Пример #1
        private void AttackMode()
            Engine.Log.Debug("State " + PlayerAI.Player.PlayerIndex, "Attack");

            //Compute a tactical value based on the distance to opponents
            float tacticalDistance = 300;
            float tacticalValue    = Math.Min(
                1 - LBE.MathHelper.WeightDistance(PlayerAI.Player.Position, tacticalDistance, PlayerAI.Player.Opponents[0].Position),
                1 - LBE.MathHelper.WeightDistance(PlayerAI.Player.Position, tacticalDistance, PlayerAI.Player.Opponents[1].Position));

            float mateTacticalValue = Math.Min(
                1 - LBE.MathHelper.WeightDistance(PlayerAI.Player.TeamMate.Position, tacticalDistance, PlayerAI.Player.Opponents[0].Position),
                1 - LBE.MathHelper.WeightDistance(PlayerAI.Player.TeamMate.Position, tacticalDistance, PlayerAI.Player.Opponents[1].Position));

            //Check if the player can shoot from its current position
            bool canShoot;
            bool mateCanShoot;

            CheckShootPossible(out canShoot, out mateCanShoot);

            float shootValue     = GetShootValue(PlayerAI.Player.Team, PlayerAI.Player.Position);
            float mateShootValue = GetShootValue(PlayerAI.Player.Team, PlayerAI.Player.TeamMate.Position);

            float passTacticalValue   = 0.75f;
            float dangerTacticalValue = 0.40f;

            //Get distance to goal
            Goal  goal         = Game.Arena.LeftGoal.Team == PlayerAI.Player.Team ? Game.Arena.RightGoal : Game.Arena.LeftGoal;
            float distFromGoal = Vector2.Distance(goal.Position, PlayerAI.Position);

            if (distFromGoal < 250 && canShoot)

            //Set a delay before shooting or passing the ball when we just got it
            float shootDelayMin             = Engine.Debug.EditSingle("AIShootDelayMin", 80);
            float shootDelayDistanceBase    = Engine.Debug.EditSingle("AIShootDelayDistanceBase", 400);
            float shootDelayDistanceCoefMax = Engine.Debug.EditSingle("AIShootDelayDistanceCoefMax", 5);
            float shootDelaySkillBase       = Engine.Debug.EditSingle("AIShootDelaySkillBase", 400);
            float shootDelaySkillCoefMin    = Engine.Debug.EditSingle("AIShootDelaySkillCoefMin", 0.5f);

            //Shoot faster if closer to goal
            float distanceCoef = LBE.MathHelper.LinearStep(100, 600, distFromGoal);

            //More agressive AI will shoot faster
            float agresssivnessCoef = LBE.MathHelper.Lerp(shootDelaySkillCoefMin, 1.0f, (1 - PlayerAI.AiState.AgressivenessCoef));
            float shootDelay        = shootDelayMin + shootDelayDistanceBase * distanceCoef + shootDelaySkillBase * agresssivnessCoef;

            if (Engine.GameTime.TimeMS - PlayerAI.Info.BallTakenTime < shootDelay)

            //If possible, shoot
            if (canShoot)
            //If mate can shoot has good tactical value, pass the ball
            else if (PlayerAI.AiState.Pass && mateCanShoot && mateTacticalValue > passTacticalValue)
            //If personal tactical value is bad, do an emergency pass
            else if (PlayerAI.AiState.Pass && tacticalValue < dangerTacticalValue && mateTacticalValue > tacticalValue)
            //If mate has better tactical value, pass the ball
            else if (PlayerAI.AiState.Pass && mateTacticalValue > tacticalValue && mateShootValue > shootValue)