EmitBox() публичный Метод

Emit 'box' instruction with specified arguments.
public EmitBox ( System type ) : void
type System as type.
Результат void
Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits 'foreach' statement on the IL stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">IL generator to be emitted to.</param>
		/// <param name="traits"><see cref="CollectionTraits"/> which contains traits of the iterating collection.</param>
		/// <param name="collection">'collection' argument index.</param>
		/// <param name="bodyEmitter">Delegate to emit body statement.</param>
		public static void EmitForEach( TracingILGenerator il, CollectionTraits traits, LocalBuilder collection, Action<TracingILGenerator, Action> bodyEmitter )
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( collection != null );
			Contract.Requires( bodyEmitter != null );

			var enumerator = il.DeclareLocal( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType, "enumerator" );

			// gets enumerator
			if ( collection.LocalType.IsValueType )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( collection );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( collection );

			il.EmitAnyCall( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( enumerator );

			if ( typeof( IDisposable ).IsAssignableFrom( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType ) )

			var startLoop = il.DefineLabel( "START_LOOP" );
			il.MarkLabel( startLoop );
			var endLoop = il.DefineLabel( "END_LOOP" );
			var enumeratorType = traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType;
			MethodInfo moveNextMethod = enumeratorType.GetMethod( "MoveNext", Type.EmptyTypes );
			PropertyInfo currentProperty = traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.GetProperty( "Current" );

			if ( moveNextMethod == null )
				moveNextMethod = Metadata._IEnumerator.MoveNext;

			if ( currentProperty == null )
				if ( enumeratorType == typeof( IDictionaryEnumerator ) )
					currentProperty = Metadata._IDictionaryEnumerator.Current;
				else if ( enumeratorType.IsInterface )
					if ( enumeratorType.IsGenericType && enumeratorType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof( IEnumerator<> ) )
						currentProperty = typeof( IEnumerator<> ).MakeGenericType( traits.ElementType ).GetProperty( "Current" );
						currentProperty = Metadata._IEnumerator.Current;

			Contract.Assert( currentProperty != null, enumeratorType.ToString() );

			// iterates
			if ( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.IsValueType )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( enumerator );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );

			il.EmitAnyCall( moveNextMethod );
			il.EmitBrfalse( endLoop );

				() =>
					if ( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.IsValueType )
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( enumerator );
						il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );
					il.EmitGetProperty( currentProperty );

			il.EmitBr( startLoop );
			il.MarkLabel( endLoop );

			// Dispose
			if ( typeof( IDisposable ).IsAssignableFrom( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType ) )

				if ( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.IsValueType )
					var disposeMethod = traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.GetMethod( "Dispose" );
					if ( disposeMethod != null && disposeMethod.GetParameters().Length == 0 && disposeMethod.ReturnType == typeof( void ) )
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( enumerator );
						il.EmitAnyCall( disposeMethod );
						il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );
						il.EmitBox( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType );
						il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._IDisposable.Dispose );
					il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );
					il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._IDisposable.Dispose );

		private static void EmitNewDelegate( TracingILGenerator il, Type targetType, MethodInfo method, Action<TracingILGenerator> loadTargetEmitting, Type delegateType )
			loadTargetEmitting( il );
			if ( targetType.IsValueType )
				il.EmitBox( targetType );

			if ( method.IsStatic || method.IsFinal || !method.IsVirtual )
				il.EmitLdftn( method );
				il.EmitLdvirtftn( method );

			il.EmitNewobj( delegateType.GetConstructor( _delegateConstructorParameterTypes ) );
		private static void EmitInvokeMapUnpackToHelper( Type targetType, SerializerEmitter emitter, CollectionTraits traits, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, Action<TracingILGenerator> loadCollectionEmitting )
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			if ( traits.ElementType.IsGenericType )
				var keyType = traits.ElementType.GetGenericArguments()[ 0 ];
				var valueType = traits.ElementType.GetGenericArguments()[ 1 ];
				var keySerializerGetting = emitter.RegisterSerializer( keyType );
				var valueSerializerGetting = emitter.RegisterSerializer( valueType );
				keySerializerGetting( il, 0 );
				valueSerializerGetting( il, 0 );
				loadCollectionEmitting( il );

				if ( targetType.IsValueType )
					il.EmitBox( targetType );

				il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackMapTo_2.MakeGenericMethod( keyType, valueType ) );
				loadCollectionEmitting( il );

				if ( targetType.IsValueType )
					il.EmitBox( targetType );

				il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackNonGenericMapTo );
		private static void EmitInvokeArrayUnpackToHelper( Type targetType, SerializerEmitter emitter, CollectionTraits traits, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, Action<TracingILGenerator> loadCollectionEmitting )
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			var serializerGetting = emitter.RegisterSerializer( traits.ElementType );

			if ( targetType.IsArray )
				// Array
				 * UnpackHelpers.UnpackArrayTo( unpacker, GET_SERIALIZER, collection );
				serializerGetting( il, 0 );
				loadCollectionEmitting( il );
				il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackArrayTo_1.MakeGenericMethod( traits.ElementType ) );
			else if ( targetType.IsGenericType )
				serializerGetting( il, 0 );
				loadCollectionEmitting( il );
				if ( targetType.IsValueType )
					il.EmitBox( targetType );

				if ( traits.AddMethod.ReturnType == null || traits.AddMethod.ReturnType == typeof( void ) )
					// with void Add( T item )
					 * Action<T> addition = TCollection.Add
					 * UnpackHelpers.UnpackCollectionTo( unpacker, GET_SERIALIZER, collection, addition );
					var itemType = traits.AddMethod.GetParameters()[ 0 ].ParameterType;
					EmitNewDelegate( il, targetType, traits.AddMethod, loadCollectionEmitting, typeof( Action<> ).MakeGenericType( itemType ) );
					il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackCollectionTo_1.MakeGenericMethod( itemType ) );
					// with TDiscarded Add( T item )
					 * Func<T, TDiscarded> addition = TCollection.Add
					 * UnpackHelpers.UnpackCollectionTo( unpacker, GET_SERIALIZER, collection, addition );
					var itemType = traits.AddMethod.GetParameters()[ 0 ].ParameterType;
					var discardingType = traits.AddMethod.ReturnType;
					EmitNewDelegate( il, targetType, traits.AddMethod, loadCollectionEmitting, typeof( Func<,> ).MakeGenericType( itemType, discardingType ) );
					il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackCollectionTo_2.MakeGenericMethod( itemType, discardingType ) );
				loadCollectionEmitting( il );
				if ( targetType.IsValueType )
					il.EmitBox( targetType );

				if ( traits.AddMethod.ReturnType == null || traits.AddMethod.ReturnType == typeof( void ) )
					// with void Add( object item )
					 * Action<object> addition = TCollection.Add
					 * UnpackHelpers.UnpackCollectionTo( unpacker, collection, addition );
					EmitNewDelegate( il, targetType, traits.AddMethod, loadCollectionEmitting, typeof( Action<object> ) );
					il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackNonGenericCollectionTo );
					// with TDiscarded Add( object item )
					 * Func<TDiscarded> addition = TCollection.Add
					 * UnpackHelpers.UnpackCollectionTo( unpacker, collection, addition );
					var discardingType = traits.AddMethod.ReturnType;
					EmitNewDelegate( il, targetType, traits.AddMethod, loadCollectionEmitting, typeof( Func<,> ).MakeGenericType( typeof( object ), discardingType ) );
					il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._UnpackHelpers.UnpackNonGenericCollectionTo_1.MakeGenericMethod( discardingType ) );