Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 ///     Lane Clear Keys
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="useQ">Create Q LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultQ">Determinate toggle status</param>
 /// <param name="useW">Create W LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultW">Determinate toggle status</param>
 /// <param name="useE">Create E LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultE">Determinate toggle status</param>
 /// <param name="useR">Create R LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultR">Determinate toggle status</param>
 public static void LaneKeys(
     bool useQ     = true,
     bool defaultQ = true,
     bool useW     = true,
     bool defaultW = true,
     bool useE     = true,
     bool defaultE = true,
     bool useR     = true,
     bool defaultR = true)
     Lane.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings");
     if (useQ)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.q", "Use Q", false);
     if (useW)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.w", "Use W", false);
     if (useE)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.e", "Use E", false);
     if (useR)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.r", "Use R", false);
     Lane.Add("lane.advanced", new CheckBox("Show Advanced Menu", false)).OnValueChange +=
     JsonSettings.Profile.Options.Add(new JsonSetting("lane.advanced", Setting.Checkbox, Lane["lane.advanced"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue.ToString()));
Пример #2
        public static void Initialize()
            // Main Menu
            Main = MainMenu.AddMenu("Godlike Ashe", "KAMain");
            Main.AddGroupLabel("Thank you for choosing Godlike Ashe!");
            Main.AddLabel("If you see a bug or have an idea, please post it on the forum thread!");
            Main.Add("hitchanceW", new ComboBox("W Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.Add("hitchanceR", new ComboBox("R Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.AddLabel("Medium for both is recommended.");

            // Combo Menu
            Combo = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo", "KACombo");
            Combo.Add("KAcomboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboSR", new CheckBox("Enable Smart R"));
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Combo.Add("KAcomboQlimit", new Slider("Minimum enemy for Q", 1, 1, 5));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboBOTRK", new CheckBox("Use BOTRK and Bilgewater Cutlass"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboYOUMUU", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu's Ghostblade"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboYOUMUUlimit", new Slider("Minimum enemy for Youmuu's Ghostblade", 2, 1, 5));

            // Harass Menu
            Harass = Main.AddSubMenu("Harras", "KAHarass");
            Harass.Add("KAharassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Harass.Add("KAharassW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Harass.Add("KAharassM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));
            Harass.Add("KAharassQlimit", new Slider("Minimum enemy for Q", 2, 1, 6));

            // Lane Clear Menu
            Lane = Main.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "KALane");
            Lane.Add("KAlaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("KAlaneW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Lane.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Lane.Add("KAlaneM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));
            Lane.Add("KAlaneQlimit", new Slider("Minimum minion for Q", 4, 1, 40));
            Lane.Add("KAlaneWlimit", new Slider("Minimum minion for W", 3, 1, 40));

            // Jungle Clear Menu
            Jungle = Main.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear", "KAJungle");
            Jungle.Add("KAjungleQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungle.Add("KAjungleW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Jungle.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Jungle.Add("KAjungleM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));

            // Kill Steal Menu
            Steal = Main.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal", "KASteal");
            Steal.Add("KAstealW", new CheckBox("Steal with W"));
            Steal.Add("KAstealR", new CheckBox("Steal with R"));
            Steal.Add("KAstealRlimit", new Slider("Maximumu range for kill steal with R", 1500, 500, 3000));

            // Misc Menu
            Misc = Main.AddSubMenu("Misc", "KAMisc");
            Misc.Add("KAfleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Life Saver");
            Misc.Add("KAInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt important spells with R"));
            Misc.Add("KAGap", new CheckBox("Anti Gapclose with W"));
            //Misc.Add("KAUseHEA", new CheckBox("Use Heal"));
            //Misc.Add("KAUseBAR", new CheckBox("Use Barrier"));
            //Misc.Add("KAUseQSS", new CheckBox("Use QSS"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Auto W Usage");
            Misc.Add("KAautoWE", new CheckBox("Enable"));
            Misc.Add("KAautoWlimit", new CheckBox("Disable while under enemy turret"));
            //Misc.Add("KAautoWlimit1", new CheckBox("Disable 'Auto W' while stealth"));
            Misc.Add("KAautoWM", new Slider("Minimum mana for automatic W usage (%)", 75, 0, 100));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Hawkshot (E)");
            Misc.Add("hawkDragon", new KeyBind("Cast Hawkshot (E) to Dragon", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'U'));
            Misc.Add("hawkBaron", new KeyBind("Cast Hawkshot (E) to Baron", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'I'));
            Misc.Add("hawkEnable", new CheckBox("Enable"));

            // Settings Menu
            Settings = Main.AddSubMenu("Settings", "KASettings");
            Settings.Add("KADrawAA", new CheckBox("Draw AA"));
            Settings.Add("KADrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Settings.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer");
            Settings.Add("skinEnable", new CheckBox("Enable"));
            Settings.Add("skinID", new ComboBox("Current Skin", 8, "Default Ashe", "Freljord Ashe", "Sherwood Forest Ashe", "Woad Ashe", "Queen Ashe", "Amethyst Ashe", "Heartseeker Ashe", "Marauder Ashe", "PROJECT: Ashe"));
Пример #3
        public static void Initialize()
            // Main Menu
            Main = MainMenu.AddMenu("Godlike Draven", "KDMain");
            Main.AddGroupLabel("Thank you for choosing Godlike Draven!");
            Main.AddLabel("If you see a bug or have an idea, please post it on the forum thread!");
            Main.AddGroupLabel("Hit Chances");
            Main.Add("hitchanceE", new ComboBox("E Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.Add("hitchanceR", new ComboBox("R Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.AddLabel("Warning: If you set hitchances to high the spells will be used rarely. Medium is recommended!");

            // Axe Menu
            Axe = Main.AddSubMenu("Axe Settings", "KDAxe");
            Axe.Add("axeMode", new ComboBox("Axe Catch Mode", 0, "Always", "On Combo", "Never"));
            Axe.Add("axeMaximum", new Slider("Maximum Axes", 2, 1, 3));
            Axe.Add("axeRange", new Slider("Axe Catch Range", 350, 200, 800));
            Axe.Add("axeDelay", new Slider("Axe Catch Delay", 250, 0, 500));
            Axe.Add("axeLimit1", new CheckBox("Use W if Axe is too far"));
            Axe.Add("axeLimit2", new CheckBox("Don't catch Axe while under turret"));

            // Combo Menu
            Combo = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo", "KDCombo");
            Combo.Add("KDcomboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("KDcomboW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("KDcomboE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Combo.Add("KDcomboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Combo.AddLabel("This champion doesen't have any additional feature for Combo mode (for now!).");

            // Harass Menu
            Harass = Main.AddSubMenu("Harass", "KDHarass");
            Harass.Add("KDharassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Harass.Add("KDharassW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Harass.Add("KDharassE", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Harass.Add("KDharassM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));

            // Lane Clear Menu
            Lane = Main.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "KDLane");
            Lane.Add("KDlaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("KDlaneW", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            Lane.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Lane.Add("KDlaneM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 50, 0, 100));

            // Jungle Clear Menu
            Jungle = Main.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear", "KDJungle");
            Jungle.Add("KDjungleQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungle.Add("KDjungleW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Jungle.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Jungle.Add("KDjungleM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 50, 0, 100));

            // Kill Steal Menu
            Steal = Main.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal", "KDSteal");
            Steal.Add("KDstealE", new CheckBox("Steal with E"));
            Steal.Add("KDstealR", new CheckBox("Steal with R"));
            Steal.Add("KDstealRlimit", new Slider("Maximumu range for kill steal with R", 2000, 500, 3000));

            // Misc Menu
            Misc = Main.AddSubMenu("Misc", "KDMisc");
            Misc.Add("KDfleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Misc.Add("KDfleeE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Life Saver");
            //Misc.Add("KAmiscUseH", new CheckBox("Use Heal"));
            //Misc.Add("KAmiscUseB", new CheckBox("Use Barrier"));
            //Misc.Add("KAmiscUseQ", new CheckBox("Use QSS"));
            Misc.Add("KDInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt important spells with E"));
            Misc.Add("KDGap", new CheckBox("Anti Gapclose with E"));

            // Settings Menu
            Settings = Main.AddSubMenu("Settings", "KDSettings");
            Settings.Add("KDDrawAA", new CheckBox("Draw AA"));
            Settings.Add("KDDrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Settings.Add("KDDrawAxe", new CheckBox("Draw Axe"));
            Settings.Add("KDDrawAxeRange", new CheckBox("Draw Axe Catch Range"));
            Settings.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer");
            Settings.Add("skinEnable", new CheckBox("Enable"));
            Settings.Add("skinID", new ComboBox("Current Skin", 5, "Default Draven", "Soul Reaver Draven", "Gladiator Draven", "Primetime Draven", "Pool Party Draven", "Beast Hunter Draven", "Draven Draven"));