Наследование: MonoBehaviour
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Unserializes the BigDB database world object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worlddata">The world data.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the world.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the world.</param>
        public static void UnserializeFromComplexObject(DatabaseArray worlddata, int width, int height)
            Minimap minimap = new Minimap();
            minimap.width = width;
            minimap.height = height;

            Console.WriteLine("Unserializing complex object...");

            foreach (DatabaseObject ct in worlddata) {
                if (ct.Count == 0) continue;
                uint blockId = ct.GetUInt("type");
                int layer = ct.GetInt("layer");
                byte[] xs = ct.GetBytes("x"),
                    ys = ct.GetBytes("y");

                for (var b = 0; b < xs.Length; b += 2) {
                    int nx = (xs[b] << 8) | xs[b + 1],
                        ny = (ys[b] << 8) | ys[b + 1];

                    minimap.drawBlock(layer, nx, ny, blockId);

            // Write them "on top" of backgrounds

            minimap.Save(worldID + "_bigdb.png");
            generating_minimap = false;
    void Start()
        map = new Minimap();

        form = new CameraForm(new Bitmap(128,128));
        window = new Thread(this.startThread);
Пример #3
    void Start()
        defaultSprite = GetComponent<Image>().sprite;
        map = GetComponentInParent<Minimap>();
        myRectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();

        float scale = Mathf.Max(MinScale, map.ZoomLevel);
        myRectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, 1);
 public void LoadMinimap(Minimap Minimap)
     this.Minimap = Minimap;
     //load tile textures
     foreach (MinimapTile tile in Minimap.Tiles)
Пример #5
    public Dungeon(int maxRooms)
        RoomList = new List<Room>();

        _maxRooms = maxRooms;
        _currentAmtOfRooms = 0;
        _currentRoomIndex = 0;
        minimap = new Minimap(this);
Пример #6
        public HudMap(Hud hud, SpriteFont font, Game1 game)
            : base(hud, font, game)
            minimap = new Minimap(game);

            mapPos = new Vector2(1455, 752);
            hudMapF = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Hud/mapF");
            mask = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Hud/mapMask");
            hudMapB = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Hud/mapO");
            alphaMap = game.Content.Load<Effect>(@"Effects/AlphaMap");
            barMask = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Hud/Masks/mapBar");

            barTarg = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 272, 16);
            rTarg = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 402, 283);
            mapTarg = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 402, 283);
            spB = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice);
Пример #7
    void Start() {
        minimap = GetComponentInChildren<Minimap>();
        state = playerState.StageStart;
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        isAfterClear = false;

        //int level = 99;
        //int stage = 99;
        //int min = 80;
        //int sec = 70;
        //Debug.Log(getLeaderboardRecord(90, 90));
        //Debug.Log(getLeaderboardRecord(90, 90)[0] + " " + getLeaderboardRecord(90, 90)[1]);
Пример #8
 public void SetUpBlip(Sprite mapIcon, Color teamColor, GameObject target, Minimap map)
     /*		if (teamColor == null) {
         teamColor = new Color(0,0,0,255);
     if (!sprite) sprite = GetComponent<Image>();
     Map = map;
     Target = target.transform;
     ownersID = "ID" + target.name;
     MapIcon = mapIcon;
     sprite.sprite = MapIcon;
     TeamColor = new Color(teamColor.r, teamColor.g, teamColor.b, 1);
     sprite.color = TeamColor;
     Unit unit = target.GetComponent<Unit>();
     if (unit) {
         if (unit.unitType == UnitType.Hero)
             KeepInBounds = true;
     SetUp = true;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Unserializes the BigDB database world object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worlddata">The world data.</param>
        /// <param name="width">The width of the world.</param>
        /// <param name="height">The height of the world.</param>
        public static void UnserializeFromComplexObject(DatabaseObject input, int width, int height, string worldID)
            Minimap minimap = new Minimap();
            minimap.width = width;
            minimap.height = height;

            if (input.Contains("worlddata"))
                foreach (DatabaseObject ct in input.GetArray("worlddata").Reverse())
                    if (ct.Count == 0) continue;
                    uint blockId = ct.GetUInt("type");
                    int layer = ct.GetInt("layer", 0);

                    byte[] x = ct.GetBytes("x", new byte[0]), y = ct.GetBytes("y", new byte[0]),
                           x1 = ct.GetBytes("x1", new byte[0]), y1 = ct.GetBytes("y1", new byte[0]);

                    for (int j = 0; j < x1.Length; j++)
                        byte nx = x1[j];
                        byte ny = y1[j];

                        minimap.drawBlock(layer, nx, ny, blockId);
                    for (int k = 0; k < x.Length; k += 2)
                        uint nx2 = (uint)(((int)x[k] << 8) + (int)x[k + 1]);
                        uint ny2 = (uint)(((int)y[k] << 8) + (int)y[k + 1]);

                        minimap.drawBlock(layer, (int)nx2, (int)ny2, blockId);
            else if (input.Contains("world"))


            minimap.Save(worldID + "_bigdb.png", histogram);
    void Start()
        m_minimap = new Minimap();

        //if the user has selected a rendertexture in the inspector to be the target
        //then use that one, otherwise make a new rendertexture and make it avalible
        //via the TargetTexture field
        TargetTexture = m_minimap.Image;
        //only use the current camera if PlayerCamera was not set in the
        if (PlayerCamera == null)
            //check to see if we are connected to a camera
            if (GetComponent<Camera>())
                //and if we are use that camera as the player camera
                PlayerCamera = GetComponent<Camera>();
        viewBox = m_minimap.getViewBoxGameObject(PlayerCamera, true, 30.0f);
Пример #11
 void Start()
     map=new Minimap(new Rect(Screen.width-220,Screen.height-220,200,200));
Пример #12
 void Awake()
     thisCamera = this.GetComponent <Camera>();
     minimap    = this.GetComponent <Minimap>();
Пример #13
    public void update()
        if (Settings.MinimapSetting && RCSettings.globalDisableMinimap != 1 && !Minimap.instance.isEnabled)
            gameObject.GetComponent <Minimap>().SetEnabled(true);

        if (flashDuration > 0f)
            flashDuration -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (flashDuration <= 0f)
                flashDuration = 0f;

            GameObjectCache.Find("flash").GetComponent <UISprite>().alpha = flashDuration * 0.5f;

        if (gametype == GAMETYPE.STOP)
            Screen.showCursor = true;
            Screen.lockCursor = false;
            if (gametype != GAMETYPE.SINGLE && gameOver)
                if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.attack1])
                    if (spectatorMode)

                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
                    var length = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player").Length;
                    if (currentPeekPlayerIndex >= length)
                        currentPeekPlayerIndex = 0;

                    if (length > 0)
                        lockAngle = false;

                if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
                    var num2 = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player").Length;
                    if (currentPeekPlayerIndex >= num2)
                        currentPeekPlayerIndex = 0;

                    if (currentPeekPlayerIndex < 0)
                        currentPeekPlayerIndex = num2;

                    if (num2 > 0)
                        lockAngle = false;

                if (spectatorMode)

            if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.pause])
                if (isPausing)
                    if (main_object != null)
                        var position = transform.position;
                        position           = head == null ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position;
                        position          += Vector3.up * heightMulti;
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, position - transform.forward * 5f, 0.2f);


                isPausing = !isPausing;
                if (isPausing)
                    if (gametype == GAMETYPE.SINGLE)
                        Time.timeScale = 0f;

                    GameObjectCache.Find("InputManagerController").GetComponent <FengCustomInputs>().menuOn = true;
                    Page.GetInstance <PauseMenu>().Enable();
                    Screen.showCursor = true;
                    Screen.lockCursor = false;

            if (needSetHUD)
                needSetHUD = false;
                Screen.lockCursor = !Screen.lockCursor;
                Screen.lockCursor = !Screen.lockCursor;

            if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.fullscreen])
                Screen.fullScreen = !Screen.fullScreen;
                if (Screen.fullScreen)
                    Screen.SetResolution(960, 600, false);
                    Screen.SetResolution(Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height, true);

                needSetHUD = true;

            if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.restart])

            if (main_object != null)
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.camera])
                    switch (cameraMode)
                    case CAMERA_TYPE.ORIGINAL:
                        if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[2])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.WOW;
                            Screen.lockCursor = false;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[1])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.TPS;
                            Screen.lockCursor = true;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[3])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.OLDTPS;
                            Screen.lockCursor = true;


                    case CAMERA_TYPE.WOW:
                        if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[1])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.TPS;
                            Screen.lockCursor = true;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[3])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.OLDTPS;
                            Screen.lockCursor = true;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[0])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.ORIGINAL;
                            Screen.lockCursor = false;


                    case CAMERA_TYPE.TPS:
                        if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[3])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.OLDTPS;
                            Screen.lockCursor = true;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[0])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.ORIGINAL;
                            Screen.lockCursor = false;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[2])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.WOW;
                            Screen.lockCursor = false;


                    case CAMERA_TYPE.OLDTPS:
                        if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[0])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.ORIGINAL;
                            Screen.lockCursor = false;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[2])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.WOW;
                            Screen.lockCursor = false;
                        else if (Settings.CameraTypeSettings[1])
                            cameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.TPS;
                            Screen.lockCursor = true;


                    if ((int)FengGameManagerMKII.settings[245] == 1 || main_object.GetComponent <HERO>() == null)
                        Screen.showCursor = false;

                if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.hideCursor])
                    Screen.showCursor = !Screen.showCursor;

                if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.focus])
                    triggerAutoLock = !triggerAutoLock;
                    if (triggerAutoLock)
                        lockTarget = findNearestTitan();
                        if (closestDistance >= 150f)
                            lockTarget      = null;
                            triggerAutoLock = false;

                if (gameOver && main_object != null)
                    if (FengGameManagerMKII.inputRC.isInputHumanDown(InputCodeRC.liveCam))
                        if ((int)FengGameManagerMKII.settings[263] == 0)
                            FengGameManagerMKII.settings[263] = 1;
                            FengGameManagerMKII.settings[263] = 0;

                    var component = main_object.GetComponent <HERO>();
                    if (component != null && (int)FengGameManagerMKII.settings[263] == 1 && component.GetComponent <SmoothSyncMovement>().enabled&& component.isPhotonCamera)
                    else if (lockAngle)
                        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, main_object.transform.rotation, 0.2f);
                        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, main_object.transform.position - main_object.transform.forward * 5f, 0.2f);

                if (triggerAutoLock && lockTarget != null)
                    var z         = this.transform.eulerAngles.z;
                    var transform = lockTarget.transform.Find("Amarture/Core/Controller_Body/hip/spine/chest/neck");
                    var vector2   = transform.position - (head == null ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position);
                    lockCameraPosition      = head == null ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position;
                    lockCameraPosition     -= vector2 * distance * distanceMulti * distanceOffsetMulti;
                    lockCameraPosition     += Vector3.up * 3f * heightMulti * distanceOffsetMulti;
                    this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.position, lockCameraPosition, Time.deltaTime * 4f);
                    if (head != null)
                        this.transform.LookAt(head.transform.position * 0.8f + transform.position * 0.2f);
                        this.transform.LookAt(main_object.transform.position * 0.8f + transform.position * 0.2f);

                    this.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(this.transform.eulerAngles.x, this.transform.eulerAngles.y, z);
                    Vector2 vector3 = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position - transform.forward * lockTarget.transform.localScale.x);
                    locker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(vector3.x - Screen.width * 0.5f, vector3.y - Screen.height * 0.5f, 0f);
                    if (lockTarget.GetComponent <TITAN>() != null && lockTarget.GetComponent <TITAN>().hasDie)
                        lockTarget = null;
                    locker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -Screen.height * 0.5f - 50f, 0f);

                var end        = head == null ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position;
                var vector5    = (head == null ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position) - this.transform.position;
                var normalized = vector5.normalized;
                end -= distance * normalized * distanceMulti;
                LayerMask mask  = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground");
                LayerMask mask2 = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("EnemyBox");
                LayerMask mask3 = mask | mask2;
                if (head != null)
                    if (Physics.Linecast(head.transform.position, end, out hit, mask))
                        transform.position = hit.point;
                    else if (Physics.Linecast(head.transform.position - normalized * distanceMulti * 3f, end, out hit, mask2))
                        transform.position = hit.point;

                    Debug.DrawLine(head.transform.position - normalized * distanceMulti * 3f, end, Color.red);
                else if (Physics.Linecast(main_object.transform.position + Vector3.up, end, out hit, mask3))
                    transform.position = hit.point;

Пример #14
        public override void Clicked()
            Box       tmpBox, tmpBox2;
            Alignment tmpAlign;
            Box       vbox = new Gtk.VBox();

            vbox.Spacing = 3;
            Box hbox = new Gtk.HBox();

            hbox.Spacing = 3;

            Box dungeonVreContainer         = new Gtk.VBox();
            Box roomVreContainer            = new Gtk.VBox();
            ValueReferenceEditor dungeonVre = null;
            ValueReferenceEditor roomVre    = null;

            Alignment frame             = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0);
            var       dungeonSpinButton = new SpinButton(0, 15, 1);
            var       floorSpinButton   = new SpinButton(0, 15, 1);
            var       roomSpinButton    = new SpinButtonHexadecimal(0, 255, 1);

            roomSpinButton.Digits = 2;
            Minimap minimap = null;

            System.Action RoomChanged = () => {
                Dungeon dungeon = minimap.Map as Dungeon;
                Room    room    = minimap.GetRoom();

                roomSpinButton.Value = room.Index & 0xff;

                var vrs = new List <ValueReference>();
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Up", room.Index & 0xff, 0, 0, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Right", room.Index & 0xff, 1, 1, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Down", room.Index & 0xff, 2, 2, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Left", room.Index & 0xff, 3, 3, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Key", room.Index & 0xff, 4, 4, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Chest", room.Index & 0xff, 5, 5, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Boss", room.Index & 0xff, 6, 6, DataValueType.ByteBit));
                vrs.Add(new StreamValueReference("Dark", room.Index & 0xff, 7, 7, DataValueType.ByteBit));

                Stream stream = Project.GetBinaryFile("rooms/" + Project.GameString + "/group" + dungeon.Group + "DungeonProperties.bin");
                foreach (StreamValueReference r in vrs)

                if (roomVre != null)

                var vrg = new ValueReferenceGroup(vrs);
                roomVre = new ValueReferenceEditor(Project, vrg, 4, "Minimap Data");


            System.Action DungeonChanged = () => {
                Dungeon dungeon = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Dungeon>(dungeonSpinButton.ValueAsInt);

                floorSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = dungeon.NumFloors - 1;
                if (floorSpinButton.ValueAsInt >= dungeon.NumFloors)
                    floorSpinButton.Value = dungeon.NumFloors - 1;

                var vrs = new List <ValueReference>();
                vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Group", 0, DataValueType.String, false));
                vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Wallmaster dest room", 0, DataValueType.Byte));
                vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Bottom floor layout", 0, DataValueType.Byte, false));
                vrs.Add(new ValueReference("# of floors", 0, DataValueType.Byte, false));
                vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Base floor name", 0, DataValueType.Byte));
                vrs.Add(new ValueReference("Floors unlocked with compass", 0, DataValueType.Byte));

                Data data = dungeon.DataStart;
                foreach (ValueReference r in vrs)
                    data = data.NextData;

                // Remove last ValueReferenceEditor
                if (dungeonVre != null)

                var vrg = new ValueReferenceGroup(vrs);
                dungeonVre = new ValueReferenceEditor(Project, vrg, "Base Data");

                dungeonVre.AddDataModifiedHandler(() => {
                    floorSpinButton.Adjustment.Upper = dungeon.NumFloors;

                // Replace the "group" option with a custom widget for finer
                // control.
                SpinButton groupSpinButton = new SpinButton(4, 5, 1);
                groupSpinButton.Value         = dungeon.Group;
                groupSpinButton.ValueChanged += (c, d) => {
                    vrg.SetValue("Group", ">wGroup" + groupSpinButton.ValueAsInt + "Flags");
                dungeonVre.ReplaceWidget(0, groupSpinButton);

                // Tooltips
                dungeonVre.SetTooltip(0, "Also known as the high byte of the room index.");
                dungeonVre.SetTooltip(1, "The low byte of the room index wallmasters will send you to.");
                dungeonVre.SetTooltip(2, "The index of the layout for the bottom floor. Subsequent floors will use subsequent indices.");
                dungeonVre.SetTooltip(4, "Determines what the game will call the bottom floor. For a value of:\n$00: The bottom floor is 'B3'.\n$01: The bottom floor is 'B2'.\n$02: The bottom floor is 'B1'.\n$03: The bottom floor is 'F1'.");
                dungeonVre.SetTooltip(5, "A bitset of floors that will appear on the map when the compass is obtained.\n\nEg. If this is $05, then floors 0 and 2 will be unlocked (bits 0 and 2 are set).");

                minimap.Floor = floorSpinButton.ValueAsInt;


            dungeonSpinButton.ValueChanged += (a, b) => { DungeonChanged(); };
            floorSpinButton.ValueChanged   += (a, b) => { DungeonChanged(); };


            tmpBox = new Gtk.HBox();
            tmpBox.Add(new Gtk.Label("Dungeon "));
            tmpBox.Add(new Gtk.Label("Floor "));
            tmpAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0);


            // Leftmost column

            tmpBox = new VBox();

            var addFloorButton = new Button("Add Floor");

            addFloorButton.Image    = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Add, Gtk.IconSize.Button);
            addFloorButton.Clicked += (a, b) => {
                Dungeon dungeon = minimap.Map as Dungeon;

                int newFloorIndex = dungeon.FirstLayoutIndex + dungeon.NumFloors;

                // Shift all subsequent layouts 64 bytes down in the data file
                Stream layoutFile = Project.GetBinaryFile("rooms/" + Project.GameString + "/dungeonLayouts.bin");
                layoutFile.SetLength(layoutFile.Length + 64);
                for (int i = (int)layoutFile.Length / 64 - 1; i > newFloorIndex; i--)
                    var buf = new byte[64];
                    layoutFile.Position = (i - 1) * 64;
                    layoutFile.Read(buf, 0, 64);
                    layoutFile.Write(buf, 0, 64);

                // Clear the new floor
                layoutFile.Position = newFloorIndex * 64;
                for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)

                // Shift each dungeon's "FirstLayoutIndex" to match the shifted layouts.
                for (int i = 0; i < Project.GetNumDungeons(); i++)
                    Dungeon d2 = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Dungeon>(i);
                    if (d2.FirstLayoutIndex >= newFloorIndex)

                dungeon.NumFloors     = dungeon.NumFloors + 1;
                floorSpinButton.Value = dungeon.NumFloors - 1;
            tmpAlign = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5f, 0, 0, 0);

            var removeFloorButton = new Button("Remove Top Floor");

            removeFloorButton.Image    = new Gtk.Image(Gtk.Stock.Remove, Gtk.IconSize.Button);
            removeFloorButton.Clicked += (a, b) => {
                Dungeon dungeon = minimap.Map as Dungeon;

                if (dungeon.NumFloors <= 1)

                Gtk.MessageDialog d = new MessageDialog(null,
                                                        "Are you quite certain that you wish to delete the top floor of this dungeon?");
                var response = (ResponseType)d.Run();

                if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.Yes)
                    int deletedFloorIndex = dungeon.FirstLayoutIndex + dungeon.NumFloors - 1;

                    // Shift all subsequent layouts 64 bytes up in the data file
                    Stream layoutFile = Project.GetBinaryFile("rooms/" + Project.GameString + "/dungeonLayouts.bin");
                    for (int i = deletedFloorIndex; i < layoutFile.Length / 64 - 1; i++)
                        var buf = new byte[64];
                        layoutFile.Position = (i + 1) * 64;
                        layoutFile.Read(buf, 0, 64);
                        layoutFile.Position = i * 64;
                        layoutFile.Write(buf, 0, 64);

                    layoutFile.SetLength(layoutFile.Length - 64);

                    // Shift each dungeon's "FirstLayoutIndex" to match the shifted layouts.
                    for (int i = 0; i < Project.GetNumDungeons(); i++)
                        Dungeon d2 = Project.GetIndexedDataType <Dungeon>(i);
                        if (d2.FirstLayoutIndex > deletedFloorIndex)

                    dungeon.NumFloors = dungeon.NumFloors - 1;

            tmpAlign = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5f, 0, 0, 0);


            // Middle column (minimap)

            minimap = new Minimap();
            minimap.TileSelectedEvent += (sender) => {


            // Rightmost column

            tmpAlign = new Alignment(0, 0, 0, 0);

            tmpBox2 = new HBox();
            tmpBox2.Add(new Gtk.Label("Room "));
            roomSpinButton.ValueChanged += (a, b) => {
                (minimap.Map as Dungeon).SetRoom(minimap.SelectedX, minimap.SelectedY,
                                                 minimap.Floor, roomSpinButton.ValueAsInt);

            tmpBox = new VBox();


            Window w = new Window(null);


            Map map = manager.GetActiveMap();

            if (map is Dungeon)
                dungeonSpinButton.Value = map.Index;

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes static members of the <see cref="HUDInfo" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        static HUDInfo()
            double tinfoHeroDown;
            double panelHeroSizeX;
            float  compareWidth;

            ScreenSize = new Vector2(Drawing.Width, Drawing.Height);
            if (ScreenSize.X == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Ensage couldnt determine your resolution, try to launch in window mode");

            currentMinimap =
                    x => Math.Abs(x.Key.X - ScreenSize.X) < 10 && Math.Abs(x.Key.Y - ScreenSize.Y) < 10).Value;
            if (currentMinimap == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find minimap data for your resolution");
                minimapMapScaleX = currentMinimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = currentMinimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;

            var ratio = Math.Floor((decimal)(ScreenSize.X / ScreenSize.Y * 100));

            if (ratio == 213)
                compareWidth   = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX = 45.28;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.402;
                RadiantCompare = 3.08;
                HpBarHeight    = 7;
                HpBarWidth     = 69;
                HpBarX         = 36;
                HpBarY         = 23;
            else if (ratio == 177)
                compareWidth   = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX = 55.09;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.5401;
                RadiantCompare = 3.499;
                HpBarHeight    = 10;
                HpBarWidth     = 84;
                HpBarX         = 43;
                HpBarY         = 27;
            else if (ratio == 166)
                compareWidth   = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX = 47.19;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.59;
                RadiantCompare = 3.64;
                HpBarHeight    = 7.4;
                HpBarWidth     = 71;
                HpBarX         = 37;
                HpBarY         = 22;
            else if (ratio == 160)
                compareWidth   = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX = 48.95;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.609;
                RadiantCompare = 3.78;
                HpBarHeight    = 9;
                HpBarWidth     = 75;
                HpBarX         = 38.3;
                HpBarY         = 25;
            else if (ratio == 150)
                compareWidth   = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX = 51.39;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.64;
                RadiantCompare = 4.02;
                HpBarHeight    = 8;
                HpBarWidth     = 79.2;
                HpBarX         = 40.2;
                HpBarY         = 24;
            else if (ratio == 133)
                compareWidth   = 1024;
                panelHeroSizeX = 47.21;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.775;
                RadiantCompare = 4.57;
                HpBarHeight    = 8;
                HpBarWidth     = 71;
                HpBarX         = 36.6;
                HpBarY         = 23;
            else if (ratio == 125)
                compareWidth   = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX = 58.3;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.78;
                RadiantCompare = 4.65;
                HpBarHeight    = 11;
                HpBarWidth     = 96.5;
                HpBarX         = 49;
                HpBarY         = 32;
                    @"Your screen resolution is not supported and drawings might have wrong size/position, (" + ratio
                    + ")");
                compareWidth   = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX = 65;
                tinfoHeroDown  = 25.714;
                DireCompare    = 2.655;
                RadiantCompare = 5.985;
                HpBarHeight    = 10;
                HpBarWidth     = 83.5;
                HpBarX         = 43;
                HpBarY         = 28;

            Monitor = ScreenSize.X / compareWidth;
            Rate    = Math.Max(Monitor, 1);
            X       = panelHeroSizeX * Monitor;
            y       = ScreenSize.Y / tinfoHeroDown;
            //Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
            //var mipos = new Vector3(MapLeft, MapTop, 0).WorldToMinimap();
            //var minimap = new Render.Rectangle(
            //    mipos.X,
            //    mipos.Y,
            //    currentMinimap.Size.X,
            //    currentMinimap.Size.Y,
            //    new ColorBGRA(100, 100, 100, 50));
Пример #16
 void SetupMiniMap(Transform player)
     if (!miniMap) miniMap = GetComponentInChildren<Minimap>();
     miniMap.Target = player;
     addBlip(player, true, false, false, "Images/Minimap/" + GetPlayerRole(ps), "me", 1.3f);
     InvokeRepeating("AddAllPickups", 1, 10);
     InvokeRepeating("AddAllPlayers", 1, 10);
Пример #17
 void Start()
     HarvestedResources = new Units.Resources();
     if (playerView == null)
         playerView = GetComponent<Camera>();
     minimap = new Minimap();
     TownCenter center = new TownCenter();
     center.CreateFreeUnit(this, startPos, Quaternion.identity);
     m_selectionManager = new SelectionManager(this);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all of the sub-components of the GUI in for the PlayState (buttons, etc.)
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateGUIComponents()
            GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(GUI, GUI.RootComponent, 11, 11)
                LocalBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height),
                WidthSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fixed,
                HeightSizeMode = GUIComponent.SizeMode.Fixed

            Master.ToolBar.Parent = layout;
            layout.SetComponentPosition(Master.ToolBar, 7, 10, 4, 1);

            GUIComponent companyInfoComponent = new GUIComponent(GUI, layout);

            layout.SetComponentPosition(companyInfoComponent, 0, 0, 4, 2);

            GUIComponent resourceInfoComponent = new ResourceInfoComponent(GUI, layout, Master.Faction);
            layout.SetComponentPosition(resourceInfoComponent, 7, 0, 2, 2);

            GridLayout infoLayout = new GridLayout(GUI, companyInfoComponent, 3, 4);

            CompanyLogoPanel = new ImagePanel(GUI, infoLayout, PlayerCompany.Logo);
            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(CompanyLogoPanel, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            CompanyNameLabel = new Label(GUI, infoLayout, PlayerCompany.Name, GUI.DefaultFont)
                TextColor = Color.White,
                StrokeColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                ToolTip = "Our company Name.",
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Top,
            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(CompanyNameLabel, 1, 0, 1, 1);

            MoneyLabel = new DynamicLabel(GUI, infoLayout, "Money:\n", "", GUI.DefaultFont, "C2", () => Master.Faction.Economy.CurrentMoney)
                TextColor = Color.White,
                StrokeColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                ToolTip = "Amount of money in our treasury.",
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Top,
            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(MoneyLabel, 3, 0, 1, 1);

            StockLabel = new DynamicLabel(GUI, infoLayout, "Stock:\n", "", GUI.DefaultFont, "C2", () => Master.Faction.Economy.Company.StockPrice)
                TextColor = Color.White,
                StrokeColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                ToolTip = "The price of our company stock.",
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Top,
            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(StockLabel, 5, 0, 1, 1);

            TimeLabel = new Label(GUI, layout, Time.CurrentDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + Time.CurrentDate.ToShortTimeString(), GUI.SmallFont)
                TextColor = Color.White,
                StrokeColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                Alignment = Drawer2D.Alignment.Top,
                ToolTip = "Current time and date."
            layout.SetComponentPosition(TimeLabel, 6, 0, 1, 1);

            CurrentLevelLabel = new Label(GUI, infoLayout, "Slice: " + ChunkManager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel, GUI.DefaultFont)
                TextColor = Color.White,
                StrokeColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                ToolTip = "The maximum height of visible terrain"
            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(CurrentLevelLabel, 0, 1, 1, 1);

            CurrentLevelUpButton = new Button(GUI, infoLayout, "", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ImageButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.SmallArrowUp))
                ToolTip = "Go up one level of visible terrain",
                KeepAspectRatio = true,
                DontMakeBigger = true,
                DontMakeSmaller = true

            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(CurrentLevelUpButton, 1, 1, 1, 1);
            CurrentLevelUpButton.OnClicked += CurrentLevelUpButton_OnClicked;

            CurrentLevelDownButton = new Button(GUI, infoLayout, "", GUI.DefaultFont, Button.ButtonMode.ImageButton, GUI.Skin.GetSpecialFrame(GUISkin.Tile.SmallArrowDown))
                ToolTip = "Go down one level of visible terrain",
                KeepAspectRatio = true,
                DontMakeBigger = true,
                DontMakeSmaller = true
            infoLayout.SetComponentPosition(CurrentLevelDownButton, 1, 2, 1, 1);
            CurrentLevelDownButton.OnClicked += CurrentLevelDownButton_OnClicked;

            LevelSlider = new Slider(GUI, layout, "", ChunkManager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel, 0, ChunkManager.ChunkData.ChunkSizeY, Slider.SliderMode.Integer)
                Orient = Slider.Orientation.Vertical,
                ToolTip = "Controls the maximum height of visible terrain",
                DrawLabel = false

            layout.SetComponentPosition(LevelSlider, 0, 1, 1, 6);
            LevelSlider.OnClicked += LevelSlider_OnClicked;
            LevelSlider.InvertValue = true;

            MiniMap = new Minimap(GUI, layout, 192, 192, this, TextureManager.GetTexture(ContentPaths.Terrain.terrain_colormap), TextureManager.GetTexture(ContentPaths.GUI.gui_minimap))
                IsVisible =  true

            layout.SetComponentPosition(MiniMap, 0, 8, 4, 4);
            Rectangle rect = layout.GetRect(new Rectangle(0, 8, 4, 4));
            layout.SetComponentOffset(MiniMap,  new Point(0, rect.Height - 250));

            Button moneyButton = new Button(GUI, layout, "Economy", GUI.SmallFont, Button.ButtonMode.ImageButton, new ImageFrame(TextureManager.GetTexture(ContentPaths.GUI.icons), 32, 2, 1))
                KeepAspectRatio = true,
                ToolTip = "Opens the Economy Menu",
                DontMakeBigger = true,
                DrawFrame = true,
                TextColor = Color.White

            moneyButton.OnClicked += moneyButton_OnClicked;

            Button settingsButton = new Button(GUI, layout, "Settings", GUI.SmallFont, Button.ButtonMode.ImageButton, new ImageFrame(TextureManager.GetTexture(ContentPaths.GUI.icons), 32, 4, 1))
                KeepAspectRatio = true,
                ToolTip = "Opens the Settings Menu",
                DontMakeBigger = true,
                DrawFrame = true,
                TextColor = Color.White

            settingsButton.OnClicked += OpenPauseMenu;

            layout.SetComponentPosition(settingsButton, 10, 0, 1, 1);

            layout.SetComponentPosition(moneyButton, 9, 0, 1, 1);

            InputManager.KeyReleasedCallback -= InputManager_KeyReleasedCallback;
            InputManager.KeyReleasedCallback += InputManager_KeyReleasedCallback;

            AnnouncementViewer = new AnnouncementViewer(GUI, layout, AnnouncementManager);
            layout.SetComponentPosition(AnnouncementViewer, 3, 10, 3, 1);
Пример #19
 public static bool IgnoreKeyPresses(bool extra = false)
     return(ZNetScene.instance == null || Player.m_localPlayer == null || Minimap.IsOpen() || Console.IsVisible() || TextInput.IsVisible() || ZNet.instance.InPasswordDialog() || Chat.instance?.HasFocus() == true || StoreGui.IsVisible() || InventoryGui.IsVisible() || Menu.IsVisible() || TextViewer.instance?.IsVisible() == true);
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles all incoming PlayerIO messages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="m">The message.</param>
        static void Connection_OnMessage(object sender, Message m)
            if (m.Type != "init")


            Minimap minimap = new Minimap();
            minimap.width = m.GetInt(15);
            minimap.height = m.GetInt(16);


            Console.WriteLine("Parsing init data...");

            uint p = 22;
            while (m[p] as string != "ws") p++;

            // Parse world data
            while (p < m.Count) {
                uint blockId = m.GetUInt(p);
                int layer = m.GetInt(p + 1);
                byte[] xs = m.GetByteArray(p + 2),
                    ys = m.GetByteArray(p + 3);

                for (var b = 0; b < xs.Length; b += 2) {
                    int nx = (xs[b] << 8) | xs[b + 1],
                        ny = (ys[b] << 8) | ys[b + 1];

                    minimap.drawBlock(layer, nx, ny, blockId);

                p += 4;

                if (m[p] as string == "we")

                while (p + 3 < m.Count) {
                    if (m[p + 2] is byte[])

            minimap.Save(worldID + ".png");
            generating_minimap = false;
Пример #21
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)

            foreach (int camIndex in _world.Cameras.Keys)
                UpdateCameraBorderBounds(camIndex, _world.Cameras[camIndex].GetMiniMapViewport(Utils.CastRectangleF(Minimap.GetAbsoluteBounds())));
Пример #22
        public static void Postfix(Minimap __instance)
            //Skip this entirely if disabled in the config.
            if (showMinimapIcons.Value)
                //Populate the list of current HUD characters.
                List <Character> guysList = new List <Character>();
                foreach (EnemyHud.HudData hud in EnemyHud.instance.m_huds.Values)
                    if (hud.m_character != null && hud.m_hoverTimer < EnemyHud.instance.m_hoverShowDuration)

                //Add minimap pins if they haven't been added already.
                foreach (Character character in guysList)
                    if (character is Player)

                    bool flag = false;

                    foreach (Minimap.PinData pin in __instance.m_pins)
                        if (pin.m_name.Equals("CS__" + character.GetZDOID().ToString()))
                            flag = true;

                    if (!flag)
                        __instance.AddPin(character.GetCenterPoint(), Minimap.PinType.RandomEvent, "CS__" + character.GetZDOID().ToString(), false, false);

                //Remove minimap pins which are not needed anymore.
                List <Minimap.PinData> removePins = new List <Minimap.PinData>();

                foreach (Minimap.PinData pin in __instance.m_pins)
                    if (pin.m_type == Minimap.PinType.RandomEvent && pin.m_name.Contains("CS__"))
                        bool flag = false;
                        foreach (Character character in guysList)
                            if (pin.m_name.Equals("CS__" + character.GetZDOID().ToString()))
                                pin.m_pos.x = character.GetCenterPoint().x;
                                pin.m_pos.y = character.GetCenterPoint().y;
                                pin.m_pos.z = character.GetCenterPoint().z;
                                flag        = true;

                        if (!flag)

                foreach (Minimap.PinData pin in removePins)
                    Debug.Log("removing pin for " + pin.m_name);
Пример #23
 private void Awake()
     instance = this;
Пример #24
 void Awake()
     playerMgr = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<PlayerManager>();
     minimap = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Minimap>();
Пример #25
    public void update2()
        if (flashDuration > 0f)
            flashDuration -= UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime;
            if (flashDuration <= 0f)
                flashDuration = 0f;
            GameObject.Find("flash").GetComponent <UISprite>().alpha = flashDuration * 0.5f;
        if (Gametype == GameType.Stop)
            Screen.showCursor = true;
            Screen.lockCursor = false;
        if (Gametype != GameType.Singleplayer && gameOver)
            if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Attack1])
                if (spectatorMode)
                    SetSpectorMode(val: false);
                    SetSpectorMode(val: true);
            if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Flare1])
                GameObject[] players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
                currentPeekPlayerIndex = (currentPeekPlayerIndex + 1) % players.Length;
                if (players.Length > 0)
                    SetSpectorMode(val: false);
                    lockAngle = false;
            if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Flare2])
                GameObject[] players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
                int          num2    = players.Length;
                if (currentPeekPlayerIndex >= num2)
                    currentPeekPlayerIndex = 0;
                if (currentPeekPlayerIndex < 0)
                    currentPeekPlayerIndex = num2 - 1;
                if (num2 > 0)
                    SetSpectorMode(val: false);
                    lockAngle = false;
            if (spectatorMode)
        if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Pause])
            if (IsPausing)
                if (main_object != null)
                    Vector3 position = base.transform.position;
                    position  = ((head == null) ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position);
                    position += Vector3.up * heightMulti;
                    base.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(base.transform.position, position - base.transform.forward * 5f, 0.2f);
            IsPausing = !IsPausing;
            if (IsPausing)
                if (Gametype == GameType.Singleplayer)
                    UnityEngine.Time.timeScale = 0f;
                GameObject.Find("InputManagerController").GetComponent <FengCustomInputs>().menuOn = true;
                Screen.showCursor = true;
                Screen.lockCursor = false;
        if (needSetHUD)
            needSetHUD = false;
            Screen.lockCursor = !Screen.lockCursor;
            Screen.lockCursor = !Screen.lockCursor;
        if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Fullscreen])
            Screen.fullScreen = !Screen.fullScreen;
            if (Screen.fullScreen)
                Screen.SetResolution(960, 600, fullscreen: false);
                Screen.SetResolution(Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height, fullscreen: true);
            needSetHUD = true;
        if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Restart])
        if (main_object == null)
        if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.ChangeCamera])
            switch (CameraMode)
            case CAMERA_TYPE.TPS:
                CameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.ORIGINAL;
                Screen.lockCursor = false;

            case CAMERA_TYPE.ORIGINAL:
                CameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.WOW;
                Screen.lockCursor = false;

            case CAMERA_TYPE.WOW:
                CameraMode        = CAMERA_TYPE.TPS;
                Screen.lockCursor = true;
            if ((int)FengGameManagerMKII.Settings[245] == 1 || main_object.GetComponent <HERO>() == null)
                Screen.showCursor = false;
        if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.ToggleCursor])
            Screen.showCursor = !Screen.showCursor;
        if (inputManager.isInputDown[InputCode.Focus])
            TriggerAutoLock = !TriggerAutoLock;
            if (TriggerAutoLock)
                lockTarget = FindNearestTitan();
                if (closestDistance >= 150f)
                    lockTarget      = null;
                    TriggerAutoLock = false;
        if (gameOver)
            if (FengGameManagerMKII.InputRC.isInputHumanDown(InputCodeRC.LiveCamera))
                if ((int)FengGameManagerMKII.Settings[263] == 0)
                    FengGameManagerMKII.Settings[263] = 1;
                    FengGameManagerMKII.Settings[263] = 0;
            HERO component = main_object.GetComponent <HERO>();
            if (component != null && (int)FengGameManagerMKII.Settings[263] == 1 && component.GetComponent <SmoothSyncMovement>().enabled&& component.isPhotonCamera)
            else if (lockAngle)
                base.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(base.transform.rotation, main_object.transform.rotation, 0.2f);
                base.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(base.transform.position, main_object.transform.position - main_object.transform.forward * 5f, 0.2f);
        if (TriggerAutoLock && lockTarget != null)
            float     z         = base.transform.eulerAngles.z;
            Transform transform = lockTarget.transform.Find("Amarture/Core/Controller_Body/hip/spine/chest/neck");
            Vector3   a         = transform.position - ((head == null) ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position);
            lockCameraPosition      = ((head == null) ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position);
            lockCameraPosition     -= a * distance * distanceMulti * distanceOffsetMulti;
            lockCameraPosition     += Vector3.up * 3f * heightMulti * distanceOffsetMulti;
            base.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(base.transform.position, lockCameraPosition, UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime * 4f);
            if (head != null)
                base.transform.LookAt(head.transform.position * 0.8f + transform.position * 0.2f);
                base.transform.LookAt(main_object.transform.position * 0.8f + transform.position * 0.2f);
            base.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(base.transform.eulerAngles.x, base.transform.eulerAngles.y, z);
            Vector2 vector = base.camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position - transform.forward * lockTarget.transform.localScale.x);
            locker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(vector.x - (float)Screen.width * 0.5f, vector.y - (float)Screen.height * 0.5f, 0f);
            if (lockTarget.GetComponent <TITAN>() != null && lockTarget.GetComponent <TITAN>().hasDie)
                lockTarget = null;
            locker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, (float)(-Screen.height) * 0.5f - 50f, 0f);
        Vector3 end        = (head == null) ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position;
        Vector3 normalized = (((head == null) ? main_object.transform.position : head.transform.position) - base.transform.position).normalized;

        end -= distance * normalized * distanceMulti;
        LayerMask  mask  = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground");
        LayerMask  mask2 = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("EnemyBox");
        LayerMask  mask3 = (int)mask | (int)mask2;
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        if (head != null)
            if (Physics.Linecast(head.transform.position, end, out hitInfo, mask))
                base.transform.position = hitInfo.point;
            else if (Physics.Linecast(head.transform.position - normalized * distanceMulti * 3f, end, out hitInfo, mask2))
                base.transform.position = hitInfo.point;
            Debug.DrawLine(head.transform.position - normalized * distanceMulti * 3f, end, Color.red);
        else if (Physics.Linecast(main_object.transform.position + Vector3.up, end, out hitInfo, mask3))
            base.transform.position = hitInfo.point;
Пример #26
        public override bool Init()
            if (!base.Init()) return false;

            Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device);

            _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/grasscube1024.dds", 5000.0f);

            var tii = new InitInfo {
                HeightMapFilename = null,
                LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/grass.dds",
                LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/darkdirt.dds",
                LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/stone.dds",
                LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/lightdirt.dds",
                LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/snow.dds",
                BlendMapFilename = null,
                HeightScale = 50.0f,
                HeightMapWidth = 2049,
                HeightMapHeight = 2049,
                CellSpacing = 0.5f,

                Seed = 0,
                NoiseSize1 = 3.0f,
                Persistence1 = 0.7f,
                Octaves1 = 7,
                NoiseSize2 = 2.5f,
                Persistence2 = 0.8f,
                Octaves2 = 3,

            _terrain = new Terrain();
            _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii);

            _camera.Height = _terrain.Height;

            _camera.SetLens(0.25f * MathF.PI, AspectRatio, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
            _ssao = new Ssao(Device, ImmediateContext, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, _camera.FovY, _camera.FarZ);

            _whiteTex = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(Device, "Textures/white.dds");

            _sMap = new ShadowMap(Device, SMapSize, SMapSize);

            _sceneBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), MathF.Sqrt(_terrain.Width * _terrain.Width + _terrain.Depth * _terrain.Depth) / 2);

            _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera);

            _sphereModel = BasicModel.CreateSphere(Device, 0.25f, 10, 10);
            _sphereModel.Materials[0] = new Material {
                Ambient = Color.Red,
                Diffuse = Color.Red,
                Specular = new Color4(32, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
            _sphereModel.DiffuseMapSRV[0] = _whiteTex;

            _sphere = new BasicModelInstance {Model = _sphereModel};
            _spherePos = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);

            return true;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes static members of the <see cref="HUDInfo" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        static HUDInfo()
            double tinfoHeroDown;
            double panelHeroSizeX;
            float  compareWidth;

            ScreenSize = new Vector2(Drawing.Width, Drawing.Height);
            if (ScreenSize.X == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Ensage couldnt determine your resolution, try to launch in window mode");

            minimap = new Minimap(new Vector2(-2, 1), new Vector2(0));

            var ratio = Math.Floor((decimal)(ScreenSize.X / ScreenSize.Y * 100));

            var largeMinimap = Game.GetConsoleVar("dota_hud_extra_large_minimap").GetInt() == 1;

            // Console.WriteLine("Your screen ratio is " + ratio);
            if (ratio == 213)
                compareWidth     = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 45.28;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.402;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.08;
                HpBarHeight      = 7;
                HpBarWidth       = 69;
                HpBarX           = 36;
                HpBarY           = 23;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1070833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 177)
                compareWidth     = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 52.8900000000004;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.5001;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.409;
                HpBarHeight      = 10;
                HpBarWidth       = 86.5;
                HpBarX           = 44;
                HpBarY           = 27;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1280833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 166)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 47.19;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.59;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.64;
                HpBarHeight      = 7.4;
                HpBarWidth       = 71;
                HpBarX           = 37;
                HpBarY           = 22;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1370833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 160)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 48.95;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.609;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.78;
                HpBarHeight      = 9;
                HpBarWidth       = 75;
                HpBarX           = 38.3;
                HpBarY           = 25;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1425833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 150)
                compareWidth     = 1024;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 47.21;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.775;
                RadiantCompare   = 4.57;
                HpBarHeight      = 8;
                HpBarWidth       = 79.2;
                HpBarX           = 40.2;
                HpBarY           = 24;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1500233333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2200940740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 133)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 58.3;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.78;
                RadiantCompare   = 4.65;
                HpBarHeight      = 8;
                HpBarWidth       = 71;
                HpBarX           = 36.6;
                HpBarY           = 23;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1690833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2225740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 125)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 58.3;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.78;
                RadiantCompare   = 4.65;
                HpBarHeight      = 11;
                HpBarWidth       = 96.5;
                HpBarX           = 49;
                HpBarY           = 32;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1850833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
                    @"Your screen resolution is not supported and drawings might have wrong size/position, (" + ratio
                    + ")");
                compareWidth     = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 65;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.655;
                RadiantCompare   = 5.985;
                HpBarHeight      = 10;
                HpBarWidth       = 83.5;
                HpBarX           = 43;
                HpBarY           = 28;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1270833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;

            if (largeMinimap)
                const float LargeMinimapConstant = 1.1470833333333333f; // © Moones 2017
                minimap.Size    *= LargeMinimapConstant;
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;

            Monitor = ScreenSize.X / compareWidth;
            Rate    = Math.Max(Monitor, 1);
            X       = panelHeroSizeX * Monitor;
            y       = ScreenSize.Y / tinfoHeroDown;

            var menu           = new Menu.Menu("HUDInfo", nameof(HUDInfo));
            var minimapOnRight = menu.AddItem(
                new MenuItem(menu.Name + "minimapRight", "Minimap is on the right").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Enable this if you have minimap on the right"));

            minimapOnRight.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { MinimapIsOnRight = args.GetNewValue <bool>(); };
            MinimapIsOnRight             = minimapOnRight.GetValue <bool>();

            DelayAction.Add(200, () => Menu.Menu.Root.AddSubMenu(menu));

                var        mouse  = new Rectangle(new Vector2(5, 5), Color.White);
                GameUpdate update = args =>
                    var mousePos = Game.MousePosition;

                    // if (Utils.SleepCheck("mouse"))
                    // {
                    // Console.WriteLine(mousePos);
                    // Utils.Sleep(500, "mouse");
                    // }
                    var minimapPos = mousePos.WorldToMinimap();
                    mouse.Position = minimapPos;

                var mipos = new Vector3(MapLeft, MapTop, 0).WorldToMinimap();
                rectangle = new Rectangle(minimap.Size, new ColorBGRA(255, 255, 255, 25))
                    Position = mipos

                var enableRectangle = menu.AddItem(
                    new MenuItem(menu.Name + "enablerectangle", "Enable minimap debug")
                    .SetTooltip("Draws rectangle over minimap in current e.common minimap size (requires -dx9), and shows current mouse position on minimap")
                DrawingEndScene draw = eventArgs =>
                enableRectangle.ValueChanged += (sender, args) =>
                    if (args.GetNewValue <bool>())
                        Drawing.OnEndScene += draw;
                        Game.OnUpdate      += update;
                        Drawing.OnEndScene -= draw;
                        Game.OnUpdate      -= update;
            catch (WrongRenderModeException e)
                Console.WriteLine($"HUDInfo won't work due to dx9 restrictions.");
Пример #28
        public override bool Init() {
            if (!base.Init()) return false;

            Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device);

            _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/grasscube1024.dds", 5000.0f);

            var tii = new InitInfo {
                HeightMapFilename = null,
                LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/grass.dds",
                LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/darkdirt.dds",
                LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/stone.dds",
                LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/lightdirt.dds",
                LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/snow.dds",
                BlendMapFilename = null,
                HeightScale = 50.0f,
                HeightMapWidth = 2049,
                HeightMapHeight = 2049,
                CellSpacing = 0.5f,

                Seed = 0,
                NoiseSize1 = 3.0f,
                Persistence1 = 0.7f,
                Octaves1 = 7,
                NoiseSize2 = 2.5f,
                Persistence2 = 0.8f,
                Octaves2 = 3,

            _terrain = new Terrain();
            _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii);

            _camera.Height = _terrain.Height;


            _camera.SetLens(0.25f * MathF.PI, AspectRatio, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
            _ssao = new Ssao(Device, ImmediateContext, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, _camera.FovY, _camera.FarZ);

            _whiteTex = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(Device, "Textures/white.dds");

            _sMap = new ShadowMap(Device, SMapSize, SMapSize);

            _sceneBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), MathF.Sqrt(_terrain.Width * _terrain.Width + _terrain.Depth * _terrain.Depth) / 2);

            _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera);

            return true;
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Eats a bite of rock cake if hitpoints are above 1
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if a bite of rock cake is taken</returns>
        protected bool Hitpoints()
            if (TimeSinceLastOverload < overloadDrainTime || Numerical.CloseEnough(overloadBoostTime, TimeSinceLastOverload, 0.02))
                return(false);   //an overload might be taking effect or wearing off

            const double    oneHitpoint       = 0.035714285714285712;
            RectangleBounds hitpoints         = Minimap.HitpointsDigitsArea();
            double          redHitpointsMatch = Vision.FractionalMatchPiece(HitpointsRed, hitpoints.Left, hitpoints.Right, hitpoints.Top, hitpoints.Bottom);

            if (Numerical.WithinRange(redHitpointsMatch, oneHitpoint, 0.01 * oneHitpoint) || (Minimap.Hitpoints() > 0.25))
                return(false);   //hitpoints are already at 1 or an overload has just worn off and hitpoints are no longer red

            Inventory.RightClickInventoryOption(0, 0, 1, false);   //guzzle rock cake
            SafeWaitPlus(1000, 250);
Пример #30
        private void AddUIElements() {
            _panel = new FlowLayoutPanel {
                Dock = DockStyle.Top,
                AutoSize = true,
                FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight

            _generateButton = new Button {
                Text = "Generate Terrain",
                AutoSize = true
            _generateButton.Click += (sender, args) => {
                Window.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                Util.ReleaseCom(ref _terrain);
                _terrain = new Terrain();
                var tii = new InitInfo {
                    HeightMapFilename = null,
                    LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/grass.dds",
                    LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/darkdirt.dds",
                    LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/stone.dds",
                    LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/lightdirt.dds",
                    LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/snow.dds",
                    BlendMapFilename = null,
                    HeightScale = 50.0f,
                    HeightMapWidth = 2049,
                    HeightMapHeight = 2049,
                    CellSpacing = 0.5f,

                    Seed = (int)_txtSeed.Value,
                    NoiseSize1 = (float)_txtNoise1.Value,
                    Persistence1 = (float)_txtPersistence1.Value,
                    Octaves1 = (int)_txtOctaves1.Value,
                    NoiseSize2 = (float)_txtNoise2.Value,
                    Persistence2 = (float)_txtPersistence2.Value,
                    Octaves2 = (int)_txtOctaves2.Value
                _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii);
                _camera.Height = _terrain.Height;
                _hmImg.Image = _terrain.HeightMapImg;
                Util.ReleaseCom(ref _minimap);
                _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera);
                Window.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            var labelPadding = new Padding(0, 6, 0, 0);
            _lblSeed = new Label {
                Text = "Seed:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding

            _txtSeed = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 0,
                AutoSize = true,
                Maximum = int.MaxValue

            _lblNoise1 = new Label {
                Text = "Noise:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding,

            _txtNoise1 = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 3.0m,
                DecimalPlaces = 2,
                Minimum = 0m,
                Maximum = 10m,
                Increment = 0.1m,
                AutoSize = true
            _lblPersistence1 = new Label {
                Text = "Persistence:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding
            _txtPersistence1 = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 0.7m,
                DecimalPlaces = 2,
                Minimum = 0m,
                Maximum = 10m,
                Increment = 0.1m,
                AutoSize = true
            _lblOctaves1 = new Label {
                Text = "Octaves:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding

            _txtOctaves1 = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 7,
                AutoSize = true,
                Minimum = 1,
                Maximum = 20,


            _lblNoise2 = new Label {
                Text = "Noise:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding

            _txtNoise2 = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 2.5m,
                DecimalPlaces = 2,
                Minimum = 0m,
                Maximum = 10m,
                Increment = 0.1m,
                AutoSize = true
            _lblPersistence2 = new Label {
                Text = "Persistence:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding
            _txtPersistence2 = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 0.8m,
                DecimalPlaces = 2,
                Minimum = 0m,
                Maximum = 10m,
                Increment = 0.1m,
                AutoSize = true
            _lblOctaves2 = new Label {
                Text = "Octaves:",
                AutoSize = true,
                Padding = labelPadding

            _txtOctaves2 = new NumericUpDown {
                Value = 3,
                AutoSize = true,
                Minimum = 1,
                Maximum = 20

            _hmImg = new PictureBox {
                Image = _terrain.HeightMapImg,
                MaximumSize = new Size(64, 64),
                MinimumSize = new Size(64, 64),
                SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage,
                BackColor = Color.White



            _panel.SetFlowBreak(_txtOctaves2, true);



            _tblLayout = new TableLayoutPanel {
                Dock = DockStyle.Top,
                AutoSize = true
            _tblLayout.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            _tblLayout.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));
            _tblLayout.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize));

            _tblLayout.Controls.Add(_panel, 0, 0);
            _tblLayout.Controls.Add(_hmImg, 1, 0);


Пример #31
 private void Awake()
     cam      = GetComponent <Camera>();
     Instance = this;
Пример #32
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Transform[] stars = new Transform[3];
        int tmpCnt = 0;

        Minimap minimap = new Minimap();

        for (int i = 0; i < numbers.GetLength(0); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < numbers.GetLength(1); j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < numbers.GetLength(2); k++)

                    // floor
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 1)
                        Transform tf = (Transform)Instantiate(floor, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                    // wall1
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 11)
                        Transform tf = (Transform)Instantiate(wall1, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                    // wall2
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 21)
                        Transform tf = (Transform)Instantiate(wall2, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                    // wall3
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 31)
                        Transform tf = (Transform)Instantiate(wall3, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                    // goal
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 2)
                        Transform tf = (Transform)Instantiate(goal, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                    // moving plane ---
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 10 == 3)
                        MovingPlane mp = (MovingPlane)Instantiate(movingPlane, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                        int length = (numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 / 10;
                        Debug.Log("val: " + numbers[i, j, k]);
                        Debug.Log("length: " + length);

                        if (numbers[i, j, k] % 10 == 1)
                            mp.direction = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f) * length;
                        else if (numbers[i, j, k] % 10 == 2)
                            mp.direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f) * length;
                        else if (numbers[i, j, k] % 10 == 3)
                            mp.direction = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f) * length;
                        else if (numbers[i, j, k] % 10 == 0)
                            mp.direction = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -1f) * length;
                    // moving plane |
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 10 == 4)
                        MovingPlane mp = (MovingPlane)Instantiate(movingPlane, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                        int length = (numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 / 10;
                        mp.direction = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f) * length;
                    // slope
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 5)
                        Instantiate(slope, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                    // force walk
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 6)
                        Instantiate(forceWalk, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                    // ladder
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 7)
                        Instantiate(ladder, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                    // spring
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 8)
                        Instantiate(spring, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                    // warp
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 10 == 9)
                        int tmp = numbers[i, j, k] / 100;
                        int t_z = tmp % 100;
                        tmp /= 100;
                        int t_y = tmp % 100;
                        tmp /= 100;
                        int t_x = tmp;
                        Warp wp = (Warp)Instantiate(warp, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                        wp.DestinationPosition = new Vector3(t_x, t_y, t_z) * 4;

                    // rotating floor
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 12)
                        Instantiate(rotatingFloor, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                    // narrow floor
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 10) % 100 == 15)
                        Instantiate(narrowFloor, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);

                    //player & star
                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 1000) % 10000000 == 1)
                        Transform tmpPlayer = (Transform)Instantiate(player, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                        minimap = tmpPlayer.GetComponentInChildren<Minimap>();

                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 1000) % 10000000 == 2)
                        Transform tmpStar = (Transform)Instantiate(star, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);
                        stars[tmpCnt++] = tmpStar;

                    if ((numbers[i, j, k] / 1000) % 10000000 == 3)
                        Instantiate(enemy, new Vector3(j, i, k) * 4, direction[numbers[i, j, k] % 10]);


        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
Пример #33
 public EnemySpawner init(Minimap minimap, Transform playerShip)
     this.minimap    = minimap;
     this.playerShip = playerShip;
Пример #34
        public static void LoadLevel(int levelNumber, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphics)

            TileMap = new TileMap("Level" + levelNumber, graphics, content);
            Minimap = new Minimap(TileMap.Map, content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Nest"), content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites\\Lab"), graphics);
            Player.Position = GameHandler.TileMap.PlayerSpawn;
            Lab.Position = GameHandler.TileMap.LabPosition;
            Lab.Update(); // Update lab collision rect
            CurrentLevel = levelNumber;
Пример #35
        private void OnGUI()
            if (!modEnabled.Value || !Player.m_localPlayer)
            cursorStyle = new GUIStyle
                richText  = true,
                fontSize  = coordFontSize.Value,
                alignment = alignment.Value
            cursorStyle.normal.textColor = cursorCoordFontColor.Value;

            playerStyle = new GUIStyle
                richText  = true,
                fontSize  = coordFontSize.Value,
                alignment = alignment.Value
            playerStyle.normal.textColor = playerCoordFontColor.Value;

            windowStyle = GUI.skin.window;

            if (lastFontName != fontName.Value) // call when config changes
                lastFontName = fontName.Value;
                Dbgl($"new font {fontName.Value}");
                Font font = GetFont(fontName.Value, 20);
                if (font == null)
                    Dbgl($"new font not found");
                    currentFont = font;
            if (currentFont != null && cursorStyle?.font?.name != currentFont.name)
                Dbgl($"setting font {currentFont.name}");
                cursorStyle.font = currentFont;
                playerStyle.font = currentFont;
                windowStyle.font = currentFont;

            playerPos = showPlayerCoordinates.Value ? string.Format(playerString.Value, new Vector3(Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position.x, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position.z, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position.y)) : "";

            if (Minimap.IsOpen() && showCursorCoordinates.Value)
                Vector3 cursorV = Traverse.Create(Minimap.instance).Method("ScreenToWorldPoint", new object[] { Input.mousePosition }).GetValue <Vector3>();
                cursorPos = string.Format(cursorString.Value, new Vector2(cursorV.x, cursorV.z));
                cursorPos = "";

            if (playerPos.Length + cursorPos.Length == 0)

            GUI.backgroundColor = windowBackgroundColor.Value;
            windowRect          = GUILayout.Window(windowId, new Rect(windowRect.position, coordRect.position + (playerPos.Length > 0 && cursorPos.Length > 0 ? doubleSize.size : coordRect.size)), new GUI.WindowFunction(WindowBuilder), titleString.Value, windowStyle);
            if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse0) && (windowRect.x != coordPosition.Value.x || windowRect.y != coordPosition.Value.y))
                coordPosition.Value = new Vector2(windowRect.x, windowRect.y);
                //Dbgl($"{cursorPos} {playerPos} {coordRect} {secondRect} {doubleSize} {windowRect}");
        static void SetCameraPositionToEyeOnFPS(GameCamera __instance, float dt, ref Vector3 pos, ref Quaternion rot)
            // Toggle FPS on H
            if (IsDown(_hotkey.Value) && Player.m_localPlayer != null && !Console.IsVisible() && !TextInput.IsVisible() && !Minimap.InTextInput() && !Menu.IsVisible())

            //if (IsDown(new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.B)))
            //    CycleCamLockMode();

            //if (IsDown(new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.V)))
            //    _configLimitCameraRotationWhenInIdleAnimation.Value = !_configLimitCameraRotationWhenInIdleAnimation.Value;
            //    Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Changing lock mode to " + _configLimitCameraRotationWhenInIdleAnimation.Value);


            if (CurrentFPMode == FirstPersonModes.FirstPersonHelmet || CurrentFPMode == FirstPersonModes.FirstPersonNoBody || CurrentFPMode == FirstPersonModes.FirstPersonOnlyWeapons || CurrentFPMode == FirstPersonModes.FirstPersonNoHelmetAlt)
                _head.localScale = _originalHeadScale;
                pos = _helmetAttach.position;
            else if (CurrentFPMode == FirstPersonModes.FirstPersonNoHelmet)
                _head.localScale = _originalHeadScale;
                pos = _helmetAttach.position;
                _head.localScale = new Vector3(0.0001f, 0.0001f, 0.0001f);

            if (!IsThirdPerson(CurrentFPMode))
                UpdateRotation(Player.m_localPlayer, __instance, ref rot);
Пример #37
        public override bool Init() {
            if (!base.Init()) return false;

            Patch.InitPatchData(Terrain.CellsPerPatch, Device);

            _sky = new Sky(Device, "Textures/grasscube1024.dds", 5000.0f);

            var tii = new InitInfo {
                HeightMapFilename = null,
                LayerMapFilename0 = "textures/grass.png",
                LayerMapFilename1 = "textures/hills.png",
                LayerMapFilename2 = "textures/stone.png",
                LayerMapFilename3 = "Textures/lightdirt.dds",
                LayerMapFilename4 = "textures/snow.png",
                Material = new Material() {
                    Ambient = Color.LightGray,
                    Diffuse = Color.LightGray,
                    Specular = new Color4(64, 0, 0, 0)
                BlendMapFilename = null,
                HeightScale = 50.0f,
                HeightMapWidth = 2049,
                HeightMapHeight = 2049,
                CellSpacing = 0.5f,

                Seed = MathF.Rand(),
                NoiseSize1 = 3.0f,
                Persistence1 = 0.7f,
                Octaves1 = 7,
                NoiseSize2 = 2.5f,
                Persistence2 = 0.8f,
                Octaves2 = 3,

            _terrain = new Terrain();
            //_terrain.DebugQuadTree = true;
            _terrain.Init(Device, ImmediateContext, tii);

            _camera.Height = _terrain.Height;

            _camera.SetLens(0.25f * MathF.PI, AspectRatio, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
            _ssao = new Ssao(Device, ImmediateContext, ClientWidth, ClientHeight, _camera.FovY, _camera.FarZ);

            _whiteTex = ShaderResourceView.FromFile(Device, "Textures/white.dds");

            _sMap = new ShadowMap(Device, SMapSize, SMapSize);

            _sceneBounds = new BoundingSphere(new Vector3(), MathF.Sqrt(_terrain.Width * _terrain.Width + _terrain.Depth * _terrain.Depth) / 2);

            _minimap = new Minimap(Device, ImmediateContext, MinimapSize, MinimapSize, _terrain, _camera);

            _sphereModel = new BasicModel();
            _sphereModel.CreateSphere(Device, 0.25f, 10, 10);
            _sphereModel.Materials[0] = new Material {
                Ambient = new Color4(63, 0, 0),
                Diffuse = Color.Red,
                Specular = new Color4(32, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)
            _sphereModel.DiffuseMapSRV[0] = _whiteTex;

            _sphere = new BasicModelInstance(_sphereModel);

            _unit = new Unit(_sphere, _terrain.GetTile(511, 511), _terrain);

            FontCache.RegisterFont("bold", 16, "Courier New", FontWeight.Bold);

            return true;
Пример #38
        // this code is insanely stupid, and mostly my fault -- chrisf
        void PrepareMapResources(Manifest manifest, Map map)
            Rules.LoadRules(manifest, map);
            tileset = Rules.TileSets[map.Tileset];
            int[] ShadowIndex = { 3, 4 };
            var   palette     = new Palette(FileSystem.Open(tileset.Palette), ShadowIndex);

            surface1.Bind(map, tileset, palette);
            // construct the palette of tiles
            var palettes = new[] { tilePalette, actorPalette, resourcePalette };

            foreach (var p in palettes)
                p.Visible = false; p.SuspendLayout();

            foreach (var tc in tileset.Templates.GroupBy(t => t.Value.Category))
                var category       = tc.Key ?? "(Uncategorized)";
                var categoryHeader = new Label
                    BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight,
                    ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText,
                    Text      = category,
                    AutoSize  = false,
                    Height    = 24,
                    TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft,
                    Width     = tilePalette.ClientSize.Width,
                // hook this manually, anchoring inside FlowLayoutPanel is flaky.
                tilePalette.Resize += (_, e) => categoryHeader.Width = tilePalette.ClientSize.Width;

                if (tilePalette.Controls.Count > 0)
                        tilePalette.Controls[tilePalette.Controls.Count - 1], true);

                foreach (var t in tc)
                        var bitmap = tileset.RenderTemplate((ushort)t.Key, palette);
                        var ibox   = new PictureBox
                            Image    = bitmap,
                            Width    = bitmap.Width / 2,
                            Height   = bitmap.Height / 2,
                            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage

                        var brushTemplate = new BrushTemplate {
                            Bitmap = bitmap, N = t.Key
                        ibox.Click += (_, e) => surface1.SetTool(new BrushTool(brushTemplate));

                        var template = t.Value;
                                      "{1}:{0} ({2}x{3})".F(
                    catch { }

            var actorTemplates = new List <ActorTemplate>();

            foreach (var a in Rules.Info.Keys)
                    var info = Rules.Info[a];
                    if (!info.Traits.Contains <RenderSimpleInfo>())

                    var etf = info.Traits.GetOrDefault <EditorTilesetFilterInfo>();
                    if (etf != null && etf.ExcludeTilesets != null &&
                    if (etf != null && etf.RequireTilesets != null &&

                    var template = RenderUtils.RenderActor(info, tileset, palette);
                    var ibox     = new PictureBox
                        Image       = template.Bitmap,
                        Width       = 32,
                        Height      = 32,
                        SizeMode    = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom,
                        BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

                    ibox.Click += (_, e) => surface1.SetTool(new ActorTool(template));



                catch { }


            var resourceTemplates = new List <ResourceTemplate>();

            foreach (var a in Rules.Info["world"].Traits.WithInterface <ResourceTypeInfo>())
                    var template = RenderUtils.RenderResourceType(a, tileset.Extensions, palette);
                    var ibox     = new PictureBox
                        Image       = template.Bitmap,
                        Width       = 32,
                        Height      = 32,
                        SizeMode    = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom,
                        BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

                    ibox.Click += (_, e) => surface1.SetTool(new ResourceTool(template));



                catch { }


            foreach (var p in palettes)
                p.Visible = true;

            pmMiniMap.Image = Minimap.AddStaticResources(surface1.Map, Minimap.TerrainBitmap(surface1.Map, true));

            propertiesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
            resizeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = true;
            saveToolStripMenuItem.Enabled       = true;
            saveAsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = true;
            mnuMinimapToPNG.Enabled             = true; // todo: what is this VB naming bullshit doing here?

Пример #39
        public override void Tick()
            var hasRadarNew = world
                              .ActorsWithTrait <ProvidesRadar>()
                              .Any(a => a.Actor.Owner == world.LocalPlayer && a.Trait.IsActive);

            if (hasRadarNew != hasRadar)
                radarAnimating = true;
                var eva = Rules.Info["world"].Traits.Get <EvaAlertsInfo>();
                Sound.Play(hasRadarNew ? eva.RadarUp : eva.RadarDown);

            hasRadar = hasRadarNew;

            // Build the radar image
            if (hasRadar)
                if (updateTicks <= 0)
                    updateTicks = 12;

                if (updateTicks == 8)

                if (updateTicks == 4)

            if (!radarAnimating)

            // Increment frame
            if (hasRadar)

            // Calculate radar bin position
            if (radarAnimationFrame <= radarSlideAnimationLength)
                radarOrigin = float2.Lerp(radarClosedOrigin, radarOpenOrigin, radarAnimationFrame * 1.0f / radarSlideAnimationLength);

            // Minimap height
            if (radarAnimationFrame >= radarSlideAnimationLength)
                radarMinimapHeight = float2.Lerp(0, 1, (radarAnimationFrame - radarSlideAnimationLength) * 1.0f / radarActivateAnimationLength);

            // Animation is complete
            if (radarAnimationFrame == (hasRadar ? radarSlideAnimationLength + radarActivateAnimationLength : 0))
                radarAnimating = false;
Пример #40
 void OnMapChanged()
     pmMiniMap.Image = Minimap.AddStaticResources(surface1.Map, Minimap.TerrainBitmap(surface1.Map, true));
Пример #41
 public GuiManager()
     minimap = new Minimap();
Пример #42
 private void Start()
     Minimap.TrackGameObjectOnMinimap(base.gameObject, Color.white, false, true, Minimap.IconStyle.Supply);
Пример #43
    private void Start()
        if (this.myHero == null)
        size           = 20f;
        base.name      = "COLOSSAL_TITAN";
        this.NapeArmor = 1000;
        bool flag = false;

        if (FengGameManagerMKII.Level.RespawnMode == RespawnMode.NEVER)
            flag = true;
        if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Difficulty == 0)
            this.NapeArmor = ((!flag) ? 5000 : 2000);
        else if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Difficulty == 1)
            this.NapeArmor = ((!flag) ? 8000 : 3500);
            foreach (object obj in base.animation)
                AnimationState animationState = (AnimationState)obj;
                animationState.speed = 1.02f;
        else if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Difficulty == 2)
            this.NapeArmor = ((!flag) ? 12000 : 5000);
            foreach (object obj2 in base.animation)
                AnimationState animationState2 = (AnimationState)obj2;
                animationState2.speed = 1.05f;
        this.NapeArmorTotal = this.NapeArmor;
        this.state          = "wait";
        baseT.position     += -Vectors.up * 10000f;
        if (FengGameManagerMKII.LAN)
            base.GetComponent <PhotonView>().enabled = false;
            base.GetComponent <NetworkView>().enabled = false;
        this.door_broken = CacheGameObject.Find("door_broke");
        this.door_closed = CacheGameObject.Find("door_fine");
        Minimap.TrackGameObjectOnMinimap(gameObject, Color.black, false, true, Minimap.IconStyle.Circle);
        if (BasePV.IsMine)
            if (GameModes.SizeMode.Enabled)
                size = UnityEngine.Random.Range(GameModes.SizeMode.GetFloat(0), GameModes.SizeMode.GetFloat(1));
                BasePV.RPC("setSize", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, new object[] { size });
            if (GameModes.HealthMode.Enabled)
                int healthLower = GameModes.HealthMode.GetInt(0);
                int healthUpper = GameModes.HealthMode.GetInt(1) + 1;
                if (GameModes.HealthMode.Selection == 1)
                    maxHealth = (NapeArmor = UnityEngine.Random.Range(healthLower, healthUpper));
                else if (GameModes.HealthMode.Selection == 2)
                    maxHealth = (NapeArmor = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(size / 4f * (float)UnityEngine.Random.Range(healthLower, healthUpper)), healthLower, healthUpper));
                maxHealth = NapeArmor;
            this.lagMax     = 150f + size * 3f;
            this.healthTime = 0f;
            if (NapeArmor > 0 && IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.GameType == GameType.MultiPlayer)
                BasePV.RPC("labelRPC", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, new object[] { NapeArmor, Mathf.RoundToInt(maxHealth) });
        spawned = true;
Пример #44
    public static void Create([Aliases("t")] string type, [Aliases("i")] string input, [Aliases("o")] string output)
        switch ((CreateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CreateType), type, true))
        case CreateType.Minimap:
            var minimap = File.Exists(input) ? Minimap.Create(new World(InputType.JSON, File.ReadAllText(input))) : Minimap.Create(new World(InputType.BigDB, input));

        case CreateType.ExportJSON:
            File.WriteAllText(Path.GetFullPath(output), new World(InputType.BigDB, input, null).Serialize(OutputType.JSON));

Пример #45
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes static members of the <see cref="HUDInfo" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        static HUDInfo()
            double tinfoHeroDown;
            double panelHeroSizeX;
            float  compareWidth;

            ScreenSize = new Vector2(Drawing.Width, Drawing.Height);
            if (ScreenSize.X == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Ensage couldnt determine your resolution, try to launch in window mode");

            minimap = new Minimap(new Vector2(-2, 1), new Vector2(0));

            var ratio = Math.Floor((decimal)(ScreenSize.X / ScreenSize.Y * 100));

            var largeMinimap = Game.GetConsoleVar("dota_hud_extra_large_minimap").GetInt() == 1;

            // Console.WriteLine("Your screen ratio is " + ratio);
            if (ratio == 213)
                compareWidth     = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 45.28;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.402;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.08;
                HpBarHeight      = 7;
                HpBarWidth       = 69;
                HpBarX           = 36;
                HpBarY           = 23;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1070833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 177)
                compareWidth     = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 52.8900000000004;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.5001;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.409;
                HpBarHeight      = 10;
                HpBarWidth       = 86.5;
                HpBarX           = 44;
                HpBarY           = 27;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1280833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 166)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 47.19;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.59;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.64;
                HpBarHeight      = 7.4;
                HpBarWidth       = 71;
                HpBarX           = 37;
                HpBarY           = 22;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1370833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 160)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 48.95;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.609;
                RadiantCompare   = 3.78;
                HpBarHeight      = 9;
                HpBarWidth       = 75;
                HpBarX           = 38.3;
                HpBarY           = 25;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1425833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 150)
                compareWidth     = 1024;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 47.21;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.775;
                RadiantCompare   = 4.57;
                HpBarHeight      = 8;
                HpBarWidth       = 79.2;
                HpBarX           = 40.2;
                HpBarY           = 24;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1500233333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2200940740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 133)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 58.3;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.78;
                RadiantCompare   = 4.65;
                HpBarHeight      = 8;
                HpBarWidth       = 71;
                HpBarX           = 36.6;
                HpBarY           = 23;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1690833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2225740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
            else if (ratio == 125)
                compareWidth     = 1280;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 58.3;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.78;
                RadiantCompare   = 4.65;
                HpBarHeight      = 11;
                HpBarWidth       = 96.5;
                HpBarX           = 49;
                HpBarY           = 32;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1850833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;
                    @"Your screen resolution is not supported and drawings might have wrong size/position, (" + ratio
                    + ")");
                compareWidth     = 1600;
                panelHeroSizeX   = 65;
                tinfoHeroDown    = 25.714;
                DireCompare      = 2.655;
                RadiantCompare   = 5.985;
                HpBarHeight      = 10;
                HpBarWidth       = 83.5;
                HpBarX           = 43;
                HpBarY           = 28;
                minimap.Size     = new Vector2(0.1270833333333333f * ScreenSize.X, 0.2240740740740741f * ScreenSize.Y);
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;

            if (largeMinimap)
                const float LargeMinimapConstant = 1.1470833333333333f; // © Moones 2017
                minimap.Size    *= LargeMinimapConstant;
                minimapMapScaleX = minimap.Size.X / mapWidth;
                minimapMapScaleY = minimap.Size.Y / mapHeight;

            Monitor = ScreenSize.X / compareWidth;
            Rate    = Math.Max(Monitor, 1);
            X       = panelHeroSizeX * Monitor;
            y       = ScreenSize.Y / tinfoHeroDown;

            var menu           = new Menu.Menu("HUDInfo", nameof(HUDInfo));
            var minimapOnRight = menu.AddItem(
                new MenuItem(menu.Name + "minimapRight", "Minimap is on the right").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Enable this if you have minimap on the right"));

            minimapOnRight.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => { MinimapIsOnRight = args.GetNewValue <bool>(); };
            MinimapIsOnRight             = minimapOnRight.GetValue <bool>();

            DelayAction.Add(200, () => Menu.Menu.Root.AddSubMenu(menu));
Пример #46
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     _instance  = this;
     playerIcon = transform.Find("PlayerIcon");
Пример #47
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Calculate the message position on the screen
        fEndMessagePosY = Screen.height - (fEndMessageHeight * 1.5f);
        rectEndMessage = new Rect(Screen.width * 0.5f - fEndMessageWidth * 0.5f,
                fEndMessagePosY, fEndMessageWidth, fEndMessageHeight);

        // Cache the main script
        scriptMainScript = GameObject.Find("/Codigo").GetComponent<MainScript>();

        // Minimap script
        GameObject goMinimapCam = GameObject.FindWithTag("MinimapCam");
        scriptMinimap = goMinimapCam.GetComponent<Minimap>();

        // Hud object
        tHud = GameObject.Find("/HUD").transform;

        goMainCamera = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");

        // All the monkeys in the game
        lAllMonkeys = scriptMainScript.GetListOfAllMonkeys();

Пример #48
 // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
 private static void Postfix(Minimap __instance, Minimap.PinData pin)
     CurrentPin = pin;
Пример #49
 void OnMapChanged()
     pmMiniMap.Image = Minimap.AddStaticResources(surface1.Map, Minimap.TerrainBitmap(surface1.Map, true));
     cashToolStripStatusLabel.Text = CalculateTotalResource().ToString();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Cache the main script
        scriptMainScript = GameObject.Find("/Codigo").GetComponent<MainScript>();

        // Get all needed objects
        camLaunchCam = this.camera;

        // Minimap script
        GameObject goMinimapCam = GameObject.FindWithTag("MinimapCam");
        scriptMinimap = goMinimapCam.GetComponent<Minimap>();

        // Hud object
        tHud = GameObject.Find("/HUD").transform;

        // Rocket Object
        GameObject[] goRockets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Rocket");
        foreach(GameObject goRocket in goRockets) {

            if(goRocket.name == "Rocket") {

                tRocket = goRocket.transform;

        // Rocket engine thrust
        tRocketThrust = tRocket.transform.Find("RocketThrust");

        if(!tRocketThrust) {

            // DEBUG
            Debug.LogError(this.transform + " cannot find the rocket thrust particle system");

        // Comment the line below to test the launching
Пример #51
        public override void Tick()
            // Enable/Disable the radar
            var enabled = IsEnabled();

            if (enabled != cachedEnabled)
                Sound.Play(enabled ? RadarOnlineSound : RadarOfflineSound);
            cachedEnabled = enabled;

            if (enabled)
                var rp = world.RenderPlayer;
                var newRenderShroud = rp != null ? rp.Shroud : null;
                if (newRenderShroud != renderShroud)
                    if (renderShroud != null)
                        renderShroud.CellsChanged -= MarkShroudDirty;

                    if (newRenderShroud != null)
                        // Redraw the full shroud sprite
                        using (var bitmap = Minimap.ShroudBitmap(world))
                            OpenRA.Graphics.Util.FastCopyIntoSprite(shroudSprite, bitmap);

                        // Update the notification binding
                        newRenderShroud.CellsChanged += MarkShroudDirty;


                    renderShroud = newRenderShroud;

                // The actor layer is updated every tick
                var stride = radarSheet.Size.Width;
                var dx     = actorSprite.Bounds.Left - world.Map.Bounds.Left;
                var dy     = actorSprite.Bounds.Top - world.Map.Bounds.Top;

                Array.Clear(radarData, 4 * (actorSprite.Bounds.Top * stride + actorSprite.Bounds.Left), 4 * actorSprite.Bounds.Height * stride);

                    fixed(byte *colorBytes = &radarData[0])
                        var colors = (int *)colorBytes;

                        foreach (var t in world.ActorsWithTrait <IRadarSignature>())
                            if (!t.Actor.IsInWorld || world.FogObscures(t.Actor))

                            foreach (var cell in t.Trait.RadarSignatureCells(t.Actor))
                                var uv = cell.First.ToMPos(world.Map);

                                if (world.Map.Bounds.Contains(uv.U, uv.V))
                                    colors[(uv.V + dy) * stride + uv.U + dx] = cell.Second.ToArgb();

            var targetFrame = enabled ? AnimationLength : 0;

            hasRadar = enabled && frame == AnimationLength;
            if (frame == targetFrame)

            frame += enabled ? 1 : -1;
            radarMinimapHeight = float2.Lerp(0, 1, (float)frame / AnimationLength);

            Animating(frame * 1f / AnimationLength);

            // Update map rectangle for event handling
            var ro = RenderOrigin;

            mapRect = new Rectangle(previewOrigin.X + ro.X, previewOrigin.Y + ro.Y, mapRect.Width, mapRect.Height);

            // Animation is complete
            if (frame == targetFrame)
                if (enabled)
Пример #52
        public override void Apply()
            int index = 0;

            GameObject[] objects = (GameObject[])GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(GameObject));
            foreach (GameObject go in objects)
                if (go == null)
                if (go.name.Contains("Cube_") && go.transform.parent.gameObject.tag != "Player")
                    int  elementIntex = 0;
                    bool canBe        = false;
                    switch (go.name.Substring(5, 3))
                    case "001":
                        elementIntex = GroundIndex;
                        canBe        = true;

                    case "006":
                    case "007":
                    case "015":
                    case "000":
                    case "labelWall":
                        elementIntex = WallIndex;

                    case "002":
                        Vector3 pos = go.transform.position;
                        if (pos.x == 0f && pos.y == 0f && pos.z == 0f)
                            goto case "labelWall";
                        goto case "labelHouse";

                    case "005":
                    case "003":
                    case "labelHouse":
                        int houseIndex;
                        int.TryParse(random[index++].ToString(), out houseIndex);
                        if (houseIndex < 0 || houseIndex >= 8)
                            houseIndex = Random.Range(0, 8);
                        elementIntex = HouseIndexStart + houseIndex;

                    case "019":
                    case "020":
                        elementIntex = GateIndex;

                    foreach (Renderer rend in go.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>())
                        TryApplyTexture(elements[elementIntex], rend, canBe);

Пример #53
 void Start() {
     map = GetComponentInParent<Minimap>();
     myRectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
Пример #54
 public void HandleChat()
     if (!(Chat.instance != null))
     if (Chat.instance.m_chatWindow.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
         string text = Chat.instance.m_input.text;
         _ = Chat.instance.m_output.text;
         if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Delete) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Backspace) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) && ((SkConfigEntry.CAllowExecuteOnClear != null && !SkConfigEntry.CAllowExecuteOnClear.Value) || SkConfigEntry.CAllowExecuteOnClear == null))
             chatInLastMessage = string.Empty;
         if (!text.Equals(string.Empty) && !text.Equals(consoleLastMessage))
             chatInLastMessage = text;
         if (text.Equals(string.Empty) && !chatInLastMessage.Equals(string.Empty))
             SkCommandProcessor.ProcessCommands(chatInLastMessage, SkCommandProcessor.LogTo.Chat);
             chatInLastMessage = string.Empty;
     if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Slash) && Player.m_localPlayer != null && SkConfigEntry.COpenConsoleWithSlash != null && !SkConfigEntry.COpenConsoleWithSlash.Value && SkConfigEntry.COpenChatWithSlash != null && SkConfigEntry.COpenChatWithSlash.Value && !Console.IsVisible() && !Chat.instance.IsChatDialogWindowVisible() && !TextInput.IsVisible() && !Minimap.InTextInput() && !Menu.IsVisible())
         Chat.instance.SetPrivateField("m_hideTimer", 0f);
         Chat.instance.m_chatWindow.gameObject.SetActive(value: true);
         Chat.instance.m_input.gameObject.SetActive(value: true);
Пример #55
        // this code is insanely stupid, and mostly my fault -- chrisf
        void PrepareMapResources(ModData modData, Map map)
            Program.Rules = map.Rules;

            tileset         = Program.Rules.TileSets[map.Tileset];
            tilesetRenderer = new TileSetRenderer(tileset, modData.Manifest.TileSize);
            var shadowIndex = new int[] { 3, 4 };
            var palette     = new ImmutablePalette(GlobalFileSystem.Open(tileset.Palette), shadowIndex);

            // required for desert terrain in RA
            var playerPalette   = tileset.PlayerPalette ?? tileset.Palette;
            var shadowedPalette = new ImmutablePalette(GlobalFileSystem.Open(playerPalette), shadowIndex);

            surface1.Bind(map, tileset, tilesetRenderer, palette, shadowedPalette);

            // construct the palette of tiles
            var palettes = new[] { tilePalette, actorPalette, resourcePalette };

            foreach (var p in palettes)
                p.Visible = false; p.SuspendLayout();

            var templateOrder = tileset.EditorTemplateOrder ?? new string[] { };

            foreach (var tc in tileset.Templates.GroupBy(t => t.Value.Category).OrderBy(t => templateOrder.IndexOf(t.Key)))
                var category       = tc.Key ?? "(Uncategorized)";
                var categoryHeader = new Label
                    BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight,
                    ForeColor = SystemColors.HighlightText,
                    Text      = category,
                    AutoSize  = false,
                    Height    = 24,
                    TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft,
                    Width     = tilePalette.ClientSize.Width,

                // hook this manually, anchoring inside FlowLayoutPanel is flaky.
                tilePalette.Resize += (_, e) => categoryHeader.Width = tilePalette.ClientSize.Width;

                if (tilePalette.Controls.Count > 0)
                        tilePalette.Controls[tilePalette.Controls.Count - 1], true);

                foreach (var t in tc)
                        var bitmap = tilesetRenderer.RenderTemplate((ushort)t.Key, palette);
                        var ibox   = new PictureBox
                            Image    = bitmap,
                            Width    = bitmap.Width / 2,
                            Height   = bitmap.Height / 2,
                            SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage

                        var brushTemplate = new BrushTemplate {
                            Bitmap = bitmap, N = t.Key
                        ibox.Click += (_, e) => surface1.SetTool(new BrushTool(brushTemplate));

                        var template = t.Value;
                        tt.SetToolTip(ibox, "{1}:{0} ({2}x{3})".F(template.Images[0], template.Id, template.Size.X, template.Size.Y));
                    catch { }

            var actorTemplates = new List <ActorTemplate>();

            foreach (var a in Program.Rules.Actors.Keys)
                    var info = Program.Rules.Actors[a];
                    if (!info.Traits.Contains <ILegacyEditorRenderInfo>())

                    var etf = info.Traits.GetOrDefault <EditorTilesetFilterInfo>();
                    if (etf != null && etf.ExcludeTilesets != null &&
                    if (etf != null && etf.RequireTilesets != null &&

                    var templatePalette = shadowedPalette;
                    var rsi             = info.Traits.GetOrDefault <ILegacyEditorRenderInfo>();

                    // exception for desert buildings
                    if (rsi != null && rsi.EditorPalette != null && rsi.EditorPalette.Contains("terrain"))
                        templatePalette = palette;

                    var race             = Program.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.WithInterface <CountryInfo>().First().Race;
                    var sequenceProvider = Program.Rules.Sequences[tileset.Id];
                    var template         = RenderUtils.RenderActor(info, sequenceProvider, tileset, templatePalette, race);
                    var ibox             = new PictureBox
                        Image       = template.Bitmap,
                        Width       = 32,
                        Height      = 32,
                        SizeMode    = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom,
                        BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

                    ibox.Click += (_, e) => surface1.SetTool(new ActorTool(template));


                    tt.SetToolTip(ibox, "{0}".F(info.Name));

                catch { }


            var resourceTemplates = new List <ResourceTemplate>();

            foreach (var a in Program.Rules.Actors["world"].Traits.WithInterface <ResourceTypeInfo>())
                    var template = RenderUtils.RenderResourceType(a, tileset, shadowedPalette);
                    var ibox     = new PictureBox
                        Image       = template.Bitmap,
                        Width       = 32,
                        Height      = 32,
                        SizeMode    = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom,
                        BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

                    ibox.Click += (_, e) => surface1.SetTool(new ResourceTool(template));


                    tt.SetToolTip(ibox, "{0}:{1}cr".F(template.Info.Name, template.Info.ValuePerUnit));

                catch { }


            foreach (var p in palettes)
                p.Visible = true;

            miniMapBox.Image = Minimap.RenderMapPreview(tileset, surface1.Map, true);

            propertiesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
            toolStripMenuItemProperties.Enabled = true;
            resizeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = true;
            toolStripMenuItemResize.Enabled     = true;
            saveToolStripMenuItem.Enabled       = true;
            toolStripMenuItemSave.Enabled       = true;
            saveAsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = true;
            miniMapToPng.Enabled = true;

Пример #56
 void Awake()
     _instance = this;