Пример #1
        public static CompiledTemplateData LoadPrecompiledTemplates(TemplateSettings templateSettings)
            Assembly assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblyByName(templateSettings.assemblyName);
            Type     type     = assembly.GetType("UIForia.Generated.UIForiaGeneratedTemplates_" + templateSettings.StrippedApplicationName);

            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Trying to use precompiled templates for " + templateSettings.StrippedApplicationName + " but couldn't find the type. Maybe you need to regenerate the code?");

            CompiledTemplateData compiledTemplateData = new CompiledTemplateData(templateSettings);

            compiledTemplateData.styleImporter.importResolutionPath = Path.Combine(UnityEngine.Application.streamingAssetsPath, "UIForia", compiledTemplateData.templateSettings.StrippedApplicationName);

            ITemplateLoader loader = (ITemplateLoader)Activator.CreateInstance(type);

            string[] files = loader.StyleFilePaths;

            compiledTemplateData.styleImporter.Reset(); // reset because in testing we will already have parsed files, nuke these

            LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer> styleList     = new LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer>(128);
            Dictionary <string, StyleSheet>   styleSheetMap = new Dictionary <string, StyleSheet>(128);

            MaterialDatabase materialDatabase = loader.GetMaterialDatabase();

            for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
                StyleSheet sheet = compiledTemplateData.styleImporter.ImportStyleSheetFromFile(files[i], materialDatabase);

                for (int j = 0; j < sheet.styleGroupContainers.Length; j++)
                    styleList.array[styleList.size++] = sheet.styleGroupContainers[j];

                styleSheetMap.Add(sheet.path, sheet);

            compiledTemplateData.templates        = loader.LoadTemplates();
            compiledTemplateData.slots            = loader.LoadSlots();
            compiledTemplateData.bindings         = loader.LoadBindings();
            compiledTemplateData.templateMetaData = loader.LoadTemplateMetaData(styleSheetMap, styleList.array);

            for (int i = 0; i < compiledTemplateData.templateMetaData.Length; i++)
                compiledTemplateData.templateMetaData[i].compiledTemplateData = compiledTemplateData;

            compiledTemplateData.constructElement = loader.ConstructElement;
            compiledTemplateData.dynamicTemplates = loader.DynamicTemplates;

Пример #2
        private void AppendSharedStyles(LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer> updatedStyles, int index)
            int count = updatedStyles.Count;

            UIStyleGroupContainer[] updatedStyleArray = updatedStyles.Array;

            LightList <StylePropertyId> toUpdate = LightList <StylePropertyId> .Get();

            styleGroupContainers.EnsureAdditionalCapacity(updatedStyles.Count - index);

            for (int i = index; i < count; i++)
                CreateStyleGroups(updatedStyleArray[i], toUpdate);
                styleGroupContainers.array[i] = updatedStyleArray[i];

            styleGroupContainers.size = count;



            LightList <StylePropertyId> .Release(ref toUpdate);
Пример #3
        public static int Arc(LightList <Vector2> output, Vector2 p1, float rx, float ry, float angle, bool largeArcFlag, bool sweepFlag, Vector2 p2, int vpm = 1)
            int originalSize = output.Count;

            float _radian    = (angle * Mathf.PI / 180.0f);
            float _CosRadian = Mathf.Cos(_radian);
            float _SinRadian = Mathf.Sin(_radian);
            float temp1      = (p1.x - p2.x) / 2.0f;
            float temp2      = (p1.y - p2.y) / 2.0f;
            float tx         = (_CosRadian * temp1) + (_SinRadian * temp2);
            float ty         = (-_SinRadian * temp1) + (_CosRadian * temp2);

            double trx2 = rx * rx;
            double try2 = ry * ry;
            double tx2  = tx * tx;
            double ty2  = ty * ty;

            double radiiCheck = tx2 / trx2 + ty2 / try2;

            if (radiiCheck > 1)
                float sqrt = Mathf.Sqrt((float)radiiCheck);
                rx   = sqrt * rx;
                ry   = sqrt * ry;
                trx2 = rx * rx;
                try2 = ry * ry;

            double tm1 = (trx2 * try2 - trx2 * ty2 - try2 * tx2) / (trx2 * ty2 + try2 * tx2);

            tm1 = (tm1 < 0) ? 0 : tm1;

            float tm2 = (largeArcFlag == sweepFlag) ? -Mathf.Sqrt((float)tm1) : Mathf.Sqrt((float)tm1);

            float tcx = tm2 * ((rx * ty) / ry);
            float tcy = tm2 * (-(ry * tx) / rx);

            float cx = _CosRadian * tcx - _SinRadian * tcy + ((p1.x + p2.x) / 2.0f);
            float cy = _SinRadian * tcx + _CosRadian * tcy + ((p1.y + p2.y) / 2.0f);

            float ux = (tx - tcx) / rx;
            float uy = (ty - tcy) / ry;
            float vx = (-tx - tcx) / rx;
            float vy = (-ty - tcy) / ry;

            float n      = Mathf.Sqrt((ux * ux) + (uy * uy));
            float p      = ux;
            float _angle = (uy < 0) ? -Mathf.Acos(p / n) : Mathf.Acos(p / n);

            _angle  = _angle * 180.0f / Mathf.PI;
            _angle %= 360f;

            n = Mathf.Sqrt((ux * ux + uy * uy) * (vx * vx + vy * vy));
            p = ux * vx + uy * vy;
            float t = p / n;

            if ((Mathf.Abs(t) >= 0.99999f) && (Mathf.Abs(t) < 1.000009f))
                t = t > 0 ? 1f : -1f;

            float _delta = (ux * vy - uy * vx < 0) ? -Mathf.Acos(t) : Mathf.Acos(t);

            _delta = _delta * 180.0f / Mathf.PI;

            if (!sweepFlag && _delta > 0)
                _delta -= 360f;
            else if (sweepFlag && _delta < 0)
                _delta += 360f;

            _delta %= 360f;

            int   number = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Clamp((100f / vpm) * Mathf.Abs(_delta) / 360f, 2, 100));
            float deltaT = _delta / number;

            output.EnsureAdditionalCapacity(number + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i <= number; i++)
                float t_angle = (deltaT * i + _angle) * Mathf.PI / 180.0f;
                float cos     = Mathf.Cos(t_angle);
                float sin     = Mathf.Sin(t_angle);
                output.AddUnchecked(new Vector2(
                                        _CosRadian * rx * cos - _SinRadian * ry * sin + cx,
                                        _SinRadian * rx * cos + _CosRadian * ry * sin + cy

            return(output.Count - originalSize);
Пример #4
        public static CompiledTemplateData LoadRuntimeTemplates(Type type, TemplateSettings templateSettings)
            CompiledTemplateData compiledTemplateData = TemplateCompiler.CompileTemplates(type, templateSettings);

            // Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>[] templates = new Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement> [compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates.size];
            Action <UIElement, UIElement>[] bindings = new Action <UIElement, UIElement> [compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings.size];
            Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>[] slots = new Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement> [compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size];
            TemplateMetaData[] templateMetaData = new TemplateMetaData[compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates.size];
            OrderablePartitioner <Tuple <int, int> > partition;

            if (templateMetaData.Length < 10)
                for (int i = 0; i < templateMetaData.Length; i++)
                    templates[i] = (Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates[i].templateFn.Compile();
                partition = Partitioner.Create(0, templateMetaData.Length);

                Parallel.ForEach(partition, (range, loopState) => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        templates[i] = (Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates[i].templateFn.Compile();

            if (compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size < 10)
                for (int i = 0; i < compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size; i++)
                    slots[i] = (Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots[i].templateFn.Compile();
                partition = Partitioner.Create(0, compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size);
                Parallel.ForEach(partition, (range, loopState) => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        slots[i] = (Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots[i].templateFn.Compile();

            if (bindings.Length < 10)
                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++)
                    try {
                        bindings[i] = (Action <UIElement, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.Compile();
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Log("binding " + compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.ToCSharpCode());
                partition = Partitioner.Create(0, bindings.Length);
                Parallel.ForEach(partition, (range, loopState) => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        try {
                            bindings[i] = (Action <UIElement, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.Compile();
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            Debug.Log("binding " + compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.ToCSharpCode());

            LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer> styleList = new LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer>(128);

            StyleSheet[] sheets = compiledTemplateData.styleImporter.GetImportedStyleSheets();

            for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Length; i++)
                StyleSheet sheet = sheets[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < sheet.styleGroupContainers.Length; j++)
                    styleList.array[styleList.size++] = sheet.styleGroupContainers[j];

            for (int i = 0; i < templateMetaData.Length; i++)
                templateMetaData[i]          = compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates[i].templateMetaData;
                templateMetaData[i].styleMap = styleList.array;

            Dictionary <int, Func <ConstructedElement> > constructorFnMap = new Dictionary <int, Func <ConstructedElement> >(37);

            ConstructorInfo constructedTypeCtor = typeof(ConstructedElement).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(UIElement) });

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(constructedTypeCtor != null, nameof(constructedTypeCtor) + " != null");
            Expression[] parameters = new Expression[2];

            // todo -- this can be improved, cannot currently parallelize because the write target (constructorFnMap) is a dictionary which is not threadsafe
            // can convert the constructorFnMap to an array but would need a unique index for each type that is sequential

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, ProcessedType> kvp in TypeProcessor.typeMap)
                if (kvp.Key.IsAbstract || kvp.Value.references == 0 || kvp.Value.id < 0)

                ConstructorInfo ctor = kvp.Key.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);

                if (ctor == null)
                    throw new CompileException(kvp.Key + " must provide a default constructor in order to be used in templates");

                parameters[0] = Expression.Constant(compiledTemplateData.GetTagNameId(kvp.Value.tagName));
                parameters[1] = Expression.New(ctor);
                Func <ConstructedElement> constructorFn = Expression.Lambda <Func <ConstructedElement> >(Expression.New(constructedTypeCtor, parameters)).Compile();
                constructorFnMap[kvp.Value.id] = constructorFn;

            compiledTemplateData.bindings         = bindings;
            compiledTemplateData.slots            = slots;
            compiledTemplateData.templates        = templates;
            compiledTemplateData.templateMetaData = templateMetaData;
            compiledTemplateData.constructorFnMap = constructorFnMap;
            compiledTemplateData.constructElement = (typeId) => compiledTemplateData.constructorFnMap[typeId].Invoke();

            // stopwatch.Stop();
            // Debug.Log("Loaded UIForia templates in " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("F2") + " seconds");

Пример #5
        public static CompiledTemplateData LoadRuntimeTemplates(Type type, TemplateSettings templateSettings)
            CompiledTemplateData compiledTemplateData = TemplateCompiler.CompileTemplates(type, templateSettings);

            // Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>[] templates = new Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement> [compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates.size];
            Action <UIElement, UIElement>[] bindings = new Action <UIElement, UIElement> [compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings.size];
            Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>[] slots = new Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement> [compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size];
            TemplateMetaData[] templateMetaData = new TemplateMetaData[compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates.size];
            OrderablePartitioner <Tuple <int, int> > partition;

            if (templateMetaData.Length < 10)
                for (int i = 0; i < templateMetaData.Length; i++)
                    templates[i] = (Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates[i].templateFn.Compile();
                partition = Partitioner.Create(0, templateMetaData.Length);

                Parallel.ForEach(partition, (range, loopState) => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        templates[i] = (Func <UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates[i].templateFn.Compile();

            if (compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size < 10)
                for (int i = 0; i < compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size; i++)
                    slots[i] = (Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots[i].templateFn.Compile();
                partition = Partitioner.Create(0, compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots.size);
                Parallel.ForEach(partition, (range, loopState) => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        slots[i] = (Func <UIElement, UIElement, TemplateScope, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledSlots[i].templateFn.Compile();

            if (bindings.Length < 10)
                for (int i = 0; i < bindings.Length; i++)
                    try {
                        bindings[i] = (Action <UIElement, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.Compile();
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.Log("binding " + compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.ToCSharpCode());
                partition = Partitioner.Create(0, bindings.Length);
                Parallel.ForEach(partition, (range, loopState) => {
                    for (int i = range.Item1; i < range.Item2; i++)
                        try {
                            bindings[i] = (Action <UIElement, UIElement>)compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.Compile();
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            Debug.Log("binding " + compiledTemplateData.compiledBindings[i].bindingFn.ToCSharpCode());

            LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer> styleList = new LightList <UIStyleGroupContainer>(128);

            StyleSheet[] sheets = compiledTemplateData.styleImporter.GetImportedStyleSheets();

            for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Length; i++)
                StyleSheet sheet = sheets[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < sheet.styleGroupContainers.Length; j++)
                    styleList.array[styleList.size++] = sheet.styleGroupContainers[j];

            for (int i = 0; i < templateMetaData.Length; i++)
                templateMetaData[i]          = compiledTemplateData.compiledTemplates[i].templateMetaData;
                templateMetaData[i].styleMap = styleList.array;

            Dictionary <int, Func <ConstructedElement> > constructorFnMap = new Dictionary <int, Func <ConstructedElement> >(37);

            ConstructorInfo constructedTypeCtor = typeof(ConstructedElement).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(UIElement) });

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(constructedTypeCtor != null, nameof(constructedTypeCtor) + " != null");

            compiledTemplateData.bindings         = bindings;
            compiledTemplateData.slots            = slots;
            compiledTemplateData.templates        = templates;
            compiledTemplateData.templateMetaData = templateMetaData;
            compiledTemplateData.constructorFnMap = constructorFnMap;
            compiledTemplateData.constructElement = (typeId) => compiledTemplateData.constructorFnMap[typeId].Invoke();

            // stopwatch.Stop();
            // Debug.Log("Loaded UIForia templates in " + stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("F2") + " seconds");
