evading while stunned or immobile.*/
            if (Utils.ImmobileTime(ObjectManager.Player) - Utils.TickCount > Game.Ping / 2 + 70)
                Evading = false;

            /*Avoid evading while dashing.*/
            if (ObjectManager.Player.LSIsDashing())
                Evading = false;

            //Don't evade while casting R as sion
            if (PlayerChampionName == "Sion" && ObjectManager.Player.HasBuff("SionR"))

            //Shield allies.
            foreach (var ally in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>())
                if (ally.LSIsValidTarget(1000, false))
                    var shieldAlly = Config.shielding["shield" + ally.ChampionName];
                    if (shieldAlly != null && shieldAlly.Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue)
                        var allySafeResult = IsSafe(ally.ServerPosition.LSTo2D());

                        if (!allySafeResult.IsSafe)
                            var dangerLevel = 0;

                            foreach (var skillshot in allySafeResult.SkillshotList)
                                dangerLevel = Math.Max(dangerLevel, getSliderItem(Config.skillShots, "DangerLevel" + skillshot.SpellData.MenuItemName));

                            foreach (var evadeSpell in EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells)
                                if (evadeSpell.IsShield && evadeSpell.CanShieldAllies &&
                                    ally.LSDistance(ObjectManager.Player) < evadeSpell.MaxRange &&
                                    dangerLevel >= evadeSpell.DangerLevel &&
                                    ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.CanUseSpell(evadeSpell.Slot) == SpellState.Ready &&
                                    IsAboutToHit(ally, evadeSpell.Delay))
                                    ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.CastSpell(evadeSpell.Slot, ally);

            //Spell Shielded
            if (ObjectManager.Player.IsSpellShielded())

            if (NoSolutionFound)

            var currentPath = ObjectManager.Player.GetWaypoints();
            var safeResult = IsSafe(PlayerPosition);
            var safePath = IsSafePath(currentPath, 100);

            if (FollowPath && !NoSolutionFound && (Keepfollowing || !Evading) && EvadeToPoint.IsValid() && safeResult.IsSafe)
                if (EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells.Any(evadeSpell => evadeSpell.Name == "Walking" && evadeSpell.Enabled))
                    if (Utils.TickCount - LastSentMovePacketT2 > 300)
                        var candidate = Pathfinding.Pathfinding.PathFind(PlayerPosition, EvadeToPoint);
                        LastSentMovePacketT2 = Utils.TickCount;
                FollowPath = false;

            NoSolutionFound = false;

            //Continue evading
            if (Evading && IsSafe(EvadePoint).IsSafe)
                if (safeResult.IsSafe)
                    //We are safe, stop evading.
                    Evading = false;
                    if (Utils.TickCount - LastSentMovePacketT > 1000/15)
                        LastSentMovePacketT = Utils.TickCount;
                //Stop evading if the point is not safe.
            else if (Evading)
                Evading = false;

            //The path is not safe.
            if (!safePath.IsSafe)
                //Inside the danger polygon.
                if (!safeResult.IsSafe)
                    //Search for an evade point:
                    TryToEvade(safeResult.SkillshotList, EvadeToPoint.IsValid() ? EvadeToPoint : Game.CursorPos.LSTo2D());
                    //Outside the danger polygon.
                    FollowPath = true;
                    //Stop at the edge of the skillshot.
                    if (EvadeSpellDatabase.Spells.Any(evadeSpell => evadeSpell.Name == "Walking" && evadeSpell.Enabled))
Пример #16
        public void UltimateLock()
            var currentTarget = TargetSelector.SelectedTarget;
            if (currentTarget.LSIsValidTarget())
                var predictedPosition = Variables.Spell[Variables.Spells.R].GetPrediction(currentTarget).UnitPosition;
                var directionVector = (currentTarget.ServerPosition - ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition).Normalized();
                const float RRangeCoefficient = 0.95f;
                var rRangeAdjusted = Variables.Spell[Variables.Spells.R].Range * RRangeCoefficient;
                var rEndPointXCoordinate = predictedPosition.X + directionVector.X * rRangeAdjusted;
                var rEndPointYCoordinate = predictedPosition.Y + directionVector.Y * rRangeAdjusted;
                var rEndPoint = new Vector2(rEndPointXCoordinate, rEndPointYCoordinate).To3D();

                if (rEndPoint.LSDistance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition) < Variables.Spell[Variables.Spells.R].Range)
                    EloBuddy.Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, rEndPoint);
Пример #17
        public static Vector2 GetCollisionPoint(Skillshot skillshot)
            var collisions = new List<DetectedCollision>();
            var from = skillshot.GetMissilePosition(0);
            skillshot.ForceDisabled = false;
            foreach (var cObject in skillshot.SpellData.CollisionObjects)
                switch (cObject)
                    case CollisionObjectTypes.Minion:

                        if (!getCheckBoxItem(Config.collision, "MinionCollision"))
                        foreach (var minion in
                                from.To3D(), 1200, MinionTypes.All,
                                skillshot.Unit.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team
                                    ? MinionTeam.NotAlly
                                    : MinionTeam.NotAllyForEnemy))
                            var pred = FastPrediction(
                                from, minion,
                                Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)),
                            var pos = pred.PredictedPos;
                            var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + (!pred.IsMoving ? (minion.BoundingRadius - 15) : 0) -
                                    pos.LSDistance(from, skillshot.End, true);
                            if (w > 0)
                                    new DetectedCollision
                                        Position =
                                            pos.LSProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint +
                                            skillshot.Direction * 30,
                                        Unit = minion,
                                        Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion,
                                        Distance = pos.LSDistance(from),
                                        Diff = w,


                    case CollisionObjectTypes.Champions:
                        if (!getCheckBoxItem(Config.collision, "HeroCollision"))
                        foreach (var hero in
                                    h =>
                                        (h.LSIsValidTarget(1200, false) && h.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && !h.IsMe ||
                                         Config.TestOnAllies && h.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team)))
                            var pred = FastPrediction(
                                from, hero,
                                Math.Max(0, skillshot.SpellData.Delay - (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)),
                            var pos = pred.PredictedPos;

                            var w = skillshot.SpellData.RawRadius + 30 - pos.LSDistance(from, skillshot.End, true);
                            if (w > 0)
                                    new DetectedCollision
                                        Position =
                                            pos.LSProjectOn(skillshot.End, skillshot.Start).LinePoint +
                                            skillshot.Direction * 30,
                                        Unit = hero,
                                        Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion,
                                        Distance = pos.LSDistance(from),
                                        Diff = w,

                    case CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall:
                        if (!getCheckBoxItem(Config.collision, "YasuoCollision"))
                        if (
                                    hero =>
                                        hero.LSIsValidTarget(float.MaxValue, false) &&
                                        hero.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && hero.ChampionName == "Yasuo"))
                        GameObject wall = null;
                        foreach (var gameObject in ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>())
                            if (gameObject.IsValid &&
                                    gameObject.Name, "_w_windwall.\\.troy",
                                wall = gameObject;
                        if (wall == null)
                        var level = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - 6, 1);
                        var wallWidth = (300 + 50 * Convert.ToInt32(level));

                        var wallDirection = (wall.Position.LSTo2D() - YasuoWallCastedPos).LSNormalized().LSPerpendicular();
                        var wallStart = wall.Position.LSTo2D() + wallWidth / 2 * wallDirection;
                        var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth * wallDirection;
                        var wallPolygon = new Geometry.Rectangle(wallStart, wallEnd, 75).ToPolygon();
                        var intersection = new Vector2();
                        var intersections = new List<Vector2>();

                        for (var i = 0; i < wallPolygon.Points.Count; i++)
                            var inter =
                                    wallPolygon.Points[i != wallPolygon.Points.Count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0], from,
                            if (inter.Intersects)

                        if (intersections.Count > 0)
                            intersection = intersections.OrderBy(item => item.LSDistance(from)).ToList()[0];
                            var collisionT = Utils.TickCount +
                                                 skillshot.SpellData.Delay -
                                                 (Utils.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)) + 100 +
                                             (1000 * intersection.LSDistance(from)) / skillshot.SpellData.MissileSpeed;
                            if (collisionT - WallCastT < 4000)
                                if (skillshot.SpellData.Type != SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine)
                                    skillshot.ForceDisabled = true;
                                return intersection;


            Vector2 result;
            if (collisions.Count > 0)
                result = collisions.OrderBy(c => c.Distance).ToList()[0].Position;
                result = new Vector2();

            return result;
Пример #18
        public static bool CheckPointCollision(Obj_AI_Base unit, Vector2 movePos)
            var path = unit.GetPath(movePos.To3D());

            if (path.Length > 0)
                if (movePos.LSDistance(path[path.Length - 1].LSTo2D()) > 5)
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #19
 internal static Vector2 GetDashPosFrom(Vector2 startPos, Obj_AI_Base @base)
     var startPos3D = startPos.To3D();
     var predictedposition = startPos3D.LSExtend(@base.Position, startPos.LSDistance(@base) + 475 - startPos.LSDistance(@base)).LSTo2D();
     DashPosition = predictedposition;
     return predictedposition;
Пример #20
        public static float GetClosestDistanceApproach(Spell spell, Vector2 pos, float speed, float delay, Vector2 heroPos, float extraDist)
            var walkDir = (pos - heroPos).LSNormalized();

            if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && spell.info.projectileSpeed != float.MaxValue)
                var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay);
                var spellStartPos = spell.currentSpellPosition;
                var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();
                var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + speed * delay / 1000);

                Vector2 cHeroPos;
                Vector2 cSpellPos;

                var cpa2 = MathUtils.GetCollisionDistanceEx(
                    heroPos, walkDir * speed, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius,
                    spellPos, spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed, spell.radius + extraDist,
                    out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.LSProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos);
                var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.LSProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cpa2 != float.MaxValue)
                    return 0;

                var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.LSProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos);
                cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.LSProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                var checkDist = ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + spell.radius + extraDist;

                if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment)
                    return Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist);
                    return checkDist;

                //return MathUtils.ClosestTimeOfApproach(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed);
            else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && spell.info.projectileSpeed == float.MaxValue)
                var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay);  //extraDelay
                var walkRange = heroPos.LSDistance(pos);
                var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000);
                var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos

                var projection = tHeroPos.LSProjectOn(spell.startPos, spell.endPos);

                return Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.LSDistance(projection.SegmentPoint)
                    - (spell.radius + ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius + extraDist)); //+ dodgeBuffer
            else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                var spellHitTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay);  //extraDelay
                var walkRange = heroPos.LSDistance(pos);
                var predictedRange = speed * (spellHitTime / 1000);
                var tHeroPos = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange, walkRange); //Hero predicted pos

                if (spell.info.spellName == "VeigarEventHorizon")
                    var wallRadius = 65;
                    var midRadius = spell.radius - wallRadius;

                    if (spellHitTime == 0)
                        return 0;

                    if (tHeroPos.LSDistance(spell.endPos) >= spell.radius)
                        return Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.LSDistance(spell.endPos) - midRadius - wallRadius);
                        return Math.Max(0, midRadius - tHeroPos.LSDistance(spell.endPos) - wallRadius);

                var closestDist = Math.Max(0, tHeroPos.LSDistance(spell.endPos) - (spell.radius + extraDist));
                if (spell.info.extraEndTime > 0 && closestDist != 0)
                    var remainingTime = Math.Max(0, spell.endTime + spell.info.extraEndTime - EvadeUtils.TickCount - delay);
                    var predictedRange2 = speed * (remainingTime / 1000);
                    var tHeroPos2 = heroPos + walkDir * Math.Min(predictedRange2, walkRange);

                    if (CheckMoveToDirection(tHeroPos, tHeroPos2))
                        return 0;
                    return closestDist;
            else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc)
                var spellPos = spell.GetCurrentSpellPosition(true, delay);
                var spellEndPos = spell.GetSpellEndPosition();

                var pDir = spell.direction.LSPerpendicular();
                spellPos = spellPos - pDir * spell.radius / 2;
                spellEndPos = spellEndPos - pDir * spell.radius / 2;

                var extendedPos = pos.ExtendDir(walkDir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius);

                Vector2 cHeroPos;
                Vector2 cSpellPos;

                var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(heroPos, walkDir * speed, spellPos, spell.direction * spell.info.projectileSpeed, pos, spellEndPos, out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.LSProjectOn(heroPos, extendedPos);
                var cSpellPosProjection = cSpellPos.LSProjectOn(spellPos, spellEndPos);

                var checkDist = spell.radius + extraDist;

                if (cHeroPos.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius))
                    if (cSpellPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment)
                        return Math.Max(0, cpa - checkDist);
                        return checkDist;

            return 1;
Пример #21
            internal static Vector2[] GetCandidates(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float radius, float range)
                var middlePoint = (from + to) / 2;
                var intersections = Geometry.CircleCircleIntersection(
                    from, middlePoint, radius, from.LSDistance(middlePoint));

                if (intersections.Length > 1)
                    var c1 = intersections[0];
                    var c2 = intersections[1];

                    c1 = from + range * (to - c1).LSNormalized();
                    c2 = from + range * (to - c2).LSNormalized();

                    return new[] { c1, c2 };

                return new Vector2[] { };
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets Prediction result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Target for spell</param>
        /// <param name="width">Spell width</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Spell delay</param>
        /// <param name="missileSpeed">Spell missile speed</param>
        /// <param name="range">Spell range</param>
        /// <param name="collisionable">Spell collisionable</param>
        /// <param name="type">Spell skillshot type</param>
        /// <param name="path">Waypoints of target</param>
        /// <param name="avgt">Average reaction time (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="movt">Passed time from last movement change (in ms)</param>
        /// <param name="avgp">Average Path Lenght</param>
        /// <param name="from">Spell casted position</param>
        /// <param name="rangeCheckFrom"></param>
        /// <returns>Prediction result as <see cref="Prediction.Result" /></returns>
        public static Prediction.Result GetPrediction(Obj_AI_Base target, float width, float delay, float missileSpeed,
            float range, bool collisionable, List<Vector2> path, float avgt, float movt, float avgp, float anglediff,
            Vector2 from, Vector2 rangeCheckFrom, bool arconly = true)

            if (arconly)
                if (target.LSDistance(from) < width || target.LSDistance(from) > range*0.75f)
                    return CirclePrediction.GetPrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, path,
                        avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff, from, rangeCheckFrom);

                var pred = LinePrediction.GetPrediction(target, 80f, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, path,
                    avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff, from, rangeCheckFrom);
                if (pred.HitChance >= EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.Low)
                    pred.CastPosition = @from + (pred.CastPosition - @from).LSNormalized()*range
                        /*.RotateAroundPoint(from, (1 - pred.UnitPosition.LSDistance(ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition.LSTo2D()) / 820f) * (float)Math.PI / 2f)*/;
                    var cos = (float) Math.Cos((1 - pred.UnitPosition.LSDistance(from)/820f)*Math.PI/2);
                    var sin = (float) Math.Sin((1 - pred.UnitPosition.LSDistance(from)/820f)*Math.PI/2);
                    var x = cos*(pred.CastPosition.X - from.X) - sin*(pred.CastPosition.Y - from.Y) + from.X;
                    var y = sin*(pred.CastPosition.X - from.X) + cos*(pred.CastPosition.Y - from.Y) + from.Y;
                    pred.CastPosition = new Vector2(x, y);

                return pred;
            var result = new Prediction.Result();

            if (path.Count <= 1) //if target is not moving, easy to hit
                result.HitChance = EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.Immobile;
                result.CastPosition = target.ServerPosition.LSTo2D();
                result.UnitPosition = result.CastPosition;
                return result;

            if (target is AIHeroClient && ((AIHeroClient) target).IsChannelingImportantSpell())
                result.HitChance = EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.Immobile;
                result.CastPosition = target.ServerPosition.LSTo2D();
                result.UnitPosition = result.CastPosition;
                return result;

            if (Utility.IsImmobileTarget(target))
                return Prediction.GetImmobilePrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable,
                    SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle, @from, rangeCheckFrom);

            if (target.IsDashing())
                return Prediction.GetDashingPrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable,
                    SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle, @from, rangeCheckFrom);

            var targetDistance = rangeCheckFrom.LSDistance(target.ServerPosition);
            var flyTime = 0f;

            if (missileSpeed != 0)
                var Vt = (path[path.Count - 1] - path[0]).LSNormalized()*target.MoveSpeed;
                var Vs = (target.ServerPosition.LSTo2D() - rangeCheckFrom).LSNormalized()*missileSpeed;
                var Vr = Vs - Vt;

                flyTime = targetDistance/Vr.Length();

                if (path.Count > 5)
                    flyTime = targetDistance/missileSpeed;

            var t = flyTime + delay + Game.Ping/2000f + ConfigMenu.SpellDelay/1000f;

            result.HitChance = Prediction.GetHitChance(t*1000f, avgt, movt, avgp, anglediff);

            #region arc collision test

            if (result.HitChance > EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.Low)
                for (var i = 1; i < path.Count; i++)
                    var senderPos = rangeCheckFrom;
                    var testPos = path[i];

                    var multp = testPos.LSDistance(senderPos)/875.0f;

                    var dianaArc = new Geometry.Polygon(
                        ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875/2f, 20), testPos, (float) Math.PI*multp,
                            410, 200*multp),
                        ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(senderPos - new Vector2(875/2f, 20), testPos, (float) Math.PI*multp,
                            410, 320*multp));

                    if (!dianaArc.IsOutside(target.ServerPosition.LSTo2D()))
                        result.HitChance = EloBuddy.SDK.Enumerations.HitChance.High;
                        result.CastPosition = testPos;
                        result.UnitPosition = testPos;
                        return result;


            return CirclePrediction.GetPrediction(target, width, delay, missileSpeed, range, collisionable, path, avgt,
                movt, avgp, anglediff, @from, rangeCheckFrom);
Пример #23
 public static bool BadaoInTheCone(this Vector2 pos, Vector2 centerconePolar, Vector2 centerconeEnd, double coneAngle)
     return BadaoAngleBetween(pos, centerconePolar, centerconeEnd) < coneAngle / 2
         && pos.LSDistance(centerconePolar) < centerconePolar.LSDistance(centerconeEnd);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        ///     Returns the two intersection points between two circles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center1">The center1.</param>
        /// <param name="center2">The center2.</param>
        /// <param name="radius1">The radius1.</param>
        /// <param name="radius2">The radius2.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector2[] ELCircleCircleIntersection(Vector2 center1, Vector2 center2, float radius1, float radius2)
            var D = center1.LSDistance(center2);
            //The Circles dont intersect:
            if (D > radius1 + radius2 || (D <= Math.Abs(radius1 - radius2)))
                return new Vector2[] {};

            var A = (radius1*radius1 - radius2*radius2 + D*D)/(2*D);
            var H = (float) Math.Sqrt(radius1*radius1 - A*A);
            var Direction = (center2 - center1).ELNormalized();
            var PA = center1 + A*Direction;
            var S1 = PA + H*Direction.ELPerpendicular();
            var S2 = PA - H*Direction.ELPerpendicular();
            return new[] {S1, S2};
Пример #25
        public static Vector2 GetCollisionPoint(Skillshot skillshot)
            var collisions = new List<DetectedCollision>();
            var from = skillshot.GetMissilePosition(0);
            skillshot.ForceDisabled = false;
            foreach (var cObject in skillshot.SkillshotData.CollisionObjects)
                switch (cObject)
                    case CollisionObjectTypes.Minion:

                        collisions.AddRange(from minion in MinionManager.GetMinions(@from.To3D(), 1200, MinionTypes.All, skillshot.Caster.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team ? MinionTeam.NotAlly : MinionTeam.NotAllyForEnemy)
                            let pred = FastPrediction(@from, minion, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SkillshotData.Delay - (System.Environment.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SkillshotData.MissileSpeed)
                            let pos = pred.PredictedPos
                            let w = skillshot.SkillshotData.RawRadius + (!pred.IsMoving ? minion.BoundingRadius - 15 : 0) - pos.LSDistance(@from, skillshot.EndPosition, true)
                            where w > 0
                            select new DetectedCollision
                                Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.EndPosition, skillshot.StartPosition).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction*30, Unit = minion, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.LSDistance(@from), Diff = w


                    case CollisionObjectTypes.Champions:
                        collisions.AddRange(from hero in ObjectManager.Get<AIHeroClient>().Where(h => h.LSIsValidTarget(1200) && h.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && !h.IsMe || h.Team != ObjectManager.Player.Team)
                            let pred = FastPrediction(@from, hero, Math.Max(0, skillshot.SkillshotData.Delay - (System.Environment.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)), skillshot.SkillshotData.MissileSpeed)
                            let pos = pred.PredictedPos
                            let w = skillshot.SkillshotData.RawRadius + 30 - pos.LSDistance(@from, skillshot.EndPosition, true)
                            where w > 0
                            select new DetectedCollision
                                Position = pos.ProjectOn(skillshot.EndPosition, skillshot.StartPosition).LinePoint + skillshot.Direction*30, Unit = hero, Type = CollisionObjectTypes.Minion, Distance = pos.LSDistance(@from), Diff = w

                    case CollisionObjectTypes.YasuoWall:
                        if (
                                    hero =>
                                        hero.LSIsValidTarget(float.MaxValue) &&
                                        hero.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && hero.ChampionName == "Yasuo"))
                        GameObject wall = null;
                        foreach (var gameObject in ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>())
                            if (gameObject.IsValid &&
                                Regex.IsMatch(gameObject.Name, "_w_windwall.\\.troy", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                                wall = gameObject;
                        if (wall == null)
                        var level = wall.Name.Substring(wall.Name.Length - 6, 1);
                        var wallWidth = 300 + 50*Convert.ToInt32(level);

                        var wallDirection = (wall.Position.LSTo2D() - _yasuoWallCastedPos).Normalized().Perpendicular();
                        var wallStart = wall.Position.LSTo2D() + wallWidth/2*wallDirection;
                        var wallEnd = wallStart - wallWidth*wallDirection;
                        var wallPolygon = new SkillshotGeometry.Rectangle(wallStart, wallEnd, 75).ToPolygon();
                        var intersection = new Vector2();
                        var intersections = new List<Vector2>();

                        for (var i = 0; i < wallPolygon.Points.Count; i++)
                            var inter =
                                    wallPolygon.Points[i != wallPolygon.Points.Count - 1 ? i + 1 : 0], from,
                            if (inter.Intersects)

                        if (intersections.Count > 0)
                            intersection = intersections.OrderBy(item => item.LSDistance(from)).ToList()[0];
                            var collisionT = System.Environment.TickCount +
                                                 skillshot.SkillshotData.Delay -
                                                 (System.Environment.TickCount - skillshot.StartTick)) + 100 +
                            if (collisionT - _wallCastT < 4000)
                                if (skillshot.SkillshotData.Type != SkillShotType.SkillshotMissileLine)
                                    skillshot.ForceDisabled = true;
                                return intersection;


            Vector2 result;
            result = collisions.Count > 0 ? collisions.OrderBy(c => c.Distance).ToList()[0].Position : new Vector2();

            return result;
Пример #26
        public static bool CheckMoveToDirection(Vector2 from, Vector2 movePos, float extraDelay = 0)
            var dir = (movePos - from).LSNormalized();
            //movePos = movePos.ExtendDir(dir, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Spell> entry in SpellDetector.spells)
                Spell spell = entry.Value;

                if (!from.InSkillShot(spell, ObjectCache.myHeroCache.boundingRadius))
                    Vector2 spellPos = spell.currentSpellPosition;

                    if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line)
                        if (spell.LineIntersectLinearSpell(from, movePos))
                            return true;

                    else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Circular)
                        if (spell.info.spellName == "VeigarEventHorizon")
                            var cpa2 = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, new Vector2(0, 0), movePos, spell.endPos);

                            if (from.LSDistance(spell.endPos) < spell.radius &&
                                !(from.LSDistance(spell.endPos) < spell.radius - 135 &&
                                movePos.LSDistance(spell.endPos) < spell.radius - 135))
                                return true;
                            else if (from.LSDistance(spell.endPos) > spell.radius && cpa2 < spell.radius + 10)
                                return true;
                            Vector2 cHeroPos;
                            Vector2 cSpellPos;

                            var cpa2 = MathUtils.GetCollisionDistanceEx(
                                from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, 1,
                                spell.endPos, new Vector2(0, 0), spell.radius,
                                out cHeroPos, out cSpellPos);

                            var cHeroPosProjection = cHeroPos.LSProjectOn(from, movePos);

                            if (cHeroPosProjection.IsOnSegment && cpa2 != float.MaxValue)
                                return true;

                            /*var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, spell.endPos, new Vector2(0, 0), movePos, spell.endPos);

                            if (cpa < spell.radius + 10)
                                return true;
                    else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Arc)
                        if (from.isLeftOfLineSegment(spell.startPos, spell.endPos))
                            return MathUtils.CheckLineIntersection(from, movePos, spell.startPos, spell.endPos);

                        var spellRange = spell.startPos.LSDistance(spell.endPos);
                        var midPoint = spell.startPos + spell.direction * (spellRange / 2);

                        var cpa = MathUtilsCPA.CPAPointsEx(from, dir * ObjectCache.myHeroCache.moveSpeed, midPoint, new Vector2(0, 0), movePos, midPoint);

                        if (cpa < spell.radius + 10)
                            return true;
                    else if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Cone)


            return false;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        ///     Gets triggered when a unit casts a spell and the unit is visible.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ObjAiHeroOnOnProcessSpellCast(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args)
            if (sender == null || !sender.IsValid)

            if (Config.PrintSpellData && sender is AIHeroClient)
                Chat.Print(Utils.TickCount + " ProcessSpellCast: " + args.SData.Name);
                Console.WriteLine(Utils.TickCount + " ProcessSpellCast: " + args.SData.Name);

            if (args.SData.Name == "dravenrdoublecast")
                    s => s.Unit.NetworkId == sender.NetworkId && s.SpellData.SpellName == "DravenRCast");

            if (!sender.IsValid || sender.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team && !Config.TestOnAllies)
            //Get the skillshot data.
            var spellData = SpellDatabase.GetByName(args.SData.Name);

            //Skillshot not added in the database.
            if (spellData == null)

            var startPos = new Vector2();

            if (spellData.FromObject != "")
                foreach (var o in ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>())
                    if (o.Name.Contains(spellData.FromObject))
                        startPos = o.Position.LSTo2D();
                startPos = sender.ServerPosition.LSTo2D();

            //For now only zed support.
            if (spellData.FromObjects != null && spellData.FromObjects.Length > 0)
                foreach (var obj in ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>())
                    if (obj.IsEnemy && spellData.FromObjects.Contains(obj.Name))
                        var start = obj.Position.LSTo2D();
                        var end = start + spellData.Range * (args.End.LSTo2D() - obj.Position.LSTo2D()).LSNormalized();
                            DetectionType.ProcessSpell, spellData, Utils.TickCount - Game.Ping / 2, start, end, end,

            if (!startPos.IsValid())

            var endPos = args.End.LSTo2D();

            if (spellData.SpellName == "LucianQ" && args.Target != null &&
                args.Target.NetworkId == ObjectManager.Player.NetworkId)

            //Calculate the real end Point:
            var direction = (endPos - startPos).LSNormalized();
            if (startPos.LSDistance(endPos) > spellData.Range || spellData.FixedRange)
                endPos = startPos + direction * spellData.Range;

            if (spellData.ExtraRange != -1)
                endPos = endPos +
                         Math.Min(spellData.ExtraRange, spellData.Range - endPos.LSDistance(startPos)) * direction;

            //Trigger the skillshot detection callbacks.
                DetectionType.ProcessSpell, spellData, Utils.TickCount - Game.Ping / 2, startPos, endPos, args.End.LSTo2D(), sender);
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks wall collisions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Start position</param>
        /// <param name="to">End position</param>
        /// <returns>true if collision found</returns>
        public static bool CheckWallCollision(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
            float step = from.LSDistance(to) / 20;
            for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                var p = from.LSExtend(to, step * i);
                if (NavMesh.GetCollisionFlags(p.X, p.Y).HasFlag(CollisionFlags.Wall))
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #29
            private static Queue<Vector2> GeneratePath(Vector2 start, Vector2 end)
                //return PathGenerator.GeneratePath(start.ToWorldPoint().To2D(), end.ToWorldPoint().To2D());
                var d = start.LSDistance(end);

                var path = new Queue<Vector2>();

                if (d < 75)
                    return path;

                var increment = (int) d / 30; //(2 * d / FPS)
                var count = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < d; i += increment)
                    if (i > d)

                    var point = start.LSExtend(end, i);
                    if (count++ % 10 == 0)
                        point.Randomize(10, 50);

                        if (count % 6 == 0)
                            point.Randomize(50, 100);


                return path;
Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Check Yasuo wall collisions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Start position</param>
        /// <param name="to">End position</param>
        /// <param name="width">Rectangle scale</param>
        /// <param name="isArc">Check collision for arc spell</param>
        /// <returns>true if collision found</returns>
        public static bool CheckYasuoWallCollision(Vector2 from, Vector2 to, float width, bool isArc = false)
            if (Utils.TickCount - yasuoWallCastedTick > 4000)
                return false;

            GameObject yasuoWall = ObjectManager.Get<GameObject>().Where(p => p.IsValid && Regex.IsMatch(p.Name, "_w_windwall_enemy_0.\\.troy", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (yasuoWall == null)
                return false;

            Vector2 yasuoWallDirection = (yasuoWall.Position.LSTo2D() - yasuoWallCastedPos).Normalized().Perpendicular();
            float yasuoWallWidth = 300 + 50 * yasuoWallLevel;

            Vector2 yasuoWallStart = yasuoWall.Position.LSTo2D() + yasuoWallWidth / 2f * yasuoWallDirection;
            Vector2 yasuoWallEnd = yasuoWallStart - yasuoWallWidth * yasuoWallDirection;

            Geometry.Polygon yasuoWallPoly = ClipperWrapper.DefineRectangle(yasuoWallStart, yasuoWallEnd, 5);
            Geometry.Polygon spellHitBox = ClipperWrapper.DefineRectangle(from, to, width);

            if (isArc)
                spellHitBox = new SPrediction.Geometry.Polygon(
                                ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900), 410, 200 * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900)),
                                ClipperWrapper.DefineArc(from - new Vector2(900 / 2f, 20), to, (float)Math.PI * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900), 410, 320 * (to.LSDistance(from) / 900)));

            return ClipperWrapper.IsIntersects(ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(yasuoWallPoly), ClipperWrapper.MakePaths(spellHitBox));