private void TriggerRestart(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (!backupManager.Processing && !renderManager.Processing) { restarting = true; OnGoingDown(); bdsWatchdog.Disable(); bds.SendInput("stop"); bds.Process.WaitForExit(); bds.Close(); Log(String.Format(RConfig.TextStrings.LogRestart, RConfig.DailyRestartTime)); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); bds.Start(); bdsWatchdog.Enable(); OnStartingUp(); } else { // if a backup or render is still going, abort restart and try again in twice the warning time SendTellraw(RConfig.TextStrings.RestartAbort); delayTimer.Start(); } }
public VellumHost(string[] args) { Thread _ioThread; bool _readInput = true; bool printHelp = false; bool noStart = false; string restorePath = null; bool backupOnStartup = true; OptionSet options = new OptionSet() { { "h|help", "Displays a help screen.", v => { printHelp = v != null; } }, { "c=|configuration=", "The configuration file to load settings from.", v => { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v)) { _configPath = v.Trim(); } } }, { "p=|plugin-directory=", "The directory to scan for plugins.", v => { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v)) { _pluginDirectory = v; } } }, { "r=|restore=", "Path to an archive to restore a backup from.", v => { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(v)) { restorePath = Path.GetFullPath(v); } } }, { "no-start", "In conjunction with the --restore flag, this tells the application to not start the server after successfully restoring a backup.", v => { noStart = v != null; } }, { "no-backup-on-startup", "Disables the initial temporary backup on startup.", v => { backupOnStartup = v == null; } } }; System.Collections.Generic.List <string> extraOptions = options.Parse(args); if (printHelp) { System.Console.WriteLine("Overview of available parameters:"); options.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); System.Environment.Exit(0); } Version bdsVersion = new Version(); if (File.Exists(_configPath)) { // Load configuration RunConfig = LoadConfiguration(_configPath); string bdsDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(RunConfig.BdsBinPath); string worldName = "Bedrock level"; Console.Write($"Reading \"{_serverPropertiesPath}\"... "); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Join(bdsDirPath, _serverPropertiesPath)))) worldName = Regex.Match(reader.ReadToEnd(), @"^level\-name\=(.+)", RegexOptions.Multiline).Groups[1].Value.Trim(); string worldPath = Path.Join(bdsDirPath, "worlds", worldName); string tempWorldPath = Path.Join(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), TempPath, worldName); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(restorePath)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\"--restore\" flag provided, attempting to restore backup from specified archive..."); BackupManager.Restore(restorePath, worldPath); Console.WriteLine(); if (noStart) { Console.WriteLine("\"--no-start\" flag provided, exiting..."); System.Environment.Exit(0); } } #region CONDITIONAL UPDATE CHECK if (RunConfig.CheckForUpdates) { Console.WriteLine("Checking for updates..."); if (_updateChecker.GetLatestVersion()) { if (_updateChecker.RemoteVersion > _localVersion) { Console.WriteLine("\nA new update is available!\nLocal version:\t{0}\nRemote version:\t{1}\nVisit {2} to update.\n", UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(_localVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION), UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(_updateChecker.RemoteVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION), @""); } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Could not check for updates."); } } #endregion if (RunConfig.Renders.EnableRenders && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RunConfig.Renders.PapyrusBinPath)) { Console.WriteLine("Disabling renders because no valid path to a Papyrus executable has been specified"); RunConfig.Renders.EnableRenders = false; } #region BDS process and input thread ProcessStartInfo serverStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = RunConfig.BdsBinPath, WorkingDirectory = bdsDirPath }; // Set environment variable for linux-based systems if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { serverStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", bdsDirPath); } ProcessManager bds = new ProcessManager(serverStartInfo, new string[] { "^(" + worldName.Trim() + @"(?>\/db)?\/)", "^(Saving...)", "^(A previous save has not been completed.)", "^(Data saved. Files are now ready to be copied.)", "^(Changes to the (level|world) are resumed.)", "Running AutoCompaction..." }); if (RunConfig.BdsWatchdog) { _bdsWatchdog = new Watchdog(bds); _bdsWatchdog.RegisterHook((byte)Watchdog.Hook.LIMIT_REACHED, (object sender, EventArgs e) => { SaveConfiguration(RunConfig, _configPath); System.Environment.Exit(1); }); } // Stop BDS gracefully on unhandled exceptions if (RunConfig.StopBdsOnException) { System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine($"Stopping BDS due to an unhandled exception from vellum...\n{e.ExceptionObject.ToString()}"); if (bds.IsRunning) { bds.SendInput("stop"); bds.Process.WaitForExit(); bds.Close(); } }; } // Input thread _ioThread = new Thread(() => { while (_readInput) { inStream?.Invoke(Console.ReadLine()); } }); _ioThread.Start(); // Store current BDS version bds.RegisterMatchHandler(CommonRegex.Version, (object sender, MatchedEventArgs e) => { bdsVersion = UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(e.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION_BUILD); }); playerCount = 0; bool nextBackup = true; if (RunConfig.Backups.OnActivityOnly) { nextBackup = false; // Player connect/ disconnect messages bds.RegisterMatchHandler(CommonRegex.PlayerConnected, (object sender, MatchedEventArgs e) => { playerCount++; nextBackup = true; }); bds.RegisterMatchHandler(CommonRegex.PlayerDisconnected, (object sender, MatchedEventArgs e) => { playerCount--; }); } #endregion _renderManager = new RenderManager(bds, RunConfig); _backupManager = new BackupManager(bds, RunConfig); #region PLUGIN LOADING if (Directory.Exists(_pluginDirectory)) { SetPluginDirectory(_pluginDirectory); #region INTERNAL PLUGINS AddPlugin(bds); AddPlugin(_backupManager); AddPlugin(_renderManager); if (RunConfig.BdsWatchdog) { AddPlugin(_bdsWatchdog); } #endregion if (LoadPlugins() > 0) { foreach (IPlugin plugin in GetPlugins()) { if (plugin.PluginType == PluginType.EXTERNAL) { Console.WriteLine($"Loaded plugin: {plugin.GetType().Name} v{UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(plugin.GetType()).GetName().Version, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION)}"); } } Console.WriteLine(); } } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(_pluginDirectory); } #endregion // Scheduled/ interval backups if (RunConfig.Backups.EnableBackups) { double interval = RunConfig.Backups.BackupInterval * 60000; if (RunConfig.Backups.EnableSchedule) { if (RunConfig.Backups.Schedule.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Scheduled backups are enabled but there are no entries in the schedule, switching to interval backups!"); } else { interval = 1; } } System.Timers.Timer backupIntervalTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(interval); backupIntervalTimer.AutoReset = true; backupIntervalTimer.Elapsed += (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { if (backupIntervalTimer.Interval != 1) // This prevents performing a backup if scheduled backups are enabled and the next real time-span hasn't been determined yet { if (nextBackup) { if (RunConfig.Backups.OnActivityOnly && playerCount == 0) { nextBackup = false; } InvokeBackup(worldPath, tempWorldPath); } else { Console.WriteLine("Skipping this backup because no players were online since the last one was taken..."); } } }; if (RunConfig.Backups.EnableSchedule && RunConfig.Backups.Schedule.Length > 0) { backupIntervalTimer.Elapsed += (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { // Check which entry is up next TimeSpan nextSpan = TimeSpan.MaxValue; foreach (string clockTime in RunConfig.Backups.Schedule) { // Parse & validate entry // Match match = Regex.Match(clockTime, @"^\s*(\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(\d{1,2})\s*([aApP][mM])"); // 12h format Match match = Regex.Match(clockTime, @"^\s*(\d{1,2})\s*:\s*(\d{1,2})\s*$"); // 24h format bool valid = false; int hour, minute; if (match.Groups.Count == 3) { hour = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[1].Value); minute = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[2].Value); if ((hour >= 0 && hour <= 23) && (minute >= 0 && minute <= 59)) { valid = true; TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan((hour == 0 ? 24 : hour) - DateTime.Now.Hour, minute - DateTime.Now.Minute, 0 - DateTime.Now.Second); if (span.TotalSeconds > 0 && span < nextSpan) { nextSpan = span; } } } if (!valid) { Console.WriteLine($"Invalid schedule entry \"{clockTime}\" in \"{_configPath}\"!"); } } // Set the new interval Console.WriteLine($"Next scheduled backup is at {(DateTime.Now + nextSpan).ToShortTimeString()} (in {nextSpan.Days} days, {nextSpan.Hours} hours, {nextSpan.Minutes} minutes and {nextSpan.Seconds} seconds)"); backupIntervalTimer.Interval = nextSpan.TotalMilliseconds; CallHook((byte)Hook.BACKUP_SCHEDULED, new HookEventArgs() { Attachment = nextSpan }); }; } backupIntervalTimer.Start(); bds.RegisterMatchHandler("Starting Server", (object sender, MatchedEventArgs e) => { // bds.RegisterMatchHandler(CommonRegex.ServerStarted, (object sender, MatchedEventArgs e) => { if (RunConfig.Backups.StopBeforeBackup) { System.Timers.Timer backupNotificationTimer = new System.Timers.Timer((RunConfig.Backups.BackupInterval * 60000) - Math.Clamp(RunConfig.Backups.NotifyBeforeStop * 1000, 0, RunConfig.Backups.BackupInterval * 60000)); backupNotificationTimer.AutoReset = false; backupNotificationTimer.Elapsed += (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { bds.SendTellraw(String.Format("Shutting down server in {0} seconds to take a backup.", RunConfig.Backups.NotifyBeforeStop)); }; backupNotificationTimer.Start(); } }); } // Render interval if (RunConfig.Renders.EnableRenders) { System.Timers.Timer renderIntervalTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(RunConfig.Renders.RenderInterval * 60000); renderIntervalTimer.AutoReset = true; renderIntervalTimer.Elapsed += (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { InvokeRender(worldPath, tempWorldPath); }; renderIntervalTimer.Start(); } if (backupOnStartup) { // Create initial world backup Console.WriteLine("Creating initial temporary copy of world directory..."); _backupManager.CreateWorldBackup(worldPath, tempWorldPath, true, false); // If "StopBeforeBackup" is set to "true" this will also automatically start the server when it's done } // Start server in case the BackupManager hasn't started it yet if (!bds.IsRunning) { bds.Start(); bds.WaitForMatch(CommonRegex.ServerStarted); // Wait until BDS successfully started } // Input thread inStream = (string text) => { if (RunConfig.BusyCommands || (!_backupManager.Processing && !_renderManager.Processing)) { #region CUSTOM COMMANDS MatchCollection cmd = Regex.Matches(text.ToLower().Trim(), @"(\S+)"); if (cmd.Count > 0) { bool result = false; switch (cmd[0].Captures[0].Value) { case "force": if (cmd.Count >= 3) { switch (cmd[1].Captures[0].Value) { case "start": switch (cmd[2].Captures[0].Value) { case "backup": InvokeBackup(worldPath, tempWorldPath); result = true; CallHook((byte)Hook.FORCE_BACKUP); break; case "render": InvokeRender(worldPath, tempWorldPath); result = true; CallHook((byte)Hook.FORCE_RENDER); break; } break; } } break; case "stop": System.Timers.Timer shutdownTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); shutdownTimer.AutoReset = false; shutdownTimer.Elapsed += (object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) => { // _renderManager.Abort(); _bdsWatchdog.Disable(); bds.SendInput("stop"); bds.Process.WaitForExit(); bds.Close(); _readInput = false; shutdownTimer.Close(); SaveConfiguration(RunConfig, _configPath); CallHook((byte)Hook.EXIT_USER); Console.WriteLine("vellum quit correctly"); System.Environment.Exit(0); }; if (cmd.Count == 2 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmd[1].Captures[0].Value)) { try { double interval = Convert.ToDouble(cmd[1].Captures[0].Value); shutdownTimer.Interval = (interval > 0 ? interval * 1000 : 1); bds.SendTellraw(String.Format("Scheduled shutdown in {0} seconds...", interval)); result = true; CallHook((byte)Hook.EXIT_SCHEDULED, new HookEventArgs() { Attachment = interval }); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Could not schedule shutdown because \"{0}\" is not a valid number.", cmd[1].Captures[0].Value); result = false; } } else { shutdownTimer.Interval = 1; result = true; } if (result) { shutdownTimer.Start(); } break; case "reload": bool isVellumConfig = false; if (cmd.Count == 2 && cmd[1].Captures[0].Value == "vellum") { RunConfig = LoadConfiguration(_configPath); isVellumConfig = true; } else { bds.SendInput(text); } result = true; CallHook((byte)Hook.RELOAD_CONFIG, new HookEventArgs() { Attachment = isVellumConfig }); break; case "updatecheck": Console.WriteLine("Checking for updates..."); // BDS UpdateChecker bdsUpdateChecker = new UpdateChecker(ReleaseProvider.HTML, "", @"https:\/\/minecraft\.azureedge\.net\/bin-" + (System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT ? "win" : "linux") + @"\/bedrock-server-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?>\.\d+)?)\.zip"); if (bdsUpdateChecker.GetLatestVersion()) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Bedrock Server:\t{0} -> {1}\t({2})", UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(bdsVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION_BUILD), UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(bdsUpdateChecker.RemoteVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION_BUILD), UpdateChecker.CompareVersions(bdsVersion, bdsUpdateChecker.RemoteVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION_BUILD) < 0 ? "outdated" : "up to date")); } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not check for Bedrock server updates..."); } // vellum if (_updateChecker.GetLatestVersion()) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("vellum:\t\t{0} -> {1}\t({2})", UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(_localVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION), UpdateChecker.ParseVersion(_updateChecker.RemoteVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION), UpdateChecker.CompareVersions(_localVersion, _updateChecker.RemoteVersion, VersionFormatting.MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION) < 0 ? "outdated" : "up to date")); } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not check for vellum updates..."); } result = true; break; default: result = true; bds.SendInput(text); break; } if (!result) { Console.WriteLine("Could not execute vellum command \"{0}\".", text); } } #endregion } else { Console.WriteLine("Could not execute vellum command \"{0}\". Please wait until all tasks have finished or enable \"BusyCommands\" in your \"{1}\".", text, _configPath); } }; } else { Console.WriteLine("No previous configuration file found. Creating one..."); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(_configPath)) { writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new RunConfiguration() { BdsBinPath = System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT ? "bedrock_server" : "bedrock_server.exe", Backups = new BackupConfig() { EnableBackups = true, EnableSchedule = true, Schedule = new string[] { "00:00", "06:00", "12:00", "18:00" }, BackupInterval = 60, ArchivePath = "./backups/", StopBeforeBackup = false, NotifyBeforeStop = 60, BackupsToKeep = 10, OnActivityOnly = false, PreExec = "", PostExec = "", }, Renders = new RenderConfig() { EnableRenders = true, RenderInterval = 180, PapyrusBinPath = "", PapyrusGlobalArgs = "-w $WORLD_PATH -o $OUTPUT_PATH --htmlfile index.html -f png -q 100 --deleteexistingupdatefolder", PapyrusTasks = new string[] { "--dim 0", "--dim 1", "--dim 2" }, PapyrusOutputPath = "", LowPriority = false }, QuietMode = false, HideStdout = true, BusyCommands = true, CheckForUpdates = true, StopBdsOnException = true, BdsWatchdog = true, Plugins = new Dictionary <string, PluginConfig>() }, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Done! Please edit the \"{0}\" file and restart this application.", _configPath)); } }