private void CancelCallback(GoalID goalId) { if (!started) { return; } ROS.Debug()("actionlib", "The action server has received a new cancel request"); if ( == null) { var timeZero = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (var valuePair in goalHandles) { var goalHandle = valuePair.Value; if ((ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp) == timeZero) || (ROS.ToDateTime(goalHandle.GoalId.stamp) < ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp))) { if (goalHandle.SetCancelRequested() && (cancelCallback != null)) { cancelCallback(goalHandle); } } } } else { ServerGoalHandle <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback> goalHandle; var foundGoalHandle = goalHandles.TryGetValue(, out goalHandle); if (foundGoalHandle) { if (goalHandle.SetCancelRequested() && (cancelCallback != null)) { cancelCallback(goalHandle); } } else { // We have not received the goal yet, prepare to cancel goal when it is received var goalStatus = new GoalStatus(); goalStatus.status = GoalStatus.RECALLING; goalHandle = new ServerGoalHandle <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback>(this, goalId, goalStatus, null); goalHandle.DestructionTime = ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp); lock (lockGoalHandles) { goalHandles[] = goalHandle; } } } // Make sure to set lastCancel based on the stamp associated with this cancel request if (ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp) > lastCancel) { lastCancel = ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp); } }
public void PublishFeedback(GoalStatus goalStatus, TFeedback feedback) { var newFeedback = new FeedbackActionMessage <TFeedback>(); newFeedback.Header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); newFeedback.Header.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); newFeedback.GoalStatus = goalStatus; newFeedback.Feedback = feedback; ROS.Debug()("actionlib", $"Publishing feedback for goal with id: {} and stamp: " + $"{new DateTimeOffset(ROS.ToDateTime(goalStatus.goal_id.stamp)).ToUnixTimeSeconds()}" ); feedbackPublisher.Publish(newFeedback); }
public ServerGoalHandle(IActionServer <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback> actionServer, GoalID goalId, GoalStatus goalStatus, TGoal goal) { this.actionServer = actionServer; GoalStatus = goalStatus; GoalId = goalId; GoalStatus.goal_id = goalId; if ((goalId.stamp == null) || (ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp) == new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))) { // If stamp is not initialized GoalStatus.goal_id.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); } GoalStatus = goalStatus; this.Goal = goal; }
public void PublishResult(GoalStatus goalStatus, TResult result) { var newResult = new ResultActionMessage <TResult>(); newResult.Header = new Messages.std_msgs.Header(); newResult.Header.stamp = ROS.GetTime(); newResult.GoalStatus = goalStatus; if (result != null) { newResult.Result = result; } ROS.Debug()("actionlib", $"Publishing result for goal with id: {} and stamp: " + $"{new DateTimeOffset(ROS.ToDateTime(goalStatus.goal_id.stamp)).ToUnixTimeSeconds()}" ); resultPublisher.Publish(newResult); PublishStatus(); }
private void GoalCallback(GoalActionMessage <TGoal> goalAction) { if (!started) { return; } GoalID goalId = goalAction.GoalId; ROS.Debug()("actionlib", "The action server has received a new goal request"); ServerGoalHandle <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback> observedGoalHandle = null; if (goalHandles.ContainsKey( { observedGoalHandle = goalHandles[]; } if (observedGoalHandle != null) { // The goal could already be in a recalling state if a cancel came in before the goal if (observedGoalHandle.GoalStatus.status == GoalStatus.RECALLING) { observedGoalHandle.GoalStatus.status = GoalStatus.RECALLED; PublishResult(observedGoalHandle.GoalStatus, null); // Empty result } } else { // Create and register new goal handle GoalStatus goalStatus = new GoalStatus(); goalStatus.status = GoalStatus.PENDING; var newGoalHandle = new ServerGoalHandle <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback>(this, goalId, goalStatus, goalAction.Goal ); newGoalHandle.DestructionTime = ROS.ToDateTime(goalId.stamp); lock (lockGoalHandles) { goalHandles[] = newGoalHandle; } goalCallback?.Invoke(newGoalHandle); } }
private void OnStatusMessage(GoalStatusArray statusArray) { string callerId; var timestamp = statusArray.header.stamp; bool callerIdPresent = statusArray.connection_header.TryGetValue("callerid", out callerId); if (callerIdPresent) { ROS.Debug()($"Getting status over the wire (callerid: {callerId}; count: " + $"{statusArray.status_list.Length})." ); if (statusReceived) { if (statusCallerId != callerId) { ROS.Warn()($"onStatusMessage: Previously received status from {statusCallerId}, but we now" + $" received status from {callerId}. Did the ActionServer change?" ); statusCallerId = callerId; } } else { ROS.Debug()("onStatusMessage: Just got our first status message from the ActionServer at " + $"node {callerId}" ); statusReceived = true; statusCallerId = callerId; } LatestStatusTime = timestamp; if (LatestSequenceNumber != null && statusArray.header.seq <= LatestSequenceNumber) { ROS.Warn()("Status sequence number was decreased. This can only happen when the action server was restarted. Assume all active goals are lost."); HandleConnectionLost(); } LatestSequenceNumber = statusArray.header.seq; // Create a copy of all goal handle references in thread safe environment so it can be looped over all goal // handles without blocking the sending of new goals Dictionary <string, ClientGoalHandle <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback> > goalHandlesReferenceCopy; lock (lockGoalHandles) { goalHandlesReferenceCopy = new Dictionary <string, ClientGoalHandle <TGoal, TResult, TFeedback> >(goalHandles); } // Loop over all goal handles and update their state, mark goal handles that are done for deletion var completedGoals = new List <string>(); foreach (var pair in goalHandlesReferenceCopy) { if ((pair.Value.LatestResultAction == null) || (ROS.ToDateTime(pair.Value.LatestResultAction.Header.stamp) < ROS.ToDateTime(timestamp))) { var goalStatus = FindGoalInStatusList(statusArray, pair.Key); UpdateStatus(pair.Value, goalStatus); if (pair.Value.State == CommunicationState.DONE) { completedGoals.Add(pair.Key); } } } // Remove goal handles that are done from the tracking list foreach (var goalHandleId in completedGoals) { //Logger.LogInformation($"Remove goal handle id {goalHandleId} from tracked goal handles"); lock (lockGoalHandles) { goalHandles.Remove(goalHandleId); } } } else { ROS.Error()("Received StatusMessage with no caller ID"); } }