EmitLdstr() публичный Метод

Emit 'ldstr' instruction with specified arguments.
public EmitLdstr ( System value ) : void
value System as value.
Результат void
Пример #1
		private static void EmitNilImplicationForPrimitive( TracingILGenerator il, SerializingMember member, LocalBuilder value, Label endOfDeserialization )
			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF_NULL" );
			EmitCompareNull( il, value, endIf );

			switch ( member.Contract.NilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					 * if( value == null )
					 * {
					 *		// Skip current.
					 * }
					il.EmitBr( endOfDeserialization );
				case NilImplication.Null:
					// Throw exception for non-nullable value type.
					// Nop for nullables.
					if ( member.Member.GetMemberValueType().GetIsValueType()
						&& Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() ) == null )
						 * if( value == null )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewValueTypeCannotBeNull( "...", typeof( MEMBER ), typeof( TYPE ) );
						 * }
						il.EmitLdstr( member.Contract.Name );
						il.EmitLdtoken( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() );
						il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._Type.GetTypeFromHandle );
						il.EmitLdtoken( member.Member.DeclaringType );
						il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._Type.GetTypeFromHandle );
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewValueTypeCannotBeNull3Method );

				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
					 * if( value == null )
					 * {
					 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
					 * }
					il.EmitLdstr( member.Contract.Name );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );

			il.MarkLabel( endIf );
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Emits the deserialize collection value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="target">The target collection variable.</param>
		/// <param name="member">The deserializing member metadata which holds the collection.</param>
		/// <param name="memberType">Type of the deserializing member.</param>
		/// <param name="nilImplication">The nil implication.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitDeserializeCollectionValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder target, MemberInfo member, Type memberType, NilImplication nilImplication, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( target != null );
			Contract.Requires( member != null );
			Contract.Requires( memberType != null );
			Contract.Requires( localHolder != null );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );

			EmitGeneralRead( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );

			switch ( nilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
					 * {
					 *		// Skip current.
					 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

				case NilImplication.Null:
				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
					 * // for Prohibit
					 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
					 * {
					 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
					 * }
					 * // for Null, and 
					 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
					 * {
					 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNullMethod( "..." );
					 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
					il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
					il.EmitLdstr( member.Name );
					if ( nilImplication == NilImplication.Prohibit )
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
						// Because result member is readonly collection, so the member will not be null if packed value was nil.
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNullMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );


			 *	if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 *	{
			 *		throw new SerializatonException( "Cannot deserialize..." );
			 *	}
			 *	using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree() )
			 *	{
			 *		GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackTo( unpacker, result ) )
			 *	}

			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "THEN" );
			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( memberType );

			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
			// else
			il.EmitLdstr( member.Name );
			il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewStreamDoesNotContainCollectionForMemberMethod );
			// then
			var subtreeUnpacker = localHolder.SubtreeUnpacker;
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );
			EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( subtreeUnpacker );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( target );
			Emittion.EmitLoadValue( il, member );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( memberType ).GetMethod( "UnpackTo", new[] { typeof( Unpacker ), memberType } ) );
			EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );
Пример #3
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits the nil implication.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="memberName">Name of the deserializing member.</param>
		/// <param name="nilImplication">The nil implication.</param>
		/// <param name="endOfDeserialization">The label to the end of deserialization.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitNilImplication(
			TracingILGenerator il,
			int unpackerArgumentIndex,
			string memberName,
			NilImplication nilImplication,
			Label endOfDeserialization,
			LocalVariableHolder localHolder
			switch ( nilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					// TODO: This should be empty for extra items.
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
					il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
					il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );

Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Emits the deserialize value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="value">The value local variable which stores unpacked value.</param>
		/// <param name="targetType">The type of deserialzing type.</param>
		/// <param name="member">The metadata for nil implication. Specify <c>null</c> if nil implication is not needed.</param>
		/// <param name="memberName">The name of the member.</param>
		/// <param name="endOfDeserialization">The end of deserialization label for nil implication.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		private static void EmitDeserializeValueCore( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder value, Type targetType, SerializingMember? member, string memberName, Label endOfDeserialization, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			var directUnpacking = Metadata._Unpacker.GetDirectReadMethod( value.LocalType );
			if ( directUnpacking != null && ( member == null || !UnpackHelpers.IsReadOnlyAppendableCollectionMember( member.Value.Member ) ) )
				var isSuccess = localHolder.IsDeserializationSucceeded;
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isSuccess );

				il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
				il.EmitAnyCall( directUnpacking );
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isSuccess );
				il.BeginCatchBlock( typeof( MessageTypeException ) );
				var ex = localHolder.GetCatchedException( typeof( MessageTypeException ) );
				il.EmitAnyStloc( ex );
				il.EmitTypeOf( targetType );
				il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( ex );
				il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewFailedToDeserializeMemberMethod );
				var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( isSuccess );
				il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf0 );
				il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewUnexpectedEndOfStreamMethod );
				il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );
				if ( member != null )
					// If null, nil implication is NOT needed.
					EmitNilImplicationForPrimitive( il, member.Value, value, endOfDeserialization );
				EmitGeneralRead( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );
				if ( member != null )
					// If null, nil implication is NOT needed.

				var thenIffCollection = il.DefineLabel( "THEN_IF_COLLECTION" );
				var endIfCollection = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF_COLLECTION" );

				 *	if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
				 *	{
				 *		value = GET_SERIALIZER().UnpackFrom( unpacker );
				 *	}
				 *	else
				 *	{
				 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree() )
				 *		{
				 *			value = GET_SERIALIZER().UnpackFrom( subtreeUnpacker );
				 *		}
				 *	}

				il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
				il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
				il.EmitBrtrue_S( thenIffCollection );
				EmitUnpackFrom( emitter, il, value, unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitBr_S( endIfCollection );
				var subtreeUnpacker = localHolder.SubtreeUnpacker;
				il.MarkLabel( thenIffCollection );
				EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
				EmitUnpackFrom( emitter, il, value, subtreeUnpacker );
				EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
				il.MarkLabel( endIfCollection );

Пример #5
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits the serializing value instructions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="packerArgumentIndex">Index of the packer argument.</param>
		/// <param name="valueType">Type of the current member value.</param>
		/// <param name="memberName">Name of the current member.</param>
		/// <param name="nilImplication">The nil implication of the current member.</param>
		/// <param name="loadValueEmitter">The delegate which emits case specific value loading instructions.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitSerializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int packerArgumentIndex, Type valueType, string memberName, NilImplication nilImplication, Action<TracingILGenerator> loadValueEmitter, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( packerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( valueType != null );
			Contract.Requires( loadValueEmitter != null );

			 * var serializingValue = LOAD_VALUE;
			 * GET_SERIALIZER.PackTo( packer, serializingValue );
			var value = localHolder.GetSerializingValue( valueType );
			loadValueEmitter( il );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			if ( memberName != null && nilImplication == NilImplication.Prohibit )
				 *	if( serializingValue == null )(
				 *	{
				 *		throw SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibited();
				 *	}

				if ( !valueType.IsValueType )
					il.EmitAnyLdloc( value );
					var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
					il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
					il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf );
				else if ( Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( valueType ) != null )
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
					il.EmitGetProperty( typeof( Nullable<> ).MakeGenericType( Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( valueType ) ).GetProperty( "HasValue" ) );
					var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
					il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
					il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf );

			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( valueType );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( packerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( value );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( valueType ).GetMethod( "PackTo" ) );
Пример #6
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits the nil implication.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="member">Metadata of the serializing member.</param>
		/// <param name="endOfDeserialization">The label to the end of deserialization.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitNilImplication(
			TracingILGenerator il,
			int unpackerArgumentIndex,
			SerializingMember member,
			Label endOfDeserialization,
			LocalVariableHolder localHolder
			switch ( member.Contract.NilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					// TODO: This should be empty for extra items.
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.LastReadData );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

				case NilImplication.Null:
					if ( member.Member.GetMemberValueType().GetIsValueType() && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() ) == null )
						throw SerializationExceptions.NewValueTypeCannotBeNull(
							member.Contract.Name, member.Member.GetMemberValueType(), member.Member.DeclaringType 

					if ( !member.Member.CanSetValue() )
						throw SerializationExceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNull(

				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
					if ( !member.Member.CanSetValue() )
						throw SerializationExceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNull(
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.LastReadData );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
					il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
					il.EmitLdstr( member.Contract.Name );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );

Пример #7
		public static void EmitDeserializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder value, LocalBuilder isUnpacked, string memberName, NilImplication nilImplication, Action<TracingILGenerator, int> customUnpackerReading )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( value != null );

			if ( customUnpackerReading != null )
				customUnpackerReading( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );
			if ( memberName != null )
				switch ( nilImplication )
					case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
						il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
						var data = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject? ), "data" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
						var dataValue = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject ), "dataValue" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
						il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

					case NilImplication.Prohibit:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
						il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
						var data = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject? ), "data" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
						var dataValue = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject ), "dataValue" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
						var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
						il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
						il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
						il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );


			 * if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 * {
			 *		valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 * }
			 * else
			 * {
			 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree )
			 *		{
			 *			valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 *		}
			 * }
			 * isValueNUnpacked = true;

			var then = il.DefineLabel( "THEN" );
			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( value.LocalType );

			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			// else
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			il.EmitBr_S( endIf );
			// then
			var subtreeUnpacker = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( Unpacker ), "subtreeUnpacker" );
			il.MarkLabel( then );
			EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( subtreeUnpacker );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );

			if ( isUnpacked != null )
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isUnpacked );

			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );