Contains() приватный Метод

private Contains ( Point pt ) : bool
pt Point
Результат bool
Пример #1
        // This was taken from FindReplaceDialog. Obviously some refactoring is called for
        // since we have common code. However I'm holding off on this because I'm coming
        // up with some other ideas for the FindReplaceDialog. Right now every scintilla
        // gets its own FindReplaceDialog, but they really need to be sharable across 
        // multiple scintillas much like how DropMarkers work.

        private void MoveFormAwayFromSelection()
            if (!Visible)

            int pos = Scintilla.Caret.Position;
            int x = Scintilla.PointXFromPosition(pos);
            int y = Scintilla.PointYFromPosition(pos);

            Point cursorPoint = Scintilla.PointToScreen(new Point(x, y));

            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(Location, Size);
            if (r.Contains(cursorPoint))
                Point newLocation;
                if (cursorPoint.Y < (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2))
                    // Top half of the screen
                    newLocation = Scintilla.PointToClient(
                        new Point(Location.X, cursorPoint.Y + Scintilla.Lines.Current.Height * 2)
                    // Bottom half of the screen
                    newLocation = Scintilla.PointToClient(
                        new Point(Location.X, cursorPoint.Y - Height - (Scintilla.Lines.Current.Height * 2))
                newLocation = Scintilla.PointToScreen(newLocation);
                Location = newLocation;
 internal static Rectangle ConstrainToBounds(Rectangle constrainingBounds, Rectangle bounds)
     if (!constrainingBounds.Contains(bounds))
         bounds.Size = new Size(Math.Min(constrainingBounds.Width - 2, bounds.Width), Math.Min(constrainingBounds.Height - 2, bounds.Height));
         if (bounds.Right > constrainingBounds.Right)
             bounds.X = constrainingBounds.Right - bounds.Width;
         else if (bounds.Left < constrainingBounds.Left)
             bounds.X = constrainingBounds.Left;
         if (bounds.Bottom > constrainingBounds.Bottom)
             bounds.Y = (constrainingBounds.Bottom - 1) - bounds.Height;
             return bounds;
         if (bounds.Top < constrainingBounds.Top)
             bounds.Y = constrainingBounds.Top;
     return bounds;
Пример #3
        public bool IsObjectInArea(Rectangle area)
            Rectangle ImageArea = new Rectangle(Map.Instance.CenterX + Object.GetInt("x") - ((Object.GetBool("f")) ? Image.GetCanvas().width - Image.GetVector("origin").x : Image.GetVector("origin").x), Map.Instance.CenterY + Object.GetInt("y") - Image.GetVector("origin").y, Image.GetCanvas().width, Image.GetCanvas().height);
            if (ImageArea.Contains(area)) return true;
            Rectangle common = Rectangle.Intersect(ImageArea, area);
            if (common != Rectangle.Empty)
                if (common.Contains(lastKnown)) return true;
                Bitmap b = (Object.GetBool("f")) ? Image.GetCanvas().GetFlippedBitmap() : Image.GetCanvas().GetBitmap();

                bool toSwitchX = MapEditor.Instance.selectingX > common.X;
                bool toSwitchY = MapEditor.Instance.selectingY > common.Y;
                for (int x = toSwitchX ? common.X - ImageArea.X + common.Width - 1 : common.X - ImageArea.X; toSwitchX ? x >= common.X - ImageArea.X : x < common.X - ImageArea.X + common.Width; x += toSwitchX ? -1 : 1)
                    for (int y = toSwitchY ? common.Y - ImageArea.Y + common.Height - 1 : common.Y - ImageArea.Y; toSwitchY ? y >= common.Y - ImageArea.Y : y < common.Y - ImageArea.Y + common.Height; y += toSwitchY ? -1 : 1)
                        if (b.GetPixel(x, y).A > 0)
                            lastKnown = new Point(x + ImageArea.X, y + ImageArea.Y);
                            return true;
            return false;
Пример #4
        private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyData == Keys.Left)
                pictureBox1.Left -= 10;
            if (e.KeyData == Keys.Right)
                pictureBox1.Left += 10;
            if (e.KeyData == Keys.Up)
                pictureBox1.Top -= 10;
            if (e.KeyData == Keys.Down)
                pictureBox1.Top += 10;
             Rectangle dropRect = new Rectangle(200, 100, 350, 250);
            isDragging = false;
            if (dropRect.Contains(pictureBox1.Bounds))
            { SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer();
                player.SoundLocation = @"C:\Users\admin\Music\tada.wav";
                MessageBox.Show("Вы победили!", "Проверка попадания");

 private ScrollDirection AutoScrollDirectionFromPoint(Point clientPoint)
     Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, base.ParentView.ViewPortSize);
     if (!rectangle.Contains(clientPoint))
         return ScrollDirection.None;
     ScrollDirection none = ScrollDirection.None;
     ScrollBar hScrollBar = base.ParentView.HScrollBar;
     if ((clientPoint.X <= (rectangle.Width / 10)) && (hScrollBar.Value > 0))
         none |= ScrollDirection.Left;
     else if ((clientPoint.X >= (rectangle.Right - (rectangle.Width / 10))) && (hScrollBar.Value < (hScrollBar.Maximum - hScrollBar.LargeChange)))
         none |= ScrollDirection.Right;
     ScrollBar vScrollBar = base.ParentView.VScrollBar;
     if ((clientPoint.Y <= (rectangle.Height / 10)) && (vScrollBar.Value > 0))
         return (none | ScrollDirection.Up);
     if ((clientPoint.Y >= (rectangle.Bottom - (rectangle.Height / 10))) && (vScrollBar.Value < (vScrollBar.Maximum - vScrollBar.LargeChange)))
         none |= ScrollDirection.Down;
     return none;
Пример #6
        //ExSummary:A method which merges all cells of a table in the specified range of cells.
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the range of cells found between the two specified cells both horizontally and vertically. Can span over multiple rows.
        /// </summary>
        public static void MergeCells(Cell startCell, Cell endCell)
            Table parentTable = startCell.ParentRow.ParentTable;

            // Find the row and cell indices for the start and end cell.
            Point startCellPos = new Point(startCell.ParentRow.IndexOf(startCell), parentTable.IndexOf(startCell.ParentRow));
            Point endCellPos = new Point(endCell.ParentRow.IndexOf(endCell), parentTable.IndexOf(endCell.ParentRow));
            // Create the range of cells to be merged based off these indices. Inverse each index if the end cell if before the start cell.
            Rectangle mergeRange = new Rectangle(Math.Min(startCellPos.X, endCellPos.X), Math.Min(startCellPos.Y, endCellPos.Y),
                Math.Abs(endCellPos.X - startCellPos.X) + 1, Math.Abs(endCellPos.Y - startCellPos.Y) + 1);

            foreach (Row row in parentTable.Rows)
                foreach (Cell cell in row.Cells)
                    Point currentPos = new Point(row.IndexOf(cell), parentTable.IndexOf(row));

                    // Check if the current cell is inside our merge range then merge it.
                    if (mergeRange.Contains(currentPos))
                        if (currentPos.X == mergeRange.X)
                            cell.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = CellMerge.First;
                            cell.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge = CellMerge.Previous;

                        if (currentPos.Y == mergeRange.Y)
                            cell.CellFormat.VerticalMerge = CellMerge.First;
                            cell.CellFormat.VerticalMerge = CellMerge.Previous;
Пример #7
        public bool Contains(Point p)
            Rectangle draw_rect = new Rectangle(Position.Location, new Size(4, 4));
            draw_rect.Offset(-2, -2);

            return draw_rect.Contains(p);
        public void moveFormAwayFromSelection()
            if (!Visible || this.Scintilla == null)

            int pos = this.Scintilla.Caret.Position;
            int x = this.Scintilla.PointXFromPosition(pos);
            int y = this.Scintilla.PointYFromPosition(pos);

            var cursorPoint = new Point(x, y);

            var r = new Rectangle(Location, Size);
            if (r.Contains(cursorPoint))
                Point newLocation;
                if (cursorPoint.Y < (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2))
                    // Top half of the screen
                    newLocation = new Point(Location.X, cursorPoint.Y + this.Scintilla.Lines.Current.Height * 2);

                    // FixedY half of the screen
                    newLocation = new Point(Location.X, cursorPoint.Y - Height - (this.Scintilla.Lines.Current.Height * 2));

                Location = newLocation;
Пример #9
        public PopupWindow(Control parent, string caption, Point location, bool mayBeToLeft)
            m_message = caption;


            SizeF sizef = messageLabel.CreateGraphics().MeasureString(m_message, messageLabel.Font);
            int labelWidth = (int)(sizef.Width * 1.05f);	// need just a little bit to make sure it stays single line
            int labelHeight = (int)(sizef.Height);

            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(location.X + SHIFT_HORIZ, location.Y - SHIFT_VERT, labelWidth, labelHeight);
            if(mayBeToLeft && parent != null)
                    Rectangle parentBounds = new Rectangle(parent.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)), parent.Size);
                    //m_message = "" + parentBounds;
                        bounds = new Rectangle(location.X - labelWidth - SHIFT_HORIZ, location.Y - SHIFT_VERT, labelWidth, labelHeight);
                catch {}
            this.Bounds = bounds;

            messageLabel.Text = m_message;
            this.Focus();	// this normally won't work as Project.ShowPopup tries to return focus to parent. Hover mouse to regain focus
 protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
     if (!DesignMode)
         if (this.TabCount > 0)
             // Test if the user clicked a close button
             Point loc = new Point(e.Location.X, e.Location.Y % this.ItemSize.Height + (this.RowCount - 1) * this.ItemSize.Height);
             Rectangle standardArea = Rectangle.Empty, closeBtnArea = Rectangle.Empty;
             for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < this.TabCount; nIndex++)
                 standardArea = this.GetTabRect(nIndex);
                 closeBtnArea = new Rectangle(standardArea.Right - 15, standardArea.Top + 3, 12, standardArea.Height - 6);
                 if (closeBtnArea.Contains(loc))
                     // Close the tabpage if the user confirms the action
                     if (MessageBox.Show("You are about to close " + this.TabPages[nIndex].Text.TrimEnd() +
                             " tab. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Confirm close", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
                     if (this.SelectedIndex == nIndex && this.SelectedIndex + 1 < this.TabCount) this.SelectedIndex++;
                     if (this.TabCount == 0) this.Visible = false;
                     hoveringIndex = -1;
                     // Fire close event
                     if (OnClose != null)
                         OnClose(this, new EventArgs());
Пример #11
        public Point? Find(Bitmap findBitmap)
            if (sourceImage == null || findBitmap == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            findImage = new ImageData(findBitmap);

            var SourceRect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), sourceImage.Size);
            var NeedleRect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), findImage.Size);

            if (SourceRect.Contains(NeedleRect))
                resets = new ManualResetEvent[threads];
                Provider = new CoordProvider(sourceImage.Size, NeedleRect.Size);

                for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
                    resets[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ImageWorker), i);


                return match;

            return null;
 public static void DrawBackgroundImage(Graphics g, Image backgroundImage, Color backColor, ImageLayout backgroundImageLayout, Rectangle bounds, Rectangle clipRect, Point scrollOffset, RightToLeft rightToLeft)
     if (g == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("g");
     if (backgroundImageLayout == ImageLayout.Tile)
         using (TextureBrush brush = new TextureBrush(backgroundImage, WrapMode.Tile))
             if (scrollOffset != Point.Empty)
                 Matrix transform = brush.Transform;
                 transform.Translate((float) scrollOffset.X, (float) scrollOffset.Y);
                 brush.Transform = transform;
             g.FillRectangle(brush, clipRect);
     Rectangle rect = CalculateBackgroundImageRectangle(bounds, backgroundImage, backgroundImageLayout);
     if ((rightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) && (backgroundImageLayout == ImageLayout.None))
         rect.X += clipRect.Width - rect.Width;
     using (SolidBrush brush2 = new SolidBrush(backColor))
         g.FillRectangle(brush2, clipRect);
     if (!clipRect.Contains(rect))
         if ((backgroundImageLayout == ImageLayout.Stretch) || (backgroundImageLayout == ImageLayout.Zoom))
             g.DrawImage(backgroundImage, rect);
         else if (backgroundImageLayout == ImageLayout.None)
             Rectangle destRect = rect;
             Rectangle rectangle3 = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, destRect.Size);
             g.DrawImage(backgroundImage, destRect, rectangle3.X, rectangle3.Y, rectangle3.Width, rectangle3.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
             Rectangle rectangle4 = rect;
             Rectangle rectangle5 = new Rectangle(new Point(rectangle4.X - rect.X, rectangle4.Y - rect.Y), rectangle4.Size);
             g.DrawImage(backgroundImage, rectangle4, rectangle5.X, rectangle5.Y, rectangle5.Width, rectangle5.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
         ImageAttributes imageAttr = new ImageAttributes();
         g.DrawImage(backgroundImage, rect, 0, 0, backgroundImage.Width, backgroundImage.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttr);
Пример #13
        protected override void Paint(
            Graphics graphics,
            Rectangle clipBounds,
            Rectangle cellBounds,
            int rowIndex,
            DataGridViewElementStates cellState,
            object value,
            object formattedValue,
            string errorText,
            DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
            DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            // Call the base class method to paint the default cell appearance.
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState,
                value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle,
                advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);

            // Retrieve the client location of the mouse pointer.
            Point cursorPosition =

            // If the mouse pointer is over the current cell, draw a custom border.
            if (cellBounds.Contains(cursorPosition))
                Rectangle newRect = new Rectangle(cellBounds.X + 1,
                    cellBounds.Y + 1, cellBounds.Width - 4,
                    cellBounds.Height - 4);
                graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, newRect);
Пример #14
		private void pnlPointEditor_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
			if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
				if (mPoints.Count > 0) {
					mPoints.RemoveAt(mPoints.Count - 1);


			if (IsComplete())

			//Check if its near first point
			if (mPoints.Count > 1) {
				Point p = mPoints[0];
				Rectangle area = new Rectangle(p.X - 2, p.Y - 2, 4, 4);
				if (area.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) {

			mPoints.Add(new Point(e.X, e.Y));

Пример #15
        protected virtual void MouseDownEventHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Point first_one = this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);

              #region Rectangles

              Rectangle rectYSol = new Rectangle(((TextBox)sender).Location.X, ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y, 10, 10);
              Rectangle rectYSag = new Rectangle(((TextBox)sender).Location.X + ((TextBox)sender).Width - 11, ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y, 10, 10);
              Rectangle rectASol = new Rectangle(((TextBox)sender).Location.X, ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y + ((TextBox)sender).Height - 11, 10, 10);
              Rectangle rectASag = new Rectangle(((TextBox)sender).Location.X + ((TextBox)sender).Width - 11, ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y + ((TextBox)sender).Height - 11, 10, 10);


              if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
            x_offset = ((TextBox)sender).Location.X;
            y_offset = ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y;
            if (rectYSol.Contains(first_one))
              YSol = true;
              Cursor = Cursors.PanNW;
              YSol_offset_x = e.X;
              YSol_offset_y = e.Y;
              storedOposite.X = ((TextBox)sender).Location.X + ((TextBox)sender).Width;
              storedOposite.Y = ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y + ((TextBox)sender).Height;
            else if (rectYSag.Contains(first_one))
              YSag = true;
              Cursor = Cursors.PanNE;
              YSag_offset_x = ((TextBox)sender).Width - e.X;
              YSag_offset_y = e.Y;
              storedOposite.X = ((TextBox)sender).Location.X;
              storedOposite.Y = ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y + ((TextBox)sender).Height;
            else if (rectASol.Contains(first_one))
              ASol = true;
              Cursor = Cursors.PanSW;
              ASol_offset_x = e.X;
              ASol_offset_y = ((TextBox)sender).Width - e.Y;
              storedOposite.X = ((TextBox)sender).Location.X + ((TextBox)sender).Width;
              storedOposite.Y = ((TextBox)sender).Location.Y;
            else if (rectASag.Contains(first_one))
              ASag = true;
              Cursor = Cursors.PanSE;
              ASag_offset_x = ((TextBox)sender).Width - e.X;
              ASag_offset_y = ((TextBox)sender).Width - e.X;
              O_offset_x = e.X;
              O_offset_y = e.Y;

Пример #16
      public void ProcessImage(object sender, EventArgs e)
         Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = _capture.QueryFrame();
         Image<Gray, Byte> grayImage = frame.Convert<Gray, Byte>();

         System.Drawing.Rectangle imageArea = grayImage.ROI;

         System.Drawing.Rectangle mouseStableArea =
            new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)(imageArea.Width * 0.4), (int)(imageArea.Height * 0.4), (int)(imageArea.Width * 0.2), (int)(imageArea.Height * 0.2));

         //draw the stable area where the face will not trigger a movement;
         frame.Draw(mouseStableArea, new Bgr(255, 0, 0), 1);

         MCvAvgComp[] faces = grayImage.DetectHaarCascade(_face)[0];
         if (faces.Length > 0)
         {   //if there is at least one face

            #region find the biggest face
            MCvAvgComp biggestFace = faces[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < faces.Length; i++)
               if (faces[i].rect.Width * faces[i].rect.Height > biggestFace.rect.Width * biggestFace.rect.Height)
                  biggestFace = faces[i];

            //draw a yellow rectangle around the face
            frame.Draw(biggestFace.rect, new Bgr(255, 255, 0.0), 1);

            Point biggestFaceCenter = new Point(biggestFace.rect.X + biggestFace.rect.Width / 2, biggestFace.rect.Y + biggestFace.rect.Height / 2);
            Point imageAreaCenter = new Point(imageArea.X + imageArea.Width / 2, imageArea.Y + imageArea.Height / 2);
            //draw a green cross at the center of the biggest face
                new Cross2DF(biggestFaceCenter, biggestFace.rect.Width * 0.1f, biggestFace.rect.Height * 0.1f),
                new Bgr(0, 255, 0), 1);

            if (!mouseStableArea.Contains(biggestFaceCenter))
            {   //the point is far enough from the center to triger a movement

               //horizontal fraction is a value in [-0.5, 0.5] where
               //-0.5 refer to the far left and 
               //0.5 refer to the far right
               double horizontalFraction = (double)(biggestFaceCenter.X - imageAreaCenter.X) / imageArea.Width;
               //do the same for vertical fraction
               double verticalFraction = (double)(biggestFaceCenter.Y - imageAreaCenter.Y) / imageArea.Height;

               Rectangle rect = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
               int maxMouseSpeed = rect.Width / 20;
               System.Drawing.Point p;
               GetCursorPos(out p);
               p.X = Math.Min(Math.Max(0,  p.X + (int)( (maxMouseSpeed / 2) * horizontalFraction)), rect.Width);
               p.Y = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, p.Y + (int) ((maxMouseSpeed / 2) * verticalFraction)), rect.Height);
               SetCursorPos(p.X, p.Y);

         imageBox1.Image = frame;
 public IEnumerable<IntVector2> SpiralPoints(IntVector2 start)
     var rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceData.Width, sourceData.Height);
     var spiralPoints = SpiralFromCached(start);
     var linearlyDistributed = DistributionCache.Select(index => spiralPoints[index]);
     var result = linearlyDistributed.Where(point => rectangle.Contains(point));
     return result.ToLazyList();
Пример #18
		public static void FixSectionLayout(Rectangle desiredRectangle, BaseSection section)
			Rectangle sectionRectangle = new Rectangle(section.Location, section.Size);
			if (!sectionRectangle.Contains(desiredRectangle)) {
				section.Size = new Size(section.Size.Width, 
				                        desiredRectangle.Size.Height + GlobalValues.ControlMargins.Top + GlobalValues.ControlMargins.Bottom);
Пример #19
        private int DetectPointOnRect(Rectangle rt, Point pt)
            Rectangle buf = rt;

            buf.Inflate(-iMul, -iMul);
            if (buf.Contains(pt))
                return 9;
            if (!rt.Contains(pt))
                return -1;

            Rectangle rttl = new Rectangle(rt.Left, rt.Top, iMul, iMul)
                , rtt = new Rectangle(buf.Left, rt.Top, rt.Width - 2 * iMul, iMul)
                , rttr = new Rectangle(buf.Right, rt.Top, iMul, iMul)
                , rtl = new Rectangle(rt.Left, buf.Top, iMul, rt.Height - 2 * iMul)
                , rtr = new Rectangle(buf.Right, buf.Top, iMul, rt.Height - 2 * iMul)
                , rtbl = new Rectangle(rt.Left, buf.Bottom, iMul, iMul)
                , rtb = new Rectangle(buf.Left, buf.Bottom, rt.Width - 2 * iMul, iMul)
                , rtbr = new Rectangle(buf.Right, buf.Bottom, iMul, iMul);

            if (rttl.Contains(pt))
                return 1;
            if (rtt.Contains(pt))
                return 2;
            if (rttr.Contains(pt))
                return 3;
            if (rtl.Contains(pt))
                return 4;
            if (rtr.Contains(pt))
                return 5;
            if (rtbl.Contains(pt))
                return 6;
            if (rtb.Contains(pt))
                return 7;
            if (rtbr.Contains(pt))
                return 8;

            return -1;
Пример #20
 public static List<Rectangle> ContainRectangle(List<Rectangle> rects, Rectangle rectLimits)
     List<Rectangle> rectContain = new List<Rectangle>();
     foreach (var rect in rects)
         if (rectLimits.Contains(rect)) rectContain.Add(rect);
     return rectContain;
        public IList<Point> Plan(Point start, Point destination)
            Rectangle map = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.columnCount, this.lineCount);
            if ((!map.Contains(start)) || (!map.Contains(destination)))
                throw new Exception("StartPoint or Destination not in the current map!");

            RoutePlanData routePlanData = new RoutePlanData(map, destination);

            AStarNode startNode = new AStarNode(start, null, 0, 0);

            AStarNode currenNode = startNode;

            return DoPlan(routePlanData, currenNode);
 /// <summary>
 /// 问:会不会有手里有3张但是只碰两张的情况出现?
 /// </summary>
 public void OnClick(int x, int y) {
     choosedIndex = -1;
     for (int i = 0; i < holdingCards.Count; i++) {
         Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(i * 34 + 10, 40, 33, 42);
         if (rec.Contains(new Point(x, y))) {
             choosedIndex = i;
Пример #23
        public static bool DragStarted(Point pt1, Point pt2)
            Rectangle r = new Rectangle(pt1.X, pt1.Y, 0, 0);


            return (r.Contains(pt2.X, pt2.Y) == false);
Пример #24
 private void tabControl1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     for (var i = 0; i < tabControl1.TabPages.Count; i++)
         var r = tabControl1.GetTabRect(i);
         var cb = new Rectangle(r.Right - 15, r.Top + 4, 9, 7);
         if (cb.Contains(e.Location))
Пример #25
 protected override void OnMouseClick(DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
     //Convert the CheckBoxRegion
         Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), this.CheckBoxRegion.Size);
         this.checkAll = !this.checkAll;
         if (rec.Contains(e.Location)) {
Пример #26
        private void OnSourceGalleryMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left || Control.ModifierKeys != Keys.None || dragItemHitInfo == null)

            Size dragSize = SystemInformation.DragSize;
            Rectangle dragRect = new Rectangle(dragItemHitInfo.HitPoint.X - dragSize.Width / 2, dragItemHitInfo.HitPoint.Y - dragSize.Height / 2, dragSize.Width, dragSize.Height);
            if (!(dragRect.Contains(e.Location)))
                sourceGallery.DoDragDrop(dragItemHitInfo.GalleryItem, DragDropEffects.Copy);
 public void RestoreBounds(MainForm mainForm)
     Point location = Bounds.Location;
     foreach (Screen screen in Screen.AllScreens)
         var workingArea = new Rectangle(screen.WorkingArea.Location, screen.WorkingArea.Size);
         workingArea.Inflate(4, 4);
         if (workingArea.Contains(location))
             if (!workingArea.Contains(Bounds))
                 Bounds = new Rectangle(location,
                                        new Size(workingArea.Width - location.X, workingArea.Height - location.Y));
             mainForm.Bounds = Bounds;
     if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) mainForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests if the mouse hits this connector
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool Hit(Point p)
     Point a = p;
     Point b = Point;
     b.Offset(-7, -7);
     Rectangle r = new Rectangle(a, new Size(0, 0));
     Rectangle d = new Rectangle(b, new Size(15, 15));
     return d.Contains(r);
Пример #29
        public Rectangle[] FlipShape(string direction, Rectangle[][] rectangleGameGrid)
            var canShapeMove = true;
            if (direction == "right") {
                if (_currentShapePosition > 4) {
                    _currentShapePosition = 1;
            if (direction == "left") {
                if (_currentShapePosition < 1) {
                    _currentShapePosition = 4;

            var recGameArea = new Rectangle(0, 0, _panelWidth, _panelHeight);
            var yPosition = new int[4];
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                if (!recGameArea.Contains(RectangleShape[i])) {
                    canShapeMove = false;

                yPosition[i] = _blockYPos[i];
                if (decimal.Remainder(_blockYPos[i], 10) != 0) {
                    yPosition[i] += 5;
                if (!rectangleGameGrid[_yPositions[i]/10][_blockXPos[i]/10].IsEmpty) {
                    canShapeMove = false;
            if (!canShapeMove) {
                if (direction == "right") {
                    if (_currentShapePosition < 1) {
                        _currentShapePosition = 4;
                if (direction == "left") {
                    if (_currentShapePosition > 4) {
                        _currentShapePosition = 1;
            return RectangleShape;
Пример #30
        // 虚函数继承
        // 虚函数继承,响应鼠标单击事件,鼠标单击到标题栏时改变圈起状态
        protected override void OnClick(EventArgs e)
            Rectangle kRectTitle = new Rectangle(new Point(5, 0), new Size(Width - 5 - 5, 20));
            Point kPoint = PointToClient(MousePosition);
            if (kRectTitle.Contains(kPoint))
                Expand = !Expand;

Пример #31
        private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                mspt = e.Location;
                int pos = 0;
                for (int p = 0; p < 25; p++)
                    System.Drawing.Rectangle selection = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 45 + (21 * pos), 900, 21);

                    if (selection.Contains(mspt))
                        contextPlayerPos = p;
                    pos += 1;

                if (currentConnection.server.serverData.Players.Count >= contextPlayerPos)
                    int x = 0;
                    for (int t = 0; t < currentConnection.server.prevteamlist.Count; t++)
                        Team team = currentConnection.server.prevteamlist[t];
                        if (team != null && team.GetPlayers() != null && team.GetPlayers().Count > 0)
                            for (int p = 0; p < team.GetPlayers().Count; p++)
                                PlayerInfo ps = team.GetPlayers()[p];
                                System.Drawing.Rectangle selection = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 45 + (21 * x), 900, 20);

                                if (selection.Contains(mspt))
                                    newContextPlayer = ps;
                                x += 1;

                    contextplayer = newContextPlayer;

                    if (contextplayer != null && !contextplayer.Name.Equals(""))
                        scoreBoardContextMenu.Items[0].Text = "&Kick " + contextplayer.Name;
                        scoreBoardContextMenu.Items[1].Text = "&Ban " + contextplayer.Name;

                        this.scoreBoardContextMenu.Show(this, new Point(e.X, e.Y));
Пример #32
        protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
            bool      arg_40_0   = e.Button == MouseButtons.Left;
            rectangle rectangle  = new rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, Conversions.ToInteger(this.MoveHeight));
            rectangle rectangle2 = rectangle;
            bool      flag       = arg_40_0 & rectangle2.Contains(e.Location);

            if (flag)
                this.Cap        = true;
                this.MousePoint = e.Location;
Пример #33
 public bool HandleMouseDown(int x, int y, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons Button)
     if (Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
         System.Drawing.Rectangle myRect = GetColorRect(true);
         if (myRect.IsEmpty == false && myRect.Contains(x, y))
             intSelectMode = 0;
         myRect = GetColorRect(false);
         if (myRect.IsEmpty == false && myRect.Contains(x, y))
             intSelectMode = 1;
         for (int iCount = 0; iCount < ColorTable.Length; iCount++)
             if (GetItemRect(iCount).Contains(x, y))
                 if (intSelectMode == 0)
                     intForeColor = ZYCommon.CommonFunction.ConvertToColor(ColorTable[iCount]);
                     intBackColor = ZYCommon.CommonFunction.ConvertToColor(ColorTable[iCount]);
         } //for
     }     //if
 }         //public bool HandleMouseDown()
Пример #34
 protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
     if ((m.Msg == 132) && HasSizeGrip)
         System.IntPtr            intPtr    = m.LParam;
         System.Drawing.Point     point     = PointToClient(new System.Drawing.Point(intPtr.ToInt32()));
         System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = SizeGripBounds;
         if (rectangle.Contains(point))
             m.Result = new System.IntPtr(-1);
     base.WndProc(ref m);
Пример #35
 protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
     System.Drawing.Point point = e.Location;
     for (int i = 0; i < TabCount; i++)
         System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = GetTabRect(i);
         rectangle.Offset(_LeftSpacing, 0);
         if (rectangle.Contains(point) && (SelectedIndex != i))
             allowNextSelection = true;
             SelectedIndex      = i;
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 /// 判断一个点是否在状态对象内
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mousex"></param>
 /// <param name="mousey"></param>
 /// <returns>坐标点是否在状态对象内</returns>
 public bool contains(int mousex, int mousey)
     objRect.X      = this._x;
     objRect.Y      = this._y;
     objRect.Width  = this._w;
     objRect.Height = this._h;
     if (objRect.Contains(mousex, mousey))
Пример #37
 public override GH_ObjectResponse RespondToMouseDown(GH_Canvas sender, Grasshopper.GUI.GH_CanvasMouseEvent e)
     if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
         System.Drawing.Rectangle rec = ButtonBounds;
         if (rec.Contains((int)e.CanvasLocation.X, (int)e.CanvasLocation.Y))
             MessageBox.Show("Still under Development", "Refresh", MessageBoxButton.OK);
             System.Drawing.Graphics g = null;
             button.Render(g, Color.Blue);
     return(base.RespondToMouseDown(sender, e));
Пример #38
 protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m)
     if ((Owner != null) && !Owner.IsDisposed && (m.Msg == 132) && Owner.HasSizeGrip)
         System.IntPtr            intPtr    = m.LParam;
         System.Drawing.Point     point     = Owner.PointToClient(new System.Drawing.Point(intPtr.ToInt32()));
         System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = Owner.SizeGripBounds;
         if (rectangle.Contains(point))
             m.Result = Owner.SizeGripAlignment == System.Windows.Forms.LeftRightAlignment.Left ? new System.IntPtr(16) : new System.IntPtr(17);
     base.WndProc(ref m);
Пример #39
        private int GetItemAt(ListBox listBox, int X, int Y)
            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < listBox.Items.Count; i++)
                System.Drawing.Rectangle r = listBox.GetItemRectangle(i);
                if (r.Contains(new Point(X, Y)))
                    index = i;
Пример #40
        void tabControl1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                for (int i = 0; i < tabControl1.TabPages.Count; i++)
                    System.Drawing.Rectangle tabRect = tabControl1.GetTabRect(i);

                    if (tabRect.Contains(e.Location))
                        LogControl logControl = GetLogControlFromTabPage(tabControl1.TabPages[i]);
            else if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle)
                for (int i = 0; i < tabControl1.TabPages.Count; i++)
                    System.Drawing.Rectangle tabRect = tabControl1.GetTabRect(i);

                    if (tabRect.Contains(e.Location))
                        TreeNode sessionTabsNode = (TreeNode)tabControl1.TabPages[i].Tag;

                        if (sessionTabsNode.Nodes.Count == 0)
                            TreeNode parentNode    = sessionTabsNode.Parent;                            // this will be the node corresponding to the file
                            TabPage  parentTabPage = (TabPage)parentNode.Tag;

                            if (parentNode.Nodes.Count == 1 && (parentTabPage != null) && !tabControl1.TabPages.Contains(parentTabPage))

Пример #41
 internal void SetSelectedShapes(System.Drawing.Rectangle AreaRect)
     selectedShapes = new List <LeShape>();
     foreach (LeShape shape in LeCanvas.self.xmlShapes.GetList())
         if (AreaRect.Contains(shape.Boundary.Location))
             shape.Selected = true;
             shape.Selected = false;
     Boundary = AreaRect;
Пример #42
        public bool Contains(Point point, Node node)
            if (node == null)
            System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle();

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1, 1)))
                Size   sizeRect = Size.Round(g.MeasureString(node.ToString(), node.NodeConfig.Converter.ToScreenFont(node.NodeConfig.Font)));
                PointF pos      = new PointF(node.NodeConfig.Converter.XXtoII(node.X) - sizeRect.Width / 2, node.NodeConfig.Converter.YYtoJJ(node.Y) - sizeRect.Height / 2);
                rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(pos.ToPoint(), sizeRect);

Пример #43
 private void CtrlDropDownForm_FormClicked(object sender, Oranikle.Studio.Controls.FormClickedEventArgs e)
     if ((Host == null) || Host.IsDisposed)
     System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = Host.RectangleToScreen(Host.ClientRectangle);
     if (rectangle.Contains(e.ClickLocation))
     if ((Host != null) && (Host.ParentForm != null))
         Host.Dismissed = true;
Пример #44
 private void MoveForm(MouseEventArgs e)  //This code is for form movement
         if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
             System.Drawing.Rectangle rct = DisplayRectangle;
             if (rct.Contains(e.Location))
                 SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HT_CAPTION, 0);
     catch { }
 }  //End of code for form movement
Пример #45
        private void tabControl1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle)
                for (int i = 0; i < tabControl1.TabCount; i++)
                    System.Drawing.Rectangle r = tabControl1.GetTabRect(i);

                    if (r.Contains(e.Location))
                        tabControl1.SelectedIndex = i;

 protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
     if ((e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle) && (((Oranikle.Studio.Controls.CtrlTabStrip)Parent).TabCount > ((Oranikle.Studio.Controls.CtrlTabStrip)Parent).MinNumOfTabButtons))
     if (showCloseButton)
         System.Drawing.Point     point     = e.Location;
         System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Width - m_CloseButtonHorizontalOffset, m_CloseButtonVerticalOffset, 8, 8);
         if (rectangle.Contains(point) && (((Oranikle.Studio.Controls.CtrlTabStrip)Parent).TabCount > ((Oranikle.Studio.Controls.CtrlTabStrip)Parent).MinNumOfTabButtons))
        private Bitmap Rotate(Bitmap image, float angle)
            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height);
            var    w   = (image.Width & 1) == 0 ? image.Width + 1 : image.Width;
            var    h   = (image.Height & 1) == 0 ? image.Height + 1 : image.Height;
            //центр изображения
            var center = new System.Drawing.Point(w / 2, h / 2);
            //Границы изображения
            var rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

            using (var m = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix())
                System.Drawing.Point[] pts = new System.Drawing.Point[1];
                m.Translate(center.X, center.Y);
                for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; y++)
                        //Вектор к пикселу
                        pts[0] = new System.Drawing.Point(x - center.X, y - center.Y);
                        if (!rect.Contains(pts[0]))
                        //bmp.SetPixel(pts[0].X, pts[0].Y, image.GetPixel(x, y));
                        bmp.SetPixel(x, y, image.GetPixel(pts[0].X, pts[0].Y));
                for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y++)
                        if (bmp.GetPixel(x, y).A == 0)
                            bmp.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.White);
Пример #48
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            bool invalidate = false;

            System.Drawing.Rectangle smallButtonRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
            System.Drawing.Rectangle largeButtonRect = smallButtonRect;

            CalculateRect(ref smallButtonRect, ref largeButtonRect);

            if (smallButtonRect.Contains(e.X, e.Y))
                int mouseXWithoutOffset = e.X - smallButtonRect.Left - _iList.ImageSize.Width / 2;
                int buttonIndex         = (int)System.Math.Floor((double)mouseXWithoutOffset / _sizeOfButtonBorderAndSpace);

                if ((mouseXWithoutOffset - buttonIndex * _sizeOfButtonBorderAndSpace) <= _iList.ImageSize.Width)                // mouse over index = buttonIndex
                    invalidate = buttonIndex != _selectedIndex;

                    _state = e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left ? State.Down : State.Over;

                    _selectedIndex = buttonIndex;
                else                 // mouse over nothing
                    invalidate     = _selectedIndex != -1;
                    _selectedIndex = -1;
            else             // mouse over nothing
                invalidate     = _selectedIndex != -1;
                _selectedIndex = -1;


            if (invalidate)
Пример #49
        private void ListBoxOnDisposed(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
            var clientRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
            var contains   = clientRect.Contains(PointToClient(MousePosition));

            if (!contains)
                listBoxOpened = false;
                listBoxOpened = !listBoxOpened;

            listBox.MouseUp  -= ListBoxOnMouseUp;
            listBox.KeyDown  -= ListBoxOnKeyDown;
            listBox.Disposed -= ListBoxOnDisposed;

            listBox = null;
Пример #50
 private void tabReports_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     for (int i = 0; i < tabReports.TabCount; ++i)
         var rect  = tabReports.GetTabRect(i);
         var xRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(rect.Left + rect.Width - 18, rect.Top, 18, rect.Height);
         if (xRect.Contains(e.Location))
             cEditor editor = (cEditor)tabReports.TabPages[i].Tag;
             if (editor.close())
                 if (tabReports.TabPages.Count == 0)
Пример #51
        private static System.Drawing.Rectangle GetBestRectangleOfMonitor(MonitorHelper.DisplayInfo monitor, List <AppInfo> allApps)
            bool isFirstRect = true;

            System.Drawing.Rectangle boundingRec = new Rectangle();

            ScreenRectangle monitorRect = new ScreenRectangle(monitor.WorkArea);

            System.Drawing.Rectangle rMonitor  = RecFromScreenRec(monitorRect);
            System.Drawing.Rectangle rMonitor2 = new Rectangle(rMonitor.Left - 15, rMonitor.Top - 15, rMonitor.Width + 30, rMonitor.Height + 30);

            foreach (var anApp in allApps)
                //Is the app fully contained in the window
                System.Drawing.Rectangle appRec = RecFromScreenRec(anApp.Rect);
                if (IsMinAppSize(appRec))
                    if (rMonitor.Contains(appRec) || rMonitor2.Contains(appRec))
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(anApp.AppName + "contained on Monitor");
                        if (isFirstRect)
                            boundingRec = appRec;
                            isFirstRect = false;
                            boundingRec = System.Drawing.Rectangle.Union(boundingRec, appRec);

            if (!IsMinAppSize(boundingRec))

 public IEnumerable <FoodSprite> iterFoodsWithHitRect(System.Drawing.Rectangle rect)
     for (int i = 0; i < _collisionGroups.Count; ++i)
         var g = (CollisionGroup)_collisionGroups[i];
         if (g.rect.IntersectsWith(rect))
             foreach (int foodId in g.foodIds)
                 if (_foodList.exists(foodId))
                     var food = _foodList.getById(foodId);
                     if (rect.Contains(food.x, food.y))
                         yield return(food);
Пример #53
        public static Point[] GetDirectPath(System.Drawing.Rectangle rect1, System.Drawing.Point p1, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect2, System.Drawing.Point p2)
            p1 = new System.Drawing.Point(p1.X + rect1.X, p1.Y + rect1.Y);
            p2 = new System.Drawing.Point(p2.X + rect2.X, p2.Y + rect2.Y);

            if (rect1.Contains(p2) || rect2.Contains(p1))
                return(new Point[0]);

            List <Point> results = new List <Point>();


            Point movingPoint = GetNotIntersetPoint(rect1, p1);
            Point endPoint    = GetNotIntersetPoint(rect2, p2);

Пример #54
        protected override void CloneTextBox_LostFocus(object sender, EventArgs e)
            base.CloneTextBox_LostFocus(sender, e);
            if (!IsValid)
            var mouseEventArgs = e as MouseEventExtArgs;

            if (e != null && mouseEventArgs == null)
            if (e != null)
                System.Windows.Point absolutePoint =
                    CloneTextBox.PointToScreen(new System.Windows.Point(0d, 0d));
                var absoluteRectangle = new Rectangle((int)absolutePoint.X, (int)absolutePoint.Y, CloneTextBoxLocation.Width, CloneTextBoxLocation.Height);
                if (absoluteRectangle.Contains(mouseEventArgs.X, mouseEventArgs.Y))
            if (CloneTextBox.Tag.ToString() != CloneTextBox.Text)
                string name = CloneTextBox.Tag.ToString();
                //File.Move(file, Path.GetDirectoryName(file) + "\\" + CloneTextBox.Text + Path.GetExtension(file));
                Notes.Add(CloneTextBox.Text, Notes[name]);
                Notes[CloneTextBox.Text].Name = CloneTextBox.Text;
                OnSave(() => { }, ParentControl.BrowseProject.LoadedFile);
Пример #55
        private Control _ControlAt(Point mousePosition)
            Control control = null;

            if (Contexts.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < Contexts.Count; i++)
                    var contextControl = Contexts[i];
                    var cRect          = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(contextControl.Location.X, contextControl.Location.Y, contextControl.Width, contextControl.Height);
                    if (cRect.Contains(mousePosition))
                        control = contextControl;
            if (ModalForms.Count > 0)
                if (control == null)
                    var lastModalForm = ModalForms.Last();
                    var formRect      = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(lastModalForm.Location.X, lastModalForm.Location.Y, lastModalForm.Width, lastModalForm.Height);
                    if (formRect.Contains(mousePosition))
                        control = lastModalForm;
                if (control == null)
                    for (int i = Forms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var form = Forms[i];
                        if (form.TopMost && form.Visible && form.Enabled)
                            var formRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(form.Location.X, form.Location.Y, form.Width, form.Height);
                            if (formRect.Contains(mousePosition))
                                control = form;

                if (control == null)
                    for (int i = Forms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var form = Forms[i];
                        if (form.TopMost == false && form.Visible && form.Enabled)
                            var formRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(form.Location.X, form.Location.Y, form.Width, form.Height);
                            if (formRect.Contains(mousePosition))
                                control = form;

            if (control != null)
                control = FindControlAt(control, mousePosition);

Пример #56
        //public static double LocationToFloat(int location) { return ((double)location) * LayoutAlgorithmSettings.PointSize; }

        //public static double LocationToFloat(string location) { return LocationToFloat(Int32.Parse(location)); }

        internal bool DestRectContainsPoint(System.Drawing.Point p)
Пример #57
 /// <summary>Does the control contain this point?</summary>
 public override bool ContainsPoint(System.Drawing.Point pt)
     return(boundingBox.Contains(pt) || buttonRect.Contains(pt));
Пример #58
        private void CreateDelaunay(ref Mat img, ref Subdiv2D subdiv, ref VectorOfPointF points,
                                    bool drawAnimated, ref VectorOfVectorOfInt triangleIndexes)
            PointF[] pointsArr = points.ToArray();
            foreach (PointF p in pointsArr)
                if (drawAnimated)
                    Mat imgCopy = img.Clone();
                    DrawDelaunay(ref imgCopy, ref subdiv, new MCvScalar(255, 255, 255));
                    CvInvoke.Imshow("Delaunay Triangulation", imgCopy);

            // Unfortunately we don't get the triangles by there original point indexes.
            // We only get them with their vertex coordinates.
            // So we have to map them again to get the triangles with their point indexes.

            Size      size = img.Size;
            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);

            VectorOfInt ind = new VectorOfInt();

            int[]         indArr       = new int[3];
            Triangle2DF[] triangleList = subdiv.GetDelaunayTriangles();
            for (int i = 0; i < triangleList.Length; i++)
                Triangle2DF t = triangleList[i];

                PointF ptzero = new PointF {
                    X = t.V0.X, Y = t.V0.Y
                PointF[] PZero = new PointF[] { ptzero };

                PointF ptone = new PointF {
                    X = t.V1.X, Y = t.V1.Y
                PointF[] POne = new PointF[] { ptone };

                PointF pttwo = new PointF {
                    X = t.V2.X, Y = t.V2.Y
                PointF[] PTwo = new PointF[] { pttwo };

                VectorOfPointF pt = new VectorOfPointF();



                if (rect.Contains(new Point((int)pt[0].X, (int)pt[0].Y)) &&
                    rect.Contains(new Point((int)pt[1].X, (int)pt[1].Y)) &&
                    rect.Contains(new Point((int)pt[2].X, (int)pt[2].Y)))
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        for (int k = 0; k < points.Size; k++)
                            if (Math.Abs(pt[j].X - points[k].X) < 1.0 &&
                                Math.Abs(pt[j].Y - points[k].Y) < 1)
                                indArr[j] = k;
                ind = new VectorOfInt(indArr);
Пример #59
        private void Sprites_manager_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (lastImage != null)
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(lastImage, new RectangleF(darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20, darkSectionPanel1.Location.Y, lastImage.Width * (float)zoom, lastImage.Height * (float)zoom));

                int cx, cy;
                cx = darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20;
                cy = darkSectionPanel1.Location.Y;

                int xIndex = 0;
                int yIndex = 0;
                if (rows > 0 && cellH > 0 && cellW > 0)
                    for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < lastImage.Width / cellW; j++)
                            bool hit = false;

                            Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)(cx * 1), (int)(cy * 1), (int)(cellW * zoom), (int)(cellH * zoom));

                            if (r.Contains(new System.Drawing.Point((int)mouse.X, (int)mouse.Y)))
                                hit = true;

                            if (hit)
                                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, r);

                            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p, r);
                            cx += (int)(cellW * zoom);

                        cy += (int)Math.Round(cellH * zoom);
                        xIndex = 0;
                        cx     = darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20;

                    foreach (Subsprite ss in subsprites)
                        xIndex = 0;
                        yIndex = 0;
                        cx     = darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20;
                        cy     = darkSectionPanel1.Location.Y;
                        for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                            for (var j = 0; j < lastImage.Width / cellW; j++)
                                bool hit = false;

                                Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)(cx * 1), (int)(cy * 1), (int)(cellW * zoom), (int)(cellH * zoom));

                                if (r.Contains(new System.Drawing.Point((int)mouse.X, (int)mouse.Y)))
                                    hit = true;

                                if (xIndex >= ss.cellX && xIndex <= ss.cellW + ss.cellX && yIndex >= ss.cellY && yIndex <= ss.cellH + ss.cellY)
                                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(, r);

                                cx += (int)(cellW * zoom);

                            cy += (int)Math.Round(cellH * zoom);
                            xIndex = 0;
                            cx     = darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20;
Пример #60
        private void Sprites_manager_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right)
                if (rows > 0 && cellH > 0 && cellW > 0)
                    int cx, cy;
                    cx = darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20;
                    cy = darkSectionPanel1.Location.Y;

                    int xIndex = 0;
                    int yIndex = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                        for (var j = 0; j < lastImage.Width / cellW; j++)
                            bool hit = false;

                            Rectangle r = new Rectangle((int)(cx * 1), (int)(cy * 1), (int)(cellW * zoom), (int)(cellH * zoom));

                            if (r.Contains(new System.Drawing.Point((int)mouse.X, (int)mouse.Y)))
                                hit = true;

                            if (hit)
                                if (toolMode == 0)
                                    if (selectedSub == null)
                                        Subsprite s = new Subsprite();
                                        s.cellX = xIndex;
                                        s.cellY = yIndex;

                                        selectedSub = s;
                                        selectedSub.cellW = xIndex - selectedSub.cellX;
                                        selectedSub.cellH = yIndex - selectedSub.cellY;
                                        selectedSub       = null;

                                if (toolMode == 1)
                                    SavePartialBitmap(lastImage, Path.GetFullPath("../../../SimplexRpgEngine3/Content/Sprites/Tilesets/tilesetSource0.png"), xIndex * cellW, yIndex * cellH, cellW, cellH, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                                    lastImage = new Bitmap(Path.GetFullPath("../../../SimplexRpgEngine3/Content/Sprites/Tilesets/tilesetSource0.png"));
                                    toolMode  = 2;

                                    Bitmap convertedImage = new Bitmap(256, 192);
                                    #region Algorithm logic

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(80, 0, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 0, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(112, 0, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(144, 16, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(176, 16, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 0, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(208, 0, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(208, 16, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(240, 0, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(240, 16, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 0, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 32, 16, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(80, 32, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 48, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(112, 32, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 48, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 32, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 48, 32, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 48, 32, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 32, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 48, 32, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(208, 32, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 32, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(48, 64, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(80, 80, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(112, 80, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(112, 64, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 64, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(176, 80, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 80, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(240, 80, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 80, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 96, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 112, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 96, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 112, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 96, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 96, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 96, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(208, 96, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 96, 16, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(240, 96, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 48, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 128, 16, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 48, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(16, 128, 16, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 32, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 128, 32, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 80, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 144, 32, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 128, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96 + 16, 128 + 16, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 128, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 16, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 128 + 16, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 128, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 128, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(0, 160, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(32, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 0, 16, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(48, 160, 16, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 32, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(64, 160, 16, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 32, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(80, 160, 16, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 160, 32, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 80, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(96, 176, 32, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 64, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(128, 160, 16, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(48, 64, 16, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(144, 160, 16, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 160, 32, 16));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 80, 32, 16), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(160, 176, 32, 16));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(192, 160, 32, 32));

                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(16, 48, 32, 32), ref convertedImage, new Rectangle(224, 160, 32, 32));

                                    lastImage = convertedImage;

                                    Bitmap bpp = new Bitmap(256, 192);

                                    // r1
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(128, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(32, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(64, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(224, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(96, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(192, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(128, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(96, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(160, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(192, 0, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(224, 0, 32, 32));

                                    // r2
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(224, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(192, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(64, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(96, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(128, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(128, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(160, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(192, 32, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(224, 32, 32, 32));

                                    // r3
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(96, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(32, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(96, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(64, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(96, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(96, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(128, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(192, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(160, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(224, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(192, 64, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(224, 64, 32, 32));

                                    // r4
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(0, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(128, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(32, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(128, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(64, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(96, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 96, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(128, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(160, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(192, 96, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(192, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(224, 96, 32, 32));

                                    // r5
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(160, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(0, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(128, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(32, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 128, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(64, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(96, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(128, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(192, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(160, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(96, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(192, 128, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(224, 128, 32, 32));

                                    // r6
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(0, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 32, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(32, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(128, 64, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(64, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(96, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(96, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(64, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(128, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(32, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(160, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(192, 160, 32, 32));
                                    CopyRegionIntoImage(lastImage, new Rectangle(192, 160, 32, 32), ref bpp, new Rectangle(224, 160, 32, 32));

                                    using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText("../../../SimplexRpgEngine3/Content/Content.mgcb"))
                                        w.WriteLine("#begin Sprites/Tilesets/" + "tileset0.png");
                                        w.WriteLine("/build:Sprites/Tilesets/" + "tileset0.png");

                            cx += (int)(cellW * zoom);

                        xIndex = 0;
                        cy    += (int)Math.Round(cellH * zoom);
                        cx     = darkSectionPanel1.Location.X + darkSectionPanel1.Width + 20;