EmitLdc_I4_1() приватный Метод

private EmitLdc_I4_1 ( ) : void
Результат void
Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits 'for' statement on current IL stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">IL generator to be emitted to.</param>
		/// <param name="count">'count' local variable which is <see cref="Int32"/> type and holds maximum loop count.</param>
		/// <param name="bodyEmitter">Delegate to emit for statement body.</param>
		public static void EmitFor( TracingILGenerator il, LocalBuilder count, Action<TracingILGenerator, LocalBuilder> bodyEmitter )
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( count != null );
			Contract.Requires( bodyEmitter != null );

			var i = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( int ), "i" );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( i );
			var forCond = il.DefineLabel( "FOR_COND" );
			il.EmitBr( forCond );
			var body = il.DefineLabel( "BODY" );
			il.MarkLabel( body );
			bodyEmitter( il, i );
			// increment
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( i );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( i );
			// cond
			il.MarkLabel( forCond );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( i );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( count );
			il.EmitBlt( body );
Пример #2
		public static void EmitDeserializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder value, LocalBuilder isUnpacked, string memberName, NilImplication nilImplication, Action<TracingILGenerator, int> customUnpackerReading )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( value != null );

			if ( customUnpackerReading != null )
				customUnpackerReading( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );
			if ( memberName != null )
				switch ( nilImplication )
					case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
						il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
						var data = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject? ), "data" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
						var dataValue = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject ), "dataValue" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
						il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

					case NilImplication.Prohibit:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
						il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
						var data = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject? ), "data" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
						var dataValue = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject ), "dataValue" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
						var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
						il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
						il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
						il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );


			 * if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 * {
			 *		valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 * }
			 * else
			 * {
			 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree )
			 *		{
			 *			valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 *		}
			 * }
			 * isValueNUnpacked = true;

			var then = il.DefineLabel( "THEN" );
			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( value.LocalType );

			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			// else
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			il.EmitBr_S( endIf );
			// then
			var subtreeUnpacker = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( Unpacker ), "subtreeUnpacker" );
			il.MarkLabel( then );
			EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( subtreeUnpacker );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );

			if ( isUnpacked != null )
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isUnpacked );

			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );