/// <summary>
        /// Renders a <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.BaseMixedRealityProfile"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">the <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.BaseMixedRealityProfile"/> property.</param>
        /// <param name="showAddButton">If true, draw the clone button, if false, don't</param>
        /// <param name="renderProfileInBox">if true, render box around profile content, if false, don't</param>
        /// <param name="serviceType">Optional service type to limit available profile types.</param>
        /// <returns>True, if the profile changed.</returns>
        private static bool RenderProfileInternal(SerializedProperty property, Type profileType,
                                                  bool showAddButton, bool renderProfileInBox, Type serviceType = null)
            var  profile   = property.serializedObject.targetObject as BaseMixedRealityProfile;
            bool changed   = false;
            var  oldObject = property.objectReferenceValue;

            if (profileType != null && !profileType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseMixedRealityProfile)) && profileType != typeof(BaseMixedRealityProfile))
                // If they've drag-and-dropped a non-profile scriptable object, set it to null.
                profileType = null;

            // If we're constraining this to a service type, check whether the profile is valid
            // If it isn't, issue a warning.
            if (serviceType != null && oldObject != null)
                if (!MixedRealityProfileUtility.IsProfileForService(oldObject.GetType(), serviceType))
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This profile is not supported for " + serviceType.Name + ". Using an unsupported service may result in unexpected behavior.", MessageType.Warning);

            if (profileType == null)
                // Find the profile type so we can limit the available object field options
                if (serviceType != null)
                    // If GetProfileTypesForService has a count greater than one, then it won't be possible to use
                    // EditorGUILayout.ObjectField to restrict the set of profiles to a single type - in this
                    // case all profiles of BaseMixedRealityProfile will be visible in the picker.
                    // However in the case where there is just a single profile type for the service, we can improve
                    // upon the user experience by limiting the set of things that show in the picker by restricting
                    // the set of profiles listed to only that type.
                    var availableTypes = MixedRealityProfileUtility.GetProfileTypesForService(serviceType);
                    if (availableTypes.Count == 1)
                        profileType = availableTypes.First();

                // If the profile type is still null, just set it to base profile type
                if (profileType == null)
                    profileType = typeof(BaseMixedRealityProfile);

            // Draw the profile dropdown
            changed |= MixedRealityInspectorUtility.DrawProfileDropDownList(property, profile, oldObject, profileType, showAddButton);

            Debug.Assert(profile != null, "No profile was set in OnEnable. Did you forget to call base.OnEnable in a derived profile class?");

            // Draw the sub-profile editor
            MixedRealityInspectorUtility.DrawSubProfileEditor(property.objectReferenceValue, renderProfileInBox);
