private static Expression[] MakeArray(params object[] expressions) { LightList <Expression> seq = new LightList <Expression>(); for (int i = 0; i < expressions.Length; i++) { object expression = expressions[i]; if (expression == null) { continue; } if (expression is Expression expr) { seq.Add(expr); } else if (expression is IEnumerable <Expression> exprs) { foreach (Expression ex in exprs) { seq.Add(ex); } } else { throw new ArgumentException(); } } return(seq.ToArray()); }
public BlockExpression PopBlock() { LightList <Expression> statements = statementStacks.Pop(); Expression[] array = statements.ToArray(); LightList <Expression> .Release(ref statements); return(Expression.Block(typeof(void), array)); }
public BlockExpression Finalize(Type type) { LightList <Expression> statements = statementStacks.Pop(); Expression[] array = statements.ToArray(); LightList <Expression> .Release(ref statements); return(Expression.Block(type, variables, array)); }
private bool ParseIfStatement(ref ASTNode node) { if (tokenStream.Current != ExpressionTokenType.If) { return(false); } LightList <ElseIfNode> statements = LightList <ElseIfNode> .Get(); tokenStream.Advance(); ASTNode condition = null; if (!ParseParenExpression(ref condition)) { throw new ParseException("Expected a condition statement wrapped in parentheses but failed."); } BlockNode thenBlock = ParseBlock(); if (thenBlock == null) { throw new ParseException("Expected a block statement following an if statement but failed to parse the block"); } if (tokenStream.Current != ExpressionTokenType.ElseIf && tokenStream.Current != ExpressionTokenType.Else) { node = new IfStatementNode() { // elseIfStatements = statements.ToArray(), condition = condition, thenBlock = thenBlock }; return(true); } while (tokenStream.Current == ExpressionTokenType.ElseIf) { tokenStream.Advance(); ASTNode elseIfCondition = null; if (!ParseParenExpression(ref elseIfCondition)) { throw new ParseException("Expected a condition statement wrapped in parentheses but failed."); } BlockNode block = ParseBlock(); if (block == null) { throw new ParseException("Expected a block statement following an if statement but failed to parse the block"); } statements.Add(new ElseIfNode() { condition = elseIfCondition, thenBlock = block }); } BlockNode elseBlock = null; if (tokenStream.Current == ExpressionTokenType.Else) { tokenStream.Advance(); elseBlock = ParseBlock(); if (elseBlock == null) { throw new ParseException("Expected a block statement following an else statement but failed to parse the block"); } } node = new IfStatementNode() { condition = condition, thenBlock = thenBlock, elseIfStatements = statements.size == 0 ? null : statements.ToArray(), elseBlock = elseBlock }; statements.Release(); return(true); }
private UIStyleGroupContainer CompileStyleGroup(StyleRootNode styleRoot, AnimationData[] styleSheetAnimations, UISoundData[] uiSoundData) { UIStyleGroup defaultGroup = new UIStyleGroup(); defaultGroup.normal = UIStyleRunCommand.CreateInstance(); = styleRoot.identifier ?? styleRoot.tagName; StyleType styleType = styleRoot.tagName != null ? StyleType.Implicit : StyleType.Shared; scratchGroupList.size = 0; scratchGroupList.Add(defaultGroup); CompileStyleGroups(styleRoot, styleType, scratchGroupList, defaultGroup, styleSheetAnimations, uiSoundData); return(new UIStyleGroupContainer(styleSheetImporter.NextStyleGroupId,, styleType, scratchGroupList.ToArray())); }