Пример #1
        public void ObstacleListener(OBSTACLE_DIRECTION direction, bool isThereAnObstacle)
            if (!Map.MapInformation.isObstacleDetecteurOn())
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.MEDIUM, "Mouvement - ObstacleListener - !Map.MapInformation.isObstacleDetecteurOn(), no change on trajectory. ");

            if (direction == Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.GetDirection())
                if (isThereAnObstacle /*&& Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.kangaroo.currentMode == "D"*/)
                    Informations.printInformations(Priority.MEDIUM, "Mouvement - ObstacleListener - obstacle detected : pausing movement. ");

                if (!isThereAnObstacle)
                    Informations.printInformations(Priority.MEDIUM, "Mouvement - ObstacleListener - obstacle removed : resuming movement. ");
                    //Robot.robot.IHM.AfficherInformation("UNPAUSED", false);
                    //new Thread(() => this.Start()).Start();
                    isPaused = false;
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.MEDIUM, "Mouvement - ObstacleListener - obstacle in other direction : ignored. ");
Пример #2
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection, int speedDrive)
     this.destination       = destination;
     this.isDirectionForced = true;
     this.forcedDirection   = forcedDirection;
     this.speedDrive        = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn         = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedTurn;
Пример #3
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection, int speedDrive, int speedTurn)
     this.destination       = destination;
     this.isDirectionForced = true;
     this.forcedDirection   = forcedDirection;
     this.speedDrive        = speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn         = speedTurn;
Пример #4
 public Mouvement(PointOriente destination, bool adjustToAngle, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection)
     this.adjustToAngle     = adjustToAngle;
     this.destination       = destination;
     this.isDirectionForced = true;
     this.forcedDirection   = forcedDirection;
     this.speedDrive        = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedDrive;
     this.speedTurn         = Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.speedTurn;
Пример #5
 private bool getObstacleStatusForDirection(OBSTACLE_DIRECTION direction, bool[] obstaclesBySensor)
     for (int i = 0; i < this.capteurs.Length; i++)
         if (capteurs[i].direction == direction && obstaclesBySensor[i])
Пример #6
        public Ultrason(int socket, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION direction)
            : base(direction)
            capteurUltrason = new GTM.GHIElectronics.DistanceUS3(socket);
            capteurUltrason.DebugPrintEnabled = true;
            //lastStatus = IsThereAnObstacle();

            /*Gadgeteer.Timer timer = new Gadgeteer.Timer(REFRESH_RATE);
             * timer.Tick += this.detectObstacle;
             * timer.Start();*/
Пример #7
 public Infrarouge(int socket, int port, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION direction)
     : base(direction)
     Informations.printInformations(Priority.MEDIUM, "New infrarouge on socket " + socket + " & port " + port + "; pin : " + Socket.GetSocket(socket, true, null, null).CpuPins[port] + "; type of pin : " + Socket.GetSocket(socket, true, null, null).CpuPins[port].GetType());
     this.capteurIR = new InterruptPort(
         Socket.GetSocket(socket, true, null, null).CpuPins[port],
     this.capteurIR.OnInterrupt += (uint pin, uint state, DateTime time) => OnObstacleChange(state == 0);
Пример #8
 public bool getObstacleStatusForDirection(OBSTACLE_DIRECTION direction)
     return(getObstacleStatusForDirection(direction, this.lastObstacleFoundForCapteurs));
Пример #9
 public CapteurObstacle(OBSTACLE_DIRECTION direction)
     this.direction = direction;
Пример #10
        public Boolean GoToOrientedPoint(PointOriente pt, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forceDir) // forceDir = AVANT or ARRIERE
            isPaused = Map.MapInformation.isDetecteurOn && Robot.robot.OBSTACLE_MANAGER.getObstacleStatusForDirection(forceDir);
            if (isPaused)
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going (dir forced) to " + pt.x.ToString() + "," + pt.y.ToString() + "\r\n");
            Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.direction = forceDir;
            // AdjustToAngle == True must be handled here
            double angle = 0;
            double deltaX, deltaY, deltaTheta, alpha;

            deltaX     = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
            deltaY     = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;
            deltaTheta = 180 / System.Math.PI * System.Math.Atan2(deltaY, deltaX);
            if (deltaY == 0)
                if (deltaX > 0)
                    deltaTheta = 0;
                    deltaTheta = 180;
            if (deltaTheta < 0)
                deltaTheta = 360 + deltaTheta;
            // We now have the good theta (between 0 and 360)
            if (forceDir == OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.AVANT)
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going en avant");
                if (this.GetPosition().theta % 360 - deltaTheta % 360 > 180) // That means we have to turn atrigo
                    Rotate(convertTo180(360 - this.GetPosition().theta % 360 - deltaTheta % 360));
                    // waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                    Rotate(convertTo180(-this.GetPosition().theta % 360 + deltaTheta % 360));
                    // waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                deltaX = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
                deltaY = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;
                Avance((int)System.Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY));
                //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                if (this.isPaused)
                    return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                //position = new PointOriente(pt.x, pt.y, deltaTheta);
                angle = deltaTheta;
            if (forceDir == OBSTACLE_DIRECTION.ARRIERE)
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "Going en arriere");
                if (this.GetPosition().theta % 360 - deltaTheta > 180)
                {//turn antitrigo
                    Rotate(convertTo180(-convertTo360(this.GetPosition().theta) + 180 - convertTo360(deltaTheta)));
                    //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                    Rotate(convertTo180(180 - convertTo360(this.GetPosition().theta) + convertTo360(deltaTheta)));
                    //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                    if (this.isPaused)
                        return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
                deltaX = pt.x - this.GetPosition().x;
                deltaY = pt.y - this.GetPosition().y;
                Avance(-(int)System.Math.Sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY));
                //position = new PointOriente(pt.x, pt.y, 180+deltaTheta%360); // check the angle
                //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                if (this.isPaused)
                    return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
            if (adjustToAngle)
                Informations.printInformations(Priority.LOW, "Starting to adjust angle");
                Rotate((convertTo180(-GetPosition().theta + pt.theta)));
                //Robot.robot.BASE_ROULANTE.MoveCompleted.WaitOne();// waiting for the move to be completed
                if (this.isPaused)
                    return(false);               // MUST BE CHECKED AFTER EACH WaitOne!!!!
            Informations.printInformations(Priority.HIGH, "DOne with gotoForced dir.");
Пример #11
 public ActionBaseRoulante BuildActionBaseRoulante_GOTO_ANGLE(PointOriente pt, OBSTACLE_DIRECTION forcedDirection)
     return(new ActionBaseRoulante(this.description, new Robot.composants.BaseRoulante.Mouvement(pt, true, forcedDirection)));