Пример #1
        public override object VisitExprApplyAttribute([NotNull] ChessVCParser.ExprApplyAttributeContext context)
            object    o        = Visit(context.expression());
            string    attrname = context.ATTRIBUTE().GetText().Substring(1);
            Reference attr     = globalIdentifierLookup(attrname);

            if (attr == null)
                attrname += "Attribute";
                attr      = globalIdentifierLookup(attrname);
                if (attr == null)
                    throw new Exception("Attribute not defined: " + context.ATTRIBUTE().GetText());
            //	make sure object we found is of correct type
            if (!(attr.ReferencedObject is Type) || !(attr.ReferencedObject as Type).IsSubclassOf(typeof(Attribute)))
                throw new Exception("Specified object is not an attribute: " + attrname);
            //	construct new object of attribute
            Type            attrType = attr.ReferencedObject as Type;
            ConstructorInfo ci       = attrType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
            Attribute       newAttr  = (Attribute)ci.Invoke(null);

            if (o is ExObject)
                (o as ExObject).AddAttribute(newAttr);
            else if (o is Reference)
                Reference r = (Reference)o;
                if (r.EffectiveType == typeof(ExObject) || r.EffectiveType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ExObject)))
                else if (r.EffectiveType == typeof(System.Type) || r.EffectiveType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Type)))
                    //	if the attribute is applied to a PieceType class (rather than an instance) then
                    //	we will try to construct an instance and apply the attribute to that.
                    Type type = (Type)r.GetValue();
                    if (type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PieceType)))
                        ConstructorInfo ci2 = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(string) });
                        if (ci2 != null)
                            PieceType pt = (PieceType)ci2.Invoke(new object[] { null, null, 0, 0, null });
                            //	if the attribute is a PieceTypePropertyAttribute, we will apply it
                            //	to the move capabilities now.  this is a temporary object and the
                            //	user is exepecting this to take effect (likely to pass this type
                            //	to the AddMoveOf function.)
                            if (newAttr is PieceTypePropertyAttribute)
                throw new Exception("Object of this type cannot be decorated with an attribute");