Intersect() публичный статический Метод

Creates a rectangle that represents the intersection between a and b. If there is no intersection, null is returned.
public static Intersect ( Rectangle a, Rectangle b ) : Rectangle
a Rectangle
b Rectangle
Результат Rectangle
Пример #1
        void controller_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
            if (!backproj)
                Bitmap image = eventArgs.Frame;

                if (image == null)

                if (parent.faceForm != null && !parent.faceForm.IsDisposed)
                    MatchingTracker matching = parent.faceForm.faceController.Tracker as MatchingTracker;

                    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
                        image.Width - matching.TrackingObject.Center.X,

                    rect.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height));

                     marker.Rectangles = new[] { matching.TrackingObject.Rectangle };
                     image = marker.Apply(image);

                pictureBox.Image = image;
Пример #2
        internal static Screen ScreenFromHandle(IntPtr windowHandle)
            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.NativeMethods.RECT rect;
            int    num    = 0;
            Screen screen = null;

            Microsoft.Xna.Framework.NativeMethods.GetWindowRect(windowHandle, out rect);
            System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right - rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Top);
            foreach (Screen screen2 in Screen.AllScreens)
                System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle2 = rectangle;
                int num2 = rectangle2.Width * rectangle2.Height;
                if (num2 > num)
                    num    = num2;
                    screen = screen2;
            if (screen == null)
                screen = Screen.AllScreens[0];
Пример #3
        protected override unsafe void ProcessFilter(UnmanagedImage sourceData, UnmanagedImage destinationData)
            System.Drawing.Rectangle rect = this.rect;
            rect.Intersect(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, sourceData.Width, sourceData.Height));
            int   left   = rect.Left;
            int   top    = rect.Top;
            int   num3   = rect.Bottom - 1;
            int   width  = rect.Width;
            int   stride = sourceData.Stride;
            int   num6   = destinationData.Stride;
            int   num7   = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(sourceData.PixelFormat) / 8;
            int   count  = width * num7;
            byte *src    = (byte *)((sourceData.ImageData.ToPointer() + (top * stride)) + (left * num7));
            byte *dst    = (byte *)destinationData.ImageData.ToPointer();

            if (this.rect.Top < 0)
                dst -= num6 * this.rect.Top;
            if (this.rect.Left < 0)
                dst -= num7 * this.rect.Left;
            for (int i = top; i <= num3; i++)
                SystemTools.CopyUnmanagedMemory(dst, src, count);
                src += stride;
                dst += num6;
        protected virtual Rectangle AddApron(Rectangle rect, int apronRadius, Rectangle maxBounds)
            rect.Inflate(apronRadius, apronRadius);

            return rect;
        public BucketWorker(Rectangle imgPlaneRect, Rectangle bucketRect, Display display, IPixelSampler pixelSampler, Scene scene, ManualResetEvent doneEvent)
            _doneEvent = doneEvent;

            m_pixelSampler = pixelSampler;
            m_scene = scene;
            m_imgPlaneRect = imgPlaneRect;
            m_bucketRect = bucketRect;
            m_display = display;
 private void TransparentCommandBarControl_Invalidated(object sender, InvalidateEventArgs e)
     Point absLoc = _parent.PointToScreen(e.InvalidRect.Location);
     Point relLoc = PointToClient(absLoc);
     Rectangle relRect = new Rectangle(relLoc, e.InvalidRect.Size);
     if (ClientRectangle.IntersectsWith(relRect))
Пример #7
        public override void OnDrawFinal(Graphics g, Bitmap bmp)
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

            using (Bitmap croppedImage = ImageHelpers.CropBitmap(bmp, rect))
                ImageHelpers.HighlightImage(croppedImage, HighlightColor);

                g.DrawImage(croppedImage, rect);
Пример #8
        public void OnPaintTest2(IRenderEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = ((GdiSurface)e.Surface).Graphics;

            SD.Drawing2D.Matrix save = g.Transform;
            g.Transform = Camera.Matrix.ToGdi();

            Rectangle smaller = new Rectangle(start, new Size(50, 20));
            Rectangle bigger  = new Rectangle(start, new Size(55, 25));
            Rectangle rect3   = new Rectangle(start, new Size(10, 10));

            g.DrawRectangle(rectPen, smaller);
            g.DrawRectangle(rectPen, bigger);

            smaller.Inflate(-5, -5);
            bigger.Inflate(5, 5);

            //region.MakeEmpty ();

            invPath.FillMode = FillMode.Alternate;

            //region.Intersect (smaller);

            //invPath.StartFigure ();

            // this is to simulage g.Clip, as it has the bounds-rectangle:

            Region saveRegion = g.Clip;

            g.Clip = region;
            g.DrawPath(pathPen, invPath);
            //g.FillPath (regionBrush, invPath);
            g.FillRegion(regionBrush, g.Clip);
            if (!region.IsVisible(rect3))
                int x = 1;
            //g.FillRegion (clipregionBrush, g.Clip);
            g.Transform = save;
            g.Clip      = saveRegion;
Пример #9
 private void gauge_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
        Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, gauge.ClientRectangle);
        if (maxValue != 0)
     int fillLevel = (int)((used/maxValue) * gauge.Size.Height);
     SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(barColor);
     Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, gauge.ClientSize.Height - fillLevel, gauge.ClientSize.Width, fillLevel);
     e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
Пример #10
        public override void OnDrawFinal(Graphics g, Bitmap bmp)
            if (PixelSize > 1)
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

                using (Bitmap croppedImage = ImageHelpers.CropBitmap(bmp, rect))
                    ImageHelpers.Pixelate(croppedImage, PixelSize);

                    g.DrawImage(croppedImage, rect);
Пример #11
        public override void OnDrawFinal(Graphics g, Bitmap bmp)
            if (BlurRadius > 1)
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

                using (Bitmap croppedImage = ImageHelpers.CropBitmap(bmp, rect))
                    ImageHelpers.BoxBlur(croppedImage, BlurRadius);

                    g.DrawImage(croppedImage, rect);
Пример #12
		private bool SetBounds(Form form, ref Rectangle rectBounds)
			// do this in such a way that we take into consideration the size of the screen
			//  which may not be the same from machine to machine
			bool bChanged = false;
			Rectangle rectScreen = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
			if (!rectScreen.Contains(rectBounds))
				bChanged = true;

			form.Bounds = rectBounds;
			return bChanged;
Пример #13
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs args)
            MsaglMouseEventArgs iArgs = CreateMouseEventArgs(args);

            if (NeedToEraseRubber)

            if (!iArgs.Handled)
                if (gViewer.OriginalGraph != null && MouseDraggingMode == DraggingMode.WindowZoom)
                    System.Drawing.Point p = mouseDownPoint;
                    double f = Math.Max(Math.Abs(p.X - args.X), Math.Abs(p.Y - args.Y)) / GViewer.dpi;
                    if (f > gViewer.ZoomWindowThreshold && zoomWindow)
                        mouseUpPoint = new System.Drawing.Point(args.X, args.Y);
                        if (ClientRectangle.Contains(mouseUpPoint))
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle r = GViewer.RectFromPoints(mouseDownPoint, mouseUpPoint);
                            if (GViewer.ModifierKeyWasPressed() == false)
                                mouseDownPoint.X = r.Left;
                                mouseDownPoint.Y = r.Top;
                                mouseUpPoint.X   = r.Right;
                                mouseUpPoint.Y   = r.Bottom;
                                P2     p1 = gViewer.ScreenToSource(mouseDownPoint);
                                P2     p2 = gViewer.ScreenToSource(mouseUpPoint);
                                double sc = Math.Min((double)ClientRectangle.Width / r.Width,
                                                     (double)ClientRectangle.Height / (double)r.Height);
                                P2 center = 0.5f * (p1 + p2);
                                gViewer.Zoom(center.X, center.Y, sc * gViewer.ZoomF);
            zoomWindow = false;
Пример #14
        public CVConnectedComp MeanShift(System.Drawing.Rectangle window, int termCriteria, int maxIterations, double eps)
            System.Drawing.Rectangle realWindow = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            if (!realWindow.IntersectsWith(window))
                CVConnectedComp cc = new CVConnectedComp(window);


            __CvRect         wnd = new __CvRect(realWindow);
            __CvTermCriteria tc  = PInvoke.cvTermCriteria(termCriteria, maxIterations, eps);

            __CvConnectedComp comp = new __CvConnectedComp();

            PInvoke.cvMeanShift(Internal, wnd, tc, ref comp);
            return(new CVConnectedComp(ref comp));
Пример #15
 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
     //these settings aren't even needed for good perf, but they are helpful
     pe.Graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Low;
     pe.Graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
     pe.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;
     if (this.image != null) {
         //draw empty area, if it exists, in an optimized way.
         if (this.AutoScrollPosition.X == 0) {
             int emptyRightAreaWidth = this.Width - this.image.Width;
             if (emptyRightAreaWidth > 0) {
                 Rectangle fillRect = new Rectangle(this.image.Width, 0, emptyRightAreaWidth, this.Height);
                 pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, fillRect);
         if (this.AutoScrollPosition.Y == 0) {
             int emptyRightAreaHeight = this.Height - this.image.Height;
             if (emptyRightAreaHeight > 0) {
                 Rectangle fillRect = new Rectangle(0, this.image.Height, this.Width, emptyRightAreaHeight);
                 pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, fillRect);
         //calculate the visible area of the bitmap
         Rectangle bitmapRect = new Rectangle(this.AutoScrollPosition.X, this.AutoScrollPosition.Y,
                                              this.image.Width, this.image.Height);
         Rectangle visibleClientRect = bitmapRect;
         if (visibleClientRect.Width == 0 || visibleClientRect.Height == 0) {
         Rectangle visibleBitmapRect = visibleClientRect;
         visibleBitmapRect.Offset(-this.AutoScrollPosition.X, -this.AutoScrollPosition.Y);
         pe.Graphics.DrawImage(this.image, visibleClientRect, visibleBitmapRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
     } else //if no bitmap just fill with background color
         pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, pe.ClipRectangle);
        public static void RenderOneToOne(Surface dst, Surface source, Point offset)
                Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(offset, dst.Size);

                for (int dstRow = 0; dstRow < srcRect.Height; ++dstRow)
                    ColorBgra* dstRowPtr = dst.GetRowAddressUnchecked(dstRow);
                    ColorBgra* srcRowPtr = source.GetPointAddressUnchecked(offset.X, dstRow + offset.Y);

                    int dstCol = offset.X;
                    int dstColEnd = offset.X + srcRect.Width;
                    int checkerY = dstRow + offset.Y;

                    while (dstCol < dstColEnd)
                        int b = srcRowPtr->B;
                        int g = srcRowPtr->G;
                        int r = srcRowPtr->R;
                        int a = srcRowPtr->A;

                        // Blend it over the checkerboard background
                        int v = (((dstCol ^ checkerY) & 8) << 3) + 191;
                        a = a + (a >> 7);
                        int vmia = v * (256 - a);

                        r = ((r * a) + vmia) >> 8;
                        g = ((g * a) + vmia) >> 8;
                        b = ((b * a) + vmia) >> 8;

                        dstRowPtr->Bgra = (uint)b + ((uint)g << 8) + ((uint)r << 16) + ((uint)255 << 24);
Пример #17
    public static Edges DetectEdgesCollision(Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
        var result = Edges.None;

        if (a == b) return Edges.Identical;
        if (b.IsEmpty) return Edges.None;
        if (a == b) return Edges.Covers;

        if (a.Top == b.Top && (a.Right >= b.Right && a.Left <= b.Left))
            result |= Edges.Top;
        if (a.Bottom == b.Bottom && (a.Right >= b.Right && a.Left <= b.Left))
            result |= Edges.Bottom;
        if (a.Left == b.Left && (a.Bottom >= b.Bottom && a.Top <= b.Top))
            result |= Edges.Left;
        if (a.Right == b.Right && (a.Bottom >= b.Bottom && a.Top <= b.Top))
            result |= Edges.Right;

        return result == Edges.None ? Edges.Inside : result;
Пример #18
        public virtual void PixBlt(IPixelArray pixArray, int x, int y)
            // 1. Calculate the intersection intended destination rectangle
            // of the pixArray and the boundary of the pixelArray we're
            // holding onto.
            Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(x, y, pixArray.Width, pixArray.Height);

            // Create the boundary rectangle for our destination
            Rectangle dstRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, fDstAccess.Width, fDstAccess.Height);

            // Create the intersection of the dstRect and the srcRect

            // If there is no intersection, then just return
            if (srcRect.IsEmpty)

            Rectangle srcBoundary = srcRect;
            srcBoundary.Offset(-x, -y);
            PixmapShardBlt(pixArray, srcBoundary, srcRect);

Пример #19
        public void AddPixelRangeToRefreshQueue(Rectangle pixelRange, bool cascadeToOtherMatrixes)
            // limit refresh range to screen resolution

            // cascade to other refresh queues if required
            if (cascadeToOtherMatrixes)
                if (RefreshQueueAreaAdded != null)
                    RefreshQueueAreaAdded(new RefreshQueueAreaAddedEventArgs(_layer, pixelRange));

            // check all existing pixel ranges for an overlap with the new range
            for (int i = 0; i < _rects.Count; i++)
                // if this pixel range is already included, just return
                if (_rects[i].Contains(pixelRange))

            // if we make it this far, this includes a new area to refresh
            isDirty = true;
Пример #20
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints the current <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell"></see>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graphics">The <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics"></see> used to
		/// paint the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell"></see>.</param>
		/// <param name="clipBounds">A <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Rectangle"></see> that
		/// represents the area of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView"></see>
		/// that needs to be repainted.</param>
		/// <param name="cellBounds">A <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Rectangle"></see> that
		/// contains the bounds of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell"></see>
		/// that is being painted.</param>
		/// <param name="rowIndex">The row index of the cell that is being painted.</param>
		/// <param name="cellState">A bitwise combination of
		/// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewElementStates"></see> values that
		/// specifies the state of the cell.</param>
		/// <param name="value">The data of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell">
		/// </see> that is being painted.</param>
		/// <param name="formattedValue">The formatted data of the
		/// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell"></see> that is being painted.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="errorText">An error message that is associated with the cell.</param>
		/// <param name="cellStyle">A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle">
		/// </see> that contains formatting and style information about the cell.</param>
		/// <param name="advancedBorderStyle">A
		/// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle"></see> that
		/// contains border styles for the cell that is being painted.</param>
		/// <param name="paintParts">A bitwise combination of the
		/// <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewPaintParts"></see> values that
		/// specifies which parts of the cell need to be painted.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds,
			Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState,
			object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
			DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
			if (!m_fAllowPaint)

			// Clear the background
			Region background = new Region(cellBounds);
			graphics.FillRegion(SystemBrushes.Window, background);

			// Invalidate the view so that it redraws
			if (m_Control != null)
				Point pt = m_Control.PointToClient(DataGridView.PointToScreen(new Point(clipBounds.X, clipBounds.Y)));
				Rectangle borderRect = BorderWidths(advancedBorderStyle);
				Rectangle toDraw = new Rectangle(0, 0,
					cellBounds.Width, cellBounds.Height);
				Rectangle clientClip = new Rectangle(pt.X, pt.Y, clipBounds.Width, clipBounds.Height);
				m_Control.Invalidate(toDraw, true);

			// Finally draw the borders
			if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Border) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Border)
				PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle);
Пример #21
		protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
			int currentXPos = 0;
			int currentYPos = 0;
			bool adjustScrollBars = false;
			Graphics  g             = e.Graphics;
			Rectangle clipRectangle = e.ClipRectangle;
			if (updateMargin != null) {
				try {
					updateMargin.Paint(g, updateMargin.DrawingPosition);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					Console.WriteLine("Got exception : " + ex);
//				clipRectangle.Intersect(updateMargin.DrawingPosition);
			if (clipRectangle.Width <= 0 || clipRectangle.Height <= 0) {
			if (this.TextEditorProperties.UseAntiAliasedFont) {
				g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
			} else {
				g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault;
			foreach (AbstractMargin margin in leftMargins) {
				if (margin.IsVisible) {
					Rectangle marginRectangle = new Rectangle(currentXPos , currentYPos, margin.Size.Width, Height - currentYPos);
					if (marginRectangle != margin.DrawingPosition) {
						adjustScrollBars = true;
						margin.DrawingPosition = marginRectangle;
					currentXPos += margin.DrawingPosition.Width;
					if (clipRectangle.IntersectsWith(marginRectangle)) {
						if (!marginRectangle.IsEmpty) {
							try {
								margin.Paint(g, marginRectangle);
							} catch (Exception ex) {
								Console.WriteLine("Got exception : " + ex);
			Rectangle textViewArea = new Rectangle(currentXPos, currentYPos, Width - currentXPos, Height - currentYPos);
			if (textViewArea != textView.DrawingPosition) {
				adjustScrollBars = true;
				textView.DrawingPosition = textViewArea;
			if (clipRectangle.IntersectsWith(textViewArea)) {
				if (!textViewArea.IsEmpty) {
					try {
						textView.Paint(g, textViewArea);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Console.WriteLine("Got exception : " + ex);
			if (adjustScrollBars) {
				try {
					this.motherTextAreaControl.AdjustScrollBars(null, null);
				} catch (Exception) {}
			try {
			} catch (Exception) {}
Пример #22
        private Rectangle GetClippedBounds(Rectangle r)
            Rectangle v = GridColumn.SViewRect;

            if (GridColumn.GridPanel.IsVFrozen == false)
                int n = GridColumn.GridPanel.FixedRowHeight -

                v.Y -= n;
                v.Height += n;
                if (r.Y < v.Y)
                    v.Height += (v.Y - r.Y);
                    v.Y = r.Y;

            if (GridColumn.IsHFrozen == false)
                GridColumn pcol = GridColumn.GridPanel.Columns.GetLastVisibleFrozenColumn();

                if (pcol != null)
                    int n = pcol.BoundsRelative.Right - v.X;

                    v.X += n;
                    v.Width -= n;

            //r.Width -= 1;
            //r.Height -= 1;


            return (r);
Пример #23
        public DnnPage()
            : base()
            var button = this.GetButton();

            button.Text     = "Perform Mask-rcnn Detection";
            button.Clicked += OnButtonClicked;

            OnImagesLoaded += async(sender, image) =>
                if (image == null || image[0] == null)
                SetMessage("Please wait...");

                Task <Tuple <Mat, String, long> > t = new Task <Tuple <Mat, String, long> >(
                    () =>
                    String msg = String.Empty;
                    using (Mat blob = DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage(image[0]))
                        using (VectorOfMat tensors = new VectorOfMat())
                            _maskRcnnDetector.SetInput(blob, "image_tensor");
                            Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                            _maskRcnnDetector.Forward(tensors, new string[] { "detection_out_final", "detection_masks" });
                            msg = String.Format("Mask RCNN inception completed in {0} milliseconds.",

                            using (Mat boxes = tensors[0])
                                using (Mat masks = tensors[1])
                                    System.Drawing.Size imgSize = image[0].Size;
                                    float[,,,] boxesData        = boxes.GetData(true) as float[, , , ];
                                    int numDetections           = boxesData.GetLength(2);
                                    for (int i = 0; i < numDetections; i++)
                                        float score = boxesData[0, 0, i, 2];

                                        if (score > 0.5)
                                            int classId     = (int)boxesData[0, 0, i, 1];
                                            String label    = _labels[classId];
                                            MCvScalar color = _colors[classId];
                                            float left      = boxesData[0, 0, i, 3] * imgSize.Width;
                                            float top       = boxesData[0, 0, i, 4] * imgSize.Height;
                                            float right     = boxesData[0, 0, i, 5] * imgSize.Width;
                                            float bottom    = boxesData[0, 0, i, 6] * imgSize.Height;

                                            RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
                                            Rectangle rect   = Rectangle.Round(rectF);
                                            rect.Intersect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, imgSize));
                                            CvInvoke.Rectangle(image[0], rect, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0, 0), 1);
                                            CvInvoke.PutText(image[0], label, rect.Location, FontFace.HersheyComplex, 1.0,
                                                             new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

                                            int[] masksDim = masks.SizeOfDimension;
                                            using (Mat mask = new Mat(
                                                       masks.GetDataPointer(i, classId),
                                                       masksDim[3] * masks.ElementSize))
                                                using (Mat maskLarge = new Mat())
                                                    using (Mat maskLargeInv = new Mat())
                                                        using (Mat subRegion = new Mat(image[0], rect))
                                                            using (Mat largeColor = new Mat(subRegion.Size, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U, 3))
                                                                CvInvoke.Resize(mask, maskLarge, rect.Size);

                                                                //give the mask at least 30% transparency
                                                                using (ScalarArray sa = new ScalarArray(0.7))
                                                                    CvInvoke.Min(sa, maskLarge, maskLarge);

                                                                //Create the inverse mask for the original image
                                                                using (ScalarArray sa = new ScalarArray(1.0))
                                                                    CvInvoke.Subtract(sa, maskLarge, maskLargeInv);

                                                                //The mask color
                                                                if (subRegion.NumberOfChannels == 4)
                                                                    using (Mat bgrSubRegion = new Mat())
                                                                        CvInvoke.CvtColor(subRegion, bgrSubRegion, ColorConversion.Bgra2Bgr);
                                                                        CvInvoke.BlendLinear(largeColor, bgrSubRegion, maskLarge, maskLargeInv, bgrSubRegion);
                                                                        CvInvoke.CvtColor(bgrSubRegion, subRegion, ColorConversion.Bgr2Bgra);
                                                                    CvInvoke.BlendLinear(largeColor, subRegion, maskLarge, maskLargeInv, subRegion);
                    long time = 0;

                    return(new Tuple <Mat, String, long>(image[0], msg, time));

                var result = await t;
                //String computeDevice = CvInvoke.UseOpenCL ? "OpenCL: " + Ocl.Device.Default.Name : "CPU";

Пример #24
        private void PaintCurrentBytesSign(Graphics g)
            if (_keyInterpreter != null && Focused && _bytePos != -1 && Enabled)
                if (_keyInterpreter.GetType() == typeof (KeyInterpreter))
                    if (_selectionLength == 0)
                        Point gp = GetGridBytePoint(_bytePos - _startByte);
                        PointF pf = GetByteStringPointF(gp);
                        var s = new Size((int) _charSize.Width, (int) _charSize.Height);
                        var r = new Rectangle((int) pf.X, (int) pf.Y, s.Width, s.Height);
                        if (r.IntersectsWith(_recStringView))
                            PaintCurrentByteSign(g, r);
                        var lineWidth = (int) (_recStringView.Width - _charSize.Width);

                        Point startSelGridPoint = GetGridBytePoint(_bytePos - _startByte);
                        PointF startSelPointF = GetByteStringPointF(startSelGridPoint);

                        Point endSelGridPoint = GetGridBytePoint(_bytePos - _startByte + _selectionLength - 1);
                        PointF endSelPointF = GetByteStringPointF(endSelGridPoint);

                        int multiLine = endSelGridPoint.Y - startSelGridPoint.Y;
                        if (multiLine == 0)
                            var singleLine = new Rectangle(
                                (int) startSelPointF.X,
                                (int) startSelPointF.Y,
                                (int) (endSelPointF.X - startSelPointF.X + _charSize.Width),
                                (int) _charSize.Height);
                            if (singleLine.IntersectsWith(_recStringView))
                                PaintCurrentByteSign(g, singleLine);
                            var firstLine = new Rectangle(
                                (int) startSelPointF.X,
                                (int) startSelPointF.Y,
                                (int) (_recStringView.X + lineWidth - startSelPointF.X + _charSize.Width),
                                (int) _charSize.Height);
                            if (firstLine.IntersectsWith(_recStringView))
                                PaintCurrentByteSign(g, firstLine);

                            if (multiLine > 1)
                                var betweenLines = new Rectangle(
                                    (int) (startSelPointF.Y + _charSize.Height),
                                    (int) (_charSize.Height*(multiLine - 1)));
                                if (betweenLines.IntersectsWith(_recStringView))
                                    PaintCurrentByteSign(g, betweenLines);

                            var lastLine = new Rectangle(
                                (int) endSelPointF.Y,
                                (int) (endSelPointF.X - _recStringView.X + _charSize.Width),
                                (int) _charSize.Height);
                            if (lastLine.IntersectsWith(_recStringView))
                                PaintCurrentByteSign(g, lastLine);
                    if (_selectionLength == 0)
                        Point gp = GetGridBytePoint(_bytePos - _startByte);
                        PointF pf = GetBytePointF(gp);
                        var s = new Size((int) _charSize.Width*2, (int) _charSize.Height);
                        var r = new Rectangle((int) pf.X, (int) pf.Y, s.Width, s.Height);
                        PaintCurrentByteSign(g, r);
                        var lineWidth = (int) (_recHex.Width - _charSize.Width*5);

                        Point startSelGridPoint = GetGridBytePoint(_bytePos - _startByte);
                        PointF startSelPointF = GetBytePointF(startSelGridPoint);

                        Point endSelGridPoint = GetGridBytePoint(_bytePos - _startByte + _selectionLength - 1);
                        PointF endSelPointF = GetBytePointF(endSelGridPoint);

                        int multiLine = endSelGridPoint.Y - startSelGridPoint.Y;
                        if (multiLine == 0)
                            var singleLine = new Rectangle(
                                (int) startSelPointF.X,
                                (int) startSelPointF.Y,
                                (int) (endSelPointF.X - startSelPointF.X + _charSize.Width*2),
                                (int) _charSize.Height);
                            if (singleLine.IntersectsWith(_recHex))
                                PaintCurrentByteSign(g, singleLine);
                            var firstLine = new Rectangle(
                                (int) startSelPointF.X,
                                (int) startSelPointF.Y,
                                (int) (_recHex.X + lineWidth - startSelPointF.X + _charSize.Width*2),
                                (int) _charSize.Height);
                            if (firstLine.IntersectsWith(_recHex))
                                PaintCurrentByteSign(g, firstLine);

                            if (multiLine > 1)
                                var betweenLines = new Rectangle(
                                    (int) (startSelPointF.Y + _charSize.Height),
                                    (int) (lineWidth + _charSize.Width*2),
                                    (int) (_charSize.Height*(multiLine - 1)));
                                if (betweenLines.IntersectsWith(_recHex))
                                    PaintCurrentByteSign(g, betweenLines);

                            var lastLine = new Rectangle(
                                (int) endSelPointF.Y,
                                (int) (endSelPointF.X - _recHex.X + _charSize.Width*2),
                                (int) _charSize.Height);
                            if (lastLine.IntersectsWith(_recHex))
                                PaintCurrentByteSign(g, lastLine);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Rendering-method
        /// </summary>
        public void Render()
            if (deviceLost)
            if (deviceLost)

            if (_device == null)

                Rectangle screen = _parent.GetScreen();
                double    zoom   = _parent.GetZoom();

                //Clear the backbuffer
                _device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, new SharpDX.Color(_deviceBackColor.R, _deviceBackColor.B, _deviceBackColor.G, _deviceBackColor.A), 1.0f, 0);

                //Begin the scene

                sprite.Transform = Matrix.Scaling((float)zoom, (float)zoom, 1f);

                if (zoom > 1)
                    // If zoomin, just do near-neighbor scaling
                    _device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.MinFilter, TextureFilter.Point);
                    _device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.MagFilter, TextureFilter.Point);
                    _device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.MipFilter, TextureFilter.Point);
                sprite.Begin(SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend | SpriteFlags.DoNotModifyRenderState);

                // Render of scene here
                if (OnRender != null)
                    OnRender(this, new DeviceEventArgs(_device));

                sprite.Transform = Matrix.Scaling(1f, 1f, 1f);

                Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(DrawWidth - screen.X, 0, Width - DrawWidth, Height);
                rect1.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height));
                Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle(0, DrawHeight - screen.Y, DrawWidth, Height - DrawHeight);
                rect2.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, screen.Width, screen.Height));
                DrawTexture(tx, new Rectangle(0, 0, rect1.Width, rect1.Height), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(rect1.X, rect1.Y, 0), SystemColors.Control);
                DrawTexture(tx, new Rectangle(0, 0, rect2.Width, rect2.Height), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(rect2.X, rect2.Y, 0), SystemColors.Control);

                //End the scene
            catch (SharpDXException ex)
                if (ex.ResultCode == ResultCode.DeviceLost)
Пример #26
        public DnnPage()
            : base()
            var button = this.GetButton();

            button.Text     = "Perform Mask-rcnn Detection";
            button.Clicked += OnButtonClicked;

            OnImagesLoaded += async(sender, image) =>
                if (image == null || image[0] == null)
                SetMessage("Please wait...");

                Task <Tuple <Mat, String, long> > t = new Task <Tuple <Mat, String, long> >(
                    () =>
                    String configFile = "mask_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28.pbtxt";
#if __ANDROID__
                    String path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath,
                                                         Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads, "dnn_data");
                    FileInfo configFileInfo = AndroidFileAsset.WritePermanantFileAsset(Android.App.Application.Context, configFile, "dnn_data", AndroidFileAsset.OverwriteMethod.AlwaysOverwrite);
                    configFile = configFileInfo.FullName;
                    String path = "./dnn_data/";

                    String graphFile  = DnnDownloadFile(path, "frozen_inference_graph.pb");
                    String lookupFile = DnnDownloadFile(path, "coco-labels-paper.txt");

                    string[] labels     = File.ReadAllLines(lookupFile);
                    Emgu.CV.Dnn.Net net = Emgu.CV.Dnn.DnnInvoke.ReadNetFromTensorflow(graphFile, configFile);

                    Mat blob = DnnInvoke.BlobFromImage(image[0]);

                    net.SetInput(blob, "image_tensor");
                    using (VectorOfMat tensors = new VectorOfMat())
                        net.Forward(tensors, new string[] { "detection_out_final", "detection_masks" });
                        using (Mat boxes = tensors[0])
                            using (Mat masks = tensors[1])
                                System.Drawing.Size imgSize = image[0].Size;
                                float[,,,] boxesData        = boxes.GetData(true) as float[, , , ];
                                //float[,,,] masksData = masks.GetData(true) as float[,,,];
                                int numDetections = boxesData.GetLength(2);
                                for (int i = 0; i < numDetections; i++)
                                    float score = boxesData[0, 0, i, 2];

                                    if (score > 0.5)
                                        int classId  = (int)boxesData[0, 0, i, 1];
                                        String label = labels[classId];

                                        float left   = boxesData[0, 0, i, 3] * imgSize.Width;
                                        float top    = boxesData[0, 0, i, 4] * imgSize.Height;
                                        float right  = boxesData[0, 0, i, 5] * imgSize.Width;
                                        float bottom = boxesData[0, 0, i, 6] * imgSize.Height;

                                        RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
                                        Rectangle rect   = Rectangle.Round(rectF);
                                        rect.Intersect(new Rectangle(Point.Empty, imgSize));
                                        CvInvoke.Rectangle(image[0], rect, new MCvScalar(0, 0, 0, 0), 1);
                                        CvInvoke.PutText(image[0], label, rect.Location, FontFace.HersheyComplex, 1.0,
                                                         new MCvScalar(0, 0, 255), 2);

                                        int[] masksDim = masks.SizeOfDimension;
                                        using (Mat mask = new Mat(
                                                   //masks.DataPointer +
                                                   //(i * masksDim[1] + classId )
                                                   //* masksDim[2] * masksDim[3] * masks.ElementSize,
                                                   masks.GetDataPointer(i, classId),
                                                   masksDim[3] * masks.ElementSize))
                                            using (Mat maskLarge = new Mat())
                                                using (Mat maskLargeInv = new Mat())
                                                    using (Mat subRegion = new Mat(image[0], rect))
                                                        using (Mat largeColor = new Mat(subRegion.Size, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.DepthType.Cv8U, 3))
                                                            CvInvoke.Resize(mask, maskLarge, rect.Size);

                                                            //give the mask at least 30% transparency
                                                            using (ScalarArray sa = new ScalarArray(0.7))
                                                                CvInvoke.Min(sa, maskLarge, maskLarge);

                                                            //Create the inverse mask for the original image
                                                            using (ScalarArray sa = new ScalarArray(1.0))
                                                                CvInvoke.Subtract(sa, maskLarge, maskLargeInv);

                                                            //The mask color
                                                            largeColor.SetTo(new Emgu.CV.Structure.MCvScalar(255, 0, 0));
                                                            if (subRegion.NumberOfChannels == 4)
                                                                using (Mat bgrSubRegion = new Mat())
                                                                    CvInvoke.CvtColor(subRegion, bgrSubRegion, ColorConversion.Bgra2Bgr);
                                                                    CvInvoke.BlendLinear(largeColor, bgrSubRegion, maskLarge, maskLargeInv, bgrSubRegion);
                                                                    CvInvoke.CvtColor(bgrSubRegion, subRegion, ColorConversion.Bgr2Bgra);
                                                                CvInvoke.BlendLinear(largeColor, subRegion, maskLarge, maskLargeInv, subRegion);
                    long time = 0;

                    return(new Tuple <Mat, String, long>(image[0], null, time));

                var result = await t;
                String computeDevice = CvInvoke.UseOpenCL ? "OpenCL: " + Ocl.Device.Default.Name : "CPU";

Пример #27
        protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
            int currentXPos = 0;
            int currentYPos = 0;
            bool adjustScrollBars = false;
            Graphics  g             = e.Graphics;
            Rectangle clipRectangle = e.ClipRectangle;

            bool isFullRepaint = clipRectangle.X == 0 && clipRectangle.Y == 0
                && clipRectangle.Width == this.Width && clipRectangle.Height == this.Height;

            g.TextRenderingHint = this.TextEditorProperties.TextRenderingHint;

            if (updateMargin != null) {
                updateMargin.Paint(g, updateMargin.DrawingPosition);
            //				clipRectangle.Intersect(updateMargin.DrawingPosition);

            if (clipRectangle.Width <= 0 || clipRectangle.Height <= 0) {

            foreach (AbstractMargin margin in leftMargins) {
                if (margin.IsVisible) {
                    Rectangle marginRectangle = new Rectangle(currentXPos , currentYPos, margin.Size.Width, Height - currentYPos);
                    if (marginRectangle != margin.DrawingPosition) {
                        // margin changed size
                        if (!isFullRepaint && !clipRectangle.Contains(marginRectangle)) {
                            Invalidate(); // do a full repaint
                        adjustScrollBars = true;
                        margin.DrawingPosition = marginRectangle;
                    currentXPos += margin.DrawingPosition.Width;
                    if (clipRectangle.IntersectsWith(marginRectangle)) {
                        if (!marginRectangle.IsEmpty) {
                            margin.Paint(g, marginRectangle);

            Rectangle textViewArea = new Rectangle(currentXPos, currentYPos, Width - currentXPos, Height - currentYPos);
            if (textViewArea != textView.DrawingPosition) {
                adjustScrollBars = true;
                textView.DrawingPosition = textViewArea;
                // update caret position (but outside of WM_PAINT!)
            if (clipRectangle.IntersectsWith(textViewArea)) {
                if (!textViewArea.IsEmpty) {
                    textView.Paint(g, textViewArea);

            if (adjustScrollBars) {

            // we cannot update the caret position here, it's not allowed to call the caret API inside WM_PAINT

Пример #28
		public virtual void DrawContent(Graphics graphics, Bitmap bmp, RenderMode renderMode, Rectangle clipRectangle) {
			if (Children.Count > 0) {
				if (Status != EditStatus.IDLE) {
					DrawSelectionBorder(graphics, Bounds);
				} else {
					if (clipRectangle.Width != 0 && clipRectangle.Height != 0) {
						foreach(IFilter filter in Filters) {
							if (filter.Invert) {
								filter.Apply(graphics, bmp, Bounds, renderMode);
							} else {
								Rectangle drawingRect = new Rectangle(Bounds.Location, Bounds.Size);
								if(filter is MagnifierFilter) {
                                    // quick&dirty bugfix, because MagnifierFilter behaves differently when drawn only partially
                                    // what we should actually do to resolve this is add a better magnifier which is not that special
                                    filter.Apply(graphics, bmp, Bounds, renderMode);
                                } else {
                                    filter.Apply(graphics, bmp, drawingRect, renderMode);
			Draw(graphics, renderMode);
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply filter to an unmanaged image or its part.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Unmanaged image to apply filter to.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Image rectangle for processing by the filter.</param>
        /// <remarks>The method applies the filter directly to the provided source image.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedImageFormatException">Unsupported pixel format of the source image.</exception>
        public void ApplyInPlace(UnmanagedImage image, Rectangle rect)
            // check pixel format of the source image

            // validate rectangle
            rect.Intersect(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height));

            // process the filter if rectangle is not empty
            if ((rect.Width | rect.Height) != 0)
                // create a copy of the source image
                int size = image.Stride * image.Height;

                IntPtr imageCopy = MemoryManager.Alloc(size);
                AForge.SystemTools.CopyUnmanagedMemory(imageCopy, image.ImageData, size);

                // process the filter
                    new UnmanagedImage(imageCopy, image.Width, image.Height, image.Stride, image.PixelFormat),
                    image, rect);

Пример #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor which stores the image and locks it when called
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bitmap"></param>
 protected FastBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, Rectangle area)
     this.bitmap = bitmap;
     Rectangle bitmapArea = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, bitmap.Size);
     if (area != Rectangle.Empty)
         this.area = area;
         this.area = bitmapArea;
     // As the lock takes care that only the specified area is made available we need to calculate the offset
     Left = area.Left;
     Top = area.Top;
     // Default cliping is done to the area without invert
     Clip = this.area;
     InvertClip = false;
     // Always lock, so we don't need to do this ourselves
Пример #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears a portion of a surface to transparent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surface">The surface to partially clear</param>
        /// <param name="roi">The rectangle to clear</param>
        private unsafe void ClearBackground(Surface surface, Rectangle roi)

            for (int y = roi.Top; y < roi.Bottom; y++)
                ColorBgra *ptr = surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(roi.Left, y);
                Memory.SetToZero(ptr, (ulong)roi.Width * ColorBgra.SizeOf);
Пример #32
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Draw as much of this page as will fit in the clip rectangle.
		/// We must draw something in every part of the clip rectangle (unless fScreen is false),
		/// because (to avoid flicker drawing selections) we don't erase the window before
		/// drawing. We do this by stretching the element horizontally, and separately
		/// erasing the areas between elements (and before and after them).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="gr">graphics object to draw with</param>
		/// <param name="rectClip">rectangle to draw in (in target device pixels)</param>
		/// <param name="zoom">The zoom.</param>
		/// <param name="fScreen">true if drawing to screen, false for printers</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void Draw(Graphics gr, Rectangle rectClip, float zoom, bool fScreen)

			float targetDpiX = gr.DpiX;
			float targetDpiY = gr.DpiY;
			int dpiXScreen = (int)(targetDpiX * zoom);
			int dpiYScreen = (int)(targetDpiY * zoom);
			Point unprintableAdjustment = new Point(0, 0);
			Point gutterAdjustment = new Point(0, 0);

			// for printing, calculate the amount of space to adjust each object placement by
			// to account for the unprintable area of a page.  NOTE: this must be done before
			// getting the hDC because the Graphics object will then be locked.
			int autoscrollY = PubControl.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
			if (!fScreen)
				unprintableAdjustment.X = -(rectClip.Width - (int)(gr.VisibleClipBounds.Width * targetDpiX) / 100) / 2;
				unprintableAdjustment.Y = -(rectClip.Height - (int)(gr.VisibleClipBounds.Height * (int)targetDpiY) / 100) / 2;
				// Make an adjustment for the gutter.
				if (PubControl.Publication.BindingEdge == BindingSide.Top)
					if (PageNumber % 2 == 1 || PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Simplex)
						// Top gutter only comes into play if we're printing the page whose
						// top edge is the binding edge (i.e., normally the odd pages)
						gutterAdjustment.Y = (int)(PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin * targetDpiY / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);
					else if (PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Duplex)
						// This calculation attempts to deal with printing the "backside" page when
						// doing duplex. If the logical page size is smaller than the physical sheet size
						// onto which we're printing, we need to shift the printing origin so the backside
						// lines up with the frontside.
						// TODO: We're still off by a little.
						gutterAdjustment.Y = rectClip.Height -
							(int)((PubControl.Publication.PageHeight + PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin) *
							targetDpiY / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);
					if ((PageNumber % 2 == 1 && PubControl.Publication.BindingEdge == BindingSide.Left) ||
						(PageNumber % 2 == 0 && PubControl.Publication.BindingEdge == BindingSide.Right) ||
						PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Simplex ||
						PubControl.Publication.PageWidth == 0) // 0 => full-page
						// Side gutter only comes into play if we're printing the page whose
						// left edge is the binding edge (i.e., normally the odd pages)
						gutterAdjustment.X = (int)(PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin * targetDpiX / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);
					else if (PubControl.Publication.SheetLayout == MultiPageLayout.Duplex)
						// This calculation attempts to deal with printing the "backside" page when
						// doing duplex. If the logical page size is smaller than the physical sheet size
						// onto which we're printing, we need to shift the printing origin so the backside
						// lines up with the frontside.
						// TODO: We're still off by a little, however not we're off by the same amount as
						// Microsoft Word when doing duplex, justified printing. We may need to provide
						// a printer-specific adjustment.
						gutterAdjustment.X = rectClip.Width -
							(int)((PubControl.Publication.PageWidth + PubControl.Publication.GutterMargin) *
							targetDpiX / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch);

				autoscrollY = 0;

			int indexOfThisPage = PubControl.IndexOfPage(this);

			int bottomOfPage = PubControl.PageHeightPlusGapInScreenPixels * (indexOfThisPage + 1)
				- PubControl.Gap + autoscrollY;
			if (!fScreen)
				bottomOfPage = Int32.MaxValue;

			List<Rectangle> backgroundRects = new List<Rectangle>();
			// This is the bottom of the area drawn or erased by the previous element.
			// to begin with, it can be the very top of the page.
			int bottomPrev = PubControl.PageHeightPlusGapInScreenPixels * (indexOfThisPage)
				+ autoscrollY;
			if (!fScreen)
				bottomPrev = 0;

			IntPtr hdc = gr.GetHdc();
			IVwGraphicsWin32 vg = VwGraphicsWin32Class.Create();
				if (fScreen)
					vg.XUnitsPerInch = dpiXScreen;
					vg.YUnitsPerInch = dpiYScreen;
				IVwDrawRootBuffered vdrb = VwDrawRootBufferedClass.Create();
				uint rgbBackColor = ColorUtil.ConvertColorToBGR(PubControl.BackColor);

				Debug.Assert(PageElements != null);
				foreach (PageElement element in PageElements)
					IVwRootBox rootb = (IVwRootBox)element.m_stream;

					// Compute the part of this element that intersects the ClipRect.
					Rectangle rectElement = element.PositionInLayout(indexOfThisPage, PubControl,
						targetDpiX, targetDpiY, unprintableAdjustment, gutterAdjustment, fScreen);

					if (fScreen)
						// If drawing on the screen expand this to the width of the clip rectangle
						Rectangle rectClipElt = GetElementClipBounds(element, rectElement);

						// If it doesn't intersect the clip rect skip this element.
						if (!rectClipElt.IntersectsWith(rectClip))

						// We need to draw the space between the bottom of the previous element
						// and the top of the current element with the background color.
						if (bottomPrev < rectClipElt.Top)
							Rectangle rectErase = new Rectangle(rectClip.X, bottomPrev,
								rectClip.Width, rectClipElt.Top - bottomPrev);
							if (rectErase.IntersectsWith(rectClip))
								// Unfortunately we can't erase the background right away
								// because we obtained the HDC above. Need to do it later.
						bottomPrev = rectClipElt.Bottom;

						// It just works!
						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this rootbox's
						// data to the origin of this element (in printer pixels).
						Rectangle rectSrc = new Rectangle(0, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary - element.OverlapWithPreviousElement,
							(int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter), (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter));

						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this element
						// to the origin of the clip rectangle (the part of the rc that
						// actually pertains to this element) (in screen pixels)
						Rectangle rectDst = new Rectangle(rectElement.Left - rectClipElt.Left,
							rectElement.Top - rectClipElt.Top, dpiXScreen, dpiYScreen);

						// By "adding" the origins of the source and destination rectangles together
						// (each in its respective context, printer or screen), we get the overall
						// offset to the bit of data we actually want to draw in the clip rectangle.
						vdrb.DrawTheRootAt(rootb, hdc, rectClipElt, rgbBackColor, true, vg, rectSrc,
							rectDst, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary, element.ColumnHeight);

						vg.ForeColor = (int)ColorUtil.ConvertColorToBGR(Color.Red);
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Left, rectElement.Top, rectElement.Left, rectElement.Bottom);
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Left, rectElement.Top, rectElement.Right, rectElement.Top);
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Right, rectElement.Top, rectElement.Right,
						vg.DrawLine(rectElement.Left, rectElement.Bottom, rectElement.Right,

						// This version is for the printer.
						// (a) it uses a simpler interface for drawing, since it doesn't need to
						// fill in the background first, nor use double-buffering, nor do clipping.
						// (b) therefore it doesn't create a clip rectangle.
						// (c) but, it does need a dst rectangle at printer resolution.
						// (d) because we aren't drawing just in a clip rectangle, but the whole page,
						//		the offset of each element is just the page element offsets.
						// As well as being much faster, this doesn't try to paint the page with the
						// window background color, and creates mdi files around 35 times smaller.

						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this rootbox's
						// data to the origin of this element (in printer pixels).
						Rectangle rectSrc = new Rectangle(0, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary,
							(int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter), (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter));

						// The origin of this rectangle is the offset from the origin of this element
						// to the origin of the clip rectangle (the part of the rc that
						// actually pertains to this element) (in screen pixels)
						Rectangle rectDst = new Rectangle(rectElement.Left,
							rectElement.Top, (int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter), (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter));

						rootb.DrawRoot2(vg, rectSrc, rectDst, false, element.OffsetToTopPageBoundary,
					catch /*(Exception ex)*/
						//TODO: GiveDrawErrMsg(ex, false);

			if (fScreen)
				// We also need to erase the background between the bottom of the last
				// element and the bottom of the page
				if (bottomPrev < bottomOfPage)
					Rectangle rectErase = new Rectangle(rectClip.X, bottomPrev,
						rectClip.Width, bottomOfPage - bottomPrev);
					if (rectErase.IntersectsWith(rectClip))

				if (backgroundRects.Count > 0)
					gr.FillRectangles(new SolidBrush(PubControl.BackColor), backgroundRects.ToArray());

				// Draw the gap to show page break.
				int bottomOfPageInDoc = PubControl.PageHeightPlusGapInScreenPixels * (indexOfThisPage + 1) - PubControl.Gap;

				Rectangle rectGap = new Rectangle(0,
					PubControl.PageWidth * dpiXScreen / MiscUtils.kdzmpInch,
				gr.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.ControlDark)), rectGap);

				// Todo: draw the 3d effect around the page.

			// Make a separator line above subordinate streams according to publication settings.
			foreach (PageElement element in PageElements)
				if (!element.IsSubordinateStream || PubControl == null ||
					PubControl.Publication.FootnoteSepWidth == 0)

				// Compute the part of this element that intersects the ClipRect.
				Rectangle rectElement = element.PositionInLayout(indexOfThisPage, PubControl,
					targetDpiX, targetDpiY, unprintableAdjustment, gutterAdjustment, fScreen);
				int dpiX = fScreen ? dpiXScreen : (int)(PubControl.DpiXPrinter);
				int dpiY = fScreen ? dpiYScreen : (int)(PubControl.DpiYPrinter);
				Rectangle rectDst = new Rectangle(rectElement.Left,
					rectElement.Top + 1, dpiX, dpiY);
				AddSeparatorForDependentStream(gr, element, rectElement, rectDst);

//			m_fReadyForDrawing = false;
 public static void DrawHeader(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int headerState)
     Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Truncate(g.ClipBounds);
     if (2 == headerState)
         Rectangle clipRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 2, 2, 2);
         VisualStyleRenderer.DrawBackground(g, bounds, clipRectangle);
         clipRectangle = new Rectangle(bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Bottom - 2, 2, 2);
         VisualStyleRenderer.DrawBackground(g, bounds, clipRectangle);
     VisualStyleRenderer.SetParameters(DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell.HeaderElement.ClassName, DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell.HeaderElement.Part, headerState);
     VisualStyleRenderer.DrawBackground(g, bounds, rect);
Пример #34
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            Region clippingRegion = e.Graphics.Clip;

            TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromHours(EpgControl.EpgHoursOffset);
            int left = 0;
            const int step = 15;
            for (int count = 0; count < (24 * 60) / step; count++)
                TimeSpan nextTime = time.Add(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(step));
                int nextLeft = EpgTimeControl.GetTimeCursorPosition(nextTime, 0);
                Rectangle visibleRectangle = new Rectangle(left - 1, 0, nextLeft - left + 1, this.Height);

                Region cellRegion = new Region(visibleRectangle);
                if (!cellRegion.IsEmpty(e.Graphics))
                    int lineLeft = Math.Max(0, left - 1);
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(_epgBorderPen, lineLeft, 0, lineLeft, this.Height - 1);
                    string timeText = EpgTimeControl.GetTimeString(time);
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(timeText, _timeFont, _timeBrush, lineLeft + 1, 2);

                left = nextLeft;
                time = nextTime;

            if (this.CursorAtTime.HasValue)
                int position = EpgTimeControl.GetTimeCursorPosition(_cursorAtTime.Value, -1);
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(_cursorPen, position, 0, position, this.Height - 1);
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(_cursorShadowPen, position + 1, 0, position + 1, this.Height - 1);

                string timeText = EpgTimeControl.GetTimeString(this.CursorAtTime.Value);
                SizeF size = e.Graphics.MeasureString(timeText, _cursorFont);

                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(_cursorBgBrush, position + 2, 1, size.Width, size.Height);
                e.Graphics.DrawString(timeText, _cursorFont, _cursorBrush, position + 2, 0);

Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="dce"></param>
        static private unsafe void _DesktopChange(object sender, DesktopChangeEventArgs dce)
            if (streamer.clients.Count > 0)     // No one is listening, why bother to process updates
                try {
                    lock (streamer.updates.SyncRoot) {
                        if (streamer.updates.Count == 0)
                            if (numUpdates++ > 5)
                                // Send the iFrame

                                GCbuf screenbuf = new GCbuf();
                                int ptr = DesktopMirror._bitmapWidth * DesktopMirror._bitmapHeight, num = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < ptr; i++)
                                    screenbuf.buf[num++] = 0xFF;
                                for (int i = 0; i < (ptr * 4); i += 4)
                                    screenbuf.buf[num++] = _mirror.screen[i];
                                    screenbuf.buf[num++] = _mirror.screen[i + 1];
                                    screenbuf.buf[num++] = _mirror.screen[i + 2];
                                Buffer.BlockCopy(_mirror.screen, 0, screenbuf.buf, 0, _mirror.screen.Length);
                                //    for (int i = 0; i < _mirror.screen.Length; i++)
                                //        screenbuf.buf[i] = _mirror.screen[i];
                                screenbuf.Length = _mirror.screen.Length;

                                streamer.updates.Enqueue(new sendUpdate(null, screenbuf, maskX, maskY, maskWidth, maskHeight));
                                numUpdates = 0;
                                if (maskValid == true)
                                    System.Drawing.Rectangle cur  = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(dce.x, dce.y, dce.w, dce.h);
                                    System.Drawing.Rectangle mask = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Program.maskX, Program.maskY, Program.maskWidth, Program.maskHeight);

                                    if (cur.IsEmpty)
                                        streamer.updates.Enqueue(new sendUpdate(null, null, cur.X, cur.Y, cur.Width, cur.Height));
                                    streamer.updates.Enqueue(new sendUpdate(null, null, dce.x, dce.y, dce.w, dce.h));
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle orig = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(dce.x, dce.y, dce.w, dce.h);

                            if (maskValid == true)
                                System.Drawing.Rectangle mask = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Program.maskX, Program.maskY, Program.maskWidth, Program.maskHeight);

                                if (orig.IsEmpty)

                            for (int i = streamer.updates.Count; i > 0; i--)
                                sendUpdate upd = (sendUpdate)streamer.updates.Dequeue();
                                System.Drawing.Rectangle cur = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(upd.x, upd.y, upd.w, upd.h);

                                /* I don't think that I need to do this
                                 * if (maskValid == true) {
                                 *  cur.Intersect(mask);
                                 *  if (cur.IsEmpty)
                                 *      continue;
                                 * }

                                if (cur.IsEmpty)
                                    // Move this update to the back of the line? Okay because all pending updates are disjoint
                                    // Moved to the front of the for loop
                                    // upd = (sendUpdate)streamer.updates.Dequeue();
                                    cur.X      = upd.x;
                                    cur.Y      = upd.y;
                                    cur.Width  = upd.w;
                                    cur.Height = upd.h;

                                    System.Drawing.Rectangle combined = System.Drawing.Rectangle.Union(orig, cur);
                                    Boolean anymoreCombine            = true;
                                    // int count = 0;
                                    while (anymoreCombine)
                                        anymoreCombine = false;

                                        for (int j = streamer.updates.Count; j > 0; j--)
                                            sendUpdate u = (sendUpdate)streamer.updates.Dequeue();
                                            System.Drawing.Rectangle nxt = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(u.x, u.y, u.w, u.h);

                                            /* I don't think that I need this either
                                             * if (maskValid == true) {
                                             *  nxt.Intersect(mask);
                                             *  if (nxt.IsEmpty)
                                             *      continue;
                                             * }
                                            if (nxt.IsEmpty)
                                                nxt.X      = u.x;
                                                nxt.Y      = u.y;
                                                nxt.Width  = u.w;
                                                nxt.Height = u.h;

                                                combined       = System.Drawing.Rectangle.Union(combined, nxt);
                                                anymoreCombine = true;

                                                Trace.WriteLine("DEBUG: ----");

                                    streamer.updates.Enqueue(new sendUpdate(null, null, combined.X, combined.Y, combined.Width, combined.Height));
                                    // Trace.WriteLine("DEBUG: need to make sure that this update does not overlap with prior non-overlapping rectangles");
                                    // Actually don't need to because of the way that Queue's work?
                            if (maskValid == true)
                                System.Drawing.Rectangle cur  = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(dce.x, dce.y, dce.w, dce.h);
                                System.Drawing.Rectangle mask = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Program.maskX, Program.maskY, Program.maskWidth, Program.maskHeight);

                                if (cur.IsEmpty)
                                streamer.updates.Enqueue(new sendUpdate(null, null, cur.X, cur.Y, cur.Width, cur.Height));
                                streamer.updates.Enqueue(new sendUpdate(null, null, dce.x, dce.y, dce.w, dce.h));
                } catch (System.IO.IOException) {
                    Trace.WriteLine("DEBUG: An internal Win32 exception is caused by update while creating event handler. Ignoring");
                    // Environment.Exit(1);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    MessageBox.Show("DEBUG: Error while capturing update coordinates " + e.StackTrace);
Пример #36
        public void SaveRegion(PdnRegion saveMeRegion, Rectangle saveMeBounds)
            BitmapLayer activeLayer = (BitmapLayer)ActiveLayer;

            if (savedTiles == null)
                savedTiles = new BitVector2D(
                    (activeLayer.Width + saveTileGranularity - 1) / saveTileGranularity,
                    (activeLayer.Height + saveTileGranularity - 1) / saveTileGranularity);


            Rectangle regionBounds;
            if (saveMeRegion == null)
                regionBounds = saveMeBounds;
                regionBounds = saveMeRegion.GetBoundsInt();

            Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Union(regionBounds, saveMeBounds);

            int leftTile = bounds.Left / saveTileGranularity;
            int topTile = bounds.Top / saveTileGranularity;
            int rightTile = (bounds.Right - 1) / saveTileGranularity;
            int bottomTile = (bounds.Bottom - 1) / saveTileGranularity;

            for (int tileY = topTile; tileY <= bottomTile; ++tileY)
                Rectangle rowAccumBounds = Rectangle.Empty;

                for (int tileX = leftTile; tileX <= rightTile; ++tileX)
                    if (!savedTiles.Get(tileX, tileY))
                        Rectangle tileBounds = new Rectangle(tileX * saveTileGranularity, tileY * saveTileGranularity,
                            saveTileGranularity, saveTileGranularity);


                        if (rowAccumBounds == Rectangle.Empty)
                            rowAccumBounds = tileBounds;
                            rowAccumBounds = Rectangle.Union(rowAccumBounds, tileBounds);

                        savedTiles.Set(tileX, tileY, true);
                        if (rowAccumBounds != Rectangle.Empty)
                            using (Surface dst = ScratchSurface.CreateWindow(rowAccumBounds),
                                           src = activeLayer.Surface.CreateWindow(rowAccumBounds))

                            rowAccumBounds = Rectangle.Empty;

                if (rowAccumBounds != Rectangle.Empty)
                    using (Surface dst = ScratchSurface.CreateWindow(rowAccumBounds),
                                   src = activeLayer.Surface.CreateWindow(rowAccumBounds))

                    rowAccumBounds = Rectangle.Empty;

            if (this.saveRegion != null)
                this.saveRegion = null;

            if (saveMeRegion != null)
                this.saveRegion = saveMeRegion.Clone();
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Get skew angle of the provided document image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Document's unmanaged image to get skew angle of.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">Image's rectangle to process (used to exclude processing of
        /// regions, which are not relevant to skew detection).</param>
        /// <returns>Returns document's skew angle. If the returned angle equals to -90,
        /// then document skew detection has failed.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="UnsupportedImageFormatException">Unsupported pixel format of the source image.</exception>
        public double GetSkewAngle( UnmanagedImage image, Rectangle rect )
            if ( image.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed )
                throw new UnsupportedImageFormatException( "Unsupported pixel format of the source image." );

            // init hough transformation settings
            InitHoughMap( );

            // get source image size
            int width       = image.Width;
            int height      = image.Height;
            int halfWidth   = width / 2;
            int halfHeight  = height / 2;

            // make sure the specified rectangle recides with the source image
            rect.Intersect( new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ) );

            int startX = -halfWidth  + rect.Left;
            int startY = -halfHeight + rect.Top;
            int stopX  = width  - halfWidth  - ( width  - rect.Right );
            int stopY  = height - halfHeight - ( height - rect.Bottom ) - 1;

            int offset = image.Stride - rect.Width;

            // calculate Hough map's width
            int halfHoughWidth = (int) Math.Sqrt( halfWidth * halfWidth + halfHeight * halfHeight );
            int houghWidth = halfHoughWidth * 2;

            houghMap = new short[houghHeight, houghWidth];

            // do the job
                byte* src = (byte*) image.ImageData.ToPointer( ) +
                    rect.Top * image.Stride + rect.Left;
                byte* srcBelow = src + image.Stride;

                // for each row
                for ( int y = startY; y < stopY; y++ )
                    // for each pixel
                    for ( int x = startX; x < stopX; x++, src++, srcBelow++ )
                        // if current pixel is more black
                        // and pixel below is more white
                        if ( ( *src < 128 ) && ( *srcBelow >= 128 ) )
                            // for each Theta value
                            for ( int theta = 0; theta < houghHeight; theta++ )
                                int radius = (int) ( cosMap[theta] * x - sinMap[theta] * y ) + halfHoughWidth;

                                if ( ( radius < 0 ) || ( radius >= houghWidth ) )

                                houghMap[theta, radius]++;
                    src += offset;
                    srcBelow += offset;

            // find max value in Hough map
            maxMapIntensity = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < houghHeight; i++ )
                for ( int j = 0; j < houghWidth; j++ )
                    if ( houghMap[i, j] > maxMapIntensity )
                        maxMapIntensity = houghMap[i, j];

            CollectLines( (short) ( width / 10 ) );

            // get skew angle
            HoughLine[] hls = this.GetMostIntensiveLines( 5 );

            double skewAngle = 0;
            double sumIntensity = 0;

            foreach ( HoughLine hl in hls )
                if ( hl.RelativeIntensity > 0.5 )
                    skewAngle += ( hl.Theta * hl.RelativeIntensity );
                    sumIntensity += hl.RelativeIntensity;
            if ( hls.Length > 0 ) skewAngle = skewAngle / sumIntensity;

            return skewAngle - 90.0;
Пример #38
        protected override List<PointF> CreateShape(List<Point> tracePoints)
            Point a = tracePoints[0];
            Point b = tracePoints[tracePoints.Count - 1];

            Rectangle rect;

            SelectionDrawModeInfo sdmInfo = AppEnvironment.SelectionDrawModeInfo;
            switch (sdmInfo.DrawMode)
                case SelectionDrawMode.Normal:
                    if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0)
                        rect = Utility.PointsToConstrainedRectangle(a, b);
                        rect = Utility.PointsToRectangle(a, b);

                case SelectionDrawMode.FixedRatio:
                        int drawnWidth = b.X - a.X;
                        int drawnHeight = b.Y - a.Y;

                        double drawnWidthScale = (double)drawnWidth / (double)sdmInfo.Width;
                        double drawnWidthSign = Math.Sign(drawnWidthScale);
                        double drawnHeightScale = (double)drawnHeight / (double)sdmInfo.Height;
                        double drawnHeightSign = Math.Sign(drawnHeightScale);

                        double aspect = (double)sdmInfo.Width / (double)sdmInfo.Height;

                        if (drawnWidthScale < drawnHeightScale)
                            rect = Utility.PointsToRectangle(
                                new Point(a.X, a.Y),
                                new Point(a.X + drawnWidth, a.Y + (int)(drawnHeightSign * Math.Abs((double)drawnWidth / aspect))));
                            rect = Utility.PointsToRectangle(
                                new Point(a.X, a.Y),
                                new Point(a.X + (int)(drawnWidthSign * Math.Abs((double)drawnHeight * aspect)), a.Y + drawnHeight));

                    catch (ArithmeticException)
                        rect = new Rectangle(a.X, a.Y, 0, 0);


                case SelectionDrawMode.FixedSize:
                    double pxWidth = Document.ConvertMeasurement(sdmInfo.Width, sdmInfo.Units, this.Document.DpuUnit, this.Document.DpuX, MeasurementUnit.Pixel);
                    double pxHeight = Document.ConvertMeasurement(sdmInfo.Height, sdmInfo.Units, this.Document.DpuUnit, this.Document.DpuY, MeasurementUnit.Pixel);

                    rect = new Rectangle(b.X, b.Y, (int)pxWidth, (int)pxHeight);


                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException();


            List<PointF> shape;

            if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
                shape = new List<PointF>(5);

                shape.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top));
                shape.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top));
                shape.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom));
                shape.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom));
                shape = new List<PointF>(0);

            return shape;
Пример #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect coordinates of none black pixels within specified rectangle of the image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">Image's rectangle to process.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns list of points, which have other than black color.</returns>
        public List<IntPoint> CollectActivePixels( Rectangle rect )
            List<IntPoint> pixels = new List<IntPoint>( );

            int pixelSize = Bitmap.GetPixelFormatSize( pixelFormat ) / 8;

            // correct rectangle
            rect.Intersect( new Rectangle( 0, 0, width, height ) );

            int startX = rect.X;
            int startY = rect.Y;
            int stopX  = rect.Right;
            int stopY  = rect.Bottom;

                byte* basePtr = (byte*) imageData.ToPointer( );

                if ( ( pixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale ) || ( pixelSize > 4 ) )
                    int pixelWords = pixelSize >> 1;

                    for ( int y = startY; y < stopY; y++ )
                        ushort* ptr = (ushort*) ( basePtr + y * stride + startX * pixelSize );

                        if ( pixelWords == 1 )
                            // grayscale images
                            for ( int x = startX; x < stopX; x++, ptr++ )
                                if ( *ptr != 0 )
                                    pixels.Add( new IntPoint( x, y ) );
                            // color images
                            for ( int x = startX; x < stopX; x++, ptr += pixelWords )
                                if ( ( ptr[RGB.R] != 0 ) || ( ptr[RGB.G] != 0 ) || ( ptr[RGB.B] != 0 ) )
                                    pixels.Add( new IntPoint( x, y ) );
                    for ( int y = startY; y < stopY; y++ )
                        byte* ptr = basePtr + y * stride + startX * pixelSize;

                        if ( pixelSize == 1 )
                            // grayscale images
                            for ( int x = startX; x < stopX; x++, ptr++ )
                                if ( *ptr != 0 )
                                    pixels.Add( new IntPoint( x, y ) );
                            // color images
                            for ( int x = startX; x < stopX; x++, ptr += pixelSize )
                                if ( ( ptr[RGB.R] != 0 ) || ( ptr[RGB.G] != 0 ) || ( ptr[RGB.B] != 0 ) )
                                    pixels.Add( new IntPoint( x, y ) );

            return pixels;