Пример #1
        protected virtual void OnDrawGizmos()
            Gizmos.color = Color.green;
            foreach (var pair in _vrNodes)
                QuickVRNode n = pair.Value;
                if (n.IsTracked())
                    DebugExtension.DrawCoordinatesSystem(n.transform.position, n.transform.right, n.transform.up, n.transform.forward, 0.05f);

                    float   s     = 0.0125f;
                    Vector3 cSize = Vector3.one * s;

                    Gizmos.matrix = n.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    Gizmos.DrawCube(Vector3.zero, cSize);
                    QuickTrackedObject tObject = n.GetTrackedObject();
                    if (tObject.transform.localPosition != Vector3.zero)
                        Gizmos.DrawSphere(tObject.transform.localPosition, s * 0.5f);
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, tObject.transform.localPosition);
                    Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
Пример #2
        public virtual QuickVRNode GetVRNodeMain()
            QuickVRNode nodeHips = GetVRNode(HumanBodyBones.Hips);
            QuickVRNode nodeHead = GetVRNode(HumanBodyBones.Head);

            return(nodeHips.IsTracked() ? nodeHips : nodeHead);
Пример #3
        public virtual void UpdateIKTargets()
            if (Application.isPlaying)
                //1) Update all the IKTargets taking into consideration its ControlType.
                for (IKBone ikBone = IKBone.Hips; ikBone < IKBone.LastBone; ikBone++)
                    ControlType    cType  = GetIKControl(ikBone);
                    HumanBodyBones boneID = ToHumanBodyBones(ikBone);
                    GetIKSolver(ikBone)._enableIK = cType != ControlType.Animation;

                    if (cType == ControlType.Tracking)
                        QuickVRNode node = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(boneID);
                        if (node.IsTracked())
                            //Update the QuickVRNode's position
                            UpdateIKTargetPosFromUser(node, boneID);

                            //Update the QuickVRNode's rotation
                            UpdateIKTargetRotFromUser(node, boneID);

                            if (boneID == HumanBodyBones.Head)
                                QuickIKSolver ikSolverHead = GetIKSolver(IKBone.Head);
                                if (!_applyHeadPosition)
                                    ikSolverHead._weightIKPos = 0;
                                if (!_applyHeadRotation)
                                    ikSolverHead._weightIKRot = 0;
                            else if (boneID == HumanBodyBones.LeftEye || boneID == HumanBodyBones.RightEye)
                                QuickIKSolverEye ikSolver = (QuickIKSolverEye)_animator.GetComponent <QuickIKManager>().GetIKSolver(boneID);
                                ikSolver._weightBlink = ((QuickVRNodeEye)node).GetBlinkFactor();

                //2) Special case. If the Hips is set to Tracking mode, we need to adjust the IKTarget position of the hips
                //in a way that the head will match the position of the camera provided by the HMD
                if (GetIKControl(IKBone.Hips) == ControlType.Tracking)
                    QuickIKSolver ikSolverHips = GetIKSolver(IKBone.Hips);
                    QuickIKSolver ikSolverHead = GetIKSolver(IKBone.Head);
                    float         chainLength  = Vector3.Distance(_animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips).position, _animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head).position);
                    Vector3       v            = (ikSolverHips._targetLimb.position - ikSolverHead._targetLimb.position).normalized;
                    ikSolverHips._targetLimb.position = ikSolverHead._targetLimb.position + v * chainLength;

Пример #4
        protected virtual void CoUpdateTrackedNode()
            QuickVRNode hipsNode = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(HumanBodyBones.Hips);

            if (hipsNode)
                QuickTrackedObject tObject = hipsNode.IsTracked()? hipsNode.GetTrackedObject() : _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(HumanBodyBones.Head).GetTrackedObject();
                if (tObject != _trackedObject)
                    _trackedObject = tObject;

Пример #5
        public virtual float GetFingerLength(QuickHumanFingers f, bool isLeft)
            List <QuickHumanBodyBones> boneFingers = QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, isLeft);
            HumanBodyBones             boneID      = (HumanBodyBones)boneFingers[0];

            if (_fingerLength[boneID] == 0)
                QuickVRNode n0 = GetVRNode(boneFingers[0]);
                QuickVRNode n1 = GetVRNode(boneFingers[1]);
                QuickVRNode n2 = GetVRNode(boneFingers[2]);

                if (n0.IsTracked() && n1.IsTracked() && n2.IsTracked())
                    _fingerLength[boneID] = Vector3.Distance(n0.transform.position, n1.transform.position) + Vector3.Distance(n1.transform.position, n2.transform.position);

Пример #6
        public virtual bool IsVRNodesSwaped(QuickVRNode nodeLeft, QuickVRNode nodeRight, bool doSwaping = true)
            bool result = false;

            QuickVRNode hmdNode = GetVRNode(HumanBodyBones.Head);

            if (hmdNode.IsTracked() && nodeLeft.IsTracked() && nodeRight.IsTracked())
                float dLeft  = Vector3.Dot(nodeLeft.transform.position - hmdNode.transform.position, hmdNode.transform.right);
                float dRight = Vector3.Dot(nodeRight.transform.position - hmdNode.transform.position, hmdNode.transform.right);

                result = dLeft > dRight;
                if (result && doSwaping)
                    SwapQuickVRNode(nodeLeft, nodeRight);

Пример #7
        protected override void UpdateIKFingers()
            if (_vrPlayArea)
                //if (_boneFingers == null)
                //    InitBoneFingers();

                //for (int j = 0; j < _boneFingers.Count; j+= 4)
                //    if (_boneFingers[j].Key != null)
                //    {
                //        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                //        {
                //            if ((i == 0 && (j == 0 || j == 20)) && QuickVRManager._handTrackingMode == QuickVRManager.HandTrackingMode.Controllers)
                //            {
                //                //HACK
                //                //Avoid applying the rotation to the thumb distal fingers as the results look weird. Look for a better method
                //                //of transfering the bone rotations when using the controllers.
                //                continue;
                //            }
                //            ApplyFingerRotation(_boneFingers[j + i], _boneFingers[j + i + 1]);
                //        }
                //    }

                //foreach (bool b in new bool[] { true, false })
                //    foreach (QuickHumanFingers f in QuickHumanTrait.GetHumanFingers())
                //    {
                //        List<QuickHumanBodyBones> fingerBones = QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, b);
                //        List<Quaternion> initialFingerBonesLocalRotations = new List<Quaternion>();

                //        for (int i = 0; i < fingerBones.Count - 1; i++)
                //        {
                //            QuickHumanBodyBones fBoneID = fingerBones[i];
                //            initialFingerBonesLocalRotations.Add(_animator.GetBoneTransform(fBoneID).localRotation);

                //            if (_animator.GetBoneTransform(fBoneID) && _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fBoneID).IsTracked())
                //            {
                //                ApplyFingerRotation(fBoneID, fingerBones[i + 1]);
                //            }
                //        }

                //        //At this point the finger is correctly aligned. Set the targets to match this.
                //        //HumanBodyBones boneID = (HumanBodyBones)fingerBones[2];
                //        //QuickIKSolver ikSolver = GetIKSolver(boneID);
                //        //Transform tBone = _animator.GetBoneTransform(boneID);

                //        //ikSolver._targetLimb.position = tBone.position;
                //        //ikSolver._targetLimb.GetChild(0).rotation = tBone.rotation;
                //        //ikSolver._targetHint.position = ikSolver._boneMid.position + (ikSolver._boneMid.position - ikSolver._boneUpper.position) + (ikSolver._boneMid.position - ikSolver._boneLimb.position);

                //        ////Restore the rotation of the bone fingers
                //        //ikSolver._boneUpper.localRotation = initialFingerBonesLocalRotations[0];
                //        //ikSolver._boneMid.localRotation = initialFingerBonesLocalRotations[1];
                //        //ikSolver._boneLimb.localRotation = initialFingerBonesLocalRotations[2];
                //    }

                //foreach (bool b in new bool[] { true, false })
                //    foreach (QuickHumanFingers f in QuickHumanTrait.GetHumanFingers())
                //    {
                //        List<QuickHumanBodyBones> fingerBones = QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, b);
                //        List<Quaternion> initialFingerBonesLocalRotations = new List<Quaternion>();

                //        for (int i = 0; i < fingerBones.Count - 1; i++)
                //        {
                //            QuickHumanBodyBones fBoneID = fingerBones[i];
                //            initialFingerBonesLocalRotations.Add(_animator.GetBoneTransform(fBoneID).localRotation);

                //            if (_animator.GetBoneTransform(fBoneID) && _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fBoneID).IsTracked())
                //            {
                //                ApplyFingerRotation(fBoneID, fingerBones[i + 1]);
                //            }
                //        }

                //        //At this point the finger is correctly aligned. Set the targets to match this.
                //        //HumanBodyBones boneID = (HumanBodyBones)fingerBones[2];
                //        //QuickIKSolver ikSolver = GetIKSolver(boneID);
                //        //Transform tBone = _animator.GetBoneTransform(boneID);

                //        //ikSolver._targetLimb.position = tBone.position;
                //        //ikSolver._targetLimb.GetChild(0).rotation = tBone.rotation;
                //        //ikSolver._targetHint.position = ikSolver._boneMid.position + (ikSolver._boneMid.position - ikSolver._boneUpper.position) + (ikSolver._boneMid.position - ikSolver._boneLimb.position);

                //        ////Restore the rotation of the bone fingers
                //        //ikSolver._boneUpper.localRotation = initialFingerBonesLocalRotations[0];
                //        //ikSolver._boneMid.localRotation = initialFingerBonesLocalRotations[1];
                //        //ikSolver._boneLimb.localRotation = initialFingerBonesLocalRotations[2];
                //    }

                //foreach (bool isLeft in new bool[] { true, false })
                //    foreach (QuickHumanFingers f in QuickHumanTrait.GetHumanFingers())
                //    {
                //        float fLength = _vrPlayArea.GetFingerLength(f, isLeft);
                //        if (fLength > 0)
                //        {
                //            List<QuickHumanBodyBones> fingerBones = QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, isLeft);
                //            QuickVRNode n0 = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fingerBones[0]);
                //            QuickVRNode n1 = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fingerBones[1]);
                //            QuickVRNode n2 = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fingerBones[2]);

                //            QuickIKSolver ikSolver = GetIKSolver((HumanBodyBones)fingerBones[2]);

                //            if (n0.IsTracked() && n2.IsTracked())
                //            {
                //                float sf = ikSolver.GetChainLength() / fLength;
                //                Vector3 v = sf * (n2.transform.position - n0.transform.position);

                //                ikSolver._targetLimb.position = ikSolver._boneUpper.position + v;
                //                ikSolver._targetHint.position = ikSolver._boneMid.position + (n1.transform.position - n0.transform.position) + (n1.transform.position - n2.transform.position);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                foreach (bool isLeft in new bool[] { true, false })
                    foreach (QuickHumanFingers f in QuickHumanTrait.GetHumanFingers())
                        List <QuickHumanBodyBones> fingerBones = QuickHumanTrait.GetBonesFromFinger(f, isLeft);
                        QuickVRNode n0 = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fingerBones[0]);
                        QuickVRNode n1 = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fingerBones[1]);
                        QuickVRNode n2 = _vrPlayArea.GetVRNode(fingerBones[2]);

                        if (n0.IsTracked() && n1.IsTracked() && n2.IsTracked())
                            QuickIKSolver ikSolver = GetIKSolver((HumanBodyBones)fingerBones[2]);

                            Vector3 v = (n1.transform.position - n0.transform.position).normalized;
                            Vector3 w = (n2.transform.position - n1.transform.position).normalized;

                            ikSolver._targetLimb.position = ikSolver._boneUpper.position + v * ikSolver.GetUpperLength() + w * ikSolver.GetMidLength();
                            ikSolver._targetLimb.rotation = n2.transform.rotation;
                            ikSolver._targetHint.position = ikSolver._boneMid.position + n1.transform.up * DEFAULT_TARGET_HINT_FINGER_DISTANCE;
                            ikSolver._targetHint.rotation = n1.transform.rotation;
                            //ikSolver._targetHint.position = ikSolver._boneMid.position + (n1.transform.position - n0.transform.position) + (n1.transform.position - n2.transform.position);
