/// <summary>
        /// Renders a <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.BaseMixedRealityProfile"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">the <see cref="Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.BaseMixedRealityProfile"/> property.</param>
        /// <param name="showAddButton">If true, draw the clone button, if false, don't</param>
        /// <param name="renderProfileInBox">if true, render box around profile content, if false, don't</param>
        /// <param name="serviceType">Optional service type to limit available profile types.</param>
        /// <returns>True, if the profile changed.</returns>
        private static bool RenderProfileInternal(SerializedProperty property, Type profileType,
                                                  bool showAddButton, bool renderProfileInBox, Type serviceType = null)
            var  profile   = property.serializedObject.targetObject as BaseMixedRealityProfile;
            bool changed   = false;
            var  oldObject = property.objectReferenceValue;

            if (profileType != null && !profileType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseMixedRealityProfile)) && profileType != typeof(BaseMixedRealityProfile))
                // If they've drag-and-dropped a non-profile scriptable object, set it to null.
                profileType = null;

            // If we're constraining this to a service type, check whether the profile is valid
            // If it isn't, issue a warning.
            if (serviceType != null && oldObject != null)
                if (!MixedRealityProfileUtility.IsProfileForService(oldObject.GetType(), serviceType))
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This profile is not supported for " + serviceType.Name + ". Using an unsupported service may result in unexpected behavior.", MessageType.Warning);

            if (profileType == null)
                // Find the profile type so we can limit the available object field options
                if (serviceType != null)
                    // If GetProfileTypesForService has a count greater than one, then it won't be possible to use
                    // EditorGUILayout.ObjectField to restrict the set of profiles to a single type - in this
                    // case all profiles of BaseMixedRealityProfile will be visible in the picker.
                    // However in the case where there is just a single profile type for the service, we can improve
                    // upon the user experience by limiting the set of things that show in the picker by restricting
                    // the set of profiles listed to only that type.
                    var availableTypes = MixedRealityProfileUtility.GetProfileTypesForService(serviceType);
                    if (availableTypes.Count == 1)
                        profileType = availableTypes.First();

                // If the profile type is still null, just set it to base profile type
                if (profileType == null)
                    profileType = typeof(BaseMixedRealityProfile);

            // Draw the profile dropdown
            changed |= MixedRealityInspectorUtility.DrawProfileDropDownList(property, profile, oldObject, profileType, showAddButton);

            Debug.Assert(profile != null, "No profile was set in OnEnable. Did you forget to call base.OnEnable in a derived profile class?");

            // Draw the sub-profile editor
            MixedRealityInspectorUtility.DrawSubProfileEditor(property.objectReferenceValue, renderProfileInBox);

        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            MixedRealityToolkit instance = (MixedRealityToolkit)target;

            if (MixedRealityToolkit.Instance == null && instance.isActiveAndEnabled)
            {   // See if an active instance exists at all. If it doesn't register this instance preemptively.

            if (!instance.IsActiveInstance)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This instance of the toolkit is inactive. There can only be one active instance loaded at any time.", MessageType.Warning);
                using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope())
                    if (GUILayout.Button("Select Active Instance"))
                        Selection.activeGameObject = MixedRealityToolkit.Instance.gameObject;

                    if (GUILayout.Button("Make this the Active Instance"))


            // If no profile is assigned, then warn user
            if (activeProfile.objectReferenceValue == null)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("MixedRealityToolkit cannot initialize unless an Active Profile is assigned!", MessageType.Error);

            bool changed = MixedRealityInspectorUtility.DrawProfileDropDownList(activeProfile, null, activeProfile.objectReferenceValue, typeof(MixedRealityToolkitConfigurationProfile), false, false) ||
                           cachedProfile != activeProfile.objectReferenceValue;


            if (changed)
                activeProfileEditor = null;
                cachedProfile       = activeProfile.objectReferenceValue;

            if (activeProfile.objectReferenceValue != null && activeProfileEditor == null)
                // For the configuration profile, show the default inspector GUI
                activeProfileEditor = CreateEditor(activeProfile.objectReferenceValue);

            if (activeProfileEditor != null)